8 minute read
Vendor Writing
From the Bookshelf
— Simon Wiesenthal

The first three decades of the 20th century were especially difficult for the citizens of Europe. Germany, once an economic powerhouse, was battered by a global pandemic, a worldwide economic depression and the humiliating loss of the first world war. As the economic woes worsened, far-right political groups, most notably the Nazis, came to power in the early 1930s by demonizing the previous democratic government, Communists, Socialists, and Jews. Hitler came to power by convincing everyday Germans that "the others" among them were the root cause of all their problems. (Does any of that sound familiar?)
But the sheer horror of the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Nazis is not what this book is about. The first part of The Sunflower details an experience Wiesenthal had while on a forced work detail that brought him into contact with a wounded German SS soldier. The moral dilemma he confronted as a result of this contact is what Wiesenthal encourages the reader to consider. His tale asks what you would have done in the same situation.
In the second section of The Sunflower, Wiesenthal presented his story to a number of world-renowned experts from various religious, ethical, philosophical and theological disciplines; from the Dalai Lama, to Suzannah Heschel, to Desmond Tutu and beyond; to give their thoughts on his moral dilemma. It is certainly interesting to read the moral diversity of their replies.
Wiesenthal knew that at some point, the history of his time would repeat itself. He knew that at some point evil, corrupt leaders would rise again while everyday good men and women looked on and did nothing. Perhaps a reading of The Sunflower will give you the necessary historical perspective to summon the moral courage to confront your own complacency. Read The Sunflower before the legislature bans it. They certainly don't want you to take the time to consider the moral consequences of their actions.
The Story of Little Blue
The reason I have Little Blue is I’m not allowed to have a pet where I live at. I used to have cats. I still have two cats now, but they are outside. Orange Blossom Special and Little Blakey. They are brother and sister. RITI don’t want me feeding them, but I’d rather see them eating cat food than birds or rats.

Little Blue is a good dog he don’t eat nothing, he don’t drink nothing. If he needs to go to the bathroom he will come scratch on my leg or shoe. He’s a make believe little dog, but for me he’s real because I can’t have one where I live at. I qualify for a mental or emotional service dog because I’ve been depressed quite a few times in my life.
I have Little Blue because he means a lot to me. I could be depressed not having a pet, but I can go in and give him a little cuddle and say, “I’m so glad I have you Little Blue” and give him a kiss and a hug. He wants me to teach him how to play the spoons. And he might want to be a Contributor seller!
I’ve had all kinds of pets in my life. I had a ferret that I either called Ferrett or Speedy Gonzalez. I had a goldfish, twin parrots, snakes, lizards and a chameleon. I had a bobcat cub in Knoxville with my second ex wife. I raised a few of them. I raised two Chow dogs from puppy to adult. My kids wanted to name one of them Alexis. I can’t remember what we named the other one. I had Siamese cats. If you’re ever in the house and hear a baby cry, you better trace that down because it could be a stray Siamese cat. That’s how I found mine.
A Walk… In My Shoes
I was asked to live in a level of homelessness, not understood by most, especially those in the Christian community. It happened one day in late June, 21st of June in 2022, to be exact. I thought it only for brief time… until days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, this June will be a year… my one year anniversary.
Celebrate with me! This is my story.
He who has an ear, Let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches Revelation 2:29. The Christian community did not nor could not comprehend “WHY” a most loving and forgiving God could or would ask this of me, such an extreme assignment.
Coming out of summer into the first chilly nights of fall, I was approached frequently. Some questioning my ability to make rash decisions, or that I was hearing from God. They said, “You need to come in,” (The Mission) or, “It’s too cold out here,” or, “I am your voice of reason.” Others said they were speaking on God’s behalf, and gave me the analogy of the man treading water, waiting on a miracle from God. Three came to assist, to which he replied, “No thank you.” to each. “I’m waiting on God.” To this analogy I replied, “I appreciate your concern, waiting on God. I am not about to abort the mission because the conditions became harsh. God was perfectly able to let me know the, where, how and why.”
For them, God had been placed in a box, and unless it looked like what they knew and understood about God they were not letting “him” out. LET ME TELL YOU, GOD ALMIGHTY, WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE KEPT IN A BOX, NOR WILL “HE” EVER BE.
“He” is not in the box kind of God. “His” best work is when 1. “He” does things in His timing according to His plan and purpose. 2. He works in unconventional ways, ways that are unexpected or unfamiliar to us. 3. He will absolutely not be manipulated or controlled.
This adventure I am on is in God’s timing and will continue to be so, until it’s completion, until the number of days have been fulfilled. Until then I will not be approved for release, or departure from my assignment . My training on the streets is imperative to my growth and to my calling. Thus far I have received understanding and insight no obtained in any other way.
So it is with you, if, you are on an assignment, your growth and maturity and calling depends on the places God sends you for your training. And the things he asked you to do. The key is to embrace it, it is for His glory and your good.
What I will share now is some of that insight and understanding.
It was hard, I could not wrap my mind around what I was seeing and experiencing. As I was processing and grieving all the corruption, in Downtown city of Nashville where I was stationed. It had begun to erupt to a level of anti-homelessness, I had not been aware of previously. It was very sinister. I had noticed some “No Public Restrooms” signs popping up, while others flat out said, “No.” To the usage of their restrooms. I see both sides of the coin, how then can we come together to create a win-win? Others removed benches from their property or forbid them altogether. Additionally, finding a place to charge your phone was exhausting. Almost made me want to give up on having one. We have very few options for fulfilling these basic needs, and they are decreasing quickly.
How cruel that we should lack access to these basic functions, furthermore that our own government, locally and beyond in cooperation with our local law enforcement is behind this. A plan that has been in the process for decades possibly.
And I will share why I believe this. Shortly after my entrance into the ominous world of the homeless community, I was made aware of a bill that passed. No coincidence here!
Mind you, without the signatures of the governor on it, (hmmm) A law was about to go into effect in just days, on July 1, 2022. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, we were now expected to make bricks WITHOUT any straw. I now knew to what the Israelites must have felt!
The law is (SB)1610 entitled Public Safety and Property. A copy of the law and the companion bill (HB)978 are available online.
Basically, as I understand it, in a nutshell, it restricts our daily struggle even further and subjects the homeless community to increased criminalization.
The government is keeping us in a state of pre incarceration in chains and shackles until the day of incarceration, could be permanent. Using the very things (SB)1610 and (HB)978 that would and could keep us from possible housing and employment, the very things that are necessary for escape from the streets. The irony of it.
(SB)1610 and (HB)978 resemble anti-homeless legislation. More obvious than it’s ever been.
Why am I writing about this, from the streets? It effects myself as well. I am being criminalized for being homeless. You be the judge!