Cullman County Good Life Magazine - Winter 22

Page 73

Cullman County

Cullman County

cullman county

a historic house takes on a new life with the Wynns Stony lonesome’s wild terrain offers hills, thrills and spills

post-tornado loft living downtown

a farewell Q&a with Dr. Jan Harris Saga of a confederate soldier

City’s Duck River property is a new park just waiting to happen

SPRinG 2014 ComPlimentaRy

fall 2013


Fall 2013

Spring 2014

Cullman County

Fishing with Sammy, Danny and Dale: the Hall of Fame

Cullman County

nancy Bryant is one of Santa’s best elves culinary arts students serve holiday alternatives

take a county line paddle trip in a mulberry state of mind

Winter 2013 complimentary

Winter 2013 complimentary

magnolias: essence of the South or ‘Beauty and the Beast’? Summer 2014 Complimentary

the Dodge House on the lake is a beautiful contradiction in terms

there’s a farm in Baileyton where history and horses offer perspective you know that big ’un that got away? He was joined by 12,000 little ’uns

Winter 2013

Summer 2014

a man’s dream catches on, bringing HoPE to those with disabilities

Fall 2014 ComPlimEntary

Fall 2014

Out ‘n’ About Cullman County

Cullman Regional: Perspective on 75 years a small prep school exerts international pull use yaupon in the yard ... or like the Indians did

WIntER 2014 ComPlImEntaRy

Winter 2014 Cullman County

If you’ve been out ‘n’ about at all in Cullman County since August 2013, it would have been hard to miss seeing a copy of Good Life Magazine. Every quarter since then, we’ve distributed 10,000 copies to advertisers and local high traffic locations, and mailed many more. We also like to think Good Life has been hard to miss because we pride ourselves in attractive, inviting, uncluttered covers. Alas, good things come to an end, and owners Sheila McAnear and David Moore are retiring. New owner Hudson Shelton plans to carry on tradition. We bid farewell and thanks with a look back at all of our Cullman covers except for spring of 2020, canceled because of Covid. Cullman County

the colonel and his wife moved 14 times before finding serenity the Hutch in Fairview is like merging granny’s kitchen and a town square Summer 2015 ComPlimentary

minnie Pearl was cultured from a real pearl she found in Baileyton

Summer 2015

Fall 2015 ComplimentaRy

Cullman County

old downtown buildings take on new lives – and looks – for owners Edie mobley’s beautiful garden has sprung from depths of sorrow teresa Dyer offers scrumptious ideas for (sorta) light eating SPRInG 2015 ComPlImEntaRy

Spring 2015

cullman county

Cullman County

the ladies at Seven Winds Kitchen can cook more than Bert’s Brittle

nick lee faces debilitating disorder with the bravery of an eagle Scout

David moss’s underwater photos of yesterday bring solace today

From the get-go, Cheri and Ronny apel felt at home in their château

Soup’s on ... which means patti is cooking and singing in the kitchen

It’s easy to fit in at this drag strip, but racing depends on Jezebel

Fall 2015

cullman’s mike ragsdale brands a road and a lifestyle

a museum and fabulous junk testify that James Scott was a model man Winter 2015 complimentary

Winter 2015

Riverwood: a steward of wildlife, land ... and the Woods’ dreams

SPRInG 2016 ComPlImentaRy

Spring 2016

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