Tales from the Riverbank - November 2018

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L L I H S AC K www.thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

November 2018

Ed Quarters Welcome to November's issue of the Tales from the Riverbank. During the last month there has been a lot of activity in preparing the Chapter for next year. The nominations for next year’s committee are currently open. If you would like to be a part of the team and make a difference for the Chapter, please make sure you get your forms in as soon as possible. Talk to any member of this year’s committee to find out more. If you are interested in applying for the Editor position and you have any questions, please see me. I am very happy to answer any questions you may have and can help you get right up to speed. The annual meeting of the Road Captains and Road Marshalls took place and during its course we have managed to get together a very impressive ride schedule together for you. Details of the rides can be found on the website. The team involved in the Valley Rally have been beavering away, working towards bringing you another fantastic rally. I am lucky enough to be involved with the rally and have been very impressed with the progress we have made so far, and the “can do” attitude of the team. Whilst we still have a lot to do before the big day arrives, it promises to be an awesome event. One of things we have had requested the most in regard of the rally is: “When are tickets going to be available?" I am very happy to tell you that they are available from November’s Clubnight. Grab yourself a ticket or two and get those dates in the diaries. 2019 is going to be another great year for the Chapter. Ride safe and have fun! Andy

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Inside this issue

Igor says... Front cover

Mark "Bones" Peck getting into the swing of Harleyween.

Page 2

Ed Quarters

Page 4 - 6

Westie Writes

Page 7

Christmas Card “Give and Save� Scheme

Page 8 - 9

Ladies of Harley

Page 9

The Road Captain's Meeting

Page 10

Thank you!

Get Your Valley Rally Tickets Now!

Page 11


Tickets are on sale now.

Page 12

TV Times

Page 13


Page 14 - 17

Jack Hill's Cafe'

Page 18 - 19

Ride To The Wall

Page 20

Saturday Social

Page 21 Back cover


For more details please go to www.thamesvalleyrally.co.uk Do it now!

Huge thanks to all who have sent copy in for this month's magazine: Chris S, Nick W, Linda F, Mac, Mike J (M1), Cilla P, Anne G & John Radcliffe Hospital

Your contributions are appreiciated.

Greetings all, This month I will begin with a big apology for missing the mag entry last month. I was unwell for a short while which kept me off the road for a week or so. I really wanted to welcome back our members who travelled out to Milwaukee, USA for the HD115 celebrations. Nij and Trish represented the Chapter in the Parade of Flags and landed a great photo. I would also have liked to welcome back our Ladies of Harley from their Sparkle (and Twinkle) Tour of the South of England. Thames Valley put on a great attendance to this tour and were very influential in the success of the southern tour. It was great to share the excitement with the whole team at the pre-ride gathering in Reading. On the first day there were a few curve balls for the ladies but (as we would expect), they pushed through, worked together and by the finish on Sunday, they all looked to be in fine fettle. Well done all, you have shown the way for our Ladies to get some deserved recognition for a very cool ride! Before my main review, I would like to encourage the membership to participate in our committee nomination program for 2019. We kicked it off a little earlier this year to give plenty of notice and to encourage some early take up. How can you help? Well, we would love to have some help with our magazine production. Our fine editor, Andy, will not be applying next year and so we will be needing some help for sure. Other areas that we already expect to be looking for additional help include web and social media, activities, and some help to have

LOH Pillion’s represented on the committee. Having said this of course ALL positions will be open for nomination. Please think about how you can help? We may not be able to find a role for all who apply this year but it is great to know that we have people who want to help. Often, we can find something for people to help with, even if their first choice cannot be offered. I also know that Malc is looking to handover the Poker Run role. It is not an official committee role but it was where I first started to help. We may be looking to change the format a little next year and the role will possibly include arranging the Saturday social events through the winter months. If you think you can help with this please come and speak to me. I feel that the real highlight of the past month is the excellent day we had at Reading Harley Davidson for this year’s Harleyween. Loads of Chapter members participated in the spirit and joined Mike and the Team in a great fancy dress show. We raised over £250 for Alexander Devine with the sale of cakes and some boxed children’s Christmas gifts provided by the charity. Mike and his front of house staff did a great job on the day and we are really grateful for their support and enthusiastic participation. Our Christmas Party this year will be held just around the corner from the Dealership and is fully subscribed to over 60 Chapter members. As usual we will be doing a free raffle giveaway at the party for all attendees. If you get a chance, log onto the Chapter Team App or website and feast your eyes on some of the things we have planned for next year. Just open the calendar link. Road Crew met in Henley late last month to set the ride calendar for 2019 and whilst things can change, we have a pretty full calendar with some new trips, events and socials mixed in with some old favourites. Poker Runs are now finished for the year and the winning hands have been identified. Presentations for the best three hands will be made at the Christmas Clubnight which will once again be held at Reading Harley Davidson. Also, we have a special raffle being organised for the Christmas Clubnight which will include a top prize of a Christmas Hamper worth over £100.

Since we are thinking about Christmas preparations, one of our members came up with a great suggestion to help reduce our costs and use of paper. Rather than send Christmas Cards to loads of chapter members, why don’t you make a donation to our Christmas Card “Give and Save” Scheme. This could be a great way to make an additional donation to Alexander Devine and to share the joy of Christmas with your friends. We will soon be welcoming two newly qualified Road Captains. Gary Watts led a fine qualifying ride to the New Forest Blazin’ Big Top Rally at the end of September and just after Clubnight last month, Alan Miles led his qualifying run to join our Road Captain line up. He put on a fine ride to Jacks Hill Cafe near Northampton. Some of you will be aware that Alan has had his knee operation and I am sure you would like to join me in wishing him a full and speedy recovery. We are still able to offer a last few places on the Benelux (HogStock) Rally in Holland next year. Contact Nick Ekendahl if you would like to join over 50 other Chapter members on this long weekend away. I mentioned at last month’s Clubnight that we are looking to put on a chapter ride to the Thunder in the Glens Rally in 2019. We will shortly be placing interest sheets out to get some initial indication of numbers. Our Valley Rally 2019 is now taking pre-registration entries online at thamesvalleyrally.co.uk. We have preliminary bookings in hand and have already started planning the rally ride outs for the weekend. Bands are being assessed and calendars checked for availability. Early signs are that we will have a great line up of entertainment this year. Watch out for more information on our social media channels, posters and future mags. Tickets for the rally are expected to become available around Christmas time. Get your name on the pre-registration list to avoid disappointment. It’s easy, it’s online and it’s absolutely free to sign up.

Keep the shiny side up! Nick

Hi Ladies! What an exciting month it’s been! Kicked off with a Harleyween Party at Reading Harley-Davidson. There was an impressive array of ghoulish fancy dress, many cakes and savouries consumed and a good turn out to register the end of season mileage on your bikes! A huge thank you to everyone who came along and participated, be it by dressing up, bringing in and/or eating the treats on offer or buying some of the fab toys that were available. With your donations, we raised just over £260 towards Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice. I mentioned in my last article that I was to be embarking on my first (and only?!) Iron Hog Challenge. Well…I did it! It very nearly didn’t happen as Mark spotted I had a nail in my tyre on the day we were due to depart, cue a mad dash to source a replacement and Reading Harley-Davidson coming to the rescue to collect my bike, Bluebell, and fit the tyre – thanks guys! It was bitterly cold and wet for a lot of the ride but it was a very rewarding experience with so much stunning scenery. There were so many places that we rode through that I’d love to visit at a leisurely pace and on a warmer, dryer day. The route was a bit longer than planned due to road closures and a (very pretty) detour, but we completed 1425.4 miles in 47 hours 11 minutes and I’m sure it took me just as long to recover afterwards! I was thrilled to have doubled my fundraising target for Thames Hospice – in total I raised £520, so thank you to everyone who donated, gave me words of encouragement (or called me mad for doing it in October) and followed my progress – it really helped along the way. I’d like to give a shout out to Kerrie Wayte who passed her bike test earlier this month and can now ride her lovely red Sportster. Kerrie took part in one of the

riding taster sessions that we held during the summer and she got bitten by the riding bug. Congratulations Kerrie and we look forward to seeing you out and about on your bike with us! Looking to what’s coming up, after I finish this article I’m going to start my packing, as this weekend we are off on our chapter LoH weekend away to Pontins! It’s finally here, after being booked at the beginning of the year! We are going to be enjoying entertainment from an array of 70s and 80s tributes and original acts and I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of fun! Well, that’s all folks for another month, see you soon! Cilla Thames Valley LoH Officer

Road crew meet for 2019 ride program Clocks went back on the Sunday morning, few groans (myself included as early morning return from A Halloween Ball) ‘Jamie can’t we have a lay in’!!! Nope 09.00 start sharp, breakfast meet at 08.00 ish. The Catherine Wheel Henley. I missed the breakfast bit! So tea, coffee cakes & do-nuts fuelled the discussions. Post it notes suggested rides adorned the walls, absent road crew rides logged and after three hours next year’s program was put together. So let’s hope/pray that we get a summers riding as we had this year as again a full programme sorted.. Here’s to 2019... Mike (M1) J

Thank you Thanks to everyone who contributed to the new ovens by buying a Jake Spicer Toy Run Pin. The children are delighted because, thanks to us they have been able to start their food technology lessons again, something they gain a lot of pleasure from. Anne Gray

Membership Hi Folks, It's rarely good news when the Membership Secretary is writing and I'm afraid this time is no exception. Now as we all know to be a member of this illustrious band of men and women known as the Thames Valley Harley Owners Group you have to be a member of HOG National. In the case of couples at least one of the pair have to be a member although as you might expect Harley do try and encourage both husband and wife to join. Now part of my duties unfortunately is to chase up club members who have allowed their HOG National membership to slip and it's in that capacity that I am writing to you today. As of 06/10/2018, 15 members of the Thames Valley Harley Owners have allowed their membership of HOG National to expire, one is as far back as February this year. Folks it reflects poorly on the Chapter when we've got so many members who have let their membership lapse. So, can I urge you to check your HOG National Membership technically you should not be riding with the Chapter if your membership has expired. If you are in any doubt you can always drop me a line at membership@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk and I'll check. It will cost you ÂŁ55 for a year's Full Membership or ÂŁ30 for a year's Associate. There may be a good reason why you haven't/aren't going to continue paying but can I ask you to just let me know so I can keep the clubs national records up to date. To renew your membership, you can use this link: https://members.hog.com/en_GB/website/main.jsp Click on your name when you are logged in and click renew Or you can go to the Manage Membership page on the HOG website or you can ring Customer Services on 00800 1111 2223. Whatever way you do it just get it done. Chris Smith

Wednesday, 21 November 19:00 Club Night (Closed Event Members Only) Sunday, 25 November

Club Night December 19th will be held at Reading Harley-Davisdon.

Windsor Toy Run Tuesday, 4 December 18:00 Committee Meeting (Closed Event)

All Chapter members are welcome. The fun starts at 7pm.

Saturday, 8 December Thames Valley Chapter XMAS Party Sunday, 9 December

Friday, 28 - Sunday, 30 June 2019

Reading Toy Run

Thames Valley Rally Tickets are now available

Wednesday, 19 December 19:00 Christmas Club Night at Reading

Please check the website for the latest on all rides.

Harley-Davidson (closed event) Tuesday, 1 January 18:00 Committee Meeting Saturday, 5 January 12:30 Saturday Social - Three Frogs, Wokingham Wednesday, 16 January 18:30 Club Night (Closed Event Members Only)

CLUB NIGHTS December 19th January 16th February 20th March 20th April 17th MAGAZINE CONTRIBUTION DEADLINES December 6th January 3rd February 7th March 7th April 4th

2018 Officers & Committee


Nick West Director

Andy Tunley Assistant Director

Sue Moyler Secretary

COMMITTEE & SUPPORTING OFFICERS CLUB VENUE Burnham Cricket Club Memorial Ground, Taplow Common Road, Burnham, Slough, Berks, SL1 8LP

Priscilla Peck Ladies of Harley

Andy Tunley Editor

Chris Smith Membership

Mike Wilson Malcolm Poulter Dealer Principal Activities

https://www.facebook.com/ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Lesley Lederer Treasurer

John Green Safety Officer

Robin Sasson Third Wednesday of every month 7:00pm Webmaster

Fred Cotsford Activities

Nick Ekendahl Activities

Jamie McLaughlin Mark Peck Hayley West Head Road Captain Social Media Officer Charities Officer

Linda Friend Photographer

Alex MacDonald Jamie McLaughlin Photographer Photographer

Email any committee member at (position held)@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Jacks Hill Cafe'

On Sunday 21st October, Alan Miles completed his qualifying ride to Jacks Hill Cafe in Towcester in style. It was a good turn out with some new lads coming out on their first ride with the club. I counted 17 bikes in all but that might be wrong. I was curious how Alan was going to jazz up the ride but he took us on a loop via Marlow, Stokenchurch, Thame, Bicester, Buckingham and Silverstone. I only got glimpse but boy have they improved the facilities at Silverstone. We rode through some foggy patches and some nice countryside but by the time we got to Towcester the weather was great a big blue cloudless sky and the cafe was heavin with bikers and petrol heads of all shapes and sizes. That lead to a good relaxed atmosphere and big queue for your brunch. I think everyone enjoyed the ride and I for one look forward to doing it again. Your roving reporter Chris Smith

Ride To “Jack’s Hill Café” With these dark mornings seemed an early start. Especially for Alan F/landers who started at 06.00…!!! Forecast looked good, misty chilly start but sun and 18 degrees later. So, should be a good turnout for Alan Miles R/C qualifying ride. On my way along Marlow bypass there was heavy mist by the Water Ski lake and River Thames, with a hazy Sun glowing through. A black Harley Road Glide went past me and was enveloped in the mist. It was like an eerie shadow as he disappeared, would have made a great photo…. not one of our guys. Was a good turnout, Alan did the briefing and we set off via Bisham to Marlow bridge, sun up as we headed towards Stokenchurch B482. Headed towards Thame. The mist had returned and there would have been some great views on this ride with some nice roads for biking. We went via Long Crendon (unmarked speed humps) to Bicester past the Shopping Village towards Silverstone via Stowe School. Lovely approach to school shrouded in mist. Past the racing circuit before picking up the A5 to J H Cafe Towcester. Alan lead a great ride with nice roads and did well as lots of road closures added to his “task” on his recce’s for the ride. Well done. The Café was buzzing, car park full…”The 59 Club” had a gathering there. ‘The 9’ as it’s known, was a C of E Church Youth Club started 1959 in Hackney Wick, London. Then in 1962 the motorcycle section was launched after two biker clergy visited “The Ace Café”. It now has an International membership of approx. 30,000. good old rockers. So, there was some old “Ton Up” bikes there plus new & Harleys. Good 50s & 60s rock music was playing in the car park and some jiving going on.

Great atmosphere & Sun up… Then thoughts “H’s” Café for cuppa on way back? Group of us had a ‘blatt’ A49/34 M40 again weather had bought out the biker’s car park busy, but no music… Last leg home via Henley, Marlow with the low sun to the side/back of us the way the light was coming through the tree canopy arched over the road made a lovely sight and feel which is what biking in the open air is about. Only thing on a bike these moments are in memory not on photos. Marlow traffic lights I gestured “swift half”?? Mike knew exactly where to stop (surprise, surprise) “The Chequers”. Town really busy again blue skies all out, got chatting to an ex stock car racer, biker whose son has Harleys. Great way to end the day. Was a great end of season ride and we’ve

being really lucky this year with the weather and the same today. Definitely a ride for the calendar next year. Mike (M1) J Ps. Good luck Alan with knee op and speedy recovery…

Ride To The Wall

The 11th October 2018, was the day of what has now become a club pilgrimage to the 11th Ride to the Wall held at the National Memorial Arboretum in Alrewas Staffordshire. Bad weather was forecast and unfortunately, they got it right so the six bikes that left Maidenhead that morning did get a bit wet, but we rode through the band of rain and out the other side by which time it was not too bad. The programme of activities was much the same as previous years, Martin Dickinson the rides founder just managed to hold back the tears as usual. I did find the ceremony particularly emotional this time for some reason, Abigail Cater-Simpson a former X Factor contestant gave a really powerful performance. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. Having paid our respects, it was then on to the Cuttlebridge Hotel for a good old knees up and they didn't disappoint a significant number had either stayed at the hotel the night before or made their own way to the event so for the

evening's festivities there must have been about twenty five of us. So, a few pints were consumed, a nice meal eaten and good old chinwag ensued. Sunday was a nice bright sunny chilly day and we rode down to Bikers Paradise in Coventry on the A45 and then down the A423 through Banbury, to Annie's at Kidlington. I thoroughly recommend that route home they are great roads. RTTW has now raised over ÂŁ750,000 they are the second largest contributors so I'll book the hotel probably for the Friday night as well next year and look forward to the opportunity to return to the National Memorial Arboretum. Next year's ride is on 6th October 2019, so a date for your dairy. Your roving reporter Chris Smith

Saturday Social The first Saturday Social of the season arrived at a very popular destination, The Golden Retriever at Nine Mile Ride. Although not many were able to attend, it was a bit of a celebration for Kerry, she passed her motorbike test the day before. Linda

Harleyween The end of 2018's mileage program was held on Harleyween. A huge thank you for everyone who attended, supplied food, and paid money to eat the feast of goodie on offer. Also thanks to John who braved the rather cooler weather to ensure your miles were gathered up.There were some fabulous costumes. The winners of this year's competition were Mark and Patricia.

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