The Harsh Reality of Living on the Streets as a Woman

The Harsh Reality of Living on the Streets as a Woman
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Since The Contributor started in 2007, more than 3,200 different vendors have purchased $2.3 million worth of The Contributor and sold over six million copies, generating over $15 million in income for themselves.
In 2019, our C.O.V.E.R. Program (Creating Opportunity for Vendor Employment, Engagement, and Resources) was the natural expansion of our mission of removing obstacles to housing. We now offer full case management, assistance with housing and rental expenses, addiction recovery, health insurance, food benefits, and SSI/SSDI assistance. We see the one-stop-shop team approach radically transforming a vendor's image of self and their place in community.
Howard Gentry has served as the Davidson County Criminal Court Clerk since 2011. His office is responsible for keeping the records of the court, collecting fines and fees and other clerical duties as required, staffing courtrooms, and running the bond and warrant office.
Prior to being the Criminal Court Clerk — and yes, he will run again for this office — he was the first African American to be elected as Nashville’s Vice Mayor. Before that, he served as councilmember-at-large.
Gentry, a native Nashvillian, is known in our community to fight for marginalized populations and create collaborative efforts with the goal of reducing poverty and ending homelessness.
You have been leading collaborative efforts for expungement clinics for years. Tell us about them.
Expungements are one of the statutory requirements of my office and that is to provide the materials and the assistance and expungement records [for] everybody who … has the right to have their records expunged.
The fact is that expungement clinics came out of realizing that the majority of people did not know what expungement was until somebody told them. I started walking around the community asking people if they had gotten their record expunged, and they didn’t know what that word meant. I checked with the courtroom clerks and determined that people were not finding out in the courtrooms that they could get their records removed or expunged. Even if they were told, they didn’t know what to do.
So, we realized there was a need, and that’s how the expungement clinics started. They first started as an informational session, just to tell people about [the process], and then it morphed into actually going through the expungement process at the expungement clinics.
We’ve done around a hundred since 2011. When we came into our office, it was about an average of 8,000-9,000 expungements a year. We average between 20,000 and 30,000 expungements a year now. We move out into the community to ensure that we’re educating the community not only about the expungements but also about how to get their driver’s licenses reinstated and voting rights restored.
You established the Nashville Poverty Reduction Council. What happened to that effort?
If there is one thing that saddens me, it’s that I was talked into walking away from that. When I became Criminal Court Clerk, it was suggested that maybe my being the Criminal Court Clerk and heading the Poverty Initiative might be a conflict. And I made mistakes in my life … I don’t know if it was intended to be a dismantling — but it was a dismantling of an amazing mix of public-private involvement of what I believe would have made a huge difference in how poverty is approached in this city. Yes, it changed, and we were never able to get that
amazing mix of public-private stakeholders that really were committed to making a difference in the area of poverty in Nashville. I still hurt today.
It started when I was running the Public Benefit Foundation at the [Nashville] Chamber [of Commerce]. That’s when we had the first Poverty Summit in Nashville. It started there in the most unlikely place. And that’s where the leaders on the private side came into the fold and really bought into the pillars that needed to be constructed to reduce poverty in our city.
I can’t run around blaming myself, but I am saddened that that initiative was changed and [caused] the persons who were left to have to go out and create their own structures. And it has turned into more of a siloed effort again. We’ve been working hard around it, but it’s in silos.
Where do you see opportunities right now when you think about poverty reduction?
I do see opportunities. That Poverty Plan is still sitting on somebody’s shelf. And it has to start from the top. That’s the way that we started it. I mean we started it (from the Public Benefit Foundation) but we had support from the administration and Mayor Purcell was very involved. He actually was the person that brought to us the idea of the Homelessness Commission, and he did agree that we needed to look at poverty in a huge way.
Even when the Dean Administration began, they were very, very supportive of initiatives around poverty. But somewhere along the way, somebody had another idea. And unfortunately, it changed what we were doing and how we were doing it. The desire to have quicker results fueled the engine to do it differently. I just think there was a lack of understanding that the results were moving forward and would have been huge.
And so, it needs to start at the top again. The Administration needs to really embrace it. They don’t have to do all the work. There are people and entities in the community, stakeholders, I’m sure, who are willing to come back together and then make it a priority and create policy that will attack poverty at its core.
You were the founding chair of the Metropolitan Homelessness Commission, which later was merged with the Continuum of Care’s homelessness governance board into a community board called the Home -
lessness Planning Council. When you look at the city’s efforts over the years from where it was started, how are we doing as a community?
I think there are two pictures here. One is that we’re absolutely putting more resources into homelessness. And it is a very open and intentional discussion. There are efforts that are taking place that are real. And for that, I am happy. I am even proud about the facility that has just been opened (referring to the Strobel House that offers permanent supportive housing units for people experiencing homelessness) and those types of things.
What concerns me is that I don’t believe that we are as grassroots [as we should be] and that we’re digging deep enough into the problem these days to avoid homelessness continuing to move in the direction it is. When we first started, even though we made a mistake by not having homeless persons on the Homelessness Commission at the very beginning - but we corrected that mistake quickly – I don’t see us being as grassroots as we were [and] dealing with the root causes of homelessness in the way that we attempted to do.
Seeing homelessness where it is and looking deeper into the root causes, it’s hard, and it’s costly, and it’s time-consuming. The only way to keep the numbers from growing and generations from having to live in that state is to do what we need to do to keep people from being homeless in the first place; and minimize the results of mental health, minimize the results of disabilities, minimize the results of true poverty, and minimize the results for living in a homeless state for so long that it becomes your culture and the culture of your family and your children and their families. That’s the hard work. That’s the dirty work. That’s the almost- impossible-feeling work. And I don’t see enough in that area anymore.
Maybe it’s happening, but I know that if it were happening at the level that we started, I’d see it more.
You have spent a good portion of our career working at Tennessee State University. Do you want to comment about the current financial struggles and the future of TSU?
We’ve been talking about homelessness. We’ve been talking about poverty and the like. And of course, TSU was created to help a certain population, the black community, to help us to not fall into those categories. To educate a population of people who did not have the opportunities to create the abilities to move forward in their lives in a manner that would allow them to live a sustainable life of dignity and service to the community. To be able to do that, you had to go to the white institutions and of course, they did not want us there.
TSU was created because somebody thought it would be a good idea to educate negroes. It absolutely was a good idea. It is a good idea. And somewhere along the way, it feels like somebody [decided that instead] of a good idea, it was a bad idea.
The dismantling or the attempt to dismantle HBCU’s (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) across the nation, not just TSU, did not just start with this administration. Tennessee State is a great institution. It provides opportunities not just for Black folks but for all people. It’s very multicultural. It always has been. Never has it been segregated, and anybody could go to TSU from the day it was created, even though it is an HBCU.
TSU has had its challenges with all those factors in place. Underfinanced, underfunded, under supported and Tennessee State has survived anyway.
Now today, we’re in a situation where Tennessee State is still educating thousands of young people. Tennessee State is still educating people who are getting second degrees, third degrees, they’re still doing their job. But Tennessee State has fallen into a financial state whereby it needs to restructure, and it needs help in doing that. Tennessee State is not failing. Tennessee State is not crumbling. Tennessee State needs help.
This is an opportunity for TSU to even be greater. This is an opportunity for some of the mistakes that we might have made to be corrected. It is also an opportunity for those powers that be to help make it one of the greatest state institutions there is. The financial situation at TSU is a result of a lot of things. It’s a result of the state not funding it at the level that they should have. It’s also a result of we, the alumni, not supporting financially at the level we could. It’s also the result of the community not being as supportive as it used to be. And even possibly, TSU not involving itself in the community as much that we could have or should have.
But all that being said, I have not said one thing to you that is not fixable. There is money that is available to the university. There are efforts taking place and could be even greater with the assistance and support of state entities to correct the findings that are real and need to be corrected. And having leadership at the top from the board down that can help create an improved Tennessee State University. All that is doable.
Is there anything else you would like to address?
I was around when The Contributor first started. And I always looked at it as basically a great opportunity for persons who were without housing, without jobs, who were struggling to be employed and be able to sustain themselves. And that’s [how] I looked at it.
But I know you are bigger than that. You are more important than that, even though that’s a big deal what I just said. And I just want to thank The Contributor for doing what you do because, of course, you create a media source for us to be able to read and hear what we need to read and hear and don’t think of enough. But you also create opportunities that go unnoticed by the population at large and I just want you to know that I see you.
Written by Chris Scott Fieselman, Vendor #0015
There are people out there, who don’t know where? They’re going to sleep tonight?
I see them... I Care... & I don’t think it’s fair. So, Be Ye Prepared for a Fight. It’s a dirty job and I do get dirty, Pretty much most of the time. But somebody’s got to do it because? Camping should not be a Crime. I guess I just want to clean up the mess. I’ve seen what’s been done and I’m not impressed. It’s true that they do reach and rescue a few, But what about all of the rest?
God Bless those people in office, For all that they have done? You can’t please everybody, But at least they did help some.
I think we can do better, So get ready - On Guard - and Touché... Something is better than nothing when? It comes down to a place to stay. They’re going to wish I had just gone away, But I’m not about to quit.
Until some New and Improved solution, Gets established and done about it?
I call for a Truce instead of excuses. A planned out piece of land, Expressly meant for Campers use. Impoverished people just paying their dues. With nothing to look forward to, There’s nothing left to lose. They don’t know any better. They don’t know any different. They lack the experience, lack an example, And they lack the support and the tools. Instead of an option and a chance to choose, They’re everywhere out there, Just singing the blues.
Adversaries or Allies?
Please, Mr. Mayor, Freddie O’Connell, That’s up to you to decide? As for me? I’m happy to be, “Just Hanging On for the Ride” Trying to get friends and family, To all be on my side. Creating something from nothing, Depending upon what I write?
Friends like Family?
Can you see the possibilities?
Adversaries or Allies?
Can you hear Their Cry’s at Night? When people read what I’ve written, I’m right there with them, And they can hear the melody in their heart. That’s right where a songwriter wants to begin. That’s right where I want to start.
Written by Chris Scott Fieselman, Vendor #0015
Well... I’ve seen me a whole lot of, Sweet hot honeys, With a real cold shallow heart. They’re only in it for the money, And they’ll tear your world apart. But a woman who’s willing to stand by me, And pick me up when I’m feeling down. Makes me see things differently, And feel better when she’s around.
I’ve got a Lot of Loving for a Lot of Woman, That won’t break when I take her in my arms. More to explore, appreciate and adore, Captivated by her charms.
A heart of gold, to have and hold, When the nights are cold and long.
I’ve got a Lot of Loving for a Lot of Woman, That’s the kind of woman I want.
Now, it’s not all about her bra size, Or the way she wears her hair.
Sometimes there’s more than meets the eye, Something special there. You might be surprised by what’s inside, That you can’t see.
A Heart of Love that’s more than enough, And exactly what you need.
I’ve got a Lot of Loving for a Lot of Woman, That won’t break when I take her in my arms.
More to explore, appreciate and adore, Captivated by her charms.
A heart of gold, to have and hold, When the nights are cold and long.
I’ve got a Lot of Loving for a Lot of Woman, That’s the kind of woman I want.
Find fun with a full-figured woman. Party hearty with a fat bottom girl. They really know how to live, And give them a chance, They’ll rock your world.
So, she’s got a little bit of “Meat on Her Bones” Better to be with her than to be all alone. Come on baby, let me take you home, And I’ll show you Good Loving, Like you’ve never known.
I’ve got a Lot of Loving for a Lot of Woman, That won’t break when I take her in my arms. More to explore, appreciate and adore, Captivated by her charms.
A heart of gold, to have and hold, When the nights are cold and long.
I’ve got a Lot of Loving for a Lot of Woman, That’s the kind of woman I want.
1. Giant Himalayan
5. *M in MAC
8. Bathtub libation
11. Joie de vivre
12. Do like fly fisherman
13. East side of Jersey
15. Tucked in 16. Diva's solo
17. Length of a forearm
18. *____ Sunday
20. Osiris' wife
21. Freshwater fish
22. Stir fry pan
23. Victorian era overcoat
26. Smallest
30. *Like attending band at the NCAA Tournament
31. Kaa of "The Jungle Book"
34. Great Lake
35. Prep mushrooms for steak, e.g.
37. Cooking fat
38. Bible song
39. Second to last word in some fairytales
40. False
42. Dip oreo into milk, e.g.
43. Tiresome
45. Hoariest
47. NBC's sketch comedy show
48. Misrepresent
50. South American monkey
52. *2025 NCAA Championship game venue
56. Renaissance fiddle
57. "To ____ and to hold"
58. ____-friendly
59. Founding Father Thomas ____
60. Damien's prediction
61. Reunion group
62. Bancroft to Hoffman in
"The Graduate"
63. Agreement word 64. Ages and ages
1. Nay opposers
2. River in Bohemia
3. 1.3 ounces, in Asia
4. Owes money (2 words)
5. Angelina Jolie's 2024
singing role
6. "Kick the bucket," e.g.
7. *____ Smith, coach of 2 champs and 11 Final Four teams
8. Mongolian desert
9. Fleur-de-lis
10. *Cut down at end of last game
12. Like rheumy eyes
13. Descendant
14. *2024 winners
19. Thin pancake
22. *____ and move on 23. *Cinderella's victory
24. Furlough
25. Spew, past tense
26. Cough syrup balsam
27. Use other end of pencil?
28. Farm structures
29. Dangle a carrot
32. *____-up or evenly matched game
33. Step on it
36. *2024 Most Outstanding Player Newton
38. Paralyzing disease, for short
40. Afghan monetary unit
41. Neolithic tomb
44. "Riunite ____ ____, that's nice"
46. Figure out
48. Scapegoat's due 49. Roof overhang
50. Salty drop
51. Avian wader
52. Sailor call
53. Capital of Norway
54. Statistics calculation
55. Sea eagles
56. Dashboard acronym
“Luchar! Crear! Poder Popular!” is the chant for Poder Popular, an organization led by working-class people here in Tennessee. It translates from Spanish to English as “Fight! Create! People power!”
On Feb. 10, one of Poder Popular’s tenant unions organized a picket protest for the conditions at Suburban Mobile Home Park off of Murfreesboro Pike in Antioch. The conditions tenants alleged include rent hikes, poor water management and harassment. Organizations in North Carolina — Action NC, Southern Workers Assembly, and United for a Fair Economy — joined with Unidos Por Un Cambio, “United for a Change” to deliver a copy of their demands to the main office of the company who owns the homes, Jones Estates/Stackhouse Management in Durham.
Tenants allege the management company charged excessive fees, like $100 for leaving Christmas lights up past a deadline. In the beginning of December, the management company also changed its parking polices and began towing tenants' vehicles. Towing fees often start at $485, and many tenants say the policies weren’t fair because they target parking spaces that tenants were accustomed to using without issue.
“I want to say that since they began towing we have had no peace,” Emilliano, one of the residents, said. “They are taking the cars. They allow us only two, but we all need more than two cars because we need them to go to work, to move, for any reason, not because we only want to park them. Since the tow trucks began coming, sometimes they do not let us sleep until 3 or 4 AM, then at 6 AM more arrive and are there all day. Sometimes working with expired plates.”
One of the organizers with Poder Popular said the towing began in December of 2024.
“That’s what actually triggered the members to organize — and these parking policies do seem to be happening in many many states as well,” an organizer named Chavela said. “They’re spreading like a wildfire.”
High school students at Antioch High School, where a recent school shooting added
to growing unease, worry often about the new parking policies. Residents say that tow trucks that circle the neighborhood looking for cars to tow are driven by armed drivers. One student, Mitzy, gave a speech during the protest to explain how the management has been affecting the youth especially.
“What happened at Antioch High School has been traumatizing for all of us,” she said. “We feel like we should feel safe, and we don’t at the moment. And then when we come home, we also live with fear and do not feel safe because of the management here at Suburban, Jones Estates. We are afraid that we are also going to get our cars towed — This new rule is taking away our opportunity to drive and to start working as well. That’s why we are organizing — to have dignity and respect in our community.”
Students are forced to find parking at nearby businesses instead and walk from there. The predatory towing continues to cause further damage by causing a trickle-down effect that keeps residents from health appointments. Because the management company does not staff an in-person office in Nashville, residents allege that they often have to leave concerns on a voicemail system. They often receive no follow-up. Silencing tactics like this are often used to make tenants feel powerless.
“We’ve seen all kinds of stuff,” an organizer said. “I remember some landlord removed somebody's toilet and sink for participating at the town hall to get the maintenance issues fixed... as retaliation.”
Councilwoman Tasha Ellis listened to the residents’ testimonies for two hours as the group sat outside in the snowy 20-degree weather the week following the picket protest. Residents worked together to provide a heated tent for the meeting with Ellis. Students gave their speeches, introducing themselves as Justicía de Jòvenes, “Youth Justice” and said they were there to fight alongside their parents for justice in their community. Since that meeting, Ellis has requested an inspection from Metro Water Services and the Metro Codes Department.
Katie Bratcher is a volunteer for Poder Popular.
David Smith Jr. passed away on January 13 at the age of 39. David is remembered by his family who noted that he lived his life to the fullest until God called him home.
David wrote gospel music and was described by his family as very outgoing and the life of the party. He loved people, and his family noted that he was very expressive.
Just over a decade ago, David was in active drug addiction and had three strokes. The people in his housing community kicked him out and he ended up at St. Thomas Midtown where doctors found he had brain trauma and only 20 percent of his heart function. The staff there described him as a “miracle man” because he was so close to dying when he arrived. After he recovered, he
Tennessee K-12 schools, colleges and universities say they need further guidance after receiving a U.S. Department of Education directive to end all “race-based preferences” by the end of this month – or risk losing federal funding. The “Dear Colleague” letter, sent Feb. 14, warns all educational institutions that receive federal funding to cease all race-based decision-making in admissions, hiring, promotion, compensation, financial aid, scholarships, prizes, housing, graduation ceremonies, “and all other aspects of student, academic, and campus life.”
“Educational institutions have toxically indoctrinated students with the false premise that the United States is built upon ‘systemic and structural racism’ and advanced discriminatory policies and practices,” read the letter from Craig Trainor, acting assistant secretary for civil rights at the education
was denied disability. He eventually gained most of his health back and was able to find work so he could provide for his family, something he was adamant about doing.
David always took his family to church and after getting out of the hospital he started sharing his testimony with a big smile. He loved God and teaching about God and attending Bible studies. He credited God with saving him and always made sure to tell people who were also living with addiction, depression and homelessness not to give up. He would say that God loves you right now and being saved is more important than anything else. He would say that even if you don’t have a home right now, like he didn’t at parts of his life, that God’s got a mansion for you in Heaven.
David was also committed to caring for his community. The last time he served was at the Annual Homeless Memorial making sure everyone had breakfast. David would frequently visit homeless encampments to sit with people, feed them, give them money and encourage them. He even took his family with him so his children could see how blessed they were.
In his life, David experienced the cruelty of people who don’t treat you as human when you are homeless. He believed that nobody deserved to be treated badly or discriminated against because they were homeless. He devoted his life to making sure people were shown respect and kindness no matter their situation. He loved people right where they were at. He would ask people
department. “Proponents of these discriminatory practices have attempted to further justify them— particularly during the last four years—under the banner of ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion,’” read the letter, which warned institutions they have until Feb. 28 to eliminate any diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. The letter promised “additional legal guidance will follow in due course.” This was first published in the Tennessee Lookout, which is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.
Brief: Scholarship Flexibility Would Help More Earn Credentials
A new policy brief released by ThinkTennessee and the Tennessee Skills Coalition found that challenges keep many Tennesseans from pursuing credentials in the areas needed most in the workforce. The brief outlined the state’s worker shortage, cost of program attendance, and the impact
of post-secondary education on employment and earnings. The report also provides recommendations to improve the state’s preeminent scholarship programs, Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect, through policy modifications that would increase funding levels and flexibility. “If we want Tennessee's economy to continue being one of the fastest growing in the country, we need to solve the 58,000-worker shortage in our labor market,” said Erin Hafkenschiel, president of ThinkTennessee. "Specifically, we need policies that help more students access the higher education they need to enter the workforce — almost a quarter of Tennessee’s “in-demand jobs” are for middle-skill workers that have some college education or credentials. Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect are invaluable workforce pathways, and through additional funding and flexibility, they can play a critical role in sustaining Tennessee's economic growth.”
how they could eat a warm meal in their house and not think of the people outside. Together with his mother Tammy and their organization Mercy Grace Outreach, they made a difference in the community for the last 20 years.
David is survived by his mother, Tammy Branham; his grandmother, Barbara Malone; his wife of over 20 years, Remesha Smith; his four daughters, Tamia Smith, Kamara Smith, Miracle Smith and Aaliyah Smith; and his son Davion Smith, born February 21.
His mother Tammy said she especially thanks God for Remesha’s strength during this time and they pray that his children will be taken care of. They encourage everyone to encourage each other just like David did.
Tennessee Increases Summer Food Service Program in Rural Counties
In mid-February, the Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) announced a proposed investment of $3 million to reach families in underserved counties in the state. If approved by the Tennessee General Assembly, the department will provide a $120 one-time payment to eligible children in SNAP and TANF households in underserved or unserved counties identified by the Summer Food Service Program. “With this innovative step, we will go even further to provide food security to Tennessee children,” said TDHS Commissioner Clarence H. Carter. “This approach will deliver a fiscally responsible strategy to reach families in underserved communities in the summer months.” The program will use existing EBT cards to provide the one-time payment to families, according to a release.
Not many have been with The Contributor as long as Shorty has, who joined in 2009 — only two years after the paper’s founding.
Born in Jefferson City, Tenn., Shorty moved to Texas with his family at a young age. Upon graduating from high school in the late 70s, he served for nearly four years with the Marine Corps in Korea and Japan. Arriving back to Texas, he’d heard about opportunities for work in Nashville and set off to see what the city had in store.
With nowhere to live and no money to afford a place when he arrived, Shorty described the paper as a lifeline.
“I came to this town with two quarters in my pocket, and I heard about the paper,” he said. “I paid my rent through this paper. I paid all my bills through this paper.”
Reflecting on how the paper has evolved over the past nearly two decades, Shorty maintains that though some of the staff have changed, the paper’s goals have not.
“It’s an opportunity: you can make it or break it,” he said. “It’s good that people can voice their opinion, and The Contributor is
the way they can voice it. Every poem has got a story behind it. Every story has got a poem behind it.”
Shorty’s own story has been quite the ride, he said. He had to quit the paper for three years due to his ailing health and, in just the past month, he said he has visited the hospital a couple times per week. Whereas before he’d rack up over 150 papers, now he’s down to only a few per every few weeks. Despite this, he’s excited to be back because of the community he’s found through the paper.
And, for Shorty, that community is stronger than ever. If people don’t know him personally, they “know of him,” he said.
“It makes you feel good. It makes you feel like you impressed somebody along the way,” he said of being a role model for other vendors.
His advice for newer vendors: sit down with and listen to someone who has sold the paper for a while. When he was just getting started, he recalls having only made $8 in six hours — upon taking the advice of his “seniors,” he made over ten times that the
next day.
"My advice is: take advice. Good or bad, it’s free. It don’t cost you nothing to hear it. You can use it to your advantage, and if it don’t help you, lose it,” he said.
He also encouraged vendors to use their earnings to invest in themselves. He would put some money back into the paper, some toward his bills and some toward his appearance.
“Dress to impress. Don’t overdress. But dress to show that you’re doing something meaningful with your money. You got to show people that you’re doing something for yourself and for them — but do it for yourself first,” he said.
Reflecting on his interactions with other Nashvillians over the years, he remembered with fondness those who got to know him and encouraged people to treat others with compassion and honesty.
“You treat people how you want to be treated. When people ask you how you feel, you need to let them know because if you’re sick, they feel it. They sense it. They feel
for you. They will help you 110%,” he said, recalling a time that someone gifted him a coat in -40°F weather.
Indeed, what he loves most about the paper is the opportunity to meet new people — these interactions, even if just for a minute each night, add up over time, he said.
“People you don’t know get a chance to know who you are, not what you are,” Shorty said.
Beyond his love for selling the paper, Shorty is an avid chef. Breakfast foods are his favorite to make, but he puts his “heart and soul” into anything and everything he makes. He now lives with his “caring” partner and is most proud of her granddaughter, who is excelling in high school.
Speaking on what he hopes will define him, Shorty answered: his character. He’s honest, self-assured and will “tell it to you like it is.”
“I am who I am, and I know what I am,” he said. “If you don’t like what you’re doing, get out. Be content with it because, if you’re content, it turns into happiness.”
I’ve often said that, at least for me, selling the paper isn’t just about the money.
I’ve tried many times to explain what I mean by that, but I feel I’ve always come up short, so I came up with a different idea.
Allow me to set the scene. I’m tired, I haven’t made much money and I wonder why did I even bothered trying to do this at all today. Just when I’m about to give up and call it quits for the day, someone rolls down their window and gives me a card that on the outside simply says, “HeLLo.” Inside it reads,
“You are a precious soul, and you are deeply loved, more than you could ever know. Please know that you are never alone in this life and there is nothing to be afraid of. You were created noble and from pure love, and your life has a unique purpose to bless the lives of others. We are all connected and need each other’s kindness, encouragement, and understanding. May you be open to the many blessings surrounding you each day. Thank you for being here and for being all that you are and can be. - A Friend”
On another occasion after having a brief conversation with a young lady, she handed me a note that read:
“I LOVE meeting people like you! People like you make people like me happy! Keep being the great person you are! Have a great day!”
Another card I’ve received simply said: “You are valued
You are loved You are important YOU MATTER”
And the last one I will mention here reads: “You are blessed today and every day.”
I wholeheartedly agree with that one! It may seem like a very simple gesture, but it’s often just what I need to keep going!
Who wouldn’t be energized and encouraged by words like that?
Now, shift gears if you will to my local Aldi. As I stood in line waiting to check out, a gentleman recognized me as a Contributor vendor, and began asking me how my sales were going, how my granddaughter was doing and things like that. It didn’t take long until another lady in the line chimed in with a few questions of her own.
When we finished talking back and forth after I checked out and was bagging my groceries, she slipped me a note that read:
“Hi, I may not know your name but your story warmed my heart. I know things may be hard right now but it will get better because God has a plan for you. I know this isn’t much but I wanted to do this from the heart.
This isn’t a hand out but a thank you for your time you shared with me.
-God loves you!”
How encouraging is that all from a chance meeting in a grocery store?
Not to be overlooked are the children. Pic-
ture the scene: As I’m walking along the side of the road I see a young girl (Emmalee — she spelled it for me) literally running toward me. When she finally got to me, she gave me a big ol’ hug as mom Rebecca looked on. She looked SO proud!
It have to say, it made me feel pretty good too, and it did wonders for my mood!
Now imagine this. I’m SO tired, my feet feel like lead and I’m not sure if I can take another step without hitting the ground.
That is until Alayna and her mom stopped to say hello. She rolled down her window and flashed a beautiful smile. She handed me a card that read, “You can do it.”
Those four words clearly written by a child’s hand were ALL it took to restore my resolve. I knew I could do it. After all, Alayna said so, and I didn’t want to let her down!
You can’t put a monetary value on things like this, THEY ARE PRICELESS!
In addition to those things, on days when I don’t do as well financially as I’d like, I often come home with food, clothing or goody bags of every shape and size. You never know what will be inside — shampoo, conditioner or other needed household items and NOT just for me, but for my whole family! All of which can be quite costly these days! How cool is that?
Finally, I have to mention the music.
Everyone who has spent time or even passed by my corner KNOWS I’m ALWAYS listening to music! Some will even roll their window down to hear what’s playing on my “jukebox” as many of
them call it. If they don’t hear any music, they’ll often share what they are listening to with me and of course, I do my best to sing along!
Here are just a few recent examples. “Two Dozen Roses” by Shenandoah, “If I Ain’t Got You” by Alicia Keys, “Delta Dawn" by Tanya Tucker and “F****n’ Perfect” by Pink.
Even the Access on Demand drivers who take me to/from my spot get in on the act. After securing my wheelchair in the van recently, the driver who picked me up immediately turned on the radio!
I smiled and said, “Oh, There Ain’t Nothin’ Wrong With The Radio.”
The driver said, “No.”
I laughed when I realized he didn’t know that was actually the name of the song that was playing by Aaron Tippin!
Most impressive to me is an older man who stopped to visit for a while on a particularly slow day. He played one song after another, and I’d sing along until he changed the tune.
He asked my age to which I replied, “You’ve heard the song ‘I’m On The Backside Of 30’?” He nodded yes. Then I said, “Well, I’m on the backside of 50!” He concluded by saying, “Man! You’re a trip! ALL these songs are from the ’50s!” My response? “What can I say, I LOVE music. ALL KINDS OF MUSIC!”
Experiences like this are not only fun but they help pass the time. Otherwise the day would drag on. These encounters not only give me things I need or want, they also help me stay positive when things aren’t going according to plan.
Homelessness among women is increasing in Nashville, and while sleeping on the streets is not safe for anyone, it can spell disaster for a woman.
In a recent conversation with a female Contributor vendor, she confirmed that to stay safe on the streets, unaccompanied women usually find a partner to protect them. Or they don’t sleep at night and try to find safe spots during the day.
Age, shape, or situation of a woman doesn’t matter. “There are predators everywhere,” she said.
Earlier this month I took a tour of the new Women’s Guest House of the Nashville Rescue Mission and saw for myself that the building, which opened last year and had intentionally increased previous capacity, was already bursting at the seams with overflow mats in community rooms.
In January of this year, 37 percent of the overall homeless population (3,270 individuals) recorded in Nashville were women, according to our community’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) report.
Since HMIS data has improved over the past few years, and more agencies are entering into it, it is hard to compare whether the proportion of women has increased. That’s where I look at the Point-in-Time (PIT) Count. The PIT Count data only takes a snapshot of homelessness one night. It also only includes people sleeping in temporary places including emergency shelters and outdoors. We know that the numbers are usually undercounts because not all people who sleep outdoors are found and counted on that one night. However, the methodology over the past few years has more or less remained the same, which allows us to
review some trends.
The percentage of women experiencing homelessness in comparison to the overall homeless population has increased from 25.3 percent in 2018 to 32.1 percent in 2024, according to Nashville PIT Count data. Nationwide, in 2018, 39.1 percent of the overall homeless population were women, which compares to 39.2 percent in 2024.
The charts below show the percentage of women of the overall homelessness population in the nation. When you examine the data, keep in mind that during 2021, many communities, including Nashville, opted to forgo an outdoor count due to the COVID pandemic, which explains the drop in numbers of homeless women for that year. But pay attention to the percentage of women as a portion of overall homelessness to get a better feel of the trend in this subpopulation.
In comparison to the national trend,
Nashville saw an increase of 6.8 percentage points between 2018 and 2024 in the share of women who were homeless, living in shelters or staying outdoors.
Homeless families are often led by a single head of household, who is most often female. Yet, an article published by the National Alliance to End Homelessness in 2022, pointed out that while the proportion of females among the overall homeless population has remained relatively steady, individual women without children have increased at a rapid pace. The unsheltered PIT count of homeless females only on very rare occasions include children, and I found that holds true in Nashville’s outdoor count.
Between 2019, when Nashville counted a low of 121 women living outdoors on one night in January, and 2024, we saw a 69.4-percent increase in homelessness among females living outdoors.
Domestic violence is a leading cause for homelessness among women. In addition, we have also seen a huge increase in families falling into homelessness in the past few years. This trend is not necessarily reflected in local HMIS data, but holds true when talking to local family services providers, especially the Nashville Rescue Mission.
In July 2023, the Urban Institute and the Hub for Urban Initiatives published the first Los Angeles County Women’s Needs Assessment. While this study focused on surveys conducted in California, general experiences hold true nationwide.
Based on that assessment, more than 90 percent of the women surveyed had experienced “some form of victimization in their lifetime, including having something stolen (73.8 percent), being repeatedly harassed or threatened (57.1 percent), and being threatened, physically hit, or made to feel unsafe by a romantic partner (48.4 percent).”
Furthermore, the report confirmed what we have been hearing women and service providers say for years. A large percentage of women’s homelessness was caused by their experience of threats or violence from a romantic partner. Yet their experience of violence did not stop when they left the
home they had shared with their partner.
“While experiencing homelessness, 57.9 percent of women had something stolen from them; 43.1 percent were repeatedly harassed or threatened; 37.6 and 35.3 percent witnessed an attack or were attacked themselves, respectively; and 20.4 percent were forced to take part in unwanted sexual activity,” based on the 2023 report.
One of the issues we often forget about is that women still don’t have the earning power of men, which makes them more vulnerable to homelessness after a divorce, even without an experience of violence from their intimate partner. It is also a reality that women experiencing homelessness may be sex trafficked and/or forced into prostitution to survive.
Thus, safety and privacy are the top priorities for women not only when they are experiencing homelessness but also in their search for housing.
In an article published in the Wire in November 2022, Samantha Batko and Lynden Bond, who also helped write the 2023 needs assessment, recommended five ways to better serve women experiencing homelessness: 1. Offer housing options that prioritize privacy, safety, and community.
Unsheltered Females in Nashville on one Night in January Point-in-Time Data
“In a recent conversation with a female Contributor vendor, she confirmed that to stay safe on the streets, unaccompanied women usually find a partner to protect them. Or they don’t sleep at night and try to find safe spots during the day.”
2. Address safety considerations across the range of homeless services and housing options.
3. Consider how housing prioritization criteria could require women to remain in dangerous situations and remove barriers to programming where possible.
4. Create safe spaces for women to support one another.
5. Treat women with dignity and respect.
Addressing women’s special needs includes paying attention to unique challenges they face when being homeless, such as:
• The lack of preventive health care such as prenatal care, mammograms, and other regular health check-ups and tests. In addition, the rate of unintended pregnancies is higher than among women who are housed, which can lead to adverse birth outcomes.
• Access to free menstrual products is limited and can have a significant cost.
• Nearly 50 percent of homeless women meet the criteria for a major depressive disorder – twice the rate of women in the general population, according to a 2021 article published on careerandrecovery.org. This data does
not include the high percentage rate of women whose extreme mental illness goes untreated.
With noted increases in family homelessness and homelessness among seniors, we cannot overlook the increases in unaccompanied women who have lost their housing.
I will never forget a conversation I once had with an elderly woman. She was probably in her mid-50s, but looked 15-20 years older. She used a walker, and she was on her way to Metro’s Cold Weather shelter. At that time, that shelter was held at an old jail facility, and while advocates generally protested the location, she came up to me making sure that’s where she could go. She said she felt safe there. Then she shared with me some medical history that very clearly made her fragile. She was there with her male partner, telling me she needed to partner up with someone to avoid ongoing sexual assaults.
Unfortunately, I don’t know what happened to her. But I sure enough will never forget the impression she made on me. Her matter-of-fact approach of telling me, a stranger, why she is seeking a safe place to sleep — just for one night.
Sherman was downtown on Broadway and he was in a dance off Old Time Rock-Roll
This lady told Sherman to do the stanky leg Come and slow drag with me.
So Sherman was slow drag with this lady
So she told Sherman he was a handsome man
So they told Sherman he was a good looking man
This lady said Sherman
When are we going out to lunch together
So this lady told Sherman that he was famous on Broadway
So they call Sherman a cowboy man
Since he is so famous below Broadway
So Sherman keep up the good work.
May God bless you with many more.
One day You will cry Because God Answered all Your prayers.
When the deer has fed, and the squirrel has done his gardening, Then when the wren has fixed her nest up into the barn
And the spring rains are done
We wander the streets, hawking the news.
Have you heard?
People are worth More than money.
“The Contributor” está trabajando con uno de los principales periódicos en español La Noticia para llevar contenido a más lectores en Middle Tennessee. Nuestros vendedores de periódicos han pedido durante mucho tiempo que nuestra publicación incluya contenido que apele al interés de residentes de habla hispana en nuestra comunidad.
“The Contributor” is working with one of the leading Spanish-language newspapers La Noticia to bring content to more readers in Middle Tennessee. Our newspaper vendors have long requested that our publication include content that appeals to the interest of Spanish-speaking residents in our community.
log rado un hito en su car rera al ganar s u p r i m e
i o de la Academia en la ceremonia de los P r e m i o s O s c a r 2025 Conocida por s u ve r s at i l i d a d y presencia en algunas de las franquicias cinematog ráfic a s m á s e x i t o s a s , c o m o Avat a r, Guardianes de la Galaxia y Star Trek, la actriz dominicana-puer tor riqueña h a s i d o u n a f u e r z a e n H o l ly w o o d durante más de dos décadas, rompiendo bar reras y demostrando que el talento latino tiene un lugar protagónico en la industria cinematog ráfica
Este año, Saldaña se llevó el Oscar a Mejor Actriz de Re par to por su destacada inter pretación en Emilia Pére z, donde su actuación conmovió tanto a la crítica como al público Su papel mostró una profundidad emocional y una entre ga que la consolidaron como una de las mejores actrices de su generación En la película, Zoe interpretó a un per sonaje con una historia c o m p l e j a y l l e n a d e m a t i c e s , demostrando una ve z más su capacidad para sumergir se en roles desafiantes que e xigen un alto nivel de inter pretación
U n m o m e n t o h i s t ó r i c o p a r a l a c o m u n i d a d A f r o - L a t i n a
El triunfo de Zoe Saldaña en los Oscar es par ticular mente significativo, ya que marca un logro histórico para la comunidad Afro-Latina y dominicana en Hollywood Como mujer de ascendencia dominicana, su victoria representa un paso adelante en la visibilidad de las historias y talentos diversos dentro de la industria del cine
Al aceptar su primer Oscar a Mejor Actriz de Reparto, una emocionada Zoe Saldaña se tomó un momento para
reconocer a su familia, muchos de los cuales estaban presentes en el Dolby Theatre para compar tir esta ocasión histórica Durante su discurso, expresó su gratitud y orgullo por sus raíces latinas, dedicando el premio a todas aquellas mujeres que luchan por ser vistas y representadas en el cine "Este premio no solo es para mí, sino para todas las mujeres la tinas y afrodescendientes que sueñan con estar en este escenario algún día Espero que mi victoria sir va como inspiración para quienes creen en su talento y en el poder de sus h istorias", dijo Saldaña con gran emoción
U n v í n c u l o p e r s o n a l c o n l a U S H C C
miembro de la junta directiva de la USHCC y tuve la oportunidad de aprender más sobre su trayectoria profesional y personal Desde sus inicios en la actuación hasta su incursión en el mundo de los negocios con su empresa de medios digitales BESE, Zoe ha demostrado un compromiso inquebrantable con la representación y el empoderamiento de la comunidad latina
Durante la ceremonia, Saldaña expresó su g ratitud por el reconocimiento y resaltó la importancia de elevar las voces de las mujeres lat inas en todos los ámbitos "Estoy honrada de recibir este premio de la USHCC Los ganadores anteriores son íconos en sus industrias y me siento privilegiada de formar parte de esta comunidad pionera", dijo en su discurso
Al verla ganar un Premio de la Academia, se reafir ma el impacto de su trabajo y el valor de su perseverancia
Me enorgullece haber compar tido ese momento con ella y, años después, co ntinuar viendo su influencia crecer dentro y fuera de la industria del entretenimiento
Tuve el privilegio de conocer a Zoe Saldaña en 2018, cuando fue honrada con el Premio a la Excelencia en el Liderazgo en la Convención Nacional de la Cámara de Comercio Hispana de los Estados Unidos (USHCC) En ese momento, yo era un recién nombrado
U n l e g a d o p a r a l a s futuras generaciones
L a v i c t o r i a d e Z o e Saldaña no solo celebra s u t a l e n t o, s i n o q u e a b r e c a m i n o s p a r a nuevas generaciones de actores y cineastas latin o s y a f r o d e s c e n d ientes Su éxito refleja una industria en evolución, con más espacio para historias diversas
Este reconocimiento la consolida como una de las actrices más influyentes de Hollywood Su legado trasciende los premios, simbolizando perseverancia, dedicación y orgullo latino, inspirando a más artistas a brillar en la industria
Envíenos sus sugerencias por e-mail: news@hispanicpaper com ó 615-582-3757
On April 26, 2024, Mama Pal brought three exactly eight-week-old kittens to the “Nursery” where she grew up as a kitten. All three were nearly twice the size of Muffin and Mini had been at that age!
I named the huge yellow and white tiger-striped one Fearless. The two slightly smaller black-and-white semi-striped tabbies became Brownie and Trouble. Fearless angrily swatted Brownie and Trouble at the food plate and still does at 11 months old. Fearless is a boy, the other two are girls. I remembered Pirate swatting at Ragamuffin and Little Pal and have concluded boys in a litter bully the girls.
Mama Pal wasn’t as enamored with the three kittens as she had been with Muffin and Mini. She left them totally in my care after six to seven days. Muffin and Mini were now big, 13-month-old tomcats.
The kittens never came near me much unless I was petting the older two. Then they would swarm, rubbing their bodies and heads against the older boys and driving them to distraction. Muffin would hiss and snarl at the younger three in exasperation; Mini just took it in stride.
Mini is now 21 months old, the three juveniles are almost 11 months old as of Jan. 20, 2025, the time of this writing. Mini is like a rock star, the juveniles want to follow him everywhere. When Mini gets irritated with them on rare occasions, he’ll give one of his trademark tiny high-pitched meows, swatting at them halfheartedly with a soft paw. I’ve never heard him snarl or hiss. When he’s angry, he’ll turn his back to me and pout, but not for long.
Most humans, dogs, and cats are unremarkable. The three juveniles are mostly unremarkable. Trouble will squall at me until she gets a treat. Brownie greets me in the morning with a couple of meows, she’s the only one of the three I can pet without an older boy around. I can only touch the other two when they’re swarming around Mini.
Fearless, 11 months ago, is bigger than 21-month-old Mini. The only time Fearless vocalizes is when his Big Brother is near. Fearless always wants to be near Mini. The girls, not the best of friends, are nevertheless always somewhat near each other.
Muffin had been disappearing on one- to four-day “trips” since December. The kittens appearing in late April didn’t change his habits. He kept going on frequent journeys lasting one to four days throughout the summer and early fall.
On Nov. 3, 2024, Mini and the three juveniles came swarming to me at 6:30 a.m. for the morning food. Muffin had been gone three days on his latest trip, but I knew I’d see him before the day was out.
At 7 a.m., the feeding was over, and the mob had dispersed. Out from a clump of bushes 75 or so feet down the road came Muffin! He came racing to me running on the curb — (good boys don’t go in the road) — sounding like a siren: MEEEeeeEEEeeeOW!
I got to the feeding/greeting spot the same time he did, as usual I got down on one knee to greet-pet and give him fresh food. He looked into my eyes as usually as I petted him. When he started eating, I went back to my paper vending spot. After eating a bit, he trotted 75 feet back to the clump of bushes. I noted he had never shown an interest in that particular spot before.
For the next four hours, every 15 minutes he would pop out of the bushes and come racing to me along the curb with the siren-like meow. Each time did so, a total of 15-16 times, I would get to the greeting spot when he did, on one knee giving him the necessary pets and gentle voiced talk.
After the fifth or so such episode, I realized he was about to go on another journey, though he had never before left again so soon after returning from a four-day trip.
“Goodbye, I love you!” I knew he was telling me. I kept telling him “I love you
In Loving Memory of Jimmy Benson Woodall (2/10/1941 – 2/09/2025)
What can I say? I can’t believe dad passed away. I love my dad and miss him so much. His birthday was yesterday. He would have been 84. I wish I could have talked to him and given him a hug, but for a lot of years, he has been living in the Philippines, and I have not gotten to see him.
I can’t believe he is gone. He had dementia and cancer in his eyes. When I
was little, whenever I was sick, he would bounce me on his leg and say “poor, little, pitiful baby.” I wish he was still here, but my husband Tommy said I should be glad he lived a long time.
My dad is in a better place. He is in heaven, walking on the golden streets. He’s a guardian angel, and he is no longer sick — he is with the Lord and will always be loved and missed. He loved those race cars. I think he’s in heaven driving his race car. Daddy, I’m gonna miss you.
too, Great Big Muffin Boy.”
After the final episode, instead of going back to the clump of bushes he started trotting at a resolute pace across a huge field leading to a new apartment complex nearly a quarter-mile away.
On Sunday, November 10 at 6 a.m., I walked the quarter mile to the apartment complex. Muffin had never been gone an entire week. Silently I walked down the complex a little ways. It looks upper-middle class; each apartment has a furnished patio-deck. Each postage-stamp sized front yard seemed to be tastefully decorated in post-Halloween or early Thanksgiving theme.
Nothing was stirring in the crack of dawn Sunday stillness. No cars moving, no people, no people or animals about. Suddenly I realized Muffin had been telling me “Goodbye, Big Friend, I love you” for good. I’m now 95 percent sure somewhere in the complex he’s in a Forever Home. I didn’t loudly call his name out repeatedly like I’d intended to. If he was in one of the nearby apartments, I didn’t want him to hear me and tear at his good little heart.
He didn’t just leave me. He didn’t just say Goodbye once. The Great Big Good Boy had to say “Goodbye, Big Friend, I love you” 16 times! He had never done such a thing before. It had to have been a very difficult decision for him to make.
All I can say is: You made the right decision, Muffin.
I know he was saying Goodbye, I love you. Maybe he was also trying to tell me that while sunning himself daily at the same time every afternoon on someone’s deck chair, (cats are very routine oriented), someone in the apartment noticed, started putting out food for him, maybe with patience and kindness finally enticed him inside.
Maybe it was a man. Or a woman. Or a couple. Or best yet, someone with a small Big Friend that makes the same “HAHA” noise I do as he/she gently pets his head,
supervised by the Little Big Friend’s parents. I don’t begrudge him a minute for choosing such a thing in lieu of extreme heat, cold, dangerous animals, ticks, spiders, loud and dangerous traffic, and maybe for him long endless lonely nights without Big Friend. It must be working out well, I haven’t seen him as of this writing in 80 days.
A month after Muffin left, I tossed some scraps off my deck rail for the wild animals. A feral black cat sitting 20 feet away was startled, ran 200 feet away. Six days later, by daily walking the scraps to where he was sitting, he was waiting a mere dozen feet away. He now waits daily for his kibble at sunset, approaching the food before I’ve barely turned away.
Just a little demonstration that kindness and calmness go along way for a cat. I see Mama Pal at least once daily. She gets her gentle talking-to as she slowly enjoys her food. If for some reason I leave in a hurry and come back later, she only takes a few bites and leaves the rest. So now I make sure to keep company with her while she finishes her food. It’s only five or six minutes, I’d be selfish if I begrudged her that amount of time. For the last few months, she’s been popping up by me throughout the day, staring at me until I got her with a treat. And a little conversation.
Great Big Mini Boy greets me happy-tailed at least once and up to six to seven times daily. He loves his pets, treats, and being talked to while he does his biscuit dance. I go to him each time I’m summoned, each visit only takes two to three minutes. Occasionally, he wants 10-15 minutes at a time, I cheerfully give him the attention.
The three juveniles are happy with full plates in front of them, they’ll mostly come when summoned if a treat is involved.
Thankfully they’re all healthy and happy (as far as I can tell). I’m glad I get to live a daily glimpse into their feral lives and participate a little. I’m glad you, reader, did too.
What is our world coming to? I heard teenagers can now buy drugs online and get them sent through the mail. I even heard that there are certain emojis that teenagers use to buy all kinds of drugs. We need to be aware of what our kids are doing these days. We need to have child locks on their phones so they cannot buy drugs or use emojis this way! This is an epidemic if our teens can buy drugs so easily. Do we really want this in our society? Do we really want our
children to use an emoji to get drugs? I really think the parents need to start cracking down on what our kids do on their phones. So many drugs now are mixed with fentanyl, which is very dangerous and kills people. Do we want our children to die? Do we want our children to have no future?
I’ve always felt like sort of a black sheep, Aries. An astrology guy in an astronomy town. You know how it is. We take the assumption that we’re not welcome and we stand up on the hill alone — drawing invisible lines between stars to form pictures that tell stories that remind us who we are. Meanwhile, just one hill over, the whole bunch of them have telescopes pointed in every direction, creating evidence that says our way of doing things is nonsense. You’re not the only one, Aries. And I think it won’t be long till we can all meet in the valley down there and start to understand each other better. Til then, I’m sticking with you.
Don’t worry, Taurus. My uncle feels like everything is going just great. He watches the news and laughs and laughs. Of course, he also believes that the politicians on TV are actual size. “Look at that one,” he howls, “So small! So serious!” It does put things in a kind of perspective, I guess. Makes me think less about the little people making big speeches and more about what I can do in my actual-sized life to make an actual-sized difference for my actual-sized neighbors. For instance, my uncle wants another Capri-Sun. After I grab him one, maybe we can see if anybody else needs a ride or some lunch or just a friend to talk to.
When the producers of the 1986 Tom Cruise action blockbuster Top Gun approached Canadian rising-star Bryan Adams to perform the song “Danger Zone” for the film’s closing credits, Adams refused. He told them he wasn’t interested in being a part of a movie that glorified war. Kenny Loggins had no such qualms. Danger Zone was a huge hit for the conflict-agnostic Loggins but it was no great loss to Bryan Adams, who we can assume slept better at night knowing he’d stuck to his principles. If you know yourself and what you stand for, Gemini, you can ride that highway into whichever zone is best for you.
I just started playing one of those open-world videogames where there’s no clear path to follow or boundaries to stay within. My character is free to build tools or slay beasts or construct a shelter. I can collect riches or find rare artifacts or learn spells. This game is so detailed and broad, the only problem is that it reminds me too much of real life. You can choose to be whoever you want, Cancer. You can complete the tasks in front of you or head off over the horizon to start a new adventure. So why does it feel like you have so few options? What if you didn’t do anything you expected to do today? What if you tried something completely new? (Just don’t pledge fealty to The Nightmare Guild. I ended up with so many sinister side quests.)
The eyes are the windows to the soul, Leo. The ears, of course, are the waterslides to the pools of consciousness. The teeth, many forget, are the locking cell-doors of this prison we call a body. What I’m trying to say, Leo, is that sometimes you choose what you take-in and sometimes you receive something you wish you hadn’t. Of course I encourage you to make wise choices about where you turn your head, but when you find that bits of unwelcome reality have made their way into your mind, don’t deny them. Spend some time understanding where they came from and try to accept that not every scent will match your expectation. The nostrils are the portals to understanding.
I’ve recently learned that my style of conversation can be fairly off-putting. It’s just that I get nervous and I don’t want to make too specific of an impression so I end up asking lots of boring questions. “How was your weekend?” “Is it still cold out there?” “Got anything going on this afternoon?” It turns out, people don’t want to answer boring questions. They just say things like “Fine.” and “Sure is.” and “Nope.” What seems to work better is taking a risk. If I offer a specific opinion like “The 1995 film 12 Monkeys is the best time-travel movie.” I’m much more likely to get an interesting response. Take a conversational risk today, Virgo.
I got a great deal on a used Toyota. Or, I thought I did. My mechanic says it’s a good car. It just needs brakes. And shocks. And a new transmission. The list kept going, but I kind of stopped listening and just nodded while I handed over the credit card I thought I wasn’t gonna use anymore. It reminded me, Libra, that you have a lot more going for you than against you right now. It’s just that your problems are so easy to list out and despair over. Your assets are more taken for granted. Maybe make a list of what’s working for you right now. Get at least 10 things on there before you think about your problems again. Then do 10 more.
I’m trying to pick out a new show to stream but it’s taking me forever because if I hover too long over the title, the app starts auto-playing a preview and it’s loud and distracting and it’s never even for the show I was interested in anyway and I scroll off the title but the preview keeps playing and after that happens two or three times, I get irritated and just close the app and open a different one but then it does the same thing and I can’t decide what to watch. Anyway, Scorpio, that’s my problem. Yours is that you know exactly what you want, you’re just waiting for the right time to go for it. I think this might be it.
When I was seven years old, I went to the beach with my cousins. I was having a great time splashing in the water and finding shells and dodging seaweed. And I leaned over to pick up a smooth rock and got knocked down by a wave. No problem, I’ve been knocked down before, but as I was trying to get up another wave hit. And then another. And I was flailing and paddling and trying not to get dragged out to sea and my aunt ran over and picked me up and I was still in the same spot. It’s like that right now, Sagittarius. The waves keep coming and we’re barely moving, but we’ve got to be around to pick each other back up.
I’ve been letting little things get away from me lately. Does that ever happen to you? Forgetting to send emails. Missing regular deadlines. And if you do enough of those, Capricorn, they stop being little things. They start to feel like one big thing. And when there’s one big thing looming, it’s hard to want to turn and look at it. It’s easier to pretend it’s not there and just keep scooting away. But the first thing to do is to acknowledge that the big thing is just made of a bunch of little things. And the little things are actually manageable if you’ll take them one at a time. Just a reminder, Capricorn. In case you need it too.
Where should we go for lunch, Aquarius? We could do burgers or pizza or burritos or banhmi. How about this, Aquarius, you knock out one of those options and then I’ll knock out one and then we can flip a coin on the last two. Or, wait, you write down your top two options and I’ll write down mine and then we’ll do whichever one overlaps. Cool? Or, wait, I’ll count to three and we can both just say what we want for lunch and then if it’s different we can negotiate. Actually, Aquarius, this took too long and now we’ve only got 10 minutes left. I guess we can just do the vending machines in the lobby? Sometimes it might be better to act than to decide which option is best. There’s fewer options than there were. Maybe grab one while you can.
Crazy that all the other planets have moons called things like “Titan” and “Io” and “Europa” but our moon is just called “The Moon.” What are the chances of that, Pisces — that we would get the one that’s just, like, the regular moon? Anyway, I was thinking about how we get to name things and how that’s kind of the superpower of every human being. That we can name things if we want to. And it made me think how words are important and honesty and kindness can be twins and then there’s just the moon up there always falling, always being pulled-in by a force we can’t see and that doesn’t even ask us to believe in it but it’s real. I just thought that might be helpful, Pisces. To remember that no matter how far or fast you fall you won’t be let go.
Mr. Mysterio is not a licensed astrologer, a registered fighter-pilot, or a certified surfer. Listen to the Mr. Mysterio podcast at mrmysterio.com Or just give him a call at 707-VHS-TAN1
We all know that the Tennessee State government is dominated by Republicans. What we may not have noticed is what the Nashville Scene reported recently in their Volume 44, Number 4, February 20-26, 2025 edition: The Biden administration and his cabinet members were the officials who reminded Tennessee that we owe Tennessee State University $2.5 billion. And we wonder why the purple state of Tennessee went over to Trump.
Could it possibly be that the Biden administration had made a few enemies here? After all, graft can happen on lower levels than the federal government, can’t it? Wouldn’t our Senators do all they could to protect their buddies who are actually receiving the 2.5 billion?
Now, we know that Comptroller of the Treasury Jason Mumpower, Senator Cameron Sexton and his selected committee immediately went on the offensive. They are, after all, obviously great fans of Knoxville TSU. So they went for the football thing and decided that the best defense is a great offense.
Former President Glenda Glover — The facts behind Tennessee State’s campaign to remove her from office.
Firstly, I refer you to former TSU President Dr. Glenda Glover‘s own words that describe the TSU predicament in detail.
I commend the Tennessee Tribune for re-printing Dr. Glover’s statement — unredacted and above the fold — in its Volume 35, Number 45 Nov. 21-27, 2024 edition.
Just in case you are not already outraged by TSU’s unpaid funding of $2.5 billion, which is the only state land grant school whose funds have been withheld in Tennessee, but not the only HBCU to suffer a similar attack, here are a few bullet points to summarize Dr. Glover’s statements. I include my own comments in italics here and do not ascribe them to Dr. Glover’s extremely detailed and factual report in the Tribune
• The Joint Land Grant Institutions Funding Study Committee was formed by State Representatives (in response to President Biden’s directive).
• The committee found that TSU had been underfunded by $2.5 billion dollars.
• President Glenda Glover then fulfilled her responsibility to TSU by approaching the governor and key state legislators on how to address the under funding problem. It required repeated requests for meetings (with no swift response).
• Governor Lee then provided just $250 million, (way, way under half the owed amount) for “infrastructure projects only.” No new dorm rooms were allowed because they would be a source of income, and we can’t have that can we?
• “Lawmakers” handed out a backlash in the form of the unavailability of said funds due to “internal requirements and approvals” from a newly placed agency that appears to have been set up specifically to harass TSU.
• “Key legislators and State officers” then decided to conduct an independent audit on TSU. Funds that were needed by students and not controlled by TSU were withheld at the State level while the numerous audits were conducted.
• The state forced a private contract onto TSU, taking jobs away from their staff and costing them $1.2 million per month, considerably more than they were paying their staff previously.
• The state of Tennessee chose the contractor which would get TSU. No other bids were allowed.
• The state refused to pay any lottery money to TSU students. TSU had already loaned the students this money, expecting payment in a timely manner.
• The withholding of lottery funds for the students resulted in over 2,500 students withdrawing from school involuntarily.
A campaign was waged in the media (through public officials) that portrayed TSU as unreliable. Many students and their parents believed it. This led to even lower enrollment the coming year.
Tennessee State University has still not been paid any of the monies owed to it. At the same time, $1.2 million per month is bleeding out unnecessarily, due to the forced private contract with a private maintenance crew. TSU has still managed to maintain a much higher endowment than any other state school.
Let us also remember that TSU has a huge amount of land and marshland that acts as a buffer for all of North Nashville. It creates a peaceful environment and a lovely greenway area to relax and recreate, plus softens the environmental impact of busy roadways.
Jesse Washington of HBCU News had some very entertaining comments, specifically that African Americans have been forced to turn 15 cents into a dollar many times. You have to wonder if his statement isn’t referring to that $2.5 billion because really if TSU and other HBCUs have been operating on severely limited funding, they have really put the rest of us to shame in terms of what they can do with that money.
The independent corporation called CliftonLarsenAllen LLP, conducted the comptroller's forensic report on Tennessee State University. The corporation wrote this to Mumpower on March 27, 2024: “Based upon the procedures performed, CLA did not identify evidence indicative of fraud or malfeasance by executive leadership of the University or Foundation.”
In fact, Nashville Scene reporter Eli Motycka quoted State Representative Harold Love Jr. in the article mentioned above saying, “At the end of the day, several things can be true. There can be some areas in the university that need to be improved – and they do, and they are being improved now. Also, the state can owe the university money.“
Are HBCUs being targeted?
This couldn’t possibly be true, right? Well, let’s look at a little history. What history do we have of public lands being seized and then sold to private interests in regards to land trust grants?
What about the two whistleblowers?
Whistleblowers now receive awards for missing money. In this instance, I don’t see how awards should be given, but if the alleged missing $300,000 is all they will get, then there isn’t that much incentive — unless some lower paid worker was prompted to think about the benefits. If they were prompted, they probably weren’t informed of the enormous number of taxes that will be levied on that money.
Fixing to get $2.5 billion? The state is at fault for not granting us that. The feds should be upset that the state has not granted this money.
Why are TSU‘s problems all descending on
them at the same time that the state wants to force purchase of some of TSU‘s land? Will our State Senators — who all have a hand in real estate development deals — plan to take all of our public land? It has happened before. Trail of Tears, anyone?
Tennessee State politicians and businessmen — and the dreaded hybrid, those people who are both businessman and politicians — who have the most to gain from harassing TSU are Sexton, Mumford and other State Representatives and high rollers who hold private stakes in the TSU stadium.
Many of our Republican State Representatives are very clear that they feel that the civil rights act is unnecessary. They would like to see all the people that are living in the ghetto as voluntarily occupying said ghetto. Just. Stay. There. Why is this?
Refer to Reagan and Bush’s campaign to flood our poor neighborhoods with drugs for sale as the only business option, while redlining every other opportunity, including buying a house. The Reagan administration needed to make sure that there was plenty of “black ops“ money available so that they would not be answerable to the public for their actions.
Was the Tennessee Senate Finance Commission formed just to attack and restrict TSU?. Mumpower prevented TSU from spending their (pitiful allotment) on dorms because it would have been an income stream. Our State Senate could use this excuse because TSU was under financial review. The timing of these audits seem convenient. Could it be a response to the federal government holding the State Senators’ toes to the fire?
That’s 2.1 BILLION dollars, folks! And I doubt that includes any of the interest that would’ve accrued.
Granting TSU 43 million to stave off the bleeding is insulting to the highly qualified staff and faculty at TSU. Let’s fight to save our endangered Tigers.
Silence is Violence
Contact your state representatives and senators today. Use your phone, your emails, your written letters and your megaphones to make your voice clear. Tell a neighbor to tell a neighbor to do this. Let’s get some action here, folks!
In The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim , director Kenji Kamiyama transports viewers on a return trip to Middle-earth for a sometimes-gripping, animated tale that feels like a nod back to early cartoon movie and television productions of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings . It’s a movie that feels aimed at Tolkien enthusiasts, but also one that wants to be welcoming to newcomers. But this is a story from the appendices of author J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings , and such deep lore makes for a bigger challenge than the complex but popular and more familiar stories of the adventures of Bilbo and Frodo. Amazon’s foray into Middle-earth with the streaming series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has been an objective disaster, and Kamiyama’s film avoids some of the streamer’s missteps while never reaching the gravitas, realism and buoyant storytelling of Peter Jack-
son’s definitive live action depictions of J.R.R. Tolkien’s universe. Set several centuries before Bilbo found the One Ring, the film is centered on Helm Hammerhand, the King of Rohan, whose leadership and bravery become the stuff of legends. Helm is voiced by the great Brian Cox. Helm’s two sons and his daughter, Héra (voiced by Gaia Wise) all play parts in the kingdom-building and it’s fun to think of The War of the Rohirrim as an animated, swords-and-sorcery version of Succession . Facing relentless assaults from the warring Dunlendings, Helm must rally his people to defend their homeland from the brink of annihilation. The titular war of the Rohirrim erupts into an intense clash that shapes the future of Middle-earth. This is the story that serves as the backdrop for the Battle of Helm’s Deep, a key point of conflict in The Lord of the Rings saga.
The movie delves deep into the intricate political machinations, ancient rivalries, and the enduring spirit of the Rohirrim people. It paints an often-striking picture of the struggles, sacrifices and heroics that define their legacy. The emotional core of the story lies in the royal family’s journey, their inner battles and the bonds they share with one another and with their allies. Deploying often-stunning animation and intricate storytelling, Kamiyama delves into timeless themes of honor, loyalty and the fight against overwhelming odds. The writers of The War of the Rohirrim make Helm’s daughter Héra the protagonist here. The choice to front the movie with a female character might feel like the same strategy deployed by Amazon’s lamentable series. But Kamiyama and his writers manage to avoid contemporary warrior-princess cliches. Instead Kamiyama’s tale gives us a heroine’s journey
marked by the excruciating decisions and challenges that wartime brings. Kamiyama offers some big battle sequences, but it’s the smaller struggles focused more intimately on single characters that pack the most punch.
Visually, the film is a feast for the eyes, blending classic animation with modern techniques to create a vibrant, immersive experience. The landscapes of Rohan are beautifully rendered, from the rolling plains to the imposing fortress of Helm's Deep, offering fans a new way to experience the grandeur of Tolkien's world. The movie — unsurprisingly — has a lot of the stylizing viewers will recognize from Japanese anime, and it’s really cool to see Middle-earth through this lens.
Unfortunately, the film’s strongest points also highlight its weakest, and it’s often a frustrating watch because of this lack of consistency. It’s a fact that the
project was hurried into production so Warner Brothers could retain their Tolkien property rights, and the movie notably suffered for it. One scene might be truly dazzling, but the next is choppy and sloppy. The plot drags at its two hour runtime, but the movie is also packed with a dizzying amount of information. It's one of those films where every flicker of inspired artistry can feel like a set-up for another letdown. But, if you’re a diehard Hobbit-head or a LOTR-completist, this new adventure has some treasures worth discovering.
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is currently streaming on MAX
Joe Nolan is a critic, columnist and performing singer/songwriter based in East Nashville. Find out more about his projects at www. joenolan.com.