Tales From The Riverbank - January 2019

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charity collection www.thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

January 2019

Ed Quarters Welcome to Tales from the Riverbank. Christmas and the New Year are now fading away behind us. I’m still hoping that I get my New Year’s wish for a fatter wallet and a slimmer body, not the other way around like last year. Whilst putting this edition together I refer to the Chapter calendar and put the relevant information into the TV Times section in the middle pages. It was while I was doing this, I caught a glimpse of the first rides of the upcoming season. The first being the ride to Guildford HD. If all goes well, this could be the first ride that I will lead after attending the Road Captain’s training. If you are around on the 23rd March and would like to pile up the pressure for me, please get that ride into your diary. After that, the rides just start coming and continue right the way through the season. Do make sure that you get those dates noted down. There are some great rides planned. This month sees the Committee change, as it does every year. There are old faces stepping down and some new faces joining the team. Looking back at the last twelve months we, as a Chapter have done so many things. Great rides, weekends away, an amazing rally and some good charitable works. I would to thank all the outgoing committee for all their contributions during the year, and all the members who have attended, enjoyed and otherwise got involved with the Chapter this year. This fine publication of course continues to report and inform the membership throughout the year. Whilst some content is generated by the committee members, we need the general membership to help us as well. Anything that you think may be of interest to the membership and suitable for the magazine (this is a family publication) is always gratefully received. In the meanwhile, if the weather is not suitable for riding, don’t forget now is a great time to get your bike serviced and prepped ready for the Spring. The days are already getting longer, so it won’t be long. Get started with to: ns g.uk the Spring Revival. See the back cover for details. sio r Ride safe and have fun!


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Inside this issue Front cover Isle of Insanity Page 2 Ed Quarters Page 4 - 6 Westie Writes Page 7 Charity Collection Page 8 - 9 Christmas Bash Page 10 - 11 Crimbo Club Night Page 12 TV Times Page 13 The Committee Page 14 - 15 Mileage Program Results Page 16 - 17 Reading Toy Run Page 18 - 22 Isle of Insanity Page 23 Saturday Social Back cover The Spring Revival

Huge thanks to all who have sent copy in for this month's magazine: Mike J (M1), Nick W, Hayley W, Mac, Linda F, John G and Stephen Harris Your contributions are appreciated.

Hi Everyone, A very Happy New Year to one and all! As the Chapter prepares for another year of fun and frolics we will be saying farewell and a Thames Valley Massive thanks to one of our most long serving Committee Members. Sue Moyler is one of our earliest Chapter Members who has served in many roles over the years and more recently as the Chapter Secretary. I, for one will miss Sue’s steadfast and committed contribution as our Chapter Secretary. Sue embodies the qualities of a primary officer, always putting the Chapter first and ever considerate of how the membership will react to changes etc. Sue plans to continue to be an active and participating Chapter Member, as she has always been, in the foreseeable future and leaves committee with massive thanks from the Chapter. At the January AGM we will see a few other changes which we hope will provide opportunities for new people with fresh ideas, new approaches and growing commitment to delivering one of the best Chapter experiences in the world of HOG for 2019. It will give some of our officers a bit of a breather from the hard work it takes to bring you all such a great experience. In doing so, we recognise all of the hard work that our outgoing officers have put into their roles and for the personal time they have contributed in service of the Chapter. After the necessary announcements at the AGM, I will summarise the changes here with amendments for the coming year. As we see out the last of the winter months, it is a great time to gather thoughts about things that we would like to do as a Chapter in the coming

year. If you have any thoughts or ideas that will help to complement our already busy calendar, please let us know. Maybe there is a biking event on your calendar that we are not supporting this year? or a show which may interest members? even some roads that you love to ride which you would like to share with the Chapter? Please let us know. We cannot promise to include your ideas straight away but this is YOUR Chapter, and we will work to find a way to share your ideas and gather support for your ideas/ It is great to see your contributions to our Social Media channels over the Christmas break, some of you have managed to get out in the dry spells and those who have sensibly scheduled surgery during the quiet time are already on the road to recovery and should be out riding with our group shortly. Our Ladies of Harley will be eking out the last of the festive season with their annual Christmas Dinner at the Stafferton Lodge Carvery on Saturday 19th Jan. Our “Give and Save” Christmas Card Scheme was very popular in the lead up to Christmas, and rather than giving Christmas Cards this year, many of our members gave generously to our Charity, Alexander Devine Hospice. Thanks to Sue Poulter for originating the idea and to Hayley West for coordinating with the committee team and chapter members to make it happen. Read further in this month’s mag to see how well we have done and who contributed. Our Christmas Clubnight at the Dealership was, as it always is, a great occasion! Thanks to our Ladies for their serenade of crimbo songs, especially adapted to our riding group for your listening pleasure. Mike and the team from Reading Harley Davidson did a fabulous job setting the store up to make it welcoming, fun and festive.

As you may have read elsewhere in earlier publications, there are a few changes to the mileage scheme to make it more inclusive and to recognise all year riding. The scheme will now offer a mileage collection point at the start of every year. Many chapters will continue to capture mileage just before the recognised riding season in early spring and again at the end of the summer in October as well as the January collection. This should give members a wide variety of opportunities to update their mileage throughout the year. Looking forward to the coming year, it is now time to pay final balances on your booking for HOGSTOCK where a large number of Chapter members will be making the trip to Holland for the 2019 Benelux Rally at the end of May. It is likely to be your last chance to join us and so if you want to dive in, please contact Nick Ekendahl ( hogstock@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk ) and ask if there is a possibility for you to come along! We have now moved to a new phase in our plans for Valley Rally 2019 which is now making tickets available to people who have pre-registered and for people looking to make bookings online. The best place to book and pay for your tickets is to visit out Valley Rally Website and follow the instructions there. You can pay online or in person at one of our Clubnights. You will need to complete and sign a Rally waiver form which can also be done online or using paper copies which are available on Clubnights or online. Don’t worry if you don’t do online banking etc. just contact our Chapter Treasurer, Lesley, who will be happy to take your cash and/or cheques in return for a nice, shiny rally ticket! Like me, I hope that you are looking forward to some better weather so that we can ride in the dry and hopefully with some warm sun at our backs!!


Christmas Charity Collection I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year; can't believe we are starting yet another year! For those that attended the Christmas club night, you will have known we presented a cheque to Julia at Alexander Devine for £1706.09 which was made up of raffle money for the year as well as cash donations from November's Christmas card collection (£65) the cake sale and autojumble as well as our share from the Convergence Rally. The buckets at Christmas club night raised a whopping £201.70 which brings the total for the Christmas card collection to £321.70. I cannot thank you enough for your support this year, the collection from the Christmas cards well exceeded my expectations and I hope to do this again this Christmas! Julia and the team at Alexander Devine wanted me to pass on their thanks for your continued support, it is greatly appreciated and enables them to carry on providing such a valuable service to the children in their care. Many of you joined me on one of my qualifying rides to the hospice on a hot and sunny day earlier last year, it truly is a great place for children and their families to spend time. The hospice had its official opening last month and were joined by the charity's patrons Sir Michael Parkinson and the PM Theresa May. We hope to make another visit to the hospice this year, watch this space! Thanks again for your continued support of me (as Charities officer) and our charity, Alexander Devine, it is greatly appreciated :)


Christmas Party 2018

Club Night

Wednesday, 16 January

Sunday, 24 March

18:30 Club Night (Closed Event -

Pioneer Run

Members Only) Sunday, 7 April Saturday, 19 January

Jake Spicer

19:30 LOH Xmas dinner Wednesday, 10 April Saturday, 2 February

18:30 Poker Night

12:00 Saturday Social - The Shepherds House, Moss End, RG42 6ER

Wednesday, 17 April 18:30 Club Night (Closed Event -

Saturday 16 February

Members Only)

19:00 Spring Revival (ticketed event) Burnham Cricket Club

Friday, 28 - Sunday, 30 June 2019 Thames Valley Rally

Wednesday, 20 February 18:30 Club Night (Closed Event Members Only) Saturday, 2 March Chapter Mileage Program Start Saturday, 9 March 12:00 Saturday Social Wednesday, 20 March 18:30 Club Night (Closed Event Members Only) Saturday, 23 March Ride to Guildford H D

Tickets are now available

Please check the website for the latest on all rides. CLUB NIGHTS February 20th March 20th April 17th May 15th June 19th MAGAZINE CONTRIBUTION DEADLINES February 7th March 7th April 4th May 2nd June 6th

2018 Officers & Committee


Nick West Director

Andy Tunley Assistant Director

Sue Moyler Secretary

COMMITTEE & SUPPORTING OFFICERS CLUB VENUE Burnham Cricket Club Memorial Ground, Taplow Common Road, Burnham, Slough, Berks, SL1 8LP

Priscilla Peck Ladies of Harley

Andy Tunley Editor

Chris Smith Membership

Mike Wilson Malcolm Poulter Dealer Principal Activities

https://www.facebook.com/ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Lesley Lederer Treasurer

John Green Safety Officer

Robin Sasson Third Wednesday of every month 7:00pm Webmaster

Fred Cotsford Activities

Nick Ekendahl Activities

Jamie McLaughlin Mark Peck Hayley West Head Road Captain Social Media Officer Charities Officer

Linda Friend Photographer

Alex MacDonald Jamie McLaughlin Photographer Photographer

Email any committee member at (position held)@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Mileage Results. Hi All, Good News! The days are getting longer and we will have more daylight to ride in soon (although it may be a bit icy before we need the sun cream). I know a few of us are still riding which brings me on to a reminder about registering mileages for the 2019 HOG Ride 365 programme. At the start of 2019 Mileage Recognition was replaced with Ride 365 which runs from the start of January to the end of December each year (much clearer and avoids confusion). We will still hold our own Chapter Challenge with recognition for the highest number of miles by male and female riders which is outside of the national HOG programme, however we need to record your mileages in January for the national programme. If you didn’t get your mileage recorded at the Dealership or the January Saturday social recently, please let me have your details asap if you want to be part of the national programme and if you have any questions about Ride 365 please just ask or email me on mileage@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk . If you were at the December club night you will know that the 2018 winners in the TV Chapter Mileage Challenge were Mark Peck and Joanne Green – a list of the top mileages for the year is given opposite (if yours is missing please see me if you want the final total). Happy New Year John Green Safety Officer.

Mark Peck


Mohit Khanna


Alan Miles


Sue Brown


Malcolm Poulter


Dave Brown


Chris Smith


Jamie McLaughlin


John Colyer


Mike Joiner


Mike Connoly


Gary Watts


John Green


Ralph Ward


Jo Green


Elaine Shepherd


Ray Shepherd


Robin Sasson


Dave Knight


Hayley West


Gill Major


Frank Mirtle


Ron Jackson


Sue Dodds


Sue Knight


Mick Friend


Cilla Peck


Tony Robson


Don Wibberley


Mike Wilson


Nick West


Sue Moyler


Kevin McLoughlin


Reading Toy Run Just a personal note to say a big thank you for the work carried out by Thames Valley HOG in marshalling your junction at the Toy Run. You guys (and girls) always do a great job and what makes it even nicer for me, is that I know so many of the faces. The Chapter does a great job which is always stress free for us, as you just get on with it. For your information the numbers are: Bikes 1,528 motorcycles and an additional 447 pillions. Nearly 2,000 people having a great time. Please pass on my thanks to everyone who took part and pass on my best wishes for the festive season. Kind regards Stephen Harris Chief Marshal Reading Toy Run

Island Insanity - The Isle of Man “TT” 2018 Mark … “Mike got a cancellation in my group for next year if you wanna come book ferry now accommodation sorted” So one year in advance 2017 ‘bucket list trip booked’ … That year went very quick so three Italians and five Brits headed for practice week Isle of Man TT via Liverpool on Manhattan Sea Cat to Douglas. Storms were forecast but the Italians had dragged good weather with them and we were lucky for the whole trip. People on the Isle of Mann rent rooms out and I was lucky to be staying with a lovely couple and a racer Lee Hembury was also staying with. Others in a bungalow used as our base across the road. Monday: 1st day into Douglas. Brekkers full fry up. Marco loves to organize rides and did first ride towards Peel over “The Sclock” to the Calf of Man. Was blown away by the beauty of the Island (this applied to all trips) Then rode to ‘Creg Na Baa” to watch three hour practice session which started at 18.00. Met Mike Connolly & his mate Johann who got us into the Grandstand there on the bend. This is part of the mountain route and first experience of ‘TT’. See them drop down the hill to a sweeping right hander. (rode this later in trip). Back to bungalow where Marco sorted a pasta meal (great having Italians with ;-) ) Delish. Entrance fee to The bungalow “A

Bottle” great array of spirits to sample over trip…. Tuesday: Marco again amazing ride to Peel via Injerbrek Reservoir through the centre part of Island. Easier for those on off road tourers ‘Interesting on a Harley’ !!! was ready for “Manx Kippers” lunch beyond delish at Peel. Mark suggested next ‘TT’ view from his special place on the A36 Ballakillowey Road. This is a ditch where you are at eye level with the road. That’s when you can ‘Feel’ the madness as bikes pass you at 180mph just a few feet away!!! A true ‘Wow’ factor. We then rode to Peel to ‘Creek Inn’ to have ‘Queenies’ local name for scallops, again delish. Wednesday: We decided to ride ‘The Mountain’ a 13.5 miles part of the race. Asked Lee advice as not on sports bike. He said stay off the racing line just ride normally and be aware. Great tip… Only place you can ride at “Unlimited Speed” and ‘would be racers’ go flat out across the mountain. Think my flag on the back gave them a clue I wasn’t racing ;-) Crazy one-minute miles back in the mirrors next minute passed you >>> Amazing experience and a feel of what the racers do. Stopped at Creg Na Baa regrouped with guys. Then rode to ‘The Sound’ south of the Island to see the seals. Met my Manx mate Tim, who then took us for a ride to ‘Davidson's’ for the best Ice Cream. That night we watched from Bray Hill just after the start line. Riders literally come flying down the hill into a tight right hander Qr.Bridge. Sadly, first fatality Dan Kneen after start of first session. Also, tragically Steve Mercer seriously injured returning to pits hit by pace car we saw leaving to attend Dan … all practice sessions cancelled that evening.

Thursday: Quiet morning at breakfast, Lee reflective & hosts knew family well as was a local lad. Later that day Dan’s father before the practice started made an announcement that this was Dan’s life and to let the racing still carry on…… At the bungalow Mark had decided traditional ‘Kipper’ brekky. Tim & I went to the Paddock area & then he took me took to “Hillberry”. A good spot to watch only ten mins from where staying. A Grandstand that

gave you a good view and feel of the ‘TT’. That night went to “Hooded Ram” in Douglas, great music & atmosphere. Then back to base for spirit sampling!!!

Friday: Misty start … Decided to ride on my own to Lighthouse at Point of Ayre at the northern tip of the Island. Ramsey Marine Nature Reserve. A lovely ride and also so peaceful there. Enjoyed the quiet and just sounds of the birds. For the evening session I decided to watch from “Bungalow” a part of the mountain stretch of ‘TT’. To get there go on the electric mountain train from ‘Laxey’ Great trip like going back in time as we rattled up the track. Good place to watch before descending back to base where we were having a last night BBQ & spirits to finish. Saturday: Packed ready to go left for Brekkers in Douglas. Found out ferry delay. Could have watched first Superbikes race but Island now Very busy. Decided to chill on Marine Drive could hear ‘The Madness’ going on in the background. Heard that the lap record had been broken Dean Harrison at 134.456 mph, this is the “Average” speed over the 37.733 mile track. They are insane. Headed for terminal, good crossing again arrived to the madness of unload & leaving Liverpool. Was a cool night ride back but head was still buzzing from the week we had had. Was very happy to hit the sack at 01.30 in the morning on return. We were so lucky with the weather all week. Good rides thanks to Marco & great company from all. Certainly, an Island to go back to as like riding in different parts of the country but all in one place, inland and coastal routes. Great place as long as the weather holds. Due to the good weather lap records during week were broken practically every day.

It’s not until race week that the lap times count & again records were broken during race week. Peter Hickman holds record of 135.452 mph achieved on the last lap of six, Senior TT on a BMW. This is done on normal roads with foam bits wrapped around lamp posts, telephone boxes and some brick walls for protection!!!!! The good thing about going during practice week is that the Island is open during the day so you can tour around. Roads close at 17.30 until 21.00. There are lots of viewing points inside and outside of track but once inside your stuck. But even during practice week the riders still don’t hold back. Race week is much more hectic and roads closed. Was so good have already booked for 2019 (seems a year in advance the norm to get a place) joining Mike(M2) C and Johann as they’ve managed to get me into their hotel in Douglas as my guys decided to have a gap year… So, roll on the Madness for 2019. Def recommend as a trip. Thanks to Loraine & Graham for hospitality and to all the guys for making a great trip and the riders, teams etc for the spectacle. My thoughts with families of lost riders…

Mike (M1) J

Saturday Social Saturday, January 5th saw over thirty of the Chapter gather at the Three Frogs pub in Wokingham. As always, great banter and company flowed freely.

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