4 minute read
Vendor Writing
Art is an Investment to our Future
How many times have you heard, “If I could leave one thing to this world that will remind people what a loving person I was.” Art should be that choice. What other medium do you know that shows the soul of it’s creator?
Recently, Daybreak Arts had its annual celebration. No, I did not say second or third, but a once in a year celebration. What a beautiful evening we were blessed with. Whether we sold 10 pieces or just one. We were blessed by the crowd of people who showed up to say we love you. You are not forgotten. News 5, along with newspapers, attended our Illuminate Art Gala. The word thank you was probably said 1,000 times plus. Each someone who passed us we knew from the smiles, conversation, that something had stirred that night. The word community, family, friend. The inspiration that Nicole Minyard shows us as artist every day. The sole I speak of is what was taught to us. To show others joy we have in making art.
Many of our guests were past patrons or “visitors” who attended our previous shows. Belmont, Ugly Mugs, The Well’s Coffee House, Trinity Unitred Methodist Church, Nashville State Tech, Downtown Presbyterian Church, Gordan Jewish Community Center, to name a few. The community has offered many opportunities for us to show our talent as inspiring artist. We will always appreciate the experience of meeting new people.
I remember one such guest Maryanne Mimms who is a receptionist at Skyline Outpatient Physical Therapy, “Luna,” who came as my guest that evening. I remember her stopping to look at my art. Then the smile as she spotted other people in the room who was familiar to her. For a black tie affair she were dressed beautifully.
One of our artists could not attend due to his sudden passing. A tribute was made on his behalf. Trenton Eric Allen. A jewler and artist. He is not forgotten. As is all who purchase our art. We will always be grateful.
For future events please go to daybreakarts. org. Edwin Lockridge has two current shows. One at Bordeaux Library and Belmeade United Methodist. All art is for sale. The shows will last four months. As one of our artists he uses a unique style of making art. To see some of my art in the community it is as Varrallo’s restaurant on 4th Street and Skyline Outpatient Physical Therapy. Again having doors open to us from businesses is greatly appreciated.
Let’s Pray
The world has been crazy this last week or so. All this killing and death recently in Nashville when children died because of a gun. And people were saying all kinds of things about mental health.
I believe all schools should be locked down. But like last week with the kids dying we need to stop and look seriously. Nine years old. We are all God’s children. We made the world like it is today. That’s not God’s doing. We did it to his creation. We can’t even keep God’s children safe. If my children was still small and school age, they would be homeschooled. I’m not real smart. But I would make do to keep my child safe. I’d do anything to keep my kids safe.
We all need to look at our lives. If we are not safe, what needs to be done?
I’m with the kids walking out of school to the Capitol because the people in government ain’t doing nothing. Look at this president and the world since he got in.
What are we going to do? Speak out people. This is our lives.
God bless us all down here. Be safe out there.
The Shortest Day, “A Dream”
I’ve talked to you about the Last Ride parts one and two and the Longest Day, “Eternity.” Now, let’s talk about the Shortest Day, “A Dream.” Think for a minute, it don’t even last that long, it lasts about 30 seconds, not all night like you might think. So, get your ducks in a row. When you wake up, “poof,” it’s all gone. It’s coming soon. Be ready.