Tales From The Riverbank - May 2019

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t r e c i p s e ak

n u r oy

reading bike nite

ride to popham

bovingdon tank m



May 2019

Ed Quarters I cannot imagine that it is my fourth issue as an editor already! It's true, time flies when you are having fun and I certainly am having a good time apart from the usual pressures of getting the articles on time for the magazine. I think I now have a good handle on the magazine production; however, this is not possible without all the contributors! So please members/readers do keep sending in your articles without waiting for the last date or the nudge. I was quite intrigued by the various events organized by the environmentalists in London as Harley riders we are guilty in some ways in being anti- environmentalist’s due to our big thumping guzzling bikes. I am more guilty than perhaps many others as I work in the oil industry which is always looked down upon by the greens! I am sure we all try and do our bits for our planet in other ways to offset our carbon consumption! Our charity rides and toy runs are a great example of how we help our society. This months’ Jake Spicer’s toy run was an amazing example of our commitment and support to our community. I had a chance to meet Jake’s dad and could clearly see the satisfaction in his eyes and joy that our participation brought to him as well as the little ones who are managing to keep smiling despite all the challenges they are facing in their lives! Our other rides – Popham and Bovingdon tank museum were all super rides I am told and extremely well attended. Reading Harley’s bike nite was a great fun and was even attended by Hell’s Angels! As summer is approaching there are many more rides and participation to rallies planned which I am sure everyone will enjoy. Meanwhile happy reading and safe riding! Mohit


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Inside this issue Front cover-Jake Spicer Run

Look out for our Facebook and instagram tweets

Page 2 Ed Quarters Page 4 - 5 Westie Writes Page 6 - 7 Reading Harley Bike Night Page 8-10 Ride to Popham Page 11 Alexander Devine Page 12-13 Bovingdon Tank Museum Page 14-15 News from the Cloud Page 16 TV Times Page 17 The Committee Page 18-20 Jake Spicer Toy Run Page 21 April Club Night/New

Huge thanks to all who have sent copy in for this month's magazine:

Members Page 22-23 Convergence Rally Page 24-25 Biker's Corner

Nick W, Mike, Hayley, Chris, Mac, Gary, Nick E, Robin, Linda F, Alan, Payal Your contributions are appreciated.

Page 26-31 Hogstock 2019 Back cover-Valley Rally


Hi All. I am sorry that i missed those of you who attended our April Clubnight. Sadly i was unwell for a short time but I hear that Andy and John did a great job in my absence and that those in attendance had a great night. I was grateful that Robin Seymour (Hogsback Chapter) could give his time to come and talk to our group about the upcoming Convergence Rally. Last year the organisers found a truly great venue and if you can afford the holiday time and get along for that rally, you will not regret it ! At the time of writing, I know that those who are not away at the Cider Rally are getting ready to support International Female Ride Day. Our ladies will be supporting with cakes made especially for Lady Riders visiting Reading Harley Davidson on Saturday 4th May. If you manage to get along on the day please write into our editor with a few words about the day. I am looking forward to hearing about it. On Saturday 28th April, Thames Valley Chapter once again supported the Jake Spicer memorial Toy Run in Oxford. The weather was perfect and we had a well timed, perfectly organised ride to the John Radcliffe Hospital from the Oxford dealership in Abingdon. Our first summer social was held at the Cricketers Arms in Littlewick Green a few weeks ago and whilst enjoyed by those who attended, I had heard that it was a little cramped. May thanks to Sue Knight who stepped in and managed the Poker Run part of the 4

night. Apparently Sue happened to have a pack of cards in her (now famous) bottomless handbag … a somewhat smaller pack of cards than usual but nevertheless functional and very handy .. Thanks Sue ! Don’t worry if you missed the first one, you can buy an extra card at the next one. See the calendar for full details of the May Summer Social at Beaconsfield Rugby Club on the 8th May. I am looking forward to the 28th Cider Rally this year, once again being held at Sand Bay. I am sure that the Chapter will have fun and that you will be reading about it next month (..... at least the parts we can tell you about !) I hope you can join us on Saturday 18th May at the dealership for a celebration of their 4th Birthday here in Reading. Chapters are likely to be visiting from near and far and I know that Mike and the team will be putting on quite the show. This is one that should not be missed. HOGSTOCK the Benelux rally is next up at the end of the month and then we are into the heart of our riding calendar. I understand that there are still a few places in the support van for people who want to take luggage but want to keep the added weight of the bike. Speak to Nick Ekendahl if you want a spot. At £10 a bag it is a steal ! It seems that we have likely dodged the Brexit bullet which could have made the trip a little more interesting. Your committee is now looking for you to commit to Valley Rally 2019 as we get ever closer. Tickets are available now online and at the last 2 Clubnights before the rally. You can purchase Rally T Shirts online and a rally patch which can be collected at the rally on your arrival. Support your Chapter ! Get your tickets, t-shirts and patches NOW ! I will not be able to join you at our June meeting. As always, it clashes with some personal travel commitments but I will leave you in the very capable hands of our excellent committee and my dedicate assistants. Be gentle with them. I look forward to catching up with you all at the rally ! Keep the shiney side up ! Nick


Reading Harley Bike Night



Ride to Popham What a treat we had with the glorious sunshine over the Easter weekend! A perfect start to my Planes, Trains and Harleys ride out to Popham on Easter Saturday. 31 bikes turned out for a ride through Grazeley, Kingsclere and Overton to our final destination, the Spitfire Cafe at Popham airfield. Some beautiful roads along the way including White Hill which provided some stunning views as we reached the top. The ride remained mostly together the whole way which allowed a rolling thunder entrance to the cafe. Many opted for the highly recommended breakfast, others enjoyed a cuppa on the benches outside watching the air traffic coming in and out of the airfield... a great venue and setting! So...why planes, trains and Harleys I hear you ask? Apart from the obvious planes and Harley reference, some more observant members may also have spotted we passed under a railway bridge


in Grazeley and went over a railway bridge near Overton and for those movie buffs among you Planes, Trains and Automobiles is one if my fave films so the ride name was obvious :) The sun shone for my ride again...long may it continue (watch out Dave Brown I am chasing that title of good weather rideouts!) All in all a cracking start to the riding season and a fab day out! Thank you all for your feedback, it is much appreciated (good and bad!) Here's to the next few months of riding, friends, laughs and good weather! Hayley




Bovingdon Tank Museum Ride In the week leading up to Alan Miles ride to the Tank Museum at Bovington the UK was hit by storm Hannah 70 to 80 MPH gusts recorded in south Wales up to 80mm rain in Northern Ireland. So you’d have to be mad to organise a motorbike ride in that, wouldn’t you? Step up Alan. To be fair it was planned weeks previously and of course it was “Tiger Day” and we weren’t going to miss that. Twelve hardy souls (a few less than expected) turned up and braved the storm and it was worth it by the time we got down there we had blue skies and a great display of military hardware. The riders included some newer faces Steve Small, Dave Hyman and Alan Basey, who was riding a Harley Sportster, I think it was, that he had only taken possession of a few days earlier. Alan Miles had worked out a route that included a bit of everything including the Basingstoke roundabouts a short burst on the motorway and the A303 and the A350 a quick route as we needed to get down there but a nice scenic mixture of roads. We were treated to displays by a Chieftain, a Churchill a Sherman to name but a few but the star of the day was the Wehmarkt Tiger 131. This particular tank was captured in Tunisia, North Africa by 48 Royal Tank Regiment which happens to be my Dad’s old regiment. th


This is the only fully operating Tiger 131 in the world so you can see why we were very excited to witness it in action. This particular tank was ambushed by several Churchills and took hits from their 6pounder shells the vehicle was used by Military Intelligence to learn how to combat it’s superior fire power. Chris Smith


News from the Cloud Ever heard the saying – once you put something online, it there forever? This is largely true, even if you believe you’ve updated it or deleted it. Storage is so cheap these days that amassing more data than the average human will see in one or many lifetimes is no challenge any longer. I went hunting down cyber memory lane for the Clubs website; when did if first go online and what did it look like? Here’s the earliest copy I could find. I could only copy part of the screen. August 21st, 2008 (a Thursday at 10.16am)

May 18st, 2013


August 25st, 2013

October 1st 2016

I know I’ll get questions on how I managed to retrieve this information. Was it internet wizardry carried out in the small hours? Was it hacking skills to access parts of the Internet hidden from general view? The answer is no. This information is freely available! In fact, it’s all on one open-access website along with impressions of 357 billion other webpages. Head over to the “Internet Way Back Machine” at https://web.archive.org/ to practice your digital archaeology skills. In other news Valley Rally 2019 T-Shirts in a variety of colours and sizes, and a Valley Rally patch are available for sales on the Valley Rally website. Don’t worry if you’ve bought a ticket as they can be ordered separately. Robin 15

SUMMER SOCIAL June 5th July 10th August 14th September 11th October 9th

RIDE OUTS Saturday 18th, May H Cafe to Reading HD Birthday Bash Sunday, 19 May Hollycombe Steam Fair Sunday, 26 May Porchester Castle

CLUB NIGHTS May 15th June 19th July 17th August 21st September

Wednwsday, 29 May Benelux Rally Monday, 3 June Hogstock Return Ride

MAGAZINE CONTRIBUTION DEADLINES May 2nd June 6th July 4th Aug 7th Sep 5th

Saturday, 8 June Bernies' Fish n Chips Saturday, 15 June Pocket full of Rye Sunday, 16 June 3 Cuppas

Wednesday, 29 May - Monday 2 June 2019 Hogstock

Saturday, 22 June Dawn to Dusk Wet n Wild

Friday, 28 - Sunday, 30 June 2019 Thames Valley Rally Tickets are now available

Sunday, 23 June Oxford Transport Museum Saturdauy, 20 Juky Wet n Wild Sunday, 21 July Stratford on Avon Sunday, 28 July 5 Counties Ride Please check the website for the latest on all rides.


2019 Officers & Committee https://www.facebook.com/ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk


Nick West Director

Andy Tunley Lesley Lederer Secretary & Ass.Director Treasurer

John Green Assistant Director


Mohit Khanna Editor

Fred Cotsford Membership

Robin Sasson Webmaster

Mike Wilson Dealer Principal

Mike Connolly Safety Officer

Jamie McLaughlin Rally Manager

Gary Watts Activities

Nick Ekendahl Activities

Hayley West Social Media & Charities Officer

Linda Friend Photographer

Alex MacDonald Photographer

Payal Khanna Photographer

CLUB VENUE Burnham Cricket Club Memorial Ground, Taplow Common Road, Burnham, Slough, Berks, SL1 8LP Third Wednesday of every month 7:00pm

Email any committee member at (position held)@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

The Jake Spicer Memorial Toy Run TVHOG joined Oxford chapter for the ride to John Radcliffe Well the weather smiled on us - the day before this ride it was raining cats and other four legged creatures and the wind was gusting over 50 mph, (which is slightly faster than my Harley can go)! But on Sunday 28 April it was dry, with the promise of sunshine and no wind. So at 8.30 at the Esso filling station in Braywick Road it was all smiles as we gathered for the10th anniversary ride out in memory of Jake. Nick Ekendahl was lead road captain and Mike Connolly tail as 10 bikes set off at 9.00, heading for our second pick up at H Café in Berinsfield. The plan was a “rolling pick up” but due to the light traffic we arrived 15 minutes before the scheduled pick up time which meant we could have a short stop (never a bad thing on a cold morning). By 9.45 another 5 bikes had joined us (including one new member, Jess, who’d never been on a ride out before). So 15 bikes set of towards the Oxford dealership to join Oxford HOG for the memorial ride. At Oxford Harley-Davidson there was already a party feeling despite the early hour. DJ Robbie was playing one of my favourite songs (The Pretenders “I’m Special”) loud enough to be clearly audible over the rumble of Harleys. Some of us peeled off left in the direction of the music and burger van while others, who were marshalling the next ride, turned right to join around 6 marshals from Thames Valley for the briefing by Oxford Chapter road crew. At the designated time the marshals set off (with a lot of waving from the main body of the ride - very nice I have to say) and then at 11.00 the ride to the John Radcliffe Hospital went ahead. It all went off smoothly – great thanks to Oxford for their 18

comprehensive preparations and briefing and also to our very own Nick West for his direction and for tailing the main ride at short notice. The Spicer Family… And here’s one of the reasons we do this every year. Jake left a lovely family who are determined to carry on the memory of his heroic fund raising. Each year they’re at the John Radcliffe to welcome the ride and show their appreciation to the riders who turn up, whatever the weather. These are a couple of photos of the family this year Jake’s parents, Michael and Lesley, brothers, Aaron and Ryan and sister Maddison. At the time Jake lost his battle with cancer Aron was 21, Ryan 18 and Maddison just aged four. TVHog are proud to support Jake’s memory. See you in Oxford next year? Whatever the weather… Thanks for your support Mike Connolly





Freya 20

April Club Night & New Members Our ever popular club night saw 89 members attend the event with usual raffle. We also had a few new members joining our club.

Frank ( Zabka ) Jaques

Alan Batt

Adam Wise


James Mathers & Laura Jones


Friday 15.00 18.00 19.00 00.00

Arrival & Registration Bar opens 20:00 Dinner Bar closes

Saturday 08.00 - 09:30 Breakfast 10.00 Rideout Brief 10.15 Rideout 12.30 - 13:00 Lunch 13.00 Rideout 16.00 Return 18:00 Bar opens 19:00 - 20:00 Dinner 21.00 Band 01.00 Bar Closes Sunday 08.00 – 09.30 Breakfast, depart by 12. 00

Come and enjoy a rally in great surroundings with like minded people and a fantastic ride out through the surrounding area. Route into reception and accommodation will be signed. Meal tokens will be provided. No day tickets, only full weekend. For more information contact: robin.seymour@hogsbackchapteruk.org

Accommodation Tithe Barn, Reception and Bar Motor Home and Caravan parking

Main Entrance


Biker's Corner Alan Batt tells his love for bikes and his story of owning various bikes and eventually a Harley. I can still clearly remember the day my passion for motorcycles was ignited. My father kept our family car in a small block of rented garages (late 1950’s), and we had gone to give the car a wash. (Austin A35) The garage next to ours was open and several motor cycles were lined up inside. To say I was fascinated would be an understatement, turned out they were racing bikes belonging to a gentleman named Roger Hunter. He was an isle of man racer and had a 500 Matchless, 350 AJS and a 125 Honda. Well I ended up with a Saturday job cleaning the bikes and helping with the mechanical stuff. One Saturday morning we had been working on the Honda and needed to start it up to check all was ok. With both of us pushing the bike was bump started and Roger said I could jump on the back of the seat. In a cloud of smoke, we shot off down the lane! That was it ‘Hooked’ forever. Over the next 60 years a long list of bikes was owned and ridden most days. I even got into building custom motorcycles based on old British bikes, I can blame the movie Easy Rider for that! About 20 years ago I found myself without any motor cycles having sold all my road bikes to fund a passion for racing. Then the money ran out and I ended up with nothing to ride. It took a while to pull together enough cash to get another bike. Then 10 years ago some cash was left to me, so I went out and brought a 1998 Honda Fireblade (still in the garage being re-built). Holy crap that thing was a lot faster than the CB900 I had ridden 30 years ago. As the years progressed, I began to struggle with the blade causing all sorts of aches and pains. So much so that the fun had gone out of 24

a Sunday ride out. Once again, I found myself with a bit of disposable cash and decided I would get a bike to put the fun back in riding. I found myself in Reading Harley Davidson talking to the sales manager (Adrian). He listened to my story and recommended of few of the bikes on show. I took an 883 Iron out for a test ride for an hour and by the time I returned that was it, it was my bike. The smile was back on my face and it had been an awful long time since I had hand that much enjoyment from a bike. The Iron lasted up until the first MOT (Sept 2018)) and a service was due. I walked into the Reading dealership to book the MOT and service, strange things happen, and I ended up walking out owning a Softail Breakout. This was quickly followed by joining the Thame Valley Harley Owners Group. Well to say they are a friendly bunch would be an understatement. So after a few ride outs and club nights. If I thought the Iron was fun, riding the Breakout with 17 other bikes was mind blowing fun and I can’t wait for the next ride out. Should have done this years ago!!!!!


It is finally here HOGSTOCK time!! When this magazine is distributed we are literally 2 weeks away from going to this event. I have to be honest when I was asked if I wanted “to have a go” at organising this I was told to possibly book 2 to 3 six bed bungalows. My gut instinct based on “build it and they will come” ok you can call it stupidity, was to book five 6 bed bungalows. At first I was a bit worried that I would have to go back to the organisers and release some of those bungalows back and to be entirely honest I had not discussed or made any agreements with the organisers if this were to happen. However a few extra efforts and weeks later I had to go and ask for more, a very fulfilling moment indeed! The commitment from you the Thames Valley members is simply put astonishing. We have 58 people, 40 odd bikes and a support van going to Rabbit Hill in Uddel. The ride Of course an event of this magnitude needed a recce, no Malcolm and I didn’t just want to go and sample the local beers and food… honestly! The ride will see us depart from junction 10, M20 Tesco extra, Hythe Road, Willesborough, Ashford TN24 0YE at 5:15 (05:00 meet). We will ride to the channel tunnel and all going well crossing on the 06:20 which should have us disembarking in Calais at 08:00 local time. From Calais we will ride all motorway for about 90 miles to our first stop at the Esso Drongen-Zuid on the E40 in Belgium. This is a larger service station and has a Burger King and other eating facilities. We will have 45 minutes to an hour here enough time to 26

refuel both bike and body and stretch legs etc. Then we will be heading towards our second stop which is near Breda on the A27, 4903 RP Oosterhout, the Netherlands. This journey is approximately 85 miles. At this stop we will also be joined by some of LOH riders who are already out in Europe from a previous tour. Again after adequate refills and leg stretches we will be starting our final part of the journey and head To Landal Rabbit Hill, Gelderland, Apeldoorn, Uddel, 3888 NR our final destination approx 85 miles. As many of you are aware we are having a support van with us. Although we have carefully planned the stops with regular intervals to refuel there will be an emergency supply of fuel on board. However, of greater value I believe is the opportunity to put a bag in the hold for £10. This small contribution will go towards the expense of the train ticket and fuel and I would like to personally thank Alan Miles for offering to drive the van rather than riding on his bike. Because of weight restrictions we haven’t got many spaces left for bags so if you haven’t booked yet please let us know immediately if you are interested. The venue We are staying in the Landal Rabbit Hill in Uddel 3888NR. This site is approximately 2 miles from the rally venue and free shuttle buses to and from have been arranged. The timings for the shuttles is shown below. In addition we will be able to check in for the rally at our accommodation site on Wednesday afternoon. This will allow us access on Thursday to the event side bypassing all the checking in cues. There is also a special ride-out organised for all of us staying at Rabit Hill on Thursday morning. We will receive full details upon arrival but we have been told that this ride will take us to some Dutch war memorials. At the time of writing this article we haven’t been able to 100% confirm but we are looking into organising a chapter bbq on the Wednesday evening after everyone has settled in and managed to get some shopping in, referring to liquids here! It will probably or most likely be something like a quality beef or veggie burger with 27

salads etc. for ÂŁ5p.p. More to be confirmed at May club night. You will be transported in style with these original Old Dutch city buses:

GEVU Museum bus 1956.

GEVU Museum bus 1975

Timetable FREE shuttle service Landal <-> WestCord Thursday 30 May In the afternoon between 3pm and 8pm; a return every 15 minutes In the evening between 8pm and 11pm; a return every 30 minutes In the evening between 11pm and 2am; a return every 15 minutes Friday 31 May In the morning between 8am and 11am; a return every 30 minutes In the afternoon between 3pm and 8pm; a return every 15 minutes In the evening between 8pm and 11pm; a return every 30 minutes In the evening between 11pm and 2am; a return every 15 minutes Saturday 1 June In the morning between 8am and 11am; a return every 30 minutes In the afternoon between 3pm and 8pm; a return every 15 minutes In the evening between 8pm and 11pm; a return every 30 minutes In the evening between 11pm and 2am; a return every 15 minutes Sunday 2 June In the morning between 8am and 11am; a return every 30 minutes The event site When Malcolm and I arrived at the event site we were both very impressed, in fact we looked at each other with a rather concerned 28

look on our faces, yes who dares to ask first; are we in the right place? Later on that evening we met the organiser and asked us if we could remember which bands and hits were popular in 1969? He shared the layouts and plans for the event and told us that every day on the main-stage in the party tent there will be performances by no less than 5 different bands, all in the theme of Woodstock 1969! Shake your ass baby! There is also a second stage in the Blues Rock Biker bar, tried and tested during the recce and found suitable, in the WestCord hotel. There, the best Blues Rock artists from the region get to party every night! The house band playing in the biker bar is called Left Luggage and also CMB Blues Rock will perform some gigs there. There is also a lounge tent, the third “Chill-Out� stage. There will be continuous music by house DJs who will turn everything into a completely relaxed groovy atmosphere. Ride outs In the vicinity of the rally site in Garderen there are several national parks such as the Hoge Veluwe, Utrechtse Heuvelrug and Veluwezoom. An interesting fact is that the Hoge Veluwe closes every year for a few days during hunting season for the Royal family hunt. 29

These are all real Dutch landscapes with polders and dikes, fruit trees and the beautiful Holterberg are very suitable to ride and indeed very nice routes. There are a variety of different routes to choose from and entertain you during the day! Get on your Harley, go for a ride and come and party with us! THE PROGRAM Thursday May 30 2019 Time tbc —— Ride out for us staying at Rabit Hill 12:00 – 14:30 – Mainstage: Herbie Blues (on the rally grounds) 12:00 – 16:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Blues DJ Theo 12:00 – 23:00 – Lounge Bar: Sixties & Seventies TOP Drive-In Show 12:00 – 23:00 – Lounge Bar: Woodstock video & Easy Rider video & Rock City Chapter 25 years slideshow 14:30 – 16:00 – Mainstage: CMB Blues-Rock Band 16:00 – 18:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Left Luggage (Ladies Drink!) 16:30 – 18:00 – Mainstage: David Ronaldo & The Dice 18:00 – 20:30 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Blues DJ Theo 18:30 – 20:00 – Mainstage: Top coverband Switch 20:30 – 22:00 – Mainstage: Bloody Buccaneers 20:30 – 22:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: CMB Blues-Rock band 22:00 – 23:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Blues DJ Theo 22:30 – 00:00 – Mainstage: 100% Katoen 23:00 – 01:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Left Luggage & Guests Friday May 31 2019 12:00 – 14:30 – Mainstage: Herbie Blues (on the rally grounds) 12:00 – 16:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Blues DJ Theo 12:00 – 23:00 – Lounge Bar: Sixties & Seventies TOP Drive-In Show 12:00 – 23:00 – Lounge Bar: Woodstock video & Easy Rider video & Rock City Chapter 25 years slideshow 14:30 – 16:00 – Mainstage: Left Luggage 16:00 – 18:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: CMB Blues-Rock band 16:30 – 18:00 – Mainstage: Match 18:00 – 20:30 – Blues Rock Biker Bar:Blues DJ Theo 18:30 – 20:00 – Mainstage: Phoenix Rock Tribute Band 30

20:30 – 22:00 – Mainstage: Undercover The Rolling Stones 20:30 – 22:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Left Luggage & Guests 22:00 – 23:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Blues DJ Theo 22:30 – 00:00 – Mainstage: No.1 Led Zeppelin tribute Letz Zeppelin 23:00 – 01:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: CMB Blues-Rock band Saturday June 1 2019 12:00 – 14:30 – Mainstage: Herbie Blues (on the rally grounds) 12:00 – 16:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Blues DJ Theo 12:00 – 23:00 – Lounge Bar: Sixties & Seventies TOP Drive-In Show 12:00 – 23:00 – Lounge Bar: Woodstock video & Easy Rider video & Rock City Chapter 25 years slideshow 14:00 – 15:30 – Mainstage: Johnny and the Gangsters of Love (on the rally grounds) 15:30 – 17:00 – Mainstage: Semtex 16:00 – 18:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Left Luggage (Sponsors only!) 17:30 – 20:00 – Mainstage: Woodstock Tribute Band 18:00 – 20:30 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Blues DJ Theo 20:30 – 22:00 – Mainstage: Bootleg Doors 20:30 – 22:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: CMB Blues-Rock band 22:00 – 23:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Blues DJ Theo 22:30 – 00:00 – Mainstage: Plork and the Contractors 23:00 – 01:00 – Blues Rock Biker Bar: Left Luggage & Guests On Monday 3 June we are departing at 10:00 for the reverse journey as stated above. First stop at Texaco Galgeveld, Rijksweg A27, 4849 RK. Second stop at Drongen-Noord, E40 direction Oostende. Final leg Drongen-Noord to Calais. Many thanks and I hope your are all looking forward to it as much as I do! Nick E. Activities


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