That's Shanghai - October 2019

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城市漫步上海 英文版10月份 国内统一刊号: CN 11-5233/GO

China Intercontinental Press






that’s Shanghai 《城市漫步》上海版 英文月刊

主管单位 : 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 Supervised by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 主办单位 : 五洲传播出版社 地址 : 中国北京 北京西城月坛北街 26 号恒华国际商务中心南楼 11 层文化交流中心 邮编 100045 Published by China Intercontinental Press Address: 11th Floor South Building, HengHua International Business Center, 26 Yuetan North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 100045, PRC 社长 President of China Intercontinental Press: 陈陆军 Chen Lujun 期刊部负责人 Supervisor of Magazine Department: 付平 Fu Ping 主编 Executive Editor: 袁保安 Yuan Baoan 编辑 Editor: 朱莉莉 Zhu Lili 发行 Circulation: 李若琳 Li Ruolin Food & Drink Editor Cristina Ng National Arts Editor Bryan Grogan Production Manager Ivy Zhang 张怡然 Designers Joan Dai 戴吉莹 , Nuo Shen 沈丽丽 Contributors Matthew Bossons, Logan R. Brouse, Alywin Chew, Ryan Gandolfo, Phoebe Kut, Mia Li, Herlina Liu, Justine Lopez, Erica Martin, Noelle Mateer, Valerie Osipov, Angel Zheng, Tristin Zhang

HK FOCUS MEDIA Shanghai (Head office) 上海和舟广告有限公司 上海市静安区江宁路 631 号 6 号楼 407-408 室 邮政编码 : 200041 Room 407-408, Building 6, No. 631 Jiangning Lu, Jing'an District, Shanghai 200041 电话 : 021-6077 0760 传真 : 021-6077 0761

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Editor's Note P

arty season is in full swing. It’s that time of year when we gather the superstars of the Shanghai food and drink scene together, pin big shiny medals to their chests and then get a bit rowdy. It was a glitzy, glamorous affair at UP Shanghai for the That’s Shanghai Food and Drink Awards last month. Check out how that went down from p36. If that wasn’t enough, we also held our national Hospitality Awards at The Peninsula Beijing,

with more excellence being acknowledged in even posher surroundings – you can take a look at that from p20. Congratulations to all the winners across the board. Talking of killer parties, we have a supernaturally good one coming up at the end of the month. I speak of the spooky, and Halloween – we’ll once again be teaming up with Cages (That’s Shanghai Food and Drink Awards Bar of the Year, no less!) for our biggest one yet, including a

OCTOBER haunted house. Presale tickets are just RMB100 and can be purchased by scanning the QR code at the end of this little missive. Oh, and if you’re looking for costume ideas for that phantasmal party, we’ve come up with some perfect China-themed ideas for you on p18. Party on… Ned Kelly

Hourly updates on news, current affairs and general weirdness from around Shanghai and China. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA #THATSSHANGHAI









Strange signals from space

China-themed outfit inspiration



Travel photographer Thomas Chu

Find out who the winners were









Canadian popster is hitting town

New head chef Jonathan He



The ever-evolving Cha Cha

Exploring the latest openings

36 COVER STORY FOOD & DRINK AWARDS Recognizing Shanghai’s F&B superstars



OCT 3-7

OCT 5-6

Le Rouge et le Noir - L’Opéra Rock

Martial Dance

OCT 6-13

OCT 26 That’s Shanghai Halloween Party

Shanghai Rolex Masters




Travel photographer Thomas Chu, P10

Rittenberg P8

Hot Air P9



China’s Huge Telescope Detects Strange Signals from Deep Space By Matthew Bossons


hina’s super-massive Five-hundredmeter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) has picked up repeated strange signals from the dark abyss of space. According to China Daily, the signals are ‘fast radio bursts’ (FRB) and are coming from a source known as FRB121102, which is located a mind-boggling 3 billion light years away and was first detected in 2012. In the short period from late August till the start of September, more than 100 FRB were detected coming from FRB121102 – the highest number ever noticed (so far, anyway). Now, we know what you’re wondering: What is a fast radio burst? Let us default to the fine folks at “[FRBs] are detected [in radio astronomy] as spikes in radio data, lasting just a few milliseconds. But,

in that time, they can discharge more energy than 500 million suns. Most FRBs are only detected once and can’t be predicted, so tracing them back to their source is really tricky … That’s why repeaters are so important.” Chinese researchers detected the tidal wave of signals from FRB121102 after installing a super-sensitive “FRB backend on a 19beam receiver,” according to China Daily, and astronomers are currently reexamining and cross-checking their findings. No one is sure of the source of FRBs, and theories range from black holes and pulsars to the ever-intriguing idea of extraterrestrial messages. Now that the significance of FRB121102 is fully apparent, FAST will be undertaking further monitoring of the burst, which is coming from a dwarf galaxy in the constel-

lation Auriga, according to a 2017 article by CNN. Astronomers in China are also encouraging their colleagues around the world to monitor the burst at their research facilities. While FRB121102 was the only known repeating FRB for over half a decade, in January of this year another was discovered – FRB180814. Since then, eight new repeaters have been detected, bringing the total of repeating FRBs to 10, according to ScienceNews. To read more about China’s massive telescope and the global quest to find aliens, click on the QR code below:




22.1 micrograms …is the average hourly PM2.5 concentration reading in Beijing during the month of August, according to a report released by Swiss air quality tech company IQAir, proving that the city is well on track to leave the list of the world’s top 200 polluted cities this year. Although this is a step in the right direction, Beijing’s year-todate average sits at 42.6 micrograms, which is still four times higher than the World Health Organization’s guidelines. So how did the city manage this feat? The largest contributors of locally-generated PM2.5 in the capital are vehicle emissions, followed by road and construction dust. In the past couple years, the capital has worked to relocate polluting industries and shut down the last of its four coal-fired power plants in 2017. Restrictions on fireworks have also been tightened, as air pollution levels skyrocket during big holidays like Lunar New Year.

China’s American

Former American adviser to the Communist Party of China, Sidney Rittenberg, passed away on Saturday, August 24. Rittenberg, known as Li Dunbai (李敦白) in China, first arrived in the country in 1944 as an American solider slash linguist who was proficient in Chinese – a language he learned after the US Army sent him to its language school at Stanford University. In Shanghai, he met members of the Communist Party, who encouraged him to head to Yan’an, where Mao was leading the Communist Revolution in China. The South Carolina native went on to develop a good rapport with China’s top brass – Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai; although he would end up serving two prison sentences during his 30plus years in China. Right at the time when China and the US had established diplomatic relations in 1979, Rittenberg decided to return to the US, where he had always remained a citizen.


“If you want to survive, you need to have the love quotient, otherwise you can’t survive in the time of AI”


…said Alibaba founder Jack Ma at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC), which took place in Shanghai last month. Joined on stage by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Ma spoke about AI in front of a live audience at the three-day tech event, talking about the job opportunities the technology will help create for the future workforce and predicting that people will spend less time doing trivial work and more time getting involved in creative tasks. The topic of Mars and extraterrestrial life was also broached during the business leaders’ chat, with Musk expressing his curiosity about the existence of aliens and Ma responding that he’s not interested in the red planet, but rather focuses his attention on the issues Earth faces. At the end of the day, the two brainiacs did agree on one thing: love.

E D I T E D B Y M A T T H E W B O S S O N S / C I T Y @ U R B A N A T O M Y. C O M

fengkou/ fēngkǒu / 风口 n. wind tunnel; an area or sector where, for a period of time, all investors want to invest in; a much hyped but often empty concept What is your new start-up?

It’s online-to-offline social-enabled and location-based haircuts. So… a barbershop? . Yes, but a barbershop on a fengkou!


ost people have the problem of not having enough money, while some have the opposite problem of having too much money and not knowing where to put it. Since the latter group is not inherently smarter than the former, moneyed people want to put their money where all the moneyed people do, for reasons no sounder than “I’ve heard it’s a good idea.” The places where investors want to put their money, because they’ve heard it’s a good investment, are called fengkou. Fengkou literally means a wind tunnel. Just like how you can throw anything into a wind tunnel and it will fly, any start-up thrown into a fengkou will be floated by an ample amount of investors’ money, regardless of its quality. If you know where the fengkou is, investors will throw money at you even if all you have is a PowerPoint presentation. Many attribute the popularity of the word to Xiaomi founder Lei Jun, who famously said that even a pig can fly if it stands in a wind tunnel. (His critics have countered with “Don’t forget you are a pig when you stand in a wind tunnel.”)

When the fengkou was renewable energy, investors chased solar, hydro and even hamster wheel energy generators. When the fengkou was the sharing economy, there were shared bikes, cars, vacation homes, umbrellas and even basketballs – an app called 猪 了个球 or ‘pig a basketball’ received over 10 million yuan in its pre-A round in 2016 and promptly went bankrupt in 2018. (We don’t think it’s a coincidence that the app had the word ‘pig’ in its name.) If you don’t have money to invest, you can also contribute to the fengkou economy by providing hype. Read up on cryptocurrency and tell all your friends to buy the latest coin or a crypto-kitty. Enroll in an online college and brag about how E-education is the future. Buy a 5G phone and practice despising 4G download speed. From Jack Ma to Elon Musk, everyone is looking for the next fengkou. Will it be delivery drones, smart pets or connectivityenabled peanut butter? No one knows but you better be there when it happens! Mia Li




K2, the second highest mountain in the world, located on the China–Pakistan border

ZOOM IN FOR GRANDEUR The Story Behind Thomas Chu’s National Geographic-Recognized Photo By Tristin Zhang, photos by Thomas Chu

“I Trango Towers, a family of 6,000-meter-tall-plus granite mountains on the Pakistani border with China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region


want to see mountains again. Mountains, Gandalf!” Many share Bilbo Baggins’ obsession with mountains, photographer Thomas (Weimin) Chu included. Mother Nature has grown on Chu, who was born and raised in mountainous Chongqing; however, it was not until after hiking the scenic Bavarian Alps during one of his college years abroad in Germany that his passion for sharing alpine beauty through photography was ignited. After graduation, Chu became a software engineer; at around the three-year mark he decided on a career change, and became a professional photographer with a focus on polar landscapes and high mountains. And thus began his story as an outdoor aficionado. One year prior to graduating, Chu posed a challenge for himself: capture a photograph of the top 10 highest mountain peaks on earth. His personal goal was finally realized last year, at just 28 years old, when Chu faced up to northern Pakistan’s Chhogori, better known as K2 – the world’s second highest mountain.


The small fishing village of Upernavik, in Northwest Greenland, resembles a Christmas tree when viewed from above

It was not, however, with masterly composed photos of mysterious, majestic mountain peaks that he managed to captivate this year’s judges at one of the world’s most prestigious photography competitions. The National Geographic Travel Photo Contest annually supplies the world’s photography lovers with stunning photos of natural scenery, wildlife, festivities and portraits. This year, Chu’s quintessential wintertime photograph in Upernavik – a fishing village in Northwest Greenland – garnered both the Grand Prize and First Prize in the ‘Cities’ category at the reputable photo contest in June. Upernavik, home to approximately 1,000 residents, is dotted with colorful wooden houses which, seen from above, form the shape of a Christmas tree. These are the only vivid colors visible when the vast area is blanketed in a sea of snow. The winning photo was composed during Chu’s third expedition to Greenland in March of this year, when monthly temperatures average minus 23 degrees Celsius in the northwest of the Arctic country. Keen

on Greenland’s solitude, he had deliberately chosen to visit during the most difficult time of the year, to see how life goes on. His initial composition – a village street lit up against the backdrop of a dark, frozen sea on a wintry evening – lacked life, before a local family of three entered the frame. In demandingly dark conditions, his skills were put to the test. He had to capture the ideal moment before the family vanished. The ISO setting (a camera setting that adjusts an image’s brightness) was pumped up to compensate for the lack of light, risking the loss of details in the photo. The result is travel photography at its finest, however, which National Geographic recognized with top honors. Photography is a practice characterized by the element of surprise. Originally planning to spend two days at Upernavik before heading further north, Chu was forced to stay in the small village for as long as a week due to the lack of flights leaving the area. On the sixth day, after exploring every corner of the small town, he came across the “dreamy” composition that would make all the difference in his photographic journey.

A local family walks down a street in Upernavik, Northwest Greenland, lit up against the backdrop of a dark, frozen sea on a wintry evening WWW.THATSMAGS.COM | OCTOBER 2019 | 11


The future looks bright for the young photographer. But, most importantly for Chu, he is doing what may sound like a luxury in our time – a job he loves. His work has taken him to some of the most captivating spots on earth, such as Patagonia in South America and Hang Son Doong, the world’s largest known underground cave, located near the Laos-Vietnam border. At this moment, the Chongqing native is likely spending time on some faraway mountain, where he feels a sense of belonging: Looking for his ideal composition, setting up a tripod, slicing in a polarizer and a six-stop ND filter in front of his brand new Sony A7R4, before hitting the shutter and capturing that awe-inspiring moment when the first ray of sunlight casts a rosy-pink hue on a mountain peak. Simply by doing what he loves, Chu’s adventures indicate he is living his best life. To quote American literary iconoclast Jack Kerouac: “Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing the lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.” You can follow Thomas Chu on Instagram (@ thomaschuphoto) or visit his website (thomaskksj. to see his latest works. Hang Son Doong, located near the Laos-Vietnam border, boasts the largest known cave passage in the world

Warm light shining through thick clouds on the famous Fitz-Roy in Patagonia, on the border between Argentina and Chile 12 | OCTOBER 2019 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM





China-themed ideas, p18

Rihanna P16

Hospitality Awards P20



Designer and All-Round Creative By Ryan Gandolfo

Jelly (Jialin) Deng knows a thing or two about design. Having studied fine arts, among other disciplines, in Guangzhou and London, and worked as a creative designer and strategist in Shanghai, Melbourne-based Jelly has made a living by helping clients around the world deliver a holistic brand and multichannel experiences to consumers in China. We chat about her work, creative approach and, best of all, food. As a designer, illustrator, storyteller and event planner, your work in the creative industry sounds by no means monotonous. How did you get started in this line of work? The artistic part of me was enlightened by my mother’s paintings when I was little, and so I started to paint. Painting has trained me to observe the world through different perspectives and to think differently. So naturally, I went to art schools and dove into the creative industry to inspire and help people to solve problems – to make an impact with my work. One of your early projects – Whispery Savoury – takes a dynamic look into the role that art and science play in gastronomy. What made you interested in this subject?

As a foodie, science lover and designer, I have

always been very curious about the relationship between food and our bodies; so, it made sense that my project would be based on these topics. Whispery Savoury was initially inspired by a very intriguing neurological phenomenon known as synesthesia. I have a form of synesthesia called grapheme-color synesthesia, a condition where I perceive individual letters of the alphabet and numbers as ‘shaded’ or ‘tinged’ with a color. My experience with this prompted me to query whether our perception of flavor could be extended by any of our other senses, and if so, by what means could our sense of taste be translated into visual, audio or tactile forms. The shape, size, texture and design of a plate can affect how – and to what extent – we enjoy our food and the entire dining experience. With this in mind, I designed a set of plates as primary visual stimuli. It was the first element in how this project fuses complex integrations such as plate design, sound, gastronomy, cross-modal science, dining experience and more. The combination of these details contributes to a complex multisensory feast of art and science.

What differences or similarities have you found working with domestic and overseas companies in terms of creative approach? Which companies – would you say – tend to have more of a ‘creative gene’? Since I have only worked in China and the UK, and the industries are quite different, the comparison might not be that objective. Personally speaking, there has been a tremendous transformation in the Chinese creative industry in the past several years, especially since the boom of China’s internet economy. In this fast-paced marketing and consumer environment, Chinese companies have to innovate to stay highly competitive. In this regard, I think there is no other place with companies as fast, big and radical as in

China nowadays, in terms of creativity. In the UK, by comparison, I feel everything is going more smoothly and systematically. People pay more attention to details, and there are many ‘small but beautiful’ things. Shanghai is known for its innovative and creative energy. What prompted your move to the metropolis, and how did your work progress in the city? There are definitely more opportunities in a big metropolis – especially in the creative industry. You can always see the newest things and meet the most interesting people there. I came to Shanghai in 2016 because I found a job at a food innovation company. I’m very appreciative that I worked with fascinating teams and could keep doing what I practiced in London here. I’m so excited that what I have done is inspiring others. I moved to Melbourne at the end of September, and am definitely sticking with what I’ve been doing all these years. From ‘Edible Jewelry’ to ‘The Future of Snacks,’ each of your projects have a level of intrigue that we’re curious to learn more about. Would you share with us a project you’re excited about? I have to say both those projects are my favorite. Edible Jewelry tends to be more of an artistic expression and a philosophical way of thinking about life. The Future of Snacks is concerned with people’s day-to-day lives and, ultimately, the future. Imagine this: if you time-travel to 2049, and receive a box of snacks – what would be inside? The Future of Snacks explores seven new and delicious snack combinations, bearing in mind the resources and conditions 30 years from now. Learn more at



Beauty For All Riri fans, it’s here! The singer’s cosmetics line, Fenty Beauty dropped last month, making its first foray into Asia. The collection hit the shelves of various stores across Hong Kong, Macao and South Korea and is also available online at Tmall Global. The wildly popular cosmetics line has been praised for its inclusivity of a wide range of skin tones, which can be summed up by the brand’s motto, ‘Beauty for All.’ Rihanna explained in an Instagram post back in July: “When I launched @fentybeauty in 2017, it was important to me to make sure it was available globally so everyone had access to it.” Now you can get that highlight poppin’ with her Killawatt Freestyle Highlighters (though Shanghai sweat still suffices) or a juicy pout with the beloved Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer. While the multi-talented star continues to dominate in fashion and beauty spheres, her music fans are still anxiously waiting for the next album to drop... To note, a Chinese ID is required to place orders for shipment from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland.



Ready For Liftoff Take your look to new heights with Nike’s exclusive Space Capsule pack, which commemorates the milestones of China’s space program. November will mark the 20th anniversary of Shenzhou 1, the country’s first unmanned launch, which then led to Shenzhou 5, a successful crewed space program in 2003. The exclusive collection includes three sneakers: Air Max 720 (RMB1,499), P-6000 (RMB899) and the Tailwind IV (RMB1,299). The shoes combine royal blues, reds, silver foiling, iridescent finishes and other awesome nods to space exploration (such as the dates of the missions printed inside the tongue labels!). These shoes also perfectly capture the 2019 space/dad shoe trend, so cop ’em while you can. The collection made its first drop in Beijing, and can now be found on the official Nike China website and select retailers throughout China. >


Pig Foot Pillow The ‘pig foot long pillow,’ is sure to give you the sleep you deserve. For starters, you would not believe how comfortable it is to lay your head on this ‘juicy’ pillow. One woman who purchased the delightfully tacky cushion commented online that “hugging this big pig foot pillow is more comfortable than hugging my husband.” While there’s reason for concern over that particular woman’s marital relationship, many others are raving about the meaty sack of cotton. This boomerang-shaped pillow ranges in sizes from the playful 60 centimeters (RMB78), to the mid-ranged 80 centimeters (RMB104), to the husband-replacer at 110 centimeters (RMB218). We at That’s felt compelled to join this bizarre pillow trend and snatched up one of these bad boys, purchasing the 80-centimeter cushion, which came with a free 30-centimeter travelsized pig foot (oh yes, it’ll make for the perfect neck pillow on your flight home). At first, some of our colleagues were wary of the oversized, cushioned swine foot, but they came around, and have since rendered the pillow a popular purchase. So, if you’re looking for a fun gag gift for your friend’s upcoming birthday or just want to cozy up with a nice hunk of meat, this pig foot will do the trick.


AirVisual Air pollution has long been a hot button issue in the Middle Kingdom, with some cities having experienced the occasional ‘airpocalypse.’ And while the Central Government has taken unprecedented measures to fight air pollution in China, it remains an issue today. As we transition from summer to fall, and eventually winter, the quality of air in your city may to become worse as more coal is burned. With that being said, you’ll likely want one of the most accurate air pollution tracking apps in the business. AirVisual is the perfect go-to pollution tracking app – it tracks PM2.5, PM10, Ozone, NO2, CO2 and SO2. It includes a seven-day air quality index (AQI) forecast, which proves helpful when planning your next outdoor run or activity. One of our favorite features about the app is its map, which shows the AQI readings from the nearest reading stations as well as a real-time air quality map of Earth – which is quite depressing, to say the least. So, if you’re looking for a trustworthy pollution-tracking tool, check out AirVisual for the latest readings and forecasts in your area. > AirVisual is available on iOS and Android devices.




HALLOWEEN LAUGHS Comical Costumes for China Compiled by Phoebe Kut and Angel Zheng

Dress up as Nezha from China’s biggest hit of the summer or your favorite friendly neighborhood bao’an.

Delivery Man RMB217.35 Lion King RMB228

Year of Pig RMB554



Astronaut RMB604

School Uniform RMB60

Bao’an RMB130

Nezha RMB138

Hot Pot Socks RMB29.8

Dumpling RMB460

Hot Pot Shirt RMB45


That’s 2019 Hospitality Awards a Stunning Success


n August 29, before an audience of 160 distinguished hospitality industry guests, Urbanatomy – HK Focus Media successfully held its 3rd annual That’s Hospitality Awards at The Peninsula Beijing. Launched in 2017 at the W Shanghai on the Bund, the That’s Hospitality Awards celebrates the very best of China’s diverse and world-class hospitality industry. The following year, in 2018, the luxurious awards ceremony grew in stature, with over 200 leading industry figures from across China descending on the Conrad Guangzhou to see more than 100 hotels recognized for their excellence. The That’s 2019 Hospitality Awards would not have been the success that it was without the amazing support of the 200-plus sponsors, partners and media groups that got behind this year’s event. The full list of winners will be published on all That’s channels, including our print magazines,, That’s App and our official WeChat accounts and social media pages. During this year’s month-long voting period, over 1,000,000 votes were cast across 33 categories nationwide. During the August 29 awards ceremony, our management team presented a total of 115 awards to these winners. Sponsored by The Peninsula Beijing, Voss, CAMUS, Hainan Airlines, Plan B and JUSTEGG, we’re proud to announce that the That’s 2019 Hospitality Awards was one of our best yet, and we must admit we’re already looking forward to next year’s celebration!

Venue Sponsor Exclusive Cognac Sponsor Exclusive Water Sponsor Gold Sponsor


Special Thanks x

New Hotel of the Year JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong Radisson Blu Forest Manor Shanghai Hongqiao The Ritz-Carlton, Xi’an Sheraton Shenzhen Nanshan CORDIS, BEIJING CAPITAL AIRPORT Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan

The Most Popular Hotel for Business Travelers

Art Hotel of the Year

JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai at Tomorrow Square

The Opposite House

NUO Hotel Beijing

Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor Sheraton Grand Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences W Suzhou

New Serviced Apartment of the Year Ascott Songshan Lake Dongguan

Luxury Hotel of the Year Wanda Reign on the Bund

Pullman Shanghai South

The Sukhothai Shanghai

The Venice Raytour Hotel Shenzhen

InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland

Courtyard Shenzhen Bao’an

Bay Breeze Hotel Shenzhen

Regent Beijing

Park Hyatt Shenzhen

The Most Popular Serviced Apartment for Business Travelers

The PuXuan Hotel and Spa

Waldorf Astoria Shanghai Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai naked Castle The St. Regis Shenzhen

Parkside Serviced Suites by Lanson Place

Award for Outstanding Hospitality Design Indigo Living

Jing An Kerry Residences

Jumeirah Hotel Guangzhou The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou Bvlgari Hotel Beijing The Peninsula Beijing Rosewood Beijing Waldorf Astoria Beijing InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun Niccolo Chengdu Raffles Shenzhen

TheMostPopularResidence forLongStayGuests

The Westin Bund Center Shanghai Hyatt on the Bund Hard Rock Shenzhen

Oakwood Residence Shanghai

Maya Gleetour Hotel Wuhan

China Hotel LN Residence

Conrad Guangzhou

Tyms Residence

Luxury Serviced Apartment of the Year The One Executive Suites Shanghai Managed by Kempinski St. Regis Residental Apartments

Family-Friendly Hotel of the Year Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental Shangri-La Hotel, Beijing The Yuluxe Sheshan, A Tribute Portfolio Hotel, Shanghai

MICE Hotel of the Year

Gleetour Shanghai Gleetour Hotel Chongqing

Courtyard by Marriott Shenzhen Northwest

Little Hakka Hotel

Langham Place, Guangzhou

Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai

LN Garden Hotel, Guangzhou

Business Hotel of the Year Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai

Family-Friendly Serviced Apartment of the Year Tianfu Square Serviced Suites by Lanson Place Kerry Parkside Residences Central Residences

Jinling Hotel

Amara Signature Shanghai JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen Bao’an Crowne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang U-Town

Pudong Shangri-La, East Shanghai

GetawayHoteloftheYear Jinling Resort Tianquan Lake The Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen

Urban Resort Hotel of the Year Xiamen Marriott Hotel & Conference Centre InterContinental Shenzhen Sheraton Dameisha Resort Shenzhen Tsingpu Tulou Retreat

Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World

Fairmont Peace Hotel

New World Beijing Hotel

Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing JW Marriott Hotel Beijing

W Shanghai-The Bund

LongJia Raytour Hotel

Grand Hyatt Guangzhou Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center

Grand Hyatt Shanghai

Hyatt Regency Chongming

Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao InterContinental Guangzhou Exhibition Center

TheMostInfluentialHotelof theYear

Boutique Hotel of the Year Hotel Indigo Shanghai on the Bund URBN Boutique Shanghai LN Hotel Five, Guangzhou

Contemporary Lifestyle Hotel of the Year Cordis, Shanghai, Hongqiao WWW.THATSMAGS.COM | OCTOBER 2019 | 21

Health and Wellness Hotel of the Year

Chuan Spa at The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi

Award for the Most Promising Hotel

naked Stables

UR Spa at The PuLi Hotel and Spa

SIKO Hotels & Resorts

Award for Outstanding City View Banyan Tree Shanghai On the Bund Seaview Gleetour Hotel Shenzhen

Spa of the Year

Award for Excellent Hotel Company OCT Hotels Kempinski Hotels

Award for Excellent Hotel Service The St. Regis Tianjin

Award for Excellent Residence Service One Sunland Serviced Suites managed by Lanson Place Beijing Kerry Residence Ascott Raffles City Beijing The Tower Apartments GTC RESIDENCE BEIJING Times Square Apartments


Award for Excellent Hotelier Hard Rock Shenzhen - Christoph Zbinden Sheraton Shenzhen Nanshan - Edward Lam LN Garden Hotel, Guangzhou - Franco Io

Award for Outstanding Serviced Apartment Brand Ascott China

Award for Excellent Global Real Estate Service Colliers International - International Properties

Conrad Guangzhou - Jason Lu InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun - Florian S. Kuhn JW Marriott Hotel Beijing - Priscilla Wong

A huge congrats to all, we hope to see you again next year!





hanghai Oyado Hotel is a Japanese-style boutique hotel, which combines modern hotel equipment and traditional Japanese service. The founder and core team members have all lived in Japan for a long time, achieving the essence of Japanese lifestyle, ensuring a genuine experience. Covering an area of 3,000 square meters, the hotel has 30 guestrooms, each featuring a hot spring. It is an intimate, unique and peaceful space which, attractive for its pur-

suit for perfection that lies in the details. The hotel also features an authentic Japanese restaurant, Yakushima, named after one of the southernmost Japanese islands, and part of the Kirishima-Yaku National Park. The island features trees which are 7,000 years old, and offers breathtaking views and the splendor of Mother Nature. Like the island, the restaurant pursues simple and natural cooking spirit. Yakushima executive chef has 25 years

of Japanese cuisine cooking experience, and sets a high standard for not only food, but also how they are displayed. He only uses seasonal ingredients and makes the most of the spectrum of natural food color. The hotel also invites Japanese artists to perform regularly, making it truly the perfect escape for Shanghai fans of the Land of the Rising Sun.

1247 Meichuan Lu, by Zhonghuan Lu 梅川路1247号, 近中环路 (6268 8118) WWW.THATSMAGS.COM | OCTOBER 2019 | 23


Healing Roots

Yehaiyahan Talks About Her Background, Musical Journey and Creativity, P32

Space Fruity Fashion P26

Open Architecture P30

Slip B P35



Vocalist Zhang Zhexuan Talks TV Shows, New Album and Brit Influences By Bryan Grogan

Having been crowned as one of The Big Band’s hot five bands for the summer, Penicillin are one of the most hyped indie groups in the country right now. Having acted as one of the main contrarians on the show, and being criticized for chewing gum onstage and refusing song revision advice, the band’s singer and songwriter Zhang Zhexuan has been both criticized and embraced for not allowing himself to be caught up in the show’s hype. With a brand-spanking new album, Qunxing Shanyao Shi (which roughly translates as The Star’s Shine) in the bag, and a much-hyped national tour coming up, we took the opportunity to catch up with Zhang to talk about soccer, Manchester and the band’s new music. What are your musical beginnings? Can you talk about your early bands? The first time I had a gig, I was in middle school. I was 15 or 16 when I started to write songs. I had begun listening to a lot of Western music, bands like Nirvana and Guns N’ Roses. My first band made punk rock music. Punk is easy to play; you just need three chords.

How did you then make the transition to playing Britpop music, and what influence did you take from Manchester music? I wanted to make something with more feeling, because I felt like punk was too easy. British music always influenced me more because I am a football lover. I’m crazy about football. There were some TV shows on CCTV about sports. Those TV shows had some Beatles songs and some Oasis songs. When I graduated from university in China in 2014, I went to Manchester to study for one year for another degree. ’90s Britpop influenced me a lot; bands like Oasis, Stone Roses, The Smiths and Happy Mondays. I love the sound of Manchester.

Penicillin’s music has gotten progressively better and more unique. What do you think you guys have added through the years? I’m the primary songwriter for this band. I was in a pair of bands in 2017, playing guitar for one band called Casino Demon, which had a surf rock, Californian style. In Penicillin, I think the guitar is the most important thing; it’s the key to my music. We released our second album in September; that’s two albums in three years. After that I want to do something new. Now in my music the guitar is very important, but I want to play with keyboards and different sounds, maybe similar to Depeche Mode or Happy Mondays. I want to make dancing music, where the groove and atmosphere is the key.

Could you talk a bit about the new album? Did the success of The Big Band make you want to release a new album now?

I wrote all the songs in the past two years, and then we recorded from March to June or July. We had a pair of gigs in Brazil at the start of the year, and began recording it after we got back. About the TV show, those are totally two separate things. The album is made up of 11 songs. Six using Chinese lyrics and five

with English lyrics. English lyrics are the best for rock music, in my opinion. The Chinese language is much more complicated and detailed, so I’ll choose Chinese lyrics when I want to tell a story. Could you talk about your experience on The Big Band?

The TV show was fun, but I never actually watched any of it except for our performances. I didn’t care about all the stories on the show; it’s not really rock and roll. It’s something that we needed to do. Every country has their own way of doing things. For me, though, making a record is the most important thing, and gigs as well. These are things that a band has to do, but in China it’s different. Many musicians need to appear on these TV shows so that more people can discover them. We did it, and it’s finished. We have been selling out venues for the past two years, but this time it’s just faster.

Scan the QR code for tickets to Penicillin’s Shanghai date at Bandai Namco on November 2:




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“Actually, I didn’t know this guy before. I don’t know why he has this T-shirt” Abominable


Highly anticipated family animation Abominable is finally hitting theaters. The film was made by Pearl Studios in collaboration with Dreamworks and sees a young Shanghai girl befriend a yeti who is trying to make its way back home to Mount Qomolangma (better known as Mount Everest in the West). Expect a tear-jerking and emotional storyline, as well as gorgeously animated shots of some of China’s best known geographical features, such as the karst landscapes in South China.

OCT 18

Gemini Man The latest from renaissance man Will Smith sees the ‘Fresh Prince’ team up with Ang Lee for an intriguing tale about getting old and dealing with identity. Smith plays an aging hitman who is targeted by a younger version of himself. The film is notable in that the CGI effects involved are considered revolutionary. In order to depict a young Will Smith, the effects team were tasked with creating a totally CGI character, whom audiences are asked to believe is human. The Chinese release of the film comes a week after the film hits cinemas in the US.


... said Zhai Ruixin, founder of Beijing label Space Fruity Records, after king of fashion and former One Direction member Harry Styles was spotted wearing a T-shirt bearing the name of the indie label at an Ariana Grande concert in London. Netizen reactions were positive, and the singer-turnedactor was again spotted wearing the same T-shirt in Italy.


Hao Among the acts who set out on European and world music tours in September were Shanghai’s SVBKVLT and Beijing-based The Hormones, while Chengdu electronic punk band Stolen will also embark on a European tour with New Order in October. SVBKVLT linked up with the folks at Nyege Nyege Festival, with producer Hyph11e making an appearance on Boiler Room during the festival. The Hormones, on the other hand, hit Europe as their new self-titled album dropped. All of this seems to indicate that Chinese music is becoming more and more popular on the global stage.

Bu Hao While the arrival of the fantastic Picasso exhibition, ‘Birth of Genius,’ at UCCA in Beijing earlier this summer marked a new step forward for large-scale art events in China, we are still hearing stories of fake art shows around the country. According to Global Times, an exhibition by the name of Leonardo and His Outstanding Circle opened at Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing in September, drawing the ire of netizens and art fans. Works included in the exhibition were apparently made by some of Da Vinci’s favorite disciples, but have been criticized for being of low quality.

E D I T E D B Y B R Y A N G R O G A N / A R T S @ U R B A N A T O M Y. C O M


Liu Yifei

She’s American Born in Wuhan, Hubei province, Liu attended school in New York City from the age of 10 to 14, during which period she became a naturalized American citizen.

Big Screen Head Start Having made her mark in Chinese TV series, Liu started appearing in motion pictures in 2008, with her silver screen debut coming in The Forbidden Kingdom, in which she acted alongside movie superstars Jet Li and Jackie Chan.

Worst Actress in China? On Douban Movie, the Chinese equivalent of Rotten Tomatoes, Liu has been named the worst Chinese actress of the year three times, and the most disappointing actress once.

For Western audiences, the name Liu Yifei perhaps didn’t ring a bell before November, 2017 when it was announced that the Chinese actress would play the eponymous heroine of Disney’s live-action remake of the 1998 animated film Mulan. But, contradictory to her heroic role as Hua Mulan in the upcoming Hollywood movie, Liu’s moniker in China is ‘Fairy Sister,’ bestowed for her compelling portrayals of many delicate characters in Chinese fantasy dramas. Here we give you five fast facts about Liu. Songbird With a diverse repertoire including rap and soft rock music, Liu is also a Mandopop singer, and released her self-titled album back in 2006. Cat Lover The 32-year-old is a die-hard cat lover, who once kept over 50 stray cats in the backyard of her Beijing house.




A Glimpse of Carly Rae Jepsen’s Sweet Sincerity By Noelle Mateer


alking to Carly Rae Jepsen is like listening to one of her albums: warmth and sweetness, flashes of fun, genuineness throughout. The Canadian pop star writes and performs a brand of pop so unaffected and genuine that it would be embarrassing if performed by anyone else. This has been her trademark since 2015, when her album Emotion transformed her from ‘Call Me Maybe’ girl to a critics’ darling with a cult following. Jepsen performed in China last year as part of the Grammy Festival in Beijing, but returns now for a full tour supporting her latest release, Dedicated, an album that adds a layer of sultriness to the standard Emotion set (‘80s-inspired, so-heart-on-its-sleeveit’s-disarming). Calling in before her show in Edmonton, Canada – she was in an effervescent mood, having just given her baby cousins a tour of the stage – Jepsen discussed sincerity, with a bubbly sweetness that proved hers is for real. Are you looking forward to returning to China?

I cannot wait to come back to China. It’s unlike anywhere else I’ve ever been. In Beijing we went and tried all the food that I’d never tried, and I also got a day off just to walk around. I’m very, very excited to come back.

One thing we noticed at your show in Beijing last year is that a lot of people sang along. You don’t often see Chinese fans singing along for an artist that’s not singing in Chinese – none of the other acts that day at the festival got singalongs – so we thought that was pretty special. That experience blew my mind. All of us were like, “We had no idea anyone would know 28 | OCTOBER 2019 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM

who we are, let alone the music!” Being in a place I hadn’t visited much before, it really warmed my heart to know that people had listened to the album and showed up ready to party with us. Is singability something you think about when writing songs?

Um, no, not exactly. I definitely think when it comes to pop as a category of music, you’re trying to find something that’s catchy and hooky and gets stuck in your head. Something that you can relate to on a level that hopefully everyone connects to. I’m thinking about [Ed’s note: Jepsen says “aboot” like a true Canadian] those things, but I’m not necessarily thinking of whether it’s easy to sing or not. How is the Dedicated tour different from tours you’ve done in the past?

I think my confidence has grown a bit, just as a performer, I’m glad to say. The first time I opened for Justin Bieber, I was still wondering, like, Where does one put their arms? What do I do up here?! It’s taken years of trial and error and being on the road touring Emotion very heavily to get to a place of comfort with it. But by the time this album came around, I was really hungry to be back onstage. You’ve done a decent chunk of your tour for Dedicated already. How’s that going? Are there any songs in particular the crowds are responding to?

It’s been the most enjoyable tour of my life so far, just getting to have two albums’ worth of material to play through with Emotion and Dedicated now, which fit together better than I thought they would. The highlight, which surprises me, is that ‘Want You In My Room’ [the high-energy ’80s jam produced by Jack

Antonoff] gets a really great reaction.

You draw so much inspiration from the ’80s. What is it about that decade that inspires you so much? It’s a time of really heartfelt music. It’s really emotional and everything’s dramatic and over-the-top and fantastical. I write that way naturally myself. When I discovered that I could play in that era a bit, and pull some of the retro-ness out of there and twist it into a new thing, I was really excited. Given we’re in 2019, how do you see your music fitting within today’s pop landscape?

You know, I don’t worry too much about that. I think as long as any artist is making music that they’re attracted to naturally, there’s going to be a crowd that finds them. I long ago stopped thinking of writing as this competitive sport where you’re trying to think of what’s next or what’s fresh. I just want to offer something fresh in the arena that I play in, taking retro styles and reworking them so there’s still a modern twist to it, so that it’s authentically my own.

Oct 20-21, 7.30pm (Oct 20), 8pm (Oct 21); RMB520 presale. Bandai Namco Shanghai Base, 179 Yichang Lu, by Jiangning Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路 (6266 3191) Scan the QR code for tickets:




anja and Fabian Klein moved to Shanghai from Germany two-and-a-half years ago to work at the German Consulate, and decided Jing An 8 Residence was the perfect place to set up home. “The German Consulate has two locations,” says Tanja. “One on Yongfu Lu, and the other on Tongren Lu, so both within walking distance of Jing An 8 Residence, which is very convenient.” “Location was key,” adds Fabian. “And the former French Concession is such a nice place to live.” The couple has since started a family with the arrival of their son Fritz, who is now one year old. “Now that we have Fritz, we utilize the play room on the 6th floor, which is really fun and has turned out to be a great way to meet people – we have made lots of new friends in the play area!” Tanja says. “There are a lot of other families in the residence, so you can connect to others.” “The staff are also super friendly, and very kid friendly,” she continues. “They play with Fritz, and even if he is screaming they will always smile and help. There is also a lot going on in the area – baby swimming, baby massage, play dates – so you will never feel alone.” “We are spoiled for choice for restaurants around here too, and all within walking distance,” says Fabian. “When we have guests, the first stop is always Di Shui Dong, but there are also great Japanese restaurants that we frequent very often, as well as good bakeries. Basically everything you need is within a 10 minute

walk.” “There is also the breakfast room, where you can meet the other people who live here. They serve all tastes too – continental breakfast to congee,” Fabian continues. “The gym is also very well equipped; even at peak hours you can always find a running machine or weights – not that I go as often as I intend to!” As for the apartments, Tanja is effusive. “We have three bedrooms, so a family like ours can have guests to stay. We also have two bathrooms, which is very convenient. We also love the wooden floors, which are nice and cozy compared to stone or marble. You also get a good view from every room as there are not many tall buildings around. From our living room we have an excellent view of Jing’an Temple.” Fabian concludes that they would definitely recommend this Jing An 8 Residence to others. “What distinguishes Jing An 8 Residence from other buildings is that the management here is excellent; it is all managed and owned by the same company, so whenever we have a problem it is fixed within a day. You can see how well the place is taken care of. If anything is getting a bit old, it gets replaced.”




Open Architecture’s Li Hu on Sustainable Measures Adopted at UCCA Dune By Bryan Grogan


n recent years China has become a world leader in innovative and stylish architecture. Nowhere is that more obvious than in the way galleries and art museums are using sustainable methods and repurposing old and unused buildings and natural landscapes for new spaces. One excellent recent example of construction that has been used to protect endangered natural landscapes is Ullens Center for Contemporary Art Dune Museum (UCCA Dune) in Qinhuangdao in coastal Hebei province. Built into and beneath a sand dune on the beaches at Beidaihe district, the site is actually the home of “one of the few remaining un-destroyed dunes in northern China,” according to founding partner of Open Architecture, Li Hu. Li’s firm Open Architecture, also known for its work at TANK Shanghai, designed and built UCCA Dune over the course of three years from 2015 until 2018. Initially given the freedom to choose a site in the area of a natural beach, Li was inspired by a dune that he came across when visiting the beaches at Beidaihe. “People do not really understand the important ecological function of the dune; to protect the very vulnerable ocean ecology. Most of the dunes have been leveled to make space for seaside developments,” he tells us. The site, which now resembles a patchwork of buildings, tunnels and passageways protruding from the sand (like a child’s sandbox) was delicately primed in order for construction.


“We adopted a series of sustainable and energy-saving strategies in order to protect the fragile ecology of the dune,” Li says, explaining the process. “For instance, the thick layer of concrete shell was constructed as the thermal mass. Together with the sand and plants that cover the top of the space, which also perform as good thermal insulation, we are able to save extra energy consumption for keeping the gallery a temperature-consistent space. The glass facade is designed to be deeply recessed, and therefore is naturally shaded from the heat.” The firm’s innovative methods of construction also lessened the need for manmade objects that might disturb the native ecology. The finished space resembles something almost mystical; an ancient type of building set beneath the Earth, playing on natural solar and lunar phenomena. We raise the question of lighting with Li and he is in agreement.


“We sought to achieve a balance of light and darkness in order to create a sublime character of the museum, a museum as a sanctuary for nature and art; on the other hand, in certain parts of the museum, we deliberately crafted out a contrast of light and darkness, to give visitors a rich sensual experience and a playful journey,” he says, before going on to describe UCCA Dune’s interior. “For instance, the entrance consists of a long dark tunnel and a small reception area. As you walk through this dark tunnel, you will enter the largest multifunctional gallery where the space suddenly opens up, and you can see a beam of daylight which fills the space with brightness from the skylight above. The audiences taking the spiral staircase to the outdoors will experience walking from the dark recesses below towards the vast openness above.” Li goes on to say that an integral part of

Open Architecture’s work involves tying nature and humanity together. He brings up TANK Shanghai as an example. The project, also undertaken by Open Architecture, makes use of five abandoned aviation fuel tanks on the coast of the Huangpu river in Xuhui district, transforming them into huge art spaces which are connected by a public park. “Nature is not just for looking. It should not be used in architectural projects as merely a decoration, or a skin job. More importantly, it is crucial for architects to establish a real connection between nature and humanity in the space they create,” he says, speaking on the importance of integrating nature in a genuine way. “The building has to belong there, like bonding with the site, and we need to find a deep connection to the site.”






Yehaiyahan Delves Into Her Background, Her Musical Journey and Her Own Brand of Creativity By Bryan Grogan





ehaiyahan has gone through many evolutions in her career as a musician. Beginning her musical life as a singer in a variety of projects, she joined Uprooted Sunshine in Shanghai in 2007 and learned the trade of being an MC, a host and a freestyler under her longtime performative moniker, Cha Cha. As Cha Cha, her music spread far and wide throughout China, Asia and the world, via her multitude of collaborations, including as part of the duo Am444 with Dutch producer Jay Soul, which brought the pair global recognition after one of their songs was included in NBA2K16. In the past few years, she has been working on establishing herself as a producer and a songwriter under a pair of very different projects, Faded Ghost and Yehaiyahan. With Faded Ghost, she became the first artist to release on Shanghai label SVBKVLT, while the story behind the Yehaiyahan project has always been about renewal, connection and creativity. A big part of her artistic identity now relates to her roots, specifically her upbringing in a mountainside town in Guizhou. “I still don’t quite feel like I’m a person who belongs in a city. When I go back to the mountain and to nature I feel much more comfortable,” she says, softly and thoughtfully. “My reasons for doing things are sometimes quite different from people who live in the city. Where I come from shaped me. The way I write melodies and the way I write lyrics, many different details, made me realize that it all must come from somewhere. We all read similar books and we all go travel in similar places, and we share common friends but some things make you different. I realized it’s where I come

from, the seeds that were buried inside of me since I was a child.” She explores and maintains a connection with these roots in different ways. For example, she’ll join her friend Howie Lee on a China tour for two dates in Guizhou in November. She has also documented previous shows through the province on video, and returns as often as she can. The story of Yehaiyahan began at the start of 2018, with her mind full of ideas for this new project and new ways of making music and performing. Her work under the new alias is rooted in hip hop, RnB and beat-making, but more specifically songwriting and singing. She joined the folks behind popular LA hip hop night Low End Theory, at Vice’s New Year Party in Arkham, which presented an opportune encounter. “That was the first time I met Daddy Kev and that was the very beginning of my Yehaiyahan project. I had some basic structures of how I wanted to perform live and make music, so that show was my first-ever Yehaiyahan gig, and he was really interested in it,” she explains. It marked the beginning of a friendship with Low End Theory founder and Alpha Pup Records owner, Daddy Kev, who she met once again at Radii China’s china.wav show in LA in May of this year, this time taking to the stage as Faded Ghost. The pair had a chat, she revealed that she had a Yehaiyahan release coming up, and the decision was made to release her first album, Under the Moonlight, on the LA-based label. “The most interesting part for me is that I love the label and all the artists and I think their audience would be my target audience.” The decision to release was also, in part, an experiment to see how English-speaking

audiences would interact with her sound. “I think for non-English language content, it’s still difficult,” she says. “I’m still learning what would be the best way to release my music. After this I think I would prefer to run my own music.” While that first album, Under the Moonlight, dropped in the middle of August, it had been ready for a year before being released. To us, the album is dripping with laidback funk, electronified soul and splashes of trip hop. Looking back, Yehaiyahan thinks, “I was too rushed; I didn’t give it enough space to be more free, to go off more. I was still a little bit safe,” a verdict we think is certainly too harsh, though she goes on to say, “I like that about an album though, it documents that period of time, the way you are thinking or the way you are making music, so you can look back to find out certain things. When I listen back now, I realize I was too hurried to make it happen.” She’s already on to the next one, while she’s also building up a band to join her in her live shows and on tour. “So far I have a bass player, a drummer, and a keyboard player who can also play guitar and do the programming. So four of us is big enough and easy to move. That’s my big plan for next year.” Listen to ‘Under the Moonlight’ by scanning the QR code:



Game Developer and Artist Yang Geyilang Talks About Cult Hit Chinese Parents By Bryan Grogan

Indie gaming is on the rise in China. At the forefront of some of the most trendy and enjoyable games is Coconut Island Games, who released the 2018 hit Chinese Parents. The game is a life simulator, focusing on the relationship between children and their parents, as the user aims to raise a successful and happy child through an assortment of life choices. Highly topical and relatable for Chinese users, as well as a rich experiential game for non-Chinese users to better understand parenting in China, the game quickly amassed a cult following. Yang Geyilang, co-developer and artist of the game, spoke to us about the process of making Chinese Parents.



e started the project in November 2017, and finished the development in September 2018. Before, me and my friend Liu Zhenhao worked in a big gaming company together, and after years of work we wanted to make our own game, so we decided to quit and develop it. We realized that parenting in China is a hot topic, and we were also fans of simulator games like Princess Maker and Tokimeki Memorial, so, we decide to make a sim about Chinese parents. Because there was no programmer on our team, Liu had to learn how to use Unity (a gaming engine). Meanwhile, I did the graphic design and collected stories among Chinese families from Douban, Weibo and some other websites to make the stories more solid. Then we built a Taptap store page for our game, which surprisingly brought a lot of attention, though there was no playable demo available. Later, we cooperated with Coconut Island Games. With their suggestions and help, we polished the game and added in more systems. Considering that China is a big country with different rules in different cities, we think that when compared with building realistic algorithms, it is better to build simple ones. So, in the game, the algorithms are very simple and the connection between your gaokao score and your final job is very weak. The score in the gaokao only influences a small amount of the jobs, for example, a doctor.

We thought the game might be a success because it got a lot of hype when we did the test in June. However, we didn’t expect it would become so popular. Most of the game’s players have been very nice and they recommended the game to friends. However, we’ve also had some interesting negative feedback. For example, some Chinese players said that although in the game they entered a top university like Qinghua University, in the end, they become an ordinary taxi driver. They thought we were looking down upon those who had graduated from top universities. Another interesting example was that before we released the English edition, there were some English comments saying that the game is a kind of political propaganda, even though those users had no idea what the game was about. It was nice to see that after releasing the English edition, lots of foreign players enjoyed the game and helped to explain to others that this game is not propaganda. We do hope that the English edition of Chinese Parents can help people from other countries learn more about the life of Chinese kids. We are thinking about the sequel, and we may make it into a series if possible.



Scan the QR code to learn more about ‘Chinese Parents’:



Three New Homegrown Albums on Our Radar This Month By Bryan Grogan

Eye by Chui Wan Following up on what was essentially one of the best Chinese releases of 2017, The Landscape the Tropics Never Had, is no easy task. Chui Wan escaped to Lisbon, Portugal earlier this year to record their fourth studio album, Eye, and the lyrics drip with nostalgia and an appreciation for nature. With 10 tracks to wrap your ears around, the album opens with ‘Sun,’ which irradiates a cluttered brightness via its use of upbeat guitar lines and a strong syncopated percussive beat. We even hear what sounds like a flute and some horns in there for a few seconds. It is a resounding statement of departure for a band who have been so heavily associated with the grey bleakness of industry and noise. Throughout the album Yan Yulong stretches his vocals, dancing along falsetto notes on tracks like ‘Gentle Binding Love.’ The title track ‘Eye’ experiments with some good old-fashioned ’60s psychedelia, using a Taishokoto, as it is known in East Africa (or a Nagoya harp in Japan). Blending together the sitar-like sounds of this stringed instrument with congas and intense droning vocals, ‘Eye’ is another step in Chui Wan’s exploration of psychedelic music. Scan the QR code to listen:

Walking in a Boundless Dream by Guzz Hainan producer Guzz returns with another fascinating, mesmeric album. Continuing his exploration of Asian music, Walking in a Boundless Dream is his second full-length album after An Elephant in the Jungle. Guzz manages to capture a lot of what fascinates about Southeast Asia, with its forests, mountains and breathtaking natural landscapes. He draws us in via his idiosyncratic use of percussion, as heard on ‘Time River,’ which is quite literally a sensuous a representation of a floating voyage. Guzz seems to replicate the buzzing sounds of cicadas and insects, while describing the creeping atmosphere of the riverside. Elsewhere ‘Sky Tree’ relies on woodwind instruments, which are set over a steady drone, allowing the music to float upwards. This album is, quite simply, magical and a must for your next meditation session. Scan the QR code to listen:

Slip B by Slikback & Hyph11E Part of the first wave of collaborations between Shanghai label SVBKVLT and Ugandan collective Nyege Nyege Tapes/Hakuna Kulala, this release matches two very unique producers in Kenyan Slikback and the Shanghai-based Hyph11E. Locked away together for three intense days, the pair came up with three tracks and one remix each of the other’s music. The EP opens with characteristic intensity on ‘ISHU.’ Percussion is intoxicating and disorienting, while haunting atmospherics play in the background of the track. It’s a good primer for what is to come, as Slikback’s thumping rhythms combine interestingly with Hyph11E’s penchant for industrial effects, as on ‘SHIMIAN,’ where tribal drums are distorted and garbled. ‘USINGIZI’ offers more of what we might call arhythmic rhythm, with the track breaking down at points into misty feedback, and at other times resembles the sound of an angry buzzsaw. Hyph11E’s remix of Slikback’s ‘RAGE’ offers a fascinating insight into the Chinese producer’s interpretation of, and appreciation for, Slikback’s super intense percussion-based tunes. Similarly, Slikback peels back layers of Hyph11E’s production on ‘Black Pepper.’ We’re excited for whatever comes next for these two fantastic collectives. Scan the QR code to listen:





Yunnan Restaurant of the Year Lost Heaven

Sichuan Restaurant of the Year

Xinjiang Restaurant of the Year

Sichuan Citizen


EDITOR’S PICK Sichuan Restaurant of the Year SiFangSanChuan

EDITOR’S PICK Shanghainese Restaurant of the Year Jin Xiu Jiang Yan Chinese Cuisine

Cantonese Restaurant of the Year Canton Table

EDITOR’S PICK Hotel Cantonese Restaurant of the Year Hotel Cantonese Restaurant of the Year

Yue Xuan Chinese Restaurant, Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao

Jade Pavilion Chinese Reataurant, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Kangqiao


Contemporary Chinese Restaurant of the Year


Canton Disco, The Shanghai EDITION

Contemporary Chinese Restaurant of the Year Dao Jiang Hu

Thai Restaurant of the Year Urban Thai

EDITOR’S PICK Thai Restaurant of the Year Poets · Thai Restaurant & Bar

EDITOR’S PICK Southeast Asian Restaurant of the Year

Vietnamese Restaurant of the Year

URBAN Café, The Sukhothai Shanghai


Indian Restaurant of the Year Indian Curry Hut

Southeast Asian Restaurant of the Year Ginger Modern Asian Bistro

Korean Restaurant of the Year Professor Lee

EDITOR’S PICK Indian Restaurant of the Year Kebabs on the Grille

Japanese Restaurant of the Year XIME

EDITOR’S PICK Korean Restaurant of the Year Smoki Moto, Renaissance Shanghai Caohejing Hotel


Sushi Restaurant of the Year Hulu Sushi

EDITOR’S PICK Japanese Restaurant of the Year Shinpaku


EDITOR’S PICK Hotel Japanese Restaurant of the Year SAZANKA, Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai

Hotel Japanese Restaurant of the Year Tsuru, Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai

American Pizza of the Year American Restaurant of the Year

Burger of the Year

Joe’s Pizza

Beef & Liberty

POP Brasserie

EDITOR’S PICK American Pizza of the Year

EDITOR’S PICK Italian Pizza of the Year

Italian Pizza of the Year


D.O.C. Gastronomia Italiana


Mexican Restaurant of the Year El Luchador/El Santo

EDITOR’S PICK Mexican Restaurant of the Year

el Willy


EDITOR’S PICK French Restaurant of the Year

French Restaurant of the Year Mr & Mrs Bund

Spanish Restaurant of the Year

Jean Georges

EDITOR’S PICK Hotel French Restaurant of the Year Copper Bistro, Le Royal Méridien Shanghai

Hotel French Restaurant of the Year Jade on 36 Restaurant, Pudong Shangri-La, East Shanghai


Italian Restaurant of the Year Mercato

Latin American Restaurant of the Year Colca

Hotel Italian Restaurant of the Year Prego, The Westin Bund Center Shanghai

EDITOR’S PICK Hotel Italian Restaurant of the Year

Fine Dining Restaurant of the Year Jean Georges

Acqua, Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai

EDITOR’S PICK Fine Dining Restaurant of the Year Sir Elly’s, The Peninsula Shanghai

EDITOR’S PICK Steakhouse of the Year The C. HOUSE

EDITOR’S PICK Hotel Steakhouse of the Year Hotel Steakhouse of the Year CHAR Bar & Grill, Hotel Indigo Shanghai on the Bund

Steakhouse of the Year Morton’s Steakhouse

Hotel Steakhouse with Outstanding Service of the Year The 1515 West Chophouse, Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai

JW’s California Grill, JW Marriott Shanghai at Tomorrow Square

Contemporary Western Restaurant of the Year The Commune Social

EDITOR’S PICK Contemporary Western Restaurant of the Year Mia Fringe

EDITOR’S PICK Hotel Steakhouse with Outstanding Service of the Year The MEAT, Kerry Hotel, Pudong Shanghai


Hotel Contemporary Western Restaurant of the Year Pelham’s, Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund


Concept Restaurant of the Year M.E

Restaurant with an Outstanding View

EDITOR’S PICK Hotel Buffet of the Year

Ruiku, Wanda Reign on the Bund

Social, The St. Regis Shanghai Jingan

EDITOR’S PICK Brunch of the Year Henkes

Hotel Global Buffet of the Year BLU, Amara Signature Shanghai

Brunch of the Year The Bull & Claw

Hotel Brunch of the Year THE STAGE, The Westin Bund Center Shanghai

Seafood Restaurant of the Year The Cannery

EDITOR’S PICK Hotel Brunch of the Year VUE Restaurant, Hyatt on the Bund

Family Brunch of the Year Bread etc

Family Friendly Restaurant of the Year Big Bamboo

EDITOR’S PICK Family Brunch of the Year Paulaner Brauhaus (Expo)

EDITOR’S PICK Family Friendly Restaurant of the Year Puben by Jereme Leung


Afternoon Tea Venue of the Year Dessert and Patisserie Venue of the Year

EDITOR’S PICK Afternoon Tea Venue of the Year

JW Lounge, JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong

Mia Fringe Dining & Lounge

Commune Social

EDITOR’S PICK Dessert and Patisserie Venue of the Year A&M Cupcakery

Bakery of the Year Pain Chaud

Cafe of the Year

EDITOR’S PICK Bakery of the Year


La Boulangerie by Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire

EDITOR’S PICK Cafe of the Year

Healthy Eating Concept of the Year

Vegan or Vegetarian Concept of the Year M Glam’s Vegan Brunch

Open Kitchen by Hunter Gatherer

Ocean Grounds

Butchery of the Year

Delivery Service of the Year

Swiss Butchery


Healthy Eating Delivery Service of the Year REVO by Saucepan


Fusion Chinese Yiheyayuan


Hotel Bar of the Year Connection 12, Cordis, Shanghai, Hongqiao

EDITOR’S PICK Hotel Bar of the Year The Bar, Hyatt Regency Shangahi Global Harbor

Craft Beer Bar of the Year Stone Brewing Tap Room

EDITOR’S PICK Cocktail Bar of the Year Arch

EDITOR’S PICK Craft Beer Bar of the Year Zapfler German Craft Brewery

Cocktail Bar of the Year Happy Hour Deals of the Year

Revolucion Cocktail

The Rooster

Dive Bar of the Year Specters

Sports Bar of the Year The Camel

Whisky Bar of the Year

Live Music Venue of the Year

Senator Saloon

The Pearl

EDITOR’S PICK Live Music Venue of the Year Yuyintang


Wine Bar of the Year Kartel

Alternative Club of the Year RIINK

EDITOR’S PICK Alternative Club of the Year Elevator

EDITOR’S PICK Jazz Club of the Year

Jazz Club of the Year


JZ Club

EDITOR’S PICK LGBTQ+ Venue/Event of the Year Roxie

Hotel Jazz Venue of the Year Jazz Bar, Fairmont Peace Hotel

LGBTQ+ Venue/Event of the Year Lucca

Al Fresco Venue of the Year

Lounge Bar of the Year


The Nest

EDITOR’S PICK Al Fresco Venue of the Year


Wet Bar, W Shanghai – The Bund


That’s Shanghai Restaurant of the Year Jeju Izakaya

That’s Shanghai Bar of the Year Cages Bar & Sports

That’s Shanghai Club of the Year Bar Rouge

New Club of the Year Up Shanghai

New Restaurant of the Year

EDITOR’S PICK New Restaurant of the Year

Polux by Paul Pairet

Heritage by Madison

Lifetime Achievement New Bar of the Year Valpasso

Chef of the Year

Scott Melvin (The Shanghai EDITION)

Kasper Pedersen (BOR Eatery)

EDITOR’S PICK Mixologist of the Year Jackie Dmitriev (Up Shanghai)

Mixologist of the Year Yao Lu (Union Trading Company, Birds of Paradise)

EDITOR’S PICK Food Event of the Year Food Event of the Year Street Chefs (Up Shanghai)

Brew for Love Craft Beer Festival



Looking back on the 15 previous editions of the most prestigious food and drink awards in the city... By Phil Boyle and Ned Kelly

2003 Way back when, That’s Shanghai loved a party. So we had two – one for bars and one for restaurants. The Bar Awards were held at Che in Xintiandi (“Nali?” we hear you say), the big winners being Long Bar and Blarney Stone. In the Restaurants Awards at Baci (“Nali?” again), M on the Bund picked up three and Ashanti Dome two.

2004 One award ceremony this time, in the Ambrosia garden on Fenyang. Like the evolution of man, Shanghairen emerged from their barstools to the dance floors, with the new Club of the Year award going to Park 97. Blarney Stone picked up Bar of the Year for the second year running, as did M on the Bund with the Best Restaurant gong.

2005 The Awards were fast becoming a huge gala evening, this time at VIP room, which was on Wulumuqi Lu but is now dead. A certain David Laris stamped his mark, winning Restaurant of the year with Laris in Three on the Bund, while DKD’s short-lived success was decorated with Club of the Year.

2006 Do we give the kiss of death to Awards venues? The funky Pier One played host in 2006 – during the brief time it was open – and saw registered votes eclipse 2,000 for the first time. Laris once again struck restaurant gold for his eponymous place, while Bar Rouge cruised to bar glory for the first but certainly not the last time.

2007 That’s Shanghai came over all artsy: Suzhou Creek, 1930s decor and over 600 exclusive guests at the River South Art Center. It was the second year of Bund domination, with Jean Georges nicking Restaurant of the Year off his housemate Laris, and their neighbors Glamour Bar winning Best Bar.

2008 Lounge 18 was the venue this time (yup, the curse continues), which also picked up Best New Bar. Their friends upstairs at Bar Rouge claimed Best Bar back


from Glamour, while in posh nosh stakes Hamilton House won Best New Restaurant and Casa 13 Best Restaurant. May their souls rest in peace.

2009 It was all hail the new guard in 2009, with hosts M1NT picking up both Best New Bar and Best Bar, and Cantina Agave winning Best New Restaurant and Best Restaurant. The wonderful Cotton Ding won Personality of the Year, while a certain Paul Pairet won Best French for Mr & Mrs Bund. Not the last we’ll be hearing about him…

2010 Life is a cabaret, old chum, come to the cabaret. Yes, Chinatown was the host, and damn that closing down curse, because we loved that place, and Chinatown Charlie, who won Personality of the Year. El Coctel arrived on the scene with Best New Bar, M1NT retained Best Bar, Mr. Willis took Best New Restaurant, while the PuLi’s Jing’an won Best Restaurant.

2011 We got all abattoir chic on your asses, moving the party to 1933, where our amigos from Lola won Best New Bar, Bar Rouge took the Best Bar back after a bit of a break, Glo London picked up Best New Restaurant, Brad Turley took Best Restaurant with Goga, and Austin Hu was crowned culinary king with Best Chef.


The Swatch Art Peace Hotel played host, but it was their neighbors at the VOL Group who really had reasons to celebrate the night, picking up Best French and Best Fine Dining for Mr & Mrs Bund, Best New Restaurant for Ultraviolet, Best Chef for Paul Pairet and Bar/Club of the Year for Bar Rouge. Sometimes that cinq-ing feeling can be a good thing, eh mes amis?

2013 It was fiesta time at Unico, justifying their award for Bar of the Year. The VOL Group did alright for themselves once again, with Best French for Mr & Mrs Bund, Best Chef for Monsieur Pairet and Club of the Year for Bar Rouge. Tock’s won Best New Restaurant, while Scott Melvin’s The Commune Social won Restaurant of the Year.

2014 Salmos Lounge saw our not-so-humble annual soiree that year, and we cursed a couple of places: speakeasy The Boulevard won Best New Bar (but prohibition subsequently got the better of it) and Cirque le Soir Best New Club (may its tasseled titties rest in peace). Bar Rouge won their sixth Club of the Year title, Unico scooped Bar of the Year, while Coquille picked up Best Restaurant.

2015 We returned to the glamorous confines of M1NT in 2015, which our readers also chose as Club of the Year. Overall it was a big night for The Bund with Paul Pairet picking up a Lifetime Achievement Award, while his Mr & Mrs Bund took home the coveted Restaurant of the Year Award. The Bull & Claw won Best New Restaurant and fortunately our curse seems to not have followed them, while The Commune Social’s Scott Melvin ascended to the throne as Best Chef.

2016 Fusion was our host for the awards in 2016, and the big wins went to Mr & Mrs Bund (Restaurant of the Year), The Nest (Bar of the Year) and Le Baron (Club of the Year). Meanwhile, Baoism, Parrot and Elevator took home top prizes for their categories for the new kids on the block. The title of Chef of the Year went to our hometown boy Tony Lu from the Fu empire.

2017 We said hello again to M1NT (and their sharks) last year, who was also named Club of the Year, but Austin Hu, who picked up two of the biggest awards of the night – Chef of the Year and New Restaurant of the Year for Diner – turned out to be the biggest winner of the night. Raw Eatery & Wood Grill, a relatively new face on the Shanghai dining scene, was named Restaurant of the Year. The unfortunate curse returned to haunt the New Club of the Year winner SMASH, which shuttered just weeks after receiving their plaque. Oops.

2018 Bar Rouge were the hosts, and won Club of the Year. Mercato picked up Restaurant of the Year, while Together won the restaurant newcomer award. Union Trading Company took home the Bar of the Year title, sexy old Geo Valdivieso Jimenez was king of the mixologists, while what Danyi Gao does to your taste buds earned her the Chef of the Year gong.


World Golf Championships – HSBC Champions Asia’s Major

Asia’s biggest tournament, tickets have seen strong demand from fans, while support sponsorship sales are also exceptionally strong as everyone wants to be a part of what is anticipated to be one of the best fields ever gathered, as the players compete for an increased prize fund of US10.25 million. A new wave of tickets were launched to meet demand, offered with an early bird discount for the month of September of up to 30% off. Juniors aged 18 years and under can enter for free when accompanied by a ticketed adult with additional discounts also available for students and families.


f there is a game in the late autumn season that can be very exciting, it must be the World Golf Championships – HSBC Champions. After 14 years of development, the WGC – HSBC Champions has grown into the most influential golf event in the Asia Pacific region, offering a wonderful golf feast for Asian golfers every year. Italian star Francesco Molinari and home favourite Li Haotong are the latest stars to commit to the WGC-HSBC Champions alongside reigning champion, Xander Schauffele and the world’s top four ranked

players; Brooks Koepka, Rory McIlroy, Dustin Johnson and Justin Rose. World No.9 Molinari won the WGCHSBC Champions in 2010 and the Open Championship in 2018, while China’s Li Haotong, a two-time winner on the European Tour, will be looking to improve on his seventh place highest finish to date at ‘Asia’s Major,’ which takes place from October 31 to November 3, 2019 at Sheshan International Golf Club. As HSBC approaches the 15th year of their award-winning title sponsorship of

For more details on the WGCHSBC Champions and all ticket information, please visit https:// or follow the official WeChat Mini Program: HSBCChampionsw



Around Town

The World of Education, P50

Snoring P51

Jing An 8 P52


UNRAVELING CLARA DAVIS Queen of Shanghai’s Storytelling Community

Connecticut native Clara Davis lived and worked in Chengdu for two years after university, before returning to China and Shanghai six years ago to finish up a dual degree graduate program with LSE and Fudan University’s School of Journalism. She always had a fascination with storytelling, and two years ago launched Unravel. How did Unravel come about? Back in 2017 I was operating a craft beer bar I had opened with Belgian brewery group Duvel Moortgat (RIP District!). I loved what I was doing but was craving a different type of creative outlet, and was constantly in the crossfire of great stories from all sorts of Shanghai characters. Buoyed by the overload of story-driven podcasts I was listening to, and my growing belief that Shanghai is a city where anything is possible, I called my own bluff and advertised the first show in February 2017. I held it in the back of my bar, featuring six brave souls willing to take a chance on my idea! Unravel has grown significantly since that fateful evening. It has been amazing to watch Shanghai rally around a platform built around stories – our most basic human connection point. We now have a core production team, plus a handful of volunteers and collaborators who help keep the train rolling. Each month is a different abstract theme, and we invite anyone to submit stories that engage with that theme on whatever level, from whatever angle. We review and give feedback on all submissions – one of our favorite parts of the process – and ultimately confirm a lineup of six storytellers to feature at every show. How many shows have you held to date?

Our MAN UP show on September 26 was our 25th live show! Over the course of the last two years, we’ve featured more than 120 storytellers from more than 25 different countries, and have produced shows in more than 15 venues across the city.

What would you say to someone thinking of getting involved?

Have you expanded Unravel to other cities?

We believe that everyone has a story to tell, and the most common obstacle between you and sharing yours is the feeling of doubt that you don’t have one worth telling. I assure you – you do! One of the things I love the most about Unravel is the symbiotic relationship between storyteller and audience. They are getting and sharing so much energy from and with each other – one of the most gratifying comments storytellers have given me is about what a supportive and safe space Unravel is to tell their truths. I am confident that at every show, each story featured is someone in the audience’s favorite.

Not yet. We have grown so much as a platform and as a team over the last two years and are so grateful for the support of our community and our storytellers. We are super excited about expanding our content, and last year we launched our workshops and special projects arm, Unravel Impact, to engage with schools, corporates and organizations to help harness the power of storytelling. Bringing live shows to cities outside of Shanghai (and China!) is definitely on our radar and something we are planning for.

Tell us about the new Unravel Podcast?

Producing a podcast has been a dream for a long time – and about a year ago Sarah Boorboor (our senior producer) and I started figuring out how to make it a reality. We wanted a way to share some of the incredible stories we’ve featured with people who can’t make it to our live shows, and we wanted to offer something extra for those who can. Each podcast episode goes behind and beyond a story featured in a prior show, featuring clips from their story and a conversation between the storyteller and myself. The podcast is produced and edited by Sarah with original music and post production by Ricardo Valdez. You can find us on your preferred podcast platform by searching ‘Unravel Storytelling,’ or check out our website for more info (address below).

Are there any other exciting projects you are involved in?

Over one year ago, I founded creative food and beverage agency Taste Collective with my partner Andrew Moo. We are a marketing agency that focuses on food and beverage brands and products, grounded in experiences like pop-ups, activations and campaigns – you might have tasted our Happy Ending donuts or our Two Hands burgers! A lot of the work we do boils down to the stories we tell and make through food. So, I spend my days thinking about food and storytelling – my two favorite forms of nourishment. Want to know more? Scan the QR code below to follow Unravel on WeChat, or check out their new website at You can also find them on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn (@ unravelstorytelling).


AROUND TOWN Wellington Takes Learning to the Next Level with Virtual Reality

Wellington College has begun its journey of utilizing virtual reality in a variety of lessons and educational contexts. Pupils have been on VR journeys to Mount Everest, the Amazon Rainforest, the trenches of WWI and even inside the human respiratory system. As VR technologies evolve, the possibilities are virtually endless.

New School Year, New School! Everyone is naturally excited at the start of a new school year, students, staff and parents alike. This year at DUCKS, there was an entirely new level of anticipation, because returning to school not only meant seeing familiar friends and teachers (and making new friends) but it was the first opportunity to see the renovations that had taken place over the summer holiday. As children and parents entered the main doors at DUCKS the “ohhhs” and “wows” could be heard all around and the look of delight (and a few of confusion) on faces was just delightful. Everyone was amazed at the changes that had taken place in such a short amount of time.

SSIS Grade 7-12 Orientation Camps on Sept 6-8

Best of British Saturday School at Britannica Britannica International School, Shanghai is pleased to announce the launch of its Saturday school, an 8-week program open to learners of all backgrounds aged 5-13. Each Saturday, children will be taking part in English language sessions, STEM workshops, which include robotics and programming, as well as a host of team building games and sports. Places are limited and the program is already proving popular for young learners hoping to make new friends and further their learning. Contact to find out more.


At Sun Island, G7/8 had their orientation camp, and the G9/10 their IGCSE Camp. The G11/12 students stayed on the SSIS campus for their DP camp. These camps help senior school students get familiar with course requirements and enable them to adopt many good study habits and tips. Camps also get them out of their comfort zones, encourage them to try new things and work on skills such as communication and collaboration. They ‘camp’ get enough!

Achieving Excellence in International Education The Western International School of Shanghai never ceases to grow. As an international school, they continually strive for high standards of professional performance in international education. That’s why they are pleased to announce that WISS was recently granted membership in the Council of International Schools (CIS), the first step towards obtaining CIS accreditation.


Shanghai Singapore International School Celebrates Its 23rd Founder’s Day On September 3, students, their parents and the faculty of SSIS celebrated its Founder’s Day with music performances, speeches, award presentations to scholarship students and festivities. It’s been 23 years of excellent growth, and its present campus in Minhang district now houses 230 teachers and 1,400 students. Together towards tomorrow!



noring is a relatively common problem. Snoring is a vibration of the soft tissues in the nose and throat caused by a variety of things such as secretions in the nose or throat, narrowed nasal passages or abnormalities in the structure of the nose or throat. It may also be associated with obesity and drinking alcohol, which means simple lifestyle adjustments may help. Sleeping on your side is also helpful for many people. Most snoring is not serious and can be helped by a visit to the family doctor or an ear, nose and throat specialist. However, one type of snoring can have serious health consequences: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). With this type of snoring, loud snoring noises increase and the person may cease breathing altogether for up to 15 seconds or longer before gasping for breath. With OSA, this breathing cycle repeats itself again and again. This abnormal pattern can be quite alarming and is usually noticed by the spouse or sleeping partner. People who suffer from OSA feel unrested, fatigued and sleepy during the day. They may also suffer from poor concentration and cognitive function, poorer social interactions and a lower quality of life. Job-related effects include an increase in work-related and vehicle accidents. With OSA in general, there are increased healthcare costs. OSA affects up to 14% of men and 5%

of women around the world. It is generally caused by an excess of soft tissue in the back of the throat. When the back of the tongue relaxes while you breathe out, the airway becomes obstructed. The main consequence of OSA in adults is that during these periods of non-breathing, the oxygen level in the blood decreases. Over a period of time this may have a number of adverse health consequences including heart failure, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disturbance, stroke and metabolic disturbances such as obesity and diabetes. Clearly these are serious conditions and therefore it is important that OSA is diagnosed and properly treated so as to reduce the risk of serious health problems. In addition, proper treatment of OSA has been shown to reduce the risk of traffic accidents and also increase quality of life. In order to diagnose OSA, doctors must first take a thorough medical history from the patient and their sleep partner, and then take some extra tests that involve measuring breathing activity during sleep. At this stage, a simple homebased screening tool will suffice. For example, a wristwatch that can measure pulse rates and oxygen levels or a smart phone that can listen to breathing patterns. The results can then be read by a physician.

If the test is positive, a more detailed test known as polysomnography (PSG) should be done overnight in a designated sleep clinic. PSG gathers much more detailed information on the type and severity of OSA and also indicates the best form of treatment. If tests confirm that the OSA is significant, then the most common treatment is to sleep with the aid of a small breathing machine, which delivers Continuous Positive Airways Pressure or CPAP. The machine ensures a constant stream of air into the mouth and nose to keep breathing passages open and prevent the apneic episodes. Successful treatment with CPAP significantly reduces the serious medical risks of OSA as well as improving the patient’s quality of sleep and overall quality of life. Provided by St. Reiss Shanghai Medical Centre Sleep Medicine Department, Michael Humphries Contacts Email: michael.humphries@st-reissmedical. cn / Dr. Andrew Ngai, Phone: 5403 0228, 5403 8088 Address: Unit A, 19/F, 9 Donghu Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu, Xuhui District



WHAT MAKES AN OUTSTANDING LEARNING ENVIRONMENT? by Emma Button, Consultant Wellington College Shanghai and Wellington College China


n early years education, the term ‘learning environment’ is one that extends far beyond the classroom. Practitioners are well schooled in the belief that no outstanding classroom is restricted to having four walls. We are acutely aware that learning and knowledge are acquired and consolidated by engaging in wider, freer and more open environments. We often talk about an enabling environment in early years which ensures that children grow up to be resilient, capable, and confident. We can split such an environment into three equally important areas.

skills with a greater sense of freedom and independence than those experienced indoors.

The atmosphere of a setting. A good emotional environment will help pupils create more positive relationships with staff and other children.

Our learning environment promotes children’s ability to make decisions on their own. Children have the opportunity to decide how, where and with whom they learn. Teachers provide clear organization and routines that will give children a real sense of control over their day.

The Emotional Environment

The Indoor Environment

The resources available in the indoor space, how they are accessed and how activities are led. The indoor environment of a setting should make children feel safe and secure and give them the opportunity to become confident learners. The Outdoor Environment

The resources available in the outdoor space, how they are accessed and how activities are led. Outdoor environments give opportunities to experience and enhance many different 52 | OCTOBER 2019 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM

At Wellington, we have realized an ambition held since our opening in 2014: to move to a purpose-built setting that allows us to create a truly unique and bespoke learning environment. In August 2019, this became a reality with the opening of the Wellington College International Shanghai Early Years Centre, a learning environment which reflects our values and ethos. Indeed, the core of how the environment will enable children is embodied within our Wellington Identities Independent


Along with familiar resources and objects, new activities and experiences are offered. These inspire our young learners to look beyond the classroom and try to engage with new skills in different areas and numerous ways. Inclusive

We want an environment that is welcoming

and warm while facilitating a sense of belonging and the development of supporting relationships. Individual

In our new high-quality environment we are responsive to the learning needs and styles of all children. Knowing what our children like and need underpins the development of skills that empower children with a sense that they can progress and achieve. Intellectual

We will continue our use of the Characteristics of Effective Learning. These show us how a child learns rather than what they learn. We understand the importance of valuing the process rather than the result. We have spaces that support the development of the intellectual skills of critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, exploring and finding out, being willing to ‘have a go’ and the overall motivation to learn. It is Wellington’s enduring desire to give pupils a foundation of learning that cannot be found anywhere else. With the development of our early years centre, this is a reality we can embrace with confidence. To find out more about Early Years at Wellington College International Shanghai, please book one of our regular tours by registering via the following QR code:


Revelations at a Series of Public Talks at XJTLU


f you’ve ever wanted to hold a $15,000 piece of Jade, wondered whether football in China is becoming the next big thing or were keen to learn more about the Silk Road Economic Belt and its impact in Chinese society, you’re in good company. Especially if you join those who are attending the series of China Talks at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), Suzhou, which are hosted by the University’s Department of China Studies. China Talks are open to the University community and the wider public, with invited experts talking engagingly, once a month, on a range of fascinating subjects that bring to life China’s history, culture and society. This year’s opening talk in September featured master carver Andrew Shaw discussing the modern jade industry, which has developed, in just 40 years, from a cottage industry employing a few thousand people to a multibillion dollar business employing nearly a million workers. By bringing in and sharing around examples of both fake and authentic jade, Shaw’s presentation added a hands-on element, outlining a sense of fun and interactive engagement which lends wide appeal to the series of talks. Dr Beibei Tang, head of Department of China Studies at XJTLU, describes China Talks

Dr. Beibei Tang

JADE, FOOTBALL AND THE SILK ROAD: ASPECTS OF CHINA as inclusive and a valuable outreach educational program to the surrounding region. “It’s a public lecture series which is run by XJTLU for the wider community and is open to Chinese and expats who are working and living in China,” Dr Tang says. “You don’t need to have Chinese language skills or knowledge of history and culture; we provide this basic information and communication to give people a better understanding of China.” “We have a wide variety of topics that cover Chinese history, culture, literature, society, International relations and economy. Last year we even had a talk on Chinese football and the impact of football on the economy.” “In the Department of China Studies we have a diverse range of speakers that can talk about their research interests but for these talks, we are also inviting experts from other departments and from outside the University as well.” The appeal of the talks is reflective of both the rising global interest in Chinese society and the growth of the Department of China Studies at XJTLU, Dr Tang says. “Our Department started in 2014 and in five years it has grown into a very diverse department. We have had six cohorts of undergraduate students and two cohorts of masters students and every year we run the

largest international visiting and exchange student program at the University with students attending from the UK, Norway, Canada and the Netherlands, among other places,” Dr Tang says. “China has become more engaged with global development as an economic, cultural, social and political power. International students are increasingly interested in coming here for their study abroad experiences. They want to know more about China.” The second in the series of China Talks, scheduled for November 6, will be a talk on: The Silk Road Economic Belt: China’s economic footprint in the Western Balkans, the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia, presented by Jacob Mardell of (independent foundation) Mercator Stiftung. For more details on XJTLU’s China Studies Department please scan the QR code:

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is an international joint university located in Suzhou. To learn more about XJTLU please scan the QR code:




Dodonpa Ninja Status Bentos , P60

Cafe on Air P58

Hu Hu Tang P59

Tomatito P61


JONATHAN HE Bird’s New Head Chef on Menus, Mentors and Music Interview by Cristina Ng

They keep things casual and intimate at Bird with a rotating menu of chef-driven small plates served alongside a carefully curated wine program. Stepping into the head chef role, after the departure of Chris Zhu to Australia, is Jonathan He. From Changzhi in Shanxi province, He studied in Jiangxi province before ending up in Shanghai. With stints at Azul, Commune Social and Goose Island Brewhouse under his belt, he’s no stranger to change. We stopped by Bird to see how he’s settled into his latest challenge.

How did you end up in the kitchen? It’s a pretty funny story. After I finished university, I felt kind of lost. I spent all my time playing computer games at home, which completely pissed off my mom. She saw an advertisement for a culinary school – it was a baking program. I didn’t want to do it at first, but I changed my mind. If the Michelin inspectors came in and you could only make them one dish off your first menu, what would it be?

I would say the frog, which combines French and Sichuan techniques. You have a classic French frog-leg croquette with ragu sauce that merges flavors from those two places. Creme fraiche and lots of butter make it very rich with intensity coming from fresh Sichuan peppercorns. This dish came together as a result of a lot of people’s ideas, including one of our ayis here. If you could sit anyone at the bar seats at Bird and feed them dinner, who would it be and why? I would like to feed my three mentors, because I want them to see how much I’ve evolved. In addition to technique, they also taught me how to think for myself. The first mentor is an old-school Italian chef named

“I would like to feed my three mentors, because I want them to see how much I’ve evolved” Davide Martin who really pushed me. Next, I worked 14-16 hour shifts for a German guy named Daniel Penoff. He introduced me to molecular gastronomy. While working for him, I met Scott Melvin. I wanted to learn from him so much that I looked up his recipes online to practice. When I left Azul, I met up with him. When he asked me why I wanted to work at Commune Social, my answer was to work with him. He told me that I could start the next day. He left to work at The Shanghai EDITION a month later, but I learned a lot in that time. What is your dream ingredient?

I need two: fresh wheat and walnuts. They are only available in the summer and are very cheap in the north of China, but they are inconvenient to deliver to Shanghai. You don’t need to do much because the freshness of the ingredients should be the main flavor. I might upgrade with a little scoop of caviar, but not too much.

What about working at Bird brings you the most joy? I get to make my dreams come true. I can imagine something and make it happen. Even if I try something out and it fails, I have the freedom to try again until I get it right. I did get to create some dishes when I was at Commune Social, but that was within the limits of their very clear concept. Here, I can do so much more. Tell us something we don’t known about you.

My major in university was music, and I’m a trained opera singer. Even though I’ve forgotten a lot, I can still read music and sing some Italian. I enjoyed that moment a lot, being in the spotlight. Unfortunately, the path for the profession is narrow and expensive. Being a chef gives me a similar pleasure, though. 50 Wuyuan Lu, by Changshu Lu 五原路50号, 近常熟 路. (135 0172 6412)


GRAPE VINE WIN! A Bottle of South Point Estate Pinot Grigio Wine from ALDI

For Shanghai foodies, the dawn of October means one thing: hairy crab season. We’re always on the hunt for new ways to shovel the tasty crustacean into our mouths, and we’ve got our eye on xiefen-stuffed fried crullers (aka youtiao) this year. We’ll be heading out to Hongqiao’s Archwalk Mall to Jade Pavilion for a taste of that.

Busy urbanites will be happy to hear that a new F&B lifestyle hub is going into 800 Show called T-Court. In addition to dining venues, expect a mix of retail, office and event spaces. Also coming to Jing’an is a second location for our newly appointed editor’s pick for Mexican Restaurant of the Year, Tacolicious.

ALDI aims to inspire consumers in China to live and shop smarter. When it comes to wine, they carry handpicked high-quality brands from around the world that have been carefully selected by ALDI’s team of international vino connoisseurs with an eye for value. At ALDI, customers can purchase bottles from major wine-producing regions around the globe, including France, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Germany and South Africa. One of the many wines on offer is this bottle of light golden South Point Estate Pinot Grigio that carries the aromas of lemon, peach and green tea. Want to try this refreshing and approachable with medium acidity? Aldi is offering two That’s Shanghai readers a bottle each. To win, simply scan the That’s Shanghai QR Code and wait for the competition announcement

> Jing’an Sports Center Store, 1/F, 428 Jiangning Lu, by Wuding Lu 江宁路428号1楼, 近武定路 > Gumei Shopping Plaza Store, Gumei Life Shopping Plaza, 1300 Longming Lu, by Gulong Lu 龙茗路1300号古美生活广场1楼, 近古龙路

Chinese celebrity chef Madela Zhu (Borage, Hey Kau Dim Sum Hot Pot) is opening his third venture Charcohol. The concept focuses on primal barbecue techniques (charcoal) plus a top-notch drinks program from Epic’s Cross Yu (alcohol).

Pizza Topolino on Madang Lu is temporarily closed, but visit their new venue by Bistro Burger for your fix. In addition to the standards, they have a great selection of gluten-free and vegan pizza and pasta that are worth a try. Jet Lo’s Malaysian street food eatery Boi Boi has also moved into a new hood, with a second location off Jiujiang Lu.

We saw this coming, but it still feels sad. After closing the Xintiandi Sproutworks, their Taixing Lu store is due to follow. Neighbors Little Catch have already shuttered, while Currify vows to stay open until the last possible second. Over at the intersection of Yanping and Wuding branches of Little Catch and Currify remain in business.

Acqua at Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai A Taste of the Mediterranean for Late Summer and Autumn

At the Grand Kempinski’s Italian restaurant, Chef Marco Erba presents a stunning menu inspired by coastal Mediterranean flavors. From salt and herb-crusted seabass to spinach and lemon risotto topped with squid and calamari, this collection of new dishes pays homage to the region. If you like risotto, Erba plans to bring back his signature porcini version featuring earthy mushrooms and roasted hazelnuts, enriched by a generous scoop of mascarpone cream. As for the seabass, while the Mediterranean sauce, sour mascarpone and caviar accents will remain, you can expect the vegetables to change with the new harvest. Other upcoming additions to Acqua’s core menu will showcase the best ingredients available this season, such as beetroots, parsnips, new potatoes, wild berries, chestnuts and venison. > Acqua, 2/F, 1288 Lujiazui Huan Lu, by Baibu Jie 陆家嘴环路1288号2楼, 近百步街 (3867 9192)


E D I T E D B Y C R I S T I N A N G / D I N I N G @ U R B A N A T O M Y. C O M


If You Like Piña Coladas... This just in: Birds of Paradise has launched a freaking frozen piña colada happy hour. Escape the daily grind daily from 3-8pm when beer, wine, frozen piña coladas and eight others cocktails for only RMB50. In addition to the icy tropical tipple featuring Cuban rum, coconut cordial, fresh pineapple, lime and cinnamon, we like the sound of ‘Six Pence Hot Pot.’ That spicy number gets its kick from Peddler’s gin, thyme wine cordial and Sichuan pepper tincture. If you get peckish, the okonomiyaki fries are dank AF. > Birds of Paradise, 98 Yanping Lu, near Wuding Lu 延平路98号, 近武定路 (6260 7587)


Crispy Qixia Apples from Shandong Our friends at Goma Greens love autumn, because of blooming osmanthus, pumpkin spice and (most importantly) Qixia apples. These babies come from a farm that has been growing organic apples for over 100 years. While an incredibly healthy and delicious snack as is, fold them into a warm apple crumble for an unforgettable taste of fall. Ingredients 3 large apples, peeled, cored and sliced ¼ cup brown sugar ½ tsp cinnamon ½ cup rolled oats 2 tbsp butter, melted 1 tsp vanilla extract

Directions Preheat your oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Lay sliced apples in a baking dish. Mix the remaining ingredients to make the topping, and spread over the fruit. Bake the crumble for 30 minutes. Gently stir apples and topping to combine. Devour immediately. > Scan Goma’s QR code to order the apples

to your doorstep, and try out the recipe for yourself.



The Food


Shanghai’s Coffee Architects Noodle Around at New Shop by Cristina Ng

The Place One of our favorite low-key coffee hangouts now has a third location on Sinan Lu. The welldesigned cafe follows the minimalistic model of the group’s two other coffee shops. This one has added their well-lit and functional design touches where Brian Tan’s Hof chocolate and cocktail lounge used to be – just next door to Cha’s Hong Kong-style cha canting.

First and foremost, Cafe on Air is devoted to coffee with food intended as a complement to complete the experience. Coffee starts at RMB28 for a single espresso and goes up to RMB38 for a mocha. In the middle of that price range are piccolos, flat whites, lattes and more. Each of their branches serves a different house bean that changes seasonally. At Sinan Lu, the current Ethiopian beans from April Coffee Roasters of Copenhagen are smooth with bright acidity. In addition to specialty coffee, Cafe on Air has some nice food options. Seeking to add something unique for a venue this casual, the cornerstone of the menu is handmade pasta including lasagna and fettucine. They also have all-day brunch and some sweets. After much experimentation with recipes, their fresh pasta is made from a mix of locally made and Italian semolina. With a customer base that is 70-80% local, it is understandable that the noodles aren’t prepared too al dente, but they still have a decent bite. With king prawn, mussels, Hokkaido scallop and squid in a basil-tinged house tomato sauce, the fettuccine frutti di mare (RMB108) makes for a satisfying lunch. The Spanish omelet (RMB48) isn’t bad either. Olive, tomato, potato and mushroom are held together with lots of egg. Whole




wheat bread is made in collaboration with a local bakery, and a side toast with butter and house-made berry jam is perhaps our favorite part of this plate. That same bread is used for the espresso toast (RMB58), which has espresso in the egg mixture as well as the accompanying maple syrup. Puffy baby Dutch pancakes filled with baked apple (RMB38) are also worth a try. 1.5/3

The Vibe At Cafe on Air they call themselves coffee architects, which makes sense as most of the partners started their careers as architects. This background results in fully functional yet attractive spaces. Thanks to the light wood tones and calming shades of green, we are as likely to while away an afternoon working here as at their other two more established venues. 2/2

Total Verdict: 3.5/5

Price: RMB50-120 Who’s going: laptop warriors, local hipsters Good for: work sessions, friendly catch-ups

30 Sinan Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu 思南路30号, 近淮 海中路路 Nearest Metro: Shaanxi Nan Lu, 11 mins. Open daily, 8am-8pm

inner at CHAR Bar & Grill on the 29th floor of Hotel Indigo is always a delight. With its dark wood and stone walls with pans hanging off them, it manages to pull off a rustic feel to fine dining, all the while boasting beautiful views across the river towards the ultra modern vista of Lujiazui. And, the great news is they have launched their new menu, with some impressive additions. First up, Venezuelan chef Willmer Colmenares gives his carpaccio the Latin treatment with, smoked Wagyu beef (RMB128) topped with chipotle, onion and avocado, finished with a lime and barbecue dressing. The smell hitting even before you lift fork to mouth. King prawn and salmon salad (RMB198) pairs well with the guacamole and grapefruit, while the


melt-in-your-mouth salmon is too easy to eat. Crispy octopus (RMB168) with potatoes, black garlic puree and mojo sauce has a smoky feel and a gamey taste. If you want to look beyond the incredible steak that Char is so famous for, look no further than the smoked king salmon (RMB298) with spinach, Anna potatoes and tomato salsa, the buttery soft meat of the salmon perfectly offset by the crispy skin. As always, service is attentive and the dining room has a convivial buzz. Just more reasons to return to one of the most enjoyable dining experiences that Shanghai has to offer. 29-31/F, Hotel Indigo, 585 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by Dongmen Lu 中山东二路585 号29-31楼, 近东门路 (3302 9995)


HU HU TANG The New Hotness by Cristina Ng

The Place With the arrival of Hu Hu Tang, two of the three floors at 50 Tai’an Lu are under the management of restaurateur Betty Ng. Just below her contemporary Chinese fusion joint Dao Jiang Hu, Ng’s latest endeavor takes a crack at hot pot just in time for autumn.

The Food

At Hu Hu Tang you have your choice of five collagen-based, MSG-free soups: Hainan Wenchang chicken fish maw (RMB228 full pot/RMB128 half pot), Yunnan wild morel RMB128 full pot/RMB68 half pot), tomato beef (RMB88 full pot/RMB48 half pot), Sichuan spicy mala pork (RMB88 full pot/ RMB48 half pot) and hot sour fish maw (RMB158 full pot/RMB88 half pot). When the pot comes to the table, your stock is still in gelatin form.

Order a yin-yang pot and you get to try two cooking liquids. Most stocks use bones or fish maw to form the jelly stocks, so vegetarians and vegans will want to opt for the delicate yet tasty mushroom one. In this case, the collagen comes from agar derived from algae. Reminiscent of Lou Shang, the chicken and fish maw soup at Hu Hu Tang eschews MSG while adding plenty of ginger for a warming yet light iteration of the popular base. We often subject ourselves to the pain of oily blood-red Sichuan hot pot, but the restrained version here satisfies with much less destruction. If you like beef, the Wagyu platter (RMB293) is worth it. Dip M7 ribeye, M6 sirloin and M6 round slices into premixed sesame soy (RMB20) or yuzu radish soy (RMB15). While we normally like mixing our sauces for ourselves, we have to admit they do a better job. Next, cook a mixed platter of homemade meatballs (RMB98) until they float to the top. The bouncy squid ones are particularly good. Another house specialty are the creative and colorful dumplings. Out of the mix (RMB38 small/RMB68 large), the kimchee with vibrant red wrappers and the green pork and Chinese pickle stuffed are clear winners. Don’t forget to load up on a healthy mix

of hydroponic organic vegetables (RMB68), assorted mushrooms (RMB68) and your choice of tofu (RMB22-38). Hungry diners can also add sides and grilled items such as the addictive mentaiko cream cheese baby potatoes (RMB38). You should finish up with ‘risotto cooked at the table’ (RMB48); there’s not much to dislike about rice, cream, butter and parmesan mixed into your remaining stock. 2.5/3

The Vibe With a funky vibe and décor marking Hu Hu Tang as a clear sibling of Dao Jiang Hu, the ambiance is fantastic. We can easily imagine huddling up over the steaming pots come wintertime. We’ll likely be indulging in several of their innovative Chinese cocktails while we are at it. 1.5/2

Total Verdict: 4/5

Price: RMB250-300 Who’s going: healthy hot pot fans Good for: groups, long dinners, cocktails

50 Tai,an Lu, by Xingguo Lu 泰安路50号, 近兴国路 Nearest Metro: Jiaotong University, 9 mins. Open daily, 5.30pm-midnight (6266 7510)


MORE THAN BRUNCH, IT’S A FIESTA! Unleash Your Inner Foodie at Toro Loco Spanish Restaurant


oro Loco Spanish Restaurant at W Suzhou amplifies its innovative and never-boring energy for the real foodies in town and made an impression with the debut of Spanish Fiesta! Where Suzhou meets Madrid, the fiesta party mesmerizes your Sundays with its pumped-up energy and rich Spanish culture. Unleash your inner foodie with authentic seafood paella, charcoal grilled Wagyu beef. There are multiple dining packages to choose from with free-flow of drinks. There’s more than enough king crab, oysters, mouth-watering crayfish and carefully crafted Iberico ham to go around. Pair these savory delights with sangria or ‘Berry Much,’

one of their detox drinks. Fuel up your Sundays like never before! At Toro Loco the party never ends. Whether you choose to take on the Toro Loco bull-riding challenge or shimmy to the hot Latino beats brought to you by W Suzhou Music Curator Gin & Resident DJ Nao, you are bound to have fun. Stick around for tapas and selected beverage specials, for an endless Sunday Fiesta.

Toro Loco, W Suzhou, L/37-38, Building 7 Suzhou Center Corner of Xinggang Avenue and Suhui Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu 215021, P.R. China 苏 州W酒店37&38楼 中国江苏省苏州工业园区苏州中心广场 7幢 星港街与苏惠路交汇处 邮编 215021(51269887775)



The Food


From Izakaya Veterans to Bento Lunch Ninjas by Cristina Ng

The Place As one of the first tenants open for business in the new mall One Museum Place, Dodonpa is well-positioned to satisfy the hunger of the neighborhood’s office workers. This bento-based joint comes from the same team as Ifuku and Ifuku Isaribi, including their namesake chef. As for the ninja theme? Well, these folks see similarities between the lives of frazzled Shanghai worker monkeys and ninjas. While we aren’t currently planning any sneak attacks, we do think we are both equally deserving of a good lunch.

The bulk of the dining options are donburi (or rice bowls). They do a pretty tasty chargrilled eel (RMB138) that you are encouraged to eat in Central Japanese style. That means trying the original flavor of the dish first. After that, you can season with a bit of nori and wasabi. Finally, pour in homemade dashi stock to turn the leftover rice into chazuke (or rice in tea). That’s great because this food correspondent happens to believe soupy rice is as comforting as a warm embrace. Another eel option that is steamed (RMB98) and served with a runny egg and shredded onions also hits the spot. Chef Ifuku was born into a family of fishermen in Miyazaki prefecture on Japan’s southern island of Kyushu, and the traditional method of drying and salting seafood overnight, ichiyaboshi, makes an appearance on this menu. You can try overnight dried fish sets (RMB58/mackerel, RMB88/greenling fish) or the excellent overnight dried chicken (RMB58) with sour and spicy yuzukosho sauce. The latter is only available for dinner. Additional standouts include Japanese miso grilled steak (RMB168, also a dinner special) and soft boiled egg and miso pork cutlets with rice (RMB68). When we crave Japanese food in the middle of the day, this donburi featuring tender marinated pork

with a light char and intense umami is what we are thinking. Burst open the jiggly onsen egg to unleash a rich egg yolk ‘sauce.’ The aptly named ‘Cute Overload’ (RMB48) is one for the kids. If smiley face rice balls and octopus-shaped sausages don’t calm your kiddos down after a long day at the Natural History Museum across the way, we don’t know what will. 2.5/3

The Vibe

Most people eat lunch, and yet it’s rarely the most exciting meal of the day. That’s why it’s nice to see Dodonpa put the effort into a whimsical concept backed up by solid Japanese eats. With affordable bottles of sake on hand, we only wish they stayed open beyond 10.30pm. 1/2

Total Verdict: 3.5/5

Price: RMB70-200 Who’s going: worker bees, families Good for: midday dining, early dinners, fastcasual Japanese cuisine

1/F, 388 Shanhaiguan Lu, by Shimen Er Lu 泰安路50 号, 近兴国路 Nearest Metro: Shanghai Natural History Museum, 5 mins. Open Mon-Fri, 11am-3pm, 5.3010.30pm; Sat-Sun, 11.30am-3.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm (6381 8378) ADVERTORIAL




ining on the ninth floor of the luxurious art-deco masterpiece Fairmont Peace Hotel is always a special event. In line with the hotel’s recent 90th anniversary, The Cathay Room has a seasonal a la carte dinner menu befitting the occasion. Chef Mark has spent seven years at the storied venue, and he carefully selects produce of the highest quality for his creations. As usual, his autumn menu presents dishes that are rooted in French tradition while incorporating exciting sparks of Asian inspiration. The show kicks off with starters that incorporate the flavors of land and sea from the refreshing Scottish salmon tataki with yuzu vinaigrette to a matcha tea-infused foie gras terrine. The latter is a masterful balance of Japanese flavors (nori, sake, mirin and miso) with French preparation accented with sweet chili jelly – the chef’s favorite. Then there’s an incredibly fresh crab meat salad, topped with pickled radish, cucumber and dill. If you appreciate a bit of drama with your main course, the Australian M6 Wagyu porterhouse steak comes cloaked in a billowing cloud of herb-inflected smoke. Some carnivores prefer their steak tender while others don’t mind extra flavorful cuts with a bit of chew. Luckily

the porterhouse combines tenderloin and strip cuts so everybody is happy. Delicate spears of asparagus, flavorful roast tomatoes and a lively chimichurri sauce complete the experience. Just when you think you can’t eat anymore, pastry chef Glen Qian comes out with grand finale; the blood peach dome with peach jelly and coconut ice cream is a beautiful sight. As with the earlier dishes, playful touches like black pepper mingling with pineapple come to the forefront. Textural interplay from sago pearls and glazed sugar add additional interest. A more conventional chocolate lava cake, hidden inside a milk chocolate sphere, is another mouthwatering option. An intensely bittersweet hot chocolate sauce is poured over until the shell gently cracks open. Creamy vanilla ice cream is an ideal interruption of this chocoholic’s dream. All of these options and more await you at the elegant Bund-side restaurant with magnetic views of the city below where French comforts and Shanghai-style make excellent dining fellows. The Cathay Room, 9/F, The Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu南京东路20 号和平饭店9楼, 近中山东一路. Open daily, 12-2.30pm; 5-10.30pm, prices subject to 15 percent service. (6138 6881)



Packing the Same Punch as Before By Alywin Chew

The Place Popular Spanish tapas joint Tomatito reopened in the Xintiandi area in early July, following its rather unceremonious departure from Zhang Court, the charming shikumen-style complex which is slated for redevelopment. While the mall it is now situated in doesn’t possess the vitality of its previous abode, fans of Tomatito will be glad to know that the restaurant itself hasn’t lost its character. Past a nondescript entrance tucked away on the corner of the third floor of Infinitus Mall, this new venue is brighter, sleeker and more colorful than before, with neon signs screaming chef Willy Trullas Moreno’s effervescent personality.

The Food

With a new venue comes a new menu, and the offerings are just as unpretentious as before. Our dinner started with a bang, and it wasn’t just because the name of the first dish was ‘Explosiones de Atun’ (RMB68), meaning ‘Explosions of Tuna.’ Served in the form of seared tuna on a kayak-shaped rice puff filled with wasabi cream, this textural delight raised our expectations for what was to come. The ‘Ceviche de Vieiras’ (RMB78) that followed teased our taste buds even further as the tanginess of the passionfruit and citrus sauce was well-tuned to complement the sweetness of the scallop. Also impressive, the sautéed wild shrimps with garlic and chili (RMB68) would be even better with more garlic flavor in the oil. Just like before, Tomatito’s croquettes are worth writing home about. The lobster croquette (RMB98) was one of the highlights

of the evening – the crust was perfect, and the filling moreish. The same could be said for the spinach and manchego variety with pine nuts and raisins (RMB58), which offered a lovely balance of savory and sweet. The loudest applause of the night was undoubtedly for the mixed seafood juicy rice (RMB225). The flavors were spot-on and perfectly balanced, and the chef was certainly generous with the servings of squid, clams and mussels, though we wished there was a little more rice. The mussels “prepared your way” (RMB128) came in a close second. The accompanying sauce, which was made with white wine and cream with garlic, herbs and chili, was so delicious we were fighting to lick the pot after we were done. Given how extensive the menu is, it was hardly surprising that there were some misses to go along with the hits. The next “explosion” we had, the seared foie gras served atop a rice puff filled with orange sauce (RMB98), was, unfortunately, nothing like its tuna-based counterpart; the foie gras was cold and the orange overbearing. Other dishes that made the grade include the beef carpaccio with truffle mayo, crispy shallots, mushroom and parmesan cheese (RMB68) and the mini sandwiches with

truffle mozzarella and Iberian ham (RMB68). 2/3

The Vibe In terms of décor, the restaurant has traded homey and cozy for something a little more contemporary. One of the biggest selling points of Tomatito 2.0 is the expansive terrace, ideal for lazy Sunday brunches. With upgraded digs comes even more attentive and friendly service. Major plus points for the waiter who noticed one of us left our mobile phone behind after footing the bill. It’s easy to go off the rails when introducing an ambitious new menu, but we are happy to report that this stalwart of Spanish tapas has pulled it off. 1.5/2

Total Verdict: 3.5/5

Price: RMB250-400 per person Who’s going: A mix of expats and locals Good for: Easy date nights, casual dinners

Infinitus Mall, Room W08-10, 168 Hubin Lu, by Jinan Lu 湖滨路168号3楼W08-10,近济南路 Nearest metro: Xintiandi, 11 mins. Open Mon-Thu, 11.30am-10pm; Fri-Sat, 11.30am-10.30pm. (6259 8671)




Let’s kick things off with a tale of two Perches. Last month, we wrote about Perch (the cocktail bar), which softopened ahead of the Mid-Autumn holiday. Not to make things confusing, but Perch by The Nest also opened in September. Three evenings a week, the ten-course tasting menu pop-up resides at the Plump Garden (formerly known as Botanik), which is available for other events at other times. The Nest’s chef Freddy Raoult and ‘mixmaster’ Michael Chen are at the helm. The proprietor of Bar Alcocase reached out to inform us that concept has changed to a wine bar with stone barbecue called 岩烧酒场 (yan shaojiu chang) Wine & Bistro. While peeking at the menu, we saw wine bottles starting from RMB198, M5 Wagyu for RMB258 and cocktails from RMB78. New York-famous jazz institution Blue Note has opened in Hongkou district, and one of the venue’s first acts was Kamasi Washington on September 13-14. Remember Laowai Jie’s Shanghai Brewery? The location was taken by Shanghai Brew House, and the grand opening party held at the end of last month. The shuffling continues for Monkey – the cocktail bar helmed by Jackie Lo has moved from Julu Lu to Wuyuan Lu.

Over on Xiangyang Lu, futuristic multiconcept Cypher also committed to a grand opening. Within its neon-lit geometric walls are coffee shop Foreplay, fusion restaurant Climax and whiskey speakeasy Aftertaste. Last but not least, from OHA Design (Blackbird, Bar No. 3) comes Dead Poet (see photo above) on Jinxian Lu. We love the creative drinks at their other venues, so can’t wait to see what they have up their sleeves next. 62 | OCTOBER 2019 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM


A Place Where Everybody’s Free (to Feel Good) By Cristina Ng


here are a lot of different types of people in Shanghai, and Curfew strives to be a fluid and welcoming space for all of them. That space presents itself as a boldly-colored yet moody interior with a mix of high tables and comfortable lounge areas on the backside of Fengyang Lu’s Howard Johnson Hotel. While primarily a cocktail bar, Curfew has already played host to LGBTQIA+ events from Plastic, POP! And Qmmunity, ensuring busy weekends. They aren’t as busy during the week, which might appeal to shyer sorts, although we imagine that situation changing once the food menu is up and running. For now, we suggest popping over to Tiger Bites if you get hungry. Behind the bar is Brian Lu, who spent time as bar manager of Woo Taipei (No.20 on Asia’s Best Bars 2016) and tended bar at Mary & Magnate. When it comes to flavor profiles, the sheer variety matches their commitment to appeal to folks of all stripes.

Signature cocktails like the ‘Adult Libre’ (RMB88) makeover classics with new ingredients. In this case, a rum and Coke meets espresso, winter melon, lime, sugar cane, orange peel and nutmeg. The ‘Party Loma’ (RMB88) plays on our favorite tequilabased tipple by adding a dash of red pepper. As part of a small society of licorice lovers, we loved the ‘God Damn! G&T’ (RMB78). You can also rely on more traditional choices such as Pimm’s cup, Fish House punch or penicillin cocktail (all RMB88) to hit the spot. It’s worth noting they aren’t stingy with the pours… at all. If you are thirsty, make sure to hit them up from 5-8pm daily, when craft beer and wine are buy-one-get-one-free. We like the outdoor patio for relaxed autumn evenings, but more energetic types might want to stay inside and enjoy the trap-heavy playlist.

1/F, 1 Fenyang Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu 汾阳路1号 1楼, 近淮海中路 Nearest metro: Shaanxi Nan Lu, 5 mins. Open Daily, 5pm-2am. (186 2113 6004)



Pre-Batching for Guaranteed Good Times By Logan R. Brouse


ike too much sunshine on a hungover morning, it can be hard to see through the blur of booze. Occasionally, something catches our bloodshot eyes, and these days that’s the new-to-Shanghai trend of draft cocktails. Let’s get some precedence. I get it, you have fantastic taste and are sipping a vesper while you stare quixotically at the words written before you. Shouldn’t all drinks be made fresh by hand with the crisp shaking sounds of ice banging back and forth in a crescendo of madness that ends in the pour of a perfect libation Real Hip Hop Housewives of Atlanta-style? I sat down with Laura Thomason (pronounced Malkovich), from Spirits Box to talk about this trend and to see what it holds for the city we hold so dear. She says draft cocktails are a way to get fantastic drinks at a fast pace that are still delicious and complex. While people have been making them for over 10 years internationally, they have been gaining traction in the last year or two. But Logan, you ask as you knock back a shot of Fernet, “isn’t it cheating?” I answer back, pausing for a shot of my own, “cheating how?” “Well,” you say, “is it fair for a bartender to pour a pre-batched cocktail instead of banging out something to order?” According to Laura, “most of the best bars in the world will batch certain drinks ahead of time, so you get to have the best possible drink. That way it tastes the same whether made by a head or junior bartender. “

Now, have you guys seen Star Wars? Like Hans Solo, a draft cocktail is sealed in carbonite, or in this case, carbonated soda. That CO₂ pressurizes the keg, so you aren’t going to end up with fizzy cosmos or anything. Does this mean that we end up with a mojito that lasts all month? No, silly strawman who haunts my articles, you won’t. These drinks use fresh ingredients, so you need to treat them like fish in a tank. That means don’t shake them too much, don’t tap the tank and respect the shelf life. R.I.P. Barry. Long-running fans of my cocktail columns know I love pop culture references. The one I would use here is the bar that sold milk to the droogs in A Clockwork Orange. That’s the best comparison to the craft cocktail bar of our modern age with the hopeful exception of a bit of the old ultra-violence. Let’s get back to Laura. She prefers draft cocktails that push the boundaries of what’s acceptable to put on tap versus the traditional negronis and Aperol spritz (yawn). The magic happens when utilizing the balance between citric and malic acids to recreate flavors that we would associate with mixed cocktails. For example, a tasty clear margarita or something like fermented pear and cardamom with an amazing spiced rum called The Grove. I, for one, would like to see a vesper or even a grasshopper to buck tradition. For now, readers at home (and in mental institutions), let me leave you with a pre-batch recipe that will

make your next quinceañera or house party a success. If you don’t have access to wooden barrel for aging, use a 700ml bottle to store.

The Baby Blue √ 600 ml bottle whiskey, rum or bourbon √ 50-80g sugar to taste

√ 20 dashes Angostura bitters

(1 full teaspoon)

√ 1 empty 700ml bottle √ 1 shot Fernet Branca √ 1 shot Jameson

Take all but the last two ingredients and pour into one 700ml bottle. Administer one shot of Jameson. Do not cry about your life choices. Shake the bottle with all other ingredients until the sugar has dissolved – much like your youth and dreams. Drink the Fernet. Store in freezer. When ready to serve, pour over ice and garnish with an orange. Logan R. Brouse, proprietor and mixologist of Logan’s Punch and Tacolicious, has run bars and clubs in Shanghai for over eight years. In between hangovers, he puts pen to paper to record his pontifications on the drink industry.


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EVENTS Carly Rae Jepsen

Rye Music Festival



After founding in 2018 in Beijing, Rye Music Festival is expanding to take in new horizons. The first ever Shanghai-based Rye Music Festival takes place at the beginning of November, with a host of fantastic Chinese bands on the line-up, including The Guangdong post rock band Zhaoze arrive Big Band contestants Click #15, Hedgehog and Miserable Faith, as well as one of at Bandai Namco this month for an evenour favorite Taiwan singers, 9m88. Snag your tickets now while you still can. ing of gorgeous guqin music. Inspired by Nov 2-3, 12.30pm; RMB320-450. Shanghai International Music Village, No. 188, Lane the likes of Sigur Ros, Zhaoze have floated 399 Shendi Dong Lu 迪斯尼申迪东路399弄188号, 近沪芦高速 beneath the radar, despite crafting some of the most beautiful music in the country over the past few years. They’ll bring two huge works, Birds Contending and 1911, for what should be an amazing evening of live music. Oct 11, 8.30pm; RMB120 presale. Bandai Namco Shanghai Base, 179 Yichang Lu, by Jiangning Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路

Yuyintang’s 2019 Halloween Tribute Show

We Lost the Sea


Hailing from the often rowdy city of Philadelphia, Nothing is the creation of band leader Dominic Palermo, a legend in the city’s underground scene. Palermo has had some welldocumented struggles over the years, but his commitment to his craft has attracted a variety of fans, albeit with the band going through multiple line-up changes. 2018’s Dance on the Blacktop received critical acclaim on its release, with tracks on the album described as gorgeously surreal and ethereal. Oct 15, 8.30pm; RMB120 presale, RMB150 door. Yuyintang Park, 1398 Yuyuan Lu, by Changning Lu 愚园路 1398号, 近长宁路


We really, really, really, really, really, really like Carly Rae Jepsen and we are delighted to announce that tickets to her shows in Shanghai are now on sale over on our thMart platform. The singer, who is best-known for tracks like ‘Call Me Maybe’ and ‘I Really Like You’, will be playing for two nights at Bandai Namco Shanghai Base on October 20 and 21. Earlier this year, the Canadian singer came back with her first album in four years. Critically acclaimed upon release, Dedicated features 13 tracks and was inspired by everything from ’70s disco to the calm Swedish countryside. With Grammy nominations, No. 1 hits and Zeitgeist-defining songs in the bag, we’re sure these tickets will fly off the shelves, so make sure you pick yours up fast! Oct 20-21, 7.30pm (Oct 20), 8pm (Oct 21); RMB520 presale. Bandai Namco Shanghai Base, 179 Yichang Lu, by Jiangning Lu 宜昌路179 号, 近江宁路

It’s back again, boils and ghouls: The Halloween Tribute Show. This year they’ve got a stacked line-up of bands from four decades in styles ranging from metal to funk to indie to awesome! Local Shanghai rock musicians, including Nerve Passenger, Hitobashira, Hydraslug, Alpaca, Return to Sender and more will be dressing up as and kicking out jams from Black Sabbath, The Cribs, Alice in Chains, David Bowie and Parliament/Funkadelic. The Mothership lands at Yuyintang Park for one night only, Saturday, October 26. Don’t miss this absurd concert! But wait, that’s not all! At the Specters after-party a secret sixth tribute band will take the stage and perform live at 2am! Oct 26, 8pm; RMB100 presale, RMB120 door. Yuyintang Park, 1398 Yuyuan Lu, by Changning Lu 愚园路1398号, 近长宁路

Australian instrumental post metal band We Lost the Sea arrive with new album Triumph & Disaster in tow. Described as a post-apocalyptic tale of a mother and son’s last day on earth, the album is a love letter to the earth and a lamentation about the collapse of the environment. They take in an eight-date tour of the country this month. Oct 26, 9pm; RMB120 presale. Bandai Namco Shanghai Base, 179 Yichang Lu, by Jiangning Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路

Le Rouge et le Noir - L’opéra Rock

Shanghai Rolex Masters

DO Martial Dance

Martial arts and modern dance might seem entirely different, but they actually share many of the same qualities. By mastering both offense and defense, martial artists seek a connection between the self and the outside world. And, by creating balance between motion and stillness, dancers use their bodies to express themselves and interpret the world around them. Through the Martial Dance performance, Chinese martial arts are shown to the world through the medium of modern dance, with the aim of passing on, developing, innovating and promoting a unique aspect of Eastern cultural identity. Come experience the Martial Dance at 1862 Theatre on October 5-6 to see an elegant and thrilling display of martial arts and modern dance. Oct 5-6, 7.30pm; RMB280-580. 1862 Theatre, 1777 Binjiang Dadao, by Rizhao Lu 滨江 大道1777号, 近日照路

The French rock-opera musical Le Rouge et le Noir - L’opéra Rock (The Red and the Black - The Rock Opera) is heading to Shanghai in early-mid October this year. Experience stunning music and visuals as audiences witness the rigid religious and social structures of nineteenth-century France. Written in 1830 by the famous French author Stendhal, Le Rouge et le Noir tells the story of Julien Sorel. Sorel is the son of a carpenter, who is trying his best to work his way up in society, despite coming from a very humble upbringing. His view on the world starts out naive, romantic and idealistic. Sorel and his adventures serve as a metaphor for the societal structure of France at the time. Along his journey, Sorel masquerades as a devout Catholic and finds work as a tutor for the children of Monsieur de Rênal. Despite his pious demeanor, he begins a scandalous and ultimately disastrous affair with the wife of Monsieur de Rênal. The historical psychological tale, Le Rouge et le Noir, will be performed at Shanghai Culture Square this October. Oct 3-4 & 6-7, 2pm & 7.30pm; RMB280-1,080. Shanghai Culture Square, 597 Fuxing Lu, by Shaanxi Nan Lu 复兴路597号,近陕西南路

Music China 2019

Wimbledon champ and world number one Novak Djokovic and 20-time Grand Slam winner Roger Federer are among a host of elite names heading to China for the illustrious Shanghai Rolex Masters in October. The eighth tournament of nine in the ATP World Tour Masters 1000 spans eight days, and will see 99 matches of jaw-dropping action and thrilling excitement played out. The world’s top talents will battle it out for their share of the mouthwatering USD7,086,700 prize pot, as the Qizhong Forest Sports City Arena, retractable magnolia-inspired roof and all, will play host to Novak, Roger and co. October 6-13, all day; RMB60-RMB480. Qizhong Forest Sports City Arena, 5500 Yuanjiang Lu, by Kunyang Lu, Maqiao Town 马桥镇元江路5500 号, 近昆阳路

That’s Shanghai’s Halloween Party

Rocky Horror Picture Show Screening

We’re shivering with anticipation for this Halloween! Shanghai’s favorite maximum rock ‘n’ roll dive bar is busting out the big screen for a showing of a Halloween cult classic: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. If you were at this shaker last year, you know this is one not to miss! Don’t dream it! Be it! Come dressed up as your favorite character from the film! Oct 31, 10pm; no cover. Specters, 753 Yuyuan Lu, by Zhenning Lu 愚园路753 号, 近镇宁路

Over the course of its 18 years of life, Music China 2019 has garnered a reputation as being one of the best and largest of Asia’s musical instrument expos. This year, more than 2,300 exhibitors from over 30 countries will be in attendance at the four-day expo, presenting everything from traditional Chinese instruments to modern electronic music devices. For professionals working in this field, and for those who love music, this should be a fun outing. Oct 10-13, various times; RMB30-50. Shanghai International Expo Center, 2345 Longyang Lu, by Fangdian Lu 龙阳路2345号, 近芳甸路

Spooky music. Spine-chilling shows. Creepy drinks. Prizes for the best dressed. And even a haunted house. It’s that time of year for ghoulish getups and we couldn’t be more excited. Once again, That’s Shanghai is hosting a hell of a bash as we take join forces with Cages and Budweiser on October 26. Pre-order tickets are just RMB100, which includes entry to all of the above freaky fun, as well as three drinks tickets. Oct 26, 8pm; RMB100 presale, RMB200 door. Cages Bar and Sports, 3/F, Jing’an Sports Center, 428 Jiangning Lu, by Wuding Lu 江宁路428号静安体育中心3 楼, 近武定路 (5299 5273)


LOOKING AHEAD China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair

Allie X

Calling all bookworms! The seventh China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair (CCBF) is headed back to town. The event will take place in Shanghai from November 15-17. CCBF is not only a leading copyright exchange hub for children’s books (ages 0 to 16 years), but it’s the perfect outlet to inspire school teachers, parents, children, book lovers, collectors, illustrators and translators. This year, more than 60,000 new books from 70 countries and regions will be presented as part of a worldwide celebration of children’s reading. Not only can visitors buy a variety of original books, but CCBF will offer 200 activities and events during the three-day event. Nov 15-16, 9am-5pm and Nov 17, 9am-4pm; RMB20-75. Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Centre, 1099 Guozhan Lu, by Zhoujiadu Lu 国展路1099号, 周家渡路

This Canadian singer-songwriter started her music career playing on the indie circuit in Toronto before relocating to California in 2013. Soon afterwards, the singer’s first single ‘Catch’ caught the attention of music fans in North America. She went on to release CollXtion I, her first EP, in 2015, which made her one of the most sought after under the radar pop musicians at the time. CollXtion II followed two years later, the second in a planned five part series. That album included on of the singer’s most popular songs to date, ‘Paper Love.’ She arrives in China at the end of this year for the first time. Snag your tickets while you can! Dec 1, 8pm; RMB280 presale. VasLive, 3/F, 19 Wanhangdu Hou Lu, by Changshou Lu 万航渡后路19号沪西文化艺术中心3楼, 近长寿路

The Blue Man Group

Der Elefantenpups

The classic performance trio the Blue Man Group is headed to Shanghai this year. Expect to laugh, rock out and have a blast at the fun-filled show for all ages as the Blue Man Group showcases their comedic, musical and artistic talents. Join over 35 million fans who have attended Blue Man Group performances, on a trip led by the boldest, baldest and bluest guys on the planet. Although shows will be on from December 23-January 5, tickets sell out fast, so we suggest snagging some while you still can! Dec 26-Jan 5, RMB80-1,080. 1862 Theatre, 1777 Binjiang Dadao, 1862 时尚艺术中心, 滨江大道1777号

Looking for a fun, interactive and kid-friendly event? Look no further than the music-filled Der Elefantenpups - Ein Tierischer Geheimplan. Moving to a new place means homesickness, and that’s nothing new to a young panda named Mei Yue, who would do anything to return home to China. Watch as the zoo animals work together to cheer up Mei Yue through music. Kids can learn about different instruments through a fun and sweet story. Your little ones are sure to love it! Nov 15, 7.30pm and Nov 16, 10.30am, RMB120-380. Shanghai City Theatre, 4889 Dushi Lu, 上海城市剧院, 都市路4889号





n September 8, we held an exciting awards ceremony for our inaugural Illustration Contest for Classical Chinese Poetry at Pullman Shanghai South. The extravaganza was our way of extending our gratitude to all of the awesome student illustrators involved in the competition. The celebration included plenty of on-site activities for participants, including prize giveaways, opportunities to interact with the competition judges, DIY workshops and educational talks. It turned out to be a smashing success.


Deep Blue – A Tribute to Tara

Until Oct 27 Galerie Dumonteil, No. 105 Yongping Li, No. 199 Hengshan Lu 衡山路199号永平里105栋 (6122 0981)

Close – Martin Schoeler

Until Nov 20 Shanghai Center of Photography, 2555 Longteng Da Dao, by Fenggu Lu 龙腾大道2555号, 近丰谷路 (6428 9516)



The Return of Guests – Selections from the PSA Collection Until Mar 8 Power Station of Art, 200 Huayuangang Lu, by Miaojiang Lu 花园港路200号, 近苗江路 (3110 8550)

Richard Long Solo Exhibition

Until Oct 30 Lisson Gallery, 2/F, 27 Huqiu Lu, by Xianggang Lu 虎丘路27号2楼, 近香港路 (6333 9296)

Topline – Cory Arcangel

Until Oct 31 CC Foundation, Rm 101, Bldg 15, M50 Art Industrial Park, 50 Moganshan Lu 莫 干山路50号M50创意园区15号楼101室 (186 5290 4858)


Breaking Point – Li Binyuan

Until Oct 26 Ren Space, No.10, 133 Shangwen Lu, by Henan Nan Lu 尚文路133弄10号, 近河南 南路 (6346 2033)



n recent years, China has provided a better platform to match international talent with domestic needs. Foreign experts who work in China are close friends to Chinese people, and they serve an important pillar of China’s modernization. They spare no efforts in contributing to China’s economic and social development. By introducing a real and colorful China to foreign countries, foreign experts serve as the bridge which links China and the world. We have selected 25 articles from International Talent magazine in the past five years. The book introduces foreign experts’ work, life, achievements and contributions in China. It presents an open and inclusive policy of talents and intellects giving an introduction to China, showcasing a preferential environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. It serves as the tribute of the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.


In September, the Best of British Show’s news conference was held in the Bellagio Shanghai Hotel, officially announcing that the 2019 Best of British“An Immersive Experience Of True British Lifestyle” will return on October 17 in Shanghai Exhibition Center.

Following stops in London and Paris, Cartier Magnitude High Jewellery exhibition came to Shanghai with over 400 charming High Jewellery creations and watches being showcased. In this exhibition, Cartier also invited the master craftsmen of the Paris High Jewelry Workshop to present a jewellery craft demonstration and masterclass.

Ahead of the Mid-Autumn festival, world-renowned Italian chocolate maker Ferrero co-operated with Tmall to hold the launch ceremony of Ferrero’s first Tmall Super Brand Day – “193 Moons for You” – at HKRI Taikoo Hui, Shanghai

Costco, the world famous member-owned warehousing chain supermarket, officially opened its first store in mainland China in Minhang district, Shanghai on August 27. The opening was a huge success, with massive crowds turning out to get a glimpse of what the supermarket has to offer.


The City Walk Urban Planning and Exhibition Center opened along the Suzhou Creek, allowing visitors to experience the leisurely charms of the riverfront area. Located at 108 Shanxi Bei Lu in Jing’an district, the new center will stage walks, cultural tours and events related to urban landscaping and architectural design. On September 12, a high-profile beautiful ceremony, Memories • Linden Leaves was opened in Shanghai Xintiandi. The grand opening was witnessed by well-known media both from China and abroad.

After appearing in Beijing and Taiwan, Puma Hoops brought NBA stars Danny Green and Terry Rozier to the Puma store in Shanghai Zhengda Plaza, and held a fan meeting to officially open the Puma Hoops China Shanghai store.

The 2019 Tiandi Restaurant Week took place in Ruihong Tiandi in September. As an award-winning food and social event under the Xintiandi brand, the week’s restaurant week focused on three standards: of quality, social and sustainability.


HOTEL NEWS Campanile Hotel Launched New Hotel on Huaihai Lu Slap bang in a prime city center location running from the east to the west of Shanghai, the fourth Campanile hotel in the city, Campanile Shanghai Huaihai, opened last month, presenting a comfortable and pleasant French experience with its unrivaled location and Campanile philosophy “Stay With Us” noticeable throughout.

BESPOKE Modern Bar & Grill Opens in St. Regis Shanghai Jing’an The St. Regis Shanghai Jing’an added yet another enrichment to Shanghai’s dining scene. The newly opened BESPOKE Modern Bar & Grill is a modern interpretation of European cuisine, specializing in charcuterie, seafood and master butchery with an extensive wine list, champagne and world-class cocktails. Located on the 2nd floor of The St. Regis Shanghai Jing’an, BESPOKE Modern Bar & Grill is aesthetically elegant and simple, enhanced with gold foil, Chinese landscape paintings and beautiful art deco marble flooring.


The Middle House’s First-Ever Art Program to Show in Shanghai and Chengdu The House Collective by Swire Hotels is excited to announce that its first-ever art program, ‘Encounters Across Cultures,’ will be showcasing its final two installations at The Middle House in Shanghai and The Temple House in Chengdu this fall. Following the successful launch of the brand’s inaugural program this spring at The Opposite House in Beijing and The Upper House in Hong Kong, the upcoming exhibitions will complete the full experience with unique art installations and programming at all four of the brand’s luxury properties.

The QUBE Hotel Shanghai Jiangqiao Opens its Doors On August 26, Greenland Hotel and Tourism Group’s first comprehensive technology park, the Greenland Science and Technology Park, was unveiled. At the same time, the QUBE Hotel Shanghai Jiangqiao Science and Technology Park enjoyed its grand opening. The ceremony showed off the company’s ideals to the fullest: modernistic, individual, classic and tasteful.


LISTINGS provincial cuisines plus high-quality seafood. The restaurant's garden-style setting and professional, friendly team makes The Crystal Garden a popular venue for intimate wedding banquets and private functions. 5/F, The Westin Bund Center Shanghai, 88 Henan Zhong Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6103 5048) Lunch: 11am – 2.30pm (Mon-Fri), 11am – 2.30pm (Saturday & Sunday, Yum Cha); Dinner: 5.30pm – 10pm (Daily). 河南中路 88 号上海威斯汀 大饭店 5 楼,近广东路

6888). Open daily, 11.30am-2pm (lunch), 6-10pm (dinner)., 富城路 33 号,近陆家嘴环路 .

M on the Bund This Bund pioneer serves up impeccable service and a menu peppered with Continental, Aussie and Moroccan inspiration. Try the pavlova for dessert. 7/F, No.5 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6350 9988) MonFri: 11.30am-2.30pm; 6.15-10.30pm; Sat-Sun: 11.30am-3pm; 6.15-10.30pm 中山东

Scan for complete listings

一路外滩 5 号 7 楼 , 近广东路

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Mare Western Restaurant It’s the only place where you can taste Marseille Seafood Hotpot! The tomahawk steak is the best in Shanghai. Hotel Pravo, 2/F Mare Western Restaurant 299 Wusong Lu, by Kunshan Lu 吴淞路 299 号宝御酒店



2 楼 , 近昆山路

Oceans Dining in a romantic and contemporary setting, an extensive array of selected premium products from the sea. A distinct and innovative gourmet experience to satisfy the most discerning of tastes, Ocean fully realizes the art of cooking. Lobby floor, Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund, 19 Haiping Lu, by Gongping Lu (2509 1188) Lunch 11.30am – 2.30pm; Dinner 5.30– 9.30pm. 海平路 19 号悦榕庄 1 楼 , 近公平路


CANTONESE Canton Disco This traditional Cantonese restaurant concept with a contemporary update at its fore offers a high energy atmosphere, addictive cuisine and unpretentious service that paints a perfect picture of modern Shanghai. 2F, Heritage Building, The Shanghai EDITION, 199 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Jiangxi Zhong Lu (5368 9521) 5.30-10.30pm. 南京东路 199 号 上海艾迪逊

The Chinoise Story A unique restaurant

featuring radically fused cooking styles. Lovely space. Expect classic Chinese dishes served in individual portions rather than family style. Cathay Building, Jin Jiang Hotel, 59 Maoming Nan Lu, by Changle Lu (6445 1717) 11am2.30pm; 6-10.30pm 茂名南路 59 号锦江饭店北楼底

酒店辅楼 2 楼 , 近江西中路

Ming Court With chefsí adept in culinary creativity, Ming Court presents exquisite Cantonese cuisine with a twist, offering authentic flavors and refined wine pairings to create a wonderful culinary experience. On top of dim sum and dessert menus, the restaurant also offer a la carte and set menus as well as some seasonal specialities. The wide selection of dishes also include some award-winning Ming Court signatures. Level B1, 333 Shenhong Lu, Cordis, Shanghai, Hongqiao, by Suhong Lu (5263 9618) Lunch: Mon-Fri 11.30am – 2.30pm, Sat-Sun 11am – 3pm; Dinner: Mon-Sun 5.30-10pm 申虹 路 333 号 B1 层,虹桥康得思酒店,近苏虹路

Shàng-Xí This elegant Chinese restaurant at the Four Seasons Hotel Pudong showcases the very best of Cantonese cuisine, and has earned its reputation as one of the top-rated restaurant on the Chinese mainland by Forbes Travel Guide for five years. Lunch: 11.30am-2.30pm; Dinner: 5.30-10pm. (2036 1310). 2/F, Four Seasons Hotel Pudong, Shanghai, 210 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu. 世纪大道 210 号上海浦东四季酒店二楼 , 近

层 , 近长乐路

Sichuan Citizen Originally opened in 2009, Sichuan Citizen moved into its new home at Ferguson Lane in 2018, where Head Chef Mao and his whole crew from Chengdu continues to serve spicy and delicious classic Sichuan dishes to their fans. The restaurant also houses a cocktail bar named Bar Basil located right next to the main dining room, where guests can enjoy signature cocktails created by a mixologist from Milan. 2/F, 378 Wukang Lu, by Xingguo Lu (5404 1235). Sun-Thu 11am-9.30pm, Fri-Sat 11am10.30pm. 武康路 378 号 2 楼 , 近兴国路

Summer Palace Combining South-Eastern Chinese cuisine with Cantonese flair, the Summer Palace enhances gastronomical sensations with a poetic visual dreamscape. Open hour: Breakfast from 7am to 10am; Lunch from 11.30am to 2.30pm(Mon – Fri)\10am to 2.30pm(Sat & Sun);Dinner from 5.30pm to 10pm. (86 21) 2203 8889 3/F, Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai, 1218 Yan’an Zhong, by Tongren Lu. 静安香格里拉 大酒店三楼,延安中路 1218 号,近铜仁路 .

2 楼,近百步街 (3867 9199)

VUE Dining This restaurant is designed to create marvelous dining experience in privacy with one of the city’s best skyline views. Featuring authentic handmade dim sum and Cantonese cuisine, it is an ideal venue for family celebrations and friends’ gatherings. 31/F, West Tower, Hyatt on the Bund, 199 Huangpu Lu, by Wuchang Lu (63931234-6330) Lunch: Mon-Fri 11.30am2.30pm; Sat&Sun: 11.30am-3.30pm; Dinner: Daily 5.30pm-10.30pm www.hyattonthebund. com 黄浦路 199 号 , 上海外滩茂悦大酒店西楼 31 层 , 近武昌路

YUE Chinese Restaurant is presenting an exciting blend of local & traditional Cantonese dishes served in a modern atmosphere boasting nine private dining rooms. 2/F, Pullman Shanghai South, 1 Pubei Lu, by Liuzhou Lu (2426 8888) Lunch 11.30am - 2pm; Dinner 5.30– 9.30pm 浦北 路 1 号 , 上海中星铂尔曼大酒店 2 楼 , 近柳州路

HUAIYANG RESTAURANT RIVER DRUNK specializes in grand Huaiyang cuisine and fresh seafood, offering traditional southeastern delicacies in a charming and refined environment. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm. 5/F, Wanda Reign on the Bund, 538 Zhong Shan Dong Er Lu, by Longtan Lu (5368 8882) 中山东二路 538 号 , 近龙潭路

Beans & Grapes Casual and modern, Beans & Grapes focuses on wholesome comfort meals and refreshments. It’s a great option for a healthy grab-and-go lunch or dinner. The Sukhothai Shanghai, 380 Weihai Road by Shimen Yi Lu (5237 8888) 威海路 380 号 1 层 , 近石门一路

FINE DINING 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo Bombana An extension of the three Michelin Star venue (by the same name) in Hong Kong, a fantastic fine dining fare that will leave you both comforted and breathless. 6-7/F, 169 Yuanmingyuan Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (6087 2890) 圆明园路 169 号 6-7 楼 , 近北京东路 Canton Table With nostalgic ambiance inspired by shikumen lanehouses and glamorous buildings along the Bund, this new Cantonese dining concept at Three on the Bund dances between the old and the new, bringing Shanghai diners the essence of the culinary culture of Guangdong. Whether you’re craving some home-style cooking or sophisticated delicacies, Canton Table offers an extensive selections, featuring high quality fresh ingredients and traditional cooking skills. Mon-Fri 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm, SatSun 11.30am-3pm, 5.30-10.30pm. cantontable@


Suntime Century Relax in our lavish private rooms and allow our food to delight your senses with wonderful tastes, textures and aroma. Offering authentic cuisine from the Canton, Hunan and Shanghai regions, guests can embark on an exploration of Chinese culinary excellence. Lunch: 11.30am-2.30pm; Dinner: 5.30-10pm. 2/ F, Grand Kempinski Hotel, 1288 Lujiazui Huan Lu, by Baibu Jie 陆家嘴环路 1288 号上海凯宾斯基大酒店


Si Fang San Chuan Showcasing the art of Southwestern Chinese cuisine with a touch of modern understanding and creative presentation, this Bund-side restaurant offers flavors that are adjusted to suit the local palate. Meanwhile, a bar inspired by Shanghainese cultural heritage is also another highlight of the concept. Lunch 11am3pm, Dinner 5-10pm. (6033 5833). L2, N3 Bldg, North, Bund Finance Center, 600 Zhongshan 2nd Road(E), Huangpu District, Shanghai, China 200010 中山东二路 600 号外滩金融中心北区 N3 栋 二层 , 近枫泾路 200010

SHANGHAINESE Club Jin Mao With superlative views overlooking the Shanghai skyline, Club Jin Mao is one of the most prestigious Shanghainese restaurants in the city, offering exquisite and authentic Shanghainese cuisine. Daily from 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.3010.30pm. 86/F, Grand Hyatt Shanghai, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Dadao, by Yincheng Zhong Lu (5047 8838) 上 海金茂君悦大酒店 86 楼 , 浦东新区世纪大道 88 号 , 近银城中路

Gui Hua Lou Gui Hua Lou offers the very best of authentic Huaiyang cuisines. Chef Gao creates an entrancing blend of two worlds, traditional dishes with modern interpretations all in the ambiance of distinctive Chinese décor. 1/F River Wing, Pudong Shangri-La, 33 Fucheng Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (2828 6888). Open daily, 11.30am3pm (lunch), 5.30-10pm (dinner). fbreservation., shanghai/pudongshangrila. 富城路 33 号,近陆家 嘴环路

The Crystal Garden Bathed in natural light, the Chinese restaurant Crystal Garden offers the very best of authentic Chinese cuisine including

F, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu 中 山东一路 3 号 5 楼 , 近广东路 . (6321 3737)

Cathay Room & 9 Level Terrace With intimate seating and expansive views of the Bund, the Cathay Room and Terrace offers a sociable dining experience with elegantly presented European contemporary style cuisine. Let your senses be tantalized by the delicate flavors prepared by our culinary team, revealing a European ‘haute cuisine’ approach to fine dining; complete with organic items and ecologically responsible producers. Featuring an extensive wine list and beverage selection, the Cathay Room and Terrace is an oasis away from the hustle and bustle of Shanghai… 9/F, Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Road East by Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road (6138 6881) Daily 12:00-22:00 南京东路 20 号,上海和平 饭店 9 楼,近中山东一路

Dragon Phoenix Restored to its former glory, the Dragon Phoenix evokes memories from a distant time. Quintessential Cantonese and Shanghainese cuisine takes center stage with refined yet daringly classical presentations of the finest live seafood, barbeque roasted meats and seasonal produce. Our resident Chinese Master Chef’s signature dishes showcase some of China’s most sought-after authentic dishes including hand crafted dim sum, seafood delicacies and noodle dishes. 8/F, Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Road East by Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road (6138 6880) Daily 11:30-22:00 南京东路 20 号,上

ON56 This four-in-one restaurant at Grand Hyatt Shanghai offers the best cuts of prime beef from the Grill, sumptuous Italian classics from Cucina, top-shelf sushi from Kobachi and delectable sweets from Patio. Daily from 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm; 56/F, Grand Hyatt Shanghai, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Dadao, by Yincheng Zhong Lu (5047 8838) 上海金茂君悦大酒店 56 楼 , 浦东新区世纪大道 88 号 , 近银城中路

RuiKu Restaurant The rooftop restaurant RuiKu serves fine-casual dining with a sharing concept. Enjoy the stunning view of the Bund’s historic waterfront and Pudong’s futuristic skyline. Daily 12-10.30pm. 21/F, Wanda Reign on the Bund, 538 Zhong Shan Dong Er Lu, by Longtan Lu (5368 8882) 中山东二路 538 号 , 近龙潭路 SAVOR All Day Dining Restaurant offers Western and Eastern cuisine showcasing an open interactive kitchen with buffet and a la carte options. 2/F, Pullman Shanghai South, 1 Pubei Lu, by Liuzhou Lu (2426 8888) Daily 6am - 12pm 浦 北路 1 号 , 上海中星铂尔曼大酒店 2 楼 , 近柳州路

Sir Elly’s Restaurant & Bar Dine on fine modern European cuisine while overlooking the Huangpu River. Expert cocktails offered at both the circular bar and the expansive 14th floor terrace. 13/F The Peninsula Shanghai, 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Nanjing Dong Lu (2327 6756) Lunch daily 12-2.30pm; Dinner Sun-Thurs: 6-10.30pm; Fri-Sat 6-11pm Sir_Ellys_Restaurant/default.aspx 中山东一路 32 号 上海半岛酒店 13 楼 , 近南京东路

Shanghai Tavern Jason Atherton’s all-day dining, brasserie-style restaurant draws inspirations from Elliot Hazzard’s period architecture and magnificent coffered ceiling. Its design is a nod to the layers of history behind the Shanghai Power Company Building. 1F, Heritage Building, The Shanghai EDITION, 199 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Jiangxi Zhong Lu (5368 9511). 6-10:30am, 11:30am-11pm. 南京东路 199 号 上海艾迪逊酒店 辅楼 1 楼,近江西中路

FRENCH Jean Georges One Michelin star restaurant JeanGeorges is the world-renowned eponymous chef’s first signature restaurant outside of New York. At the Bund-side restaurant, guests can enjoy his famed contemporary French cuisines at a newly renovated space with a fresh an elegant dining room, lounge, open kitchen and private rooms. Mon-Fri 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm, Sat-Sun: 11.30am-3pm, 6-10.30pm. 4/F, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu) 中山东一 路 3 号 4 楼 , 近广东路 (6321 7733)

海和平饭店 8 楼,近中山东一路

Jade on 36 Restaurant Jade on 36 Restaurant offers a contemporary interpretation of classic French cuisine. Chef Olivier Pistre uses exceptional ingredients and classic recipes presented with a contemporary twist. Guests can enjoy the magnificent view of Puxi skyline and the Bund. Lunch sets, dinner sets and a la carte dishes are available. 36/F, Grand Tower, Pudong ShangriLa, 33 Fucheng Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (2828

Mr. & Mrs. Bund Molecular madman Paul Pairet takes a more laissez-faire approach with this modern French eatery. Expect straightforward



food and a great wine list. 6/F Bund 18, Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Nanjing Dong Lu (6323 9898) Dinner: Monday to Sunday 5.00-10.30pm, late Night: Thus-Sat 10.30pm-1.00am, brunch: Sat-Sun 11.30am-2.30pm 中 山东一路外滩 18 号 6 楼 , 近南京东路

PHÉNIX eatery & bar Rooted in the philosophy of “Life is about the ingredients”, a visit to PHÉNIX is a charming invitation to reconnect with the essentials through an intuitive French cuisine inspired by the richness of seasonal natural ingredients. PHÉNIX also features an intimate yet vibrant lounge space, allowing guests to enjoy classic minimalist cocktails and an impressive wine selection with 250 labels. Level 2, 1 Changde Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu Daily 6.30am – 11pm, phenix@, (2216 6988) 上 海璞麗酒店二楼,常德路 1 号,近延安西路

楼 15-16 号店 , 近银城中路

Pelham’s Named after Sir Pelham Warren, the former British Consul General who launched the exclusive Shanghai Club for gentlemen in 1910, this restaurant at Bund 2 is a signature modern destination featuring global cuisine with Asian flavor. Surrounded by the stately heritage ambience of Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund, the restaurant emanates warmth, intimacy and elegance without being overly formal. 1/F, 2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, Waldorf Astoria Club Lobby Level, by Yan'an Dong Lu (6322 9988). 5.30-10pm. 中山东一路 2 号 华尔道夫会所 大堂楼层, 近延安东路

HOTEL BUFFETS Café Reign The all-day restaurant, Café Reign features a spacious and comprehensive open kitchen, offering an authentic Shanghai breakfast buffet, business lunch and a semi-buffet dining experience. Daily 6am-10.30pm. 1/F, Wanda Reign on the Bund, 538 Zhong Shan Dong Er Lu, by Longtan Lu (5368 8882) 中山东二路 538 号 , 近 龙潭路

Polux by Paul Pairet Located in Xintiandi, Polux is a French café and casual bistro by Paul Pairet, Chef de Cuisine of culinary powerhouse Mr & Mrs Bund and three Michelin-starred Ultraviolet. Bringing contemporary French comfort food to an international crowd, brunch and cafe staples is the backbone of the menu, adorned by afternoon munchies and light dinner. Business hour: MonSun: 10am -10pm. No. 5, Lane 181, Taicang Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu. (6333 9897, 太仓路 181 弄 5 号,近黄陂南路

Vue Restaurant Enjoy classic European fare with one of the city’s best skyline views. 30/F Hyatt on the Bund, 199 Huangpu Lu, by Wuchang Lu (6393 1234-6328) Daily 6-11pm 黄浦路 199 号 , 上海外滩 茂悦大酒店西楼 30 楼 , 近武昌路


C MARKET provides an indulgent and lively culinary experience, allowing to guests to Enjoying indoor or terrace dining in an elegant and gorgeously sun-lit buffet restaurant with show kitchen counters that have a little bit of everything to satisfy any palate. Ranging from bold new cuisines to traditional favourites, sweet treats to spicy dishes, the possibilities at C Market are endless. (5263 9628, cdshh.cmarket@, WeChat: CordisHongqiao, Breakfast: 6.30-10.30 am daily; Lunch: 11.30 am-2 pm (Mon-Fri), 11.30 am - 2.30 pm (Sat & Sun); Dinner: 6-9.30 pm daily; A La Carte: 6.3010.30 pm. Ground Floor, 333 Shenhong Lu, by Suhong Lu 申虹路 333 号 G 层,近苏虹路 Five Live: Serving daily breakfast and dinner buffets, a la carte menu and extravagant Sunday Brunches, Five Live All Day Dining welcomes guests and gastronomes into a compelling cooking theater. An array of local Shanghainese, regional Chinese and international cuisines are prepared at five interactive cooking stations, including fresh seafood on ice, a grill and carving station, specialty noodles and dumplings, soup and Taiwanese hotpot, a Mediterranean kitchen and a dessert counter. INTERCONTINENTAL SHANGHAI NECC, 1700 Zhuguang Lu, by Yinggang Dong Lu (National Exhibition Convention Center, Gate 3) (6700 1888-6028) 国家会展中心洲 际酒店 , 诸光路 1700 号国家会展中心 3 号门,近盈港 东路)

Mercedes me Store, The Bund This culinary spinoff courtesy of the luxury German automaker offers creative fusion international cuisine with the theme of ‘Respect the Mother Nature.’ Perfect for guests seeking a novel and refined dining experience, the ambiance and dishes showcase a balance between presentation and gastronomic aptitude. Sun-Wed 10am-10pm, Thu-Sat 10am- 2am. (6033 5833). L1, N3 Bldg, North, Bund Finance Center, 600 Zhongshan 2nd Road(E), Huangpu District, Shanghai, China 200010 中山东二路 600 号外滩金融中心北区 N3 栋

Yi Café A buffet restaurant, Yi Café offers a vibrant selection of international and local favorites for you and your families and friends, presented by our team of passionate chefs. With eleven culinary theatres – featuring Chinese, Western, South-East Asian, Japanese and European cuisine in an interactive marketplace environment – diners will enjoy an unparalleled culinary showcase. 2/F, Grand Tower, Pudong Shangri-La, 33 Fucheng Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (2828 6888), Open daily, 11.30am-2.30pm, 5:3010pm., www. 富城路 33 号,近陆家嘴环路


一层 , 近枫泾路 200010

GERMAN Paulaner Brauhaus Enjoy Bavarian food (and more importantly, beer) in a warm, wellpopulated atmosphere. 1) House19-20, North Block Xintiandi, Lane181 Taicang Lu, by Madang Lu (6320 3935) Daily: 11am-2am cn 2) 2967 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by Binjiang Da Dao (6888 3935) Sun-Thu: 11am-1am; Fri-Sat: 11am-2am 3) 3/F, 555 Shibo Da Dao, by Guozhan Lu (2206 0555) Sun-Thurs: 11am-10pm; Fri-Sat: 11am12am 1) 太仓路 181 弄新天地 北里 19-20 号楼 , 近马当路 2) 陆家嘴西路 2967 号 , 近滨江大道 3) 世博大道 555 号 3 楼 , 近国展路

GLOBAL CUISINE Morton’s of Chicago restaurants All Morton’s of Chicago restaurants serve the best available aged grain-fed beef, as well as fresh fish, Maine



lobster, lamb chops and chicken mains. The menus offer generous portions of beef, including a 48-ounce (1,300g) Porterhouse, a 20-ounce (550g) New York Sirloin, and a 12-ounce (340g) Double Cut Filet. Morton’s restaurants are equally renowned for their extensive award-winning wine lists. The fully stocked bar also offers top-shelf spirits, domestic and imported beers and creative cocktails, such as their signature ‘MORtinis’. Shop 15-16, 4/F, Shanghai IFC Mall, 8 Shiji Dadao, by Yincheng Zhong Lu (6075 8888) 世纪大道 8 号 4

Bhoomi stores One stop destination where a wide range of Indian & Pakistani food products are served. 266 Yaohong Lu, by Hongsong Dong Lu, Minhang district, (2428 3400) Mon-Sat 9.30am-9.30pm, Sunday 2-7pm 闵行区姚虹路 266 号 , 近红松东路

ITALIAN Acqua offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of Italian dining. The open kitchen and oven are a focal point of the restaurant’s dining experience. Guests will also enjoy the large indoor aquarium and stunning views over the Huangpu River. With daily lunch and dinner service, Acqua is always a good choice to enjoy a delicious meal. (3867 9192) Lunch: 11.30am -2.30pm; Dinner: 6-10.30pm. 2/F, Grand Kempinski Hotel, 1288 Lujiazui Huan Lu, by Baibu Jie 陆家嘴环路 1288 号 上海凯宾斯基大酒店 2 楼,近百步街

Ai Fiori offers classic Venetian flavors with a modern twist for relaxed dining concept ideal for casual dates, group dining or private events. It has direct ties to the world-renowned Ristorante Da Ivo in Venice. Located on the bustling corner of Chengdu Nan Lu and Huaihai Zhong Lu, Ai Fiori is just minutes away from popular entertainment hubs Found 158 and Xintiandi. 2/F, 566 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Chengdu Nan Lu 淮海中路 566 号 2 楼,近成都南路 (6315 2037)

Camelia Offering a range of authentic Italian dishes perfect for all occasions like a business lunch or a gathering with friends and family, at the Four Seasons Hotel Pudong’s Camelia, you can experience what the Italians call ‘la dolce vita.’ Lunch: 11.30am-2.30pm; Dinner: 5.3010pm. (2036 1300). 1/F, Four Seasons Hotel Pudong, Shanghai, 210 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu. 世纪大道 210 号上海浦东四季酒店一楼 , 近

Shinpaku Located at Three on the Bund, Shinpaku is a brand-new contemporary Japanese restaurant, where groups of like-minded people can enjoy each other’s company with authentic Japanese cuisine and over 100 different types of sake at a fashionable space with main dining area and private dining rooms. An ideal place for after-work drinks, casual dining and catching up with friends. Monday to Thursday 5:30pm 11pm, Friday to Sunday 11am – 3pm & 5:30pm – 11pm, 2F,Three on the Bund, No. 3 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road 中山东一路 3 号 2 楼,近广东路 (6323 0093)



ISOLA means “little island” in Italian, which expresses a rich marine culture in Mediterranean sea around Italy and was inspired by original Italian food. Room 17, 4/F, 8 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu lunch: 11.30am-2.30pm, afternoon tea: 3-5pm; dinner: 6-10.30pm 世纪大 道 8 号上海国金中心 L4 楼 17 号铺 , 近陆家嘴环路

La Scala Led by Michelin-starred guest chef Theodor Falser and Chef de Cuisine Stefano Sanna, La Scala places emphasis on crafting innovative Italian cuisine that prizes authenticity, refined quality and sustainability. La Scala is a journey of discovery and innovation – through presenting wholesome ingredients in its purest form, thoughtful flavor pairing with unexpected twists to traditional recipes, and artful presentations that touch on the restaurant’s culinary philosophy, each recipe brings attention to sustainable and local sourcing, zero waste and zero frozen and processed ingredients, paying homage to food, land and its people. 1/F, The Sukhothai Shanghai, 380 Weihai Road by Shimen Yi Lu (5237 8888) 威海路 380 号 1 层 , 近石门一路 VA BENE in shanghai is a modern Italian restaurant with new designed dining environment and extraordinary Italian food thath combines tradition and innovation. 1/F, No 7, Lane 181 Taicang Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu 11am-midnight 太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 7 号楼一层 , 近黄陂南路

MEDITERRANEAN Calypso Restaurant & Lounge The Calypso. Located in the hotel’s piazza, the eye-catching two-storey bamboo-clad glass-roof building brings Mediterranean cuisine to the doorstep of guests and residents. Roof terrace also available. This is topped off with DJ music, creating the epitome of a relaxed ambience. Restaurant Open Hour: 11am to 11pm; Terrace Lounge Open Hour: Non-Winter Season (Mar – Nov) 2.30pm to 1am (Mon - Thurs); 2.30pm to 1.30am (Fri & Sat); 12pm to 1am (Sun). Winter Season (Dec - Feb) 2.30pm to 11pm (Mon - Thurs), 2.30pm to 12midnight (Fri & Sat), 12pm to 11pm(Sun). (86 21) 2203 8889. Jing An Kerry Center Piazza, 1218 Middle Yan’an Road, Jing An Kerry Centre on West Nanjing Road, Shanghai. 延安中路 1218 号 南京西路静安嘉里中心南区广场

Thought For Food is the flagship restaurant inside The Living Room by Octave, open daily for breakfast, lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch serving tasting menus, sharing plates and quick meals that all feature responsibly and honestly sourced ingredients.Vegetables are sourced from certified organic farms and their own rooftop garden - fully traceable to ensure safety and quality to the table. The poultry, pork and seafood are carefully selected from free range sources that are certified and traceable.Daily 7am10pm;Sunday brunch 11am-3pm. Former French Concession>357 Jianguo Xi Lu, by Taiyuan Lu (3338 4660) 建国西路 357 号 , 近太原路

The Spot Bar & Restaurant Since opened in Sep 2006, the Spot Bar and Restaurant has been home of many expats away from home. The menu introduces delicious food items as well as the Spot’s signature dishes at reasonable prices. With a warm ambiance, it’s an exciting place where you get to meet friendly people.1) 2/F, 329 Tongren Lu, by Nanjing Lu ( 2) 152 Tongren Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu 1) 铜仁路 329 号 2 楼,近南阳路 2) 铜仁路 152 号 , 近南京西路

URBAN Lounge presents a curated collection of global gins and premier tonics from around the world. The signature herb trolley is also a wellness alternative, featuring 29 specialty tea blends and over 8 seasonal organic fresh herbs. The Sukhothai Shanghai, 380 Weihai Road by Shimen Yi Lu (5237 8888) 威海路 380 号 1 层 , 近 石门一路

PIZZA PizzaExpress 1) 380 Huangpi Nan Lu, by Xingye Lu (5383 3999) Sun-Thurs: 11.30am-11pm; Fri & Sat: 11am-11pm 2) Suite 107, Shanghai Center,1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289 8733) Daily 11am-11pm info@pizzamarzano. cn 3) No.1, Unit 111, 570 Yong Jia Lu, by Yue Yang Lu (6467 8898) Sun-Thurs: 12-11pm; Fri&Sat: 11am-11pm 4) 507B/C, 5/F Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Lu, by Huashan Lu (6447 8880) Daily 10am-10pm info@ 5) Unit 403, 4/F, K11 Art Mall, 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu 1) 黄 陂南路 380 号 , 近兴业路 2) 南京西路 1376 号上海商 城西峰 107 号 , 近西康路 3) 永嘉路 570 号 111 单元 1 号楼 , 近岳阳路 4) 虹桥路 1 号港汇广场 5 层 507B/C, 近华山路 5)淮海中路 300 号 K11 购物艺术中心 403 号铺 , 近黄陂南路

SOUTHEAST ASIAN Coconut Paradise This cozy, Modern-Thai style house offers casual dining with lots of attention to southeast Asian detail with soft light,Dark teak wood and a faint hint of incense.The spicy beef lettuce wraps sprinkled with fresh mint make a perfect starter for the shrimp Pad Thai, also have the best curry cuisine .1) 38 Fumin Lu, by Yan’an Zhong Lu (6248 1998) 2) 2/F, 378 Wukang Lu, by Hunan Lu (5424 5886) Daily 11.30am-2pm; 5.309.30pm www. 富民路 38 号 , 近延 安中路 2) 武康路 378 号 2 楼 , 近湖南路


Greyhound Café focuses on innovation of a trendy dining experience and fine culinary skills. Having turned into a modern Thailand restaurant, it provides authentic yet traditional Thai cuisine in a fine-dining environment. 1) Room5, 1/F, Jing’an Kerry Center, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Changde Lu 11am-10pm 2) Room 503 5/F, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Shaanxi Nan Lu 11am-10pm 3) 02A,1/F,22,23 Xintiandi Beili, Lane 181 Taicang Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu 11am-11pm (Sun-Thu) 11am-2am (Fri-Sat) 1) 南京西路 1515 号静安嘉里中 心南区 1 层 05 号 , 近常德路 2) 淮海中路 999 号环贸 iapm 商场 L5-503 室 , 近陕西南路 3) 太仓路 181 弄 上海新天地北里 22,23 号 1 层 02A 单元 , 近黄陂南路

Pho Store Owned by an Australian Vietnamese, the Pho Store offers Vietnamese street-flavor phos in a cozy and trendy environment. 118 Xikang Lu, by Nanyang Lu daily 11am-10pm (6215 5534) 西康路 118 号 , 近南阳路 Pho Real Some of Shanghai’s finest pho and Bánh mì, with high-quality ingredients and a young, hip environment. 1) 166 Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu (5403 8110) Mon-Fri: 11am -2 pm, 5.30pm -10pm; weekends: 11am -10pm 2) 1465 Fuxing Zhong Lu by Huaihai Zhong Lu (6437 2222) Mon-Fri: 11am -2.30pm, 5.30pm -10pm; weekends: 11am -10pm 3) 1-L206, The Place, 100 Zunyi Lu, by Tianshan Lu 11am-10pm (5291 0907) 4) Hongkong Plaza. S2-11 Hongkong Plaza, 283 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu (6313 8927) 11am-10pm 5) S07, 4/F, Takashimaya Department Store,1438 Hongqiao Lu, by Manao Lu (6278 3277) 10am21.30pm 1) 富民路 166 号 , 近长乐路 2) 复兴中路 1465 号 , 近淮海中路 3) 南京西路 1515 号嘉里中心 SB1-12, 近常德路 4) 虹桥南丰城南区 1 期 -L206, 遵 义路 100 号 , 近天山路 5) 淮海中路 283 号,香港广 场南座 2-11 室 , 近黄陂南路 6) 虹桥路 1438 号高岛 屋商场 4 楼 07 室 近玛瑙路

URBAN Café The award-winning all-day restaurant URBAN Café showcases flavors that are synonymous with Southeast Asia. The culinary team maintains the fresh burst that is the essence of Southeast Asian dining culture by using premium seafood, meat, and seasonal greens. 1/ F, The Sukhothai Shanghai, 380 Weihai Road by Shimen Yi Lu (5237 8888) 威海路 380 号 1 层 , 近 石门一路

STEAKHOUSES CHAR Dining This modern steakhouse has position itself as a destination for premium quality Australian beef and sea food products. Its spectacular bund views, urban interior design, and International recognized Chef Willmer Colmenares has made this location a “must try” dining destination in the city. The menu presents classics with a twist; Boasting one the largest steak selection available in Shanghai. Starting from their grass fed products from Tasmania, to their grain fed 250days tomahawk or their selection of Wagyu products. Including the award winning Blackmore full blood Wagyu 9+ recognized as one of the best in the market. 29-31F Hotel Indigo Shanghai on the bund, 585 Zhongshan Dong Er lu, by Dongmen Lu (3302 9995), 5:30pm until late, kitchen close at 10:30pm. Bar, 17:00pm-late. www.char-thebund. com 中山东二路 585 号 29-31 楼,近东门路 JW’s California Grill Located on the 40th floor above Shanghai's stunning skyline, the relaxed and classy setting offers refined lifestyle dining with seasonal, market fresh cuisine using premium products cooked to perfection. Discover sophisticated chef-crafted cuisine in the main area or enjoy exclusivity in the private room among friends or business partners. 40/F, JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai Tomorrow Square, 399 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu (5359 4969, 上海明天广场 JW 万豪酒店 40 楼,南京西路 399 号,近黄陂北路

Morton's Steak and Seafood Grille In addition to the finest grain-fed wet aged beef for which the classic steakhouse is known around the world, this new concept for Morton’s focuses on premium oysters including a rotating selection of fresh oysters from the United States, France, Australia and New Zealand. An extensive selection of generous seafood mains on the menu showcase pan-Asian influences. As always, there are also many side dishes and indulgent desserts, plus a sophisticated menu of fine wines, spirits and cocktails. L4-403, iapm Mall, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Shaanxi Nan Lu (6067 7888) 淮海中 路 999 号 , 近陕西南路

The 1515 WEST Chophouse & Bar Meat lovers will be delighted by the restaurant’s generous portioning philosophy. The house butcher presents signature prime cuts which are cut and weighed on an old-fashioned scale on the table and sent straight to the grill. Restaurant Open Hour: Lunch from 11.30am to 2.30pm; Dinner from 6pm to 10.30pm. (86 21) 2203 8889. 4/F, Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai, 1218 Yan’an Zhong, by Tongren Lu. 静安香格里拉大酒店四楼, 延安中路 1218 号,近铜仁路 .

The Grill With a central grill, rotisserie and a large built-in marble displaying the freshest seafood, it is a contemporary and colorful venue for guests in search of the freshest seafood and succulent prime grade meats grilled right in front of them in the open kitchen. 56/F Jin Mao Tower, Grand Hyatt Shanghai, 88 Shiji Dadao, by Dongtai Lu (5047 1234) Lunch: Daily 11.30am2.30pm; Dinner: Daily 5.30-10.30pm 世纪大道 88


号金茂君悦大酒店 56 楼 , 近东泰路

SPANISH Albero Enjoy Albero’s innovative Spanish tapas menu, ideal for sharing with friends in a relaxed atmosphere. The restaurant is decorated in an Andalusian style with sedimentary rock from the Huangpu River. (3867 9196) Lunch: 12pm-3pm; Dinner: 6-10pm. 2/F, Grand Kempinski Hotel, 1288 Lujiazui Huan Lu, by Baibu Jie 陆家嘴环路 1288 号上海凯宾斯基大酒店 2 楼,近百步街

COLCA COLCA is the latest restaurant of celebrity chef & serial restaurateur Eduardo Vargas. This time he cooks food of his heritage: Peruvian. COLCA is a restaurant & bar specializing in seafood and grilled meats. It also features the first Pisco Bar in China with a wide range of pisco cocktails. Tucked into a new complex at Hengshan Lu, the restaurant boasts highceilinged interiors and a beautiful outdoor terrace. Dinner: Tue-Sun 5.30pm-1am; Weekend Brunch: 11am-4pm, close on Monday. Rm2201, 2/F, 199 Hengshan Lu, by Yongjia Lu (5401 5366) 衡山路 199 号 2 楼 2201, 近永嘉路

Pintxos Numbers of meats and seafood are imported from Spain to ensure the most authentic Spanish cuisine for every customer. In addition to the excellent quality of raw materials, the process is made simple and fast in the stylish minimalist restaurant. Pudong Kerry: 1378 Huamu Lu, Room B104, Kerry Centre, by Fangdian Lu (5858 0617) 2) Jingan Kerry: 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, B1, Room 10, Jing'an Kerry Centre, by Changde Lu (6173 7983) 1) 花木路 1378 号嘉里中心 B104, 近芳甸路 2) 南京 西路 1515 号静安嘉里中心 B1 楼 10 室 , 近常德路

Tapas & Lounge The food at Azul is created by Eduardo Vargas, mixed with Spanish and Mediterranean cuisine. During the last 14 years, the cuisine has been diversified with flavors, herbs, and great quality of ingredients, making Azul until today one of the best LatinMediterranean restaurants in Shanghai. 8/F, Ferguson Lane, 378 Wukang Lu, by Tai’an Lu (5405 2252) 武康路 378 号武康庭 8 楼 , 近泰安路

SPECIALITY FOOD SHOPS Green & Safe With an organic farm in Kunshan, this organic store provides daily delivered vegetables and a variety of local and imported organic goods, such as organic extra virgin olive oil, white and red balsamic vinegar, organic pasta, muesli and more. 1) 6 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu 5465 1288, 1/F: 8am-10pm; 2/ F: 6.30pm-12am 2) 2) 4/F, 1438 Hongqiao Lu, by Hongbaoshi Lu 10am–9.30pm 3) 4/F, 1601 Nanjing Xi Lu (6258 8777) 1) 东平路 6 号 , 近衡山

ANCIENT CHINESE WISDOM INSPIRED LIGHT CARBOHYDRATE LIFESTYLE Phynova was the first European life science company to bring traditional Chinese medicine to the Western market. The company launched EU-certified OTC drugs in 2015, before any of the big pharmaceutical giants. Products from Phynova are available in more than 2,500 pharmacies across the UK. The company is not only selling a new take on traditional Chinese medicines in Europe, they are now introducing them back to China. Phynova understands the growing need to lighten the carbohydrate lifestyle among Western and Chinese consumers. Resolved to help bring the benefits of TCM to Western consumers, Robert Miller started importing herbs from China in the 1980s and went on to become a co-founder of Phynova in 2002.The company applies modern scientific methods to validate the health benefits of plant extracts it in a way that complies with Western medicines. Reducose®️, now available as a natural dietary supplement that helps balance blood glucose levels, was unveiled at a recent media event in Shanghai. Simply take a small amount of Reducose® at the start of a meal to help optimize the health benefits of that meal by balancing your blood glucose level. Blood sugar or glucose fluctuates because of the carbohydrates we consume. Some carbohydrates break down into blood sugar faster than others, causing faster and higher blood sugar fluctuations. Reducose® is a water extract of mulberry leaves and turns fast carbohydrates into slow ones. The slower, the better. Reducose® was tested in several human clinical trials in the UK, China and India. Its safety and efficacy has been extensively researched and confirmed. It has been shown to reduce the blood glucose levels after eating meals by up to 40%. The clinical studies have also shown that Reducose® lowers the Glycaemic Index (GI) of foods. GI is the ‘speed measure’ of how fast foods break down into glucose. A lower GI results in more balanced blood glucose levels and is better for health.

路 2) 虹桥路 1438 号 4 楼 , 近红宝石路 3) 南京西路 1601 号 4 楼 B 区

Swiss Butchery brings you a world-class meat experience, offering a wide variety of highquality meat products. Expect freshly imported meat and delicacies like Italian and Spanish hams, European cheeses and fine seafood. All products are handled according to the most stringent food safety and hygiene standards and are available online or in any of their four physical locations. 1) 3187 Hongmei Lu, by Hongsong Lu, 5223 7301 2) 86 Wulumuqi Zhong Lu, by Changle Lu, 5450 0068 3) 262 Baihua Lu, by Biyun Lu, 5090 6190 4) 219 Jinguang Lu, by Baole Lu, 2613 6986 1) 虹梅路 3187 号,近红松路 2) 乌鲁木齐中路 86 号, 近长乐路 3) 白桦路 262 号,近碧云路 4) 金光路 219,近保乐路 (WeChat: SwissButchery or www.

SUPERMARKET city’super is a large international supermarket specializing in imported products. There is also a selection of imported and domestic fresh produce, including fruit, vegetables, meat, cheese, fish and dairy, alongside a selection of sundries, wine, liquor and canned goods. 1) ifc Store - LG2, 8 Shiji Dadao 2) Shanghai Times Square Store - B1, 99 Huaihai Zhong Lu 3) Shanghai iapm Store - LG1 , 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu 4) HKRI Taikoo Hui store - LG2, 789 Nanjing Xi Lu 5) Shanghai Raffles City Changning Store - (E) B110, 1139 Changning Lu 1) 国金中心店 – 陆家嘴 世纪大道 8 号地下二层 2) 大上海时代广场店 – 淮海 中路 99 号地下一层 3) 环贸广场店 - 淮海中路 999 号 地下一层 4) 兴业太古汇店 - 南京西路 789 号地下二 层 5)长宁来福士店 – 长宁路 1139 号东区地下一层 (400-653-8820,




Jenny’s Blue Bar Second home to hordes of blokes who regularly stop by for a drink or a home-made snack. A free foosball table, classic rock and a big screen showing ESPN and Star Sports channels. 7 Donghu Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu (6415 7019) Daily 1pm-2am jennysbar@ 东湖路 7 号 , 近淮海中路 142 号 , 近南京西路

Logan’s Punch Cashing in on its slogan of being 'China's first punch bar,' Logan's Punch has enjoyed widespread popularity since opening in 2014. Previously housed in Zhang Court, this iteration moved to the up and coming Shaanxi Bei Lu vicinity in 2019. Expect a range of wellmade craft cocktails, sipped alongside a hip crowd of young expats and locals. Mon-Thu 6pm–2am, Fri–Sat 7pm–late. 479 Wuding Road, by Shaanxi Bei Lu, 武定路 479 号,近陕西北路

cocktails. The knowledgeable mixologists and bar staff are always on hand to offer recommendations perfect for your palate. 5pm-late. (2036 1300). 1/F, Four Seasons Hotel Pudong, Shanghai, 210 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu. 世纪大道 210 号上海浦东四季酒店一楼 , 近陆家嘴环路

CHAR bar Classy cocktails and sophisticated setting, best known for its exquisite 270-degree views over The Bund and Pudong skyline. 30/ F, Hotel Indigo Shanghai on the Bund, 585 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by Dongmen Lu (3302 9995) Daily 4:30pm-late, www.char-thebund. com 中山东二路 585 号英迪格酒店 30 楼 , 近东门路 Cloud 9 Located on Level 87 of Jin Mao Tower, this sky lounge has magnificent views of the entire city, where guests can enjoy a wide collection of creative cocktails, champagnes and Asian Tapas. The floor-to-ceiling glassed doubleheight section also holds a hide-away mezzanine bar. 87/F Grand Hyatt, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Dadao, by Dongtai Lu (5049 1234) Mon-Fri 5pm1am; Sat-Sun 2pm-1am 世纪大道 88 号金茂大厦 87 楼 , 近东泰路

Connection 12 Adjacent to the hotel’s swimming pool, the stunning rooftop bar opens up to the evening sky and offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city. Guests can soak up the relaxed setting while choosing from a selection of wines, cocktails and light snacks. Tue- Sat: 5pm-1am Level 12, 333 Shenhong Lu, by Suhong Lu (5263 9999) 申虹路 333 号 12 层,虹桥康得思酒店,近苏虹路

Havana Bar Experience Shanghai through the lights and energy of the hotel’s Havana Bar, located on the 30th floor. Take in views of the city while indulging in Royal Mojitos, fine wines and the full bar menu within a relaxed setting. (3867 8888) Hours: 4pm-1am. 2/F, Grand Kempinski Hotel, 1288 Lujiazui Huan Lu, by Baibu Jie 陆家嘴环路 1288 号上海凯宾斯基大酒店 2 楼,近 Judy’s Established in 1993, Judy's is the longest running party venue in Shanghai! Have a few drinks, settle on the vibrant party atmosphere and enjoy the house band. Enjoy dancing the night away seven days a week with your favorite party rocking music. Food is available all day until wee hours. 331 Tongren Lu, by Beijing Xi Lu (6289 3715) Daily 11am-late 铜仁 路 331 号,近北京西路

POP Bar influenced by the playfulness, art deco highlights and tropical vibe of cosmopolitan Miami, is a fun and elegant rooftop lounge to enjoy afternoons and nights in good company and funky music. Opening Sunday to Friday from 2:00pm till late; Saturday from 1:00pm till late. 7/ F, 3 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6321 0909) 中山东一 路 3 号 7 楼 , 近广东路


HU Bar & Lounge is Shanghai’s newest nightlife destination and showcases the Best of Shanghai’s Past and Present. HU looks back at the past while embracing the progress and fast-paced evolution Shanghai is known for all while giving its guests towering, iconic and the most amazing views of the city’s skyline from all around. 64F / 65F, 789 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Xizang Nan Lu 南京 东路 789 号 64-65 层 , 近西藏南路 http://www.

Jade on 36 Bar The ideal venue for sunset cocktails and late night drinks, take in the spectacular views of the iconic Bund and the dazzling Shanghai skyline while sipping martinis and fine wines paired with a selection of gourmet bites. Live DJs and musicians will put you in the mood for indulgence. Martinis take centre stage in the new cocktail menu set to launch in March at Jade on 36. Expect a selection of over 25 curated martinis ranging from light and refreshing to coffee-infused recipes and sweet treats, reimagined with unexpected flavours, alongside a selection of classic cocktails and indulgent nibbles. Happy Hour: Buy-one-get-one-free signature cocktails from 5-7pm daily; Free-flow champagne: Enjoy unlimited champagne every evening from 8-10.30pm at RMB 488++ per person. 36/F Grand Tower, Pudong Shangri-La, 33 Fucheng Lu, by Lujiazui Xi Lu 富城路 33 号浦东香格里拉大酒店紫金 楼,近陆家嘴西路(6882 3636)

Senator Saloon Senator Saloon has the largest selection of Bourbon and Rye in Shanghai. Cocktails are carefully crafted. The atmosphere is intimate with velvet flock wallpapers and artisan tin ceilings. Popular bar snacks include Mac and Cheese, Pork Belly Sliders, and Chicken Pot Pie. 98 Wuyuan Lu, by Wulumuqi Zhong Lu (5423 1330) 五原路 98 号,近乌鲁木齐中路

HOTEL BARS BRU: Open from afternoon until late, BRU is a gastro pub serving casual comfort food, including rotisserie prime meats, fresh seafood and tapas plates accompanied by a wide selection of beers, wines and cocktails. As the name suggests, beer is the highlight with bottled craft beers from around the world and eight premium beers on tap. Communal benches and kegs to share are ideal for groups of colleagues and friends. Each evening, a live band enhances the stylish ambiance with contemporary and classic tunes. INTERCONTINENTAL SHANGHAI NECC, 1700 Zhuguang Lu, by Yinggang Dong Lu (National Exhibition Convention Center, Gate 3) (6700 1888-6031) 国家会展中心洲际酒店 , 诸光路 1700 号 国家会展中心 3 号门,近盈港东路

Camelia Bar Perfect for a casual drink after work with friends and colleagues, the Four Seasons Hotel Pudong’s Camelia Bar offers a wide range of whiskeys, wines, champagnes and signature



Jasmine Lounge The Jasmine Lounge has always been ‘the place’ to socialize while experiencing the finest tea experience and elegant evening cocktails. A specialty of the Jasmine Lounge is the traditional English style afternoon tea, complete with an extensive selection of teas from different origins, compositions and styles. Saturday Tea Dance experience harks you back to Shanghai’s glamorous golden age. Lobby, Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Road East by Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road (6138 6886) Afternoon Tea Daily 14:00-18:00 南 京东路 20 号,上海和平饭店大堂,近中山东一路

JW Lounge Bar Popular with high-flyers, this lofty lounge boasts panoramic city views and offers an extensive champagne list, either by the glass or the by bottle. Live music six days a week. 40/F, JW Marriott, 399 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huangpi Bei Lu (5359 4969-6864) Daily 5pm-2am www. 南京西路 399 号 JW 万豪 酒店 40 楼 , 近黄陂北路

Lobby Bar One of the nine bars of The Shanghai EDITION, the design of the Lobby Bar features bespoke plaster relief artwork inspired by carvings typically observed among Shanghai’s signature Shikumen housing. 1/F, Main Building, The Shanghai EDITION, 199 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Jiangxi Zhong Lu (5368 9851). 6pm-2am. 南京东路199号 上海艾迪逊酒店 主楼1楼,近江西中路

Lobby Lounge With large floor-to-ceiling windows and a crystal chandelier, the Lobby Lounge offers a distinct atmosphere that is perfect for a rendezvous with a wide selection of top and rare whiskeys and fine wines. Daily 8ammidnight, 1/F, Wanda Reign on the Bund, 538 Zhong Shan Dong Er Lu, by Longtan Lu (5368 8882) 中山东二路 538 号 , 近龙潭路

HERITAGE EATS 20 Chefs Displayed Their Cultural Heritage at BFC Food Festival On September 8, the first Heritage Eats Food Festival was held at the Bund Finance Center. The BFC is a fully integrated multi-use commercial real estate complex located in the heart of the Bund Financial Belt. The center is home to numerous activities and fashion events in addition to housing a wealth of F&B outlets. For this recent interactive consumer event, young trendsetters and families mingled as they enjoyed delicious food from some of the city’s most well-known chefs. Each chef prepared dishes that uniquely showcased their heritage and cannot be found on the regular menu at their restaurants. The one-day party was hosted in collaboration with Heritage by Madison and chef/owner Austin Hu. Visit his restaurant on the north square of BFC, and keep an eye out for the center’s exciting upcoming openings from high-end sushi joint Apetit to Bistro 88 for seafood fusion cuisine.

> Bund Finance Center, 600 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by Dongmen Lu 中山东二路600号, 近东门路 (6366 8977)

Long Bar Offering a good selection of cocktails, deluxe oysters and premium cigars, legendary Long Bar remains to be a part of the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund after architectural restoration. Lobby, 2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6322 9988) Mon-Sat 4pm-1am; Sun 2pm-1am 中山东一路 2 号外滩华尔道夫酒店大

RuiKu Champagne Lounge Located on the rooftop with a big terrace, RuiKu Champagne Lounge boasts a stunning view where patrons get to sip enticing cocktails while swinging with world-famous DJs Daily 10.30pm-Midnight. 21/ F, Wanda Reign on the Bund, 538 Zhong Shan Dong Er Lu, by Longtan Lu (5368 8882) 中山东二

堂 , 近广东路

路 538 号 , 近龙潭路

Main Bar Ye Lai Xiang Located in a historic French club, the bar brings back the golden age in an Art Deco style. Fancy a taste of Whiskey and Brandy of your own? Pick from the full list and wait for an exclusive glass of cocktail to be served. Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai, 58 Mao Ming Nan Lu, by Changle Lu(6415 1111-5217)

The Jazz Bar The only address in China for legendary jazz, the Jazz Bar features the oldest jazz band that has been playing in the Fairmont Peace Hotel since 1980. With its relaxed atmosphere and extensive drink menu, it is the perfect place to unwind with Victor Sassoon’s classic cocktails and experience authentic live music. Lobby, Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Road East by Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road (6138 6886) The Old Jazz Band Daily 18:00-21:45, 21:45-00:30 with the best female vocalist 南京东

花园饭店 , 茂名南路 58 号 , 近长乐路

pentalounge Every Sunday between 11 am to 4 pm, diners at pentalounge at pentahotel shanghai can enjoy a spiced-up lazy brunch with a new menu and free-flow make-your-own Bloody Mary station. RMB148 per person (or RMB128 for those arriving after 2pm). Level 1, 1525 Dingxi Lu, by Yuyuan Lu (6252 1111 ext. 8100) 定西路 1525 号酒店 1 楼,近愚园路 Punch Room Surrounded by warm, wooden vertical slats, the 35-seat Punch Room provides an intimate and cozy bar lounge atmosphere where guests can enjoy EDITION’s renowned sophisticated cocktail program. 28/F, Main Building, The Shanghai EDITION, 199 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Jiangxi Zhong Lu (5368 9540). 2pm2am. 南京东路 199 号 上海艾迪逊酒店主楼 28 楼, 近江西中路

ROOF Served with panoramic views of Pudong, this open-air lounge area at the rooftop of The Shanghai EDITION offers guests a comfortable and intimate setting where they can enjoy a range of classic and innovative libations made by EDITION’s mixologists. 29/F, Main Building, The Shanghai EDITION, 199 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Jiangxi Zhong Lu (5368 9537). 2pm-2am. 南京东 路 199 号 上海艾迪逊酒店主楼 29 楼,近江西中路

Roof Garden Composed of a patchwork of brick and lawn terraces of different heights, the roof garden is an urban oasis that mixes Chinese greenery with luscious, tropical horticulture. The richly planted rooftop features an underthe-stars movie theater, a games area for lawn bowls and croquet, daybed seating, as well as the service of a full bar along with food and snacks. 8F, Heritage Building, The Shanghai EDITION, 199 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Jiangxi Zhong Lu (5368 9528). 5pm-2am. 南京东路 199 号 上海艾迪逊酒店 辅楼 8 楼,近江西中路

路 20 号,上海和平饭店大堂,近中山东一路

The ZUK Bar Filled with vigor and style, this trendy downtown hub is a great social space, guests can relax and indulge in a range of artisanal cocktails created by our mixologists. The Sukhothai Shanghai, 380 Weihai Road by Shimen Yi Lu (5237 8888) 威海路 380 号 1 层 , 近石门一路 The 1515 WEST Bar The Bar provides Champagnes, vermouths, sherries, white wines and a cellar featuring a selection of New World wines and Reds ensure that Wine Sommelier, Jasper Sun always has the best recommendations at hand. Open Hour: 5pm to 1 am (Sun-Thurs)\ 5pm to 1.30am (Fri & Sat). (86 21) 2203 8889. 4/F, Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai, 1218 Yan’an Zhong, by Tongren Lu. 静安香格里拉大酒店 四楼,延安中路 1218 号,近铜仁路 .


Helen Nail Spa A long-time favorite among locals and expats alike, Helen Nail Spa is much more than a nail spa; they have a variety of pampering treatments and excellent waxing services. 1) 120 Nanchang Lu, by Yandang Lu (5383 8957) Daily 10am-10pm 2) No 6, Lane 819 Julu Lu, by Fumin Lu (5403 7802) 3) 70 Shimen yi Lu, by Dagu Lu (6333 7535). 1) 南昌路 120 号 , 近 雁荡路 2) 巨鹿路 819 弄 6 号 , 近富民路 3) 石门一路 70 号,近大沽路



international hospital with 24/7 emergency services and a Rabies Prevention Clinic, two medical clinics, a wellness center, and a team of internationally trained physicians. Our services include: emergency care, OB/GYN, family medicine, surgery, pediatrics, dermatology, dentistry, rehabilitation, clinical psychology, and CT/MRI imaging diagnostics, among others. 1) Mon-Sun, 24 h, Jiahui International Hospital, 689 Guiping Lu, by Qinjiang Lu 2) Mon-Sat, 9am-6pm, Jiahui Health (Yangpu), 1F/2F, Suite 3, 99 Jiangwancheng Lu, by Yingao Dong Lu 3) Mon-Sat, 9am - 6pm, Jiahui Health (Jing’an), Suite101, 88 Changshu Lu, by Changle Lu (400 868 3000) 1) 桂平路 689 号,近钦江路 2)


江湾城路 99 号 3 号楼 1-2 层 , 近殷高东路 3) 常熟路 88 号,近长乐路 (400 868 3000)

Jiahui Health’s experienced dentists provide dental health services for adults and children, including dental check-ups, fillings, prevention of tooth decay, painless dental pulp treatment, and treatment and protection against periodontal disease. The Dentistry Department also carries out multi-disciplinary collaboration in the hospital, such as working with dermatologists to offer invisalign orthodontics and solutions to skin problems for beauty seekers; working with E.N.T. specialists to help adolescents with problems such as mouth breathing, adenoidal hypertrophy and allergic rhinitis; working with MSK to provide sports lovers a comprehensive range of preventive strategies on sports injury. 1) Jiahui International Hospital, 689 Guiping Lu, by Qinjiang Lu 2) Jiahui Health (Yangpu), 1F/2F, Suite 3, 99 Jiangwancheng Lu, by Yingao Dong Lu 3) Jiahui Health (Jing’an), Suite101, 88 Changshu Lu, by Changle Lu (Mon - Sat, 9am - 6pm, 400 868 3000) 1) 桂平路 689 号,近钦江路 2) 江湾城路 99 号 3 号楼 1-2 层 , 近殷高东路 3) 常熟 路 88 号,近长乐路 (400 868 3000)

HEALTH SERVICES Cosmetic Plastic & Laser Center

BIOSCOR Shanghai Clinic Cosmetic Surgery Botox & Dermafiller Laser Skin Center Cosmetic Dentistry

Bioscor Shanghai Clinic With over 10 years' experience, Bioscor's team of international docors and skin specialists are committed to provide you with the best level of service for all your cosmetic needs such as Botox, Filler, Pixel, Cutera, Ulthera, Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peel, Vein Therapy and Cosmetic Sugerys. No.5, Lane89 Xingguo Lu, by Hunan Lu (6431 8899) 9am-6pm info@ 兴国路89 弄5号,近湖南路

Dream Medical Group Established in 2005, this Shanghai outpost of this Korean cosmetics clinic offers a range of services from skincare to dental care treatments. Operating with international standards, the brand's medical professionals are constantly searching for new technology to upgrade their offerings. Enjoy laser hair removal once with coupon, underarms only. 3/F, Zhongyi Building, 580 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Chengdu Bei Lu TEL/Wechat: 13651969238 南京西路580号仲益大厦A座3楼, 近 成都北路 (136 5196 9238)

Jiahui Health's an international healthcare provider operating in several downtown locations. Our integrated network includes an

Global HealthCare Medical & Dental Centre. Established in Shanghai in 2005, GHC is premier one-stop medical center offering a full range of comprehensive medical services including general practice/family medicine and specialized services such as pediatrics, gynecology, ophthalmology, dermatology, orthopedics, cardiology, urology, general surgery and much more. GHC is OPEN EVERY DAY including weekends & Public Puxi Centre: ECO City, Suite 303, 1788 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Wulumuqi Bei Lu (5298 6339) 南京西路 1788 号 1788 国际中心 303 室,近乌鲁木齐北路

Pudong Centre: Shanghai World Financial Center, Shop 212, 100 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6877 5093) 世纪大道 100 号上海环球金融中心商场 212 室,近陆家嘴环路

Shanghai East International Medical Center A joint venture general hospital providing a comprehensive range of world-class services including family medicine, vaccinations, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, chiropractic care, traditional Chinese medicine, psychological counseling, specialty care, surgical services, as well as on-site 24-hour emergency service. also conducts CPR and first aid courses bimonthly in English and Chinese. 150 Jimo Lu (24 hour: 5879-9999 or 150-0019-0899 ; cn; 即墨路 150 号 Shanghai Renai Hospital is the first private hospital in Shanghai. It has over 20 clinical departments with outpatient and inpatient services. Located in city center with convenient transportation, it is influential throughout the East China region and enjoys a high reputation. Free parking available within hospital compound. Specialties: Family medicine, internal medicine, general surgery, gynecology, E.N.T., T.C.M., dental, vaccination and immunization, dermatology, urology, pediatrics, orthopedics, ophthalmology, cosmetic dermatology, plastic surgery etc. Operation Hours: Mon – Sun 9am-5pm. 127 Caoxi Lu (5489 3781, 漕溪路 127 号 Shanghai East International Medical Center A joint venture general hospital providing a comprehensive range of world-class services including family medicine, vaccinations, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, chiropractic care, traditional Chinese medicine, psychological counseling, specialty care, surgical services, as well as on-site 24-hour emergency service. also conducts CPR and first aid courses bimonthly in English and Chinese. 150 Jimo Lu (24 hour: 5879-9999 or 150-0019-0899 ; cn; 即墨路 150 号 Shanghai St. Reiss Medical Clinic Founded in 2005, Shanghai St. Reiss Medical Clinic is located in the secluded former French Concession, Donghu Road, is a foreign-related general outpatient medical institutions. Since the inception, we have always been committed to providing patients with high-quality medical services, due to a good environment, attentive and thoughtful doctorpatient communication, careful diagnosis and professional personalized treatment which has received high acclaim from diplomatic and public. We offer following services: cancer medicine, cardiology, GI medicine, chest medicine, ENT, general surgery, pediatrics, gynecology, neurology, orthopedics, nephrology, psychiatry, psychology, skin dieasem and transplant medicine. Since 2019, Shanghai St. Reiss Medical Clinic set up a sleep center and established a cooperative alliance with the highly acclaimed Mayo Clinic Sleep Center in the US to fully introduce the operational processes and specifications of the Mayo Sleep Center and follow the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of the American Association of Sleep Medicine (AASM). The Sleep Center is equipped with the world's leading digital wireless polysonography (PSG) monitoring equipment. The center has strong technical team and is led by highly qualified team of specialist physicians (including FRCP, FCCP) and AASM accredited technicians and nurses.Unit A, 19/F, 9 Donghu Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu. Mon-Sat, 10am-7pm. (5403 0228, 5403 8088)

BOXING CAT BREWERY Championship Night at Xintiandi Flagship Grand Opening August 29 was a big day for Boxing Cat as the pioneering craft beer brand opened its flagship store in Shanghai’s Xintiandi. Very important attendees included CEO & President APaC of AB InBev Jan Craps, as well as Global VP of Craft & Specialities, ZX Ventures’ Vasques Ricardo. Head of ZX Ventures APAC North, AB InBev Nicolas Morelli also showed up. Representing the brand’s roots at the ribbon-cutting ceremony were co-founders of Boxing Cat Kelly Lee and Lee Tseng. Since opening the first Boxing Cat craft beer restaurant in 2008, the brand has been committed to the distribution of beer culture and market cultivation. The official opening of its latest branch marks the beginning of new and exciting chapter in a history marked by bold experimentation. This new Shanghai hotspot takes up residence at one of Shanghai’s most famous fashion landmarks. This East-meets-West setting is the ideal environment for Boxing Cat to showcase its craftsmanship. This location also shows off a softer side of Boxing Cat, with a beer garden sunroom where you can enjoy the brews in a whimsical secret garden. Make sure to try Shiku-Meow Mango Ale – named for the area’s historic architecture – a Xintiandi exclusive. Butter poached lobster mac n’ cheese, 35-day dry-aged prime rib-eye and crispy ‘Ringside Red’ chicken can also only be ordered here.

> 181 Taicang Lu, Building 19, by Madang Lu 太仓路181弄19号,近马当路 (5351 0116)

东湖路9号19楼A座, 近淮海中路



里中心商场南区地下一楼 SB1-05B (25 号商铺 ), 近常 德路 8)悠庭 @ LuOne 上海黄浦区徐家汇路 268 号 LuOne 凯德晶萃广场 B1 层 11/12 号


Dragonfly Suzhou @ Harmony City This chain of contemporary urban retreats offers relaxing massage and beauty services to customers with high expectations. Stepping into an oasis with fusion Asian décor and dim lighting, guests will be surrounded by tranquil sounds, wonderful fragrances and a romantic ambience while they get pampered with signature treatments. (0512-6763 0486) Harmony City Mall, Room 3210, Third Floor, 269 Wangdun Lu, SIP, Suzhou 苏州工业园区旺墩路 269 号圆融星座商场 3 楼 3210 推油网 ·Seven Massage 宫七 A high-end mas-

United Family Healthcare (UFH) This experienced, comprehensive, patient-centered caregiver has been providing personalized, international-level healthcare in China since 1997. Supporting local and expat individuals and families in Shanghai since 2004 with a wide range of advanced medical services, United Family now has two full-service hospitals and two neighborhood clinics, conveniently located in both Puxi and Pudong. Its Shanghai medical facilities are operated by over 200 highlyexperienced full-time doctors from more than 25 different countries and regions, supported by more than 300 nurses. Visit our website (http:// to make appointments right on your WeChat through the new Patient Portal, or simply call the Shanghai-wide Appointment Center : 400 639 3900. 1) Shanghai United Family Hospital, 1139 Xianxia Lu, by Qingxi Lu, Open 24/7 2) Shanghai United Family Pudong Hospital, 1598 Xin Jinqiao Lu, by Donglu Lu, Open 24/7 3) United Family Quankou Clinic, 8 Quankou Lu, by Linquan Lu Open Mon-Sat 8.30am-5.30pm, 4) United Family Fengshang Clinic, 689 Yunle Lu, by Jinfeng Lu Open Mon-Sat 9am-5pm 1) 仙 霞 路

sage brand that provides door to door service and a variety of body essential oil spa massage in a quiet and private environment. Whether you prefer a pampering spa at home or during your hotel stay, feel free to make appointments by calling 3490 1117 or 6882 1317 or go to their actual stores. Opening hours: 11-1am. Home service hours: 9am-midnight. 1) Pudong: 2302 Zhangyang Lu, by Jingnan Lu (6882 1317, 15221309767) 2) Puxi: 2/F, 1832 Gubei Lu, by Hongsong Dong Lu (3490 1117; 17717447707. 3) No.441,wuning nan lu,by changshou lu (62097991, 18217764112) 4) 2110,Site2, 218 West Tianmu Lu , by Minli Lu (52801997,19921155774)5) 7A,1 Ruijin Nan Lu, by Xujiahui Lu, Haixing Plaza (54188795, 18202131727) 1) 张杨路 2302 号 , 近泾南路 2) 古北 路 1832 号 2 楼 , 近红松东路 3) 武宁南路 441 号 2 楼, 近长寿路 4) 天目西路 218 号嘉里不夜城 2 座 2110,近 民立路 5) 黄浦区瑞金南路 1 号海兴广场 7A

Eat n Work is a multi-functional space crafted to help busy city-dwellers achieve the elusive work-life balance. With a total operating area of 6,000 square meters, there is ample space to relax or work independently. There are also 12 kinds of function rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology for all types of meetings and conferences. Other amenities include an air filtration system, Greenwave drinking water, face recognition access, smart security, private showers and more.

Subconscious Day Spa is a relaxing, eco-friendly,

东新区芳甸路 1398 号 B1-1F (Plus 乐坊下沉式广场 )

HAIRDRESSERS Peter Salon is a professional, international-standard hair care salon in the heart of Shanghai.Our rock star team of expert English-speaking hair stylists are always at your service. 80 Wulumuqi Zhong Lu, by Anfu Lu,10am-9pm (5419 6757) 乌鲁木齐中路80号, 近安福路

MASSAGE & SPA Dragonfly Shanghai 1) 2/F, 559 Nanchang Lu, by Shanxi Nan Lu (5456 1318) 2) 206 Xinle Lu, by Fumin Lu (5403 9982) 3) L119, 1378 Huamu Lu, by Fangdian Lu (2025 2308) 4) 193 Jiaozhou Lu, by Xinzha Lu (5213 5778) 5) LG2-47 IFC, 8 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6878 5008) 6) 616 Biyun Lu, by Yunshan Lu (5835 2118) 8) SB1-05B, B1 South Retail, Jingan Kerry Centre, 1218 Yan'an Zhong Lu, by Changde Lu (6266 0018) 8)Dragonfly @ LuOne B1-11/12, 268 Xujiahui Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai (6266 2378) Madang Road Station, Metro Line 13 (exit 6). Daily 10:00-24:00 relax@dragonfly. 1) 南昌路 559 号 2 楼 , 近陕西南路 2) 新乐路 206 号 , 近富民路 3) 花 木路 1378 号 L119,近芳甸路 4) 胶州路 193 号 , 近新 闸路 5) 世纪大道 8 号国金中心 LG2-47, 近陆家嘴环路 6) 碧云路 616 号 , 近云山路 7) 延安中路 1218 号静安嘉


An Integrated Solution for a Work-Life Balance The Zhengda Group and MUSE GROUP have come together to create a dual-integrated food and shared office concept. Their first flagship location opened on September 6 at Lujiazui Zhengda Plaza in full view of the Huangpu. Ms. Sasirit Tangulrat, Consul General of Thailand in Shanghai and Mr. Luo Jiashun, Vice Chairman of the Thai Zhengda Group, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

1139 号 , 近青溪路 2) 新金桥路 1598 号 , 近东陆路 3) 泉口路 8 号 , 近林泉路 4) 运乐路 689 号 , 近金丰路 , (Appointment Hotline: 400 639 3900)

Shanghai Yosemite Clinic is a full-service clinic providing convenient walk-in medical services in Central Pudong. Our team of experienced physicians and nurses are dedicated to practicing according to strict patient safety standards and evidence based medicine. Our services Include: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, General Surgery , Orthopedics(Sports Medicine), Dermatology & Medical Cosmetology, Dentistry, Gynecology ,Ophthalmology , Pediatrics, ENT, Vaccination Service, Anesthesiology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical Imaging, , Pharmacy, Laboratory, Psychiatry. Daily : Mon-Sat: 9am-9pm Sun: 9am-5pm (4008 500 911, B1-1F, 1398 Fang Dian lu, Pudong, Shanghai 上海浦


holistic health destination for those seeing to balance mind and soul. 1) Open daily, 10am-midnight, Fumin Branch, 183 Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu (6415 0636) 2) Open daily, 10am-midnight, Dagu Branch, 458 Dagu Lu, by Shimen Yi Lu (6327 1193) 3) Open daily, 10am-10pm, Nanfeng Branch, Rm. 418, North Building, The Place, 100 Zunyi Lu, by Ziyun Xi Lu (6273 0161) 1)富民路 183 号 , 近长乐 路 2)大沽路 458 号,近石门一路 3)遵义路 100 号南丰城北区 418 室,近紫云西路 www.


The Spa at The Shanghai EDITION Featuring a total of six treatment rooms and suites, manicure and pedicure services, sauna, an expansive relaxation area with fully equipped bar and a retail boutique, The Spa at The Shanghai EDITION showcases the best wellness and beauty practices, combining authentic Asian treatment traditions with premium therapies, specialized techniques and top-shelf products.. 6/F, Heritage Building, The Shanghai EDITION, 199 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Jiangxi Zhong Lu (5368 9988). 10am-11pm. 南京东路 199 号 上海艾迪逊酒店辅楼 6 楼,近江西中路

YOGA The Pure Yoga Shanghai flagship studio is located at iapm mall on 999 Huaihai Middle Road, in the heart of Shanghai’s shopping district. Pure is Asia’s leading lifestyle brand and is proud to extend its foothold in Shanghai after Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei and New York. Pure Yoga brings to our city its yoga and fitness expertise, a team of passionate and internationally recognized instructors, plus exciting workshops and teacher training conducted by renowned yoga masters. L6-615, iapm mall, 999 huaihai Zhong Lu, by Shaanxi Nan Lu (5466 1266) 淮海中路 999 号 环贸 iapm 商 场 L6-615, 近陕西南路

Y+ Yoga Centre Whether you are looking to develop your spiritual wellbeing, body toning or just socialise with the hip young crowd, Y + Yoga Centre will have the right class for you. 1) 2/F, Bldg2, 299Fuxing Xi Lu, by Huashan Lu (6433 4330) Daily 6.45am - 8.45pm cn 2) 3/F, 308 Anfu Lu, by Wukang Lu (6437 2121) 3) 2/ F, 202 Hubin Lu, by Shunchang Lu (6340 6161) Daily 7.30am-8.45pm 1) 复兴 西路 299 号 2 号楼 2 楼 , 近华山路 2) 安福路 308 号 3 楼 , 近武康路 3) 湖滨路 202 号 2 楼 , 近顺昌路

THANYING THAI CUISNE The Ultimate in Thai Fine Dining from Singapore to Shanghai Thai food is a no-brainer for Shanghai’s pickiest gourmands due to the cuisine’s complex mix of sourness, sweetness and spiciness. The recent opening of Thanying at 100 AM Mall Shanghai introduces our city to sumptuous delights. Only the finest Thai-style herbs, spices and ingredients are used here. Part of the Amara Group, Thanying Shanghai is an extension of the brand’s flagship Singapore restaurant. Marked by a culinary past suitable for royalty, meticulous effort is put in to ensure each guest feels pampered by the distinctly Thai service. The same premium taste and exacting standards are present in Shanghai as in Singapore. Enjoy signature dishes like tom yam goong (spicy prawn soup), peek gai sod sai (stuffed boneless chicken wing) and som tam (green papaya salad) in the modern Thai venue. There are also celebration sets for China’s 70th National Day starting from RMB70 from now until October 21.

> Thanying Thai Cuisine, Rm. 203-206, 2/F, 100 AM Mall, 1055 Jiaozhou Lu, by Changshou Lu 1055号胶州路1055号新百安商场2楼#203-206, 近长寿路 (3216 2655)


FURNITURE Karma Life Yoga This large newly renovated high-end studio in Pudong offers a diverse range of styles and classes, including Ashtanga, Anusara, Hot yoga, soft Yin and Basics. The teachers are top notch and international, with world-renowned visiting guest teachers offering workshops and teacher trainings. Classrooms are spacious and bright, and changing areas are clean and stylish. Classes taught in both Chinese and English. 1) 160 Pucheng Lu, by Shangcheng Lu (5882 4388, 150 0003 0588) Daily 9am-10pm cn 2) 2nd floor, No. 758 South Xizang Lu 1) 浦城 路 160 号 , 近商城路 2) 西藏南路 758 号 2 楼

Master Arnold & WOOX!LIVING Find custommade furniture & contemporary pieces to complete your living space here and abroad. From classic Canadian sideboard, vintage icons to Barcelona contemporary seating, you’re invited to explore. Salesman who speaks Chinese, English, German & Korean are always open for your furniture & interior ideas. Showroom New Opening in October 2017 in Qingpu. Call us or visit online shop: Joyce (Korean/ English/Chinese /German) 17321041917; Arnold (English/Chinese) 13611916641; George (English/German) 18962412911 www. WeChat: wooxliving


BOOKSTORES Garden Books SHANGHAI CENTER, F1/1376 Nanjing Road (W), (EAST SUITE)Sells imported books, newspapers, magazines and other foreign publications. 325 Changle Lu, by Shaanxi Lu (5404 8728) 长乐路 325


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PENFOLDS WINE World-Renowned Australian Wine Launches New Collection Penfolds is proud to present its 2019 ‘Collection Series’ in Shanghai. The brand new vintage is in commemoration of the brand’s 175th anniversary. To mark the occasion, chief winemaker Peter Gago traveled to China to present 16 new wines. Among the bottles were the latest ones from international wine masters and independent wine critics Andrew Caillard MW and Nick Stock for James With a 100-point score of 2015, Penfolds Grange, RWT Bin 798, Bin 389 and Yattarna Yatara’s 2017 vintage have been popular among Chinese consumers in recent years. Industry insiders, media and wine critics from all over China were present for the Masterclass Tasting led by Peter Gago. Mr. Tim Ford, Global Chief Operating Officer of Fuyu Wine Group and Mr. Tom King, Managing Director of North Asia, of Fuyu Wine Group, were also present at the launch ceremony, where they shared in the extraordinary charm of Penfolds.


号 , 近陕西路

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Apple Montessori Apple Montessori Xuhui Campus Add: No. 290, West Jianguo Road cross Jiashan Road, Xuhui district Tel: 021-33567892; 13671874701 Email: campus.xuhui@applemontessori. org Apple Montessori Pudong Campus Add: No. 889, South Yanggao Road cross Pujian Road Tel: 021-50771762; 13671874151 Email: HSK intensive course: 100RMB/class hour *30 class hours Mon、Wed、Fri 14:00- - 17:00 Sat、Sun 9:00- -12:00 Daytime Course Day: Monday-Friday Time: 10:00 ~17:00 1 to 1 Class Regular Daytime Course Price: Class hour: 50H, 7500yuan Class hour: 100H, 14000yuan Promotion Daytime Course Price: Class hour: 30H,4200yuan Class hour: 50H,6000yuan Huaihai Rd campus: 021-53067271 No.28 Gaolan Rd Shanghai Zhongshan park campus: 021-62418767 Block A,13F,No.121 jiangsu Rd

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That’s hai Shang



Finally, a horoscope that understands your life in China. By Gary Bailer





C o n g ra t s o n m a k i n g i t a n o t h e r year, Libra, you amiable, tactful and imaginative beauty. Now down to brass tacks: You need to stop being so paranoid about everything – your roommates are not plotting to steal your Wang Leehom poster from above your bed. Have a birthday shot of baijiu , toss on some Between Two Ferns and CTFO.

This month’s Libra planetary energy has you feeling irritable, but never fear, Scorps – this is exactly what 24-hour spas are for. There is no need to have a drunken breakdown out front of Perry’s at 2am, get in that taxi – go, NOW!





While the saying goes ‘don’t wear white after Labor Day,’ you probably shouldn’t wear white ever, because it’s so hard to clean and the kids are just going to get crayon all over it anyway. To keep mental balance, we recommend starting a coin collection.

Neptune is in the cards this month, and that means you’re going to be hell bent on pursuing your spiritual desire to move improve our world. While we agree this is a good state of mind, stop yelling at grannies budging in line at the bus stop. Buy solar panels on Taobao instead.


5.22~6.21 T h i s m o n t h y o u ’ l l fi n d y o u r s e l f mentally torn between romance, creative pursuits and corner store beers. Neglect all three urges and instead purchase a turtle – they’re good for fengshui . Does this sound like silly advice? Sure. It is. But is it any sillier than last month’s? Nope.



6.22~7.22 Your home base is no more. Your landlord has had enough of the latenight parties, balcony barbecues and lost-key debacles – you’re out. Don’t fret though, your office has a couch for a reason and there are enough leftover mooncakes there to sustain a fullgrown Asian elephant for a year.

Sagittarius 11.23~12.21

There is a new moon on the 13th, meaning there has never been a better time to dedicate yourself to a new project. Start wearing protection, or, if that seems like too much work, start attending Chinese lessons again. If neither of those toot your horn, do what every nerd in Shenzhen is doing and start your own cryptocurrency.


3.21~4.20 Independence is key this month, which means you need to start eating what you want for lunch. No more tagging along with Sam and Carl for McDonald’s. Do yourself a favor and hit that jianbing stall you always pass on your way to the metro – we know you won’t regret it.


7.23~8.23 Look, Leo, we get it – you enjoy a bit of spice both in your romantic life and on the palate. But remember, your VIP card to Di Shui Dong won’t save you from the ‘spicy belly’ (la duzi ) afterwards. Just to be safe this month, drink a bit of yogurt or milk before eating the four chili dishes just to prove you can.

Capricorn 12.22~1.20

Your boss is going to be keeping a close eye on you this month, but that’s okay – training centers are basically one big jungle gym. Show him/her what you are made of: Show up on time, don’t drink on the job and, for effs sake, do not do drugs in China.

Taurus 4.21~5.21

Expect your workload to double this month, thanks to that pesky (but ohso-epic) week-long National Day holiday. Don’t worry, though, you’re resourceful and 7-Eleven plays host to a never-ending supply of Red Bull. Drink six cups of hot water per day to maintain ‘healthy.’


8.24~9.23 Your word this month is yuanfen , fate in its most devious sense. You may meet someone special or do something epic, so be thankful for what may look like coincidence… but may be the hand of fate. (While we’re on the subject, is it coincidence or fate that China is the furthest place from your parents?)

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