Important Notes

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IMPORTANT NOTES Remaining Issues

Thu, Aug 4, 2016.

Email domain -> SPAM & BLACK LIST Mark. Existing Hosting Service Security: indonet Cpanel (poor services). Backup: Max. storage capacity limitation only 2GB.

Updating domain Name handling to Hosting Migration (web, mail, ftp, telnet) in next 3 months. LAN & WAN Setup & Setting: Internal IBF Office. Website Redesign (Optional)

Gmail - Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE

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Gerahan Novianto <>

Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE Gerahan Novianto <> To:,,,

Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 8:36 AM

Dear IBF Team,

Berikut saya kirimkan attachment diagram sederhana yg mungkin menjelaskan bagaimana website di-hack dari luar. Oleh karena normalisasi internal IT di lingkungan IBF perlu dilakukan sesegera mungkin, agar tdk terjadi serangan lagi karena malware, backdoor atau virus dari dalam kantor IBF. Semoga bermanfaat. Regards, Gerahan Nov. +62-82126123429 (WA Only) On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 11:37 PM, Gerahan Novianto <> wrote: Dear IBF Team, I need to inform that the website troubleshooting process of has been done. Please verify. Now you can access the WP CMS through the normal URL: ;and manage the IBF official website with full features: updating, uploading, etc. The website backup feature has been back up and running in manual mode setting. Due to max storage limitation only 2GB for web and all emails account, I recommended not to use automatic backup. Other urgent issues that need to fixed and handled in near future are: -

Email (Spam & Black-List Mark on domain) Existing Hosting Service Security (inc. indonet CPanel) Domain Name handling to Hosting Service Migration (web, mail, ftp, telnet) New Web Design

Please do not hesitate to let me know if there are existing or new issues that must be handled as a set of logic direct impact of this website troubleshooting.

Regards, Gerahan Nov. +62-82126123429 (WA Only)

9/7/2016 5:55 AM

Gmail - Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE

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soceng_hacking.jpg 35K

9/7/2016 5:55 AM

Gmail - Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE

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Gerahan Novianto <>

Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE Gerahan Novianto <> To:

Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 3:25 PM

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "Gerahan Novianto" <> Date: Aug 23, 2016 7:46 PM Subject: Fwd: Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE To: <> Cc: Ibu Lidwina, Setelah membantu Dikson untuk menghandle website yg terkena hacked lagi kemarin malam (kuarang lebih 1 jam), kuat hipotesa saya bahwa sumber masalah ada di dalam network internal kantor IBF. Untuk sementara tampilan hanya "Under Maintenance". Setidaknya jangan sampai mempengaruhi nama baik dan harga saham PT. IBF Tbk. Saya sarankan prioritas diutamakan pada memperbaiki internal IT kantor IBF, mengingat tidak ada dokumentasi IT sehingga sulit dilacak lokasi PC / Notebook / Server mana saja yg terinveksi malware dan backdoor. Juga tidak ada sama sekali topologi jaringan, IT Standard, serta software/hardware inventory, dll. maka sulit buat saya membantu lebih lanjut kecuali langkah-langkah sederhana emergency response sesuai standard CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team). Bagaimanapun, ini bukan kali pertama atau kedua website IBF menjadi korban serangan deface. Ini kali ketiga jika kita melihat log yg diberikan oleh indonet dan juga x-check file date dalam web server. Artinya, terbuka kemungkinan besar terdapat virus atau malware di dalam jaringan kantor IBF yang berhasil mengambil username dan password cpanel ataupun CMS website IBF. Mengingat pekerjaan pembenahan masalah di atas tdk dapat dilakukan secara tambal sulam dan perlu segera dilakukan IT Assessment agar terpetakan semua masalah PT. IBF baik technical maupun non-technical dalam lingkup IT, maka saya dengan ini saya kembalikan troubleshooting support pada PT. IBF. Dengan proper IT documentation, IT infrastructure yg kompleks dapat ditangani dengan mudah. Sebaliknya, tanpa dokumentasi IT yg baik, operasional IT sederhana bisa menjadi sangat merepotkan menghabiskan resource waktu, tenaga dan biaya.

Regards, Gerahan Nov. +62-82126123429 (WA Only)

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Gerahan Novianto <> Date: Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 11:37 PM Subject: Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE To:,,,

Dear IBF Team, I need to inform that the website troubleshooting process of has been done. Please verify.

9/7/2016 6:00 AM

Gmail - Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE

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Now you can access the WP CMS through the normal URL: ;and manage the IBF official website with full features: updating, uploading, etc. The website backup feature has been back up and running in manual mode setting. Due to max storage limitation only 2GB for web and all emails account, I recommended not to use automatic backup. Other urgent issues that need to fixed and handled in near future are: -

Email (Spam & Black-List Mark on domain) Existing Hosting Service Security (inc. indonet CPanel) Domain Name handling to Hosting Service Migration (web, mail, ftp, telnet) New Web Design

Please do not hesitate to let me know if there are existing or new issues that must be handled as a set of logic direct impact of this website troubleshooting.

Regards, Gerahan Nov. +62-82126123429 (WA Only)

3 attachments

wp-admin.JPG 186K

wp-bacup.JPG 219K

wp-login.JPG 63K

9/7/2016 6:00 AM

Gmail - Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE

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Gerahan Novianto <>

Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE Gerahan Novianto <> To:,,,

Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 11:37 PM

Dear IBF Team, I need to inform that the website troubleshooting process of has been done. Please verify. Now you can access the WP CMS through the normal URL: ;and manage the IBF official website with full features: updating, uploading, etc. The website backup feature has been back up and running in manual mode setting. Due to max storage limitation only 2GB for web and all emails account, I recommended not to use automatic backup. Other urgent issues that need to fixed and handled in near future are: -

Email (Spam & Black-List Mark on domain) Existing Hosting Service Security (inc. indonet CPanel) Domain Name handling to Hosting Service Migration (web, mail, ftp, telnet) New Web Design

Please do not hesitate to let me know if there are existing or new issues that must be handled as a set of logic direct impact of this website troubleshooting.

Regards, Gerahan Nov. +62-82126123429 (WA Only)

3 attachments

wp-admin.JPG 186K

wp-bacup.JPG 219K

9/7/2016 6:05 AM

Gmail - Website Troubleshooting Status: DONE

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wp-login.JPG 63K

9/7/2016 6:05 AM

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