8 minute read
Vendor Writing
A response to “The Rise of Direct Aid” in ‘The Contributor,’ Volume 17, #11, 05/24 - 06/7, 2023
"Direct Aid" should be called compensation pay or reparations, depending on who you’re offering to.
The word “aid“ is insulting. Poor people have been at the effect of war, colonization, resource stealing and greed. To suppose that one is being a benefactor by offering structured and conditional help to the people one has already taken so much from is difficult at best.
As a population, we the unhoused consist of about the same ratio of intelligent or not so much, crazy or sane, traveled, or not traveled, savvy, or not so much — as the rest of the population. The fact that so many people will not trust us to say exactly what would help us has been in the way. The Contributor staff and volunteers all know this. They have resources on offer, but they know that we know what is best for us.
Resource Sharing
As a rule, the people who are really working hard to try to solve problems like homelessness are not typically the people who created the problem. I am ever grateful to those who are able to put in that much volunteer work, and just hard work in general to help the world.
Yet, I do see that the large majority of us unhoused have solutions at hand. Money certainly helps almost everything. If asked to write a proposal on what we would like to do with a meaningful amount of money, I think you would see creativity, suppressed dreams and abilities come to light. Poor people have learned a lot of behaviors that protect us. One of them is allowing you to think of us as helpless, dumb, or somehow, not entitled. I agree with the author when she states that the puritanical values are what drive our workforce. If we were to say that we wanted work to be fun, that we wanted to be on our own schedule, that we could serve our community best by having more free time, these things are not allowed to the boots on the ground workers. Unless you are selling The Contributor ! And writing articles. And looking for news that might inform or help people. So no, don’t take our paper away please. See that word, please? We have no right to make demands.
In a free world
In a free world, people, passing by a stranger in a coat, who is obviously living outside, might show some curiosity. They might wish for a safe environment for a soul, so that deep traumas or other forms of loss can be repaired. But most of all, they would see each person as a free agent. Someone who can help solve their own problems, but who might need a little love, community, inclusivity. I do believe it is a myth that we can just pull ourselves up by your bootstraps. I have tried. I have lots of broken laces to show you. We need each other. And that is a good thing.
What is Happening in Nashville?
What is happening to Nashville? My dad (God rest his soul) used to tell me that there were people in Nashville that helped people at the drop of a hat. If you needed a ride, they're right there. If you needed food? It was left on your doorstep. But it’s not like that anymore and I think that is sad.
I think it’s sad that the homeless are just brushed aside and not taken care of. They don’t have anywhere to go. The cops, they try to push us out, harass us and the people in Nashville don’t even care. They don’t even care about helping and I think that’s wrong. I think it’s sad that people in Nashville don’t care about anybody but themselves. I heard a lady yesterday say you know people in other cities take care of the homeless better than Nashville does, and I couldn't even believe what I heard, but you know what I believe it now. They probably do take better care of their homeless than Nashville does. Did you know Texas and Florida are building houses for their homeless. Why can’t Nashville do that? Why can’t Nashville refurbish these buildings? Why can’t they do something to help the homeless instead of just beating us and clothing us? Why don’t they start building places for us? Why doesn’t the city and the Mayor give us the $14 million that they have sitting up there. It was for the homeless anyway. Why not give it to us? Let us get a hotel room, a bath, a shower. Let us be able to sleep in a damn bed. Why did 174 homeless people have to die last year to get somebody’s attention?
Why doesn’t Nashville do the right thing and care enough about their homeless people to build something they could live in? They are going to be people that have money that are going to be sitting where I am one day. My dad always said, “Don’t judge a book by its cover until you walked a mile in their shoes.”
And my mother (God rest her soul) used to say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover until you see what’s inside.” And all of Nashville judges. Just because somebody is homeless doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings. It doesn’t mean they’re not a person. It doesn’t mean they’re not a human being. It just means they’re down on their luck and to get back up there they need somebody’s help and it is sad that Nashville can’t provide that help. Didn’t God say feed the hungry and help the poor? Well Homeless people are poor. Why don’t Nashville start helping us by building us some place to live and getting rid of the icons and the statues and everything else that makes Nashville the place that my dad told me about?
Life is always good as they say; it’s not a bed of roses neither. You can always choose your path. The left or the right. Choose it wisely. Make the right decision. We have trials and paths to cross. Let’s pray that our endeavors are for the best.
We will have a lot of ups and downs, like I’ve said, “Don’t give up, it may be a little rocky sometimes and our life won’t be smooth, so keep your heads up and smile. No frowns are allowed.”
We are all here together, live your life to the fullest. Be happy with one another.
Love: No Matter What the Cost
God said in 1 Corinthians 13:2-3 that if you had all the faith you could move mountains, if you had all knowledge, understand all mysteries and have not love, you are nothing. Many go to God’s house every Sunday. Sometimes I wonder. To my understanding, being a Christian, Love is where it all begins. God said, out of all things he commanded, love was the most important. To love God and love one another. We can’t just say it, we have to live it.
All month I’ve been trying to deal with the unknown. Everyday I go to work I lock my door and every time I return my door is open. But what I really can’t understand is I’m a tenant at Trevecca high rise and staff know what’s going on but I’m not allowed that information. Maybe that’s their rule, but it seems more like hate or personal vendetta. Supposedly it’s a Christian campus but on the other hand, I have to be on the alert every night, watching and waiting to see if someone try to open my door with a key like they did two Saturdays ago. It don’t bother me much because God already prepared me for this day. Over thirty years I lived along the streets. God watched over me and now I live in an apartment which is now no better than the streets. No privacy, don’t know whether someone will barge in or not. I can’t see much difference than living under the bridge. Whether company policy or not, we reap what we sowe. I suffer from depression sometimes but this don’t depress me at all. I just wonder why God’s got my back.
Ya see I talk to God everyday, every night and all through the day. He knows my heart. I’m not a perfect person. I can’t go around being what people (world) wants me to be. Trevecca can’t take my joy. If I did life in prison it wouldn’t take my joy. I feel great, I got the words off my chest. Time to continue to do God’s work. I love y’all. And no matter what we go through God said we must continue in love. Love is how God’s identify his childrens. Sin and hatred is how Satan identify his.