May 2013 Tales From The RiverBank

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Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter

Hello and a big welcome to your May club mag. This is our first addition without our Editor. We hope you will enjoy this version as it was put together by your committee members. We are still looking for a new Editor to take over the magazine, if you have the time then please contact Don W or Pat A For more information.

The Club has been busy planning yet more events and ride outs for us to enjoy. The chapter turned out in Windsor Town centre to help Sportsable raise more funds for the disabled. You can read more about this in this month Magazine . A group off chapter members meet at Beaconsfield Services for the short ride to the Ace Cafe for Harley Night. The group consisted of some old faces and some new members who had decided to join us, the ride set off at 7pm for a quick blast down the A40 to meet up with other chapter members. We all enjoyed a beer and a bite to eat. It was a nice evening and a good chance to meet up with good friends.

The new club Forum has now really taken off with over 75 members registered and actively using the site. Many of you are now finding the forum an easy place to catch up with club rides and events and a whole lot more. Please visit our forum which can be found through our website. If you need help logging in for the first time then please contact our webmaster for support.


Page 2 & 3 Start your Engines


Page 4 & 45 Dons words of wisdom


Page 6 LOH Sue’s Scribbles


Page 7 Club Nights


Pages 8 to 11 News and Updates


Pages 12 & 13 Route 66 Tour


Pages 14 & 15 Calendar


Pages 16 & 17 Windsor Collection Day


Pages 18 & 19 H D Breakout


Page 20 Miles for Fun


Page 21 Wanted Poster


Pages 22 & 23 Fines


Pages 24 & 25 Cider Rally

Pat Adams


Pages 26 & 27 Safety First

Barry Adams


Page 28 Meet the Committee

Caption corner returns to your magazine next month. Please send in your Pictures for Caption corner to.

Birthdays And Celebrations May & June Margaret Bradly Stan Kasprzyk

Thank you to the following members That help out by sending in either write ups or pictures, without you this edition off Tales Of The Riverbank would not have been possible. Jammy, Nick W, Pat A, Sue B, Don & Lee

Mick Friend Clive Skinner

Richard NobleS Thames Valley Uk Chapter Wedding Anniversaries Fred & Yvonne Cotsford

Welcome to the May edition of Tales from the Riverbank. What a great start to the riding season, the weather has turned a corner and at last we are enjoying getting out on ride outs and attending rallies. My apologies for not attending our last club night, a bad cold got the better of me and unlike me I had a couple of days off work to try and get over it. My thanks to Pat for holding the fort and doing the chair bit in my absence, great job Pat. The membership numbers attending club nights are still encouraging with a total of 73 attending in April, Fred has signed up another 3 new members, welcome to them. The Bring & Buy sale was a great success with many of you selling all those unwanted Harley bits which we all seem to have cluttering up our garages. Since our last club night, a group from Thames Valley have been in Windsor with Sportsable collecting greatly needed funds for the club, the grand total of ÂŁ966.81 was raised on the day. We have a small piece and some pictures further on in this months magazine.

Thursday April 25th a group of us met at Beaconsfield Services for the ride to the Ace cafe for Harley Night. Several members had made their own way direct to the cafe which made our numbers swell to a very respectable turn out for our first visit of the year. Many other Chapters had made the trip that evening from various parts of southern England, a great monthly meeting and a chance to catch up with friends and colleges. Our first trip away this year down to the Cider Rally in Weston-Super-Mare was yet again a fantastic weekend helped by the great weather, which also meant plenty of riding around Devon and Somerset to many of the beauty spots. The Cider Rally just gets better and better every time we go down to the event. The picture above is of just a few of our fun loving members who came down to Weston. Linda has also put together a few pictures from the gallery to give you an idea of just what goes on over these weekends. A great fun weekend made possible by all those who attended, many thanks to you all!! John (Scrapper) was involved in a minor accident on his way down to this years Cider Rally in the village of Churchill, about 10 miles out from Weston. A van leaving a pub car park collided with John on his bike The Great Escape. John has a very badly sprained ankle and is using crutches to get around at the moment. Get well soon mate. Many thanks to Nij & Trish for recovering Johns bike on their way home. Birthday Bash Thames Valleys 15th Birthday bash is coming up fast on the 15th June, tickets are on sale from Pat & Barry at ÂŁ17 each which includes a Hog Roast, Bumper Raffle and music from Robbie till late evening. If you have friends and family who would like to join us to celebrate our birthday we would love to welcome them for the evening Looking forward We have some great rides planned for you over the next few months which include a seaside ride down to Southsea, Breakfast Club ride to Goodwood, two rides on Million Mile Monday, one to the Isle of White and the second to Casington Bike night in Oxford. All these rides will count towards your Miles for Fun awards, remember to get the lead road captain to sign your cards. More information about our chapter events can be found in your magazine, from the hotline and on the website. Ride Safe And have fun.!!


Well I for one had a productive evening at last month’s bring and buy sale. Not only did I make a few pounds but I also managed to re-invest them almost immediately! ..... I have even worn one of the pairs of shorts I bought over the sunny bank holiday weekend… Not on the bike you understand as that would have been a bit daft! Having said that it was amazing to see how many dopey people there are out there who do ride without the appropriate clothing to protect their skin if the unthinkable happens! It was a good opportunity for everyone to bring along their pre-loved items and swap them for something ‘new’ to wear or polish Maybe another time we could have a book or badge or magazine swap night too? The Saturday Social at The Great House, Sonning was once again well supported with 19 people in attendance and one Harley! Shame we couldn’t make use of the lovely gardens as it was just a bit too cold and windy. So we ate inside on coffee tables which were a bit too low for Don and Hazel so Nick gallantly came to the rescue and put his back to good use (see pic). Most of us found something suitable to fill our tummies from the menu while Lunchbox squirreled away someone else’s biscuits! Stil he is 65 now so we had to forgive him. As the weekends are starting to get filled up with rides and other events I am considering putting the Saturday socials on ice over the next few months. The main reason for holding them was for members to keep in touch with each other outside of the riding season. They are however, popular so please watch the forum in case an impromptu one is arranged. Ride Safe!


LOH rep ladiesofharley

Dates for 2013 (and Magazine deadlines) June 20th July 18th August 15th September 11th October 17th November 21st December 19th

(13th) (11th) (8th) (10th) (10th) (14th) (12th)

Please send your magazine contributions to Don’t forget to check the website and forum for all the up-to-date information on ride outs and activities.

Sunday 19th May This coming Sunday, Pat & Barry are leading a ride out to Wales. Meet at Chieveley Services on the M4

Come and join us for the next Poker Run, which is on Wednesday 22nd May at the Pineapple Public House, Lake End, Dorney We meet from 7:00pm to collect your next card.

Sunday 26th May Nick West is running a ride out to Southsea for the Bank Holiday weekend at the end of May. Meet at Malthurst Services, which is the BP garage on the A33 just south of J11 on the M4. Be there for 9am ready for 9.30 departure. This will be a nice scenic ride to the coast with stop(s) as needed along the way. The ride counts towards your Miles of Fun program so come along if you can.

Saturday 8th June Nick West is currently planning an official club ride out to the Bristol Harley Davidson dealership. The plan is a two-part ride, starting at Chieveley Services and riding to Bristol. Part two will then be back from the dealership to Pat & Barry’s BBQ in Froxfield. The ride will qualify as part of the Miles of Fun programme. Road Crew needed, so please contact Nick if you can help out.

Sunday 2nd June Paul Houghton is organising a ride out to the Goodwood Racing Circuit Breakfast Club. Meet SportsAble 7.15am for 7.30am depart for ride to this themed Sunday - The Ultimate High Performance Cars and Bikes with a nod to the 50 years of McLaren and the Porsche 911. The idea being an early Sunday morning ride out through the quiet roads of the South Downs, a hearty breakfast at the Historic Goodwood Racing Circuit and then back home in time to enjoy the rest of your Sunday, The circuit opens at 8am and closes at 12.00 noon. This ride qualifies for your Miles of Fun challenge.

Sale on now! Now’s the time to grab yourself a bargain! We’re currently having a sale of all our current merchandise. Chapter t-shirts £18 Chapter China Mugs £5 Chapter Flags £20 Flag poles £12 Buffs £12 Keep an eye on the website and forum for news of a whole new range coming in the future. For current sale items see Shirley or email merchandise@

HOG 30th Anniversary Pins are now available from Norscot, Don is ordering for the Chapter a quantity for members who reserve them. If you would like your names added to the list please email Don with your name and the number you require, or see him at club night. Cost is around £5.50 each. Saturday 1st June Meet1:30pm Once again we’re supporting Holyport Fayre by displaying our bikes in aid of Sportsable. The Chapter BBQ and Gazebo will be attending this year. Please come over to Holyport and enjoy a great afternoon at the Fayre.

Saturday 15th June This year the Chapter celebrates its 15th Birthday and to mark the occasion we’re having a big party at SportsAble - it will be held on Saturday night, 15th June which is party night.

The tickets will cost £17 each and will be available at club night. Anniversary Patches and Pins have now been ordered and will be available.

Robbie will be providing the music this year, always a great entertainer at Harley Events. The catering will be a Hog Roast with fresh rolls and a selection of salads. Weather permitting, the food will be served outside and the evening taken up dancing and partying in the main hall at SportsAble. If you have friends and family who would like to join us to celebrate our birthday tickets are available from Pat & Barry.

Shirley, our Mechanise Officer has sourced for the Chapter a fantastic t-shirt offer. We will soon have our very own chapter tee shirts and you will be able to choose your size, style and colour. You will also be able to have them personalised with your name or nick name. They’ll be available to order soon, but in the meantime, if you want to know more then have a word with Shirley or you can email her

Sunday 16th June 10am—16:00 If you’re not away for the HOG 110th Celebrations or too hungover after the Chapter Birthday Party, then get along to High Close School in Wokingham for the annual Dr B’s Custom Bike Show. Entry is by way of donation on the gate. If you want to enter your bike into the show then that’s £2 and you can just turn up on the day. It all starts from 10am with judging by 1pm. There’s a number of stalls, plus BBQ and soft drinks available. All proceeds from the event go to Barnardo’s.

Route 66 is almost 2,500 miles and runs two-thirds of the way across America and passes through desert, mountain and canyon.

Proposal 2 Groups 1 group rides east to west (Tour A) 1 group rides west to east (Tour B)

Riding through the mid-west of the USA, taking in a huge variety of terrain, landscapes and cultures.

Group size = approx 10 bikes each way

Stops at The Grand Canyon and Las Vegas! The whole idea for this ride is to make it as inclusive as possible. So that EVERYONE in the club has a chance to come. It is not within everyone's annual budget but perhaps having over 2 years to save will help make it possible.

Support vehicle and driver. carries luggage and helps in the event of breakdown 14-15 days each way to include Grand Canyon visit and overnight in Las Vegas Tour A will leave Chicago in early August and will follow Route 66 all the way to Santa Monica in California. Tour B will leave Santa Monica in mid August (after Tour A has finished) and will follow Route 66 back to Chicago.

The vision is that all places will be t members and that the ride will be Thames Valley event!

Highlights include... · Chain of Rocks Bridge nr St Louis · Cadillac Ranch · The Painted Desert · The Petrified Forest · Grand Canyon · Las Vegas · World Famous Roys Cafe · Renowned Bagdad Cafe · Meteor Crater Cost Estimate Rider - £3800 when sharing room Pillion - £1100 when sharing room Price includes bike rental c/w all insurances, hotel accommodation and support vehicle / driver. Flights, fuel and meals extra. It may be possible to set up a payment plan through Colin (Treasurer) to enable long term savings Contact Nick West at or

on is that all places will be taken by club ers and that the ride will be a truly epic Thames Valley event!



BMF Show Peterborough Show Ground Friday 17th - Sunday 19th

Bristol Dealership Ride plus Pat & Barry’s BBQ - Details TBC Chieveley 9.30am-10.00 Bristol - Froxfield Saturday 8th

Sunday 19th Available for a ride out

Poker Run (2) The Pineapple, Dorney, from 6.30-7pm Wednesday 22nd The Big Brum Bash West Mids Ski Centre, Warwickshire Friday 24th - Monday 27th Ride to Southsea Meet A33 Services (off M4 J11) 9 for 9:30am Sunday 26th Ireland Bike Fest Killarney, Ireland Friday 31st - Monday 3rd (June)


Holyport Fayre Gazebo & Barbecue, Meet on the Green 1:30 Saturday 1st Goodwood Breakfast Club Meet SportsAble 7.15 for 7.30 depart. More details see page 9 Sunday 2nd

Reading MAG Lion Rally Gravelly Bridge Farm, Grazeley Friday 7th - Sunday 9th

Circus Maximus XI Deva Legion Friday 7th - Sunday 9th The Gathering Drymsynie, Scotland Friday 7th - Monday 10th Poker Run (3) The Flowing Spring. Playhatch. Wednesday 12th from 7:00pm Beaulieu Custom Motorbike Show Beaulieu, Hampshire Saturday 15th - Sunday 16th Chapter 15th Anniversary Party at SportsAble. Hog roast & DJ. Tickets £17. See Pat & Barry Saturday 15th Dr B’s Custom Bike Show Dr Barnardo’s, High Close School. Wokingham. 10am to 4pm Sunday 16th Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 20th

Events, ride outs and activities Details correct at time of going to print. Check the website for updates and amendments

JUNE cont.

Lads Weekend Away / HOGS in the Hayfields Cleve Rugby Club, Bristol Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd Adams Farm Ride out Cotswolds. Details TBC Sunday 23rd Harley World Ride Event Sunday 23rd & Monday 24th Million Mile Monday Monday 24th Cassington Bike Night Oxford HD event Monday 24th

JULY cont.

Hog on the Humber Hallmark Hotel, Ferriby High Rd, Hull Friday 5th - Sunday 7th Poker Run (4) Venue TBC Wednesday 10th Weekend in the Beacons Details TBA Friday 12th - Sunday 14th 10th SportsAble Wheelchair Push The Butts, Reading. Bikes needed for display. Please contact Nij Saturday 13th Oxford HD Open Weekend Saturday 13th - Sunday 14th

Harley Night Ace Cafe, 6pm Thursday 27th

Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 18th

Back to the Peaks Miraj Hotel, Ashbourne, Derbyshire Friday 28th - Sunday 30th

To be... Or not to be... Ride to Stratford-upon-Avon Sunday 21st

LoH Ride out with Oxford Chapter Sunday 30th

Fenlanders East of England Rally Fakenham Racecourse, Norfolk Thursday 25th - Sunday 28th


Wake the Lakes Kendal RUFC, Lake District Thursday 4th - Sunday 7th

Hawk Conservancy Ride out to Andover Sunday 28th

Windsor Collection Day Saturday 20th April the Thames Valley collection team arrived at 9:30 in Windsor town centre to set up a collection point in Peascod Street. The day was a bit slow getting started but by about 10:30am things had got better and the camera had started going into overdrive taking pictures of people sat on the bikes for a donation. We have taken around 45 pictures during the day and E mailed them out already by Sunday morning. It’s surprising all the different people you meet during the day, quite early in the morning we had a group of young ladies turn up in there PJ’s just to see what was going on and to complain about an opera singer further up the high street doing her stuff

We also met up with some old TV members from way back who are no longer members but were interested in what we were up to. The sun shone for the day, we had a bit of fun and did some good for Sportsable, the buckets from TV raised £166.34 giving a grand total for the day of £966.81 which was just over £200 up on last year. Well done to all that turned up to help with the collection.

Breakout to the New Don't just break the mould forge your own with the latest chapter in Harley-Davidson's legacy of freedom. A premium custom cruiser inspired by the classic Gasser drag bikes of the '50s and '60s, the all-new 2013 Softail Breakout model rolls with modern power, top-of-the-line treatments and lots of low-down menace. Big wheels, big paint, big chrome, all wrapped in a refined style the Breakout model is a true attention-grabber with a ride that's been painstakingly engineered for fun whether you're winding mountain roads or cruising the strip. It may be low-profile, but the Breakout motorcycle always makes a big, bold statement.

Low Muscular Profile With its big, bold stance, the Breakout motorcycle makes a powerful impact even standing still. Its pure, clean lines, low-slung profile, stretched stance, big wheels and chopped fenders all shout premium custom, solid power and "look at me" attitude, even as its performance makes it your choice who gets to stare and for how long before you disappear.

Powerful Front End The Breakout model comes on strong with thick, wide forks, chopped fender and that wide standing big 21-inch, 3 1/2 in wide Gasser wheel raked out there, classic dragster-style. This solid, muscular road stance is matched by neutral and balanced handling.

Premium Craftsmanship From wheel to wheel, we designed the Breakout model with a hard eye for excellence: we forged it from top quality materials and crafted it with a dedication to perfection from paint scheme and chromed out styling to its slammed design, balanced ride and engine performance, we sweated every single fit, finish and tolerance of this perfect beast, because when you rule the road, there's no place for second best.

Premium Finish and New 3-D Tank Medallion The Breakout model's power definitely includes its visual impact. That bold Ember Red Sunglo and Vivid Black treatment is an aggressive mix of gleam and darkness, while that exclusive gear-shaped glass-inlaid, cloisonné and chrome style tank medallion has a molten, liquid look that catches eyes and declares your ride as the next chapter in the Softail family heritage.

Fat Rear tyre profile Big is the name of the game for the new Breakout model, and they don’t come bigger than this massive 18-inch, 240mm rear tire. It’s the widest tire we’ve ever put on a production motorcycle and, wrapped around that Gasser rim, it’s the perfect embodiment of the classic drag-bike heritage pumping through this ride.

Balanced Suspension & Handling The Breakout model may be a big bold bike with a powerful stretched stance, but it's definitely not just for show. We carefully balanced and damped its suspension to give it a neutral feel even with those big, wide tyres and engineered it for lightness, for an excellent power to weight ratio. The bottom line? A smooth, fun ride whether roaring from stoplight to stoplight or winding along country roads.

New for 2013 we’re launching our very own Frequent Rider Programme, which is designed to encourage attendance at club ride outs and recognise both riders and pillions for regularly supporting our rides.

QUALIFYING RIDERS/ PASSENGERS Riders qualify by reaching the destination of an official club ride out on a roadworthy and road legal motorcycle (this can be their own, someone else’s, or a rental / loan motorcycle).

All you have to do is register, which costs £1 per person for the whole year and start attending qualifying rides (see below).

Passengers qualify by reaching the destination of an official club ride out as a pillion on any road legal bike, regardless of who the main rider is and whether they are in the scheme.

QUALIFYING RIDES All official club ride-outs qualify so long as they are in the ride schedule and advertised either in the club magazine or on the club ride calendar. Entrants can only be credited with the ride-out if they have ridden a motorcycle (thus excluding driving by car to the destination).

RECORDING YOUR RIDES Participants in the scheme can obtain a record card which they must present for signature by the leading Road Captain on arrival at the ride out destination. For safety reasons, it is preferable to do any admin of the scheme AFTER the ride-out has arrived at its destination. This means that the leading Road Captain is not bothered by administration tasks and hence free to put all of his/her concentration into ride safety before departure. REGISTRATION / CARDS There is a £1 annual registration charge to participants. If any participants fill the first card they can request subsequent cards free in the same year. REWARDS There will be presentations at the end of the year for winning riders and passengers. Prizes will be awarded once all qualifying rides have been completed and winners selected.

Chapter Editor Chapter Membership OfChapter Events Officer We are on the look out for these wanted officers If you hear off anyone who is willing to give up some spare time and to help to take on the challenge Then get them to contact Be warned if you take up this position you could find it seriously rewarding and spending some off your time as a committee member

Cider Rally 2013 Fines The Fine Mistress is back with a Vengeance….. Surprising how a few Ciders can loosen the tongues. CJ Rearranging the whole TV Committee. Renaming LOH Liars of Harley Naming John ‘Gobby John’ Not bringing Di Overtaking Trevor on the ride down to the rally. Doughnut Opening the chalet door to let CJ out when he was sleepwalking! Not waxing - we all know now! Using all the hot water in the chalet. Just could not get him out of the shower! Trevor Not showing us his chest (shy boy) Running away from a woman n the dance floor! Bernie Dodds Leading Stumpy astray – he missed the Sand Bay site turning. Being the chapter wind up merchant. Showing his builders bum – again – and again! And here’s a big list……. Clive Skinner Complaining there were too many ladies on the TV committee He knows how to live dangerously! A Rugby tackle on Debbie - a fine for every bruise. Not noticing Pat was drinking his Guinness (and one for Pat for drinking it!) Locking Trevor’s helmet to his bike and not having the right key to unlock it!!

And the best one…….. For suggesting that Scrapper should be fined – yes he got a slap for that! Trevor Letting Clive lock his helmet to his bike Too much ‘thinking’ Not showing the ladies his chest (Shy Boy) Running away from a woman on the dance floor. Nick West Oversleeping Being a ‘lemon’ Contesting his fine The Ladies Section Jammy Being first down for breakfast EVERY morning! Taking the very last Cream Tea Well we don’t call her Jammy for nothing! Wearing her Neon Yellow Bra outside her top – 38F or GGGG Sue Dodds Fraternising with the enemy (the boys) Rubbing Shirley up the wrong way. how is your arm Shirley after your Tattoo? Shirley & Pat J For singing wheels on the bus go round and round in the bar! Hazel AND last but by no means least………………… For being the shortest Chapter member Yes we measured her!!! More fines from the Cider Rally next month for Mike, Ralph, Bulldog, Stumpy, Baz, Don & John

The 22nd Cider Rally 2013 Sand Bay Leisure Resort. Weston super Mare, Somerset. The chalets have been booked, the T-shirts have been booked, and the camping pitches have been booked. All we have to do now is get there in the dry and all in one piece. Chieveley services just off the M4 is the starting place, Clive is leading the ride to Sand Bay, 16 bikes and 1 car, the bikes are loaded to the gunnels, bag upon bag. Sand Bay here we come, of course we must have a lunch stop, The Royal Oak, Corsley Heath, where we stopped last year, so why not again, sandwiches, baguettes, chips, soup and coffee. We have arrived at Sand Bay, and after bike and rider have been tagged, we are queuing to get our room keys, there are lots of familiar faces, we have also picked up our goodie bags, the T-shirt this year is cherry red, and we also have a bottle of water, a Kit Kat, our 22nd year pin and a fluorescent ring and necklace. Tonight is Neon Night, the ultra violet nail varnish is doing the rounds, some ladies have full sets, and even some of the men have consented to one finger nail. Dinner has been very good, a choice of leek & potato soup or spring rolls for starter, with chicken, fish or macaroni cheese for main, followed by apricot & pear crumble, raspberry cheesecake, ice cream or cheese & biscuits, then coffee or tea. The food is plentiful and with curry corner and the large salad bar, it is very good value for money. You can have as much or as little as you want. The dancing is well under way in the main ballroom, DJ Rob Paston is in charge. The floor is crowded not a seat to be had. The neon theme has proved very popular, lots of people are wearing tutu’s, the rings and necklaces are flashing everywhere, socks, scarves and tops, bottoms, there is even one lady who is wearing a fluorescent bra, over the top of her t-shirt, ( I wonder who that was ?) The back room is very popular, with plenty of seats and the bar is open, for those who do not have an ear for loud music it is ideal.

SATURDAY Various ride-outs have been arranged for today and after a very good breakfast, full English if you want or cereals, toast and marmalade, juice, tea or coffee. The main ride out is to the sea front at Weston super mare, many chapters and many bikes are taking part, with the police leading the way and patrolling the roads, everyone has arrived safely. Some of Thames Valley are peeling off to go further up the coast, to the dealership in Bridgewater, (Riders). (They have a room at Sand Bay where they are selling a lot of sale stuff). Other ride outs include Cheddar and Dunster, The in-bike show has taken place on the lawns at the front of reception, the turnout has been most impressive. Categories include Tourers, Paint, Sportster, LOH, Trikes and best in show. You choose the one you like and vote on the form. Every bike looks fantastic. The results will be announced, when Moggy welcomes all the chapters and groups this evening. Dinner again has been a grand affair, Scotch broth or mushrooms in stilton sauce, followed by Roast pork, fish or vegetable bake, then treacle sponge or chocolate orange gateau, ice cream or cheese and biscuits, with tea or coffee. Tonight is an open fancy dress, and many have dressed up, clowns, hippies, Elvis, Adam ant, doctors and nurses, 2 oomph loompahs from Thames Valley (Ralph and Mick) The raffle tickets have been bought, and we are gathering in the main ballroom for the draw, Jill Moggy has announced that there are 38 chapters or groups here this weekend, along with nearly 1000 people, pictures are being shown of the winning entrants for the in-bike show and prizes have been given. The raffle draw is taking place for the 4 top prizes in the main hall,( the rest will be done in reception). Ralph oomph loompahs has won the ÂŁ75 voucher towards his Harley Davidson insurance. The Band tonight is Brotherhood and yet again they are very good. DJ Rob is on again tonight. Thames Valley HOG now has at least 15 members of the 3.00 a.m. club, well done to all those who can stay up that late. SUNDAY After breakfast there are choices to be made again for whichever ride out takes your fancy, some are going a bit further afield to Lynmouth, others who did not go to the dealership yesterday are going today, Cheddar is looking good for some and others are going to Minehead. The weather today is very good, hardly any breeze, unlike yesterday, Minehead is very busy, and lots of people admiring the bikes, the steam trains to Bishop Lydiard are running. Cream teas have been bought and eaten and a short ride back to the sea front for an ice cream. Making our way back to Sand Bay for our last night of partying. Dinner tonight was again very good, Soup or potato wedges, Roast beef and Yorkshire Pud, fish or nut roast, lots of variety on the salad bar, then blackberry and apple pie, white chocolate gateau, ice cream, cheese and biscuits, tea or coffee. The dance floor is not so crowded tonight, getting ready for the homeward trip tomorrow. Nearly everyone from Thames Valley has met in the back room, we have all had a fantastic time.

It has been a long cold winter and most of you will know by now that the condition of many of our roads can be shocking! Pot holes are causing damage to motor vehicles across the country and we all need to be prepared to take evasive action when out riding. Here are a few tips to help avoid becoming a statistic...


· ·


Leave a slightly larger gap between you and the vehicle in front. This will buy you a second or two to manoeuvre clear of any last minute hole or obstacle. Watch the vehicle in front, often a bump will be visible via its effect on the vehicle in front. If riding in a group, make sure you leave enough room between yourself and the bike in front (especially when the ride slows down) to allow him/her and you to ride around any pot hole. When riding in a group you can signal to the rider behind that there is a dangerous pot hole or object by pointing at the hazard (to the left with your hand or to the right with your foot). If someone in front of you does this, you know there is a hazard and you should move to avoid it and pass the signal back if it is safe for you to do so.

Finally, a brief reminder to check fluid levels before a ride. You need to check oil and brake fluid levels as well as fuel. Make sure your tyre pressures are correct and at least every month check the tread on your tyres around the entire length of the tyre. A great time to check this is when you are cleaning the rims. Have a look at the brake linings while you are cleaning to ensure you have sufficient pad to the journeys you have planned. Ride safe ….

Nick West (Safety Officer)

Don Wibberley Chapter Director Email: director

Pat Adams Assistant Director Email: assistantdirector@

Colin Wilkins Treasurer Email: treasurer@

Sue Moyler Secretary Email: secretary@

Fred Cotsford Membership Officer Email: membership@

Nij Jones Head Road Captain Email: headroadcaptain@

Nick West Safety Officer & Historian Email: historian@

Barry Adams Activities Officer Email: activities@

Sue Brown Ladies of Harley Email: ladiesofharley@

Lee White Webmaster Email: webmaster@

Position Vacant Editor Email: editor@

Bernie Meason Photographer Email: photographer@ thamesvalleyhog tvwebmaster1 Linda Friend Photographer Email: photographer@

Shirley Churchill Merchandise Email: merchandise@

Club Venue: SportsAble, Braywick Sports Ground, Maidenhead, SL6 1BN

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