Roadhog june 2013

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H.O.G.® Chapter 6655


June 2013

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

Features 12 - Night Ride 14 - Daytona Beach 16 - Cider Rally 19 - White Horses Rideout 21 - Coastal & Valleys Rideout 26 - Good Vibrations?

Regulars 2 - Director’s Cut 3 - Cockers Bits 5 - Between the Covers 6 - Secretary’s Update 8 - From the Front 9 - Committee Meeting 10 - Cangen Cymraeg 11 - Ladies of Harley 18 -10th Anniversary Events 20 - Charity Coordinator 23 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop 25 - Orchard Trust 27 - At a Glance

Daytona Beach, 10 Counties Night Ride, 2 Rideout Reports & more ...

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Director’s Cut

By Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett

June is packed with our 10th Anniversary events, starting with the Benelux Rally, already come and Hi All, gone by the time you read your mag. This is folAfter a long, cold Winter lowed by our very own Hogs in the Hayfields Rally and Spring you’ll all be starting on the 21st, the summer solstice, so bring glad to hear that Sumyour eye shields if you’re camping! I do hope you mer starts on the 21st have your tickets for this one as it’s going to be June, so pack away your memorable with a jam-packed programme of heated jacket and heat- events. The lucky winner for the April rally draw was ed gloves and slap on Sue Daly. the sun tan lotion and dust off the cool neck tie! Yep, you’ve guessed it I’m Last, but not least, for June is the Treasure Hunt courtesy of Jeff Gleed and Julie Quick. If it is anyhaving a laugh, more like make sure your seams don’t need re-taping in the waterproofs! Are we sur- thing like the one in 2011 it will be a great laugh and not to be missed. prised? Not really, it’s just that we’ve all been programmed to believe in glorious hot summers and a Quickly jumping into July we have the Rhayader white Christmas. Maybe that’s why we have a drink- riding weekend which, as it says on the tin, is all ing culture! Perhaps I shouldn’t remind you the day- about riding, taking in mid Wales and the Snowdonlight hours start getting shorter thereafter! ia National Park and of course a bit of socialising in On a brighter note it gives me great pleasure to let you know that Sian Fisher has been given the all clear on her breast cancer with a bonus of only requiring radiotherapy not chemo. Unfortunately it is not good news for two of our other members, namely Kendo White who broke his leg when his recentlyrepaired knee gave way when he was pushing his bike at home and it toppled over on him. Also Steve “Sparky” Proud, our Chapter’s first Historian, who suffered complications after an operation on his foot. We wish both of them a speedy recovery. The rally season is underway with a number of us attending the Cider Rally at Sand Bay. Yes, I’m pleased to say me & Mrs Two Talls went on the bike with a brand new pair of chrome wheels, so the “Wheel Appeal” is now closed and I must say a special thanks to Stu Scott who played a major part in the bike make-over and also to Mike Ludwell andKeith Swarbrick for the loan of some specialist tools. I must also thank Big Al for keeping me motivated over those dark months of rebuild by saying I was the longest serving non-riding Director in the history of GWC; thanks mate! Back to the Cider Rally itself: it was a great start to the season and I’m pleased to say GWC came away as Chapter Challenge champions winning 10 free tickets for a paint ball session. With so many other chapters in attendance, this was no mean feat, well not really as we were the only ones who entered! As they say you gotta be in it to win it!

the many local Rhayader hostelries! Lastly on the subject of 10th Anniversary, we’re still looking for you to join us at the Hilton Hotel Aztec West for our celebration dinner in October, so please see Anita who needs your deposits by the end of June. Changing the subject you’ll notice that Stephanie Evans has a piece later in the mag about charity options for next year, so please give this topic a bit of thought and please respond to the questionnaire, so we’re sure as a Chapter we’re doing what our members want. Also, whilst on charity we owe special thanks to Sonja Beddow for sewing on patches at the April Cross Hands Hotel meeting and donating the £55 raised to the Orchard Trust. Well done Sonja. For full details of all our events please visit the website as this is being frequently updated as events firm up and if you find anything missing please remind us, we’re only human! Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett Director Email: Home: 01291 620371 Mobile: 07907 351650

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Cockers Bits

By Anita Cockwell So now we’re in June and three events down and events are coming thick and fast. So as I can only advertise a couple this month please make sure you keep checking the At a Glance Page and the 10th Anniversary page.

10th Anniversary Dinner/Dance 26th October

   

Having our own dedicated entrance to the hotel Your photograph taken on arrival Our own bar Our own dinner/dance room with ample space in the separate bar area to sit and have a natter. GWC Awards Ceremony (now that’s got you thinking, - will you win an award? It’s not the same to win an award and then not be there on the night to receive it, is it Dahhhhhhhling!) Disco Photo quiz Three course meal And company of good friends

 This is going to be a great night for sure and you’ll  kick yourself if you aren’t part of it. Apart from the  LOH Weekend this will be the last of our 10 planned  Anniversary Events and therefore the culmination of what will have been an outstanding, memorable and what more could you ask for? enjoyable year for the Chapter, if the first three Dress code is Black Tie/Smart. What Chapter has events are anything to go by! such a good looking group of guys who look as dashing in their DJ’s as they do in leathers? We do! October may seem a long way off and no doubt you’ve discussed with your wife/partner that you are So come on, for one night only put your ‘best bib and tucker’ on, tell your wife/partner to put their best coming and that’s great BUT we do need to have your deposits by the end of June as we need to con- dress on and join your friends in this celebratory firm and have monies in for the minimum number of evening. We know that not everyone wants to wear 70 people in order to pay the hotel. So, if you know a DJ so smart lounge suits allowed too. you are attending then please tell me before 30th June and, more importantly, have paid the £15 pp. deposit or £30 pp. in full. Once full payment has been received you will get a ticket as your receipt.

So just to recap ………. Its £30 per person for the dinner/dance, so we will need at least a 50% deposit by the end of June please. Monies can be paid by BACS, cheques or cash. For more detail or to register your interest please contact Lynne Avery (St Marys Club nights) or me. Don’t forget that the hotel is also offering discounted room rates for party goers so look at the 10th Anniversary Events page/website for more details, but you must book this yourself direct with hotel. You can check in from 3.00pm on Saturday and then use the hotel facilities such as the pool, jacuzzi and bar, to relax before the evening. Your room rate includes a full cooked breakfast served up until 11.00am on the Sunday morning, so you can have a lie in too!

However, If you can’t confirm before the 30th June for whatever reason, we will still be selling tickets for as long as possible so please don’t give up without contacting me first. We are still in the planning detail stage but this is what we are hoping to line up, so apart from ………

Treasure Hunt 30th June 2013. Organisers and judges Jeff and Julie. Jeff and Julie ran a Treasure Hunt a couple of years back and they thought it might be fun to celebrate our 10th anniversary with another one. So to give you some background as to what to expect the ‘Double J’s’ have provided some information. (Continued on page 4)

Page 4 Please note that as your enjoyment and safety What sort of things are in the clue packs? are paramount, the weather conditions will be a There are 4 basic elements: major factor in whether this goes ahead as  The main observational clues - read carefully planned or is postponed. Conditions on the preand be aware of what’s around you. ceding Thursday 27th June will dictate so please  A photo round. Taking photos of objects/views ring the Info Line 0844 499 4508 to confirm if the passed on your travels with a separate prize for event is going ahead. most correct/amusing answers.  A poker hand. You’re dealt a 5 card poker hand What is a Treasure Hunt? at the start and at various points along the way In simple terms it's a ride you have an opportunity to swap 1 or 2 cards, around some pretty interestwith the winning hand at the end getting a prize. ing places, answering some  You might have to pick up a couple of things en fairly straight forward obserroute but it spoils the fun to tell you now what vational questions and havthey are! ing fun with friends…Oh… and trying to win a prestigious trophy off of the current holders Baz and Jacs, Mucker and Jan. There are a couple of other smaller prizes, some Jack Daniels-related, some not!

NB. Additional points for the most amusing photo’s (from Jeff and Julie’s viewpoint) will be awarded. To aid this additional point scoring they will be open to bribes, gifts, goods etc.

This is primarily a social event rather than a rideout, What do you need to bring? but similarily there is some enjoyable riding. To maximise the social aspect of the day it will be a  Pens – there’ll be some available but it’s a good teams based event. If you want to make up your idea to bring some too. own team that’s fine but they will help put people  2 x 50p pieces. together in teams on the day, as the whole day is  £2.00 in change per person. much more enjoyable with other people. Plus, you  It goes without saying a ‘sense of humour’ (this can blame them if things go wrong! is not included in the pack).  A camera to take photos. What happens on the day?  The day starts at 10.00am at Gordano Services (M5) where you will assemble in the car park for registration, to identify teams and give your food order (you pay at the end).  Each team will receive a clue pack (you’ll have to wait to see what’s in it).  You have till 10.30am to familiarise yourself with the clues and any additional details to help you enjoy the day.  At 10.45am the first team will be chequer flagged off with subsequent teams leaving at 3 minute intervals.  Phone numbers will be given in case you get lost or have difficulties.  Simply fill the answers in on the way round with the team with the most correct answers winning the trophy currently on display in Riders Showcase (you’ll have to go and look yourself if you don’t know what it is!)  At the finish line hand in your clue packs and get instructions for food.  Eat, drink and laugh at the mistakes made by the other teams.

As Jeff and Julie have no idea how many will turn up on the day please try and give them some idea as to number of packs required confirming to Jeff as soon as possible please via his email address STOP PRESS ‘Blown Out in the Brecons’ now has an optional tour of the Penderyn (Whisky) Distillery 7 th July An extract from the Penderyn website…. THE INDEPENDENT SPIRIT At the dawn of the new millennium, a group of friends from the beautiful country of Wales set out with a simple vision. As the first Welsh distillers in more than a century, we were determined to break with convention in pursuit of our goal: to create the finest wysgi on earth. At 92% alcohol by volume our new spirit has the highest strength of any malt wysgi; and with just one barrel produced every day, it is also exceptionally rare…… (Continued on page 5)

Page 5 Ian Mead has, as part of the Welsh rideout on 7th July, arranged for an hour long optional tour of this unique Welsh distillery. So what better can you ask of a ride but to take in the beautiful Brecon Beacons and a visit to a distillery, this is sure to be a wellattended ride. As with all these tours the more we can get to come along the cheaper the entrance fee. So, if we can get 10 or more there’s 10% discount off of a £7 ticket, but for 40 or more it drops to only £4 a ticket and you get a sample or miniature bottle to take away (if you are riding), it’s a no brainer! See you all there!

Stars in their Eyes – Hogs in the Hayfields Rally It’s not too late for anyone (singles, duets, groups) to enter the Stars in their Eyes slot on the Friday night of our rally. And let me confirm without a shadow of doubt that this is NOT about your singing ability, it’s about being silly, dressing up and giving everyone a good laugh. But remember you must have put your name(s) forward so we can go through the format, music, costumes with you before the rally, as we cannot accept any entries on the night. So enter now and avoid disappointment!

More details of meeting place/times can be found on “Mrs Cockers” the Chapter website under Monthly Rideouts. Activities Officer Email: Mobile: 07702 073361

Between the Covers Hi All and welcome to the June edition of RoadHOG. As the months go by I seem to be being pushed further to the back of the mag. However I’m taking this as a good sign that there are so many great articles that my semi-lucid ramblings are being demoted to their rightful place. So what can you expect in this month’s edition?

events not already covered by the Chapter then you can drop me an email letting me know what these events are. This way I’ll be able to tell you who else has let me know they’ll be attending. You’ll then have the option to arrange to travel as a group or meet up at the event, etc. Initially I’ll run it as a trial to see how it works out. Before I go... Ladies, I’ve now run out of articles, from yourselves, for the Back Chat section. Live to ride, ride to live Mark Editor

Email: Well it’s a mixed bag covering a foreign bike festival, Mobile: 07900 496711 a UK rally and our excellent rideouts plus all matters (Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily relating to the day-to-day running of our Chapter. the views of the Editor) However, my favourite this month must be the 10 Counties Night Ride. Hats off to those guys and gal. Me n Neats found it hard staying up long enough to wave them off, or was that staying away from the bottle of Chateau Duffnaff that was waiting for us back at the house? I can’t remember so it must have been good stuff. Talking of the day-to-day running of the Chapter, at the last Committee meeting I foolishly volunteered to act as a point of liaison for anyone attending nonChapter events. Normally I know better than to volunteer but hey what can you do? So how does this work I hear you asking; well if you’re attending any

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Secretary’s Update

Hi Everyone!

By Yvonne Roberts going to the Orchard Trust. The total will be announced after all the tickets have been sold and the winner will be receiving a suitable liquid prize!

Hopefully when you read this, June will be “busting out all over” to quote the song! It is certainly a busy month for the Chapter with all the activities we have planned. The Benelux Rally will have been and gone and I bet everyone who went will return with tales of how good it was. I’m looking forward to our very own Hogs in the Hayfields Rally this month, though I will be so relieved when the Gurzels performance is over so I can relax! There’s also the Treasure Hunt Big Al presented these 3 likely lads, or should I say Road Captains, Si, Ian and Greg, with their Road to come. Captain high-visibility vests at the Cangen Club Spare a thought for 2 of our members – Kendo night. White, who dropped his Harley on his ankle resulting in a nasty fracture. Also Steve Proud (Sparky), who is one of our original 50 Charter members, who is slowly recovering in hospital from complications after surgery on his leg. We delivered a card and a biker bear to both of them, from the Chapter, to cheer them up. A new method of raising money for the Orchard Trust was a great success at our meeting at the Cross Hands in May. I am referring to Sonja Beddow’s brilliant efforts at sewing on patches in return for a contribution, raising £55. Well done Sonja, seen here revving up her machine!

Mike Sage was presented with his Road Captain’s vest at the Bristol Club night.

We had excellent attendance at both of our May Club nights, with the Cangen meeting being the Neil and Bryn were presented with Road Marshal week before the Bristol Club night, due to the way patches at the Cangen meeting. the calendar worked out for May. Instead of the usual raffles, Stephanie was selling timed tickets for the (Continued on page 7) Canoe Event in August, with the money collected

Page 7 Welcome to our new members:

Welcome too to Adrian Vaughan from Bridgend, whom I met on the Evos to Evesham rideout. He bought his Harley and completed his GWC membership application form on May 16th and joined the rideout on May 19th. Keen or what! Also welcome to Mark Catley form Bristol.

Sarn Bradshaw who has just joined the Chapter in May with his wife Cecilie and has already enjoyed two rideouts with us.

Welcome to Andrew Pringle from Llanelli whom Greg took under his wing at our Cangen meeting. An especially warm welcome back into the Chapter to Chris and Jeanie Tiney. Please make them all welcome if you see them. Please check out our website for details of all our Merchandise and how to order items, or see me at our Club nights. Ride safe, Yvonne Secretary Email: Home: 01225 751017

Welcome to David Jones from Ebbw Vale who introduced himself at the Cangen meeting in May.

P.S. For the latest information on our GWC Merchandise, please look at the Merchandise page on our Chapter website, where you will find the details of prices and how to order our range of t-shirts, sweatshirts, and fleeces, which all have our GWC logo embroidered on the front, as well as all of our patches and pins.

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From The Front

By Alan “Big Al” Stokes

Bristol and over the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Once over we will travel down to the Portway and Hi Everyone around Hotwells before heading back along the I’ll start my article with a Portway. This route will allow the riders to see the bridge from a different perspective. At the end of the warm welcome to two new Road Marshals who Portway we will pass the Avon Bridge on the left hand side, again a different view. From here the are joining the Welsh ride team. They are Bryn route will take us back along the River Severn, via Severnside and across country back to the rally site. Wiltshire and Neil “Popeye” Lewis. Both This is classed as a Level B ride of circa 70/80 miles these guys have a with Motorway, A and B roads included. wealth of riding experience and will be a great Sunday 7th July 2013 – Ian Mead & Team asset to the team. Slowly, but surely, the numbers in “Blown Out in the Brecons” this team are increasing, and hopefully the extra help should lighten the load on Greg, Ian and Simon Meet M4/J33 Cardiff West Services at 10.00 a.m. who are all doing a cracking job putting on great Please be fuelled up ready to depart at 10.30 a.m. rides. Only this week I received some very positive feedback from the recently run “Coastal and Valley The ride will take a short trip along the M4 leaving at Meanderings” ride. A great day out but unfortunately J32 Llantrisant,picking up the A473 to Pontypridd. From here the ride will travel a route along the we cannot control the weather. Still everyone I A4058 Porth, A4233 Maerdy, Aberdare and the spoke to thoroughly enjoyed it. A4059 to Penderyn which is the home of the rather As the rally season swings into full speed I thought it fine Welsh Single Malt whiskey. Who know’s there worth mentioning travel insurance, especially in may even be an opportunity of a sample one. From Europe. I have been chatting to Andy Ball recently here the ride will head to Brecon for a well earned about this topic and it got me thinking about how lunch break. After lunch we will head off to Sennycovered are we? A good proportion of us now get bridge taking the A4067 to Cray reservoir, and then free travel insurance as part of our Bank Account we head through Craig-y-Nos Country Park and onbenefits and assume we have medical cover whilst to the A4221 to Gly-Neath. Here the ride will join the travelling in Europe on a motorcycle. I have done a A464 Hirwaun and then head back along the A470 small amount of research and it can vary from being to M4/J33 Cardiff West Services. covered to zero cover and quite a bit in between. So my advice would be to contact your bank and check This is classed as a Level B ride on Motorway and A roads. if you’re medically covered for riding a motorcycle. Inform them of the cubic capacity as this often has a bearing on the cover.

Stop Press

And now onto the forthcoming rides …… Saturday 22nd June 2013 – Big Al & Team The “Four Bridges” Rally Ride (Rally-Goers Only) Meet at Cleve RFC car park at 10.30 a.m. and be fuelled up ready to leave at 11.00 a.m. Fuel can be obtained prior to meeting at the local Sainsbury’s (approx. 2 miles) on the A4174 Ring Road. This will be the “Hogs in the Hayfields” rally ride, so ensure you are sober enough to come along and join what promises to be a unique ride. This year’s ride will take in both the Old Severn Bridge and the New Severn Bridge, plus the Avon Bridge and Brunel’s Clifton Suspension Bridge. The ride will head out across country taking in the Old Severn Bridge first. Leaving the motorway we head across the local Welsh countryside to re-join the M4 at Magor. From here we head over the New Severn Bridge and pick up the M49 which will take us onto the M5 southbound and over the Avon Bridge. Leaving the motorway at Gordano the ride will head towards

Penderyn (Welsh Whiskey) Distillery. As part of the 7th July ride out "Blown Out in the Breacons", Ian Mead has arranged a hour long tour of this unique whiskey distillery.For those that wish to join the tour, there is a small charge. However you do get a sample or a miniature (if riding) at the end of the tour, your choice. Normal Cost = £7 each. 10 People = 10% discount. 40 People = £4 cost. We have booked for 30 people but let's aim for 40. So come along and swell the numbers. You can enjoy a fantastic ride and take up this great opportunity to visit the only distillery in Wales.

(Continued on page 9)

Page 9 Sunday 28th July 2013 – Wide & Sharp “Roving around Resolven” The plan is to meet at Severn View Services (Aust) M48/J1 at 09.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up ready to depart at 09.30 a.m.

Please see below some guidance details of the rides: Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip. Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer.

This ride will head across the Welsh countryside for the Heads of the Valley. It will then stop, visiting the waterfall at Resolven. From here the ride will head down to Neath taking a short trip along the M4 to Swansea, Gowerton for Fish and Chips and maybe an ice cream. From here the ride heads for home.

Level C – Can include some complex sections but mainly a longer duration.

This is classed as a Level C ride of circa 180 miles.

Alan “Big Al” Stokes

Until the next time, have fun and ride hard.

For last minute updates please call the “Hotline” on 08444 994508 and please keep a check on the Assistant Director & Head Road Captain website for changes.

Committee Meeting Round-up For April’s and May’s Committee Meetings held on April 27th and May 18th In our April discussion, the only matter outstanding was the big task of linking the “What’s On” page on our website to the blog. The minutes of our last meeting were agreed. Big Al has now completed the revised new Riding Rules which you will have seen in the May issue of RoadHOG and heard about at Club nights.

By Yvonne Roberts tour of Riders, including the workshop, on our “Meet the Chapter Day” to be held on July 6th to coincide with American Independence Day celebrations at Riders. We agreed to set up a sub-group, convened by Chris, consider the pros and cons of setting up a GWC Facebook page. We agreed that Anita should set up a subcommittee to plan a varied programme of GWC events for 2014.

Baz reported on the work in progress by the Primary The Committee was pleased to note that the OrOfficers in matching our Chapter by-laws to the re® chard Trust will be attending our rally and also the vised H.O.G. Annual Chapter Charter for 2013. Bristol Bike Show on August 17th. The Committee is We agreed that a sub-committee should be formed, awaiting further information about the bench in led by Anita, our Activities Officer, to discuss a rally memory of Pete Marlow. for 2014. We agreed that Chris would put links from our webMark is planning a special 10th Anniversary edition site to the AA and RAC for up to date information of of RoadHOG for December, and we’re are asking European traffic regulations for members who are members to send Tony photographs they’ve taken travelling in Europe. of our events this year. We agreed that any donations given at the hospitaliStephanie, our Charity Coordinator, presented a ty tent at our rally should go to Breast Cancer Care draft questionnaire aimed at gathering your views in Wales. on which charity to support from 2014. This will be The date of our next GWC Committee meeting was sent to all GWC members in July. set for June 15th at 10.30am at Riders. Other topics we discussed were: we agreed that there will be a presentation by a representative from A full copies of the April and May Minutes are availEurocamp at both our June Club nights. Our attend- able on request to me, Yvonne Roberts. ance at the Bristol Bike Show on August 17th was Yvonne also confirmed. Secretary At our meeting on May 18th, Martin Rich kindly offered to take new and prospective members on a

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Cangen Cymraeg

Greetings fellow GWC members and H-D enthusiasts and welcome to the 6th edition of my ramblings and unbridled waffle. As none of you have given me any gossip, moans or other items of tittle tattle which could make this article remotely interesting I shall soldier on with lies, halftruths and now and again, the truth. I will kick off with the night ride which I had the dubious pleasure of attending, hosted by those masochistic Road Captains Tony Yendle and Andy Kendall (Senior). All I can say is great company, interesting route taking in the delights of London at 3am, and freezing my goolies. Would I do it again, sod off no chance.

By Greg Payne tion of changes to riding practices as regards to new riders and slow riders. Mr Barry Aggett, Director, went through the forthcoming events and headlined the slow take up of Hogs in the Hayfields tickets by GWC members. Stephanie Evans, Charity Co-ordinator, explained there would be no raffle but sold timed tickets for the forthcoming canoe race (I mean glide). Yvonne Roberts mentioned the Rhayader weekend which promises to be a full weekend of riding, drinking and a bit of debauchery (I can hope) . A small mention of my first official rideout as Road Captain: Coastal Meanderings, which went swimmingly well with 26 riders taking part. A full report by that well known photographer and raconteur Mr Neil Lewis should be included in this magazine, if he remembers.

By the time you read this epistle some of us would Now we come to the Cider Rally held at Sandy Bay, have attended Brian Johnson’s birthday bash (a Hawaiian theme this year) at Abergavenny and also Weston, hosted by the Bridgwater Chapter which the Benelux Rally in Belgium. I am sure that these had an excellent turnout by GWC members. Well two events will be covered in greater detail, by more attended by other Chapters but a little bird told me illustrious authors than myself, in the next maganumbers were down by 170 from last year’s, perhaps a sign of the times as belts are tightening. One zine. of the better things about this rally is the sale of That’s all folks, apologies if I have missed anything. Rich’s farmhouse cider at £1.75 per pint. A truly remarkable drink of which I partook to excess Greg (Andrea’s words) and which accounts for my memory loss and not being able to write an account Cangen Cymraeg Rep. for Mark (SORRY). There were some good bands and of course the awesome DEVIOUS who will not let you down. The rideout was well attended in the morning and in the afternoon GWC won the Chapter Challenge much to the chagrin of Moggy, Bridgwater’s Director. As somebody once said "You got to be in it to win it”. The Cangen meeting on the 8th May was again well attended and we said Hello to two new members, David Jones and Andrew Pringle. Attending the meeting was Big Al, Head Road Captain, who presented myself, Ian Mead and Simon Griffiths with our Road Captains vests. He also presented to Neil Lewis and Bryn Wiltshire their Road Marshals patches. Al also informed the congrega-

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Ladies of Harley

By Jane Scott

Hi Ladies, What’s been going on over the past month? Of course the first rally of the year has been and gone - that’s the Cider Rally. Thanks Bridgwater guys and gals, it was a blast, Stu has written an article for this event that’s worth reading, (of course written in Stu’s Essex lingo).

It was great to see Jo Dagger in Riders on Saturday on her new 1200 Custom Sporty (better say limited edition) with only 29 miles on the clock. I bet Jo will be clocking up the miles soon. LOH THEATRE TRIP Just a reminder, if you would like to pay the remaining balance over the next couple of months that’s fine.

Peter will accept a cheque or BACS payments and there is a total of £94.95 to be paid by 18th October. If you do decide to do this then please let me know It seems it may be a change of scenery next year so so I can update my records too. St Tropez here we come, maybe. At the time of writing this article I’m sure there are Stu and myself have been away for a short break in plenty looking forward to the Big Brum Bash Rally North Norfolk (we can recommend a cottage). What on the May Bank Holiday weekend. Plus of course the all important Benelux Rally which I know is supa lovely part of the country. Of course we had to visit the Norwich H-D Dealership where we had cof- ported by quite a few Great Western Members. fee and a chat with members of the Iceni Chapter Have a good un!!! who made us very welcome. We even got invited on Just a quickie as a late entry from doing our Sunday their rideout but were lacking an important compoTeam Rideout to Evesham, thanks Martin and nent and that was our bikes. Never mind and anyEileen ,it was a great day, scenery was brill as we way thanks guys. However they did give us some tips on where to visit, one being an American Rock know from living in the forest. Just felt shattered Sunday evening. and Roll Weekend in Hemsby, described as little Las Vegas. It’s a bit like the Cider Rally but of course with cars rather than bikes. They had all the gear and we would have loved to have watched That’s all for now. them dance but we didn’t have the all important wristbands. Jane x On returning from Norfolk we had our last rehearsal for our Gurzels performance and all I can say is Ladies of Harley Ness must have a lot of patience but I’m sure it’ll be ok on the night.


PS – I know Sparky is not a LOH but would like to send Get Well Wishes and wish him a speedy recovery.

Yes, YOUR CHAPTER NEEDS YOU! for our rally to Contact details for queries, moans or questions be a success. So if you haven’t done so already, get Email: your rally tickets. There will be plenty of fun to be Mobile: 07894 086626 had this year. Hospitality Tent- if you would like to help out for an hour or two, contact me; we still have a few gaps to fill on the rota (contact details are at the bottom of the page) so txt or email me please, plus if you want to bake, feel free. Last year we dressed in pink to support Sue Stokes and all donations we received from the drinks/cakes we donated to Bristol Breast Care. This year I would like to carry on with the dress in PINK theme, in the hospitality tent, to show support for Sian Fisher as she has had to cope with a cancer scare. Any donations to be donated to a local hospital of Sian’s choice.

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10 Counties Night Ride Saturday October 11th 2011 – the first meeting of the “10th Anniversary Planning” Sub-Committee, as part of the planning, we were all asked to come up with some ideas to celebrate the Club’s 10 years in existence. It was also discussed to have “10” events throughout the year. Having done a Night Ride in the September of that year with the West Flanders Chapter, over in Belgium on a very wet and horrible night, I thought it would be a good idea to propose that we could do a Night Ride, but on a nice, dry Summer’s evening.

By Tony Yendle The 19th April was the chosen date and, after much weather watching on just about every available web forecast, we knew it was going to be a go’er! We had 16 bikes and 17 people on the ride and we set off from McDonalds Brislington at 10pm. A few guys (and girls) had come to see us off on our way.

Sounded good to me! But what night? To me it seemed like we would need a good reason and a good destination. After a few discussions, it was decided to do it on 20th/21st June 2013. Fly down to London then return via the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge – perfect! With that in mind, the outline planning began, how many bikes were likely to turn up? What route do we take? etc etc. In discussions with Andy K, whom I had roped in to help me make this work, we decided to do a recce ride to the Solstice on the night of 20th June (2012) to check out timings and more importantly, parking at the site. The night of 20th June came and I had arranged to meet Andy at 2.30am at a layby near his home; the rain was thundering down! A phone call at 1.45am to discuss the rights and wrongs of actually doing the ride and we decided it couldn’t rain any harder and it was a “one shot” deal – we had to do that night or not at all! The rain did ease up by around 5’ish but too much cloud around to see the sun come up! Also, parking was going to be a real headache on the night if it was a wet one – the only options we were given was a very wet and muddy field, which naturally we refused and we parked on the road next to a nice van full of sleeping policemen! The PC in the driving seat was awake so we asked him to keep an eye on our bikes!! Something we couldn’t do with the potential 30’ish bikes in tow.

So, off we set: the first port of call was a ride thro’ the middle of Bath and then on out towards Tetbury, Cirencester, over to Oxford and onward to London. Lots of stops on the way to take on board any necessary substances to keep us awake, coffee, Red bull, nicotine! The temperatures had not been too bad until we hit the M40 towards the M25 on the way into London, it was cold! Prior to our arrival in London, we decided that if we got broken up in the traffic, we were to assemble at Marble Arch, as we were going in on the A4 it will lead you (almost) straight to it. Lo and behold the inevitable happened, I had said that when we got to Piccadilly Circus, I would either go up Regent St or the next exit up thro’ Shaftesbury Avenue, I went up Shaftesbury with around 6 bikes, some went up Regent St and the rest went somewhere else! The traffic was busier than the rush hour in the middle of Bristol – at 2.30am in the morning!

All plans going very well! Then the bombshell that the Rally dates had been moved from July to the weekend of 21st June!! Starting from scratch we came up with the idea of the “10” Counties Night Ride. With time now running at a premium, an outline route was put together, taking in the middle of London, and we asked our resident RouteMeister (LBD) to come up with a “do-able” plan taking in the required 10 counties and aiming for around the 300/350 miles mark. MailChimps arranged and emails flying all over it was now a case of waiting for the replies to see how many were up for the challenge.

Us parked up at Marble Arch! 2.55am (Continued on page 13)

Page 13 Realising we had got split up we parked up in a bus stop pull in and waited for the phones to ring. Within minutes we had spoken to the other guys and all headed to the Arch, after another bout of coffee etc we headed to the London Eye, our planned main stop in the Smoke.

On the A303 we stopped at a gas station, the sun now up and beginning to shine as it should. More coffee and a chat, fuelled up, we decided to stop at Stonehenge and see the Stones, as this was the original destination it seemed like a good idea! Most of us had now swopped our night riding glasses for the now required Sunglasses and off we set on the homeward journey. As we got to Stonehenge the fog and the cold returned with a vengeance. The stop at the Stones was abandoned as we could only see about 40 yards in front of our faces in sunglasses, it was such fun!!! Because we couldn’t see enough of the road ahead, we couldn’t pull in and sort this particular problem, a case of carrying on regardless! Pretty hairy stuff! Even at 20/30 mph! A good dozen miles or so and all became clear again, the sun shining and we could pick up the speed again. A quick stop for yet more coffee at Warminster Services and then the final leg to Bath and back to good ol’ Brizzle! And WOW! What a reception – I think we were all totally unprepared for that! Driving into Riders car park – 10 in the morning, and what seemed like a full house of Club members all clapping us back home – WOW. The perfect end to what I think was a perfect night! I think a lot of thanks go to Anita and Mark Cockwell for that happening – thanks guys!

All in all, it all went to plan – 10 Counties accounted You may have seen this picture on the board in Rid- for and 299.5 miles start to finish, and not too ers – taken at 3.18am! All very scenic, but not work- knackered at the end of it – a result! ing at that time of the morning  I wanted to take You will now see 17 of us wearing the Night Ride some pics from the top! 2013 patch with pride! After a good half hour stop here we threaded our way thro’ London, out along by the Royal Hospital Chelsea (the Chelsea Pensioners) and past the iconic Battersea Power Station. Towards Kingstonon-Thames on the A3 thro’ Esher, Cobham (I used to live here!) past Woking and thro’ Guildford picking up the A31, passing Aldershot and driving thro’ Farnham to Winchester, now on the A34 we carried on to pick up the A303. Thanks for the great company on the night to all who came along and here’s to the next one! Ride safe – have fun Tony Yendle

At a coffee stop on the A34 – 5.12am

By Mike Attwood

er , who owned the largest H.D. complex in the world and was based in Daytona, was hit off his bike and killed on his way to Sturgis two years ago. The next few days were spent around Main Street with the temperature in the high 70's, watching thousands of people walking up Main Street and a continuous stream of bikes at almost a standstill, some trying in vain to get a place to park. Then it was more shopping to do. Thursday we were off to the "Iron Horse Saloon", which is a sixteen mile round trip on the bus costing a mere $1.25, then a walk along US1 took us to the " The Broken Spoke" and the "Beaver Bar" for burger and chips and to listen to the bands, after which we took a walk round the different exhibits. Then it was back across the road to the "Iron Horse" for more bands, the burn outs, and the "Wall of Death". After all this it was time to get back on the bus for Daytona.

Daytona Bike Week 2013

Well here we are again at Daytona Bike Week 2013. We arrived around 9pm at the Hotel on North Atlantic Ave, and after being shown to our room on the 7th floor, we opened the patio doors to a lovely view of the Atlantic Ocean and the sound of the waves. We were woken in the early hours of Saturday morning by the sound of gun shots, six in all, by someone out on the beach. We decided to stay in bed and not to look out.


We woke up to a beautiful sunrise and it was down for breakfast and a walk along the beach to main street. By lunch time the temperature was in the 80's and the streets were full of people and bikes. We went to H.D. at riverside street to pick up our free pins, and because we came from England, they gave us a large nickle silver medallion for travelling so far. Done some shopping at H.D. we looked at the bikes parked all down the street , the Bruce Rossmeyer Museum, and the many stalls, and then it was back over the bridge that spans the Halifax River to Main Street. Called in to Dirty Harry's for the first of many Wet "T" Shirt competitions, ( Jo will have to stop doing these, as she's not getting any younger). The "Cowboy" who runs the show was in top form and very un-PC in getting the girls up on stage for the show. Unfortunately we heard some bad news at breakfast, that Bruce Rossmey-

The roads were heavily congested with bikes and it was an amazing sight to see, the bikers riding up and down the street with their long beards blowing over their face's, and when they stopped and got off their bikes they had lovely flickups.

Despite the heavy traffic and large crowds everyone was friendly and polite.

At one point we bumped into Ian and Kay on Main Street and had a chat about the show and the “Cowboy�, the guys thought he was great. Ian and Kay were off to Disney for a few days so off we went to take more pics at "Froggies" ,"The Full Moon", "Dirty Harry's" and "Boot Hill". Saturday we visited "The Worlds Famous Rats Hole" for the custom bike show, and then sadly it was back to the hotel to pack. We had just spent nine lovely days at "Daytona Bike Week" but the time had come to say good bye to the many "half-naked girls", " wet t-shirt contests", " best buns contests", and the heat, as it was time to go.

Daytona Bike Week 2013

This year there seemed to be a lot of older bikes, Knuckle Heads, Pan Heads, and Shovel Heads. Some were in original condition, but a lot were chopped. There were also more sports bikes with younger people on them, but not so many full custom bikes.

So until the next time!!!!

By Mike Attwood

Mike & Jo


Page 16

2013 Cider Rally The Cider Rally is coming up and do I want to go NO!! I – we have been doing it for I don’t know how long and its getting old hat. When we first started going we used to camp and walk back and fore, now its chalets, but we were loads younger then!!

By Stu Scott better get a move on and just make it phew!! I paid for it so I’m having it.

The four of us can’t do the parade for safety reasons and the fear of losing our licences, so we catch the service bus into town and head for Then Jane reminds me it’s the first one of the year, Scalleys for a livener, to be joined by Bryn doing his and the end of a long winter, plus it’s a good kick-off party piece as the security man. for what’s to come for the rest of the year. The four of us meet up with Mart and Ei for lunch, I scan the line up of bands I notice one I’m a bit sus- fish and chips. picious of Smoking Monkeys- is this a new name for Saturday afternoon back at camp brings on the bike Orangutan? I hope not, if it is I can blot them out show and chapter challenge, Paul (Flamesy) Bromfrom my mind if I drink enough scotch!! head and Old Bones wins best custom sporty again Mart, Ei, Jac, Baz, Jane and I have our usual (don’t enter next year Paul it’s getting boring lol) but brunch in Sainsbury’ and stock up with various spir- good anyway. its and nibbles. We arrive at the rally but steer clear of the bar, as last year Jane and I started on the Friday morning and were mullah-ed by 10:30 pm and past out in our chalet and woke Saturday morning still in our clothes. But, back to this year, Devious are the first band up on Friday nite. I can’t say anymore than the whole joint was rocking within minutes, are they good or what. After the encore bit it’s time for some more of Rob Paston and once again after all is done, Great Western Chapter are still standing for the 3am club photo. 3:30am returning only to be woken by Jac and Baz on the blower, asking if we are having breakfast, as they wrap it up at 9:30am and its 9:10am now! We The Great Western Chapter challenge team enter and win!! Owing to them being the only team to enter (you gotta be in it to win it) Saturday evening carries on with the frivolities - first band on is Brotherhood not exactly our cup of tea, sort of karaoke with two lads playing guitars and singing to canned music, then it’s the raffle and awards too for Great Western Chapter- Paul with his amazing sporty and the challenge team for their bye, well done all. Its time to find out who Smoking Monkeys are and yippy aye ay it’s not Orangutan under a new name, they (Continued on page 17)

Page 17 are a glam rock band and got most up bopping.

our lounge suits and slippers for drinks then dinner.

We are still drinking and chatting at 3:30am and the security guard tells us he is locking up so please leave through the front door (and it wasn’t Bryn).

We then have a swift look in the main bar to see “what’s occurring”; it’s a bloke on a piano telling jokes, so it’s back to the Ambassador Suite as more alcohol is needed for that kind of evening.

We make breakfast on Sunday morning with time to spare, then meet up at 11am with the Cangen guys for a ride down to Paington to the B-mad rally and it’s a good ride to get the cobwebs out of the system. Jac, Baz Jane and myself have a mooch around the stalls and head off in search of a cream tea in one of the hotels across the road from the rally. The waiter arrives with a plate of biskwits as he tells us they don’t have any scones but have sent out for some, what a joke! But it did come good in the end, as we got our cream teas albeit late.

The next band are ok (forgotten their name) not too loud so we are able to sit around chatting and get an earlier nite as we are off home in the morning. I must admit once again we had a great weekend as we hope everyone else did apart from one little upset.

Sorry for the hold up on leaving lads, its was Jac’s fault!! And so with a blast back up the M5 to Sand Bay a good day out, just what the doctor ordered, thanks guys. We have an invite from the First Lady for pre dinner drinks in the Ambassador Suite, so its time to don

So thanks to all you guys and gals for making our weekend a good un, but are we going again next year?

NO - St Tropez is calling.

Stu et Jane

Page 18 Roberts if you intend joining us or for more information: or phone 01225 751017. So far 70 people have confirmed that they are coming. Event 7 – Treasure Hunt, June 30th, a day of mystery, mischief and mayhem! Meet for 10.00am at Gordano Services on the M5. After registration there will be a vague woolly explanation as to how the hunt works. We will issue people with their clue packs, and send them on their way! We aim to send the first teams out at 10.45/11.00am at timed intervals. We take great care to plan a safe riding route and avoid anything that could be’s about having fun and following the clues, not dodging traffic! We give fairly precise directions, and Cameras and a 50p will be needed. It will take 4 hours including time for tea/beer breaks and the finish will be at a suitable eatery, (we take orders for food Our Remaining 6½ Events in 2013 before the off so that we can let the eatery know the numWell done to Tony and Andy for planning and leading the bers). The winner(s) will be announced and presented with epic night ride, and to all those souls who braved the cold! "The Trophy", currently on display in Riders showcase! Event 4 – 12th Benelux Rally, Silverlake Beach, Mol, Belgium – Flemish Kempen H.O.G. Chapter, 20th Anniversary, June 7th - 9th This will have taken place by the time you read this issue. Event 5 – 10th Anniversary Rally at the Hayfields, June 21st - 23rd This is being held at Cleve Rugby Club, with loads of great entertainment, and a special rideout encompassing our bridges. There is still time to get your tickets - £25 for the weekend, £18 for Saturday, from Tony James at our June Club nights. See the special Rally page on our website for a booking form. Tony is still looking for volunteers to help. Please support your Chapter Rally!

Event 8 – Charity Canoe Trip on the River Wye, and BBQ/camping at the Orchard Trust Saturday August 24th 33 x 2 person canoes have been booked, so we cannot take anymore bookings. We are running a competition to raise money for the Orchard Trust and tickets can be bought at our Club nights. The event will end up at the Trust for a BBQ & camping at a cost of £10 per person. Stu Scott is also planning a rideout to this event. Event 9 – UK Tour Go East, the Road Less Travelled, September 5th – 8th Booking has now closed.

Event 10 – GWC 10th Anniversary Dinner at the Hilton Hotel, Aztec West, October 26th Event 6 - Rhayader Riding Weekend, July 11 - 14 If you are planning on joining us please check these details This will be a smart dress event. The cost of a ticket for 3 course dinner and disco is £30 per person, with hotel acof the weekend: commodation at £50 per room for B&B, including use of all Bazzer will lead a ride to Rhayader on Thursday July 11 th the hotel facilities. Afterwards, there is a late bar for resistarting from the Magor Services on the M4 at 1.30pm for a dents only. Rooms can be booked now by calling Lucy 2.00pm start, and Nige will lead a ride there on Friday July Robinson on 01454 893436. Dinner tickets are available 12th from Magor Services at the same times. from Anita Cockwell, Activities Officer, on 07702 073361 or and at Club nights. The deadline The Thursday evening entertainment will be at the Oak in East St at 8.30pm, with a Rock, Paper, Scissors Competi- for the Chapter to pay 50% of the balance is the end of tion and live music from the Rhayader Jammers. There will June. Therefore to guarantee your ticket you must also be rideouts for both Friday and Saturday, through the Elan have paid at least 50% of the ticket price by this date. If tickets are still available, we will continue to sell them up to Valley and Snowdonia, meeting in the Smithfield car park 2 weeks prior to the event, when the payment of the final at 9.30am for a 10.00am start on both days. The Friday balance is due. See our website for details. evening entertainment will be a Pub Crawl Treasure Hunt Quiz starting at the Lion Royal, and the Saturday evening Ladies-Only Weekend Away in London, November 23rd entertainment will be a disco at the Black Lion and live - Bookings are now closed. music at the Cornhill Inn. th


There is a vintage vehicle rally in Smithfield on the Sunday where you may wish to display your bike before Bazzer leads a return ride early afternoon. Details of this event and booking accommodation can be found on our website on the 10th Anniversary page. Please contact Yvonne

Bazzer, Anita, Nige Garnett, Dave Norton, Chris, Tony Yendle, Martin Rich, Peter and Yvonne Roberts - the Planning Group

Page 19

White Horses Rideout - The Rerun

By Ian Johnson

We started with a ride down the A350 to the Westbury White Horse near Bratton. There was a planned photo stop here as the horse is probably the most visible and although it would not pass the Daz doorstep challenge gets closest to the definition of white horse.

This rideout report could almost be as simple as ‘Please see October 2012 edition of RoadHog with the addition that the weather was better, more people turned up and we had a different sort of cake’.

From there it was a ride past Earlstoke prison, through Devizes to a comfort break at the Rowdey Cow Cafe and Ice Cream Parlour on the A342 between Rowde and Devizes where they serve excellent homemade cakes – the sort that make your arteries start furring up just thinking about them.

Readers of the October 2012 issue of RoadHog will recall that this ride was previously completed in September 2012 in the most atrocious weather conditions. On that occasion there were 5 Road Captains/ Marshalls, 3 other riders and one pillion. The participants were given every opportunity for the ride to be abandoned but as they all expressed a preference to continue the ride team felt obliged to honour this – or at least most of them did the sensiWe then visited the horses at Cherhill, Broad Town ble ones went home. (well hidden) and Hackpen Hill and then onto MarlThe meeting point for this ride was at the Little Chef borough for lunch. The Marlborough horse is a diffiat Chippenham which is easy enough to find except cult one to see and whilst we did make a plan it didfor those reliant on Google Maps which will take you n’t quite come off. Then onto the horses at Pewsey, to someone’s house about a mile away. This may or Alton Barnes and the Millennium horse in Devizes. may not be a good thing unless you are attending A ride back to Chippenham past North Wilts golf Little Chef for the purposes of starting a rideout. club and through Calne completed the ride. At about 10.15am consideration was being given to In contrast to our previous effort the ride consisted the briefing when it was noticed that Mark Chinnick of 30 bikes, 22 more than previously and 39 people, was not present. Naturally there was concern for 28 more than previously Mark but there was also concern that some might get a bit excited that his absence would put them in The ride team were Ian and Jane Johnson, Paul and Wendy Groom, Dave Pocock and thanks to with a chance of winning the Rideout Challenge. Any thoughts however were quickly dispelled as he special guest Andy (RKK) Kendall. finally arrived. On our previous outing muster for briefing was proclaimed with the theme from the 1960s TV series ‘The White Horses’ which, was at number 19 in the hit parade the very week of this ride in 1968. I forgot to take the CD with me but for those that missed out there is an opportunity to listen again using this link.

Page 20

Charity Catch Up

As the year is half way through - I’m sure time has sped up the older I get, I thought it was time to give an update on where we are with charity activities this year. Our final big event for the Orchard Trust is the Canoe Glide and BBQ on Saturday 24th August. Pirate fancy dress is optional but there is a prize for the best dressed pirate so I have high hopes to see lots of fabulous pirates at the BBQ! Tickets will go on sale at the next Club night at £10 which includes food, live music and camping – BARGAIN! Please buy your tickets as early as possible so we can make sure we have the right amount of food available and don’t waste any of the funds raised.

By Stephanie Evans Online - there will be a MailChimp sent with a link to the online survey. On paper - paper copies will be available at each of the July Club nights for those of you who would prefer to complete it that way. The survey only has 6 questions which are really quick to answer, so I am hopeful that everyone will be able to complete and return it to give us a true picture of what you want for our next charitable cause. Once the results are analysed I will share them with you at a Club night and we will move on to select the actual charity we are going to support. Finally, I’d like to say a big thank you for all your support of the charity activities and for putting your hands in your pockets so regularly to support worthy causes.

Bye for now – have fun! – be safe! Other than this the usual raffles will be back once the Canoe raffle has sold out, along with a few smaller activities at our Rally and the Orchard Trust Stephanie Summer Fayre and of course the Christmas Party – Charity Coordinator can you believe I saw a Christmas tree up in a hotel promoting Christmas this month!!!!! Talking about the Orchard Trust Summer Fayre VOLUNTEERS WANTED! We have been asked for volunteers to support:  The skittles alley,  The Pig Race  To bring their bikes to create a display in the top field, as last year this was so popular with attendees. The Fayre is on Sunday 28th July from 2.00-4.30pm. So, if you are coming along, or are willing to offer your support, please let me know ASAP. Charity Survey I have already mentioned that we are going to survey all members to find out what sort of charity you want us to support next year. We have previously supported Bristol Cats & Dogs Home; Ty Hafan; St.Peter’s Hospice and Radio Lollipop. The survey will be launched in July and will be available in two ways for you to complete:

Page 21

Coastal & Valleys Meanderings The much-awaited, oft-cancelled, ride-of-the-year was finally about to happen! Having been reassured by Greg, at Club night the Wednesday before, that I was too newly installed (i.e. that same club night) as a Road Marshal, to be pressed into service, I got an e-mail on the Saturday evening to say that I would be riding as breakdown man. Given the weather forecast was for heavy rain, it was just as well I’d invested in a new LED tail-light as I was going to be at the back for the whole of the ride-out. The whole of the column would be relying on my tail-light to give other traffic a clue as to braking and turning.

By Neil Lewis style”. It was interesting to note that their ponies never got scared by the first 24 Harleys rumbling past, only when Ian Mead’s clattered by.

Into Cardiff via Rumney and North Splott, past the Royal Infirmary where I once volunteered as a porter in A&E on a Saturday night, past the prison and down to the Bay (formerly known as Tiger Bay when it was a real community, but now dragged upmarket and so has lost its jungle associations). SI Griff did a sterling job of parking amidst all the lost Sunday drivers to point us in the right direction for the tunnels. Lots of reverb going through the tunnels, then it was over the mighty Rio Taff and its I got to the muster point in plenty of time, only to spindly cousin the Ely, before heading south toride halfway back home to refuel! I got back just in wards Penarth. Penarth has always been a more time for a pit-stop then Greg’s briefing, where he genteel seaside resort in this part of Wales, and it warned everyone not to break down as I knew certainly felt like it as we roared along the Esplanothing about bikes, and also didn’t know the route nade and through even posher Sully before clatterso we’d never catch up if they did stop for any rea- ing into Barry for a coffee stop at Marco’s (of Gavin son. The rest of the briefing was factual and suc& Stacey fame). We seemed to scare off most of cinct - in other words, he outlined the route and the sports bikes parked up there, thus removing where we would be stopping, but failed to warn any petty distractions for those few tourists brave people about the potholes, the bumpy roads, the enough to face the delights of Barry Island on a cowshit, etc. dull, cold Sunday morning. After taking in our first view of the coast (the headland just past the café) and a team photo in the Welsh ‘sunshine’ (even Photoshop was struggling with this one!) it was back on the road - just as it started to rain

So off we went. From Coldra, in the shadow of the magnificent Celtic Manor Hotel, along South Distributor Rd (reduced to a single lane for most of its length and populated by an unhealthy series of pedal cyclists who slowed everyone down to their pace), past Willow Tree Farm and Peterstone Lakes Golf Club (the first of many that day), across the Usk and Ebbw rivers, and also past a couple of areas reserved for “citizens of a more itinerant life-

The route to Porthcawl took us past Rhoose and St. Athan, through Wick and then down to Southerndown and Ogmore-by-Sea, where we saw the coast again! There were also a couple of wet cattle (Continued on page 22)

Page 22 grids slanting from right to left across the road, - I couldn’t see the bike in front of Ian’s! seemingly designed to dump you in the sea. The Ogmore Valley looked as idyllic as ever, before we rejoined the frantic pace of the A48 for about 2 miles before turning down into Porthcawl itself, where we parked up just by the seafront. However, by this time the drizzle was so thick that we couldn’t actually see the sea - we had to take Si’s word for it. He then claimed there wasn’t enough Sunday roast to feed everyone at his house - poor planning, I reckon. So while he nipped home for a spot of Sunday lunch, the rest of us had to make do with what Porthcawl had to offer. Which was pretty good - fish & chips at Beales with a big mug of mushy peas and not a single bone to spoil it. So, Maesteg. I looked for the horse, but saw nor By the time we all mustered back at the car park, hide nor hair of it. Not surprising, I thought, given the skies had darkened, the drizzle had turned into the viz being reduced to about 2 bike lengths by proper rain and there were a few less bikes in the this time (I checked on the internet when I got car park as some people had taken Greg’s ‘WUSS’ home - turns out the horse got fed up of being sinoption and cut the day short. Most people, to be gle and moved out of town in the 60s to shack up fair, elected to stick it out - this was, after all, the with a hippy filly down on the coast). “Valleys” section of the ride with its sweeping Down out of the cloud and into Bridgend, where I curves through verdant forests and spectacular had a bit of a surreal experience. Pulling up at views over the Welsh hills. Who could resist? lights, just past the Brewery Field, there was a realA strange thing happened just after we left ly weird noise from the bike in front of Ian. Darren Porthcawl. Although he wasn’t on the rideout, Gra- Sharp - normally not a bad bloke for tune on a ham Roach’s satnav suddenly took over, and we rideout - was blasting out hip-hop! Need to get that trundled through what seemed like several back stereo checked out, mate! gardens and driveways and along a bit of road with And finally Pencoed, home of Cangen Cymraeg, grass growing down the middle, before we found and the end of an epic ride that had a bit of everyourselves safely on the West Rd tootling past Roything. To those who were wondering, yes it was the al Porthcawl GC and across Kenfig Common tomost complicated rideout in Chapter history. By wards Pyle, Margam and Port Talbot. Apologies my reckoning, 4763 roundabouts, 1100 traffic lights may be due to our colleagues from across the Sevand at least two back gardens. Apparently there ern Bridge at this point - Margam House was on were people who’d ridden to Portugal last year who the right just after that very short bit of dual carreckoned they got all the way to the European Ralriageway. Check the internet for photos of what it ly with fewer second-man drops! Coastal views 4 (if should have looked like. you count Porthcawl); valley views zero. No breakAs we turned inland just past St. Ted’s church, the downs, no-one got lost, fun-factor 100%. It was a road rose straight as an arrow into the cloud blank- ride to rival the infamous Margam Seven of Chaping Margam Forest, Bravely we headed up into the ter fame, but plenty of laughs, and what would you gloom. You’ll have to take me on trust at this point - rather be doing - watching the omnibus edition of we passed through Bryn (the village, not the new CorryEnders or out on your Harley with your Road Marshal) and the outskirts of Michaelstone mates? No contest. Forest before sweeping back down into Maesteg. The Bryn Tourist Office highlights the spectacular Nice one Greg! views to be had along this route. I was just glad that Ian Mead had only got his Road Captain’s anorak on Wednesday, as it was still shiny and bright and I could therefore see which way to follow

Page 23

Peter & Duncan’s Pump Stop morning and what we really found was an almost impenetrable wagon train of HGVs. Eventually we reached Littleport to see the “HarleyDavidson Motorcycle Monument” (as per last month’s RoadHOG article.

Members often comment on the excellent organisation of Chapter rideouts, tours, and trips to specific destinations. Amazement often follows, upon learning how much effort, both on the road and virtual, goes into planning and trying to cover all the foreseeable angles. Of course, when a tour is several thousand miles away (e.g. in California), planning involves memory of roads past-ridden, maps, travel guides and internet research. Thanks to the wonder of Google maps and Google Earth 3D, you can “see” every road junction, directional sign, freeway on- and off-ramp, and images of every building or feature along the way. On top of that, for spectacular routes, such as Big Sur on Pacific Coastal Highway1, you can always re-live someone else’s ride that they have posted on YouTube. The other week, Yvonne and I parked young Harley (our cat, if you haven’t seen him on Facebook) and headed off for a few days to recce our “Go East - A Road Less-Travelled” tour for September. The weather was fabulous over the 3 days – pure luck – and it was great to check out the route and timings for real, in advance, and modify our plans accordingly. Doing a real recce, rather than relying on virtual information, can show a reality that is somewhat different from what you see on your laptop screen. One of the roads we had included in our route, headed towards Norfolk. On Google Maps Street View, it all seemed rather quiet and scenic, looking across the Fens. In truth, the Google camera had probably captured the scene early on a Sunday

Despite this photo, in the brilliant sunshine, sadly, on close inspection the monument has not been well cared for over the last 10 years. The Knucklehead is battered and the descriptive board nearby has the usual accumulation of graffiti, rendering the text illegible. So much for respect – what happened? (Sorry, entering “Grumpy Old Men” mode again!). At least that part of the recce changed our mind about our intended route, and not depressing everyone by turning up to see an uncared for bit of Harley history. This last month the “Wiltshire White Horses” rideout was an example of superlative planning, of a complex and interesting route through the fabulous Wiltshire scenery (but then, maybe I’m biased, living in the County with a direct view from our house across to the oldest (1778) of the White Horses on Westbury Ridge). We saw all 8 of the Wiltshire White Horses – well, we passed all 8, but I’m not sure everyone appreciated that the U-turn at Devizes was for viewing purposes! Even though a rideout might be on your doorstep, you nearly always discover something new – like the “Rowdey Cow” near Rowde. All those giant cakes and exotic home-made ice creams. A few days later after the White Horses hunt, we were back there with our Granddaughter – for a giant ice cream! Next rideout was Marty’s trip up to Evesham for lunch. Waiting for the off at Severn View Services, our RC team looked oh so cool and relaxed in the unusual warm sunshine. A great day it was, with 45 bikes hanging close to(Continued on page 24)

Page 24 but only temporarily: both models are supposed to be getting a redesign and update. They should be back again by 2015. And now, “Tip of the Month”: Happy days: we have seen some sun and at last got a few miles riding under our belts. With the weather getting better we see more and more pillion riders enjoying the ride as well, but how many of you look at the handling of the bike when that pillion jumps on? We all know about tyre pressures and how important they are to check each week. It is also just as important to have them set correctly for taking a pillion. gether most of the way along some lovely roads. Every bike has at least two settings for the front and Even with impeccable planning though, things can rear, depending on the weight the bike is going to still go awry - don’t mention the bridge across the be carrying. If you are going for a ride with a pillion River Avon in Evesham. No construction work was make sure you check your manual and set the tyre planned for Sunday, according to the Council – they pressures accordingly. lied! At least on the touring Harleys, one cylinder The other aspect that is affected, when you are two shuts down to help prevent barbecued legs. up, is the suspension. Again, this will also have at Dave Vass’s bike provided an interesting lesson, least two settings. Some bikes can only be adjusted with a grand arrival into the Evesham car park, with at the rear, while others can be front and rear. There hazard lights flashing. Why were they flashing? A are various types of suspension, ranging from airmystery. Dave couldn’t stop them, neither could I assisted to spring-loaded. Both of these are very nor Big Al. Not exactly a good demonstration of any simple to adjust. One involves using a ’C’ spanner of us “understanding your Harley”! What followed and the other using a small hand air pump. was the pressing of multiple buttons, switching the ignition on/off, etc. but to no avail. Finally someone A Road King, for example, has an air system which identified the problem, unlike current models Dave’s can be easily pumped up according to load, while a Sportster has a spring-load system with four setbike has a switch on the right-hand switch set to tings which again can quickly be adjusted to suit. engage/disengage the hazard lights and he must Both tools to adjust the settings are available from have accidently hit it. Fortunately this wasn’t a repeat of a problem encountered last summer in Cali- Harley Davidson and within minutes can help, to not fornia when the hazard lights on Neil Prescott’s rent- only improve the comfort of your ride, but also the handling, thus making your whole experience that al bike wouldn’t stop flashing. much more enjoyable. In Neil’s case the answer (thanks to Neil) was: ignition on, push both directional indicators at the same If you are unsure of what suspension system you have, or do not want to adjust things yourself, pop in time, ignition off. If that doesn’t work, you probably need to pull out the 40 amp fuse for about a minute and we can show you how quickly and easily it can be done. and try again. If that doesn’t work, talk to Duncan! Finally, after that extra tip of the month, some hot gossip from across the pond. For 2014 – The FXS Softail Blackline, and the FLHTC Electra Glide will disappear for good. The FLHRC Road King Classic will be getting the axe in the US as well. Both the FLTRX Road Glide Custom and the FLTRU Road Glide Ultra won't be available in 2014,

Once again, Ride Safe

Peter and Duncan@Riders

Page 25

Orchard Trust

Hi Everyone,

By Kathryn wonderful day – they had so much energy and were an amazing group of young people. They spent time potting up hanging baskets and also cake-making. Later in the day they shared the cakes they’d made with a small group of staff from the Education and Training Teams, who had been invited to join them for tea. The young people have said that they would like to visit us again before August.

Well, everything is growing here at last! Plants in the Sensory Garden are really coming on now and the flowering crab apple and cherry tree are looking lovely. People are spending more time in the garden now the weather is improving and all the plants that add to the sensory experience for our service users are growing so fast, such as the herbs in the raised beds. The wooden bench and chair purchased with the very kind donations from Pete Marlow’s family and GWC are now in place. They were kept in the greenhouse over the winter to protect them and Stu and John have now made a paved base for them to stand on. We’ve positioned them next to the Lodge, looking back up the site and they will be much appreciated when students are doing activities outdoors. Tenants from Kimberley Drive had a great day out at the Bristol Aquarium and I was told that the fish and chip lunch enjoyed by some of the tenants really didn’t come out of the Aquarium! Chit Chat Café on a Thursday in Lydney continues to grow and everyone looks smart in their new named Chit Chat Café T -shirts!

We were delighted to welcome service users’ parents to our first Parent Group Meeting recently. The parents began by introducing themselves to the group and sharing their experiences of bringing up a child with a disability. They discussed the help and guidance and sometimes hindrances they all encountered along the way and discovered that although their children have very different needs, there are many similarities. It was emotional at times, but many lighthearted stories were shared too. We are hoping that this will be the start of many more meetings, as the Trust values parental input as essential to its continued growth and development. They are now planning to meet again in July. A group of new students from Heart of the Forest School, who are starting with us in August, visited the Learning Centre for the day recently. It was a

Our home at Ruardean Hill, Hilltop, has recently had their wheelchair swing set up, complete with all of the safety matting laid too. Their wheelchair users seemed to enjoy using it in the brief bout of sunshine and warmth that we recently enjoyed! Both service users and staff are enjoying taking part in themed activities, with themes such as BBQ’s, ice creams and even some camping themed activities already booked (although they’re hoping that their camping and festival theme will not be a wash out!!). Three of their service users recently went to the (Continued on page 26)

Page 26

Good Vibrations?

Techniquest Science Centre in Cardiff and had a very enjoyable and stimulating visit. Staff at Hilltop have been gathering items ready for a table at a local I hate motorways. It’s not because they don't have car boot sale to raise funds for the home – they’re just holding their breath for good weather! enjoyable "twisties" to negotiate, or because they are boring or because they get you there too quickly Truly Scrumptious held another café recently at the or because ………….. Its just that they do my head Learning Centre and visitors were spoilt for choice again with wonderful home baking, including coffee in! and walnut cake, chocolate sponge filled with fresh Let me explain. I have a Heritage Softail which I cream and lemon drizzle cake. Service users, staff, family and friends went along and enjoyed the lovely love. It’s comfortable, it’s smooth (well almost) it’s cakes that the student café group had made. quiet (well not quite) and it’s eye-catching Our Orchard Trust Training Team here not only deliv- (absolutely). But the best and worst thing about the er training for our own staff but also provide training Heritage is the screen. It does a great job of fly for other organisations - both in the health and social swatting and keeping most of the rain from permeatcare sector and other sectors too. One day last week and again this week, Bev and I have been delivering ing my "waterproofs" but it’s about as aerodynamic a course in Gloucester for Activity Coordinators who as a brick built you know what. work in either elderly care or learning disability homes. This was a highly interactive course, with lots So, what's the problem? Well it seems (so I am told) that the airflow hitting my screen tends to pass over of fun and laughter along with the learning! We’ll shortly be delivering an induction programme over the top and then meets up with the upwards airflow several weeks in Didcot for a care organisation that from underneath which forms an area of turbulence has homes across the South West and have just run a series of sessions for Taurus Crafts in Lydney too. about head height - did I say head height? At motorway speeds my head feels as if it’s been cut off and Well, by the time this newsletter arrives, it won’t be rolled down a cobbled street. Blurred vision, slurred long until Hogs in the Hayfields. Service users and staff from several of our homes are looking forward to speech (yes, I do talk to myself) and eyeballs hitting the inside of the visor. To prevent this happening, visiting over the weekend and a few may camp too. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for much better the Harley Forum suggested putting your feet up on weather than last year! the top of the engine bars and bringing your knees Plans are well under way here for our Summer Fayre together. So I tried it and hey blooming presto it on Sunday 28th July, 2.00 - 4.30pm and a very warm worked! But who wants to look a prat at best or end invitation is extended to all GWC members. We’ve up in jail or some of our regular stalls/attractions and some new shiny side up ones too. This will include a BBQ, bar, live music, at worst. home-made cakes, plant stall, tombola, henna tattoos, vintage car display and craft stalls and this year Enter a little we’re also going to have a birds of prey flying demonknown accesstration. sory from RidEveryone’s looking forward to the August canoe paders - the Heritdle and BBQ. I’ve overheard some discussions about pirate fancy dress here and I know that at least age Softail one stripy top has been bought already! We’re getWind Deflecting sorted with the BBQ for feeding hungry pirates tors kit (part after their leisurely(?!) trip down the river and providNo 58125-90B ing breakfast the next morning too! It should be a and also availfantastic event and over 30 canoes paddled by pirates down the River Wye should look quite impres- able for the sive! Road King) which fit on the Looking forward to seeing you at Hogs in the Hayfront forks. fields. With eyeballs now back in place, life is good again. Thank you all for your continued support and very best wishes from everyone at The Orchard Trust. Don't you just love motorways? Kathryn The Orchard Trust

Brian Jones

At a Glance - 2013 GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07702 073361 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website.

Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650

Chapter Events



Asst Director/Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157


10th Anniversary

Chris Harding

12th Benelux Rally, Belgium


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Asst Director/ Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


10th Anniversary

Tony James

Hogs in the Hayfields Rally


Ride Out

‘Big Al’ Stokes

The 4 Bridges Rally Ride


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley


10th Anniversary

Jeff & Julie

Treasure Hunt

Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385


Activity/Ride Out

‘Big Al’ Stokes

Weston Bike Night, “American Power”


Activity/Ride Out

Ian Mead

‘Blown Out in the Beacons’

Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


10th Anniversary

Yvonne Roberts

Rhayader Riding Weekend


Ride Out

‘Big Al’ Stokes



Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley


Ride Out

‘Big Al’ Stokes

‘Roving around Resolven’

Date June


August 11th

Ride Out

‘Big Al’ Stokes

‘Ice Cream Sundae’


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




Bristol Bike Show, Bristol


Ride Out

Steph Pocock

Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017 Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011

Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711 Photographer/Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612 Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626 Charity Co-ordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752 Cangen Cymraeg Rep Greg Payne 07976 913004 Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921


10 Anniversary

Nige Garnett


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

‘Meandering to Sammy Millers’ Canoe Glide or Ride Out & BBQ @ Orchard Trust Ferry Inn, Beachley


10th Anniversary

Peter Roberts

Go East Tour


Ride Out

‘Big Al’ Stokes



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley


Ride Out

‘Big Al’ Stokes





Ride to the Wall


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

‘Big Al’ Stokes



Activity/Ride Out

‘Big Al’ Stokes

Hoggin the Bridge


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley


10th Anniversary

Dave Norton

Dinner, Hilton Hotel Aztec West


Ride Out

‘Big Al’ Stokes


All details on GWC web site


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


10th Anniversary

Jane Scott

LOH weekend trip to London


Ride Out

Steph Pocock

Wild Wanderings Around Wiltshire


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley




Road Captains Barry Aggett, Paul Bromhead, Nigel Garnett, Simon Griffiths, Paul Groom, Chris Harding, Martin James, Ian Johnson, Andy Kendall, Andy Kendall, (RKK), Ian Mead, Greg Payne, Dave Pocock, Stephanie Pocock, Dave Roberts, Mike Sage, Darren Sharp, Jane & Stuart Scott, Alan Stokes, Tony Yendle.

Road Marshals Mike Brake, Tony Cole, Steve Crook, Neil Lewis, Bryn Wiltshire.


RoadHOG is printed by the Woodside Press

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