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Spotlight on technology
In the wake of COVID-19, existing upstream and downstream facilities will need to bear the strain of increased demand, and maximising plant uptime will be of utmost importance. HVPD’s partial discharge (PD) monitoring equipment and expertise provides the best early warning indicator of electrical insulation deterioration in MV and HV networks. With site access restrictions, live data concerning each asset’s condition is now more critical than ever.
HVPD has responded to the pandemic by increasing remote site support offerings, from guiding at-site personnel with PD monitoring system installations through to remotely configuring software, performing routine data analysis, and monitoring PD data during the commissioning of new plant installations. HVPD offers continuous PD monitoring solutions for the complete HV network: • Rotating machines – with PD sensors placed in either the machine’s terminal box or remotely at the central switchgear using a patented technique; rotating machines located both in and out of hazardous gas zones can be monitored for PD. In addition advances in hardware and software de-noising technology have enabled monitoring of motors driven by variable speed drives. • Power transformers and bushings – with a wide range of adapters for attaching to bushing test taps, the HVPD Kronos® Monitoring Solution can detect PD which emanates from the main windings and bushings of in-service transformers.
• Power cables – sensors are installed to monitor cables and cable accessories, potential failure sites can then be located along the length of the cable using on-line cable mapping.
• Switchgear – by connecting to pre-installed PD sensors or the retrofit installation of sensors, the HVPD Kronos® system allows PD monitoring of air insulated switchgear or ultra high frequency PD monitoring of gas insulated switchgear.
The HVPD Kronos® monitoring has an easy-to-use web interface that collates asset insulation condition across the network to help operators make conditionbased maintenance decisions. In addition, SCADA integration options enable data to be sent straight to the control room.
For more information on HVPD’s PD monitoring capabilities visit www.hvpd.co.uk
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