nene News March 2013

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Nene V alley Chapter

SRING 2013

Chapter No. 9946

Director Martin Dickinson ‘So Bad’ 07740 871983

Assistant Director Dave Burridge ‘Brumbo’ 07768 166490

Secretary Maria Lapsley membership@ 07984 122581

Treasurer John Nicholas 07808 648575

Editor Chris Lapsley ‘Slow Hand’ nenevalleyeditor@ 07709 205571

Webmaster ‘Road King' Scot Haynes 07970 421716

Safety Officer ‘The Reverand’ Steve Harris steve@harris 07779 877131

Activities Officer Dave Burridge ‘Brumbo’ 07768 166490

Head Road Captain Mike ‘Mikey’ Ivers 07950 947681

Ladies of Harley Officer Jan Harter 07913 071242

Merchandising Officers Mike & Jacqui Wakelin 07989 975444

Historian Vacant Position

Photographer Position to be Announced

DIRECTORS DRIBBLE Welcome to March’s edition of News at Nene. It has been a long wait but this is the month when the Chapter really comes together to rides as a ‘family’ on many organised occasions over the next 7 or 8 months. I know there is a substantial calendar of events that have been put together by the Road Captains and the Activities team over the winter months and I hope that there is something there for everyone. As I’ve said before you can’t please all the people all the time but we do our best. The first official ride will be the Memorial ride on March 23rd leaving Jacks Hill @ 10.00 and I hope to see a large number of the Chapter there to pay their respects to the members that we have lost since 2001. I’m sure you are all eager to get those bikes out and get riding this season, but please remember, although it has only been a few months out of the saddle for some, please take it easy and more importantly keep your eyes open for some horrendous pot holes that once again have appeared after the winter weather. This means making sure you keep a good distance between one another on ride outs, because I am sure at some stage someone will need to take evasive action to avoid hitting a pot hole, and the last thing we want is a ‘ripple’ effect. If you are travelling from Jacks Hill to Brackley or Banbury the roundabout by the McDonalds garage still has some serious damage, and even in a car you need to take evasive action. LETS REMEMBER, KEEP SAFE AND TRY TO ANTICIPATE EVEN MORE!!! As well as a large number of events within the Chapter there are a lot of other events taking place this year to coincide with not only 110 years of Harley Davidson but also 30 years of the Harley Owners Group. It would be great to be able to do everything but we all have other commitments in our lives. I mentioned a couple of months ago about the Chapter attending en masse to Orval, our twinned Chapter for their 20th anniversary. I am still waiting to hear from those that have attended for the last 7 years about accommodation availability as well as times that the main group will be going down, but as soon as I do I will be sure to let you know. The registration process for the parade of flags at HOG events throughout Europe has changed and been simplified. Registration forms will NOT be distributed this year. Instead all you need to do is send me an email by the end of March if you are interested in representing your Chapter in the Parade of Flags. I will then as fairly as possible select a member and forward the details to HOG.

Spring 2013

The events you can register for a ribbon are: EuroFestival – St Tropez: May 2­5 Ireland Bike Fest: May 31­June 1 Rome 110th Anniversary celebration: June 13­16 (Restriction: Only 2 representatives per chapter) Hamburg Harley Days: June 21­23 Barcelona Harley Days: July 5­7 Friendship Ride, Fulda: August 9­11 Thunder in the Glens, Scotland: August 15­18 European Bike Week, Faaker See: September 3­8 I look forward to seeing a large number of you over the coming months on the bikes, be it in this country or over the water. So until then, please ride safe and enjoy Martin

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Spring 2013

Editor’s View Point Well, it looks like Spring might have sprung !! must have I’ve seen daffodils. And while you guys are getting those gleaming machines out on the road after winter, at the time of writing this, mine is still in bits!! ­ hang on a minute while I wipe away the tears from my keyboard. So, I went along to meet up with the RC gang at the Long Itch Diner during an RC skills session. What a beautiful Saturday – although a bit cold (see front cover). It was really hard watching others out on their bikes but I consoled myself by buying a new helmet. Maria and I spent the last weekend of Feb pre­driving the Dragon and Dyke ride – again. Got the new second day route sorted now. We stayed at the Premier Inn in Newport we are using and managed to get a main course and desert selection for free. Must be looking forward to our visit! We also got the Saturday and Sunday lunch stops sussed – BBQ at the Severn Bore pub with garden right next to the Severn River – and Sunday lunch at nice pub in Herefordshire – so you guys that are signed up and booked should be in for a treat – if the weather is good ! For those who are not signed up for this ride – you will have another opportunity next year for the full monty Dragon chase in the Lakes. I know I keep harping on but ­­­­ I need your input to keep this mag exciting !!! This quarter we have a nice review of New Zealand – thanks Becks, and Martin has provided a few Chapter Memories for members new and old alike. Check out the updated calendar of events – and note that a couple of events have changed date. On that score my Solstice Ride and overnight camp has become the ‘Not Quite’ the Summer Solstice Ride as I have moved it forward two weeks – well I thought with Orval and stuff I have a busy schedule – so anyway I hope this will interest a large group. I will be pre­riding this soon so will publish details later. Here’s something to look out for – info provided by Roy Marks :­ “This was one lucky biker who I had been following

on today's ride. He had lost all drive to the rear wheel and had to pull over to the side of the road. Miles from anywhere I spotted the problem was the rear wheel drive bolts had worked loose and sheared off. The rear drive gear in the photo was hanging off and the drive belt had detached. Another ride member, who happened to be a bike technician, said it was pure luck that the rear wheel had not locked up causing a crash. Apparently it is a common fault with a Harley, not heard that one myself, however, I intend to have mine checked out before it goes back on the road”. After I commented that I remember Mikey have this problem a couple of years ago – Roy came with :­ “All hail and bow down before the great God Google! After a little typing and surfin the net I have discovered that apparently the shearing off of the pulley bolts on Dyna 2006 to 2008 models is a well­known occurrence!!? From what I can gather the problem appears to be an engineering/design one and NOT a rider/maintenance issue!? So far I have heard of no deaths or serious injuries but I strongly suggest anyone with one of these machines takes a look at the pulley bolts pronto and keeps a close eye on them from now on. The 'net' says that a change to the 2008/9 model seems to have solved the problem (that Harley of course say does not exist!!?).” So that’s about it for this month – don’t forget the riding season starts here and I look forward to seeing you all out for the Memorial Ride on Saturday 23rd March. Finally – don’t forget – please support me with your articles, photos and interesting facts for JUNE mag Cheers

Chris Lapsley, “Slow Hand” Editor Last date for contributions to the June Edition :

END MAY 2013 email :- or phone me on 07709 205571 or 01455 450463

Nene Valley HOG Chapter (Editor) PO Box 9277 LEICESTER LE9 OBT

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Ladies of Harley Officer


We are slowly getting nearer to the 2013 riding season though the weather doesn’t seem to be getting any more conducive to riding. I am rather glad I’ve bought my heated jacket liner, which will plug into my bike and hopefully keep me toasty warm on the cold days. I haven’t tested it yet though the heated gloves that I bought first, last year, were appreciated on a couple of occasions. I’ll let you know. That said I did actually get a short ride in, on the dry and sunny Sunday after Valentines Day. I was decorating that weekend but just had to use the excuse of waiting for the first coat of paint to dry. It was lovely to be out after all the recent snow and rain. What I did think however, was that we will all have to be extra vigilant keeping an eye out for potholes. There are so many in our roads now! With a mind to the up‐coming months I have put a couple of dates in the planner for LOH events. The first of which is a bit close to the publication of this mag but hopefully you will have received an email with the details. Back by popular demand is the Skittles event, on Saturday 16th March at The Three Conies Inn at Thorpe Mandeville. It would be nice to have lots of ladies there, attempting to win the prize for being best at throwing the wooden cheeses. We will meet there around 12.00ish. The pub provides food so you can come for lunch. The men can come too and chat, drink and eat or maybe even take on the ladies at the skittles. This has proved an enjoyable afternoon in the past so do come and join in; everyone is welcome. I have also arranged for a Have A Go day. The date is the afternoon of Saturday 27th April between 2 and 4pm in Castlethorpe village hall. Have A Go this time at……… Zumba. Three instructors will be there along with a few regular punters so you will be able to come along and just watch but hopefully you will want to join in with the fun. The session will be divided into two halves, the first for Zumba Gold which is a gentler version of this fun form of exercise and then afterwards the full Zumba fitness. I have never been a great fan of exercise but this is just so enjoyable, with lively music and every kind of dance rhythm, that I can keep going for the whole session without any thought of stopping. There may be a small cost to cover expenses but as the instructors are hoping for a short pillion ride on a Harley we may be able to reduce this to nil if anyone is willing to help out here. The local Navigation Inn, just outside the village on the canal, could be a useful meeting point earlier for a light lunch and a drink. The Zumba® programme was created in the 1990s by Colombian native Alberto "Beto" Perez, a celebrity fitness trainer and choreographer for international pop superstars. Inspired by the traditional salsa, samba and merengue music he grew up with, Beto paired his favourite pulsating Latin rhythms with the red‐hot international dance steps that his clients loved and created the Zumba® Fitness‐Party. Since Beto brought the Zumba® Fitness programme to the U.S. in 1999, it has become a huge fitness success, with people of all ages falling in love with its infectious music, easy‐to‐follow dance moves and body‐beautifying benefits. The Zumba® programme was actually the result of a "happy accident". One day Beto forgot to take his music to class, so he grabbed what was in his car ‐ a mix of Latin ryhthms that he grew up listening to and loving. He improvised the entire class, and the

Zumba® Fitness‐Party was born. Since then, it has exploded worldwide. Taught in more than 140,000 locations and over 150 countries, more than 14 million weekly participants of all ages are inspired by its upbeat, contagious spirit. So, what are you waiting for? Come along, have a look, maybe join in with some or all of it. I promise you it’s hugely enjoyable. If you are joining in you will want to bring a drink and maybe a flannel to mop your brow. Any questions, just give me a buzz. Looking a bit further into the season I also have planned a LOH ride to Lacock in July and a shopping trip in September. Details of these will be given nearer the time. Meanwhile I hope to see you at Thorpe Mandeville and Castlethorpe. Take care Jan

NEW LADY RIDER It all started a 12months ago, Alan bought a Honda Shadow 125, and then said it’s my birthday present. Well I thought that's typical of Alan buying me something that he's interested in, not for me at all, but how wrong could I be, over the past year he has encouraged me to go out riding nearly every night even when I've come home exhausted from work, it's “come on I will get the bikes out you get ready and we can go for a ride”! At first after the novelty had worn off I thought was this really me taking all this time to get ready layer after layer feeling like a bloated whale and what's even worst looking like one (well that's what I thought ). And worst was to come ‐ my hair! Talk about "hair" never had I seen my hair looking so flat and itchy how are you supposed to scratch you head with your helmet on?(anyone got a knitting needle to go on your bike) now there's an invention waiting to be patented by Harley Davidson, perhaps I should put the suggestion forward, what do you lady riders think? Seriously though now that I've passed my test it's been worth every penny or should I say hundreds of pounds yes I think in total I (we ) have spent £100 CBT £100 theory (£50each test )as I failed once its not as easy as you think guys not to say modular one (failed twice ) passed on third @£250 then £50 re test and then finally modular two at another £250 thank goodness I passed first time as Alan would be bankrupt total cost £800 bet all you riders are glad you took your test when you did ! Now I can't wait for the good weather to come so I can out and about on my Harley 883 sportster (Did I forget to tell you dear Alan also brought me a Harley as well for my birthday ) sorry Alan and over the past few months he's been lovingly adding all sorts of bits and pieces to my bike. In fact nearly every week we've been over to Oxford dealership ordering new this and new that ! My only fear is that I'll have to do the cleaning ( oh my nails are going to suffer ) unless I can persuade Alan to do it for me . The price we Harley riders pay for such lovely shiny machines eh But in return we are the ones that get the pleasure of riding the beauties. I don't know how many ride outs I'll do this year but I intend to do short runs to start with and get used to riding in groups then my aim is to ride to Hardelot this year so watch this space for updates as the year progresses. Marilyn Knight

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Mikey’s Natter Well hopefully the snow has gone but as my mother in law says," cast not a clout till May is out". I know we are all eager to get out there and ride and some have been out there already with an extra layer on to cope with the chill factor. As the bikes have been laid up for a period of time, don't think it's just going to start when you are standing there. Have you had it on the trickle charger for 24 hours the day before your ride or have you had the Optimate switched off. Dud batteries over the winter months are as common as a horse lasagne. Please be aware of those bends, curves and the roads with pot holes that have developed that seem to get bigger daily before they get filed in, or not as the case may be. Also, watch out for the blighters of our local law enforcement (I love you really) and cameras that we have forgotten about, DVLA points

Sring 2013 don't make pins. Speaking of points our road captains have arranged over 30 ride outs this season, plus the Ace cafe runs and the usual points for rally attendance, so if your chasing the next pin or that TALL­Y in the distance then as my motto states "The Chapters at its best when it Rides. "

Let’s all get behind our very own Mile High Club this year and register your starting mileage on the Memorial Ride on Sat 23rd March with any Road Captain or Mike Sharp on 07748 913326 or Those of you who put your final mileage in last year don't need to worry as that final figure will become this year’s new start figure unless Santa bought you a change of bike for Xmas of course. Sorry I won't be on the ride out, I will be on the piste. Talking of rides, what’s on in March. As well as the Memorial ride we are having our annual trip to Keech Hospice on Sunday 31st March. Our timing is brilliant this year as it coincides with their family day and they are really looking forward to us going. We will be leaving Jacks Hill at 12.30, Easter eggs and small gifts like toys, crayons, colouring in books etc, will all be really appreciated. Families and children will also be there and the bikes will add some real colour to the day. Let’s get behind this one, your support with this is memorable to the children and family's through their difficult times. That's all for now folks.. Don't forget to read Beckys exploits.... Blah blah blah....yawn yawn...

Ride safe and have fun Mikey HRC The chapter's at its best when it rides..

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RCs & Rides

Spring 2013

Chris Fawcett ‘Jedi’ Email : 07964 775677 Mike Sharp 07748 913326

Becky Ivers ‘Becks’ 07901 716385

Andrew ‘Pasty’ Pugsley 07971 903581

Neil ‘The Ambassador’ Harrison 07810 870167

Rickie Anne Gee Email :

07969 809662

Andy Witt ‘Owl’ 07899 934070

Bob ‘The Bus’ Rhoades 07817 700958 Chris Lapsley ‘Slow Hand’ 07709 205571

Mick Gray ‘Badger’ 07946 299447

Chris Ringer

Mike Waklein – ‘Groundhog’ 07989 975444

07897 729749

Jan Harter 07913 071242 Keech Hospice Easter Run WWW.KEECH.ORG.UK Sunday 31st March Leaving from Jacks Hill Cafe A5 ­ 12.30pm Mikey Leading

The Memorial Ride Departs Jacks Hill Café A5 – 10.00 Saturday 23rd March to Rutland Water Lead by Martin our Chapter Director

Well what can be said about this amazing place that offers specialist palliative care for adults and children diagnosed with a life limiting or terminal illness

Well, the long awaited first ride of the forthcoming season gets us underway. Join us on the children's family day where we have been invited to show our bikes, meet the children and mums and dads who are so looking The Memorial Ride is in forward to us going. Please bring a token for the children, anything will be memory of our fellow welcomed but especially Easter Eggs, small toys, colouring in books and chapter members who are crayons or anything you think will be appreciated. Some will also no longer able to ride by appreciate a sit on the bike if able, a photo opportunity, the sound of the our side. We will share the engine or even a toot of the horn will make their day. names of those no longer Let’s all get behind this, I know it's a bank holiday but with us and we will hold a minutes silence to honour them. Get those batteries on charge and those bikes washed and do what the if your hanging around give a child a moment that chapter does best. matters.

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Membership & Meet a new Member MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION For membership information please contact me, either at Club night, or via e­mail.


Steve Saby – Findon

Maria Lapsley, Membership Secretary Please note the Chapter postal address is;

Phil & Debbie Blundell Milton Keynes

Simon Tompkins Aylesbury Roger & Terri Woodward Milton Keynes

Nene Valley HOG Chapter PO Box 9277 LEICESTER LE9 OBT



Steve Saby



What’s the best thing about being a Harley­Davidson owner? The pride, being part of a big family and fulfilling a lifelong dream.

Where Do you Live: Finedon, Wellingborough Nickname :


Have you been a member of another Chapter ? Yes Rutland (for 6 months).

How did you hear of Nene Valley Chapter and why did you pick this chapter ? Through HOG magazine after looking at website seemed very active a friendly just what I have been looking for.

If you have been to one ­ what was your best ever Rally? Does the bulldog count? What’s your favourite ride/route ?

What Harley­Davidson(s) do you ride? Sportster custom When did you get your first Harley­Davidson? Were you a biker before this?

Last year

Yes since I was 16

Why did you choose a Harley­Davidson? A dream since I was 7 years old when my cousin let me sit on his Harley. How have you customised your Harley­Davidson? Chrome engine dress up kit, new paint with ghost tribal in it, single saddle.

Any and all rides

Which Harley­Davidson would you have if money were no object? My sportster or maybe a 1946 FL Knucklehead What do you do for a living: Scrap and recycling of commercial dishwashers What other interests do you have? Cars/ bike shows, music, concerts, scuba diving What is your claim­to­fame? When I was a doorman I threw a drunk pop star out of a club.

How many miles do you cover in a typical year? Not had Harley a year yet so still adding them on but so far about 3000.

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Membership & Meet a new Member Name: Phil and Debbie Blundell

What’s the best thing about being a Harley­Davidson owner? Love the lifestyle that goes with it and the sound is WOW!


Age: Both 48 Where Do you Live: Milton Keynes

Have you been a member of another Chapter ? Yes.

Nickname: (none) How did you hear of Nene Valley Chapter and why did you pick this chapter ? Heard about Nene Valley Chapter, when we read the HOG magazine, where you were advertising your rally. What Harley­Davidson(s) do you ride? 1991 1200 Sportster (Debbie rides pillion). When did you get your first Harley­Davidson? June 2011. Were you a biker before this? Yes both bikers before. Why did you choose a Harley­Davidson? Always wanted one. Myself since watching the film Easy Rider, and Debbie’s mum loved them too.

If you have been to one ­ what was your best ever Rally? We loved the Bulldog Bash, as it had a fantastic atmosphere.

What’s your favourite ride/route ? So far the mountain roads in north Spain, and parts of Europe. Any countryside. Which Harley­Davidson would you have if money were no object? The ultimate chopper from Easy Rider. What do you do for a living: Phil: mechanic with own garage, Debbie: science technician at a school

What other interests do you have? Classic Ford Mustang, and all things American. How have you customised your Harley­Davidson? It has heritage softail saddle bags, touring seats, Harley What is your claim­to­fame? spotlights, wide glide petrol tank, recent flame paint job. Through business and our collection of cars, we have been involved in TV and newspapers. How many miles do you cover in a typical year? Approximately 1500 ­ 2500 miles a year. DO YOU JUST BELONG Are you an active member Do you take an active part The kind that would be missed to help the show along

Think this over fellow member you know the right from wrong

Or are you just contented

Or are you satisfied to be

Be an active member

That your name is on the list? Do you attend the meetings and mingle with the lot

The kind that just belongs? Do you ever go and visit or call on a member who is sick

And do not just belong !

Or do you just stay away

Or leave the work to just a few

And criticise – and knock?

And then call them the clique?

Poem published 5 Years Ago By Martin Dickinson

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A Tale from Down Under NZ Road Trip by many means and certainly the Long Way Down


17th to 28th January During this time, Jodie and I worked our way through the North, with a couple of nights at Napier, before getting the ferry to the South Island and starting our massive tour. We didn't do it all but we went down the west coast, all the way to Queenstown and then up the middle before cutting on to the East Pacific coast and back to the North. The South Island was just stunning and our key highlights were Picton, Nelson, Frans Josef, Mount Cook, Lake Wanaka, Pancake rocks, blue pools, Kaikoura, Christchurch and the Marlborough and Charlotte sounds. Check out some of our pictures. 28th January We sadly dropped off the campervan today and Lesley was flying in. So after getting Jodie back and finding my apartment, and as I started to get sorted for leg 2 and pack ready for getting what I could on the bike and leaving the rest at the hire place; Lesley was at the door, so a beer and a catch up and some planning, and it was time for dinner.

The Story... Well.. I know many of you have wondered but how did I end up at the last minute going to NZ for a month... well my friends daughter who is 19 ( Jodie) is out there working as a gap student in a lovely girls school and has been asking me for ages to do a bit of traveling with her. It’s always been how the hell can I get extra time off etc. etc. Well just before Xmas, which was not a surprise (although the timing was) I was made redundant and within 24 hours I had decided to visit Jodie. I then set about planning and realised it was a long way to go and decided to tag a week or so on a bike on my own. This was an interesting coincidence because when we returned from South Africa I sent Chris a link to this bike company that looked awesome. So that was it, plans were made, a bit of time at Jodie’s as the girls were away, 2 weeks in a campervan with Jodie touring the South; 3 days in Auckland on my tod; collect my bike; tour the North and then home. Then ­ I woke up one Saturday morning to a text from Lesley Barber asking whether she could meet me in Auckland and join me for the second leg – brilliant ­. so that’s how it happened; total spontaneity on all counts.

29th to 30th January In my original plan I had built in a couple of days to get sorted before the bike leg, washing, banking, boring stuff, along with sightseeing. This worked out well as it gave Lesley a couple of days to get over the jet lag, we also did some stuff, visit to dealership, museum, etc. Thursday 31st January Well today was D­Day, we picked up the bikes (I had the Roadking and Lesley a Dyna Switchback), we got there at 8.30 am to be met by Tony, got sorted and packed and then headed up the highway 1 North to pick up the Twin Coast highway. This bought us to the Waipora forrest and the Tane Mahuta tree which is the oldest tree in NZ. We arrived at our overnight stop which had the most amazing views which we enjoyed over dinner. Friday 1st February

Today we were up sharpish to get the ferry across the estuary and also to have breakfast at the Boat Shed. We had been recommended to go there by Tony ­ say “Tony sent us”. Had a I am not going to blog the whole tour, frankly it will take up the lovely breakfast and ferry crossing, before then heading to Phaia whole mag, so just some milestones and then the bit on the bikes. (Bay of Islands ) to do a boat trip ­ again it was rough, so we backed off the idea and ignored the sat nav and did our own thing. We did Sunday 13th January This was it, time to go. Mikey took me to Heathrow, it was sad and I the whole West/East Coast twin coast highway, before heading to Phaia. We nearly didn’t make it as Lesley was really low on fuel and shed a few tears as I knew I would miss him and prepared myself the petrol station that was supposed to be there was closed. Lesley for the grueling flight. was on fresh air and a prayer as we rode into the gas station. I arrived on Tuesday 15th in the afternoon ( yep it takes that long) but didn't suffer with jetlag at all. After a couple of days chilling and sightseeing in Auckland, Jodie and I collected our van and we were off.

Got to hotel, beer, swim, hot tub, life is cool.

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A Tale from Down Under

Jodie and I up Sky Tower

Ice climbing up Franz Josef Glacier


Our home for the two weeks in the South

Pancake Rocks

A Corrugated dog in Tirau

Becky overlooking Charlotte Sounds The Blue Pools of Haas

Becky and Jodie about to embark on the Fastest zipwire

A visit to the dealership

Lesley Getting into the holiday mood

Route planning chick style

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Becks and the locals

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A Tale from Down Under


Saturday 2nd February Well today was about getting through the miles as we went all the way from the North to Waihi in the South of the North Island, where we are based for two nights as tomorrow we ride the Coromandel loop. Waipu was our first stop for the day for brunch and then we headed back towards Auckland. The views as we drove over the Auckland Harbour bridge of the City with the sun shining were stunning. We then continued up Highway 1 South until we hit the road that headed to the Thermal Highway. Stunning scenery with a Gorge to finish with. After our 398 kilometers we then arrived at Bas and Ali’s apartment (They run Bulurangi tours) and where we were stopping there are 3 rooms. A German couple is in 1 as it is their daughter in laws wedding and two guys from Norfolk are in the other, they are here for a month touring. The house/apartment that we hired are really well equipped and we decided rather than eat out that we would BBQ so Ali gave us a lift to the Supermarket and we had a lush supper. She also ran us by the town’s goldmine which yields 4 million dollars worth of gold in a week and employs 700 local people. Sunday 3rd February Awesome….what can I say about today. We left at 8.00 and headed for Peroa and then headed for the Coromandel Peninsula to ride the loop. WOW! within minutes we were riding along the top of beaches and up and down passes. It is 295 kilometers long. First stop was Waimoru for a fab breakfast at the beach café. For the first few hours we were stopping every 20 minutes or so to take photos… until we realized that this would take us all day so we cracked on. On route the scenery was stunning. We then stopped at the hot water beaches for a swim and sunbathe but could not swim as it was a tad rough, but we had a nice chill and a cup of tea and cake. Lesley led nearly all of today and did an awesome job, we also got brownie points as a couple of other groups also went out and got lost. Wherever I go my map goes, don’t over rely on sat navs, and we didn’t get lost. Monday 4th February

was red hot, who would have believed it. After a chill and a sit in the sun we then went for diner at the Rivers pub. We both had the same, A bread basket, followed by Surf and Turf and a nice bottle of Kopotiki Bay… god it was hot at night, so hot I struggled to sleep or even move. Tuesday 5th February Well today life threw everything at us, we left Gisborne and it rained and hailed and blew like a mini cyclone. This part of NZ has had no rain for 7 weeks and they are desperate for it ( we were not) and you can imagine, like a ski area what happens when you get a down pour on dry stuff, well it happened. Landslides, collapsed roads, trees on roads, logging trucks creating our own personal car wash… I could go on. We left Gisborne at 8.30 and had to have lots of stops along the way…. It was so wet and cold. When we eventually arrived at the Hilton at Lake Taupo (and I have to say that the last hour was just horrendous) we were like drowned rats, really wet through, nothing would of kept us dry. As I went to check in we left the biggest of puddles and the receptionist took one look at us (or her floor) and offered us drying facilities. We did not need to be asked twice, we stripped in the corridor and then she showed us to our room. We were like two teenagers who had not stayed in a hotel before as anything the way we were feeling was luxury.. oh we have bath robes and fluffy slippers and a mini bar and a pool and a spa… all of which we made use of as we thought this would be the only way to warm up. After showers and making ourselves presentable, we then went to dinner, via the receptionist to thank her, I don’t think she could believe her eyes… was this the same women. A fab dinner with a sunset followed and we slept like logs… ( with our special pillows) Wednesday 6th February Wow, what a difference a day makes…we woke up to the amazing sunrise and a blue bird day as they say here not a cloud in the sky. First stop was Huka Falls, which were just stunning, enough water flows through in a minute to fill 5 Olympic pools. We then had brekky in Tapou before heading on our route proper which was the most stunning of routes I have ever been on. From lakes to mountains to Volcanoes to forests to bush.. just stunning. Well the rain woke me up in the middle of the night and when we The weather was glorious and the roads amazing… we then got woke up later it was wet. We headed along the Pacific Highway, back to Taupo and I filled my bike and as I left the petrol station I skirting Rotorua and also Bay of Plenty, along the way we also stopped at a Kiwi farm, that’s the fruit not the birds or people. We lost all power and the bike limped up the hill. Panic slightly as the Hilton is up a massive hill and the bike really struggled up the hill. had breakfast here and I did a bit more souvenir shopping. We then continued along the Pacific Highway to the Waioeka Gorge, So we then rang Baz, who taught us how to do diagnostics and eh which was a 60 mile long gorge which was just stunning. We entered it in the rain and left it in the sun. The last 70 k to Gisborne ho the bike was fixed and I went for a roar of the Hilton Car Park.

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A Tale from Down Under


Girls on Tour

The biggest tree in NZ

Opinoni… view from dinner

Crossing the Estuary

The West Coast Northlands

Beach riding…

A bit of posing

Out of this world

More route planning at the kiwi

Gorge riding

My 100% waterproofs!!!!!!

Our Pillow menu.­ whatever next

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A Tale from Down Under


Next stop were the hot springs which were at the bottom of the hotel and we had a soak in a private pool. Thursday 7th February Well today we woke up and to be honest we were pretty sad, the bikes were going back. It was real mixed emotions for me, on one hand I was sad to be leaving NZ and my big adventure and on the other I was so excited to be seeing Mikey’s face at Terminal 3... but we decided to make the most of the last day. The bikes were due back at Tonys at 5.00 so we aimed for 4.45, allowing for a little bit of contingency. So we headed back into the volcanic area and then cut across to find Waitamo caves which are famous for Glow Worms. They were amazing, unfortunately you were not allowed to use flash and therefore the piccies are not good. After a couple of hours at the caves, we then headed back to Auckland and dropped the bikes off, followed by our end of tour dinner ( I could have a few beers tonight) Friday 8th February.. Well today I was heading home and Lesley was getting the train to Wellington for 5 nights. The trip home was a long one, plus loosing those 13 hours I gained at the beginning, I don't mind admitting I felt shite when I got home, but like anything, it doesn't take you long to get over it and it was worth it. In conclusion We will be going again and we will be hiring bikes and I would definitely use Bulurangi bikes. Baz and Ali were awesome. I would just hire bikes and do the rest myself like I did as it’s a pretty easy country to navigate. NZ is amazing, stunning with brilliant roads and lovely people. Petrol and accommodation is cheap, food and drink about the same as home and there is so much to do. It is a very casual country, jeans, flip flops and shorts are standard dress and they like being outdoors. I know it’s a long away away, but if you go for 3 weeks and just do either the North or the South and build in time at the beginning and end you won’t even notice it. Someone said to me before I left, treat the flight like you are in a cinema on a 24 hour film fest and make the most of it. I did. Between both legs I did over 6000 kilometres, but there is still so much more to see. Recommend for a bike tour or even a holiday is 10 out of 10

The Morning after the night before

Lake Taupo

At least we can make a quick

One of the best rides I have ever done

A perfect end to a perfect day

Becky Ivers Girls did good!!

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Nene Valley Memories


Hi There, In 2006 I was a team Photogrpher for Revolution Racing at Rockingham Race Track where some of your members were giving a display on their Harleys. I have some photos from that day, especially a close足up of a member called Nobby (got his name from his badge)

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Martin’s Chapter Memories


This is my first dribble as the new Director and I am told I am limited to 300 words!!! So I will try and be brief. I would like to thank everyone who voted for me and I hope I will live up to your expectations. For those of you who did not vote for me, I hope that over time, you will consider that I serve the club well. I acknowledge that I have a great “Committee” to help me, their time is given up to serve you without grumbles and I know I will be calling on them and the members to pitch in and make Nene Valley a great Chapter to be connected to. As I said in my inaugural speech (apparently I banged on a bit – my chief critic, Lord Sooty, informs me) without Clive’s drive and commitment over the last three years Nene Valley HOG would not be the club it is today! Looking forward……..We have a great calendar of all sorts of events for the year and already the support for the ride outs has been beyond belief – From the beginning of March ­ to date we have had over 100 members participating in ride outs and rallies. As the HOG philosophy is to “ride and have fun” I think we can say we have mastered this one! Nene Valley had a great turn out for Cider Rally – the club was well represented with around 34 people attending and everyone knew we were there. DJ’s first record on the first night was Smoke on the Water for Nene Valley. Please see write up in mag. My next Dribble will be post European Rally Portugal so I will have plenty to dribble about. Get your thinking caps on about the Christmas do this year and next years rally – ideas welcome from all. Ride and have fun Martin aka SO BAD

This is the story around the saying and involves a Silver Blue Heritage Softail. The story really starts In April 2003 ­ I purchased a 100th Anniversary Road King Custom meaning we had a 1996 Heritage Softail as well as the Road King. At the time the intention was to ship one of the bikes over to Milwaukee for the 100th anniversary whilst keeping the other one at home to ride during the summer of 2003. Deb (my wife) was then going to take her test as she loved the Evo and wanted to keep it in the family. Plans are all well and good, but at times they never come off due to unforeseen circumstances. During Spring Fever 2003 Rally, Deb felt a lump (she didn’t mention anything to me at the time) and on returning from the Rally she went to the doctors. On 28th May 2003 she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. After having an operation we hoped that everything had been a success and life would return to normal. Deb was till keen to take her test and one day ride along side me on the Evo. In late June we travelled to the 100th Anniversary Celebrations in Barcelona with our Nene Valley Chapter friends and had a really good time. This was our first European event and we looked forward to many more in the future. We returned from Barcelona on 1st July to find a letter on our doorstep for an appointment that day with our Oncologist, Craig. On arriving at the hospital Deb already knew what she was going to be told (women’s intuition or what). Her suspicions were confirmed when Craig told us that there were some complications. What do you do? Well there is only one thing to do and that is get on with life. Moaning about it is not going to help matters. After a short period of feeling sorry for herself, in Debs case a couple of days she made the statement, “I’m too busy and have got too much to do to let this interfere with my life”. How true this would be.

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Martin’s Chapter Memories Anyway back to the bike test, Deb quite rightly put it on hold, but the Evo was still sat in the garage waiting for the day Deb would be able to ride it. With the onslaught of Chemo and Radio therapy we finally had to make the decision to get rid of the Evo in early 2004. Deb found it very difficult as it held many dreams, and had put us on the path that we find ourselves on today with the Chapter and Harley­Davidson. You could say it changed our lives! In May 2004, with some encouragement from Craig, Deb decided to take her motorcycle test and passed on her first attempt. She bought herself a new Heritage Softail, but I knew deep down it was only a substitute for the ‘Evo’. Moving forward to April 2006, some 3 years after we had sold the Evo, we were at home when Gyspy (Lee) rings to say that our old bike has just pulled up on the forecourt at Silverstone. We rush down the Dealership and introduce ourselves to the owner and learn that he was considering selling the bike on ebay as he had just ordered a new bike. We go home and Deb makes the decision that we will buy the bike back whatever. After getting hold of the owner’s full name and address we contact him and make an offer – the same offer that we sold it for 3 years previous, after a bit of bartering we had a deal. The following week we went to pick the bike up which had been kept in a shed for the previous 3 years. I rode the bike the 15 miles home and immediately started stripping it down. Firstly the tin was sent off to be painted in the same colour, as that was one of the attractions for Deb. Now ­ how far would she allow me to go in putting my own personal touches to it? I tried persuading her that she would look good riding it with Ape Hangers but that was a big NO. Other than that she trusted me and we worked together on what she wanted and how she envisaged the bike to look. With the help of some our own club members the bike was first finished in July 2007 ready for Squires and Spires V but when Deb tried riding it, it was still a bit too high for her to ride safely, especially with the conditions that weekend so it was back to the drawing board. Through the winter of 2007 the seat springs were lowered, an extension put on the jiffy stand and a different set of risers along with wrapping the exhaust to stop her from burning her little legs. The other main problem was the clutch on the Evo which was still too hard even after putting an easy clutch in it. Steve down the dealership came to the rescue and she now has a clutch lighter than most new models.


After everything that had happened over the last 5 years, as well as what the bike meant to Deb, I was keen for her to take her first real ride out on it at the Mayors Run on 5th April especially with the Charity concerned. On Friday 4th April Deb took the bike out for its first run with her in the hot seat. After getting used to the clutch everything went smoothly ready for the Mayors Run. The intention was for us to ride at the back with Oz as Deb was still getting used to the bike. Unfortunately it didn’t work out that way but Barry the Chop & Kevin Gee was behind her and kept an eye on her. I was alongside Barry and seeing Deb on the bike brought back a lot of memories of the last 5 years. There are far too many to mentioned, but the one thing that springs to mind is, that without naming names, the number of people within the Chapter who have supported Deb during that time. Some of you may not even know what you have done, but it has been a source of strength, thank you. Well now the ‘Evo’ is back in the family it will never go anywhere again, and I look forward to riding alongside Deb for many years to come. Martin Dickinson

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Humour Corner


SCAM Warning – You have been Warned ! Over the last month I have become a victim of a clever 'Eastern European' scam while out shopping. Simply dropping into Sainsbury's supermarket for a bit of shopping turned out to be quite an experience. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends. Here's how the scam works: Two seriously good­looking voluptuous 20­21 year­old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the boot. They both start cleaning your windscreen, their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T­shirts. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they'll say 'No' and instead ask you for a lift to another supermarket, in my case, Tesco's. You agree and they both get in the back seat. On the way, they start undressing, until both are completely naked. Then, when you pull over to remonstrate, one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over your lap, kissing you, touching you intimately, and thrusting herself against you, while the other one steals your wallet! I had my wallet stolen on February 1st, 4th, 6th, 10th and 13th and twice yesterday. So please warn all the older men you know to be on the lookout for this scam. The best times seem to be just before lunch and about 4:30 in the afternoon. P.S. Aldi have cheap wallets on sale for £1.99 each but Lidl wallets are £1.75 and look better. ALERTS TO THREATS IN 2012 EUROPE: BY JOHN CLEESE The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved." Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." The English have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re­categorized from "Tiresome" to "A Bloody Nuisance." The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada. The Scots have raised their threat level from "Pissed Off" to "Let's get the Bastards." They don't have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years. The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide." The only two higher levels in France are "Collaborate" and "Surrender." The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country's military capability. Italy has increased the alert level from "Shout Loudly and Excitedly" to "Elaborate Military Posturing." Two more levels remain: "Ineffective Combat Operations" and "Change Sides." The Germans have increased their alert state from "Disdainful Arrogance" to "Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs." They also have two higher levels: "Invade a Neighbour" and "Lose."

Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels. The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy. Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from "No worries" to "She'll be all right, Mate." Two more escalation levels remain: "Crikey! I think we'll need to cancel the Barbie this weekend!" and "The Barbie is cancelled" So far no situation has ever warranted use of the last final escalation level. John Cleese ­ British writer, actor and tall person A final thought ­“ Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting aggressive, and Rome is in disarray. Welcome back to 430 BC." Male ecstasy (50 shades of grey) He was in ecstasy with a huge smile on his face as his wife moved forward, then backwards, forward, then backwards again, back and forth, back and and and out. Her heart was pounding...her face was flushed...then she moaned,softly at first, then began to groan louder. Finally, totally exhausted, she let out an almighty scream and shouted................. "OK, OK! I CAN'T park the f­­­­­­g car! You do it, you SMUG bastard!"

Donald at a Funeral A bagpiper, Donald played many gigs. Recently he was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be in a Pauper’s cemetery in a remote glen. As he was not familiar with the area, he got lost and, being atypical man, didn’t stop for directions. He finally arrived an hour late and saw the undertaker had evidently gone, and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. Donald felt terrible and apologised to the men for being late. He went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. He didn’t know what else to do, so he started to play. The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. He played his heart out for this man with no family or friends. He played like he’d never played before for this homeless man, and as he played ‘Amazing Grace’, the workers began to weep. They wept and wept, they all wept together, When he finished he packed up his bagpipes and made for the car. His head hung low, his heart was full. As he opened the door of the car, he heard the foreman say, “och ! och! I never seen nothin’ like that before and I’ve been putting in septic tanks for twenty years”.

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February Committee MoM

Spring 2013

Towcester Rugby Club 7.15 pm on 13th February 2013 Please note that some of the items have been omitted since they are events past. The complete and unedited minutes are available in the member’s area of the website.

Editor Update

Committee Members Present: Dave Burridge (Assistant Director & Activities Officer) John Nicholas (Treasurer) Mike Ivers (Head Road Captain) Jan Harter (Ladies of Harley) Scot Haynes (Webmaster) Steve Harris (Safety Officer) Maria Lapsley (Secretary) Chris Lapsley (Editor) Mike Wakelin (Merchandising Officer)

March’s E­mag has been sent to the Webmaster to add to the Website. The printing firm used by the Chapter has moved premises & the Editor has made contact with two of the former Employees from the printing firm & they are prepared to print the Mag at the same rates as before. It was decided that they be given a trial for March’s Magazine.

Apologies : Martin Dickinson

It was suggested that all the Old Pins should be put in a box & the members should be invited to help themselves. Members should be invited to design a Logo for a Chapter t­shirt.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.

Financial Report Finances are still very healthy, and nothing much has changed. There are no real issues and no outstanding issues. Membership Report Membership currently stands at 189. 117 paying members. There were 6 new members this month. Activity Officer Update Quiz Night to be held – date to be advised 24/04/2013 – Treasure Hunt is planned for this date. Head Road Captain Update A Road Captains meeting is planned for the 19th February to finalise planned Ride outs in 2013 Safety Officer Update Nothing new to report. Webmaster Update Has had a few more Rally bookings – will confirm the numbers to Ass Director. It has come to the members’ attention that the Cover Web Page needs updating to 2013. The Webmaster is to review photos on the banner & update. The Rally Page needs to be update to go to the 2013 Rally page.

LOH Update Nothing to report Merchandise Update

Committee Positions The Director has decided to stand down at the end of his tenure of 2 years. Several Primary positions have come to the end of their 2 years. Nominations are to be invited for these positions. The Editor is to send a Global e­mail inviting nominations. Rally 2013 – 16th to 18th August • Ticket sales are underway but slow. The Webmaster is to liaise with the Rally Co­ordinator with info on number of tickets sold • The Venue/Music, Chapter Games & Food are all in hand & the Rally Pins have been ordered. Portable showers etc. will be provided. • The Oxford dealership has been invited to set up a stall. V­Twin will be judging the Bike Show. • Security for the Rally needs to be arranged – the Rally Organiser must check with the Rugby Club if there is another Function on during the same weekend e.g. Rugby Match. This must be addressed and any Security put in place must take this into account. • Webmaster is to add the details of accommodation available in the surrounding area to the Website. • Leaflets & Posters are to be printed to distribute. AOB The AGM date was tentatively set for 12th June. The Assistant Director is to check with the Rugby Club if they can provide a BBQ. The Daventry Bike Fest has invited the Chapter to attend. This is to be held on the 18th May and must be confirmed with the organisers.

The question was put to the Committee whether we should take part in the There being no other business the meeting was closed at 8.25 p.m. Milton Keynes Carnival.

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March 2013 Wed 13th Sat 16th Sat 23rd Sun 31st

Club Night New Members Ride & LoH Skittles Memorial Ride Easter Egg Run

Towcester Rugby Club Ride to skittles venue the 3 Conies Pub Thorpe Mandeville Rutland Water Keech Hospice

Sat 6th Sun 7th Wed 10th 20­21st April Thurs 25th Sat 27th Sun 28th

Lord Mayor’s Ride Warwickshire Ride Club Night Dragon & Dyke Ride Harley Davidson Night LoH Zumba have a go day Treasure Hunt

Northampton Midlands Towcester Rugby Club Forest of Dean and Offa’s Dyke Ace Café, London TBC Details to follow

Sun 5 th Wed 8th Sat 11th 10th – 13th May 18th – 19th May Sat 25th Thurs 30th

Pub Run Club Night Micro Brewery Ride Iron Horse Rally Devonshire Coast Ride Prison Run Harley Davidson Night

Evesham & return Towcester RFC Towcester Rugby Club North Warwickshire

Sun 2 nd 8th & 9th June

Matlock Ride Summer Solstice Ride

Wed 12th 14th – 16th June Wed 19th Thurs 27th Sun 30th

Club Night & AGM OCCB Rally Wootton Beavers Ride Harley Davidson Night Ride to the Arboretum

Derbyshire Yorkshire & Seaside overnight camping in Filey Towcester Rugby Club Chassepierre, Belgium Wootton Ace Café, London Alrewas, Staffordshire

4th – 7th July Sat 6th Wed 10th 13th ­14th July

Wake the Lakes Rally Carnival Ride Club Night Beaulieu Ride

Sat 20th Thurs 25th Sat 27th Sun 28th Wed 31st

Brecon Beacons Ride Harley Davidson Night Lacock Ride Seaside Ride Classics on the Common

Kendal, Cumbria Newport Pagnell Towcester Rugby Club Sammy Miller & Beaulieu Motor Museum, New Forest Mid Wales Ace Café, London Lacock Skegness Harpenden

Sun 4 th Wed 7th Wed 14th Sun 11th 16th – 18th Aug 23rd – 26th August Thurs 29th

Breakfast Ride Classics on the Common Club Night British Music Experience /O2 NV ‘Old Scholl’ Rally Thunder in the Glens Rally Harley Davidson Night

TBC Croxley Green Towcester Rugby Club O2 Arena, London Towcester Rugby Club Aviemore, Scotland Ace Café, London

Sun 1 st 3rd – 8th Sept Sun 8 th Sun 15th Wed 11th Sat 21st Thurs 26th Sat 28th Sun 29th

Chatsworth House Ride Faaker See Rally Breakfast Ride Cream Tea Ride Club Night Eco Ride Harley Davidson Night LoH Shopping Ride RAF Hendon

Chesterfield Austria TBC Henley Towcester Rugby Club TBC Ace Café, London TBC North London

Sat 5th Wed 9th Sun 13th Thurs 31st

RTTW 6 & The Return Club Night Brightona Harley Davidson Night

NMA Alrewas Towcester Rugby Club TBC Ace Café, London

From 7.30pm New Members ride departs Jacks Hill Café 10,00am. Skittles details to follow ‘So Bad’ Leading ‘Mikey’ Leading

April 2013 ‘So Bad’ Leading 09.30 leaving from Jacks ‘Jedi@ Leading 10.30 leaving Jacks From 7.30pm ‘Slow Hand’ Leading Check Website for confirmation & details TBC

May 2013

Devon TBC Ace Café, London

‘Mikey’ Leading Real Ale day at Towcester From 7.30pm ‘Owl’ Leading See St Ledger Chapter website ‘Pasty’ Leading ‘So Bad’ Leading Check Website for confirmation & details

June 2013 ‘Becks’ Leading leaving Jacks 09.30 ‘Slow Hand’ Leading From 7.30pm Checkout Orval Chapter website ‘The Ambassador’ Leading – leaving Jacks 18.00 Check Website for confirmation & details ‘The Ambassador’@ Leading leaving Jacks 10.00

July 2013 Check out Red Rose Chapter website Mikey Leading TBC From 7.30pm ‘Sharpie’ Leading leaving Jacks 09.30 ‘Pasty’ Leading leaving Jacks 08.30 Check Website for confirmation & details Jan Leading leaving Jacks 10.00 Chris Ringer Leading ‘So Bad ‘ leading leaving Jacks 18.00 tbc

August 2013 ‘Rickie’ Leading ‘Sharpie’ Leading leaving Jacks 15.00 From 7.30pm ‘Mikey’ Leading leaving Jacks 09.30 Check Announcements Check out Dunedin Chapter website Check Website for confirmation & details

September 2013 ‘Groundhog’ Leading Chapter ride lead by ‘So Bad’ ‘Rickie’ Leading ‘Becks’ Leading leaving Jacks 11.00 From 7.30pm ‘The Rev’ Organising. Starting from Jacks 10.00 Check Website for confirmation & details TBC Chris Ringer Leading

October 2013 ‘Mikey’ & ‘Slow Hand’ Leading From 7.30pm ‘Bob the Bus’ Leading Check Website for confirmation & details

Disclaimer: The Editor accepts no responsibility for the views and comments expressed in this publication. All views and comments contained are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Nene Valley H.O.G®, Harley Davidson®, their agents, or authorised dealers. All H.O.G.® Logos and marks are used under licence in accordance with article X of the current H.O.G.® Annual Charter for H.O.G.® Chapters.

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