Invicta newsletter~September 2014

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Harley Owners Group 速

INVICTA NEWS September 2014


The views and comments contained in this Newsletter are the personal views of the contributors and are not necessarily those expressed by the Editor, Invicta Chapter UK, HOG UK, Harley-Davidson or their authorised dealers or agents.

Itjackdawgreat guide The Editor’s


electronically or at Clubnight on the 3rd and you have until the 5th to get your nominations in. We are all glad to hear that Dodgy Dave Hanna is on the mend after a big scare on his trip to Belgium. It sounds like a minor miracle that he managed to ride his bike home!

Important Note for your Diary – 8th October! This is the date for the Chapters AGM, it is not on the first Wednesday of the month as so many members will be in Belgium for the first stage of this year’s Ride to the Wall. As the AGM is now on the 8th at Aylesford Village Club, PLEASE NOTE that all subsequent Area Meets will be pushed back one week for this month only. See Events Diary (page 23) for AGM address details and revised area dates. Pictures inside of the ‘New Bike’ launch for the Blood Runners (SERVE – one of our current Charities), which took place at the Dealership. I trust that everybody has got their nominations in for any committee / officer positions by now. You should receive this Newsletter either

Thanks should go to Ian and Andy for their efforts in helping with the tour and assisting Jane back home. We obviously trust that he makes a speedy and full recovery. We have had one mole advise of a new member to the Tilt club – welcome James Bates! And last but not least…… Please send in your articles, photos and blackmail for inclusion in the Newsletter, to the usual address: I now have my twin pipes fitted and they are now adorned with their gorgeous fishtails, but… I’m still having trouble getting loud pipes - don’t know why? I’m still baffled!

Chris Thomson EDITOR

Useful Information HOTLINE ~ 0845 094 2138 INVICTA WEB SITE view at INVICTA NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS email to Or send to Invicta News Editor, 36 Glebeland s, Ash, Canterbury CT3 2HZ Please send by 20th Month for inclusion in n ext months issue

Invicta Chapter UK, Harley Owners Group #9141 founded 1991

2013–2014 Invicta Chapter UK Committee


Past Director


Ian Martin

John Felgate

Gill Whibley 01622 890598 01622 884429 01622 730626

Assistant Director ‘A’

Assistant Director ‘B’

Assistant Director ‘C’

Karen Melhuish

Colin Proudlock

Graham Chambers 01634 305037 / 07758 400055 01304 613117 01732 522809

Events Officer

Ladies of Harley


Andy Hill

Amanda Harding

Darren & Diana Boyce 01304 202072 07590 463616 01795 429032


Head Road Captain


Awaiting New Appointment – if you think you can do it, please contact a committee member. Chris Thomson

Lawrence ‘Rocky’ Whibley 01304 812731 01622 730626

Hotmail and Events Team – Non Committee Members

Nicky Whitehead

Simon Williams

Val Pilcher

Contact with the committee must be by email or telephone NOT Facebook or Twitter

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Maidstone Harley-Davidson速 Forstal Road | Aylesford | Kent | ME20 7XA

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Director’s Dialogue September 2014 Invicta have been busy since last our last publicat ion and as this year’s SoFER event was cancelled, two groups had a weekend away. We have had the Dodgy Bulge Tour, a wonderful weekend only marred by a few delicate stomachs and Dave Hanna’s headache, which as we now know was not dehydration, sunstroke, alcohol or any other ailment but a tumour on his Pituitary Gland. All re moved and he is now convalescing. For the ride back we decided to split from the main group as Dave was still unwell so me and my Jane rode back with the Hanna’s, and as we had 3 bikes Jane H was pillion on mine to make it easier for him. When we stopped all he wanted to do was sleep, but we got back. I don’t know how Dave mustered the strength to keep going but he did, giving me a wry smile on the shuttle as we got back to England, saying you got my Jane back and I have my bike. He refused any further assistance and went back home with Jane on his bike, 2 hours later in A&E. All I can say to Dave is respect and glad we could help. Our other group led by Marcus went off camping to the New Forest and they too had a great weekend. So the next things happening are some of Invicta are off to the New Forest Chapter Blazing Saddles Rally at the end of September and a few of us off 1 st October on the Great Ride to Menin Gate and RTTW. So as this is the first Wednesday and there are 5 weds in October all club meets are back a week. By the time you have received this we will have all the nominees in for next year’s committee and the AGM on the 8th of October, we also have some of our more distinguished RC’s going on the latest RC course at the Oxford HQ. Our SoFER 2015 rally is progressing and all will be revealed soon. You can see the up to date news on the SoFER website, Facebook page, on Twitter and as a taster here is our new Logo.

I think it looks pretty good! Also with some help from Mags Ivatts updating our website, Invicta have qualified for the Chapter Support Programme from HOG. Well that’s all from me so enjoy the riding whilst the weather is still with us. Be safe out there. Ian


The Tilting Files. Assistant Director ‘C’ – Graham Chambers

More ramblings: Well, the month did not start out too good for me? We were due to house- sit my youngest daughter’s house whilst they went on holiday! (Doesn’t matter about my house being burgled!!!!) They are doing a lot of work on the house, and it was raining cats and dogs so the patio and steps were a bit on the slimy side, plus my old Crocs did not have a lot of tread on them (they definitely had seen better days), So there I am walking down the steps when suddenly I was levitating at forty five degrees for about one second, and then hit the floor… now at my age you don’t bounce as much as you use to? Landing on hip and shoulder, I mean I can’t get up at the best of times. With a black bruise from the waist down to the bottom of the knee, covering the whole leg I thought I had better go and see the old doc – and as I was due to go for a Well Man check I thought here’s a good time to bring up the bruising on the hip and pain in my shoulder!!! After he had done his usual checks I asked him if he wanted to see my bruise…. He said “If I have too” so I stood and took my trouser down to show him my black and blue body but he was totally unimpressed and said “I’ve seen worse! So totally deflated I hobbled out of the surgery? No sympathy there!! … Went on the Bexhill ride out led by Rocky; when I left home the sun was shining for the ride down to the dealership, a matter of a ten minute ride, by the time I got to the dealership the heavens had opened up and I was soaked, to the amusement of all who were there? The ride was brilliant and Rocky had chosen a brilliant route apart from Rocky parking us on the outskirts of Bexhill, only to find out we could have parked in the High Street reserved for bikes (did he know I had a bruised leg??)…. It rained whilst we were there and Rocky made a ‘school boy error’ and left his helmet up the wrong way, cannot say much as I did the same thing!!! Hence soggy helmets. I rode home and drove into my drive only to see a brand new “Glide” sitting outside my garage!!!!! (Heart beats faster) - Carol opens the gates, my hopes soared!! For a moment, I thought Carol had gone out and bought me a new bike? Only to see Brian and Audrey sitting in the garden with a huge smile on their face, it was Brian’s brand new toy!!! I have to say both Carol and I sat on it and we were weakening as it does have all the gizmos. Then it was Dave’s Dodgy Tour time to the Ardennes. We met at the Services for the train - off we set for “The Battle of the Bulge Tour” - weather was good, and the trip to Bouillon went well. Lovely ride out Friday to the Museum, and a tour on the little train around Bouillon to the castle; the train would have been good if the guide spoke English? We spent an hour and half listening to a Flemish and French commentary… (Contd.)


The next day’s ride out to Dinalt was an experience …. With Cory being given the job of second man drop!!! I can only put it down to being given too much power? Or he was attacked by the local insects? Because poor Mandy, being ‘Sweeper’ was picking up drop off’s in the most strangest of places…. I believe at one time he had eighteen out of twenty four dropped off, (A bit of exaggeration!) but brilliant to watch, and a good laugh as we thought he was swotting flies with the hand signals. (So I’ve put my name down on the new Road Captain course to catch up with things, as in my day, they didn’t drop you off in the middle of the road!!!) We took a boat out with Brain and Audrey and took a picnic of pizzas on board - not a good idea!! First slice went down the front of my shirt? (Big fine from Cory), in my defence I was trying to eat Pizza and steer the boat which had a mind of its own all at the same time. Ride home was good in places, but not in Cambrai, where the heavens decided that it was time to open up and let it all happen… and since Carol decided for the first time ever that she would borrow my wets I was soaked, and by the time we arrived at Bethune my nether regions where crinkled and withered… (Talk about a chapped bum?) It’s lucky for Cory that the fines were all paid? As he got a flat battery in the terminal, and had to get the guy out to jump start the bike, that would have been a hefty fine, still great relief by everyone when it started as we all dread those things happening. At this point I would like to thank Dave Hanna and Andy Hill for arranging a fantastic trip, and thank the likes of Dom, Mandy, Scott and Cory; the two Brian’s for a great weekend as road captains, and for stepping into the breach when Dave was taken ill and especially to Brian Boorman who led the rides over the whole weekend without any planning – big thanks Brian. So glad Dave is back home after his brain operation and glad everything has gone well for him. Thank you Dave for a brilliant weekend trip just sorry you were not well enough to enjoy the whole four days, still start sorting out next year’s trip as you are now back in harness again. Don’t forget the AGM, and any nominations for the committee to be in by the fifth of September. I have decided to step down from West Kent Rep this year as I feel we have such a brilliant bunch of newer members who are so enthusiastic and who have shown that they are ideal for leading Invicta into the future. I will still be supporting the club in everything they do but sitting at the back giving the next Assistant Director a load of banter!!!! – Just hope he does not fall out the door as he gives his spill as I did!! I would like to thank everyone who has come along to Paddock Wood and made it a brilliant club night and who have supported Carole and I over the last ten years – THANK YOU. See you all out there. Graham (Tilt)


Assistant Director ‘A’ – Karen Melhuish Hi all good Invicta friends, Thank you so much for your attendance to his month’s Lower Bell meet. This Wednesday we had our third meet there. I was a bit worried because I had arranged a hot buffet but unfortunately at very short notice on the same night the dealership had a late night evening with snacks for the people that Invicta have raised money for with charity monies. As a consequence not so many people came to the Lower bell, some had also filled up on snacks from the dealership but we still had a pretty good turn out so I am very grateful that it did not mess up my arrangement with preordered food and thank you for those that showed loyalty to both events. The buffet was very good value at £5 per head, we did not have to wait ages for food. Chicken, beans, chips, sausages, scampi, potato wedges and garlic bread were all on the buffet, so this was much better than the first couple of nights at this venue. This month I joined in on a couple of ride out’s, on one of them I was the only female rider. I thought it would be great to see a few more ladies pitch up, so ladies if you are a bit worried about going it alone give me a call, I will pitch up with you if I am not too busy, don’t be shy! On the day in mention down came the rain so we had cuppa and cream tea under a huge brolly but we still enjoyed the day. For the fish and chip run I took my dog Tye to the dancing dog saloon, he didn’t dance but Val hobbled around the saloon garden with him, I did not quite get to the fish and chip run ride out due o work commitments but this seemed the best compromise. I went to Nene valley Old School chapter rally this month with Paul and Trudi this month, we thought we would give this one a try and they could not have made us more welcome there, we had a fantastic time. This rally was very inexpensive the camping was great; we laughed the whole weekend, we were greeted and thanked for coming along to their rally then it was sad when it came to a close and we had to go home, but when you go back to your own comforts and a proper bed you sure do appreciate them. I had no trouble sleeping on the first night in my little tent, due mainly I suppose to the long ride through lots of traffic congestions and closed roads, but also my sound sleep was brought about by the consumption of much larger. I also tested ale called Fursty Ferret that was lovely! Whilst there I had a tattoo of a butterfly, to my lower back, no I was not drunk when I had it done before you ask and it was nothing to do with the fursty ferrett! This Sunday thanks to Paul and Trudi some of the Invicta members have been to the Ace Café Harley event for breakfast, we ate to the sounds of a Lynard Skynard tribute band which seemed really random at 10am, but even stranger than this was Trudi and I eating chilli at this time of the day. I can’t imagine why we both felt this was an okay thing to do, only that if you get up and get organised to get to the Ace café nice and early then you do feel like it’s nearly lunch time by the time you get there. Norman seemed to be repulsed by the amount of cheese I had melted over my chilli and chips but I have to say I would order th em again they were delicious. This Wednesday I am off to the BBQ, thanks to Colin, and I am looking forward to this one as it was great last year fingers crossed on the weather. Lots of other things are still happening each week, rides organised by our lovely road captains. Keep an eye out on these. Well that all from me right now, thank you once again for all your support everyone, I’ve said it before and I will say it again, it’s a wonderful club and it’s full of lovely people. See you all soon. Love and kisses, stay safe.

Karen X


The Incredible Shrinking Man Assistant Director C – Colin Proudlock

Hi All. Firstly can I thank all those who turned up for the July meet at the Jackdaw, a much better turn out than June, thanks again. It's sad to hear of Dave Hannah's illness, get well soon matey. I am glad you had a good trip to Belgium and the camping weekend and that you all got home safely. I understand that the road captains did a great job in Belgium, well done lads, great stuff On September 13, between 09.30 -14.00, Trees & I are holding a Macmillan Cancer Tea/Coffee & Cake morning at our home in Sandwich. Rocky has kindly offered to do a ride out of East Kent on the day, stopping off on route for a tea stop, all in a good cause - thanks Rocky. By the time you get this we would have had this years BBQ I hope you all enjoyed it and had a good evening Keep safe out there. Colin

For your information…….. This is the new SofER logo, which will be used in the future. Be sure to look out for it!

New Charities

Invicta are pleased and proud to announce our two new Charities which we will be supporting for the next two years. They are ‘The Hospice in the Weald’

And Spadework, an organisation that helps adults with both learning and other difficulties.

Lets hope we can raise record amounts for these worthy charities.

Launch of Bloodrunners New Bike at Dealership

Members Trades and Services


LES BALLASTIERES BIKE-FRIENDLY B&B IN NORTHERN FRANCE RUN BY PAUL & SUE Comfortable accommodation in our 200-year old farmhouse Secure parking, drying facilities and workshop Games room with kitchenette & a BBQ area Plus: The Hayloft: “Indoor camping” for groups or individuals The Old Forge: Wheelchair-friendly studio The Old Stable: Self-catering for 2-5 people We are in the beautiful region of the 7 Valleys near WW1 battlefields, museums and pretty medieval and coastal towns – and a race track only 5 minutes’ away! For further information, please visit our website… or ask TILT 1 !!! Les Ballastières, 156 rue du Moulin, Gauchin Verloingt 62130 St Pol sur Ternoise, Pas-de-Calais E/m: Tel: 0033-(0) Mob: 0033(0)

South of France - Salles D’Aude Bike friendly self – catering holiday home 100 years old, spacious French beamed village house Sleeps 10, off road secure parking, wheelchair accessible, 5 large bedrooms, 2 sitting rooms, wet room & garden. 10km from Narbonne, 15mins to a beautiful sandy beach & within 45 mins for 4 low cost airports. 300 days of sunshine in the wine capital of Europe! Contact Keith & Jan Frenchum Tel: 01474 706786

Members Trades and Services



T. 01580 714616

M. 07837 959242


CLUB NIGHT AND AND AREA MEET VENUES Club Night Venue The Red Lion Charing Heath Ashford Kent TN27 0AU

North Kent Area Meet Venue

Meet held on 1st Weds of the month

West Kent Area Meet Venue The Brookers Oast The Hop Farm Beltring Paddock Wood Tonbridge Meet held on Kent TN12 6PY 2nd Weds of the month

The Lower Bell Off Bluebell Hill Maidstone Kent ME20 7EF Meet held on 3rd Weds of the month

East Kent Area Meet Venue The Jackdaw Denton Canterbury Kent CT4 6QZ

Meet held on 4th Weds of the month


Hello Everyone, I hope you have been enjoying the continuing good weather that we have been having, just hope it continues into September. Belgium was brilliant and such fantastic company, many thanks to Dave Hanna and the road crew who lead us all down and safely back. As you all are now aware, Dave was taken ill while we were away, and after a successful operation is now on the mend. Love and best wishes from myself and Dom to Dave & Jane xx Well as you may have heard, I had a little accident when we got to the hotel by falling and dropping both of our helmets, Dom’s coming off the worst. Visor costing £70 to replace - ouch!!! Folkestone was a great ride lead by Scott and Des, windy but I believe fun by all. I have also now signed up for my IAM and will hopefully starting soon. I am planning a poker run and the date planned is 21st September, I hope that all of you can make this, as this is planning to be a lot of fun, more info to follow on the hot mail soon. Also I can’t believe that almost two years have passed and my restriction will be coming off in the beginning of September and I’m having the bike stage 1 as well there’s no holding me back! Thanks for reading, hope to see you all soon! Love and Kisses Mandy x And a Harley high five from Frank x


Andy’s Almanac Here we are just a day to go before the editor’s dead line, and I am off in the morning to France, so this is going to be just a few lines. I think the Big Bulge trip was a huge successes apart from Dave Hanna trying to give up the ghost on us, how he rode home I don’t know, I will let him explain, anyhow I think he has come though the worst now.

Next month its Ride To The Wall and Thierry Tasset the Guy who is organising the Belgium bit at Menin gate, Ypres has had some patches made-up so if you want one then please let us know they are €10-00,( I think) no time to check that now.

The team is looking ahead and I will now have to use the ‘C’ word “Christmas” and a dinner with some extras added. Val has been doing her utmost to find somewhere, then when she thought she had cracked it with an all in venue including cabaret, on further investigation it turned out not to be up to standard, so we are a bit stuck between a rock and a hard place. I am sure we will come up with something! At the present it looks as if it might be at the Dancing Dog Saloon?! Using the ‘C’ word again have been in contact with the 5th Season Chapter and once again we are most welcome to their Christmas party in Cologne. When I get the booking details, I will get them out to all, it will be at the same venue as previous years and it will be a car Rideout there. The added attraction is the Christmas markets that are all around the hotel in the centre of the city. I have been persuaded into doing another year as Events Officer and have also been talking with Colin Barden about taking over the post which he is happy to do, so we will work together for next year and see how it goes. You may think this is a bit of a presumptious of me as all posts are up for grabs, so if you want to give it a go don’t think you will in anyway upset me by putting your name forward. Sorry its short got to go see you all around. Andy Hill – Events Officer

Hi, my recent illness was quite a public affair within the club and Facebook and so it’s perhaps only fitting I should fill you in on some of the bits you may have missed. Dave (Dodgy) Hanna.

The Big Bulge Dodgy Tour After being out of action for over a year with my frozen shoulder it was great to get back in the saddle again and I was really looking forward to leading our group of 35 Invicta Chapter Members for the next 4 days on our WW2 themed tour to the Ardennes in Belgium. So it was a great feeling as I led the group of 24 bikes gently away from the tunnel complex and eased the ride progressively faster onto the A16 towards Lille. Our journey of 280 miles was going to be quite a long one on motorways and it was important to try to keep the momentum going all the way to the hotel. Being blessed with a plethora of road captains it made the task easier and we set up a rota allowing shared tasks throughout the long weekend and the RC’s stepped right up to the mark to deliver a 3rd man drop off system that worked well. It took most of the rest of the day to reach our destination, the pretty village of Bouillons set in the Belgium Ardennes Region, but we arrived without incident and packed our bikes safely away in the garage of our hotel, The Hotel de la Poste at about 5pm There followed the usual social gathering of people outside on the hotel bar terrace area and soon the beers were flowing with stories of past rides being shared. All too soon it was time to get cleaned up for the evening and we all sat down as one group at 7.30pm to a prearranged rather nice 4 course A la carte meal. The wine flowed as we relaxed back and we looked forward to the next few days we had in the warm climate of this region before settling down for a good night’s sleep Next day Jane and I awoke early and we went down to a very nice buffet breakfast in the hotel where they were even serving fizz on tap, an obvious advantage of being very close to the Champagne regions of France. Following breakfast I had asked for a 9.30 am depart for our short trip of the day to Bastogne. The Dodgy Tour had been so named "The Big Bulge Dodgy Tour "as this area of the Ardennes in December 1944 was subjected to some of the fiercest fighting between the Germans and the allied troop invasion forces with the 101 Airborne division (as featured in Band of Brothers series) being featured heavily. They were, amongst others dug in for a time in the forest areas around the town of Bastogne when the Germans conducted a massive offensive. But the Allies held Bastogne against all odds whilst the enemy line bulged around them until they were finally re supplied with ammo and food enough for them to advance forward. The Battle became known through the British press as "The Battle of the Bulge". In honour of this time the small town of Bastogne has just opened a new Museum to document the events and we had booked our group in there for the morning We arrived from our 40 mile journey once again under the expert handling of our new road captains for the day and parked up outside. The museum is state of the art with multi language audio sets and the theme is presented as soon as you start the tour. There are four characters (A schoolteacher, a young boy, a German soldier and of course an American Soldier). These 4 characters would feature as you walked the mixture of displays and theatres and exhibits that were laid out in date - time order to depict the struggle to retain Bastogne from the enemy, a town that had been in German occupation for a long time. There was a lot to take in but we gradually filtered out and regrouped for our ride back to Bouillon for a relax In the afternoon sunshine. The rest of the day was a lazy affair and followed a relaxing theme of social drinking amongst groups and dinner outside in a riverside restaurant for me and Jane, Brian & Audrey and Carol & Graham. We had said for everyone to go out and find their own restaurant for this night and I am sure all would have had a good time.

Following our meal, Jane and I heard music coming from a bar across the river and we ventured across the bridge to have a look. The bar was heaving but opposite was a convenient cafe so we settled down to our second carafe of wine of the evening and listened to the pleasant music being played. Soon others joined us for the pleasant atmosphere. At some point we walked back across the bridge to our hotel and straight to bed. It was at some point in the early hours of Saturday morning that I woke up with a blinding headache, this followed with extreme vomiting and all sorts of unpleasant things best not to mention. That Friday night and the following day seemed to last forever and I just lay in bed all day with Jane giving me a cocktail of painkillers to try to stem the pain. The group continued with the prearranged planned ride out to Dinant with out their lead Captain (me). Instead Andy Hill took charge, electing others to the RC duties. There was nothing they could do to ease my suffering so best to carry on with the plan. Sunday morning came and the last breakfast before leaving for home. I still hadn't eaten and I crept gingerly down to breakfast not really feeling any better. I had some coffee and a light offering of food in the shape of yoghurt and made I the big decision to ride back separately from the group at my own pace. Our Chapter Director Ian and his wife Jane said they would accompany me and Ian would take my Jane on his bike to ease my task ahead. We planned our route back through France this time via Hirson and Cambrai, this being a much less demanding route than the all motorway affair we had taken on the way down. I followed Ian and Jane for most of the journey and even led on one or two occasions. I just focussed on the task of getting home, battling through the pain in my head with the help of painkillers, albeit with no appreciable effect. After what seemed an age of getting through the customs we finally boarded the train and soon I knew I was safe in the English system. Jane and I regrouped on our bike and we headed the 20 miles back home to Canterbury. And after pushing the bike back into the garage I staggered indoors and collapsed exhausted on the sofa. Jane immediately rang 111 and they advised a direct visit to Ashford A&E, we packed a few things and sped off down there in the car. It was then that I was to start the biggest journey of my life. Sunday went into Monday and a CT scan showed a tumour on my Pituitary gland. Tuesday came and I was still in the clinical assessment area waiting a chance to get on the MRI scanner. They finally found me a slot and the results on Wednesday showed I had a Pituitary Apoplexy. This more serious condition meant the tumour was enlarged, had bled and was pushing against the optic nerve bending it upwards. The time bomb was really ticking now and a deep peripheral eye test showed I already had a loss of vision in some areas. I also had a very low sodium issue which had to be addressed and I was continually given litres upon litres of saline drips into me to try to get the value up. Following talks with Kings College Hospital on Wednesday morning the advice was to get me to them ASAP. At 6pm they said you are going to Kings as soon as they could get me Ambulance transport. At 7.30pm 2 rookie ambulance girls escorted me into their ambulance for the trip and I gave a quick emotional farewell to my family present. The girls let me know that they had no paramedic training but they would take me as safely as they could, requesting help on any passing blues and twos if I got into difficulty. So Wednesday night, my first in Kings College Hospital and I was keen to carry on the same pain relieving format that I had put together in Ashford A&E. This was of 2 paracetamol and 2 codeine tablets every 6 hours at 12.00, 6.00, 12.00, and 6.00. Although this didn't take the pain away entirely it did at least dull it for a few hours and I could clock watch and know when my next relief would come. This meant I avoided the morphine as much as possible and the possible side effects of that later on. I had also imagined a sort of Karma state that I could put myself into so that I would hopefully remain calm for what lay ahead. It may sound silly but having a blinding Headache for a week and you will resort to anything to put it to the back of your mind. (This pain relief and calming method indeed took me right up to 6.00 am on the morning of the op an Friday). Thursday I had so many people look over me and I could see that I was in good hands. There were two teams who would look after me, a surgical team and an endocrine team. When I told the surgical team I had ridden 250 miles back home they were amazed. Then the lead person said right you are having an operation to remove the tumour mid-morning tomorrow as your sight is deteriorating fast. Then she spelt out the risks, luckily Jane had just arrived and she was able to take in with me the fact that the tumour had enlarged and was bending my optic nerve up over it, so blindness was a certainty if not dealt with fast along with even more complications than that.

Jane and I sat and talked long and hard, hoping all was going to go well. Friday morning came and I had told Jane not to make the effort to come up to see me as I was going to be in no state to communicate. I had been expecting to go down mid-morning but at 08.15 a porter arrived and whisked me away on my bed I was soon placed on the very thin operating table and being secured in place either side of me it seemed I was now first on the list. The next thing I remember was waking up with a start and seeing a door saying operating theatre I was outside this and so assumed it had finished and I had had my op. I was still not really with it but I remember a man in a blue gown come up to me and say "look at you" "you're looking great". He grabbed a piece of paper hand towel from the machine and tenderly wiped the drips of blood from my nose. He said "I hear you ride a Harley, what bike do you ride" I said in a daze "Heritage Softail" with which he replied "Oh I had one of those but I have a glide now and have chopped it to look like a Street glide" He said he would pop in to see me on Sunday when I would be more with it. I made no connections of who this man was at the time other than him being a kind Harley man that I had met outside the operating theatre. I progressed my way through the recovery units, having an emotional battle with the effects of the Aesthetic until I finally found myself in a nice private room on a recovery ward on Sunday. I was still sitting there trying to get all my boxes back in the right place in my head when in came this guy in Motorcycle wet weather gear. Sitting down in the chair beside me, he said "you look good" and I, vaguely remembering him as part of my operating team said "thanks to all you guys for what you have done." He said "that's the wonders of endoscopy and the unobtrusive procedure it entails" and we proceeded to talk about Harley's and his weekend away in France that he had just had. He said it was really raining coming up through Boulogne and the roads were very slippery. I said that was really nice of him to pop in and see me on his way back home and as he got up to go I shook his hand and said "you must thank my surgeon Mr Barazi for me as I have not seen him yet. With which he replied softly "I am Mr Barazi, Sinan Barazi or Mr Barazi if you like". "Hey when you get better we should go out for a ride sometime" and with that he left by the open door. I sat there for a while and contemplated what had just happened and it was only then that the connection was made in my head. The friendly Harley guy with whom I had been talking bikes to on two occasions was indeed my Surgeon Sinan Barazi. The same man who had saved my sight and brought me back to my own Family and my now extended Harley Family. Thank you so much Sinan and everyone at Kings you are all great people. After 3 more days of tests I was allowed to come home and will only have to return as an outpatient for a while to sort out some issues..But they did request that I stay off the bike for a bit which is ok with me for a while. So "Dave's Dodgy Tours" is over for another year. I didn't get to even see half of it but along with Andy's help I had put together a great programme of events which I think still ran smoothly. This leaves me thank firstly my Harley friends Especially Director Ian and Jane who made sure I got home Ok. Andy and everyone who helped get Jane to Kings Hospital for her to visit. Thank you Jane my wife for being my soul mate and most of all my Harley riding Surgeon Mr Sinan Barazi whom flew off to Denmark soon after our last meeting together to holiday with his family. Thank You Sinan see you out there on the road sometime. Dave Hanna Invicta Historian. P.S. And the question people have been asking …. Yes there will be a “ Dave’s Dodgy Tour in 2015”.

Big Bulge Dodgy Tour~2014

Big Bulge Dodgy Tour~2014


New Members Invicta Chapter UK would like to extend a very warm welcome to the following New Members: New Members This Month David Murphy Please speak to any committee member if you require any help or assistance.


Percy Cogger Brian Hanmore Michele Krieps Rick Owen Gaynor Walker

Richard Cranston Dominic Harding Ian Martin Penny Pemble John Ward

Sue Fairbairn Michael Fallaize Adam Hollands Ian Jenkins Kenny Morrison Paul Newton Teresa Proudlock Dave Souter Gillian Welby

Our Hon Sec is on holiday so if any Birthdays have been missed they will appear in next months Newsletter!

2013 – 14 Invicta Road Captains

Lawrence Whibley HRC

John Blandford

Graham Bliss

Graham Chambers

John Felgate

Mary Felgate

Dave Hanna

Dom Harding

Andy Hill

Mags Ivatts

Des Larner

Norman Ouzman

Brian Boorman

Nick Ovenden

Jim Whitson

Paul Ouzman

Scott Montgomery

If you are already a Road Marshall, consider upgrading to Road Captain – please speak to the HRC Corey Mills

Brian Hanmore

2013 – 14 Invicta Road Marshalls Have you thought of improving your riding skills and becoming a Road Marshall – please talk to the HRC Gary Pilcher

Paul Hillier

Amanda Harding LOOK Surely you’re a better rider than these two (Left and Right)

This could be you

Talk to the HRC about becoming a Road Marshall

This could be you

Simon Williams


EVENTS DIARY September 2014

3 10 13 17 24

Wed Wed Sun Wed Wed

Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY Macmillan Cancer Charity Rideout, see Hotmail for details. North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Closed Open Open Open Open

October 2014



Ride to the Wall, Part One commencing in Belgium, Part Two joining up at Lakeside Services for ride to Tamworth



AGM and Club Night, Aylesford Village Club, 57 Rochester Road, Aylesford. ME20 7BS


8 15 22 29

Wed Wed Wed

West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Open Open Open

Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ

Closed Open Open Open

Club Night, RED LION, Charing Heath, TN27 0AU West Kent Area Meet, The Brookers Oast, Paddock Wood, TN12 6PY North Kent Area Meet, The Lower Bell, off Blue Bell Hill, ME20 7EF

Closed Open Open Open

November 2014

5 12 19 26

Wed Wed Wed Wed

December 2014

3 10 17 24

Wed Wed Wed Wed

East Kent Area Meet, The Jackdaw, Canterbury CT4 6QZ - CANCELLED

Key To H.O.G. Terminology Closed Event


Open Event


Member Events


Those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members and one guest per member Those Chapter events which are open to Chapter members, international H.O.G. members and other guests as desired Events only open to H.O.G. members

***** Remember, to participate in Invicta Chapter Closed ***** ***** Events, you must keep your H.O.G. and Invicta ***** ***** Chapter memberships current. *****

The Last Word

A day without sunshine is like ... night! WORDSEARCH ~ UNDERWATER WORLD

Vlad the Impaler

A father put his 3 year old daughter to bed, told her a story and listened to her prayers which ended by saying, "God bless Mummy, God bless Daddy, God bless Grandma and good-bye Grandpa. "The father asked, 'Why did you say good-bye Grandpa?' The little girl said, "I don't know daddy, it just seemed like the thing to do." The next day grandpa died. The father thought it was a strange coincidence. A few months later the father put the girl to bed and listened to her prayers which went like this, "God bless Mummy, God Bless Daddy and good-bye Grandma. "The next day the grandmother died. Thought the father, "this kid is in contact with the other side." Several weeks later when the girl was going to bed the dad heard her say, "God bless Mummy and ANCHOVY, ANGELFISH, ATLANTIC COD, good-bye Daddy." BARRACUDA, CARP, CONGER EEL, CUTTLEFISH, He practically went into shock. He couldn't sleep DOLPHIN, FLOUNDER, FLYING FISH, GROUPER, HADDOCK, HAKE, HALIBUT, HERRING, JELLYFISH, all night and got up at the crack of dawn to go to JOHN DORY, KRILL, LAMPREY, LION FISH, LOBSTER, his office. He was nervous as a cat all day, had MACKEREL, MANATEE, MANTA RAY, MARLIN, lunch and watched the clock. He figured if he NARWHAL, OAR FISH, OCTOPUS, PILCHARD, PLANKTON, PORPOISE, PRAWN, PUFFER FISH, could get by until midnight he would be okay. He SALMON, SEA HORSE, SEA TURTLE, SHARK, SQUID, STARFISH, SWORDFISH, TROUT, WHALE, WHITING. felt safe in the office, so instead of going home at the end of the day he stayed there, drinking coffee, looking at his watch and jumping at every sound. VERY HARD SUDOKU Finally midnight arrived; he breathed a sigh of Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9 only once. relief and went home. When he got home his wife said, "I've never seen you work so late. What's the matter?" He said, "I don't want to talk about it, I've just spent the worst day of my life." She said, "You think you had a bad day, you'll never believe what happened to me. This morning my golf pro dropped dead in the middle of my lesson!"

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