Tales From The Riverbank April 2017

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of s e d i r First w the ne season

April 2017

Editor's thoughts Welcome to Tales From The Riverbank. Wow! What a month it has been since the last edition. Spring has sprung and rides have been going on at a fine rate. Whilst most of the rides have been for fun, one had a more somber tone to it. I was privileged to be a part of Foxy's last ride. I really think the Terry would have loved it, but probably would have wanted to go faster. Life in many of its stages is within these pages. Birthday rides and weddings also make an appearance. Now that I have been producing the magazine for over a year, I would value your feedback. This magazine like most things grows and evolves. A little change here, a subtle tweak there. If you could change the magazine, what would you do? What do you like? What would you get rid of? And what do you miss? I would like to thank those of you who have offered your opinions and feedback. It really helps me nudge the magazine in the right direction. Pages in magazines like this, however, do not fill themselves. Whilst we have a great group of regular contributors in the Chapter we really need some reporters out there on the street. If you are interested in finding out more, please talk to Nick, Lee or myself. I hope that you enjoy this edition. Ride safe and have fun!


: ions to ubmiss s r u o .org.uk Send y lleyhog a v s e tham editor@

New Members. We would like to offer a warm welcome to our new members. Please make yourselves at home. Dylan Augustus (Pictured right) Sarah MacGregor

Inside this issue


Front cover

American Diner Brighton

Page 2

Editor's Thoughts

Page 4 - 7

Westie Writes

Page 8

Ladies of Harley

Page 8 - 9

Who's that girl?

Page 10 - 12

Pioneer Ride

Michael Friend - 9th

Page 13

Wedding Bells

George Bunby - 10th

Page 14 - 15

Upcoming event & rallies

Page 16 - 17

White's Words

Page 18

Foxy's Last Ride

Page 19

Cider Rally

Page 20

Betty's Birthday

Page 21

Breakfast Meet

Page 22

Guildford birthday ride / Rusty ride out

Page 23

Way to Warwick

Page 24

Saturday Social

Page 25

Poker run

Page 26

Dr B's

Page 27

Bike Night

Back cover

Meet the Committee

Birthdays April Eric Chipping - 23rd Gopher - 30th


Con Spathas - 13th Clive Skinner - 18th Happy Birthday to you all. If we've missed you or got things wrong, drop a quick note to the editor so we can put things right.

Huge thanks to all who have sent copy in for this month's magazine: Nick, Lou, Hayley, Mike J, Mark, Lee, Chris, Linda, & Trish :-)

Hi All, I have to say that we have had a fabulous start to the season with a good smattering of dry, sunny weather. Some of it even at the weekends! Shortly after Club night in March we took our ride program by the scruff of the neck and ran TWO rides to Guildford HD to join in their birthday celebrations. Rides from Sportsable and Reading Dealership merged just outside Guildford to make a big entrance of some 20+ bikes. Guildford HD did their usual stand-up job of hosting a great event with band, hog roast and bargains. Likewise the Pioneer Run to Brighton was well supported on the following day. We were again lucky with the weather providing a dry run both ways. On such a busy day we all managed to get parked but we could not find a single place to accommodate us for lunch and we ended up split between local fish & chip shops and the American Diner on the Promenade. One of the things that I am really proud of in our group is how well we seem to accommodate requests to bring dreams true. A demonstration of our ability to mobilise the Thames Valley Massive was plain to see when we were asked to give a dream ride for Becky’s Nan’s 90th birthday. Not only did we manage to get her onto a Harley Davidson motorcycle, but we were also able to escort her with a dedicated ride out and a train of shiny machines to accompany her big dream. Almost straight after the Group met at The Three Frogs in Wokingham for our last official Saturday Social of the year. Although I was unable to join the group for this one, I heard that it was well attended and another great social event. I am not surprised in the least, it seems that there is only one flavour of Thames Valley event and that is “Great!“

Sadly, we had to say farewell to a good friend and long-standing member of the Chapter, Terry O’Farrell. Again, due to a pre arranged family holiday I was unable to participate, but even before I returned, I was hearing great things about the way Terry’s final ride was handled. Terry’s family were gobsmacked by the “show of force” laid on mainly by his friends at the Chapter. Lee White

orchestrated a fine display and by all accounts, an inch perfect procession from the Guards club to the Crematorium. With Don Wibberley joining Lee to represent the Chapter, and Grant Oxtoby riding Terry’s last bike, it made a fitting send off for a dear friend. A special thanks goes out to all those who supported the ride, some taking time out of a busy schedule to show their respect and to say farewell on the day. Messages from Marilyn and the family have all been hugely positive and again credit Thames Valley HOG with first class organisation and mind-blowing support. We do not yet have a final tally for the charitable support raised in Terry’s memory but at last count we had over £400 on JustGiving for Alexander Devine and almost £100 for Marie Curie. I know that many have given in other ways, and it is all very much appreciated by the family and these very good causes. The JustGiving page will remain open for a little longer if anyone would still like to make a donation.

We experimented with a Breakfast Meet a few weeks ago and there is no doubt that it was popular. The Pinewood Cafe just outside Wokingham was host to a tumultuous turnout on another glorious day. A cracking breakfast and good company was the order of the day… signed, sealed and well delivered. If you want to see more of these, pester your Activities Officer, Malcolm Poulter or Don Wibberley who will register your interest and look for a way to make it happen. As if all of that wasn’t enough for the past month, the Chapter supported Don Wibberley in his surprise for the lovely Hazel on her special birthday. The Chapter “all but” took over the Jolly Gardener pub in Holyport last Saturday on yet another warm and sunny day. A huge thanks to Don for laying on the buffet and for feeding us with a truly awesome slice of one of the best cakes I have had for some time! Last but not least, I have to congratulate Ralph on his most excellent ride to Warwick Castle. Supported at the back by Mike Connolly and in-ride by Bernie Meason, Ralph pulled off a marvel of “ride engineering” by getting all 36 bikes from start to finish without issue. ... and that’s just the start of it ...

Looking forward to the coming month, we have a full program of events including Poker Runs, Bike Nights at the Dealership and Rallies in abundance. A new addition to the calendar this month is the first LOH Prosecco and Pottery Evening, the very night after April Club night. Lou has a healthy list of ladies signed up, and I feel sure you are all anxious to see what pottery marvels we can show off after the event. Let’s hope that the ladies go easy on the fizzy as the following morning is Jo Green’s Road Captain qualifying ride to Nelsons Diner near Newbury for lunch. The ride starts at Infinity Shop next to H Cafe at 10:30 for an 11am departure. Next up on Sunday 23rd April is our ride to support Oxford HD on the Jake Spicer Toy Run. Look out at club night this month for a young lady who is bringing some news about that event, and something many of you might want to get your hands on… Sue and Dave Brown are running the ride from SportsAble to Oxford Dealership with a pickup at H Cafe on the way. The first Bike Night at Reading Harley Davidson is on 27th April followed by The Friday ride to Cider Rally. The ride meets at Chieveley Services (M4 Junction 13) at 10 for a 10:30 departure. Don’t forget that Saturday 6th May is International Female Ride Day, and Sunday 7th May is set for a first ever Chapter ride to the Crocodile Zoo near Brize Norton in Oxfordshire. We will have another Poker Run before the next Club night and some of you may be heading out for the Euro Festival in Grimaud that same week. Those of you staying in the UK for that weekend will doubtless be looking to support Reading Harley Davidson with their Birthday event on Saturday 13th May. We are looking for volunteers to help with parking on the day (mainly over at the Showcase Cinema car park across the road). Volunteers should let either Lee White, Malcolm Poulter or myself know if you can help. As always, the more names we have, the shorter shifts people will need to do at the car park. This year’s Chapter Chill Out is in Newquay on the weekend of 19th to 21st May. I understand that there are still a few rooms available if there are any last minute takers. Speak to Barry Adams, Malcolm Poulter or myself if you are interested.

Tickets for both the Riverboat (10th June) and the Cirencester Rally (11th - 13th August) will be on sale at the next few club nights or until sold out, whichever comes first. For those who are worried about fancy dress for the riverboat, please remember it is OPTIONAL. As much as we would like to see you all making fools of yourselves, we would rather have you there than not ! Reaching out for help. This year we have established a really keen committee who are generating ideas, events and fun stuff at such a pace, it is becoming hard to do everything among ourselves. Have you ever thought to yourself, “I would like to help in some way but I don’t really know how”. Maybe you have a talent, hobby or skill, which could be of use to the club membership. If so, please come and chat with me. Lee, Lou Malc, Chris or any of the other committee members will be happy to listen to anything you might be able to help with. Ideally we would like to find a small group of people who would be willing to perform a “reporter” type role. This would be writing up a fun review of one of our rides or events. Not every event but sharing events and ride outs etc. between the team, taking turns and producing material that we can use in the mag, online and even in the club archives. Your contribution would be very welcomed and could result in your name and your work going into Chapter history! Are you a secret Graphic Designer? Maybe you do websites? Perhaps you are a database expert, an artist or a modeller. Do you work in the printing industry, the entertainment industry or the travel industry or maybe someone in your family fits the description. If so, please let us know, there could be some mutual benefit in connecting. Stay safe people … and remember… Let’s Ride and Have Fun!


Ladies of Harley Monthly motivation This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love life and love it honestly. A belated happy Easter to you all.. I'm hoping many Easter eggs have been competently consumed. Prosecco & Pottery night is fast approaching in fact it's just hours away, with twelve ladies of Harley attending. We are hoping to have a great night, but not a smashing one.. ha ha. Any of you wanting to order takeaway that can be done on the night via the staff. I will be bringing nibbles i.e A small selection of cheeses, crackers & grapes. Please don't forget to bring your choice of bubbles. May...27th Calling all you budding Mary Berrys.. We need your baking skills as we are having a coffee & cake day at the dealership. Cakes will need to be brought with you on the morning of the event. I would like to extend the invite to Guildford & Oxford dealerships... please spread the word with your friends and family, let's make this a great day. There may well be a small prize for best looking and tasting cake! All proceeds going to Alex Devine. So all that's left for me to say is "Until next time folks.". Louise White Ladies of Harley officer Thames Valley UK chapter ladiesofharley@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk 07854390362

Who's that girl? - Hayley West The lovely Lou asked me to write a little piece about me for this month’s mag, you lucky lot! Many of you know me, my big gob and sarcasm /piss taking already but am hoping to give you a bit more about me and hopefully enlighten you! Many of you are aware I am the eldest daughter of Deb and Nick West, born in Oxford in 1987 (I am still clinging on to my twenties, just!) I moved to Reading when I was 12 and have been here ever since. I went through my A

levels and on to Thames Valley University where I got a BA Hons. in Business Studies. Then I had to get myself a job and start earning money! I started off as a junior recruitment consultant however soon found that wasn’t really for me and left after just over a year. I then went on to join a wholesale VoIP provider and worked my way up from an admin assistant to one of their senior support and account managers. There is no typical day in the office as we are a fairly small company so we all get involved in everything, which is good as it adds variety and a few more strings to my bow! I have been with the company for six years now and enjoy my job and the people I work with, it allows me my weekends and enough disposable income to fund the bike and my shopping habit! I moved out of the West household in 2013 and bought my own flat in Tilehurst (only a few miles from Mum and Dad) although I often go and visit as I know they miss me and the bike is kept in their garage! The aim is to try and get myself a house with a garage so I can keep the bike with me and just hop on whenever the mood takes me. As many of you know I have been a part of the club for a few years as a non rider but only bit the bullet and went for my bike licence in 2015. There was never any doubt about what bike I would get once I passed and so I went for an 883 Superlow (Violet.) I doubted myself and whether it was a good decision to get my licence and then jump on a Harley straight away but my Mum and Dad were supportive and encouraged me to go for it so I did and I’m so glad I did! A year on and 7000 miles later, I chopped Violet in and decided to get myself by far the biggest beast I have ridden! I had never considered a Softail, I was thinking of upgrading to a Streetbob, however I rode a Slim in the States and knew that was gunna be my next bike! At the end of January I picked up a used Slim from Reading Harley and haven’t given Violet a second thought. (mean I know!) I love riding the Slim and enjoy going out with the Thames Valley Massive, they are like a second family to me (love you all!) I am off to Florida in June and plan to ride down to Key West for a few days, you are only 30 once and figured this would be a fitting way to mark it (if a little early!) There are so many places I wanna go on the bike but just not enough time and money to do it all! As long as I am riding I am happy regardless of where I am going! I have loved the last 18 months of riding with you all, here’s to many more and a summer of good rides!

Pioneer Ride Early Gathering with seveenteen bikes. Chance to clear the cobwebs on first (for me 2017) ride. Mike Connelly lead, Chris tail. Urban ride Newlands Corner. Quick stop pick up Pat & Ron. Then nice flowing ride A25 cross country to McDonalds A24. Coffee break before next section nice ride to Brighton via Shoreham. Lotsa bikes parked up on the top. Then to the point of travel. Bikes of over 100 + yrs . Amazed at how many were there. 'Sposed to have been ridden there (certainly lots trailered away) All in mint and cared for by loving owners. Great to think the origin of biking kept alive. Names from the past remembered. Suggestion lunch American Diner – past pier towards Hove on the right. Small entrance looks tiny but opens like a “Tardis” huge inside with lotsa ‘American Stuff” . Very busy & buzzy, worth a visit. Mike & I decided bit crowded so had lunch on the sea front. Very peaceful. Then head back. Mike a flat battery. Seems my fault for not being there to remind him to turn off !!?? RAC rescued the day. Mick lead a group back to Guilford\Bisley nice ride A281. So good dry & enjoyable day. Thanks to Mike & Chris, Mick + those that turned up making a good day

Mike (M1) Joiner

You are invited... As you know, Cilla and I are getting married in July and we would like to invite you to celebrate with us. Firstly, you are welcome to join us for a drink at our joint Stag and Hen celebration on Saturday 3rd June at The George Pub in Eton. We have reserved the Hop House to the rear of the pub from 8pm. If you would like to join us for a meal beforehand please contact me directly. The main event! Our wedding is taking place at Cantley House Hotel in Wokingham on Saturday 1st July and we would like to invite you to celebrate with us at our evening reception. Bikes are optional (ours will be there and dressed for the occasion!) so if any of you would like to ride down and be included in our photos then please come at 6pm, otherwise the evening reception starts at 7pm. So that we can cater for the right number of people, if you would like to come to the wedding can you please RSVP via our website: http://www.appycouple.com/ wedding/priscillamark/ Wedding code = 97717 If you do have any questions about either of the two events, please do drop either Cilla or myself a line. Many thanks,

Mark & Cilla

Thursday, 20 April Club Night (closed event)

Sunday, 7 May Crocodile Zoo (closed event)

Friday, 21 April LoH Prosecco and Pottery evening

Wednesday, 10 May Poker Night

Saturday, 22 April Ride to H Cafe (closed event)

Thursday, 11 May - Sunday, 14 May HD Euro Festival

Saturday, 22 April Lunch at Nelson's Diner (closed event)

Friday, 12 May - Monday, 15 May Iron Horse Rally

Sunday, 23 April John Radcliffe Toy Run

Saturday, 13 May Reading Harley Davidson Birthday

Thursday, 27 April Reading Harley Davidson Open Bike Night

Sunday, 14 May Southampton Dealership

Friday, 28 April - Monday, 1 May Cider Rally (closed event)

Thursday, 18 May Club Night (closed event)

Tuesday, 2 May Committee Night

For all rides, check the website or call the hotline to confirm.

Saturday, 6 May International Female Ride Day

See in this magazine, TV HOG website or Facebook for details.

Dates, events, ride-outs and activities. Details correct at time of going to print. Please check the website for updates and amendments.



The Cider Rally 28th April - 1st May

May 18th

June 15th

Iron Horse Rally 12th - 15th May

July 20th

The Gathering 9th - 12th June

September 21st

Hogs in the Hayfields 16th - 18th June


Roar on the Moor 30th June - 2nd July Wake the Lakes 6th - 9th July Proud to be Rutland 14th - 16th July Dragon Fever 20th - 23rd July East of England Rally 27th - 30th July

August 17th

May 11th June 8th July 13th

August 3rd September 14th

Thames Valley Birthday Bash June 10th 07:30 to 11:30 pm

Heart 'n' Soul Rally 28th - 30th July

Convergence Rally 11th - 13th August Back to the Forest Rally 18th - 20th August The Old Skool Rally 20th - 21st August Thunder in the Glens 25th - 28th August Circus Maximus 7th - 10th September Blazin' Blitz 29th September - 2nd October

Celebrate our 18th birthday on a party boat cruise with disco & BBQ supper Get your tickets now.

White's Words What a great start to the year so far, the weather is looking good. I hope you’ve all had the chance to get your bike out of winter storage and get it ready for this year’s riding season. Have you registered your bike for the chapter challenge? If not send us your details or speak to Nick, he will add you to our list. We kicked off the year with a trip organised by our LOH officer, to the Oxford dealership and enjoy bacon rolls and lots of cakes. Well done to Louise for putting this together, I believe she has a few more events up her sleeve. Guildford dealership had their birthday bash and it was great to see so many of our club members take part. A good ride out to Brighton for the pioneer run followed by a 90th Birthday ride from our dealership around the Reading area, I have heard lots off goods reports, well done to all that took part. As you all know we had to say goodbye to one of our club members Terry O’Farrell who sadly past away just a few weeks ago. I was very proud to see so many club members join us as we escorted Terry for his last ride. It was a great effort from everyone and I would personally like to thank the Road Crew in assisting us along the route. We all ended up back at the Guards club in Windsor where Terry finally got his last wish and made it rain for Nij. The club has put together a just giving page for Terry and to date we have raised £505.00, so again well done to all. Well what’s around the corner? We've got lots of rides and events for all to enjoy, such as the Chapter Riverboat Shuffle in June, if you would like to join us for our chapter birthday party then grab your tickets quick as the date is fast approaching. We still have tickets for the Convergence Rally with Hogsback, this rally is taking shape and tickets are selling really fast.

Other events coming up or the next few months will be our dealership birthday; we have a ride in planned for this event so come along and show your support to Mike and his team. I am looking for volunteers on the day with our chapter stall to promote the club, so if you would like to volunteer then please let me know. Mike has asked if he can have some help with the car park over at the cinema on the day, we need as many members as possible to help us out. April is another busy month. We have Saturday socials booked, a trip to Warwick Castle and the Poker night starts again. The ladies have a Prosecco & Pottery evening booked. There is Lunch at Nelson Diner in the calendar and a Toy Run for John Radcliff in Oxford. Reading H-D has their bike night starting again with live music, and to finish it off the famous Cider Rally returns. With so much going on we need as many of your write ups pictures or anything you would like to tell us about for our club Mag, if you manage to put pen to paper can you please send them in to editor@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk I have been busy working with a small team on the new website and I am glad to say after short break we are now starting to see the end. So please bear with us for a little longer, as we look forward to revealing the new website. The new committee are now three months into their roles and I am pleased to say all are doing a great job, lots of new ideas and fantastic support. However I am always looking out for new members that are interested in joining the committee so if you are thinking about becoming a committee member or just want to know more about how the committee works then please feel free to come and have a chat or send me an email. Thanks

Lee White Thames Valley UK Chapter Assistant Director

Foxy's Last Ride What an amazing turnout for Terry "Foxy" O'Farrell's funeral.Over forty bikes and close to fifty five people from the Thames Valley Chapter came to say their farewells to a much loved man, husband, father, grandfather and brother. It was an honour to be there with him and his family. Our love and prayers go to them and Marilyn, his wife.

28th April - 1st May 2017

For all those coming on the club ride out to the Cider Rally this year the details are: We will meet at Chievley Services just off junction 13 of the M4 at 10am on Friday 28/04/17, for a 10.30 depart. We are aiming to be at The Royal Oak in Corsley Heath, Warminster BA12 7PR for approximately midday where we'll have a spot of lunch and then on to Sand Bay. I have circulated a copy of the pubs menu, if you let me know what you want I will pre-order the food to cut down on the waiting time when we get there as we are expecting quite a large number for the ride. The total journey is about 110 miles so please make sure you have enough fuel to get you there, we will fill up just before we get to Sand Bay. Lead for the ride is Chris Smith with Malcolm Poulter as tail.

Chris Smith For further details on Group Riding, please see any of the road crew.

Betty's Birthday What a wonderous morning for a wonderful lady from Windsor, Betty Doughty. Accompanied by her daughter Janet, granddaughter Rebecca and great grandson Jacob they arrived at Reading Dealership to see Betty get her wish to ride on a Harley Davidson. The fact that she celebrated her 90th birthday on the 5th March, yes 90 ! was not going to stop her. As she made her way through Reading, Caversham, out towards Wallingford, turning right to Henley, into Wargrave, along the A4 towards Winnersh and the dealership she did not stop smiling once. She was in the very safe hands of Don Wibberley.

Breakfast Meet The club experience specialists unleashed their latest idea upon the Chapter and the World. The Breakfast Meet at the Pinewood Cafe turned the usual Sunday morning routine into a cracking start to the day.

Guildford HD Birthday Ride / Rusty Ride Out The morning of the 18th of March saw not one, but two rides by the Chapter to Guildford Harley Davidson. One group departed from Sportsable, whilst the other went form Reading Harley Davidson. The weather gods were smiling and the rides enjoyed the well led journey. The two rides met up not far from the dealership and arrived to share in the festivities.

Way to Warwick Ralph Ward is tied with Dave Brown for arranging the most fantastic weather on their rideouts! What a day! Thirty five bikes and thirteen pillions came together at H's cafĂŠ to form an impressive sight as we rode through the Cotswold countryside towards Warwick in the most glorious weather. We had a coffee stop at Chipping Norton before we rode into Warwick. Some to the Castle, some to park up and have a look around the town, others to ride to the Wellesborough Mountfield Airfield and to have a meal at the Touchdown cafĂŠ, and to have a look at the Vulcan Bomber which is on display there. Everyone had a great day. Here's to many more.

Saturday Social The last Saturday Social of the winter season brought a great turn out. The Three Frogs in Wokingham hosted another get together. Many of the thirty four members in attendance had earlier returned from riding around the local countryside with Birthday girl, Betty.

Poker Run. The first poker night drew a group of twenty five people and four bikes to the Dukes Head in Farnham Royal. The skies had darkened earlier so not as many bikes as usual, but there was a lot of laughing, eating and drinking going on. Playing cards were drawn for the first round, and most people where happy with their selections. It was lovely to see Marilyn and Tony Robson's sister Linda.T

Open Bike Night JOIN US ON THURSDAY 27TH APRIL FOR THE FIRST BIKE NIGHT OF 2017! The days are lighter for longer and the sun is shining just that little bit brighter. Which means one thing... Bike Night is BACK! Join us at Reading HarleyDavidson on Thursday 27th April for a night of two wheel fun. Bike Night is a great way to get out and enjoy the longer evenings with fellow bikers, enjoy a burger, or two and live entertainment. We have the fantastic LK and the Mules playing at our first Bike Night of 2017! Don't miss out!

2017 Officers & Committee


Nick West Director

Lee White Asst. Director & Webmaster CLUB VENUE Grenadier Guards Club Maidenhead Rd, Windsor, Berks, SL4 5EY

Colin Wilkins Treasurer

https://www.facebook.com/ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Sue Moyler Secretary

Third Thursday of every month 7:30pm


Louise White Ladies of Harley

Andy Tunley Editor

Chris Smith Membership

Sue Knight Historian

Ann Tunley Jones Merchandise

Malcolm Poulter Activities

Linda Friend Photographer

Chris Earley Photographer

Email any committee member at (position held)@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

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