May 2013 peak riders newsletter (1)

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Peak Riders News Letter - May/June 2013

In this issue a report by Dave Hughes on Harleys at the MCN Motorcycle Live Show 15th Feb 2013 at Excel London

Peak Riders (H.O.G.速 Chapter #9943)

c/o Harley World # 9943

Station Road Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9EX

Sponsoring Dealer




Cover Cover— — MCN Show


Director’s Dribble


Kaptain’s Korner


Social Events June/July


Ride Reports


Special Feature Feature— —Warsaw HD

16 16--17

Special Feature -Group Riding


Special Feature Feature— —MCN Show

19 19--20

2013 Events Calendar

23 23--24

2013 Rides and Rallies

25 25--41

Chernobyl Childrens Life Line




Owt For A Larff


47 47--49

JOIN IN THE ADVENTURE To join the Peak Riders Chapter and the Harley Owners Group (HOG) Contact a Peak Riders Officer, talk to the HarleyWorld staff or email Or view our web site

At last, the weather has turned, just at the right time as our boiler packed up at home !!! OK, that’s was my problem but what a coincidence ! The finer weather has also brought out the bikes in droves and a quick walk around HarleyWorld sees many bikes marked as “Sold”. Hopefully there are new Chapter members in amongst them. The stalwart members are the backbone of the chapter but a constant new member influx is imperative to keep the chapter running and evolving. So we welcome 5 new members since the last issue. Geoff Guy’s efforts on updating the members area and video display should generate interest for more to join the chapter. The videos Carl Walters takes on ride outs will also be displayed on the TV in the Chapter area. The videos are also put on our Facebook page, which now has over 240 likes and the last “reached” report was 1,720 people worldwide !! The Dent Dale Weekend organised by Geoff Guy is very near and looks to be a “guddun”. Patricks Normandy Tour is also just on the horizon. Then before we know it. It’ll be our very own “Back to the Peaks” Rally. Fair weather and good riding predicted. Gordon

SENDING IN ARTICLES Should you have anything of interest you want to share or have an advert to place, all you have to do is email Gordon the editor Please send them through either in an e e--mail or a Microsoft Word, Publisher or plain text format.

Zoran Dobrin Andrew Maltby Christopher Thorpe Andrew Jenkenson Matthew Green

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Director’s Dribble


Hi Hogsters, Well we were beginning to think that the 2013 riding season wasn’t going to get underway, but here we are ….. well into May and some cracking rides now under our belts, a couple of rallies with many more lined up and our very own Back To The Peaks Rally just around the corner. Mind you, let’s not get too carried away – Kim and I jumped on the bike the other day for a run down to Nottingham only to be pelted by ice balls the size of marrowfat peas before we got off the drive. As Kim often says to me “ne’er cast a clout till May be out” [eh! can anyone translate this for me please??? I’ve no idea what she on about … mad Yorkshire lady!!] Thanks to those of you who supported the charity ride we did on Sunday 21st April. There were around 200 bikes on the ride so the beneficiary charity (Royal British Legion) will be well pleased. I’m sure Alison of Bikers Gearbox will be pleased too as many supported the ride Puttie Chouhan’s name. It’s a shame we couldn’t get parked up at Matlock Bath as the end of the parade ride ….. but Geoff’s mystery tour back to HarleyWorld more than made up for it. Thanks also to those of you who helped out in the HarleyWorld Birthday Bash either in marshalling the car park or helping in marshalling the ride-out itself. Geoff H did his usual sterling job of leading and organising us all, and Carl took some brilliant photos [both from the 5XL reinforced cherrypicker and the strategic points he took on the actual ride-out]. I personally really enjoyed the day. I hope you all did too? The Rally Committee have done an outstanding job putting everything in place for our June Back To The Peaks Rally. I’ve just published the weekend programme and its looking like we’ll have a great time. Great rides, great entertainment, a great location, some great people ….. what more do you want? For those of you who have not yet booked, there are still a small number of rooms left at the Miraj Hotel. But don’t delay as I’ve just written to the Directors of other Chapters offering their members the opportunity to snap them up. I was a little disappointed about the outcomes from our “Meet Peak Riders” days at HarleyWorld. The only people I met were Peak Riders. But it was really great to see you and to have a chat. Thanks for turning up. It’s a shame we didn’t get any new recruits as a direct result although a few ‘seeds were sown’. Hopefully a few membership forms will follow soon! So, in signing off, I turn my attention to the next month of rides and events. I’m starting to get all excited as Sabrina has re-appeared from the HarleyWorld workshop following the fettling for an early problem. Fingers crossed as there are plenty of miles in front of the new steed! It was nice to get under canvass again at the Iron Horse Rally and the tent is getting an airing during the weekend of 25th/26th May on the Dent Dale trip, so I must dash …... I’ve got some tent poles to repair ….. Ride Safe Phil

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Kaptain’s Korner


Hello Peak Riders The snow has finally disappeared and we’ve been out riding! The rides to date have been really good and Big Jim’s Lincolnshire tour was particularly well supported with 23 bikes out on the ride and we had some sunshine for most of the day. The Standedge tunnel ride only just made it. The road over Holme Moss was still blocked with snow on the Friday before the ride but we did a recce on the Saturday and all the roads were passable. On the day itself, the wind was very strong and riding over the hills was somewhat interesting! We had great support for Harleyworld’s Birthday Bash and without Peakriders the event couldn’t have worked. I’m sure you seen the photos and video on the website and our 110 made from Harleys was impressive. The pink “hi viz” vests caused some ‘interesting’ comments but everyone said they stood out well from the yellow hiviz, so that worked out well (John B, Joe and myself have broad enough shoulders to take the comments). Staying on the pink vest theme, we found this MT350 at the Stafford Classic Bike Show last Sunday which we thought would go well with Joe’s pink vest………..see what you think! We have lots of rides coming up and throughout June and July we have our Wednesday evening ride programme, so plenty of opportunities to get some miles on our Harleys. Keep an eye on the events calendar and please turn up and support the rides. We’ll need lots of support for the rally rideout recces on 9th and 23rd June so please put these dates in your diary. We’ll marshal the rally rideouts the same as the Birthday Bash but we’ll also need volunteers to marshal the car park at Ilam Hall, so if you can help out here please let me know. Let’s hope we have a good summer, a bit of sunshine makes the rides much better! Ride safely Geoff H

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Social/Chapter Events June ®


Phoenix 2 High Lane Ridgeway S12 3XF 12th June 8:00pm Joint with Ride Out

NOTE: There is no Chapter meeting in June due to the meeting date clashing with the “Back to the Peaks” Rally preparations. Next Chapter meeting is on 25th July as indicated.

Joint Social evening with mid week Ride out. For Ride Out meet Harleyworld 6:30pm for 7pm start. For Social event, arrive at Phoenix before 8pm.

The next monthly meeting will be on 31st March 2011 7:30pm for a 8:00pm Start CHAPTER The Monthly MeetingMEETING will be held at : The Olde House Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN Tel : 01246 274321

The next Chapter Meeting will be on Thursday 25th July 2013 7:30pm for 8:00pm The meeting will be at: The Olde House, Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN

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Social/Chapter Events June 速


The George Castle Street, Castelton, Derbys, S33 8WG 12th July 8:00pm Joint with Ride Out

Joint Social evening with mid week Ride out. For Ride Out meet Harleyworld 6:30pm for 7pm start. For Social event, arrive at Castleton before 8pm.

The next monthly meeting will be on 31st March 2011 7:30pm for a 8:00pm Start CHAPTER The Monthly MeetingMEETING will be held at : The Olde House Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN Tel : 01246 274321

The July Chapter Meeting will be on

Chapter meeting will be chaired by Geoff Guy due to absence of Director and Head Road Captain.

Thursday 25th July 2013 7:30pm for 8:00pm The meeting will be at: The Olde House, Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN

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Ride Report


North Lincs Tour—By Phil Jackson Hooray, at last no snow, rain, gales, or hail. Fine weather once again and we can begin the 2013 riding season. My Peak Riders chums were obviously feeling the same as me (stir crazy) it was an excellent turn out including some new faces. But, I almost didn’t make it. I had pulled the new bike (Sabrina) out of the garage in plenty of time to be ready; Kim was all prepared and sat on the back listening to “Steve Wright’s Sunday Love Songs” through her headset but only a faint ‘clicking’ noise from the bike as I pressed the start button. The soddin’ battery was flat so it was a mad dash to get the MT350 (Pooh) out of the garage to use as my bike for the day. The old faithful steed didn’t let me down and fired up first time. I looked at Kim’s long face in the mirrors as I set off with Geoff towards HarleyWorld to join the gang. It was Big Jim’s ride to North Lincolnshire, but the first 50 miles or so were mainly in Nottinghamshire as we set off towards Newark via Bolsover were we had a lunch stop at Brownhills (motor home sales). Then some nice little country roads into Lincolnshire which took us to Blyton where we stopped at our regular ice cream parlour, a chat, and the obligatory photo behind the Chapter flags. The final leg took us home through Gainsborough and Retford before finishing at Barlborough’s McDonalds where we said our goodbyes. A well done & thank you to Big Jim, Geoff Guy and Steve our Road Crew for the day. A nice little season opener and a much needed ride. I now feel that spring is with us and I’m now really looking forward to our fantastic ride programme which is ahead of us. The only down side was


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Ride Report


Standedge Tunnel The day started quite bright as 11 bikes assembled at Harleyworld for the ride to Standedge Canal Tunnel near Huddersfield. I, the Editor, had intended picking up the ride at Tankersley but managed to set off earlier and pick up the ride at Barlborough. It was a windy first leg of the ride, both on the motorway and on higher exposed areas as wind gusts meant your wits had to be with you . The weathermen said 65mph wind gusts on higher routes and the Woodhead pass was closed to high sided vehicles. “Interesting” is the expression to use as side winds tried to push you in to oncoming traffic. However, with a slight adjustment to riding technique all was OK. The ride took us through Holmfirth, which was surprisingly quiet for a Sunday and it only took two changes of traffic lights to get through. Maybe Compo & Glegg were elsewhere? Once over the “tops” and the drop down to Marsden commenced, the wind gusts subsided but the clouds had started to appear and it became overcast and dull. At Standedge we parked up next to the visitors centre (Often missed on a visit here but well worth looking inside, a wealth of history behind the tunnels). Walking down to the cafe, a number of us were faced with a “sheep worrying” dog that had slipped it’s lease and was causing havoc amongst the sheep in the adjacent field. It had chased one Ewe to the area around the outside tables of the cafe and despite attempts to capture the rampant canine, it continued to harass the Ewe. Slipping past the owners, helplessly shouting the dog to heel !!!, it narrowly passed one Peak Rider and headed towards me, Side stepping the fleeing Ewe, I took a dive at the persuing dog but immediately realised I was within inches of ending up falling in the canal if I made my “Peter Shilton” attempt at grabbing the dog. The thought of riding home soaking wet after falling in the canal, meant the dog passed me inches

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Ride Report


Standedge Tunnel away as common sense prevailed. I believe the owners eventually recaptured the wayward pooch some half mile down the canal tow path. I hope they have learned a lesson !! It took some time to get food and when it was realised that the same queue would have to be negotiated to get tickets for the boat trip in to the tunnel, the idea of going on the tunnel trip faded. (£4.50 to go in to a dark, damp hole !!) . The wind subsided a little on the ride back, which took us over Saddleworth Moor, and past Diggle where the Tunnel emerges. Then once again over the moors to ride up to Holme Moss, up the reknowned “Holme Moss Cycle Hill Climb”. This hill climb has been chosen as one of the Hill Climbs during the second stage of the Tour de France when it comes to England in 2014. Thank god we had engines, I’d hate to pedal up that !!. The wind at the top revisited briefly but very strongly. Crossing over the A628, the return route took us through Glossop, Hayfield, skirting Chapel en le Frith and then over Peak Forest, passing one of the Wednesday evening ride destinations, the Anchor Inn near Tideswell, to end the ride at the cafe at Monsall Head. The weather stayed good for the ride with just the occasional drizzle. Despite the windy start it was a good ride out for all those who took part. Gordon

Throttle, with care. Now this is a nice Tattoo, and now the riding season is back it’s something we all look forward too. Unfortunately it can also bring out a few lunatics. Maybe the winter layup for some sports bike riders has fogged the brain, as the editor has already seen one sports bike rider with a death wish, overtaking a car and myself on a blind corner and barely pulling in before an oncoming lorry, causing the car and I to brake hard. Maybe it’s the dying need to overtake a Harley or maybe it’s a “I’m too good” attitude ? Whatever, remember the motto “Live to Ride, Ride to Live”.

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Ride Report


Fradley Junction. This was the first time for Joe leading a ride and we have to say it was handled like someone who had been doing it for ages. The ride took us on route to miss the Bank Holiday Sunday snarl up in Matlock Bath. From HarleyWorld, over Darley, Winster, Longcliffe to hit the A515 in to Ashbourne. Surprisingly Ashbourne was quiet and so there was not the normal horrendous queue at the “Fire Station” traffic lights and we sailed through Ashbourne with comparative ease to the A52. Crossing the A52 we continued on the A515 passing Darley Moor Race Circuit. People were starting to arrive at Darley Moor for the 3rd round of the MCRRC race meeting that was to take place the next day. Darley Moor is well worth a day out when a MCRRC meet is on. Darley Airfield was built in 1942 but has been used as a motorsport venue since it was decommissioned in 1952. From Darley, the ride took us under the A50 on the A515 and passed Sudbury Hall and the Museum of Childhood. Passing the Boars Head, a stop off point on a previous ride to Ironbridge, we went over the aptly named “Six Roads End”. The local legend is that 6 men had an argument and walked off in six different directions.... If you believe that, you’ll believe anything !! Dave Hughes had a little problem with loose bags and so John Beevers as sweeper stopped and helped. They were soon on their way again and astonished to see us coming in the opposite direction after we had a little circular tour of a village. Joe was testing out his second man drop off I guess :) Typical Bank Holiday Road works held us up at one point. So much so that I thought “Roast Thigh” would be on the menu when we arrived !! That’s one problem with a Harley, a hot cylinder in just the wrong place for traffic jams. We were soon on the move again and rumbled in to Fradley Junction as the ride destination. Tables outside had been reserved for us at the Kingfisher Cafe and service and food was quite acceptable. Dave & Gill Simms were already there, having arrived on 4 wheels (with the pooch) while Dave awaits his new bike, A group of “Outlaws MC” turned up and there was a few admiring glances of machinery from both sides. They had gone by the time we left. The return trip was slightly different to the way down, still passing through Ashbourne (don’t forget to book the Rally if you have not done so already) but this time continuing on the A515 to Newhaven before dropping down on the infamous Via Gellia Road to Matlock Bath where the ride dispersed. The weather was perfect, the ride at just the right pace and the company, as usual, excellent. Well Done Joe (although I don’t think you can take credit for the weather) — Gordon (Editor)

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Ride Report


Whitby—Not Only, but also...... By Gordon (Ed) The Whitby ride was intended to actually get to Whitby this time, and we did, with another nice surprise on the way back. Geoff Guy led the ride with Phil and Joe running at the rear. Due to the distance to cover the ride met at Woodall Services on the M1 at 9:00am to leave at 9:30. I decided to meet up at the first breakpoint of Wetherby Services. I have a great waiting spot along the A1 near Skellow where I had intended taking a video as everyone rumbled by. Guess what, the ride went directly up the M1, missing the A1. At 10 past 10, I realised the ride was not going to pass me by so it was a license loosing ride to Wetherby, headlights flashing and even scaring a few summer sports bikers en route to Squires. Who says a Harley can’t go fast. From Wetherby it was a continued run up the A1M, and A19 to hit the side roads near Thirsk and venture in to the North York Moors. For a short time the weather stayed good and the scenery great but as we climbed higher and higher we rode in to low cloud made things a little cold and spooky. Some single track lanes through sheep infested moorland kept you on your toes as lambs darted around and gravel and “marbles” washed on to the road from the previous weeks rain took careful negotiation. I did cross my mind that maybe a MT350 would be more at home in some places. However, with care everyone made it through without incident and agreed the route was quite “different” and interested. I certainly enjoyed it. Dropping in to Whitby we had a fuel stop where the poor lady in the petrol station was all of a dither with the pings from the pumps and the mass of people wanting to pay. In Whitby a parking area had been allocated and we could park with ease. Fish and Chips was of course the “order of the day” and everyone split off in to groups to frequent one of the many eateries.

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Ride Report

® ®

Whitby—Not Only, but also...... 3pm was the meeting time to start the ride back. As it was a relative late start back and a long journey, some decided to take a more direct route back. The rest of the ride took us back in to the Moors to a little surprise that Geoff Guy packed in. We stopped off at Goathland, the village used in the TV series “Heartbeat” with Nick Berry as the local “Bobby”. In the series the village was named Aidensfield and the current Goathland still plays “Aidenfield” for the steady trickle of tourists and fans that visit. The “General Store” is still “Aidensfield Stores” and both it and the Garage down the road opposite the “Aidenbsfield Arms” are packed with memorabilia and souvenirs. The Garage boasts an antique Norton Manx in race trim, another in a more dilapidated state and a non descript AJS. Leaving Goathland, the ride took another fuel stop at Pickering before venturing on A roads again to meet the M62 near Goole. A spirited ride along the M62, saw some breaking off the ride, myself included, while the rest continued down the M18 saw the ride to the end point at Barlborough. Thanks Geoff Guy and Road crew for a great ride.

Lost Croc Warning :) No, not one of these !!!


One of these ! Lost from the back of Carl Walters bike on the way to Iron Horse Rally

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Rally Report


The Cider Rally (Bridgwater HOG) Phil and Kim, Jim and Pandy and Stuart and Cath attended the Cider Rally over the weekend of 3rd to 6th May. Here are some snaps of the event. More pictures on the website. Apologies to any other Peak Riders who may have also attended and I have not mentioned. Gordon

New Face at the Shop


There’s a new face at Harleyworld. Tom Barnett, 18 yrs old and according to Patrick, mad on bikes and needs a hair cut as he looks like one of the lads from the boy band One Direction. Currently rides a GPZ500 daily as his own transport (that’ll change). He has wanted to work with bikes since school so Harleyworld are over the moon to have him on parts dept to help Deb and Karl. A picture will follow on the “HW Staff page” . By all accounts he makes a great cup of Tea and several Peak Riders have become his regular customers already!

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Rally Report


Iron Horse Rally—by Carl Walters

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Rally Report


Iron Horse Rally—by Carl Walters

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Special Feature


Warsaw (Poland) Harley Davidson Dealership & Chapter It was a very cold February day that I found myself in Warsaw and a chance to visit the local Harley Davidson dealership. Sand, mixed with a little salt, used in the winter to help against the snowy weather, was every where on the roads. It filled the gutters and created little sandbanks in the centre of the road on occasions. Not biking conditions at all if one could avoid it. Inside the dealership I was greeted with a cheery hello and broken English. The dealership and Chapter were set up in 2001, as the first authorised Harley Dealership in Poland. There were 24 founding members and now the membership exceeds 150. There is a club meeting every second Tuesday of the month and regular events and rides, although these tend to be smaller groups and less organised (pre-recced) than ours. Rallying in Europe seems to be a favoured pastime and the Malta Rally in particular. I was told than 14 members would be travelling all the way down through Europe to Pozzallo on the tip of Sicilly to catch the ferry to Malta. That’s a total of 1670miles, one way ! The trip there and back and it’s time for another service ! The Chapter Area is small in comparsion to those in Asia but larger than ours, with a bar (BYO) and seating. A display cabinet is full of various trophies from Rallies and shows. The Chapter area also has a display of certificates covering a wide discipline of motorcycling, first aid and road craft. The area also displays a series of rockers from other chapters that members

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Special Feature

Warsaw (Poland) Harley Davidson Dealership & Chapter have visited. They include Deva (Chester), Athens, Johannesburg, Durban, Chicago, Paris, Cairo and Ottowa. Quite a collection. Must get a Peak Riders up there :) Gordon

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Special Feature


Group Riding with the Peak Riders. Riders.— —Preparation & Hand Signals Preparation A part of riding a Motorcycle is your own mental preparation. Riding a motorcycle requires an alert mind that is free from distractions like worry, stress, alcohol or medication that could affect your concentration. Of course, like any form of transport, you should check over the bike, in particular Tyres, Lights, Fuel and Oil. Harley recommend the T-CLOCK checklist of Tyres, Controls, Lights, Oil, Chassis, Kickstand. It is recommended to start the ride with a full fuel tank to avoid making the whole ride stop while you fill up ! In the days before the ride, make some effort to locate the destination for the ride and any stop off points that may have been indicated in the Newsletter, Events section of the website or Forum. This can give confidence if due to mechanical or other problems, you feel you wish to leave the ride and also aid in having some understanding of the route as will be outlined at the briefing. Check the weather forecast in the area and prepare your riding clothing accordingly. With our fickle British weather a sunny day can turn decidedly wet in a very short time. Lightweight waterproof over trousers and jackets are relatively cheap. However, note that yellow high vis overjackets are not allowed on the ride.(Only Road Captains wear Yellow high vis). If you normally use Sunglasses (antishatter) or a tinted visor, be sure to also have non tinted visors or eye protection as evening rides in particular may end after dusk. If you know you will be leaving the ride at some point prior to the official end point, it is important that you let the Road captains, particularly the Wingman and Sweeper,know either at the briefing, before setting off on the return ride from the destination or at one of the comfort stops,. As always, you are responsible for your riding, safety and comfort. Remember the 6 “P”’s, Prior Preparation Prevents P*ss Poor Perfomance.

Hand Signals The only hand signals you should really be aware of are those of the Lead Road Captain as he/she signals the drop-off point when using the Second Man Drop system and the direction indications given by the rider who has been ‘dropped’, This is as covered in part 2 of this series of articles in the Easter edition. A reminder here, that the dropped off rider should cancel their indicators which may confuse motorists that may have got mixed in with the ride. Leaving your turn indicators on or continuing with hand indicating, particularly when signalling a right turn, often results in a car stopping and ‘flashing’ headlights to allow you to set off and make the turn, they will not understand that you are marking the junction for your fellow riders. Any hand signals by other riders to signal a hazard are purely voluntary by the signalling rider and are only conducted if the signalling rider feels it is safe to do so. Poor road surface or ‘marbles’ can be indicated this way. Do not rely on other riders to signal hazards and do not feel obliged to signal to following riders. Above all, maintain your own awareness of road conditions at all times.

Next Issue, a fun quiz on Group Riding. Gordon

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Special Feature


MCN Motorcycle Live Show 15th Feb at Excel London by Dave Hughes This article is designed to show that the Harley Davidson Marque is fighting hard to at least maintain market share in these financially troubled times. I travelled down to Eastenders country by car (I was meeting my offspring in Kent later that evening) which was the only real downside to the day. Especially as it cost me £15 to Park. EEEK. (Bikes were Free) I had not attended this show before, so I went in with an open mind. 36,000 others join me over the 3 days. The show was housed in one Hall but wow, it was big. I realised that I must have walked miles as I crisscrossed it all throughout the 6 and a half hours that I was there. The day was so interesting as there were 4 distinct areas for showcasing different types of biking. Classics, Customs, Adventure and Performance. There were guest speakers in each sector. Some pretty famous and some who are very well known to the discerning biker. There were the usual stalls selling just about everything that most bikers want, with some pretty decent bargains to be had. I managed to keep my spending at a low level thankfully. Revolution was fun. This was live racing on a variety of small bikes with John McGuiness, Neil Hodgson, James Witham, Tommy Hill, Chris Walker and Dougie Lampkin giving it their all. You could not stop the competitiveness coming through and there were a few spectacular tumbles. In terms of Harley, there was very large stand that included not only the 2013 bikes but some very tasty special editions and customised vehicles. It got really interesting as there must have been over 60 Harley’s on show. day.

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Special Feature


MCN Motorcycle Live Show 15th Feb at Excel London by Dave Hughes dating from the 1920’s to the present day. From Bog standard, classics to show ponies and some pretty amazing customs. Indeed the Modified custom Harley section drew massive crowds and the mind boggled as to the total value that was on show. The insurance company must have made a fair bob or two!! In a separate competition, a Harley Based Dunkley-Harton won the Pro-Class and it took over 230 hours to build. At £75 per hour, that would be £17,250 in labour alone. I listened to a talk by a top UK Harley Executive who was extolling the virtues of the Harley brand over the past 110 years and re-affirming that they were concentrating on building the cruiser styles of bikes and not developing the racing types that previously were hard to sell. Whilst other main stream brand were showcasing new bikes (mainly sports or Adventure) the HD bikes had a magnetic effect on people, and it was great to see such diversity. It was great to see so many youngsters being so genuinely excited about our favourite steeds. I would go again as it was such a good day, but next time would definitely travel down on the bike.— Dave Hughes

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Peak Riders


Proud to wear the Patch & Rocker ? Are you proud to wear the HOG Patch and Chapter rocker ? All over the world the HOG emblem and Chapter rockers are worn with pride by Chapter members. In Peak Riders we have a number of members who wear the Chapter rocker with pride, showing support to the Chapter. It would be great to see more. For a few “Quid” a large or small HOG emblem or Peak Riders Chapter rocker can be bought at the Shop, to “wear with Pride” .

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Chapter Merchandise is available from our Lady of Harley, Sharon — Or see Debbie or Karl at HarleyWorld

Large Rocker £15.00

Should you have any membership questions or require assistance with your membership, please contact our Membership officer Kim

Large HOG Patch £15.00

Large LOH Patch £15.00

Get Your Peak Riders Photographs If you would like a full size photo of yourself that appears in the photo gallery of the Peak Riders website — , note the photograph and contact the chapter photographer by email. There may be a charge for photographs depending upon number and age of the photograph. This is negotiable with the photographer.

Small Rocker £8.00


Small HOG Patch £8.00

The following Peak Rider Procedures are currently in circulation and a copy is available in the file at Harley W orld and on the W eb Site 31st January 2013 30th November2012 30th November2012 6th February 2013 30th November2012 30th November2012 30th November2012 30th November2012

Small LOH Patch £8.00

Peak Riders Year pin £8.00


Chapter Charter Membership Policy Membership Form Group Riding Basics Event Policy Grievance Procedure Disciplinary Procedure IT Policy & Privacy Statement

Chapter Pin £8.00

N.A.B.D. Patch £3.00

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2013 Events


Please check out the Events Section on the website for the definitive dates and information. Date

Time Event



01/06/2013 12/06/2013 27/06/2013 17/07/2013 25/07/2013 08/08/2013 29/08/2013 12/09/2013 26/09/2013 10/10/2013 31/10/2013 14/11/2013 28/11/2013 14/12/2013

All dayTest Ride & BBQ 20:00 Social Night 19:30 Chapter Meeting 20:00 Social Night 19:30 Chapter Meeting 19:30 Social Night 19:30 Chapter Meeting 19:30 Social Night 19:30 Chapter Meeting 19:30 Social Night 19:30 Chapter Meeting 19:30 Social Night 19:30 AGM 2013 TBA Xmas Party 2013

Harleyworld (see events) Phoenix, Ridgeway, S12 3XF Olde House, Newbold George, Castleton, S33 8WG Olde House, Newbold Pizza Hut Chesterfield Olde House, Newbold Chequers, Coal Aston, Olde House, Newbold Woodside, Chesterfield Olde House, Newbold Highwayman, Chesterfield Olde House, Newbold Olde House, Newbold

Harley World test ride day & Peak Riders BBQ. Combined Social & Wednesday Evening ride Combined Social & Wednesday Evening ride S40 1TB S18 3AT S40 4DB S42 7DA

Road Captains and Officers Meetings –All at HarleyWorld, Chesterfield 17/08/2013 If you wish to have an issue raised please make this known to

2013 Events


New for 2013—Combined Social event and Wednesday Evening Ride out To make more effective use of time and combine the pleasure of a ride out with a social event, two social events have been moved to a Wednesday night to coincide with two Wednesday night ride outs. Those wishing to attend the social event but not ride can go directly to the event location by whatever means of transport they wish for arrival at 8pm. The two locations are: 1) 12/06/13—The Phoenix, Rideway Village, S12 3XF. Situated 15 mins from J30 of the M1. From the M1 travel towards Mosborough then carry on straight through the traffic lights for about 3/4 of a mile. Turn left at Quarry Hill - B6388. Phoenix is on left. 2) 17/07/13—The George, Castleton, S33 8WG. The George is situated in the centre on the village of Castleton very close to the market place in the village. The George may not be able to cater for all who turn up as it is not possible to determine numbers sufficiently in advance. Therefore some may have to use other eateries in the village. Departure time from Castleton is at your own leisure

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HarleyWorld Events HarleyWorld Chesterfield Events 2013 Please check the Harleyworld website for conformation and up to date information on events. Date 01/06/2013 14-17/6/2013 06/07/2013 2-4/08/2013 28/09/2013 26-27/10/13 30/10/2013 29-30/11/13 7-8/12/13 11/12/2013

Event Test Ride Day Normandy Tour High Octane Day Lightning Rally High Octane Day Haloween Weekend Halloween Evening Thanks Giving Event Christmas Deal Weekend HarleyWorld Store Xmas Party

Notes Patricks Normandy Tour. Performance Dyno testing MFN Thunder Valley. Shipley Gate. Notts. NG16 3JE Performance Dyno testing


HarleyWorld Test Ride day & Peak Riders BBQ—1st June

Volunteers required to man the BBQ station, flipping or burning burgers, depending upon your skills. Let Phil Jackson know if you are willing. Some test rides will be led by Peak Riders Road Captains, so should be a good Peak Riders recruitment day. Smart Water your Bike For those attending the Test Ride day, Carl Walters has arranged for a community safety/crime prevention Officer from Derbyshire Police to visit HarleyWorld and Smart Water your bike. For those of you that don't know Smart Water is a water based system that is painted onto various parts of your bike. It cannot be seen to the naked eye. However it contains a traceable content that is unique to your bike, which aids in the recovery should it be stolen. In laymans terms, it DNA's your bike! This service is totally free of charge.It only takes a minute or two to do it. Some insurance companies may even offer a discount with it. Please let Carl know you are interested on the relevant post on the forum of the chapter website so the amount needed is available on the day.

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2013 Ride Outs


Please check out the Events Section on the website for the definitive dates and information. Date 25-26/05/13 02/06/2013 05/06/2013 09/06/2013 12/06/2013 14-17/06/13 19/06/2013 23/06/2013 24/06/2013 28-30/06/13 03/07/2013 07/07/2013 10/07/2013 12-14/07/13 17/07/2013 21/07/2013 24/07/2013 26-27/07/13 31/07/2013 2-4/08/13 11/08/2013 18/08/2013 23-26/08/13 01/09/2013 08/09/2013 13-15/09/13 22/09/2013 29/09/2013 05/10/2013

Time 10:00 18:30 10:00 18:30 18:30

18:30 10:00 18:30 18:30 10:00 18:30 18:30 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 TBA

Destination Lead Dales Weekend Geoff Guy Photo Shoot Carl W Anchor Inn Rally Recce 1 Geoff H Phoenix (Ridgeway) Patrick's Normandy Run Steve P Swadlincote (USA Diner) "World Ride" Recce Geoff H MMM ("World Ride") Sean Back to the Peaks Rally Geoff H Big Fish Ollerton Peak District Sharon H Yew Tree Inn (Twiggy's Ride) Norfolk weekend John B The George (Castleton) Yorkshire Mining MuseumSteve P Papa's Retford Fenlanders Rally Joth Matlock Bath Lightning Rally Geoff H Rutland Water Steve B Foxfield Steam Railway John B Thunder in the Glens Aysgarth Falls (Dales) Geoff G Jodrell Bank Joe U Bush Nook Phil J Fish n Chips Phil J Last Ride Geoff H RTTW Big Jim

Sweeper Big Jim Steve Paton

Wing Geoff H Geoff H

Notes Camping / own B&B arr. Get your "mug" in the piccy Weds Evening Ride 11:30 at Miraj Ashbourne Joint ride with Social Weds Evening Ride Million Mile Monday Weds Evening Ride

Steve P

Joe U Weds Evening Ride

Geoff H

Big Jim Joint ride with Social

Sharon H

Joe U Weds Evening Ride Weds Evening Ride HarleyWorld Rally at MFN

(All Peak Riders) Joe U Steve P

Carl W Sharon H

Geoff H John B Geoff H Big Jim Steve B Carl W

Phil J Big Jim Joe U Geoff H Joe U Steve B

Booking required

6th RTTW

All rides start from Harleyworld unless otherwise stated. Meet times as indicated. To make more effective use of time and combine the pleasure of a ride out with a social event, two social events have been moved to a Wednesday night to coincide with two Wednesday night ride outs. Those wishing to attend the social event but not ride can go directly to the event location by whatever means of transport they wish for arrival at 8pm. The two locations are: 1/ 16/06/13—The Phoenix, Rideway Village, S12 3XF. Situated 15 mins from J30 of the M1. From the M1 travel towards Mosborough then carry on straight through the traffic lights for about 3/4 of a mile. Turn left at Quarry Hill - B6388. Phoenix is on left. 2/ 17/07/13—The George, Castleton, S33 8WG. The George is situated on Castle Street in the centre on the village of Castleton very close to the market place in the village.

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2013 HOG Rallies

Proposed / Announced dates for 2013 rallies Please check with the respective Chapters/Organisers for up to date information.

Rally / Event 2013 Big Brum Bash Circus Maximus XI The Gathering Back to the Peaks Wake the Lakes HOG on the Humber Horseshoe Rally HOG in the Hayfield Oggie Rally Fenlanders Rally South of England Rally Hog 'n' Bog Rally Sherwood Rally Old School Rally Thunder in the Glens Shipley Harley Rally Blazin' Cannons

Date 24th to 27th May 7th to 9th June 7th to 10th June 28th to 30th June 4th to 7th July 5th to 7th July 12th to 14th July 12th to 14th July 19th to 20th July 25th to 28th July 2nd to 4th August 2nd to 4th August 16th to 18th August 16th to 18th August 23rd to 26th August 23rd to 26th August 27th to 30th Sept

Chapter / Org Birmingham Deva Legion Clyde Valley Peak Riders Red Rose Aire Valley Rutland Great Western Plymouth Fenlanders various Provincewide Sherwood Nene Valley Dunedin Independant New Forest

Location Notes West Mids Water Ski centre Chester Rugby Club Drimsynie Estate, Argyll Miraj Hotel Ashsbourne (camping nearby) Kendal RFC Hallmark Hotel, Ferriby.Bridge crossing on 7th Exton Bristol Ernsettle (Chapter invited Guests) Fakenham Racecourse Bisley Coleriane Rugby Club Donington Race Circuit Towcester RFC Aviemore Baildon RFC (Shipley) Toy run on Sunday 25th Caravan based - Weymouth.

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Peak Rally 2013


“Back to the Peaks 2013” th

Get the date in your diary now for “BACK TO THE PEAKS 2013”, the Peak Riders Rally from 28 to

30th June 2013. Whilst the Lightning Rally was a brilliant success, the attendance by Peak Riders members was disappointing . We were outdone significantly by Fenlanders, Aire Valley, St Leger Chapters and even further afield – who all had a brilliant time, as did those Peak Riders who attended. But, I have listened to you the members, and believe that the majority of you wanted us to go back to what we’re used to — a Rally in the Peak District based around a hotel, hence the title “BACK TO THE PEAKS!!!” The Miraj Hotel in Ashbourne has 50 hotel rooms and a function room which can cater for 200 people. This will be our base. For campers, the “PEAKS GATEWAY” campsite and leisure club a short distance away is the location for those under canvas &, caravans/mobile homes. A limited shuttle service will be offered. There is a Rally Committee in place to help in the organisation and management of the event. This consists of:●Kathryn Middleton (supported by Adam Baillie) Ticket sales, finances and liaison with the Miraj Hotel ●Phil Jackson—camping and liaison with the Peaks Gateway camp site ●Carole Anderson—Rally Merchandise ●Toni Tedder—printed material (posters, flyers, tickets, etc) ●Cath and Stuart—Rally Staff Management (recruiting volunteers, allocating tasks and rotas) ●Steve “Elvis” Badger—Entertainment = The G Men Soul band on Friday and King Bee Blues Band and Steve Del Rio and the Deltas on Saturday Finally, ●Phil Jackson, Rally Coordinator supported by Kim Jackson as Rally Committee Secretary. Rally Tickets are £25 per person, which includes a rally pin. When you purchase your rally tickets you will get booking Camping information if you have chosen camping. The deadline for booking the Hotel together with the Rally ticket at reduced rate has passed. You must book the hotel room direct with the Hotel. Camping is £12 per pitch and Caravans or RV’s need to book directly with the site on 01335 344634 quoting “Peak Riders Rally” - It is easily possible to walk from the campsite to the Hotel for the more energetic amongst us. Although after a few beers the route back in the dark may not be quite as easy :)

Day tickets will be available for those who do not wish to stay overnight. Phil Jackson

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Peak Rally 2013


“Back to the Peaks 2013” - Rally Programme Friday

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Peak Rally 2013


“Back to the Peaks 2013” - Rally Programme—Saturday & Sunday

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Peak Rally 2013


“Back to the Peaks 2013” - Rally Programme—Bike Show & Traders

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2013 Rallies/Events

Patricks HarleyWorld Normandy Tour Well, Normandy seems to be very popular for organised rides again this year. Patrick has provided the following information about the 2013 weekend in Normandy. The weekend is based at the following campsite (tents and chalets) with a max of 21 bikes. Check out the website for details of accommodation and prices. On Thursday 13th: June Steve Paton is travelling a day earlier by Euro Tunnel. Please talk to Steve directly if you would like to join him. Friday 14th June: Euro Tunnel crossing at 12:00 hours (MUST be there for 11:00 am). A 4.5 hour ride to the site in Normandy including stops. Friday night, eat out locally. Saturday 15th: WW2 day taking in the landings/battle sites and a Museum en-route. Not a big riding day - around 65 miles so time to see the bunkers etc. Sunday 16th: Run to Pegasus Bridge at Bayeux and a visit to see the Tapestry and points of interest on the way back. The best way to get an idea of the D Day landings is to watch the film "The Longest Day" as it was all filmed on location in Normandy!! Monday 17th: June 09:00. Leave in time for a crossing at 14:00. We gain an hour in the UK ...... and return home. Please contact Patrick at Harleyworld as soon as possible f you would like to join this trip as places are limited. Phone: 01246 383999

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 HOG Rallies

Announced dates for 2013 rallies Please check with the respective Chapters/Organisers for up to date information.

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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Advert Advert— —


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Movie preview : Dead in 5 Heartbeats


The film, Dead In 5 Heartbeats adapts the novel of the same name which was published in 2004 and written by Sonny Barger, a founding member of the Hells Angels. The novel was released several years before the similarly themed television series, Sons of Anarchy aired, both the book and the film are certainly less soapy and episodic than Sons, diving head first into the world of 1%er motorcycle club rivalry and the ties that always keep those clubs together. Heartbeat stars actor Jeff Black as Patch Kinkade, a member of the Infidelz motorcycle club that leaves his chapter in California for easier living in Arizona. Paradise is short lived when a member of The Infidelz is murdered in cold blood outside of a hangout . Chapter president Ahab (Robert "Chico" Mora) drives all night to retrieve Patch and bring him back to a club that is looking to him for leadership. On the opposite side is Angelo Timmons (David Della Rocco), a thirty year veteran of the club who is having money problems. With bills to pay, Angelo makes the decision to go outside the club, make a huge drug deal, and try to gather enough money to kiss his problems goodbye. The plan doesn't go as expected and when Angelo is picked up by the feds he has to make the tough decision of ratting on his family at the motorcycle club or going off to federal prison. The film weaves the tales of the two men together as one looks to find out who murdered his brethren and one who is just looking to survive. When the two cross paths with each other and the different motorcycle clubs there is a feeling that the time bomb has long started to tick away. Easily the most amazing quality of Dead in 5 Heartbeats is the realism. That is achieved by most of the clubs being played by actual Arizona motorcycle clubs like The Hooligans, Alma, and The Rollin Knights. Even most of The Infidelz were played by actual Hells Angels members, this film being the first time they've acted in a production. While they might not be the most polished actors in the world, the fact that they are actual Hells Angels lets you realise they don't act for the fun of it. They are acting out portions of their life. The fact that the curtain is pulled away by showing these motorcycle clubs in their actual environments adds a plethora of realism unseen in most films. The film's shining star is David Della Rocco, best known for playing Rocco in The Boondock Saints, who gives another fantastic performance in the role of Angelo. Rocco, a veteran with performances in other Santo films like Jake's Corner and Off the Boulevard, has no need to steal the show as he can, he gives a nuanced performance as the father who just wants to be able to pay his bills and provide for his son. While the film lacks a slick Hollywood production look, Dead in 5 Heartbeats delivers a knockout punch to the genre with a far more interesting look at motorcycle clubs than Sons of Anarchy or anything else similar. Having Sonny Barger producing from his own adaptation certainly helps while the rugged look of the "actors" envelops you into the motorcycle club lifestyle fully. Dead in 5 Heartbeats is a 1-2 punch that even the most novice motorcycle enthusiast can truly enjoy. From — Currently only available in selected US Cinemas. DVD Release date unknown—Look out for it.

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Chernobyl Children’s Life Line


CHERNOBYL CHILDREN’S LIFE LINE As agreed at the AGM and mentioned in the last Newsletter, for 2013 Peak Riders are also supporting a secondary charity, the Chernobyl Children’s Life Line. The Chernobyl disaster. On the 36th of April 1986 the fourth reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant 12 km south of Belarus exploded. Belarus was the country hit hardest by the disaster with 75% of the fallout and affecting 90% of the country. Large numbers of people in Belarus and northern Ukraine still live in areas with limited access to clean food. They continue to eat contaminated produce. Radioactive contamination knows no boundaries. Medical experts expect as many as 40% of children exposed to Chernobyl’s radiation to develop thyroid cancer over the next 30 years. The people of Chernobyl were exposed to radioactivity 90 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb. The lifeline was set up to provide once only recuperative holidays in the UK for groups of children from the region around Chernobyl. It is believed that 4 weeks away from the contamination, eating nourishing food and breathing cleaner air may significantly increase a child’s Immune systems. It costs approximately £500.00 (including airfare) to bring a child to the UK for a 28 day respite holiday and all money donated goes towards these costs. Our main income comes from the charity shop which we partner with the Mansfield Link. In 2011 we financially supported 32 families through the charity Family Support Project. For further information please contact; The Chairperson Chernobyl Children’s Life Line Newark and Sherwood link 01636812973

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New Peak Riders


We’re having a recruitment drive during March and April with “Meet Peak Riders” events at HarleyWorld on 23rd March and and 13th April 11:00 to 15:00 on each day

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Poulton’s Picture Puzzle Page Proudly Presents

Cuddly Toy 2!! – “Rollover” I suppose the perception of the public of Harley riders is that they are WELL HARD. So it may come as a surprise that many riders (myself included) adorn their bikes with various cuddly toys. This is the Easter quiz but no correct entries have yet been received and so the competition “rollsover” in to this edition. Your task is to link the following ”softies” to their mascot. Take care. There are 3 mascots and 4 names – one is incorrect.

1. Stuart Wales 2. Pandora

3. Steve Taylor 4. Steve Poulton




Answers of matching photos to by 27th of May to win the prize of a set of Harley Davidson salt & pepper pots – Just in time for the Fish & Chip runs. Come on, give it a go, a guess, nothing ventured nothing gained  The winner in the First Mascot competition was Toni Tedder – Well done.

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Owt For A Larff


What we had in the 60’s — Continued. No oil pressure warning – just an occasional (annual) check that the Pressure Relief Valve was sticking out and still dripping! This was the only perceived advantage of 2 Strokes- the oil was in the petrol in those days, and 2 Strokes therefore did not suffer so badly from oil leaks. However, if the amount of oil in the petrol on a 2 Stroke was not exactly right, they either laid a smoke trail the Red Arrows would be proud of, or they seized up solid. It was very rare to actually change the oil in a 4 Stroke at a service. At an external leakage rate of around a pint per 75 miles, you were replacing 100% of the oil every 375 miles anyway !!! The only bikes with water cooling were the old Sunbeam S7/S8s and the Velocette LE, which the Cops used. Neither had any real street cred. Wire spoked wheels, with rusted chrome rims. All with inner tubes (This is where the FLSTC Heritage is almost true to the historic detail !!) Drum Brakes – all were single leading shoe, apart from TT Racers. I still don’t know what a stoppie is- it’s a concept we never had to consider! Rigid splined forged steel footrests bolted solidly to the frame (Hero Ingots compared to today’s Hero Blobs) A Steering Damper as standard on most bigger ‘60’s bikes ! They now charge you £287.45 plus VAT for one, as an optional extra. The only difference between the two is that the modern ones actually work and have some effect on the steering ! No fuses at all. The only electrics were Lights, Horn and Ignition. These were connected to the (flat) battery by damp string resembling a wiring harness. Instruments – A Speedo only, except top of range 650’s, which also had a Tachometer. There was no need for a Dynamo charge warning light, because the system didn’t charge anyway. We all used Duckhams 20/50 engine oil, because green oil streaks down the engine and frame looked so much picturesque than brown !! Oh, more memories and rants next month.

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Owt For A Larff


It’s Rally Season—Time to check out how well you can pack your bike.

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Owt For A Larff


Funny Signs

Either a back seat driver or a very unsure Sat Nav ??

Oh dear, this’ll upset the feminists.

House prices are rock bottom here :)

Actually this is not really a funny sign. This is from South Africa where hi-jacking is rife on rural roads !!

One way of putting it across !!

Another inspired Indian road sign.

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Officers & Road Crew



Director Phil Jackson

Assist. Director VACANT— Nominations accepted

Membership Kim Jackson

Head Road Captain Geoff Heppell

Editor Gordon Price

Photographer Carl Walters

Treasurer Kath Middleton

Secretary John Beevers

Webmaster Joth Hill

Historian Geoff Guy

Safety Officer Steve Britnell

Activities Officer Cath Wales


Head Road Captain Geoff Heppell

Road Captain Carl Walters

Road Captain Phil Jackson

Road Captain Steve Britnell

Road Captain Steve Paton

Road Captain Geoff Guy

Road Captain Joe Upton

Road Captain Bryan Hartshorn

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HarleyWorld Staff We’ve all spent our hard earned cash at our beloved HarleyWorld. Now put a name to the faces of the people who serve us so well ...

Patrick Yates General Manager

Dave Ball Sales Controller

Tom Barnett Karl Sturmer Chrome/Performance Specialist Parts/Clothing Specialist

Steve Revell Technician

Keith Jackson Technician

Sean Street Sales Specialist

Kevin Flint Sales Specialist

Debbie Harrison Parts Manager

Ian Deaville Aftersales Manager

John Jackson Service Advisor

Kate Lane Warranty Advisor

Emma Goddard Molyneux Dealer Administration

Gina Martin Meet & Greet

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If you want to advertise in the news letter, please contact the editor. Reg: 193202

Gas Boiler changes & full systems fitted, Servicing & Power flushing, Repairs, Service Plans.

Station Road Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9EX 01246 450850

Ask for John Beevers for help & a free quotation call 0800 007 5362 Over 20 years combi experience Discounts available for Peak Riders

HOG Member Services Globe House, 1 Chertsey Rd, Twickenham TW1 1XQ Tel 00800 1111 2223

Patch Sewing; Bike Clothes Alterations; New Zips Call Petrina Marshall on 0114 2476002 Get Patches sewn onto Leather garments Peters Quality Shoe Repairs 1a Low Pavement Chesterfield 01246 200951

Doors, Windows, Conservatories & Roofline Products 10 Year Guarantee 10% Genuine Discount for Peak Riders Construction House, Callywhite Lane Dronfield. Free phone 0800 298 0591

Cards by Beth For all your personalised and hand made 3D greetings cards contact Beth Tel 01623 471277

To advertise in this space contact

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