Peak Riders Easter 13

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Peak Riders News Letter - Easter 2013

Peak Riders (H.O.G.速 Chapter #9943)

c/o Harley World # 9943

Station Road Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9EX

Sponsoring Dealer




Cover Cover— — Back to the Peaks


Director’s Dribble


Kaptain’s Korner


Social Events March/April


Dave’s Testimonial


Ride Reports


Special Feature Feature— —Jakarta

11 11--13

Special Feature -Group Riding

14 14--15

2013 Events Calendar

17 17--18

2013 Rides and Rallies

19 19--36

Chernobyl Childrens Life Line




Owt For A Larff


39 39--40

JOIN IN THE ADVENTURE To join the Peak Riders Chapter and the Harley Owners Group (HOG) Contact a Peak Riders Officer, Talk to the HarleyWorld staff or email Or view our web site

SENDING IN ARTICLES Should you have anything of interest you want to share or have an advert to place, all you have to do is email Gordon the editor Please send them through either in an e e--mail or a Microsoft Word, Publisher or plain text format.

What a changeable month or two we have had with the weather. Last year in March we had a heat wave.... This year it was a “freeze wave”. Our new Road Captains can certainly vouch for the freeze comment! I did get caught in a freezing snow storm many years ago in my youth on a T140R Bonny, the memory of almost numb everything and the inability to pull in the clutch and front brake due to the cold still haunts me today, 30 years later ! So a big hearty clap of hands is due for to the new RC’s for braving the weather to attend the RC Course in Oxford in very inclement weather. I suspect a number of you will need some exercise after munching your way through a mountain of chocolate Easter Eggs and other chocolate offerings. Well, now that the riding season is back with us, you can work off those calories cleaning the bikes after the rides ! Wipe on, wipe off :) On a personal note, my pink!! Weiss jacketed pillion, Jayne, and I are getting married on 12th July. We are hoping some of you will come for a “ride in” during the evening (7pm ish) at the Dodworth based reception,. Carl, The Chapter photographer, will be there to capture those who ride in to help us celebrate. The wedding theme is Harley Davidson, what else ? Please email me for invite if you want to come along. Gordon

Richard Willey Roy & Kim Clark

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Director’s Dribble


Hi Hogsters, And welcome to the Easter edition of my “Dribble”. As I write this, I can see through my ‘office’ window that snowflakes are falling ….. again ….. but my PC clock is telling me that British Summer Time (BST) is about to arrive. Incredible!!! Unfortunately, the weather has impacted in a negative way on the start of our season. Geoff’s kick-off ride to the Peaks had to be cancelled and our member recruitment drive at HarleyWorld was like a “Billy No-mates Convention” due to the snow-out. However, four brave Peak Riders souls did make it to the St Leger ride to the Mablethorpe Motorcycle Festival a week earlier, although it did turn out to be a bit of a wash-out ….. and I’m still cleaning the muck off Sabrina (the new Electra Glide Kim & I got for Xmas)! But let’s keep positive. The good weather and brilliant riding is only a forecast or two away. At least I hope so as it’s only a month until we start the rally season. The worry is I’m camping at the Iron Horse Rally the second week of May and have visions of clearing snow off a tent - brrrrrrr. Talking of the new riding season, we now have a full complement of Road Captains following the successful HOG training weekend of our new recruits. Congratulations to: Geoff Guy; Bryan Hartshorn; Steve Britnell; Carl Walters; and Joe Upton who all successfully completed the course. They braved the elements to travel down to Oxford for the training and had a particularly memorable ride home on the Sunday – I’m happy to report that Carl is now out of the dangerous stage of his hypothermiaJ. Seriously, a magnificent effort chaps. I’m extremely proud of you all. The guys are now chomping at the bit, waiting to put those newly acquired skills into practice. I’m sure they (and the other Road Captains) will provide lots of excellent rides in the coming weeks …… once the weather improves. Talking of Sabrina, the new bike. Has Harley-Davidson changed the specification of their Electra Glide bikes? Up until Xmas, Kim & I fitted nicely onto Candice as we merrily scooted along the country lanes of the Peak District. But since then, something has changed? …… Might it be length of the seat on the new bike??? We now find that sitting two up is a very cramped affair, involving me having to occupy the petrol tank to get us both on! A change of specification, or too much Xmas pud – I’ll let you all make up your own minds!!! However, I’m pleased to

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Director’s Dribble


report that Geoff Hepp has come to our rescue and used his engineering prowess to manufacture a solution, providing an additional gut-accommodating 1.5 inches of space to ease the squeeze. But enough frivolity and back to the serious stuff. You’ll be pleased to know that the Rally Committee are doing some sterling work to get the Back To The Peaks Rally ready for the end of June. The Miraj Hotel is sorted, the bands are booked, suppliers selected for the merchandise and the orders are now being placed. The weekend’s operational and management plans are formed, and the ride-out planning is well underway. Even though I say so myself, this is shaping up to be a cracking eventcracking event. If you haven’t got your ticket yet, don’t delay as you don’t want to miss this one. Don’t forget the other rallies we are supporting this year too. It’s too late now to get your pin and tee-shirt for the Iron Horse Rally (10-13 May), but tickets are still on sale and there should be a good Peak Riders turn out. There is the Fenlanders Rally (2528 July) and Thunder In The Glens (23-26 Aug) too. The tickets are now available and on sale for HarleyWorld’s Lightning Rally (2-4 Aug) – book ‘em online via the HarleyWorld website. The Peak Riders weekends are shaping up nicely. But Adam Baillie is still taking bookings for the Bush Nook (13-15 Sept) Northumberland weekend. So if you fancy a very social weekend up in Hadrian’s Wall country with your Peak Riders chum and some cracking riding, then please contact Adam. And finally for this edition, warm congratulations to Steve Britnell. No sooner has he stitched his Road Captains patch onto his waistcoat, he now has a Safety Officers one to go with it. I’m extremely pleased that Steve has taken on this role and I’m sure we all in the Chapter will benefit from his contributions in the future. Please help and support Steve and he comes to grips with this new challenge. Ride Safe Phil

Meet the Peak Riders


A “Meet the Peak Riders day was held in March, despite the weather. Another one will be held in April with a “Meet Peak Riders” event at HarleyWorld,13th April 11:00 to 15:00. A chance to meet the Chapter and have a chat about what we do and the benefits of joining up. All welcome and any existing member help appreciated.

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Kaptain’s Korner


Hello Peak Riders Well it’s Sunday 24th March 2013 and we should be out on our first ride of the 2013 programme (not including Brass Monkeys of course!) and here I am sitting at my computer composing this Kaptains Korner message for the next newsletter. …….. and that is not good! Apparently 2012 was the warmest March on record and 2013 is looking to be the coldest, which is no comfort to those of us who like to ride our bikes. I’ve just telephoned Blaze Farm where we planned to stop for lunch and they’ve been ‘snowed in’ for the last two days. Our five new Road Captains attended the HOG Road Captains course at Oxford on the 9th and 10th of March and having successfully completed the programme returned the 125 miles home in Blizzard conditions. A BIG thank you to these ‘gentlemen’ (oh yes they are!) for their commitment to the Peak Riders Chapter and membership. For the ‘Back to the Peaks’ Rally, we’ve arranged for the Saturday ride out to stop off at Ilam Hall in the Manifold Valley for refreshments and a photo shoot. Phil and I had a very friendly and positive meeting with the Estate Manager, Head Ranger and the Catering Manager and they’ve reserved a large parking area in front of the hall for us and they’re putting on a BBQ just for us. The Chapter has visited Ilam Hall previously and it’s a great place to stop. We’ll also be catering for the really ‘keen’ rally goers with a short (ish) ride out on the Friday afternoon taking in the delights of the Amber Valley and Carsington Reservoir. The new Harley has been in my garage for a week now and I’ve managed just one mile on it. But I have fitted the highway pegs, tuned in the radio, intercom and CB and given it a coat of Meguiars wax polish, so it really is ready to go. I’m really chuffed with the paint job and it’s turned out looking exactly as I imagined it would, but you never know until you see the complete finished article. Harleyworld’s Birthday Bash is on Saturday 27th April and we need Peakriders to marshal the car park at Harleyworld in the morning and the ride in the afternoon. On the ride itself, we plan to place all the chapter members at the front of the ride wearing hi-viz vests and use the 2nd man drop system to mark the junctions. This worked really well last year and means that we can all take part in the ride out, but we’ll need a minimum of 22 members on the ride to mark all the junctions. We’ll be having a practice run the weekend before on Saturday 20th April…….so please come and support these events. So, please keep an eye on the events calendar on the Peak Riders website, and weather permitting we’ll be into our ride programme for the year. Ride safely Geoff H

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Social/Chapter Events April ÂŽ


Chesterfield Bowl Storforth Lane Chesterfield S40 2TU Thursday April 11th Starting at 7:30 pm

April 11 is the Peak Riders Annual Bowling Challenge & is a really fun night out. 4 lanes have been booked. The bowling money and food order had to be done up front so if you're intending to go and had not paid by the March Chapter meeting, you will not be able to Bowl but you are still welcome as a supporter. Food is available in the form of basket meals which are ÂŁ5 each. Please let a Chapter Officer know if you intend to come and support.

The next monthly meeting will be on 31st March 2011 7:30pm for a 8:00pm Start CHAPTER The Monthly MeetingMEETING will be held at : The Olde House Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN Tel : 01246 274321

The April Chapter Meeting will be on Thursday 25th April 2013 7:30pm for 8:00pm The meeting will be at: The Olde House, Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN

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Social/Chapter Events May ®


Thursday 9th May

Chinese Night 中国夜 Ka China Cantonese Restaurant 114 School Road Wales, Sheffield S26 5QJ (Old Waleswood Hotel) Pre-booking with Cath Wales req. Be on table for 7:30 The next monthly meeting will be on 31st March 2011 7:30pm for a 8:00pm Start CHAPTER The Monthly MeetingMEETING will be held at : The Olde House Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN Tel : 01246 274321

The May Chapter Meeting will be on Thursday 30th May 2013 7:30pm for 8:00pm The meeting will be at: The Olde House, Loundsley Green, Newbold, Chesterfield, S40 4RN

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New Peak Riders


We’re having a recruitment drive during March and April with “Meet Peak Riders” events at HarleyWorld on 23rd March and and 13th April 11:00 to 15:00 on each day

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Ride Report


Mablethorpe Motorcycle Festival — by Dave Hughes Saturday 19th March was the annual Mablethorpe Motorcycle festival. Peak Riders, along with Aire Valley, St. Leger and Lincoln Chapters were to meet up together to provide a presence at the event. Four Peak Riders, Phil Jackson, Joe Upton, Peter Jackson and I, Dave, met up at Harleyworld in order to fly the flag. The weather was grey, overcast and a bit nippy but after a hot drink we were ready for the off. Phil was on his swish new Ultra, Peter was on his Heritage and Joe and dave rode the MT350's. We went via Barlborough, Worksop, Retford, Gainsborough and then on to Willingham woods, just outside Market Rasen. The journey was not uneventful. Rain started 15 minutes in to the ride, drizzle at first but then got steadily heavier. 10 miles from Market Rasen brought heavy winds that came from every direction and with increasing intensity. Caused a few brown trouser moments. At Willingham woods we took on much needed hot drinks and met up with the St.Leger and Aire valley chapters. Lincoln did not turn up. Possibly a sensible move. In total there were 20 bikes and we were taken through some seriously twisty country lanes to get to the seafront at Mablethorpe. It would have been great in dry conditions but the wind became seriously heavy, the rain intensified and there were large puddles, manure and other detritus that had to be navigated. It was a relief when "sunny" Mablethorpe came in to view and we were marshalled in to a reserve parking spot right in the middle of the festival area. Unfortunately, the inclement weather did not attract much of a crowd and there was a subdued atmosphere at the event. Peter decided to head back home after a short walk around as he was keen to watch the Rugby. It appeared he had a decent ride home ! The remaining trio had a wander, chatted to a few fellow bikers and then decided to plough our own furrow and go back ourselves. Weather wise it was quite depressing and the sparse crowds were starting to dissipate quite quickly. We had a pit stop at Willingham woods (avoided the nasty twisties) and upon setting off the weather cleared. This meant that the ride back was in quite sunny conditions and the wind dropped considerably. Therefore, it was very enjoyable indeed. Phil took us through Gainsborough and then peeled off through Oldcoates and Blyth which was a very good route. Ended up going through Dinnington and then we went our separate ways at South Anston. It was good to get home but as usual within ten minutes of being back in the house, you were itching to saddle up and go out again. A good start to the season as it put at least 200 miles under our belts. - Dave

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Ride Report


MT Roads We have a number of members with Harley MT350’s, the ex-Army Motorcycle from 1993 to 2000, that are used as hacks or winter transport. Dave Hughes and Joe Upton both recently acquired one each and bravely ventured out in the February cold. Dave writes the follow report. MT Roads Well not quite EMPTY roads today (9/2/13) but due to the grey, cold and damp conditions they were relatively empty of bikers. Joe Upton and myself decided to brave the elements by going on a familiar route in to the Hope Valley and beyond. We both chose our HD MT350's to tackle the ride as they do not have any shiny chrome and virtually laugh at the threat of salt. Joe had picked up his new (1996) steed the week before and his maiden voyage was from Keighley to Clowne in inclement weather that was of almost biblical proportions. As I had my maiden ride from Whitley Bay to Sheffield then we felt that this little jaunt would be a breeze. We set off from Harleyworld fortified by hot beverages and followed the road out through Barlow. The ride up towards Owler bar was twisty and in place full of puddles, horse poop and gravel mounds on the cambers. This was no bother for a seasoned rider such as Joe but as I am getting used to my knobblies, there were a couple of corners that were entered rather timidly. Our route took us down through Hathersage and Hope at a decent pace and by now we were both in the groove. Just prior to entering Castleton, a car driver decided that he required to drive across both sides of the road (on a bend) and I was within a whisker of becoming an accident statistic of some description. We stopped off in the car park at Castleton and our bikes drew attention from a fellow biker who was army trained and other members of the general populace. Joe had brought his Starbucks flask (bet they didn't pay tax on that either) to put some much needed warmth in to him and I repaired to a local Cafe. Joe swears that it has nothing to do with him being tight but is actually medically sensible. We then whizzed off past the Devil's Arse and positively blasted up Winnats Pass. Not bad for a single cylinder 350cc engine. Having come out of the Valley we were now in a different world. White and grey snow clad peaks seemed to envelope us and for about 3 miles it seemed that we had been transported to Scandinavia. The main road towards Tideswell crossroads brought only brief respite as the Alpine conditions were replaced with an increase in wind. A quick detour up through Wardlow, Monsal Head, Gt Longstone and Hassop brought us to Calver crossroads. This was quite a hoot and I lost count of how many bends we had taken. Our route then took us up through Froggat Edge and once again we

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Ride Report


MT Roads were in the twisties and it really brings a smile to your face. Onwards through Holmesfield and through Barlow brought us back, slightly cold, damp and pretty mucky to Harleyworld. Not sure of the mileage as my speedo was malfunctioning but it was very good fun indeed and it really is worth getting a winter bike. My bike went straight in the garage. It is dirty but I closed the garage door safe in the knowledge that this is how the bike prefers it. My Shiny Street Bob looked across with distain. Dave Hughes

Special Feature


Jakarta (Indonesia) Harley Davidson Dealership & Chapter

For some, Indonesia still cunjurs up an image in the mind of the film, “Krakatoa, East of Java” with relatively primitive natives. Modern Indonesia is quite different, especially the main cities of Jakarta and Surabaya. The main Island of the Indonesian Island group is Java, with Jakarta as the capital. 141 Million people live on the Island of Java with the remaining 100million Indonesian people spread over the remaining 900 inhabited

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Special Feature


Jakarta (Indonesia) Harley Davidson Dealership & Chapter Islands of the Indonesian island group. Jakarta itself has a population of over 10 million. So, you may think to yourself, there must be lots of Harleys ? Wrong !. The average Indonesian can barely afford a Honda cub or Kymco Scooter. 8.1 million Motorcycles were sold in Indonesia in 2011, 99.98% being small mopeds and scooters, only 0.02% of sales were heavyweight machines. Apart from Bali and Java, the road quality is not suited to heavyweight Harleys ! There are two Harley Davidson shops in Indonesia, one in Jakarta and another on the mainly tourist Island of Bali. Both are run by same dealer, Mabua. The Jakarta Dealership is the main shop and the Chapter centre. Although there has been a associate HOG chapter in Indonesia for an number of years, initially run mainly by retired US Military, the dealership only opened in 2008. The chapter is mainly made up of wealthy locals with a good sprinkling of ex-pats from USA, Australia and Europe. Unfortunately there was not a good English speaker in the shop during my visit (and I don’t speak Basi) to get an interview about the chapter, However I was gladly shown around. The Chapter club room is on a mezzanine overlooking the main showroom. It has a bar (BYO). Pool table, seating area with TV, washroom with shower and a private club storage area. The weather is very similar to Singapore, hot and humid for most of the year with a distinct monsoon season when riding is ill advised but possible. There were a number of motorcycle carrying

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Special Feature


Jakarta (Indonesia) Harley Davidson Dealership & Chapter

trailers for sale in the shop, to transport the prized possession over unpaved roads where an MT350 would be more at home. There seemed to be an lot of bikes all around the outside of the shop. With the few words of English, one guy told me some of these were the bikes of the chapter, where it was easier to leave the bikes at the shop than to tackle the horrendous Jakarta traffic. Two were Police bikes (Red & Blue in background of picture). Owners would come from all parts of Jakarta on Kymco Scooters and then jump on the Harley for the ride out. Motorcycles, regardless of size, are not allowed on the Toll Roads (Elevated Express), so having had personal experience of a 4 hour trip across the East side of Jakarta on the ground level roads in a car, I can understand the logic of leaving the HOG at the dealers and arriving by scooter or hauling it on a trailer behind an car and using the toll roads to arrive. Pity I could not visit at a weekend to see a ride.— Gordon

Just a reminder that we have an active Facebook page that is continually growing. It interacts with people from other chapters and people from all over the world. Join in and “like” at

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Special Feature


Group Riding with the Peak Riders. Riders.— —Part 2 In the second part of this series we will look at route marking, the buddy system and Motorway/Dual Carriageway riding. There are two universally accepted methods of marking a route. The two systems adopted by H.O.G. ® UK and Ireland are the Drop off System and the Buddy system. Selection of the best route marking system will depend on the size and type of ride as well as the experience of the ride participants. The default method is the “2nd Man Drop Off” System. 2nd Man Drop This system uses the rider immediately behind the Lead Road Captain, the 2nd Man in the ride. Where a route marker needs to be deployed, the Lead Road captain will signal a position they wish the drop off point to be. This will normally be at road junctions, so if you are the “2nd Man” and you see a road junction approaching be ready for the Lead Road Captains signal. You are responsible for your own safety and if you feel unsafe at the indicated drop off point, you should move to a position you feel safe or stop earlier than the indicated position. You should stop in a position that allows you to be clearly visible to following riders and other road users while maintaining your safety. Once dropped off, cancel your indicators (which could give false information) and signal the direction to take to following riders with your arm. Keep an eye on your rear view and be prepared to move off when you see the Sweeper appear and the last rider has passed. The Sweeper will leave sufficient room for you to set off in front on them. A useful tactic is to note the rider who was previously in front of you and was dropped off before you. They will now be the last rider, and when they pass you know the Sweeper is next and you can move off after checking it is safe. You may prefer to stop in gear and holding in the clutch so you can move off swiftly when the last rider passes. In this case you will need to indicate left turn directions using your right arm over your head as indicated in the graphic. There may be long gaps between groups of riders, especially when in town or urban locations due to traffic control. Do not leave your marker position until the Sweeper arrives. When you rejoin the ride, assume the same stagger position as before. On a long ride with few participants you may find yourself being dropped off a number of times. It is illegal to halt traffic, unless indicted by a police officer, and is not advised. Anyone who does, does so at their own risk and risk of prosecution.

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Special Feature


Group Riding with the Peak Riders. Riders.— —Part 2 The “Buddy system” tends to be adopted for smaller rides of experienced riders. The group is again led by a Road Captain, however, following riders simply follow at junctions but give a mirror check before and after the junction to ensure the following rider is a) in sight and b) has seen the turn. If the rider behind is not in sight the you should stop and mark the junction without any direction from road crew. There is usually a Sweeper and this is recommended although it is not essential. Where the Buddy System is used you will be required to keep the motorcycle behind you in general view along the route and in view when approaching and turning at a junction or round about. If you can’t see the bike behind you then wait for them to become in sight. This ensures that there are no long gaps between motorcycles and the bike behind you knows where you have turned off. You do not wait for the bike to catch you up, just make sure that you can see the bike behind you. Motorways and Dual Carriageways Group riding on Motorways and Dual Carriageways safely requires a few simple rules. Firstly, the inside lane, lane 1, is the normal lane to use. Lane 2 is only used for overtaking. It should not be needed to use lane 3 or 4 on multilane highways. A staggered formation is normally taken on Dual Carriageways where the speed limit is 60mph or lower. On Motorways where speeds increase, single file may be preferred in heavier traffic for safety. The ride should maintain a good momentum, up to the speed limit or as the capabilities of the least experienced rider allows. Overtaking slower traffic is the biggest problem in group riding on motorways & dual carriageways. The preferred method is the “Snake”, where riders overtake the slower vehicle in single file when traffic allows and then returns to lane one. Riders will only overtake if there is sufficient gap in front of the vehicle being overtaken for the rider to return to the lane they were in without causing the overtaken vehicle to slow or make room for the overtaking bike. Overtaking can result in gaps appearing in the ride . Due to this and the fact that a Motorway exit ramp cannot be marked (hard shoulder is for emergencies only), the Lead Road Captain will tell you at the ride briefing which motorway exit you will take. It is your responsibility to take notice of the announcement.. Two miles before the exit, the lead Road Captain will reduce speed , if it is safe to do so, to allow the ride to regroup.

As with the buddy system and normal group riding, it is advised to keep and eye on your rear view mirror and the rider behind. If you loose sight of the rider behind do not continue to overtake slow vehicles to give them a chance to catch up. This action would continue forward through riders to the lead Road Captain who would slow to allow the ride to catch up and regroup. Do not feel you have to race or ride at excessive speeds to keep with the rider in front while leaving the rider behind to fall back. This will just cause the ride to break up. Next issue, we will cover Hand signals and ride preparation.

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Chapter Merchandise is available from our Lady of Harley, Sharon — Or see Debbie or Karl at HarleyWorld

Large Rocker £15.00

Should you have any membership questions or require assistance with your membership, please contact our Membership officer Kim

Large HOG Patch £15.00

Large LOH Patch £15.00

Get Your Peak Riders Photographs If you would like a full size photo of yourself that appears in the photo gallery of the Peak Riders website — , note the photograph and contact the chapter photographer by email. There may be a charge for photographs depending upon number and age of the photograph. This is negotiable with the photographer.

Small Rocker £8.00


Small HOG Patch £8.00

The following Peak Rider Procedures are currently in circulation and a copy is available in the file at Harley W orld and on the W eb Site 31st January 2013 30th November2012 30th November2012 6th February 2013 30th November2012 30th November2012 30th November2012 30th November2012

Small LOH Patch £8.00

Peak Riders Year pin £8.00


Chapter Charter Membership Policy Membership Form Group Riding Basics Event Policy Grievance Procedure Disciplinary Procedure IT Policy & Privacy Statement

Chapter Pin £8.00

N.A.B.D. Patch £3.00

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2013 Events


Please check out the Events Section on the website for the definitive dates and information. Date 11/04/2013 25/04/2013 09/05/2013 30/05/2013 01/06/2013 12/06/2013 27/06/2013 17/07/2013 25/07/2013 08/08/2013 29/08/2013 12/09/2013 26/09/2013 10/10/2013 31/10/2013 14/11/2013 28/11/2013 14/12/2013

Time TBA 19:30 19:30 19:30 All day 20:00 19:30 20:00 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 TBA

Event Bowling Night. Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Test Ride & BBQ Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night Chapter Meeting Social Night AGM 2013 Xmas Party 2013

Location Information Chesterfield Bowl S40 2TU. There is a charge for bowling Olde House, Newbold Chinese Night. Ka China. 119 School Rd, Waleswood. S26 5QJ Olde House, Newbold Harley World test ride day & Peak Riders BBQ. Harleyworld . Volunteers to man BBQ stand required. Phoenix, Ridgeway, S12 3XF Combined Social & Wednesday Evening ride Olde House, Newbold George, Castleton, S33 8WG Combined Social & Wednesday Evening ride Olde House, Newbold Pizza Hut Chesterfield S40 1TB Olde House, Newbold Chequers, Coal Aston, S18 3AT Olde House, Newbold Woodside, Chesterfield S40 4DB Olde House, Newbold Highwayman, Chesterfield S42 7DA Olde House, Newbold Olde House, Newbold

Road Captains and Officers Meetings –All at HarleyWorld, Chesterfield 18/05/2013 Meetings are for Road Captains and Officers only. 17/08/2013 If you wish to have an issue raised please make this known to 16/11/2013 an Officer or Road Captain

New for 2013—Combined Social event and Wednesday Evening Ride out To make more effective use of time and combine the pleasure of a ride out with a social event, two social events have been moved to a Wednesday night to coincide with two Wednesday night ride outs. Those wishing to attend the social event but not ride can go directly to the event location by whatever means of transport they wish for arrival at 8pm. The two locations are: 1) 12/06/13—The Phoenix, Rideway Village, S12 3XF. Situated 15 mins from J30 of the M1. From the M1 travel towards Mosborough then carry on straight through the traffic lights for about 3/4 of a mile. Turn left at Quarry Hill - B6388. Phoenix is on left. 2) 17/07/13—The George, Castleton, S33 8WG. The George is situated in the centre on the village of Castleton very close to the market place in the village

2013 Events


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HarleyWorld Events HarleyWorld Chesterfield Events 2013 Please check the Harleyworld website for conformation and up to date information on events. Date




Birthday Bash

Peak Riders Marshall volunteers req


Test Ride Day

Including Peak Riders BBQ—See Panel below


Normandy Tour

Patricks Normandy Tour.


High Octane Day

Performance Dyno testing


Lightning Rally

MFN Thunder Valley. Shipley Gate. Notts. NG16 3JE


High Octane Day

Performance Dyno testing


Haloween Weekend


Haloween Evening


Thanks Giving Event


Christmas Deal Weekend


HarleyWorld Store Xmas Party


HarleyWorld Test Ride day & Peak Riders BBQ—1st June Volunteers required to man the BBQ station, flipping or burning burgers, depending upon your skills. Let Phil Jackson know if you are willing. Some test rides will be led by Peak Riders Road Captains, so should be a good Peak Riders recruitment day.

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2013 Ride Outs

Please check out the Events Section on the website for the definitive dates and information. Date 07/04/2013 14/04/2013 20/04/2013 21/04/2013 27/04/2013 05/05/2013 10-13/05/13 19/05/2013 25-26/05/13 02/06/2013 05/06/2013 09/06/2013 12/06/2013 14-17/06/13 19/06/2013 23/06/2013 24/06/2013 28-30/06/13 03/07/2013 07/07/2013 10/07/2013 12-14/07/13 17/07/2013

Time 10:00 10:00 TBA 9:00 13:00 10:00

21/07/2013 24/07/2013 26-27/07/13 31/07/2013 2-4/08/13 11/08/2013 18/08/2013 23-26/08/13 01/09/2013 08/09/2013 13-15/09/13 22/09/2013 29/09/2013 05/10/2013

10:00 18:30

TBA 10:00 18:30 10:00 18:30 18:30

18:30 10:00 18:30 18:30

18:30 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 TBA

Destination Lead North Lincs Tour Big Jim Standedge Tunnel Geoff H Birthday Bash Recce Geoff H RBL Charity Ride Phil J Birthday Bash Geoff H Fradley Junction Joe Upton Iron Horse Rally Joth Whitby Geoff Guy Dales Weekend Geoff Guy Photo Shoot Carl W Anchor Inn Rally Recce 1 Geoff H Phoenix (Ridgeway) Patrick's Normandy Run Steve P Swadlincote (USA Diner) "World Ride" Recce Geoff H MMM ("World Ride") Sean Back to the Peaks Rally Geoff H Big Fish Ollerton Peak District Sharon H Yew Tree Inn (Twiggy's Ride) Norfolk weekend John B The George (Castleton) Yorkshire Mining Museum Steve P Papa's Retford Fenlanders Rally Joth Matlock Bath Lightning Rally Geoff H Rutland Water Steve B Foxfield Steam Railway John B Thunder in the Glens Aysgarth Falls (Dales) Geoff G Jodrell Bank Joe U Bush Nook Phil J Fish n Chips Phil J Last Ride Geoff H RTTW Big Jim

Sweeper Steve Paton Steve B (All Peak Riders) See page 24 (All Peak Riders) John Beevers

Wing Geoff Guy Carl W

Joe Upton Big Jim Steve Paton

Phil Jackson Geoff H Geoff H


Ride out marshals req. Cat & Fiddle. Marshall volunteers req Steve Britnell

Camping / own B&B arr. Get your "mug" in the piccy Weds Evening Ride 11:30 at Miraj Ashbourne Joint ride with Social Weds Evening Ride Million Mile Monday Weds Evening Ride

Steve P

Joe U Weds Evening Ride

Geoff H

Big Jim Joint ride with Social

Sharon H

Joe U Weds Evening Ride

(All Peak Riders) Joe U Carl W Steve P Sharon H Geoff H John B Geoff H Big Jim Steve B Carl W

Phil J Big Jim Joe U Geoff H Joe U Steve B

Weds Evening Ride HarleyWorld Rally at MFN

Booking required

6th RTTW

All rides start from Harleyworld unless otherwise stated. Meet times as indicated.

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2013 HOG Rallies

Proposed / Announced dates for 2013 rallies Please check with the respective Chapters/Organisers for up to date information. Rally / Event 2013 Date Chapter / Org Location Cider Rally 3rd to 6th May Bridgewater Weston Super Mare Iron Horse Rally 10th to 13th May St Leger Bainlands Park Big Brum Bash Circus Maximus XI The Gathering Back to the Peaks Wake the Lakes HOG on the Humber Horseshoe Rally HOG in the Hayfield Oggie Rally Fenlanders Rally South of England Rally Hog 'n' Bog Rally Sherwood Rally Old School Rally Thunder in the Glens Shipley Harley Rally Blazin' Cannons

24th to 27th May 7th to 9th June 7th to 10th June 28th to 30th June 4th to 7th July 5th to 7th July 12th to 14th July 12th to 14th July 19th to 20th July 25th to 28th July 2nd to 4th August 2nd to 4th August 16th to 18th August 16th to 18th August 23rd to 26th August 23rd to 26th August 27th to 30th Sept

Birmingham Deva Legion Clyde Valley Peak Riders Red Rose Aire Valley Rutland Great Western Plymouth Fenlanders various Provincewide Sherwood Nene Valley Dunedin Independant New Forrest


West Mids Water Ski centre Chester Rugby Club Drimsynie Estate, Argyll Miraj Hotel Ashsbourne (camping nearby) Kendal RFC Hallmark Hotel, Ferriby. Bridge crossing on 7th Exton Bristol Unconfirmed Fakenham Racecourse Bisley Coleriane Rugby Club Donington Race Circuit Towcester RFC Aviemore Baildon RFC (Shipley) Toy run on Sunday 25th Caravan based - Weymouth.

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Peak Rally 2013


“Back to the Peaks 2013” th

Get the date in your diary now for “BACK TO THE PEAKS 2013”, the Peak Riders Rally from 28 to

30th June 2013. Whilst the Lightning Rally was a brilliant success, the attendance by Peak Riders members was disappointing . We were outdone significantly by Fenlanders, Aire Valley, St Leger Chapters and even further afield – who all had a brilliant time, as did those Peak Riders who attended. But, I have listened to you the members, and believe that the majority of you wanted us to go back to what we’re used to — a Rally in the Peak District based around a hotel, hence the title “BACK TO THE PEAKS!!!” The Miraj Hotel in Ashbourne has 50 hotel rooms and a function room which can cater for 200 people. This will be our base. For campers, the “PEAKS GATEWAY” campsite and leisure club a short distance away is the location for those under canvas &, caravans/mobile homes. A limited shuttle service will be offered. There is a Rally Committee in place to help in the organisation and management of the event. This consists of:●Kathryn Middleton (supported by Adam Baillie) Ticket sales, finances and liaison with the Miraj Hotel ●Martin Coates—camping and liaison with the Peaks Gateway camp site ●Carole Anderson—Rally Merchandise ●Toni Tedder—printed material (posters, flyers, tickets, etc) ●Cath and Stuart—Rally Staff Management (recruiting volunteers, allocating tasks and rotas) ●Steve “Elvis” Badger—Entertainment = The G Men Soul band on Friday and King Bee Blues Band and Steve Del Rio and the Deltas on Saturday Finally, ●Phil Jackson, Rally Coordinator supported by Kim Jackson as Rally Committee Secretary. Rally Tickets are £25 per person, which includes a rally pin. T-Shirts are available at £7 and should be ordered at the time of booking. When you purchase your rally tickets you will get booking Camping information if you have chosen camping. The deadline for booking the Hotel together with the Rally ticket at reduced rate has passed. You must book the hotel room direct with the Hotel. Camping is £12 per pitch and prepaid at time of booking. Caravans or RV’s need to book directly with the site on 01335 344634 quoting “Peak Riders Rally” - . The camp site will provide a shuttle at predetermined times according to the number of bookings. It is easily possible to walk from the campsite to the Hotel for the more energetic amongst us. Although after a few beers the route back in the dark may not be quite as easy :) Bookings for the rally that include hotel accommodation must have been received before 1st April to ensure reservation of the room. Phil Jackson

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Dent Dales Weekend

To attend contact Geoff Guy on

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2013 Rallies/Events

Patricks HarleyWorld Normandy Tour Well, Normandy seems to be very popular for organised rides again this year. Patrick has provided the following information about the 2013 weekend in Normandy. The weekend is based at the following campsite (tents and chalets) with a max of 21 bikes. Check out the website for details of accommodation and prices. On Thursday 13th: June Steve Paton is travelling a day earlier by Euro Tunnel. Please talk to Steve directly if you would like to join him. Friday 14th June: Euro Tunnel crossing at 12:00 hours (MUST be there for 11:00 am). A 4.5 hour ride to the site in Normandy including stops. Friday night, eat out locally. Saturday 15th: WW2 day taking in the landings/battle sites and a Museum en-route. Not a big riding day - around 65 miles so time to see the bunkers etc. Sunday 16th: Run to Pegasus Bridge at Bayeux and a visit to see the Tapestry and points of interest on the way back. The best way to get an idea of the D Day landings is to watch the film "The Longest Day" as it was all filmed on location in Normandy!! Monday 17th: June 09:00. Leave in time for a crossing at 14:00. We gain an hour in the UK ...... and return home. Please contact Patrick at Harleyworld as soon as possible f you would like to join this trip as places are limited. Phone: 01246 383999

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2013 Rallies/Events

Peak Riders meet at Harleyworld 9:30am for ride to start point at Cat & Fiddle.

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2013 Rallies/Events


Hatters Chapter Normandy Battlefield Tour Battlefield Tour – Normandy – 25th– 29th May 2013 For those that may be interested , the Hatters Chapter are running an organised Normandy Battlefield Tour with Matt Limb, of Battlefield Tours, as the guide. Covering significant places on the Normandy coast and inland to get a feel for what it was like for the brave allied forces during the D-Day invasion and beyond. For information visit to see the itinerary for the trip along with details of Matt Limb’s charges. The following is a summary of the costs for the trip with options to minimise the ferry costs. Costings Matt Limb (see Itinerary for breakdown of costs) £367.95 Single Room Supplement £ 74.50 Ferry One Person with Bike Single Occupancy in 2 Berth Cabin £ 256.00 Two People Two Bikes sharing Two Berth Cabin £ 202.00 each £ 202.00 Four People Four Bikes sharing Four Berth Cabin £ 185.00 each Fuel Approximately 800 miles covered (45 miles/ gallon) (£1.35 / Ltr) £110.00 Food Sat 25thMay - Lunch and Evening Meal Mon 27thMay - Evening Meal Tue 28thMay - Evening Meal Wed 29thMay – Breakfast £ 80.00 Total £ 760.00 Ferry prices obtained August 2012 and may be subject to change Fuel prices based on average cost per litre in August 2012 If you are interested, please contact : Don Bowie Assistant Director Hatters Chapter

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 HOG Rallies

Announced dates for 2013 rallies Please check with the respective Chapters/Organisers for up to date information.

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events


You may have seen our trucks at various Harley-Davidson events and rallies. We work as the transport company for Harley Davidson UK and Europe, providing the logistics support for all the HOG events in the UK and the European events and rallies . We offer a service to enable Members of UK Chapters to have their own bike at the various events and enable them to experience some of the fantastic riding available around these locations- but without having to ride there! People do this for a number of different reasons., from not having the time to ride there or undertake a long journey on foreign roads, to the unsuitability of riding a special custom long distance. The service we offer starts from your local dealership. We collect the bike, strap it into a cradle specifically designed for transporting bikes, we load it onto one of our trucks and transport it to the Rally site. Our customers then collect the bikes from us and enjoy the freedom of using their own bike, return it to us at the end of the event and we return it to their local dealership. The big question is “How much does all this cost??”. Below is a guide to the cost of transporting a single bike to each event. All of these prices include VAT St Tropez (2nd-5th May) Round trip (there and back) £699.00 -

One way ( there or back) £499.00

Rome (13th-16th June) Round trip (there and back) £750.00 - One way ( there or back) £525.00 Faaker See-European Bike Week in Austria (3rd-8th September) Round trip (there and back) £699.00 - One way ( there or back) £499.00 The only additional cost is insurance which we charge individually. This works out at £40 for a £10,000 bike. If you would like any further information., contact: Paul Lusty— WMB Tel : 0845 8944 222 . Fax : 01452 385172 Email Website :

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2013 Rallies/Events

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2013 Rallies/Events

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Chernobyl Children’s Life Line


CHERNOBYL CHILDREN’S LIFE LINE As agreed at the AGM and mentioned in the last Newsletter, for 2013 Peak Riders are also supporting a secondary charity, the Chernobyl Children’s Life Line. The Chernobyl disaster. On the 36th of April 1986 the fourth reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant 12 km south of Belarus exploded. Belarus was the country hit hardest by the disaster with 75% of the fallout and affecting 90% of the country. Large numbers of people in Belarus and northern Ukraine still live in areas with limited access to clean food. They continue to eat contaminated produce. Radioactive contamination knows no boundaries. Medical experts expect as many as 40% of children exposed to Chernobyl’s radiation to develop thyroid cancer over the next 30 years. The people of Chernobyl were exposed to radioactivity 90 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb. The lifeline was set up to provide once only recuperative holidays in the UK for groups of children from the region around Chernobyl. It is believed that 4 weeks away from the contamination, eating nourishing food and breathing cleaner air may significantly increase a child’s Immune systems. It costs approximately £500.00 (including airfare) to bring a child to the UK for a 28 day respite holiday and all money donated goes towards these costs. Our main income comes from the charity shop which we partner with the Mansfield Link. In 2011 we financially supported 32 families through the charity Family Support Project. For further information please contact; The Chairperson Chernobyl Children’s Life Line Newark and Sherwood link 01636812973

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Poulton’s Picture Puzzle Page Proudly Presents

Cuddly Toy 2!! I suppose the perception of the public of Harley riders is that they are WELL HARD. So it may come as a surprise that many riders (myself included) adorn their bikes with various cuddly toys. Your task this month is to link the following ”softies” to their mascot. Take care. There are 3 mascots and 4 names – one is incorrect. 1. Stuart Wales 2. Pandora

3. Steve Taylor 4. Steve Poulton




Answers of matching photos to by 22nd April to win this edition’s prize of Harley Davidson salt & pepper pots – Just in time for the Fish & Chip runs. Draw takes place at April Chapter meeting. The winner in the First Mascot competition was Toni Tedder – Well done. The winner of last editions competition, Boobed Again, was Kathryn Middleton (we should really ban her from these competitions, ha ha)

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Owt For A Larff


What we had in the 60’s ,Continued A Kickstart lever ! Only men could start a 650cc 4 stroke. Boys rode 2 strokes/ scooters. A good backfire on a 500c.c. single could put you in Casualty, where it would take three hours to massage your “mens parts” back down from your neck. We all had the scars of kickstart wars on our shins. Triumph had this wonderful idea of putting a chrome plated rack, known as the “Knacker Rack”, on top of the fuel tank. These racks had the gap at the back edge carefully calibrated so that your “mens parts” would just squeeze in, and would then jam in place. To ensure that the rack would not break away upon contact with said mens parts, it was bolted to the tank with four substantial bolts. Mind you, at the same time, Jaguar and even Austin were fitting similar rigid Pedestrian Maiming Tools on top of their car radiators, so I suppose Triumph just wanted to keep up with the rest, in doing maximum damage to the motoring public. While on the subject of pedestrian maiming parts, a front number plate on the front mudguard that could only be seen from the side but could slice an arm or leg with ease. A Dry Sump and separate oil tank. No form of oil filtration at all. On the other hand, when your engine oil was leaking out at a pint per 75 miles, was there really any point in filtering it. At least the oil took all the shite with it when it leaked out. Oil Leaks ! ! Everywhere ! ! All the time ! ! ScottOilers think they’ve got a good invention, but the idea has been round for donkey’s years. We all had automatic chain oilers over 35 mph, because the oil leaking from the engine blew back onto the chain (and back tyre!) above this speed. Cardboard cross-head engine side casing screws (only the rich replaced them with Allen screws ) ( We couldn’t afford Allen Keys anyway!) Simple RH Handlebar - Just Throttle & Front Brake ( No Kill Switch, Starter, Light Switch or Heated Grips) Simple LH Handlebar - Just Clutch & Dip Switch/Horn (No Overtake Flash, Indicators, Choke, and definitely no Radio Controls, Electric Screen height, cruise control or Hazard Lights) Mirrors were a luxury accessory, only for the rich, or for Scooters, which all had 12 fitted but only one or two actually worked. ! ! You developed “fighter pilot neck” after a while. More grumpy rants next issue.

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Owt For A Larff


Funny Signs

Dr Dolittle has a new job on the council

Beware of Rally Goers !!!!

What do they look like that would make you laugh ?

A Bush’ism ?

Don’t scratch your rash while driving

They felt it was enough problem to make a sign ?

Page 40

Officers & Road Crew



Director Phil Jackson

Assist. Director VACANT— Nominations accepted

Membership Kim Jackson

Head Road Captain Geoff Heppell

Editor Gordon Price

Photographer Carl Walters

Treasurer Kath Middleton

Secretary John Beevers

Webmaster Joth Hill

Historian Geoff Guy

Safety Officer Steve Britnell

Activities Officer Cath Wales


Head Road Captain Geoff Heppell

Road Captain Carl Walters

Road Captain Phil Jackson

Road Captain Steve Britnell

Road Captain Steve Paton

Road Captain Geoff Guy

Road Captain Joe Upton

Road Captain Bryan Hartshorn

Page 41

HarleyWorld Staff We’ve all spent our hard earned cash at our beloved HarleyWorld. Now put a name to the faces of the people who serve us so well ...

Patrick Yates General Manager

Dave Ball Sales Controller

Position Vacant Karl Sturmer Chrome/Performance Specialist Parts/Clothing Specialist

Steve Revell Technician

Keith Jackson Technician

Sean Street Sales Specialist

Kevin Flint Sales Specialist

Debbie Harrison Parts Manager

Ian Deaville Aftersales Manager

John Jackson Service Advisor

Kate Lane Warranty Advisor

Emma Goddard Molyneux Dealer Administration

Gina Martin Meet & Greet

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If you want to advertise in the news letter, please contact the editor. Reg: 193202

Gas Boiler changes & full systems fitted, Servicing & Power flushing, Repairs, Service Plans.

Station Road Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9EX 01246 450850

Ask for John Beevers for help & a free quotation call 0800 007 5362 Over 20 years combi experience Discounts available for Peak Riders

HOG Member Services Globe House, 1 Chertsey Rd, Twickenham TW1 1XQ Tel 00800 1111 2223

Patch Sewing; Bike Clothes Alterations; New Zips Call Petrina Marshall on 0114 2476002 Get Patches sewn onto Leather garments Peters Quality Shoe Repairs 1a Low Pavement Chesterfield 01246 200951

Doors, Windows, Conservatories & Roofline Products 10 Year Guarantee 10% Genuine Discount for Peak Riders Construction House, Callywhite Lane Dronfield. Free phone 0800 298 0591

Cards by Beth For all your personalised and hand made 3D greetings cards contact Beth Tel 01623 471277

To advertise in this space contact

Now, you did eat all your Chocolate Easter Eggs, didn’t you !!

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