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Our marketing team will create an email to send to all real estate agents in the county and our vast database.

This effective marketing tool sends an email to top agents and brokers in our area informing them about your property. Our emails are graphically rich and attractive and include valuable information to sell your property.


We will start marketing your home before launch as a “coming soon” listing on the MLS.

Launch day and when your home goes live on the MLS are exciting. We will take a look at the most important pre-launch strategies to send to prospective buyers, brokers, and neighbors who will be the most engaged and excited about your neighborhood.

Prospective buyers know your listing is coming and will fill out a sign-up form to be the first to see your home when we go live. This is what drives that immediate flood of traffic to a new product launch.

Digital Feedback

Our marketing team will create an email to send to all the real estate agents and prospective buyers who view your home. We will be asking for feedback on your property. This will provide us with information on what prospective buyers are looking for.

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