The Contributor: Aug. 5, 2020

Page 17





I’ll meet you at the dock at six o five

I crafted a homemade contraption

God gave us many gifts

And we’ll go sailing on the Cumberland

to distance myself from others,

You might not know what

Along her scenic shores of silt and sand

Much like the one my mother

But you will feel his lift

We’ll take the air and let our hearts revive

fashioned for me years ago.

The river rolls along in nature’s way

She sewed a long cone shape

When you wake up every day,

Unlike the stop and go of day to day

with a casing at the open end

God has made a plan

And maybe we will dip a toe or two

From left-over gauze she strained

To let the water heal us through and through

grape juice through,

Give Him a chance

We’ll pack a lunch and make a day of it

Her powerful hands twisting out

He will show you the way

We won’t come back until the stars are lit

every last drop.

When things look bleak

A day of peace and tranquil wandering

I watched with big eyes as her

Don’t give up God’s not weak

Detached from all except our own good cheer

strong, elegant hands

Where there’s no need for somber pondering

Magically transformed a wire

You have strength and power from the Lord

To make fond memories we’ll all hold dear

hanger into a circle with two

Don’t be scared get up from the floor

tines at either end.

He fills your cup

She patiently threaded the wire

He never gives up




through the gauze casing,


And anchored it all tightly to a

Always believe you will make a difference

bamboo pole.

In someone’s life

Out in the yard,

For all you know

She showed me how to gently

It’s God Himself.

swing it through the air, The demons are whispering in your ears.

By effortlessly scooping up a wild

They say you’re worthless, why are you here?

Swallowtail in carefree flight,

The pain is so unbearable, you can’t see a way out.

Then placed the trap in my chubby,

The only option is making suicide your next route.

little hand

As you slip your head into the noose,

And encouraged me with her

Here comes rushing thoughts of truth.

shining, almond eyes,

Is this really the solution to a painful life?

And a hopeful nod, to follow her

What would this do to your husband or wife?


I know you can’t take the agony anymore.

The contraption and I toddled

This life’s ripped it’s claws into your core.

around the fenced yard all

But, killing yourself won’t fix anythying.

summer long.

It will only leave your loved ones in sorrow and misery.

I relentlessly chased and thrashed

You may not have anyone to count on.

about after my colorful, delicate

But, you never will if your dead and gone.


Give yourself the chance for hope.

But on the whole, the butterflies

There’s always a light and this I know.

evaded my grasp.

I too have tried to end it all.

I have my father’s hands.

I felt like I was always backed against the wall.

THEY DON’T GET THEIR WAY WITH YOU. THEN THEY START THREATENING YOU. If I’m your friend, I’m there with you, good or bad situation.

when I was going through

You’re not alone in this fight.


To begin to see what you can’t currently.


The light on the other side of your journey.

People look down on life because they don’t have

Is your final destination because your worthy.

People say you’re friends until

my friends really were,

That jagged blade became my ant-depressant

Give yourself an opportunity.


I really found out who

I used to think about dying every second.

So, please don’t die tonight.


everything they want or everything they need. But God said don’t give up.

August 5 - 19, 2020 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE | PAGE 17

some bad times. Still am and my friends are still there. To help me or just listen to me. Who is really your friend?

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