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Pond Life Lakeside Chapter of the Harley Davidson Owners Group. Chapter No 7958



Number 5

Is James Bond or Gold Finger here? Chapter members on the Shaken not Stirred ride out. In this issue: Directors Cut From the Head Road Captain Door to Door in 508 Miles or Bikers Loft Shaken not Stirred Lakeside in Bolivia What’s On

Our Sponsoring Dealership

Chapter Sponsored Charity


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Pond Life Chapter Director Joe Borgia

Assistant Director & Communications Officer Marcus Simeoni (Slack) comms@lakesidechapterhog.org

Treasurer Steve Winters

Events Organiser Geoff Suter

Head Road Captain Malcolm Fewtrell (Duke)

Chapter Secretary Melanie Smith

Web Master Gary Bransgrove Chapter Photographer John Bakker Ladies Of Harley Shilpa Bransgrove Magazine Editor Kevin Hall (Chewy) editor@lakesidechapterhog.org

Membership Secretary Roger Dawkins


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Pond Life Directors Cut Hi Folks , I hope you are all keeping well and are enjoying this lovely weather we are having. It is fantastic to finally see the back of what seemed like a never-ending winter and I hope that many of you have been able to get out on the bike and enjoy some lovely sunshine. Thanks to all the hard work that the road crew are putting in to organise and lead the many rides that have taken place so far and have planned for the coming weeks. They put in a lot of hard work so please come along and join them and have some fun. Although I could not attend this year myself, it seems that the trip to Bikers Loft was a great success again this year. From the pictures I have seen and the stories I have been told it is clear that you all had a great time. I know the ‘form’ is “what happens on tour, stays on tour”, in this age of social media, that is no longer the case and I could keep up with exactly what you were all up to from the other side of the world! And even though I was having a fantastic holiday with my family I still felt like I was missing out on a great trip so I will have to make sure my planning is better next year !!

quite a number of chapter members going by, it seems, any means possible. We have a good number that are riding down and others arriving by ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’! It doesn’t matter how you get there, just get there. It’s going to be a Blast !!! There are only 2 caravans left for the Chapter Rally in July. If you need accommodation then please let me know asap to avoid disappointment. For those of you that have reserved your places already, the balance of your payment will be due in the next couple of weeks. You will be getting an email soon to let you know. Also, for everyone who is attending, the Rally tickets will be going on sale shortly so make sure you keep your eyes open for the announcement.

Take care out there Joe 

The 110th Anniversary spectacular in Rome is now only a few short weeks away. There are www.lakesidechapterhog.org

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Pond Life LAKESIDE CHAPTER THE RALLY Come and join us on our first official Rally. July 12-14th Haven Holiday park, Caister, Norfolk Friday night Disco & Raffle, Saturday silly games, ride out & back by popular demand, the band




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Pond Life Editorial What a change in the weather over the last couple of weeks. It seemed as if we went from winter to summer almost over night. I agree with one of the comments that Duke has made in his Head Road Captain piece, I have had a few scary times with drivers who might only drive on a sunny Sunday. All you have to do is look at some of the drivers, I have seen them talking on the phone while driving out of a side road straight in front of me. Others talking with their passenger and not watching the road. It is a jungle out there and we need to be alert at all times. I have had a couple of people email me, with what are classed as technical queries, we can’t cater for these in the news letter. The place to get your answer is on the Lakeside Chapter forum, within the Chapter web site. A quick search for your topic will show if that question has been asked before. One question sent to me on rims and spokes, has been asked and information is on the forum.

feel bad! I was only out for a short time and not many miles, when I got home I was exhausted. I now hope to start getting some more miles in so that I can get back out riding with the Chapter again. I do miss the sight and being part of a group ride. Yvette is putting me to shame, she is out on her little leaner bike every weekend and now the weather is getting better, she wants to get out in the evening as well. She comes in with that big biker grin, when you know that being out on two wheels enjoying the freedom that you get on a motorbike, this is what makes life great. As always, if you have any photos or a few words on rides you have been on, please send them in. Lets hope the weather stays good and we can get out and ride. Ride safe and enjoy life. Chewy, Editor editor@lakesidechapterhog.org

I have spent the last few issues of Pond Life moaning about not being able to get out and ride because of the weather. Over the last six weeks I have been laid up with a couple of problems I picked up while working in Brazil up in the Amazon region. This has meant I have not been able to ride any of my bikes or even drive the car. I was OK to start riding again for the Bank Holiday weekend, did I www.lakesidechapterhog.org

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Pond Life

HEAD ROAD CAPTAIN’S RAMBLES (or A Ditty from ‘The Duke’)

After what seems like months of complaining about the weather, at last we now have real riding weather for the Bank Holiday Weekend, so hopefully the entire Chapter are out there riding, be it for long organised rides or just getting the ‘Hog’ out. We all know that there are different styles of riding, with various levels of experience, but we are all learning every time that we go out on our busy roads. Some of us ride all the year round; in rain, wind, cold, dry and hot. Others keep their most-treasured Harley in the garage until the sun comes out and only ride when it is warm and dry. Not for me here to comment on either styles, but just a word to the latter group who might be getting out there for the first time for some months. Good weather brings out more cars on the road and some of them may not do much mileage and don’t know what experience the biker in front or behind might have, so don’t expect them to react in a certain way – be cautious. Two other things; first potholes are getting worse (obvious to all of us I’m sure) and secondly,(and this might just be a perception) but the amount of road kill is increasing. Yesterday, on a fine day riding up to Norfolk I encountered everything from birds, fox, badgers and deer – all dead in the road. Why mention it – they are a road hazard and can be anywhere in the carriageway, so need to be avoided. Be careful out there and look ahead. The ‘riding season’ is really taking off now, as can be seen by the rides we are doing and all the pictures on Facebook: always a good measure of what we are doing. The Rally season is just starting and the Chapter, ably led by ‘Captain Slack’ are down at the Cider Rally this weekend. Let’s hope they bring the Chapter Challenge Trophy back for the second year running! Speaking of Rallies, don’t forget that we

have our own Rally coming up in July and SOFER is the first weekend in August – excellent bands at both.

The highlight of the last month for me was ‘A Taste of Europe’ and the ride to Bikers’ Loft. It was a great idea to extend it to 2 days (from the one night last year) as it gave more chance to ride and to party. I hope that others might have written a full article about the trip, but the highlight for me was the Menin Gate on Friday evening and the honour and privilege given to me by the Chapter to lay the wreath at the Sunset Ceremony. It was extremely moving to be part of this

historic event and the culmination of what had been an emotional week. Saturday saw the ride-out with Flanders Field Chapter around some of the battlefield cemeteries, ending up in Ypres for dinner. I had fixed


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Pond Life good amount and great weekend. Many thanks to the Road Captain (Captain Slack/Lady Muck) and his Road Crew (JJ/Vicky and Geoff) for all their hard work over the weekend – superb and looking forward to next year already.

this ride with Jean-Pierre, Flanders Field’s Safety Officer and he said he would supply some Road Crew to assist with the ride – did they ever assist with a ride. In total there were 66 bikes on the ride; mainly Lakeside, but with their Road Crew and a few guests down from Amsterdam. Because Belgian Road Crew are permitted to ‘road block’ we had a smooth ride with fast progressions at junctions and roundabouts blocked with roads ranging from good A roads down to what can only be described as farm tracks! Great ride with stops at Tyncott and Hill 66 and the weather only changed to rain as we rode the final few miles into Ypres.

Talking of Road Crew, remember that these rides don’t just happen. I suppose that we could just do short rides around the Essex area, which don’t need planning or a recce and just get a group of riders to meet up and ride to a place and back, but that isn’t real HOG riding. We try to plan the rides, so we have different types of rides which have been planned for route, timing, types of roads etc. Bikers’ Loft didn’t just happen – the Road Crew had been over the week before to check out routes and stops and I know Malcolm S had been out to recce the ‘Bond Ride’ this Saturday. I spent all of yesterday doing the recce for our Rally in July. That meant leaving at 0800 and riding just over 400 miles which included the ride to/ from the Dealership to the Rally venue in Caister-onSea up on the Norfolk coast (just over 100 miles each way) and a ride-out for the Saturday. I think I have a decent route out across the Norfolk Roads to Norwich, where there will be a stop at the Harley Dealership (home of Iceni Chapter) and then a ride back to the Rally site (totalling about 60 miles) – some dual-carriage way, A roads and Country roads, so a bit of everything. Not a lot of hills, because Norfolk is pretty flat!

On arrival at the dealership Jean-Pierre had presented me with a fantastic slate plaque, which is now with our Director, and some patches and pins. I decided to give a patch and pin to Slack and Joe and to do Numbers of Road Crew and Road Captains fluctuate something different with the others. Those who were over the year with resignations and new members there will know that I ‘sold’ them at the briefing on joining. There been a couple leave recently, but we the Sunday morning, thus raising funds for charity. have more trained Road Captains than ever before, Also on the return trip, at the Loft, on the train and at plus Scotty Weeks from Lakenheath has just joined the final fuel stop, I passed amongst the Chapter us, and a large number of the Road Crew are members and collected donations of ‘shrapnel’ (Euro participating in rides. My thanks to all of them – from coins remaining) which would be added to the patch me and the Chapter – for all you do. sale. I am delighted to say that the final figure raised was 110 euros which has been donated to the Last Fast approaching we have the ‘Ride to Rome’ leaving Post Association, which is the charity that organises the Dealership on Sunday 9 June arriving in Rome on the ceremony at the Menin Gate; this seemed to be the following Thursday for the 110th Anniversary of most appropriate for the weekend and was agreed in Harley-Davidson and the HOG European Rally – it discussion with those who were there. Good cause, www.lakesidechapterhog.org Page 7

Pond Life should be a great time for those riding and those flying out to meet us.

Duke Head Road Captain

Chapter Challenge (a repeat). It’s still not too late to sign up for Chapter Challenge. You can still return a form to the dealership – all you need is your VIN number and mileage, but please return them. This is the easiest competition you are every going to enter – all you have to do is walk up to your bike, record the mileage and write down the VIN number (if you don’t know where it is ask the Road Crew or at the Dealership), then fill in the form, which is available from the Dealership, on the HOG website or in the booklet that comes with your pin/ patch for annual HOG renewal. It couldn’t be simpler – then at the end of October you will be asked for your closing mileage and then I’ll do the maths to find out who rode furthest. I’m not asking for me – I’m asking for the Chapter as this is a national competition. All we ask is that you ride your Harley. Some will do low mileage and some will do massive mileage – just have a go at knocking Basher off that top spot this year, but at least have a go. Surely you are not that apathetic that you can’t be bothered to support the Chapter!


I thought I’d finish with a ‘statement of the bleeding obvious’!! This is your Chapter and we (Road Crew and Committee) will try and do our best for you by putting on a balanced programme of events and rides, working with the Dealership to make it a good experience. If there is anything you think we should be doing that we aren’t, or something we are doing that you think we shouldn’t then let us know – my email address is below. Is there a ride you’d like us to arrange – a particular rally that you’d like to go to – an event idea you’ve had – then tell us? If you have anything you want to raise with me, please don’t hesitate to contact me at: roadcaptain@lakesidechapterhog.org

Harley Humour An 80 year old man went to the doctor for a check-up and the doctor was amazed at what good shape the guy was in. The doctor asked, "To what do you attribute your good health?" The old timer said, "I'm a Harley rider and that's why I'm in such good shape. I'm up well before daylight on Sundays and out ridin’." The doctor said, "Well, I'm sure that helps, but there's got to be more to it. How old was your dad when he died?" The old timer said, "Who said my dad's dead?" The doctor said, "You mean you're 80 years old and your dad's still alive? How old is he?" The old timer said, "He's 99 years old and, in fact, he went riding with me this Sunday, and that's why he's still alive... he's a Harley rider." The doctor said, "Well, that's great, but I'm sure there's more to it. How about your dad's dad? How old was he when he died?" The old timer said, "Who said my grandpa's dead?" The doctor said, "You mean you're 80 years old and your grandfather's still living! How old is he?" The old timer said, "He's 117 years old." The doctor was getting frustrated at this point and said, "I guess he went Harley ridin' with you this Sunday too?" The old timer said, "No... Grandpa couldn't go this week because he got married." The Doctor said in amazement, "Got married!! Good Lord!!! Why would a 117-year-old guy want to get married?" The old timer said, "Who said he wanted to?" 

Ride Safe (rubber side down) www.lakesidechapterhog.org

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Pond Life

Door to Door in 508 miles

Friday 12th May 2013 the wheels of the bike start to turn just before the end of the rush hour to make my way to the Pond for the long weekend in Belgium. I was lucky to get a place at the last moment so whoever dropped out thank you. The weather was not brilliant in fact by the time I hit the A13 the bike was filthy from rain and muddy spray from the road.

impressed over how our fallen from the First World War are remembered every evening, it is only a simple ceremony but poignant.

Arriving at the Pond I found a whole gaggle of eager riders and pillions milling around all eager to set off for the Channel Tunnel. The duly appointed time came and following the brief and introduction of our Road Captain (Slack) and Road Crew (JJ and Geoff) in their fetching new Road Crew colours we set off all 41 bikes. The weather did dry up for a short while but the forecast was not good. Settling into the ride along the M25 and M20 first stop was the petrol station at junction 11 of the M20 where we meet with our remaining members of the group and having topped up tanks we were off to board the train. The journey on the train was over before you knew it and just a short hop to the petrol station in France before our second briefing of the days ride. We were going to be travelling the first 20 miles on the After that it was back to the Loft and something to eat motorway to settle us in to Continental riding before and drink and get out of the riding gear for the rest of turning off onto the rural roads of France and the evening. Day one done and sleep was calling. Belgium. The wind was constantly gusting and at Day 2 the morning was ours but it did not seem to times you could lean into the wind and still go much of that, 11.30 and it was another brief and we straight. Our first stop and we were all together (just) were off to West Flanders Chapter of HOG were we and a stretch of the legs and a group photo before off had been invited with a ride out to the War Graves. again and our next stop in Belgium for a coffee. The Chapter members were in their club and our first Actually a hot choc was the order of the day, before drink was complimentary courtesy of the Director of we set off to the Bikers Loft. We arrived around 6pm the Chapter, we were made to feel very welcome. and a room sorted out it was of to the Menin Gate at 6.30 for that evening’s ceremony and the laying of the Time came for the ride out with Flanders Chapter and wreath by our Head Road Captain, Duke. This was the we set off with over 60 bikes, they do things different in Belgium, they stop the traffic so everyone gets first time I had been to the ceremony and was www.lakesidechapterhog.org Page 9

Pond Life through junctions. This is done with the approval of the Police and it works for them as Continental motorists are more biker friendly than the UK. From the base in Roeselare we went on a wander through Zilverber, Beitem, Moorslede, Westroxebeke, Langemark-Podkapelle, Boezing, Sint-Jan, Sint Juliaan, Zornebeke and stopping off Tyne Cott a large cemetery and visitors centre. As you walk down to the visitors centre you hear the names of the dead being read out along with their ages, when you hear age 14 you have to wonder would our youth of today be so bold. As we rode through these villages there were smaller cemeteries at the side of the road or in the middle of fields, some number no more than a dozen graves.

After the short break it was on with the waterproofs as a few spits of rain was falling, so it was around a few more villages of Hllelcke, Heuvelland, voormezele, to Hill 60, where the Australians dug tunnels under the German defences and packed it explosives and blew the hill up to allow Allied forces to make a small gain in the war. Here was where we said our formal goodbyes to the West Flanders Chapter and our thanks for the ride out. The group now split into two those who wanted to go straight back to the Loft and those of us who went onto Leper (Ypres) arriving just in

time for the heavens to open. Finding what looked like a nice café a few of us found seats and ordered drinks and something to eat, it was most efficient before the last order was taken the drinks were coming out followed shortly by the food. I think those of us eating there found the food to be good, I certainly enjoyed my meal. It was then back to the Loft for the evenings entertainment Eddy Culjak and he has got a CD out if you want to buy a copy. Lakeside now has a Glee Club and performed alongside our evening’s entertainment (you know who you are). Saturday soon disappeared and Sunday morning came around.

Again our briefing but not all of us were leaving together some have earlier trains, some later. So off we set towards the sea and a ride back along the coast road and what a great day to be riding, no rain the sun peaking through clouds the sea to our right and no high winds. Coffee break is taken in the town of Veurne and another lovely town square where you can sit and unwind and enjoy the view and buy some Belgium chocolate. It’s on into France and the stark contrast of industrial buildings, the Cat Cracker shooting flames and beaches and sea to the other, as Captain Slack said Mad Max to one side to one side for the men and sandy beaches for the ladies around


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Pond Life Dunkirk. Our ride on the Continent comes to an end at the Tunnel and the group gets split due to the slowness of passport control a small part of the group get one train and the rest catch the next train through we meet up on the other side at the petrol station and make our way back towards the dealership and then home some 508 miles and 3 days later.

The briefing took place covering the normal things like Staggered formation, Second man drop off, Overtaking and the Disclaimer.

Mike Keogh 

Shaken not Stirred As not everyone was attending the Cider rally we decided to arrange a ride for those not going. Although it was short notice and there was some confusion around the day, 12 bikes and 16 Chapter members turned up at The Pond on Saturday 4th May. We had found the route whilst searching the internet for rides in Essex and Kent. The one we decided to do was the James Bond Goldfinger ride around Kent. We found it on the Kent tourist information web site. It sounded interesting and would be a change to just riding somewhere, as it covered several locations in one ride and explained the connections to the Goldfinger novel written by Ian Fleming.

The ride was explained and the reasons for taking the route, as it is closely connected to the route that Bond took whilst travelling from London to St. Margaret’s Bay in the novel Goldfinger. To quote the novel “He had chosen the A2 in preference to the A20 to Sandwich because he wanted to take a quick look at Goldfinger-land-Reculver and those melancholy forsaken reaches of the Thames which Goldfinger had chosen for his parish. He would then cross the Isle of Thanet to Ramsgate and leave his bag at the Channel Packet, have an early lunch and be off to Sandwich.”

The weather for a few days beforehand had been At around 10.30 we set off heading to the M25 and lovely and sunny, but the forecast for the Saturday the Dartford tolls, not too busy on the motorway and was dull with showers, but never mind, we would be soon through the tolls and around onto the M2. We riding our Harleys. I would be leading the ride, but for had elected to skirt around Chatham and Faversham, today would be known as Bond, Brooke Bond, as when we did the recce they were far too busy with licensed to make tea. Tail Ender was Gary lots of roundabouts and traffic lights. We were soon Bransgrove, Oddjob for the ride and Runner, Gary grouped together and on the M2 were able to travel at Richards to be known as Goldfinger. We were joined around 65mph, now we were cruising. Good run along to junction 7 and onto the A299, where we by our Bond girls, Lorraine as Miss Moneypenny and started to head towards Herne Bay. The Sat Nav Shilpa as Holly Goodhead. Unfortunately Pussy Galore could not attend due to a prior engagement, decided to play silly and started showing the route as think she was flying her plane. straight lines, not very helpful, as the Romans didn’t www.lakesidechapterhog.org Page 11

Pond Life build all the roads around here. Good job we had done the recce and knew exactly where we were going. A few miles later and we turned off the main road and onto the sea front at Herne Bay, about an hour after we had set off. Plenty of parking spaces available and right opposite the comfort station. We parked up and whilst some were happy to just stretch their legs other went to the toilets whilst the brave boys of the group headed for the ice cream shop. Big cornets and massive smiles.

enough to pass the odd car that came along. We then arrived in Reculver, into the car park and dismounted. Lunchtime, with two options, the local pub or a café

down the road, all opted for the pub. Good food and drink consumed and plenty of chat and banter took place. In the novel, Reculver is the base for Auric Goldfingers gold smuggling business. It was here that he moulded the smuggled gold from India into new door panels for his Rolls Royce Silver Ghost.

Time for another quote from the Novel and then we are off, heading to Reculver. As we ride along we get admiring looks and waves from people walking the sea front. Out of Herne Bay and onto the main road for a quick ride to the next stop. We leave the A 299 after about 10 mins and turn onto a country road, not too bad with good vision around the bends and wide

We set off heading for Ramsgate, on the way passing Manston Airfield, which is also mentioned in the novel. Arriving at Ramsgate we headed to the Northern side so that we could travel the full length of the sea front, passing the harbour where the smuggled gold used to arrive from India. No stop here and then we headed for Sandwich. A small town with an interesting quayside and some very narrow one way streets. Stopping at a junction in the town we faced a corner which had a road sign “Hogs Corner”, how appropriate. We then travelled another few miles and arrived at the Royal St. George’s golf course. This plays a major part in the novel and it is here that Bond has his first encounter with Goldfinger. It was also central to Ian Fleming’s later life. He had been elected Captain of Royal St. George’s for 1964/5 and had attended a committee meeting there on 11th August 1964 when he had a heart attack. He died in


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Pond Life Canterbury the following day. The clubs flag was lowered to half mast. From there we travelled southwards through Deal and onto St. Margaret’s Bay. There were two very tight hairpin bends on the way down which had to be approached very cautiously. We arrived in the car park at the bottom of the hill and looked out over the English Channel. Welcome to France messages started to appear on our phones. St. Margaret’s Bay is central to the James Bond story. It was here that Ian Fleming bought the house called White Cliffs in 1952. The house, white with lime green shutters and a red roof can easily be identified at the North end of the beach. It was his weekend and holiday home for the crucial decade in which he conceived and wrote the James Bond books. We took refreshment s and stretched our legs before tackling the hairpin bends on the way up the hill. The weather was dull and cold at this stage, but luckily we had missed any rain that was about. We set off and headed towards Dover for the ride home. It was quite windy as we descended the hill into Dover and again on the way out on the A20 towards Folkestone. We passed the Eurotunnel Terminal and joined the M20, stopping at the services for fuel. Then it was back onto the M20 for a blast back to The Pond. Cruise control set at 70 mph, or thereabouts, it

was great to look in the mirrors and see the pack in close formation cruising along. To make things even better the sun came out which rounded off a brilliant days riding. Malcolm and Lorraine Seedhouse 

Harley Humour A little old lady wants to join a biker club. She knocks on the door of a local biker club and a big, hairy, bearded biker with tattoos all over his arms answers the door. She proclaims, "I want to join your biker club." The guy is amused and tells her that she needs to meet certain biker requirements before she is allowed to join. So the biker asks her, "You have a bike?" The little old lady says, "Yea, that's my Harley over there," and points to a Harley parked in the driveway. The biker asks her, "Do you smoke?" The little old lady says, "Yea, I smoke. I smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day and a couple of cigars while I'm shooting pool." The biker is impressed and asks, "Well, have you ever been picked up by the Fuzz?" The little old lady says, "No, I've never been picked up by the fuzz, but I've been swung around by my nipples a few times."


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Pond Life Some pics of my travels, first one a train grave yard, expected Butch Cassidy & Sundance kid to roll up and rob the train. Next taken down one of the oldest silver mines in Bolivia, bought stick of dynamite, bag of fertilizer & a 5 minute fuse plus bottle of pure alcohol from supermarket for ÂŁ2 only seriously. Last pic taken, the eagle has landed, watch out for wild life. Harley people love to travel see you out there! Colin Green



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Pond Life EMAS along with Lakeside Harley Davidson are proud to present:

HARLEY ROCKS Bringing you an all-star line up of ROCK LEGENDS, and amazing indie artists for a rocking party night, in generous support of Little Havens Children’s Hospice. The epic rock group ‘The Rick and Buckers’ will be performing, featuring, Dave ‘Bucket’ Colwell, formally of Bad Company, Rick Wills formally of Foreigner, Harry James of Thunder and Introducing Ronan Kavanagh (toured with Simply Red) along with supporting artists Governors Luck and Stewart Mac. Fully licensed bars, and food stalls will be available to keep you going through out an awesome night. Lakeside Harley-Davidson along with Harley-Davidson UK will also be attending, bringing along their specialized outdoor events vehicle, promo girls with merchandise, promotional give-aways, and plenty of bike SATURDAY JULY 20TH Doors open at 18.30, ready for a 19.30 start. Free parking. Help us make this a really successful evening by raising as much money as we can for a fantastic charity who offer so much for terminally ill children and their families. Tickets will be available to buy from 1st June 2013, priced at £15 in advance from the following locations: Lakeside Harley-Davidson Heron Way, West Thurrock, Essex, RM20 3WJ (01708 805005 – Heather) EMAS Ltd, North Weald Airfield, North Weald Essex, CM16 6HR (Debbie - 07590982796 or Tracey - 07718115470) Tickets priced at £20.00 on the night, SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. Book fast to avoid disappointment! Don’t miss out on this one of a kind epic evening!!!!!!!!! FOR LAKESIDE CHAPTER MEMBERS ONLY :• • •

VIP parking for their bikes Late night drinking. VIP camping area (If you want to have a drink and would rather stay the night and not ride home)

There will be refreshment stalls to cater for everyone incl beer tents etc.


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Pond Life Date




18-19 May

H-D 110th Celebration


Open event all welcome

Sun 19 May

Bridges & Tunnels

From Lakeside

Closed Event Slack to Lead

Sun 26 May

Ride Out to Rye

From Lakeside

Closed Event Gaz to Lead

Thur 30 May

Ace Cafe

From Lakeside

Closed Event Slack to Lead

9-21 June


From Lakeside

Closed Event Duke to Lead

Sat 15 June

Ride to Littleport

From Lakeside

Closed Event Mike K to Lead

Sun 23 June

Chatham Historic Dockyard

From Lakeside

Closed Event Mike C. to Lead

Thur 27 June

Ace Cafe

From Lakeside

Closed Event Slack to Lead

Sat 6 July

Ride to Hastings

From Lakeside

Closed Malcolm S to Lead

Sat 6 July

Dealership Event



12-14 July

Lakeside Chapter Rally

Sat 13 July

Ride out to Lavenham Suffolk

Closed Event Duke to Lead From Lakeside

Closed Event Gaz to Lead

Sat 20 July

Southampton H-D & New Forest

From Lakeside

Closed Event Slack to Lead

Sun 28 July

Ride to Maldon

From Lakeside

Closed Event


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Pond Life Tel 01708 805005 Web

Brand Manager Guy Konig

Service Warranty Administrator & Driver Sean Murphy

Parts Advisor Alan Sexton

Business Manager & Director Lakeside HOG Chapter

After sales Controller Alex Elbrow

Service Advisor Melanie Smith


Sales Executive Sahra Lewis

Sales Executive Shaun King

Master Technician John Fisher

H-D Technician Max Coles

Merchandise Manager Heather Whittaker

Merchandise Sales Advisor Danielle Fallaize


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