4 minute read
Many times I sit back and wonder where would I be now had I not been raised by Godly parents who preached God’s word to me every day as a child. Most people who see me on the corner say, Every time I see you John you have that big ole smile. How you do it? I say to them, God put it there. Many times it is hard to explain what’s going through my heart and mind at the moment, but God gives me peace. God smiles down on me because he knows I'm waiting for someone I can share His Word with.
I had a doctor's appointment this morning and was waiting to see the doctor. I was trying to write this article and couldn’t seem to get my thoughts together so I thought to myself, the only way I can finish this article is if I go to my corner. Seems as if that’s my perfect spot where God speaks to my heart.
Much of the time, I sit back and talk to God about why I’m not in the Big Truck anymore. I feel the way it all went down just wasn’t fair. On the other hand, it seems as if He’s telling me, John, I need you on that corner sharing the Word more than I need you running up and down the road. I’m hoping both ways, whether on the corner or trucking, it all blends out.
Sometimes I get so frustrated on my corner because I don’t understand the unnecessary hate from the people who pass you by, judging you because you may have been homeless a few days. It’s just not fair, homelessness, color of skin, ashamed of God’s word. I don't understand. It’s not fair, but the God I serve each day is good.
It’s the beginning of the year and this is my first of three articles and I want Nashvillians to know, I love you! Let’s start a great new year by continuing in love. Before Jesus ascended back to heaven, those were his words to the disciples, to love one another.
I love y’all, Nashvillians. Pass it on. First thing I wanna express in this, a guy who was killed on I65 oughta be still living (terrible). It’s what America has taught for years, but it shouldn’t have gone down like that. Tell you one thing though, God says, you sow a bad seed, you also reap it, looking over your back for the rest of your life wondering if something or somebody is about to take your life. It is a miserable way to live. Wouldn’t wanna be in your shoes. Looks as if our Church and government should be the first to show love, they should be an example. Our government doesn't, some churches do, but many don’t. God said, out of everything he commanded, Love was the most important. If we don’t love one another, our neighbors, we don't love Him.
1 John 3:18 says “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and truth.” Amazing how we say we love, and on the other hand, we hold back on God’s word. How we rather have money than God’s word? Shame on you. And on down to the 17th verse it says, “But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” Many times I’m caught in that situation and if it’s something I didn’t wanna do, I still do it. It’s just the love of God that lives in my heart.
Some days on the corner, I don't stay very long because I can’t take the hatred that’s very clearly seen from people passing by and the school. Our government took God out of the public schools but seems God lives in their hearts more so than the private schools. Something to think about. Ha!!