Tales from the Riverbank Feb13

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Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter

Hello and welcome to the February issue of your Chapter magazine. Well another month has passed and thankfully the snow has disappeared. Hopefully it won‟t make a return and that‟s the end of the bad weather for this year! It seems the rain then went and replaced all that white stuff for a while and now cold temperatures, but at least we‟ve had one or two bright days here and there.

The start to the year and getting the Harley‟s out for the odd ride hasn‟t gone too well in the Clarke household so far. Whilst my Harley hasn‟t been used since the Ride for Charlie before Christmas, the battery seems to have held up throughout the cold and its weekly start-ups has kept it going nicely. The same however can‟t be said for my husbands. Seems there‟s a reason he‟s got a 2½ year old bike with only 500 miles on the clock - cos it won‟t start to allow any miles to be added! Twice I‟ve got myself all set, donned the cold weather bike gear ready for a nice ride out and twice I‟ve only got the bike as far as just out of the garage. Both times Spence‟s Harley has played up and prevented me getting out. The battery keeps draining and so he‟s now on his third one this winter. And then the side stand sensor has kept cutting out the engine when he does get it going.

Much head scratching, cursing and threats to sell it has been followed with a new sensor, stand spring and eventually a trip to Nij to get it sorted. If Harley insist on trying to put fancy sensors and electronics on their new bikes, then really they need to get these things to work a bit more reliably than they seem to. We also have a trip to France planned for the summer and last time we were there, Spence‟s alarmed Sportster was struck by their interfering radio frequencies on more than one occasion. So this year we have to make plans to learn the disabling routine with the indicator system. That should be an interesting exercise! Sometimes I‟m glad my bike doesn‟t have quite so many fancy gizmo‟s and the majority of the time, it all manages to run as it should (touch wood). Probably go and break down now I‟ve said that!

Features Talking of visiting France this year, I thought I‟d have a look around the internet and make sure we‟re well prepared for everything we need whilst riding in Europe. There have been some new rules and regulations coming out of the EU in recent months and the French themselves have their own proposals that affect drivers and motorcyclists in their country. Obviously it‟s best to be armed with the right knowledge as well as all the right kit while we‟re out there and I know that some are planning their trips to Rome for the 110th celebrations, which means they too will have lots of miles of European riding ahead of them. So I thought that whilst I was researching our own trip, why not extend it to other parts of Europe and include some info and tips in this magazine? So I did and I hope you find some of it useful - but please bear in mind, it‟s not a definitive list, just a guide to help you get started. As I said in the January magazine, finding things to fill pages can often be a challenge at this time of the year. I dare say I‟ll have the opposite problem mid-way through the season as I won‟t have enough pages for all the content. Hopefully last month‟s magazine had enough to make it a worthwhile publication. I have to say it was fun compiling all the pages of photos from 2012. There were just so many to choose from and it was a shame we couldn‟t include them all. Thanks to Bernie Bulldog for helping me out with that piece and narrowing the selection down a bit.

Rallies for 2013 I decided to include a rally round-up slot this month - as I did this time last year. It‟s just to give you a very brief guide to all the UK chapter rallies that are on the calendar for 2013. As there are so many, I‟ve split the piece into two parts. This month covers the first ten events up to early July. March magazine will feature the second half of the season. Since we can‟t possibly visit them all as official Chapter rides, some people might wish to attend some themselves, so hopefully this guide will help you choose when and where you‟d like to go.

Oxford Harley dealership have been in touch and passed on dates of some things they‟ve got going on this year. They‟ve confirmed the date of the John Radcliffe Toy Run (see news pages). Plus they also have a few other things listed: 11-12 May: Test-ride truck, ASDA in Swindon 16 June: Dalton Barracks - Brize Norton run 24 June: Cassington Bike Night, Oxford HD Main Event 29 June: Oxford to Cheltenham Texas Poker Charity Run 13-14 July: Oxford HD & Chapter 10th Birthday Open Weekend Right, time to go and pray for nice weather so I can get out and ride my Harley some time soon! Don’t grow up, get bigger toys!


Welcome to the February edition of Tales from the Riverbank. Having just attended the Directors meeting in Stratford back in January, I have so much information to download and pass on to you all, itâ€&#x;s hard to know where to start!! I think the first piece of news for everybody is the results of the National Chapter Challenge for 2012.

Our very own chapter mileage challenge will run alongside the National Chapter Challenge again this year and entry forms will be available at the next two club nights ready for the start on the 30th March. Please sign up and help us achieve as many total miles as possible in 2013!

The complete list of results, totals and averages are all given on page 13, so go have a look. Congratulations to the winning Chapters and, as far as Thames Valleyâ€&#x;s entry into the challenge goes, we came 6th out of the 10 Chapters who entered, so a big well done to all our entrants.

Membership benefits For many years I have heard members saying just "Just what do we get from HOG for our ÂŁ50 membership fees every year?"

The chapter challenge will run again in 2013 with a few changes, all of which will be revealed soon.

First of all, it allows us to be members of probably the biggest motor cycle organisation in the world and, in turn, belong to a local HOG Chapter.

This is where the benefits come back to us a lifestyle never experienced before, free monthly magazines, organised rides, weekends away and rallies every weekend during the riding season. All that for around £75 including your chapter membership works for me. I have listed below companies that are prepared to give discounts to HOG members for hotel accommodation, holidays, insurance and entry into events: Eurocamps (50%) The Old Rectory BMF Events H D Insurance MacDonald Hotels & Resorts (except for TITG rally) Taste Cards If you use any of these companies tell them you are a member of HOG. Contact information for these companies can be found on the HOG website/Galleries. 110th Celebration & HOGS 30th Celebration: For the members who are riding out to Rome and travelling out to Milwaukee for the 110th celebrations in June & August, I can arrange two bikes for each event to ride in the mass parade and represent Thames Valley UK Chapter by flying our Chapter Flags. Those riding in the parade will receive a ribbon to commemorate the ride. HOGS 30th anniversary celebration is being celebrated at the Euro Festival, Port Grimaud, France 2-5 May, please contact me as soon as possible to secure your ride and the loan of a Chapter Flag. I‟m sorry to say that Harley Davidson are not celebrating the 110th Anniversary in England this time. It was thought that, as the last two celebrations were held in England, they would give another country the event this time around.

Rides & Rallies World Ride 2013 will take place over two days again this year on the 23/24th June. It is also a busy month for Thames Valley, our ladies are organising a ride to the Cotswolds on the 23rd, the boys will be on their way back from Hoggin the Hayfields and some of you will of only just have got back from Rome. Monday 24th June we are organising a ride out, we need ideas for a location or a dealership to visit for the day, if you have any ideas follow the thread on the forum please. Thunder in the Glens in August is still open for bookings, we have around 14 members going up at the moment, you are welcome to join the ride & party. The first ride of the season to blow out those winter cobwebs will now take place on the 7th April and will be a ride down to Mudeford Quay in Dorset and the John Radcliffe Toy Run is booked for the 14th April. April Club Night During our April Club night we will be holding a „bring and buy‟ sale for all those bits of chrome, spare parts and clothing that no longer fit us, tables will be available for your items. Sixteen of us attended the last Saturday social at the Shire Horse pub in Maidenhead, a great location for lunch and a beer, only two bikes this time, respect to those who braved the cold and rain!! The next social evening is at the Asian Fusion restaurant in Little wick Green this Saturday, Sue still has places available. The riding season is only a month or two away and 2013 is going to be another great year with Thames Valley for rides and celebrations. Ride safe and have fun in 2013!

Don Wibberley Director

I would like to start by saying thank you to Don and the Primary Officers on the committee for allowing me to stay as your Ladies of Harley representative for the third year running. I am not sure whether they think I am doing a good job or that you all gave me that vote of confidence in that no one else put themselves forward for the role ď Š Nonetheless, I am proud to remain your LoH rep for 2013.

I see my main roles as supporting and encouraging all ladies within Thames Valley Chapter, and to represent you at committee level. LoH Membership Riding your own bike is not a requirement for a being a Lady of Harley, but a passion for the Harley way of life is. If you don’t have that passion now I will do my best to find it for you by encouraging all ladies to participate as much as you would like to. Whether you are a pillion or ride your own motorcycle you are welcome to join in any events that the Chapter arrange.

Likewise, your partner is welcome on any events that the girls might organise. The two exceptions being the lads only weekend and of course our ladies weekend away.

I would love to hear your ideas for any ride outs or any social events that you think would be fun for us to attend, i.e. cinema, theatre, pubs etc. I am here to represent you and your interests, so please don’t leave it all up to me, I am happy to organise events but value your ideas to help me plan and promote our activities.

Evening get-together There is still time to book your place on the Asian Fusion meal for this coming Saturday evening, 23rd February, just let me know as soon as possible if you would like to join us.

If there are any questions you may have about the club, rides or events that you would like answered please let me know.


Saturday Socials The Saturday Socials are a popular event averaging around 20 people each month. February’s lunch at The Shire Horse was no exception. Thanks to Linda for taking some great photos for us. She also commented that that the venue was good on the prices, especially from the day menu - one to bear in mind for the future. The next one is on Saturday 9 March at The Star Inn, a village pub in Waltham St Lawrence, RG10 0HY. Join us from around 12.30pm if you can.

Looking forward to heat of a different kind…. bring on the sunshine 

LOH rep ladiesofharley@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Sunday 7th April Join us for what has traditionally always been our first „official‟ ride of the new season. It‟s also a good chance to brush up on your group riding skills after what often seems like such a long winter break. The ride will be from SportsAble down to Mudeford on the coast. Hopefully it will be a nice, sunny day like it was last year. All the times and details will be confirmed in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on the website for updates. Dates for 2013 (and Magazine deadlines) March 21st April 18th May 16th June 20th July 18th August 15th September 11th October 17th November 21st December 19th All are Wednesday evenings. Venues tbc nearer the times. April 10th May 22nd June 12th July 10th August 21st September 11th October 9th

(14th) (11th) (9th) (13th) (11th) (8th) (10th) (10th) (14th) (12th)

Please send your magazine contributions to editor@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk. Don‟t forget to check the website and forum for all the up-to-date information on rideouts and activities.

Sunday April 14th Departing Oxford HD at 11am to ride to John Radcliffe Hospital to deliver toys to the kids. Meet at SportsAble first to ride to Oxford. Times will be confirmed nearer the date. Bring a toy for the children.

Sunday 7th April Bugatti Owners Club Gotherington, Cheltenham, GL52 9RD Celebrating all things two and three wheeled, plus a chance to „Run the Hill‟ up the Prescott Hill Climb. Attractions include live bands, trade and dealer stands, celebrity riders and signings, prize draws, extreme sports trials and loads more. Advance entry £12, hill climb extra. For further details visit www.prescottbikefestival.co.uk

www.thamesvalleyhog.org.uk Get along to the chapter website and have a go on our whole new forum. It‟s been tested extensively to make sure it‟s user friendly and easy for everyone to enjoy. There‟s already plenty to read on there and there‟ll be regular stuff every month. The feedback so far is very positive, so come on, join in the fun!

It‟s easy to get started - you just have to register your username and password. You might get yourself a free beer, so hurry up and join today!

23-26 August 2013, Aviemore, Scotland Bookings are now open for accommodation and tickets via Dunedin Chapter. www.dunedinhog.com. The plan for the chapter is to ride up on Thursday and stay overnight at Lockerbie, then ride to Aviemore on the Friday for 3 nights at the rally. Don W is currently looking at accommodation for the travel stops. More details announced in due course but make sure you book your rally tickets now.

Monday 1st April The H-Cafe Bike Nights return in April and the chapter will be taking a ride to the first of the season. The event is Oxfordshire‟s biggest bike night with the cafe open for food plus hundreds of bikes of all make and model turning up.

The plan is to meet up at SportsAble from 7pm for a 7.15 depart and ride to the cafe for a couple of hours socialising and enjoying the other bikes. Come along if you can. June 23rd & 24th Make sure you save the dates for this year‟s HOG World Ride event (formerly Million Mile Monday). As a chapter we‟ll be taking part. So get the time off work and make sure you‟re available!

Saturday 20 April 2013 Those of you who have subscribed to the new club forum may have already seen the invite from Doughnut to join the H-DRCGB on their annual St George‟s Day parade this year. The H-DRCGB is a non patch club and as such they generally do not know who are members and who are not. What‟s more, as long as you ride a Harley and behave yourself they generally don't care too much. If you fancy the ride then please leave your HOG patches at home.

Advance notice: Saturday 20th April, annual St Georges Day Parade, Whitton (near Twickenham). All the locals always look forward to the H-DRCGB participating and riders always get a warm welcome. The organisers usually reserve parking outside The Admiral Nelson after the parade for you to show off your pride and joy…with the added bonus of a free pint. As usual, Harleys only. The parade usually moves off at about noon - so we will be meeting up at the marshalling point (to be confirmed soon) at 11:30 am

Sadly we have had to cancel this year's chill out weekend. There are so many events and activities this year, plus our own Chapter Birthday and the 110th Anniversary, which means we have struggled to find suitable dates to fit in a chill out weekend. The only dates that were available were in July and, despite our best efforts, we‟ve been unable to find suitable accommodation for our group for that weekend. However, Paul Major and John Ingram have organised a weekend trip to the Brecon Beacons for the weekend of 12/13/14 July. If you‟re interested then please contact Paul or John directly or email activities@thamesvalleyhog.org.uk. Hopefully the chill out will return next year. April Club Night We‟re bringing you the chance to have a clearout of all those Harley bits and pieces, spare parts and items you no longer need. There‟ll be a big Harley/Motorcycle related „Bring & Buy Sale‟ at the April club night. Time to rummage through the garage and see if you‟ve got something that someone else wants!

Our first club night of the new year is also traditionally our Chapter AGM, where the Director announces the members of the Committee for the forthcoming year, as well as any other special announcements and newcomers to any of our teams. The January AGM saw three presentations: Nick West and his new Safety Officer patch (cos he doesnâ€&#x;t have enough already!), CJ is training for Road Captain and was presented with his Road Marshals patch and Sadie received a special plaque from the club as thanks for her work as Editor on the Chapter magazine. The presentations were interrupted momentarily by Russ and his mobile phone, for which he gets the first fine of the new year!

5682.8 5533.4 4244.9 5390.5 3552

14412 Laurence Scourfield

15580 Graham Roach

15469 Malcolm Bradly

33674 Silvio Musmeci

9536 Neil Butler


Great Western

Thames Valley



2,306,015 4162.4 554 5873.5 33674 635369

Total mileage

Average mileage

Total participants

Highest average mileage

Highest individual mileage

Greatest mileage




Silvio Musmeci, Dunedin




18806 Axel Thill




15488 Chris Ringer

Rolling Hills

15314 Roy Radford


14793 Robert Eagle


Lindum colonium 12353 Vince fellows

Average mileage

Highest mileage












No. of entrants

Last month we published the HOG mileage challenge results for the Thames Valley Chapter. Here are the results from all of the UK chapters that took part in 2012. For a group with no supporting dealership, we didnâ€&#x;t do too bad. Hopefully we can build on that in 2013 and challenge for a higher finish overall.











Total mileage


APRIL cont.

Social Evening/Meal Asian Fusion, SL6 3QR, 7.30pm Saturday 23rd

Poker Run Venue TBC Wednesday 10th

Harley Night Ace Cafe, 6pm Thursday 28th

Jake Spicer Memorial Ride Depart 11am Oxford dealership to deliver toys to John Radcliffe Hospital Sunday 14th

MARCH Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 21st

Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 18th

Harley Night Ace Cafe, 6pm Thursday 28th

Harley Night Ace Cafe, 6pm Thursday 25th

Ladies of Harley Weekend Away Bognor Regis Friday 22nd - Sunday 24th


Easter Friday 29th - Monday 1st April

Iron Horse Rally Woodhall Spa, Lincs Friday 10th - Monday 13th


Cider Rally Friday 3rd - Monday 6th

H-Cafe 1st of the season Bike Night SportsAble - H-Cafe. 7.15pm depart Monday 1st

Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 16th

Dust off the Cobwebs SportsAble - Mudeford. Times TBC Sunday 7th

Ride to Wales Meet Chieveley Services. Details TBC Sunday 19th

Prescott Bike Festival & Hill Climb Gotherington, Cheltenham, Glos www.prescottbikefestival.co.uk Sunday 7th

Poker Run Venue TBC Wednesday 22nd

Events, rideouts and activities Details correct at time of going to print. Check the website for updates and amendments www.thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

MAY cont.

JUNE cont.

The Big Brum Bash West Mids Ski Centre, Warwickshire www.bigbrumbash.co.uk Friday 24th - Monday 27th

Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 20th

Ride to Southsea Meet A33 Services (off M4 J11) Details TBC Sunday 26th Ireland Bike Fest Killarney, Ireland Friday 31st - Monday 3rd (June)

JUNE Reading MAG Lion Rally Gravelly Bridge Farm, Grazeley Friday 7th - Sunday 9th Circus Maximus XI Deva Legion Friday 7th - Sunday 9th The Gathering Drymsynie, Scotland Friday 7th - Monday 10th Poker Run Venue TBC Wednesday 12th Beaulieu Custom Motorbike Show Beaulieu, Hampshire Saturday 15th - Sunday 16th Thames Valley Chapter 15th Anniversary Celebrations SportsAble Saturday 15th

Lads Weekend Away / HOGS in the Hayfields Cleve Rugby Club, Bristol Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd Adams Farm Rideout Cotswolds. Details TBC Sunday 23rd Harley Night Ace Cafe, 6pm Thursday 27th Back to the Peaks Miraj Hotel, Ashbourne, Derbyshire Friday 28th - Sunday 30th LoH Rideout with Oxford Chapter Sunday 30th

JULY Wake the Lakes Kendal RUFC, Lake District Thursday 4th - Sunday 7th Hog on the Humber Hallmark Hotel, Ferriby High Rd, Hull Friday 5th - Sunday 7th Poker Run Venue TBC Wednesday 10th Chapter Club Night SportsAble 7.30pm - 10pm Thursday 18th

As the first rally of the season, this one is always booked up quickly. If you haven‟t got your tickets yet then you might be out of luck. You will need to check with Bridgwater Chapter www.bridgwaterhog.co.uk for availability and booking form.

Tickets are £30 which includes 3-day entry to the rally, goody bag, t-shirt and pin. On-site accommodation (if available) can only be booked with ticket booking reference. Food can be included with accommodation if preferred. Fancy dress is open themed and optional.

St Ledger Chapter bring you this high class rally with a friendly atmosphere, top quality entertainment and superb onsite facilities. Many attendees say this is one of the most enjoyable rallies they‟ve attended. Accommodation options are available to suit all requirements with chalets, caravans, camping, motorhome pitches and local B&B. Prices vary. One person camping is £42.16 including rally ticket. Book online or download booking form from www.ironhorserally.co.uk. Free rally pack with all bookings before 28th February.

Easily accessible, smack in the middle of the UK and just 5 minutes from M42, M6, A38 and A5 the WMWSC boasts acres of camping grounds, tarmac access roads and hard standing, plus a purpose built club house and bar. Add in the entertainment marquee and bar for the live music, trade stands and facilities and this becomes a truly great rally.

This is a unique event that attracts over 30,000 visitors from around the world. Ireland Bike Fest is an international festival for motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Run in association with Harley-Davidson and HOG, there is a host of activities and entertainments for everyone to enjoy, including bike parades, rideouts, live bands, trade stalls, H-D dealers and custom bike show.

Tickets are strictly limited and only available until 31st March. Cost is ÂŁ27 and include t-shirt, camping and rally entry. Book online via www.bigbrumbash.co.uk

Accommodation is all centred around the Bike Village with hotels and apartments. Off-site accommodation is also available and all offer various weekend deals for individuals and groups. Reservations can be made online at www.irelandbikefest.com, by phoning + 353 (0) 64 6671550 or by emailing reservations@irelandbikefest.com

Not the largest of events, but comes packed with the usual fun, entertainment, ride outs, trade stalls and activities you would expect from a chapter rally. Cost is ÂŁ26 per person which includes on-site camping. The first 250 bookings receive a rally pack. visit www.devalegionhog.co.uk for further info or email rally@devalegionhog.co.uk. Their hotline is 07546 422418

Following the success of 2011 and 2012, The Gathering this year is expected to be even bigger and better. They have a spectacular 6 Lochs ride around the stunning west Scotland scenery, plus live bands and all the usual rally stuff. All onsite accommodation is at the Argyll Holidays estate with static caravans, lodges, chalets and hotel. There are no motorhome or camping facilities - nearest site is 10 miles away.

Tickets purchased before 1st March are ÂŁ27.50 and include t-shirt and pin. After this date the price rises to ÂŁ30 and has no rally pack. Accommodation can be booked after rally tickets have been purchased. Full details of everything can be found on www.clydevalleyhog.net

The chapter boys will be away for this, the 6th Hogs in the Hayfields rally, which is also the 10th anniversary celebration for Great Western Chapter. For this year‟s event, they have loads of music and live bands, plus fancy dress theme night, ride in show, rideout and chapter challenge. Tickets for the full event are £25 which includes free camping, plus rally patch and pin. Tickets for just the Saturday are £18 and also include the rally pack. If you‟re interested in joining the lads weekend away then pick up a registration form at club nights or see Fred/Don for details. Otherwise visit www.greatwesternhog.co.uk

Hosted by Peak Riders and Harleyworld, Chesterfield, this rally centres around the fantastic Miraj Hotel & Leisure Club, just outside the town of Ashbourne and right on the doorstep of the beautiful Peak District. There are 50 rooms at the hotel that are open to rally-goers. Prices vary depending on breakfast and/or dinner options. Camping is at a site less than a mile from the hotel and transport is provided between the two. Pitches are £12 per tent per night. Other local B&B and hotel accommodation is also available. Tickets for the rally are £25 with free pin. T-shirts can be purchased in advance for £7, before 17th May. For all the info and to book tickets visit www.peakriders.org

Rally Hotline: 07447 506 364

New for 2013, Wake the Lakes will have 3 nights of entertainment on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They will also have self-guided rides and maps, sat-nav routes, improved camping facilities, plus a VIP Glamping area with mobile showers and deluxe toilets. As you would expect with the Lake District, the ride routes are pretty spectacular with tours around the beautiful lakes, plus there will also be an evening rideout Tickets are available until 1st June and cost £30 with patch & pin but no t-shirt, or £35 to include the t-shirt. Standard camping is free with rally ticket from Thursday to Monday. Glamping is extra with booking directly through Yippee Yurts. Visit http:// yippeeyurts.webs.com. All ticket booking are made online via the Red Rose Chapter website www.redrosechapter.com

This isn‟t just a bridge crossing, it‟s a full 3-day rally organised by Aire Valley UK Chapter. It‟s also not just for Harley owners, all bikers are welcome to join in. All profits will be donated to three charities - Yorks Air Ambulance, Help for Heroes and Martin House Children‟s Hospice. The rally starts on the Friday with the bridge crossing at 12.30pm on the Sunday. This year‟s event is based at the Hallmark Hotel in North Ferriby where all the live music and entertainment will take place. Accommodation at the hotel is probably all sold out already, but there is free camping available in the hotel grounds.

Pre-registered tickets cost £20, or £25 on the gate. Bridge crossing is £10 and include a pin. Rally t-shirts are £10 available by pre-order only. Visit www.avhog.co.uk or call Sandra on 0797 382 0181 for booking and info.

Reading MAG’s Summer Rally, 7-9 June Held every year in June the Lion Rally is one of the largest bike rallies in the Thames Valley area. Starting from Friday afternoon and running until Sunday you will get a wide range of entertainment, stalls, live bands, real ale bar and a chance to chill out with friends. A lovely flat camping field is provided for you as are proper flushing toilets. MAG: Protecting and promoting the interests and rights of riders The Lion Rally is organised to have fun and raise money for MAG, to keep us all on two wheels. Help support us by coming along to our rally in 2013.

Just for fun, you can now create your own Harley 110th celebration graphic online and add it to the thread on our new Chapter forum. Here’s three that have already been added...

Day visitors and families welcome, under 12's get in free. Advance tickets £18 for the weekend. Visit www.lionrally.com

With more and more of us venturing abroad on our Harley’s and the ever-changing legislation across the EU and the rest of Europe, TFTRB this month brings you a brief guide to the important things you should bear in mind if you plan on taking a trip to our neighbours across the Channel.

Documents: Make sure you have your vehicle registration (V5) with you. Some border officials will demand to see something that has your license plate number on it. You also need a valid insurance certificate that shows that you are covered for riding in the country you are visiting. If your certificate doesn‟t show it, then you will need to take written proof from your insurance company. You also need to have your MoT (if your bike requires one), driving licence (photocard and paper copy) plus your passport, obviously. It is recommended that you take photocopies of everything with you in case you lose anything and show those first to any authorities should you get pulled over.

There have been cases where fake plod have stopped bikers, demanded their documents and gone back to the car to allegedly check them over, but have just driven off with the originals. While this is probably unlikely to happen, keep it in mind, just in case. Spare bulbs: All motorists in France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland are required to carry spare bulbs and fuses too – even if you have no idea how to fit them. In most other European countries it is just a recommendation, but wise to carry a pack anyway. First aid kit isn‟t compulsory, but a lot of bikers would advise packing a small one just in case.

Breathalysers: These are now a legal requirement for all motorists in France, including bikers. They are designed to enable motorists to see if they are under the French limit of 50mg per 100ml of blood - which is considerably lower than in the UK limit. Anyone caught without NF approved equipment will face an 11 euro fine. The kits are relatively inexpensive and can be bought from the likes of Halfords, Channel crossing terminals and various online outlets. You should carry two of these if they are the single use type. If you are travelling in a group, each rider must carry their own (i.e. one person cannot carry them all for the whole group). Remember that the blood alcohol limits in the rest of Europe compared to the UK are much lower, so be extra careful about how much you drink, especially the night before if you‟re getting on your bike the next morning. GB stickers: If your number plate doesn‟t have “GB” marked on it then you‟re going to need a GB sticker located on the rear of your bike. This is compulsory across Europe.

Hi-viz for side of road: It has long been the case in many European countries that motorists must carry a high visibility (Hi-Viz) jacket or vest in the case of a breakdown (one per person travelling). These must be CE approved and must be worn when broken down at the side of the road. Whilst in a few countries, this isn‟t a legal requirement for motorcyclists, some European countries recommend it and some have it as compulsory – such as France, Italy and Belgium. Fortunately hiviz vest are cheap, and can easily be carried on a motorcycle. Spectacles: If you require prescription glasses then it is a legal requirement in Spain, Switzerland and France (and possibly other countries as well) to have a spare pair with you. This also applies if you are wearing contact lenses. Headlights: Riding with dipped headlights at all times is now compulsory across much of Europe – which is fine if that is standard on your Harley. Headlight deflectors are also compulsory throughout most of Europe too for headlights that have a dipped angle upwards to the left (to illuminate UK road signs). A small piece of tape across the offending beam will usually suffice. This doesn‟t apply to all motorbikes as many have a standard forward illuminating beam which won‟t dazzle oncoming traffic on the other side of the road when riding on the right. Just make sure you‟re aware of your beam direction before you travel.

Headphones: Spain has banned headphones in helmets, which means that using bike to bike/passenger intercoms is illegal south of the Pyrenees, as is using an earpiece to listen to GPS directions or music.

Compulsory reflective clothing in France: This proposal has been around for a while now and would have applied to all bikers, whether residents or visitors in France. However, the French authorities announced in January this year a full and permanent scrapping of the plans. Under the previous proposals, bikers riding a machine of more than 125cc would have been forced to wear 150cm2 of reflective clothing anywhere between the waist and the shoulders. Bikers who were caught not wearing the appropriate reflective clothing from 1st January 2013 would have been liable to a 68 Euros fine, payable on the spot and two points taken off their licence. Thanks to the successful protests from the FFMC, this ludicrous piece of legislation will not come into force. Speed cameras and GPS units: New French laws will give the police power to seize GPS units „capable of storing the locations of fixed speed cameras‟. If you have a sat-nav unit then you must disable all POI‟s and any camera detection/location device and remove any stored data from the memory. However, it is worth noting that the police cannot turn on any GPS unit if it is switched off when they pull you over. Such speed camera detection or warning devices are illegal in almost all European countries, so just make sure you have that function disabled and the relevant data removed before you leave the UK.

Lane splitting and filtering: Most countries allow lane splitting, as long as the speed difference does not exceed 20kph (12mph) and traffic in the lanes is not travelling faster than 40kph (25mph). In France however, filtering is illegal and motorbikes are supposed to remain within the stationary or slow moving traffic. This is not widely enforced, except around the Paris Peripherique and most French car drivers expect bikes to filter through the traffic. Most French bikers themselves will filter so you can just use sensible judgement and „go with the flow‟ as it were.

Germany is the only country that actually has a ruling about lane splitting. It is recommended that when lane splitting, to do this between the left most lane and the lane beside it. In case of an accident, the lane splitting vehicle is seen as the offending party unless it can be proved (witness or police report) that the non-lane splitting vehicle or person (in the case of someone opening their door as you come along) did not apply due caution. The Netherlands also have a ruling on lane splitting, where, in case of collision, blame is divided 50/50 between both parties, unless reckless driving can be ascertained. Belgium legalised filtering as of 1st January 2011 as long as it's within limits – which means you can't ride faster than 50kph, or more than 20kph faster than the traffic you're filtering past.

Speed Limits: Needless to say, every country has its own speed limits, but a general guide line would be: Highways: Byways: Urban areas:

120–130 kph 80–90kph 50–70 kph

(74-80mph) (50-56mph) (31-43mph)

France has a different motorway speed limit when it‟s wet (110kph instead of 130kph), as does Italy on motorways, dual carriageways and minor roads (other countries have similar, so check before you travel).

Horns: Widely used to warn other vehicles of your approach, although they are officially banned in built-up areas in many European countries. Highway Tax/Vignette/Carnet: Started by the Swiss, this legal robbery is catching on across Europe. Switzerland charges extra for you to use their motorway system by way of a vignette (decal) to be mounted on your vehicle. If you stay on two-lane roads, the decal is not required but if caught on the motorway without it, there is a major fine. Switzerland only sell it as a year-long pass, whereas in Austria you can buy a sticker in denominations down to a week. The Swiss border with Germany has separate lanes for vehicles with and without the vignette and you can buy them as you cross through or they can be pre-purchased online. The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lichtenstein, Austria and Switzerland all require the highway tax stickers now. France charges by way of toll roads – just be sure and go to a manned booth to avoid being charged the pre-set standard car price. If there are only automated toll machines, you can press the help butting and request “un moto” charge and they will automatically switch the price on the machine for you. Motorbikes are usually about half the cost of cars.

The town speed limit starts with the sign of the town name and ends with the sign with the town name crossed out - this general rule is quite common throughout much of Europe rather than speed limit signs. Norway has a nation-wide speed limit of 80kph (50mph) on secondary roads and their autobahns are all usually 90kph (56mph). In Germany, some section of every autobahn has no speed limit. However, in areas that tend to be congested or with special circumstances, such as a long steep downhill run, there will be a speed limit. Where there is no limit, the officially recommended speed is 130kph. Your insurance may not cover you when riding above 130kph on these autobahns. It is best to check your policy before you twist that throttle.

Fines/Tickets: Getting a ticket in middle or northern Europe generally is not cheap. In Belgium for example, if you exceed the speed limit by less than 40kph you‟re looking at a ticket worth 250-1500 Euros, depending on speed and traffic situation. Exceed the limit by more than 40kph it‟s 500-2500 Euros, plus you lose your license and your vehicle. Of course, this is not limited to Belgium, although the amounts will vary by country. Switzerland is one of the most expensive if you are caught speeding and they will confiscate your bike if you can‟t pay. Some police forces will escort you to the nearest ATM if you don‟t have the cash on you and, since the DVLA is more than happy to sell your details to any and all who pay, it is not uncommon for fines to arrive in the post after your trip away for up to a year afterwards from Italy.

Fuel: Except for Russia, unleaded fuel is standard in Europe. Generally you‟ll be looking for Sans Plomb (France), Benzina or Senza Piombo (Italy), Bleifrei (Germany) and Sin Plomo (Spain) and the pumps are colour-coded green. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted, although debit cards often won't work at automatic pumps. Some credit cards may not be accepted either, so it‟s wise to take more than one type if you can. In most of Europe, rural areas or out-of hours and Sundays often only have automatic pumps available. Supermarket fuel stations tend not to be manned on Sundays, but many will accept notes at their automatic pumps. Motorway services are usually all manned, but the fuel price is much higher than off the main highway, pretty much as you‟d find in the UK.

Breakdown cover: Sounds obvious, but make sure you have cover whilst abroad. Some insurance policies provide European breakdown assistance included with the policy (Carole Nash usually). Check that the level of cover will provide everything you need, rather than just basic roadside assistance and make sure it covers every country you‟re travelling through (note: some policies only cover EU countries, but not all of Europe is in the EU). It‟s worth bearing in mind when planning your route that the French motorways are controlled solely by the Gendarmerie and your breakdown cover will not apply – they are not allowed to come and recover you from the motorway. You will have to ring the police (most controllers don‟t speak much English) and they will take you off the motorway at considerable cost. So plan wisely if you can‟t speak much French! Make sure you know how to disable your Harley alarm system using the indicators because certain frequencies at toll booths and petrol stations will jam the signal from your fob to the bike and you won‟t be able to get it started.

Personal & medical insurance: Again, essential for travelling outside the UK and again, make sure every country you‟re travelling through is covered. A number of insurers class motorcycling as a „dangerous activity‟ and you won‟t be covered for an accident whilst abroad. Check the policy wording carefully for any motorcycling exclusions. Churchill include motorcycling as part of their standard cover and provide comprehensive and great value policies. All parties should also carry a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to receive necessary healthcare during a visit to a European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland. The EHIC is a replacement for the E111 form and is easy and free to get online at www.ehicdirect.org.uk. Some travel insurance demands that you have one or the policy is invalid for health cover whilst abroad. Dial 112 in Europe for emergency services. Contact telephone numbers: It is always worth making sure you have a list readily available for any banks, credit cards, insurances and organisations that you might need whilst away - including overseas numbers for notifying losses or making claims. Keep a paper list in your documents as well as storing all the numbers on your mobile phone. Take a spare (fully charged) mobile phone battery too if you can, unless you have a charging device already fitted to your bike.

Money: No one needs to tell you to be careful with the cash you carry or keep guard of your wallet/ purse at all times! Make sure you notify your bank and credit card companies of when you‟ll be travelling and where you‟re travelling to, to make sure they don‟t block any overseas transactions. If you‟re exchanging cash for Euros (or other currency) then shop around for the best deal. Just because the Post Office doesn‟t charge commission, it doesn‟t mean you‟ll be getting more Euros for your £. A comparison done in January this year showed that for 500 Euros, the Post Office charged £30 more than a high street travel agents (that was charging commission) because they offered such a poor exchange rate*. Sometimes your own bank will offer you preferential rates or go online to see what the best deals are. Lastly: HAVE FUN and enjoy your holiday!

* Paul Lewis, BBC Moneybox. Please note: advice here is only given in good faith and is not a definitive document – all responsibility (legal or otherwise) lies with the individual. If you find that any information is incorrect, please feel free to inform the Editor.

Don Wibberley Chapter Director Email: director @thamesvallyhog.org.uk

Pat Adams Assistant Director Email: assistantdirector@

Colin Wilkins Treasurer Email: treasurer@

Sue Moyler Secretary Email: secretary@

Fred Cotsford Membership Officer Email: membership@

Nij Jones Head Road Captain Email: headroadcaptain@

Nick West Safety Officer & Historian Email: safetyofficer@

Barry Adams Activities Officer Email: activities@

Sue Brown Ladies of Harley Email: ladiesofharley@

Lee White Webmaster Email: webmaster@

Sadie Clarke Editor & Photographer Email: editor@

Bernie Meason Photographer Email: photographer@

facebook.com/groups/ thamesvalleyhog

youtube.com/user/ tvwebmaster1

Linda Friend Photographer Email: photographer@

Shirley Churchill Merchandise Email: merchandise@

Club Venue: SportsAble, Braywick Sports Ground, Maidenhead, SL6 1BN

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