Good Ways To Start A Compare And Contrast Essay

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1. The two types of organization that may be used in a compare/contrast essay would be either block or point–by–point. With block, the first set of paragraphs covers one item completely and then the other set of paragraphs covers the other item completely. In point–by–point, each point is addressed in a separate paragraph, alternating between both subjects.

2. One thing I learned from reading this overview was the different types of methods there are when comparing and contrasting two subjects. I didn't know there were specific ways to organize just in general. As well as how point by point has a stronger effect on readers.

3. It is important to maintain consistency when writing a compare/contrast essay because you need to make sure the Get

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When comparing online schooling to traditional schooling, there are many differences. Some differences are online schooling allows the student flexibility, personalization, and studying anytime. However, on–campus schooling allows the student to have face to face interaction, develop communication skills, and more self motivation. These are just a few of the many advantages of traditional and online schooling. When it comes down to choosing the right fit for your child there are some pros and cons about both.

Online education is becoming more common as time advances. Although staying at home could be boring there are some pros about online education. Some advantages of online education are flexibility, personalization, and studying anytime. These could help some students, while others it won't. Online schooling is more flexible than traditional schooling. Parents have no control over the school's schedule or learning environment in school, while online schooling parents set the daily routine and adjust their child's learning environment. In addition, traditional schools do not leave the students enough room in their schedules to pursue their interests. Instead, they don't have time for extracurricular activities and appointments. Online students however, are able to attend fixed schedule events, and have a much higher degree of flexibility. Another advantage to online schooling is the personalization factor. As for traditional schooling teachers are unable to offer very Get

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Though each religion is unique, some religions have several traits in common. For example, many religions are polytheistic, meaning that there are many gods. But, some religions only believe in one god, meaning that the religion is monotheistic. The religions also have many things that differ with each other, like the sacred text, symbol, and traditions. These qualities are what make each religion different and special.

Each religion has its own set of 'rules' or teachings that the followers practice. In Christianity, there are the Ten Commandments. The Buddhist religion has the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths. Muslims of the Islamic religion follow the Five Pillars ofIslam. These religions have religious teachings, but more content...

Despite that, Confucianism continues to have many followers. Two religions that are more related than any other religions are Christianity and Judaism. Both religions have similar beliefs. They also both believe in God and Jesus. This is where there is a difference: Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah and died to save its followers from sin. Jews believe that Jesus is only a prophet, and the Messiah has not yet arrived. Another similarity is the sacred site. Jerusalem is a sacred city for three religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In addition to Jerusalem, Islamic people travel to Mecca and the city of Medina to pray as well. Another important site for Christians is Bethlehem–the birthplace of Jesus.

Karma is a belief that Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians believe in. Karma is simply "what goes around, comes around". However, Buddhists and Hindus believe that karma occurs after reincarnation in the next life. Christians believe that karma can take place in the current life as well. Buddhism and Hinduism also believe in dharma, which are the ethics and duties.

Though some of these religions are related in one way or another, they each have their own sacred text that store their teachings and beliefs. The Jews follow the teachings of the Torah, which is the first five books of the Old Testament and is the cornerstone of Judaism. The Hindu text is

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How write a compare contrast essay

How to Write a Compare–Contrast Essay

The Elements of a Compare–Contrast Essay

What is comparison?

Explaining the similarities or points of connection between two ideas, people, or things to give the reader a deeper understanding of each

What is contrasting?

Explaining the differences or points of disconnection between two ideas, people, or things to give the reader a deeper understanding of each

Adapted from Webster's Third New International Dictionary

On what subjects can I write a successful compare–contrast essay?

Your subjects will need to each be significant in their own right to merit discussion. They will also need to have some sort of relationship to each other so that showing them side by side allows more content...

(Commenting on the quote.)

4. Commentary: further commenting on the quote


According to a recent article in the Seattle Times," ...[t]he seemingly sure bet that higher education will pay off can be upended by any number of factors: broken marriages, illnesses, lost jobs, substandard schools and unrealized dreams." (With no way out of trouble, more students likely to default, October 6, 2008). Students used to feel that borrowing for college was always going to pay off, no matter what happened. Now, many are finding it harder to pay it back due to many factors.

This is useful when you would prefer to pick out very small phrases to prove your points. Write your own sentence beginning, include the quote, and write your own sentence ending. The quote flows into and out of the sentence.

EXAMPLE: Borrowing to pay for higher education used to be seen as a "sure bet" but now some students are finding that their plans to repay student loans can be disrupted by "... broken marriages, illnesses, lost jobs, substandard schools and unrealized dreams." (With no way out of trouble, more students likely to default, October 6, 2008). These unexpected obstacles may repayment difficult if not impossible

How to Write Commentary

Of all the skills students must learn in writing, writing commentary is considered the most difficult. Writing commentary means giving your own opinion and interpretation about something,

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The Embedded Citation

Compare and Contrast

This type of writing assignment is common. On a standardized test, you may be asked to analyze literature, evaluate ideas, or make a judgment and explain your reasons.

In responding to these types of prompts, you often will compare and contrast characters, concepts, or choices. You will be asked to identify similarities and differences, which are the key to compare–and–contrast essays. There are ways to organize your thoughts about compare–and–contrast topics, which will help you write thoughtful and balanced essays. Compare–and–Contrast


First, you will learn how to write a compare–and–contrast essay When you compare, you show how two or more things are alike. On the other hand, when you contrast, more content... The similarities are shown in the overlapping middle section.

Gathering Details

The next step in preparing your compare–and–contrast essay is to gather details, descriptions, and examples to provide a clear understanding of the subjects being compared. There are several ways to gather details.

One way is to use your personal experiences. If you are writing about a subject with which you have direct experience, your knowledge of that subject can be

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Writing and Compare-and-contrast Essays

Compare And Contrast Two Friends

We all have friends that are alike or different from each other. My friend Nicole and Amy are also friends. Both of them are alike in some ways, but at the same time unlike from each other. For example, they both dress to their comfort, but the clothes they choose to wear are different. They both have similar taste in music and television shows. However, Nicole and Amy are more different than alike. Nicole and Amy have different appearance and style. Nicole is five feet and two inches with medium brown wavy hair that is shoulder length. She has big eyes and also freckles on her face. Nicole tends to dress very casually. For an instant, she would wear jean with a graphic tee or a blouse and navy blue classic vans. She occasionally keeps up with the latest fashion trend. On the other hand, Amy is just 5 feet tall more content...

Nicole's personality is super shy and, quiet when it comes to new people or people she rarely talks to. However, when it comes to people she likes and enjoys talking to, she is a social butterfly. Amy was never in any a team sport. However, she plays tennis with her cousins for fun. Amy is really sociable and blunt at the same time. I remember a time during lunch there was a table across from us were talking super loud and she shout "shut up". Amy is not afraid to speak her mind while Nicole is more shy and quiet. Nicole cannot stand watching gory, horror and supernatural movie. For example, during summer, our friend, Julie, invited Nicole, Amy, and Iwatch Green Inferno. Nicole did not want to come along due to the fact that when she watched the trailer of that movie she found it super gory and disgusting. However, Amy did not find that trailer gory and disgusting and came long to watch the movie with us. Amy enjoys watching horror or supernatural movie or shows. For example, during the month of October, there was a movie call Crimson Peak and Amy wanted to watch it while Nicole did not want

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A person's life can be summed up within a sentence, their childhood just a word. Time has the interesting ability of warping. At the same time, it has the ability to take away sentiment from any event. Words can only express so much of an experience. One can only relate to an experience by sharing that moment, even then the way individuals process experiences differs drastically. A prime example of this is one'schildhood. People can share the same superficial characteristics, yet have two different takes on childhood. Two male middle children with separated parents and two siblings can diverge completely. Where does this lie?

It lies within one's processing, which in turns creates unique same experiences. Every individual more content...

The Stage For children, the greatest thing fought for is recognition. Especially as a young girl, it's only natural to crave attention.

I grew up as an extroverted child. That's one of the reasons why I was attracted to the stage; it was my domain, my home. My mom told me that my extroversion became apparent in one specific situation. My family and I were at the beach for our annual beach trip and I was making sandcastles. There was another little girl near us who was also playing in the sand. My mom told me that I walked over to the little girl and just sat down and started playing with her, at one point she asked, "can we be friends?" my response was, "I thought we were already friends."

The Dancer Growing up as an only child my best friends were the Disney princesses. I watched them glide and dance along the screen, swinging in the arms of a handsome prince. They were magnificent. Beautiful, graceful, and powerful. I wanted nothing more to join their brigade. At three, I was put in dance classes to make this dream happen. Tap and jazz, definitely not the princess dancing I imagined. This became apparent when the first recital came around. We were given fluorescent, sparkly leotards. No ball gowns or even a tutu. I don't recall the reason for my following actions, but according to my mom when all the other little dancers took position and began dancing I didn't. I sat on the stage. My mother was furious, Get more content

Compare And Contrast Essay On Childhood

Compare and Contrast Two Short Stories

Landlady by Roald Dahl and Chemistry by Graham Swift

There are lots of great short stories out there, but in my opinion, both 'Chemistry' by Graham Swift and 'The Landlady' by Roald Dahl are two of the most unique and effective stories. They share both similarities and differences throughout. Comparing and contrasting the way the authors use their inimitable writing style to achieve their intentions in the story will give us more idea how these stories are alike and distinct.

In a way, these two stories are similar because both the authors had carefully chosen the more content...

In the beginning , Billy thought the landlady was 'terribly nice',which he was quite grateful to have such a nice landlady who give him a well–appointed service, but as the conversations go on, Billy was then frightened by her weird and creepy contents, he 'sat there staring straight ahead of him into the far corner of the room, biting his lower lip.' tells the readers that he's begin to frightened and suspect landlady, foreshadowing the readers that she might be doing something that couldn't be trusted by Billy.

In another way, these two stories are different because the authors have been using different perspective when narrating the story. In 'Chemistry', author's written the story in the word of narrator, mixing both the perspective of adult and young boy's. Line" My father's death was a far less remote event than my grandfather's but no more explicable, I was only seven." can be a good example. Almost the whole story was written in past tense, added to the effect of recalling. He's shown a grown up man recalling memories when he was back in 7–10 years old. This kind of writing style makes readers felt more personal, because the subject is 'I', when reading out the story, readers will feel like they're experiencing the narrators' life, as if they are the narrator. Also, another interesting fact about this kind of writing style is that if I were to look at the same events in other character's perspective, it might be another whole different story because

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and Contrast Two Short

Compare and Contrast Essay

The setting of a story is the time and place in which the story takes place. The author may include a specific date or time period, or leave it up to the reader to determine a time period by suggesting certain events. The author may choose to give specific examples and clues as to where the story takes place or may suggest certain things to clue the reader to where the story is taking place. The theme of a piece of fiction is its controlling idea or its central insight. It is the unifying generalization about life stated or implied by the story. The theme of a story supports a view of life or reveals some insight into life. Another element of literature is thenarrative voice and is told in what is more content... This aids in revealing the theme because you get to hear what goes through her mind, you understand her reactions to what she sees, and to what Miss Moore shows and tells them.

Alice Walker's Everyday Use takes place in rural Georgia. It was written during the black power movement, a time period when blacks rejected the change through peace doctrine that Martin Luther King Jr. preached to his people. During this movement blacks would commonly dress in African dress, and change there last name in hopes to connect to their past heritage and forget what the white man "forced" upon them. The theme could be described as: a person connects to there past through many different ways, in hopes to better their future. The setting helps reveal this because Georgia obviously has a large black population and this movement stemmed from Georgia and Alabama. Along this those things, references to the neighbors down the road by the mother in the story help shape the theme intended by the author.

Everyday Use is told in first person point of view, this helps to amplify the theme by letting you into the narrators mind, and you understand what she feels and how she is desperately wants to find herself. It allows you to be the narrator and to experience what she is going through. For example Dee has a hatred for the "old house" because it links her back to her past that she is longing to forget and how she feels when her boyfriend Hakim sates

Compare and Contrast Essay
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Essay 2Scott Momaday's "The Way to Rainy Mountain" and Bobbie Ann Mason's "Being Country" are two the texts to be compared. Though they share similarities, they too are quite different. They both share similar topics, in that they are two stories of cultures, but written from different perspectives of their cultures. Momaday is from the Kiowas tribe of the plains of Oklahoma, and Mason from a farm in Mayfield, Kentucky. Both exhibit some comparisons, but mostly contrasts throughout their writing. Momaday's American Indian heritage dates back to the 1880's when his grandmother was born, where Mason's dairy farm heritage takes place starting when she was born in 1940. I found both to be stories of each of the author's more content... Momaday shows contentment in his work.

Mason, on the other hand, shows more resentment in hers. Bobby Ann Mason begins by describing the simplicity of how herfamily lives. She begins this writing from when she was eleven years old. Her mom and Granny were very dedicated farm women. They took care of all of the food, clothing and just about anything else needed for them to run a household. As Mason shows, they prove to be very resourceful and are capable of making the most out of what they have available. On a typical day of food preparation by Mason's mom and Granny, Mason screams "Can't y'all talk about anything but food? There was a shocked silence. 'Well, what else is there"? Granny asked. Granny didn't question a women's duties, but I did. I wanted to be somebody, maybe an airline stewardess. Also, I had been listening to the radio. I had notions" (106). She was beginning to develop her independence. Mason thought she would strive to better herself to not have to 'suffer' her mother's fate. She almost seems to be developing anxiety and depression over food, though her family always seems to get by with plenty. "I think this dependence on nature was at the core of my rebellion. I hated the constant sense of helplessness before vast forces, the continuous threat of failure...I especially hated women's part in the dependence" (106). She talks of

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A few of the characters find out that they are alike their parents by many ways. Me and my mom share a connection just like that. We look alike, we act the same and everyone seems to know this. At times it is a great connection, others it is not good at all. It plays a big role in our relationship. A big effect it makes is in arguments. My mom tells me and my sisters about how she acted when she was younger. She tells me about how responsible she was, when she was younger. The one thing that she never tells us is that she is sensitive, and very dramatic. I know that I am dramatic, because one year for valentine's day I got a heart of candy saying drama queen. My older sister points out that when me and my mom stub our toes we both fall to the ground and say "owwwwwww" and as my sisters says we make it way bigger deal than we should have. Another reason is that we cry at any item that is sad like movies, books, stories. Even when a part is somewhat sad we cry. We are dramatic and sensitive but it can be good ,because then she can understand when I am upset or sad. It also works the other way around. more content...

Just like my mom we can be very sassy or have a hot temper. Cassie gets mad when people treat her worse than the whites. The same goes for my family. When people treat me disrespectfully, I get mad and I want to tell them otherwise, but I have learned to keep my temper and be nice to them. Uncle Hammer reminds me of my dad. My dad has the hot temper in our family. That is where I get my temper. All of my family members get angry when people accuse us of doing what we did not do. My dad, my mom, and I can either get along very well or we can be mad at each Get more content

My Parents Compare And Contrast Essay

Comparison And Contrast Essay Topics

Chapter 16, Comparison and Contrast, explains the purpose and functions of comparison and/or contrast essays as well as how to use them in students' essays. Comparison and contrast means finding similarities, differences, or both. Comparison and contrast essays commonly have three purposes. First, they are important in expressing ideas. For example, I want to talk about my ideas about hip–hop and rap music so I compare and contrast them. The second purpose is to inform people. I may want to tell the audience that there are many similarities in two different religions. Third, I can persuade people through comparing and contrasting two things. For instance, I will argue that reading e–books is better than printed books by comparing and contrasting Get

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Compare And Contrast Traditional Teaching Styles

No teachers are similar as well as no students learn in the same way. Every teacher has their own unique teaching style which is based on their educational philosophy, their classroom's demographic, what subject area they teach, and the school's mission statement. Up until now, teachers are looking for a system that will engage students in the educational process and will develop the students' critical thinking skills. Moreover, teachers want the classroom to be in order and in control, but they also want their students to appreciate the learning procedure. These teaching styles can be divided into two approaches – the teacher–centered and learner–centered.

Traditional teaching styles use teacher–centered approach. It includes a teacher that stands at the front and tells students step by step instructions. The teacher decides what is learned, when it is learned, how it is learned, and how learning is evaluated. In a nutshell, the teacher is an information giver and evaluator. The students are just there to learn through lessons and direct instructions. Their attention is mainly focused on passing tests, assessments, and evaluations.

Through the years, many successful people have came from the traditional setting. The earliest recorded occurrence of education proved that people learned in more content...

Students are placed in the responsibility of their own learning and understanding while the teachers encourage students to be more independent and more exploratory. The teachers will foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process as they act as a source of experiences. In addition, as the students watch their teacher makes mistakes, they will learn those failures are part of the learning process. The students will soon realize that mistakes are natural in life and it will serve as stepping stones to

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Comparison and Contrast Essay


Comparison and Contrast Essay

Definition: In this kind of essay, the aim is to show the similarities and differences of two items, two people, two countries, or how something or someone has changed. When comparing two things, we focus more on the similarities though we may mention the differences shortly. When contrasting two things, we point out the differences between them. The most important point to consider while planning a comparison and contrast essay is choosing comparable items. e.g. Middle East TechnicalUniversity and Bogazici University. We have to make sure that these two items have enough points to be compared. After writing the comparable points as a list, location, size, reputation, more content...

Language: The two patterns differ in terms of language as well. While pattern 2 is quite straightforward, pattern 1 requires more transitions but the end product is more understandable for the reader. Some transitions that can be used for showing similarity: similar to, similarly like both ... and ... in addition moreover

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COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY besides likewise in the same way Some transitions indicating difference: different from in contrast to compared with unlike but, however on the other hand conversely in contrast Do not forget that using transitions enables the piece of writing to be coherent; it is easier for the reader to follow our ideas when transitions are used to link them together. However, overuse of transitions causes a traffic jam and should be avoided. We should be using transitions sparingly (only when necessary). Sample comparison contrast essay: METU and Bogazici University Almost all high school students who would like to further their academic lives in the university search for information about the various universities of Turkey. Among many universities in Turkey, two of them are the most popular: Middle East Technical University and Bogazici University. They are considered the best. However, since both cannot be THE BEST, their specialties, facilities and locations need to be examined in detail to be able to choose the most suitable

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Mrs. Joarder

Eng. 100

April 5, 2013

Cleaning with Barry and Britt

The act of being habitually and carefully neat and clean can make for an interesting topic in a comparison and contrast essay. Dave Barry compares the differences of how women and men clean in his compare and contrast essay, Batting Clean– Up and Striking out. In Suzanne Britt's compare and contrast essay, Neat People vs. Sloppy People she compares the differences of personalities between Sloppy people and neat people. Both essays compare cleanliness in one way or another however they both have differences regarding their use of humor, examples, and points made in their thesis.

Batting Clean–Up and Striking out and Neat People vs. Sloppy People both more content...

The way Barry and Britt support their points in their compare and contrast essays differ. In Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out, Barry uses lots of personal stories and factual happenings to explain his opinions. For example, to explain how men are worse at cleaning Barry specifically refers to a volcano eruption that happened in Pompei because the men, who were in control of the cleaning, did not notice ashes piling up around and in their houses. In addition, when describing how men are better with sports than woman he refers to a personal story; specifically a story about a dinner party that he attended where the men were glued to the World Series and the women were still chatting amongst themselves. These forms of examples are personal stories that offer validity. On the other hand, in Britt's Neat people vs. Sloppy people she uses more dreamt up incidences to explain her opinions. For example when explaining how neat people are "viscous with their mail" she explains, " All ads, catalogs, pleas for charitable contributions, church bulletins, and money–saving coupons go straight into the trash can without being opened...No sentimental salvaging of birthday cards or the last letter a dying relative ever wrote. Into the trash it goes" (256). As seen in this example, Britt uses lots of lists and possible incidents that could exist to support her points, but do these incidences

Essay on Compare
and Contrast
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Instructions of How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

First look at the items you are supposed to compare and contrast. Do you understand them? If you are writing an essay outside of class, look them up. Start with your text book but also look at your notes from class, and even go and check them out at Wikipedia. If you are taking a test, and can't look things up, pause and think over what these things mean. The next two steps will help you remember.

Make a list of ways the two items are the same. This is the "compare" part of a compare and contrast essay. (For an in class essay, it will be good if you can bring in extra paper. If you can't, you can make some notes on the back of your blue book.)

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If you feel they are more different than the same, start by comparing the similarities.

Now get to your point of view. If you arewriting a classic "five paragraph essay" you may want to spend a whole paragraph pointing out what is wrong with the arguments you made for the other side. If don't have to meet a specific number of paragraphs, you can just get straight to supporting your own point of view. Look at your list items that support you, and write about them all, and why they are important.

With compare and contrast essays, the conclusion will be a lot like the introduction. You summarize what you just said. You may find that some points came up in writing that you hadn't put in your intro. This is a good time to refer back to those.

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

If this is not an in–class essay test, you should try to set the essay aside after you finish, so you can go back later with your mind fresh. You may come up with a few other items you want to talk about on your compare or contrast list. You may come up with a better way to write your introduction or conclusion.

If you can master how to write compare and contrast essays, you will find that you can use that form for a lot of other essays when the instructor doesn't give you a format.

Read more: How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay |

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Compare and contrast two female characters from "Pride and Prejudice" (1995) in the light of what was appropriate behavior for the time.

During the Georgian times, the social life of people had to follow several rules for etiquette and social manners that made specific distinctions among the different social ranks. Following this idea, in Austen's works the social expectations of women are examined in the light of how they should think, feel and act at any social convention. Socially strictly controlled ideas of appropriate behavior for each gender are present in Austen's "Pride and prejudice", and women characters are shown as an example to examine how this rules of etiquette worked and how lack of social manners could affect the more content... Elizabeth Bennet is a well educated young lady, however, due to her strong convictions, the novel shows situations in which her actions may be consider as inappropriate. She has an ironic sense of humor while talking to Mr.Collins, someone who is in a higher position as her and, for his amusement, she denies his advantageous marriage proposal. AsJane Austenstates "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.", but Elizabeth strongly refuse, for different reasons, the proposals of two men (Mr. Collins and Mr. Darcy) with a " good fortune". A nightmare and a reason for a heart attack for her

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Pride And Prejudice Compare And Contrast Essay

Compare and Contrast

The Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let's explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there. It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out on your bed, more content...

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Outline Form for Compare Contrast Essays Thesis Statement ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Quality #1 for paragraph #2 Specific support_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Comparative/Contrasting Qualities for paragraph #2 Specific Get more content

Compare and Contrast

Compare and Contrast Economic Market Systems In differentiating between market structures one has to compare and contrast public goods, private goods, common resources, and natural monopolies. All of these are major factors that need to be considered. Public goods are those goods in which all of society benefit from and are equally shared among everyone within. These types of goods can be consumed simultaneously by several individuals without diminishing the value of consumption to any individual. The act of public goods being consumed by several individuals and not allow its value to diminish is known as non–rivalry. When shown graphically, non–rivalry shows that when each of the individuals within society shows a demand for a more content...

Inexperienced teachers have a good subject specialism, this is generally fresh from their training, however not much practical experience in the classroom and dealing with difficult situations. "For many newly qualified teachers, while pupils provide the ultimate reward in teaching, their poor behavior was often the cause of the major low points". In some aspects there is very little difference in experienced or new teachers in relation to their knowledge in their subject, both should know their subject well and keep their knowledge updated on a regular basis. Also both want to make a difference to their students' life, to teach them to the best of their capability. However there are differences in how they teach their subject, how they come across to their students and how they manage their classrooms. More experienced teachers will be more confident in their approach, more prepared to deal with a variety of learning needs, have made mistakes in the past and learned from these to better prepare themselves for the future. Generally new teachers lack the confidence to teach which can only be gained through experience, they need to learn what works and what does not, reflect on this and incorporate this into their next lesson. New teachers do however have a willingness to learn, to adapt, and to mould themselves into a confident and knowledge teacher. In conclusion my insight into the differences and similarities of both the experienced and Get more content

Compare And Contrast Two Places

Compare & Contrast Essay

Imagine two places where you could choose with the outcome of receiving new life experiences. You could choose two places that have different settings, where you could visit for vacation or simply choose to live there depending on your decision. But which of these places would you choose? It could be so difficult to decide. Each place have their own environment that has its pro's and con's along with it. Many of you may be asking yourself "What places could the narrator be talking about?" Pretty funny how I can relate to your thoughts, the two places we have come too, to listen to their seminaries & differences are the lovely two states named Florida & North Carolina located in the United States of America.

Florida, more content...

North Carolina is home for a famous NFL team known as the North Carolina panthers, along with famous attractions such as the Nascar hall of fame. It's mainly known for land, along with small towns. North Carolina has a different surrounding as of Florida. North Carolina has a very historical event where the actual Wright Brother's officially flew a plane, outside the outer banks by popular beaches. North Carolina, has great college's too choose from for example you have Duke University, North Carolina State University that provide excellent educational plans to study for a major of your future careers. Here's the fact the minimum wage for North Carolina is way less then Florida currently they're providing $7.25 while in Florida they provide $8.05. Sure Eighty five cent's sounds small but it's a big difference. Along with economic differences. The main differences between Florida & North Carolina is considered an always hot environment while in north Carolina is different, mainly seasonal changes occur, Experiencing all of the changes in your surroundings. If you're looking for a more satisfying place to live in, it depends on your taste but if you'd like to experience many things I'd recommend Florida as I listed the reasons before by experiencing certain aspects such as the state provides more

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