Seems an obvious tip, but simple breathing exercises twice a day can alleviate feelings of panic associated with anxiety. You may notice that when your body is tense, you hold your breath. Concentrate on bringing breath and mind together, breathing in and out. Contrary to popular belief, deep breathing can sometimes worsen hyperventi lation. Instead, try breathing slower and more shallow.
Highly caffeinated drinks, like coffee, can brew panic in people who are predisposed to anxiety. Instead, opt for soothing herbal teas.
THE WORLD HAS changed since my last ed's notes. Today as we head into April, another 13 days of lockdown in Denmark, I grieve with the rest of the world during these scary times. I've heard the word anxiety thrown around a lot, and it's something not to be taken light ly, as I experienced for myself in a supermarket this evening. Gone are the days of casually wandering the aisles, chatting with neigh bours you haven't seen in a while, and friendly cashiers. Instead, it's replaced with hand sanitizer, a mad dash for groceries so you can get out quickly to avoid infection, and some sort of weird wide berth game you play with other customers for fear of being contaminated with this new dreaded threat.
So, how does life go on as usual? How do you cope if you already suffer from anxiety, or are currently battling during this new world situation? Here are a few tips to help you and your family cope:
You regularly check the weather before a big outdoor event. You re play a clumsy comment you made, or get enraged when you're stuck in a traffic jam. When you try to take command of things that can't be controlled, it can send you into a panic situation. Try to stay calm and instead, imagine that you're floating in water with your arms spread out, looking up at the sky. When you surrender to the mo ment, you feel far more in control.
Set aside time, even 5-10 minutes every day, mindful meditation has positive effects on your psyche. Studies suggest that meditation and prayer help to manage stress. Regular meditation can both help you cope with anxiety at the moment, and also give you the mental fo cus to manage worrying thoughts more quickly in the future. There are useful apps on your mobile, to help you with meditation if you're not familiar with it.
The average person should aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep every sin gle night. If you already suffer from anxiety, some of the above cop ing techniques, such as avoiding caffeine, meditation, and other tips, are also effective ways to improve sleep, as lack of sleep, and anxie ty often goes hand in hand.
Try to enjoy your Easter staycation as much as possible, and re member - this too will pass, and take the opportunity to enjoy the small things with your immediate family. Please take care of your self and one another.
Love, LYNDSAY JENSEN - EDITOR & FOUNDER THE-INTL.COMCONNOR is taking a gap year before continuing his studi es in education. Born in South Africa and moving to Den mark at a young age, he realtes to internationl life. He en joys meeting new cultures, music and hanging out with his family and friends.
LYNDSAY JENSEN has twen ty years' experience in the advertising and publishing industry, and holds degrees in Business and Desktop Publishing (print and repro). Born in the UK, and brought up in South Africa, she has the ability to understand dif ferent cultures, and is passi onate about networking. She is a wife of twenty two years and mother to two boys aged 21 and 15. She loves travel, photography and art.
KENNETH MACALPINE is a Nordic Financial Manager in the Transport industry. His degree is in Finance and business obtained in the UK. Born in Norway he mo ved to Denmark at the age of 22. He is of Danish Scot tish ancestry and lives in southern Denmark with his large multi-national family consisting of Danish, Irish and Brazilian heritage. He is always interested in new challenges and loves to live life to the fullest.
CATHERINE manages our SoMe team. Originally from DC, she is currently in her honeymoon phase with Copenha gen and loves it here. A passion for traveling, meeting new people, and dabbling in other artistic endeavors outside of social media, like illustration, graphic design and pod casting keeps her busy.
Pages 10-13
Holly navigates her way through the dance world and cultural adjustments.
Page 4-9
Online activities sure to keep the boredom away during the lockdown period
Page 18-19
Double your love for lemon and everything Spring.
Page 23
International life and the 3 A's!
Page 30
Denmark - Europe's digital communication leader! picks for
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The International is published 12 times a year. This issue was published on April 1, 2020
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BBUT WHEN THE good 7.8 billion people of the world realised it wasn’t going to go away on its own, nor was it just ‘China’s prob lem’ but the world’s collectively, they turned to their leaders to make the tough decisions. This is when we saw the wheat sepa rate from the chaff and the real leaders take centre stage.
Today on social media, where fake news spreads faster than journalists can untangle it, truth, transparency and emotion al intelligence are paramount, especially during a crisis. Lead ers who possess these qualities are the ones who will lead us in to the new world and lessons need to be taken from the books of Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte, Danish Prime Minister Mette Fred eriksen, French President Emmanuel Macron and Irish Taoiseach Leo Var adkar. These are the best of the lot. They may not be perfect, but they’re of us, by us and for us. They put us be fore their careers.
Last month both Macron and Var adkar addressed their nations. Both spoke honestly and with a good amount of emotional intelligence. They announced measures that would protect not only people’s lives but also their livelihoods. Their words weren’t fluffy and full of rambling adjectives; in fact the French president went as far as to compare the ongoing pandemic to a warlike sit uation. But just knowing that we’d been served the truth, despite it being hot and brutal, we felt reassured. Honesty begets trust and trust creates confidence. Sometimes we just need to know.
answers’, but she was going to do her best. The influence of her emotional intelligence will most likely be seen at the end of the next two weeks when Denmark suffers less than those idiocra cies with bumbling politicians in their employ.
And this is probably the most crucial lesson Covid-19 is going to teach us going forward: Political leaders who lack emotional intelligence, twist the truth for personal gain and aren’t proac tive and driven by genuine care for the lives and wellbeing of oth ers, will no longer be able to hold office, let alone lead us through a crisis, of which many more will come, no doubt.
" Political leaders who lack emo tional intelligence, twist the truth for personal gain and aren’t pro active and driven by genuine care for the lives and wellbeing of others, will no longer be able to hold office, let alone lead us through a crisis, of which many more will come, no doubt. "
The world is changing rapidly, and it no longer expects entertainment from politicians. We’ve had enough. Be sides Hollywood, there’s Netflix and Amazon Prime now. Politicians need to do what they’re paid for, which is to run the world, keep us safe and have our interests at heart, while we pay our taxes and skål to some Fredag øl with friends. That’s the deal. We also need leaders who are highly educated, cog nizant and mindful of the impact their words and actions have on others. We may not need them to know every thing, but we do need them to be able to empathise.
Conte locked down parts of Italy as early as the end of Febru ary, displaying a keen sense of judgment – another vital ingre dient in the making of trust. Actions speak louder than words. He eventually became the first leader to order a nationwide lock down on March 9.
Denmark followed suit two days later, and Frederiksen ap pealed to the Danes’ better nature by being honest and humble in her address to the nation. She said she did ‘not have all the
In the age of social media, we no longer have geographical bor ders; our phones are our windows to the world. And just like so cial media, we need presidents and prime ministers to be able to cross those borders and cultures and speak with sense and logic. The honest word is as clear as the rising sun; lies and po litical agendas, on the other hand, are not. They will only force us to build walls which in turn will divide and fragment nations and eventually bring them to their knees.
If Covid-19 has made any natural selections, it’s the real lead ers. And we must all pay attention from now on, especially the next time we’re heading down to the ballot to cast our votes.
Unsure of what to do during this lockdown period? We've found some great online courses and Live events to keep you occupied, and safe! You can also follow us on social media for more events - http://www.the-intl.dk/
Are you tired of being out of control in the current co rona situation? Have you tried all online games and you know what Disney princess you are? Time to bring some energy to your life! Dance is the best cure for fear, anx iety, and disconnection. Join us for the FREE online GROOVE class!
Tap into hundreds of thousands of influencers who are waiting to recommend your product.
Every Thursday at 16:00 join Mat from Mats Vineyard and world-famous singer/songwriter Maria Montel LIVE on Facebook! Mat and Maria are making it their mission to spread some feel-good vibes during this difficult time. Everybody still drinks wine and listens to music, even though you can't go out for a tasting or a concert at this point. Maria and Mat are good friends and neighbours, and they aim to feature local small businesses from time to time when it fits in with the theme of the programme. Join them for a "hyggelig" and educating half an hour for everyone who wants to escape the confines of their couch. So, join them as they share their knowledge of wine and entertain you with music. To get a peek into what to ex pect during their live events, visit their youtube video: htt ps://youtu.be/4ZRLpVtDPQo 16:00-16:30
GROOVE is a fun, creative movement experience, where we explore all different styles of music, we unite in the same move and the same rhythm, but we all do it in our unique way. The best thing about GROOVE is that you can't get it wrong! It's all about being authentic and feel ing great in your own body. Just let go and dance with all energy in the safe space of your own home.
No dancing experience required! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
Follow this link to Youhttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/293857065join:canalsojoinviaphone,butyou
need to install the
ZOOM app first. Plugin your sound system to your PC for a better quality experience, but the computer sound system should be enough. Have some water and a yoga matt nearby.
With seven years of SEO experience, Josh has been in SEO longer than the average instructor. His knowledge is primarily derived from experience and case studies. At the age of 16, Josh sold over $100,000 worth of SEO soft ware and has received considerable media coverage for it. He now runs a YouTube channel, provides SEO consult ant and services to local businesses and builds enterprise software for companies.
The majority of people rely on internet reviews to decide whether a product is right or not. What if you could ac cess thousands of people who are willing to review your product on their YouTube, Instagram, Facebook or Twit ter? This course provides you with a framework to brand your account and then grow your brand and following with influencer marketing.
What you'll learn:
- How to grow your following on Instagram.
- How to build a trustworthy brand on Instagram.
-Requirements:Youshouldbe able to navigate Instagram on your mo bile phone and computer.
A Toolbox of necessary skills to start a business or im prove the one you have.
Business toolbox for entrepreneurs shows you the top hacks and methods you can apply to your business today to generate and improve the results you want. This tool box is designed to fit any type of business, from online to brick and mortar business can take advantage of this fan tastic and straight to the point content.
Take this course and learn how to improve traffic and sales to your business in the shortest time possible. This course is what you need to optimise your business and discover the fun and effective techniques used by all the successful people.
What you'll learn:
- The right way to think about business.
- How to set and achieve goals in your industry.
- How to increase sales and traffic fast.
- The vital mindset to make your business grow.
- How to motivate yourself to get better results.
- How to discover what people want and willing to pay for.
- Top 4 mistakes that are holding you back right now.
- The only thing that you need to be focused on in the
Simple and easy Qi Gong Tai Chi exercises, to feel better, prevent pain and have more energy.
At the end of the course, you will be able to practice Qi Gong at home and implement it in your daily life to re duce stress, solve any imbalance, calm the body & mind and strengthen the immune system. Learn great Qi Gong movements and understand the coordination of breath and Also,movement.you'llfind self-assessments, journaling exercises, and opportunities for reflection that will help you deepen your practice. As you go deeper into the material, you'll be able to develop your healing prescriptions by merely noting how your body, mind, and spirit respond to par ticular practices and meditations.
DavidInstructor:Wong - Martial artist, Qi Gong Meditator, Entre preneur, Influencer.
Who this course is for:
- Who wants to find balance in life (calm the body and mind and strengthen the immune system).
- For anyone who is looking to improve their life quality, relaxation and stress-free living.
1Details:section • 15 lectures • 1h 53m total length
Start your Channel Fast, Easy and Simple!
Learn how too set up a small channel with over 2,000,000+ views. In this introductory course, you will learn how to start your own Youtube Channel, how to set it up and or ganise it's basically everything you need to know to start your personal Youtube account.
In this course you will learn:
- How to set up a Youtube account.
- How to upload your first video.
- Advanced concepts and case studies.
- Start your Youtube Channel
- Organise your Channel
Other classes might teach the same stuff, but this class breaks it down and shows you what others just explain with boring slide shows. Get ready to master and start your own Youtube channel as you watch this class. If you are not yet on Youtube you've got no excuse not to be, all you need is enrol in this course today.
Details: 5 sections • 23 lectures • 1h 33m total length
What you'll learn:
- Benefit from all that yoga has to offer, in just a few minutes a day.
- From the comfort of your own home, you choose when to practice without having to attend classes.
Who this course is for:
- The course is perfect for complete beginners and as such no previous experi ence is required.
- This course is also suited for those that have tried yoga but haven't been able to find time for classes. If you are already a practising "Yogi" or "Yogini" and have your routines down, then you would benefit more from a course for ad vanced Yoga Asanas.
This course is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to practice yoga, but in their own time and at their convenience.
Its also perfect for those people wanting to enjoy the benefits of yoga, without having to pay for expensive classes at a health club or gym
Ever think that just a tennis ball could radically improve your physical health? We show you how this accessible tool and series of self-massage exercises can create drastic improvements in your body and comfort. This course is for those desiring more excellent range of body mobility, pain re lief, ease of any physical discomfort, or an increase in athletic performance. We'll show you how to use a tennis ball (a Self-Myofascial Release or self-massage tool) from head to toe to completely open up your body, move with greater ease, and be empowered by your newfound ability to self-care for aches and tension.
There is so much joy that comes from scratch baking and pulling that perfect cake out of the oven.
Have you always wanted to learn how to bake a cake that has the right balance of flavour, moisture, and texture?
This class provides all of the information you will need to get started in the kitchen and on your way to baking cakes. It's packed full of instructional videos, written lec tures, and downloadable recipes.
There are seven valuable recipes:
Almond butter cake
Vanilla butter cake
Chocolate olive oil cake
Carrot cake
Classic American sponge
Genoise sponge
Simple syrup
There are lessons on the history of different types of cakes so that you will not only impress your friends with skills but also knowledge. Baking carries a rich background around the world and helps to build an appreciation of learning the art.
Whether you are a complete beginner, want to start a ca reer in the pastry industry, or just want to make your cakes a little bit better, this course will set you up for success!
You'll Be Shocked at how simple it is for you to overcome fear and live a productive life. A vital course that provides the instruction, encouragement, and practical skills you need to maximize your potential during every moment in your life. It is now time for you to face your deepest fears, so you can learn how to deal with your painful thoughts and feelings effectively.
Let's be honest with each other. No one is exempt from feeling the effects of the current financial crisis. You must understand that current and future economic events pose a serious threat to your livelihood whether you have a job or own a business.
I believe your fears are hindering you from protecting yourself. Many people fail to take measures that provide adequate self-protection. "How to Conquer Your Fears and Fulfill Your Dreams" is a great course that provides an innovative approach to conquering your fears and im proving your life during a crisis.
What you'll learn:
- Reliable techniques for minimizing your anxiety.
- How to deal with the fear of failure, fear of the unknown and fear of change.
- Techniques that can help you face situations you fear.
- How to find solutions to your life and take steps that will enhance your relationships.
What's this course about, exactly?
This 15-video lesson series is the perfect supplement to a beginner guitar course. How? By teaching you how to strum easily and naturally. You'll be taught a variety of common strum patterns, and you'll be shown how to play them in a free-wheeling manner. You'll also be given ways to spice up your strumming by learning unique enhance ments such as palm muting, rhythmic slapping, chucking, and picking. You'll also learn about all the elements that fit into strumming, such as what a measure is, and what the different types of notes are.
What will I be able to do by the end of this course? Simply put, you'll be able to strum your guitar in a com fortable, free-wheeling way. Do you ever wonder how ex perienced players can strum their guitars in such a re laxed and carefree manner as if playing their instrument was as easy and natural as breathing? Well, this course helps get you there.
Is this course for me?
This course if for you if you're just starting on guitar. It will be helpful if you know only a few of the simple chords before starting. No knowledge of music theory is neces sary. This is a basic course on strumming. While it's proba bly too basic if you are already an intermediate player, the lessons do give some helpful strumming techniques and practice exercises if you feel you would like your strum ming to flow more naturally.
Look, there's already a ton of lessons online that show you how to play chords ... how to change chords ... but it's tough to find pinpointed instruction on how to improve the quality of your strumming specifically. This is a very focused course on a very specific — and crucial — tech nique: strumming. Strumming naturally and comfortably is a goal of every guitar player, and this course will help get you there.
Are you seeking a worthwhile activity that will encour age your child?
Are you looking for a kid's art course that will teach your child valuable drawing skills?
Would you like an experienced teacher guiding your child through the drawing process?
The Drawing for Kids course may be just what you are looking for! Designed with beginners in mind, this draw ing course is perfect for ages 5-10 years old. The teach ing process used is a kid-tested, step-by-step method that will both inspire and delight your child into drawing ac tion! The process involves organizing shapes and lines to gether until a recognizable outcome (in this course, usu ally a cute cartoon animal) is achieved. Young artists may then apply the knowledge they gain through each lesson to create unique masterpieces of their own. The Drawing for Kids course is designed to give young children the tools they need to begin their artistic journey into self-expres sion, reflection, and creative thinking.
About the Instructor:
Miss Em teaches art to children and is a real passion for her! She prides herself on creating dynamic, meaningful, and engaging art lessons that are shown in a relaxing and joyful way. She has nearly 20 years of teaching experience in the elementary classroom and the art studio. She has a good grasp on how to create an environment that makes children feel happy, motivated, confident, and successful.
Miss Em is looking forward to seeing both you and your child in this Drawing for Kids course.
Let the creative fun begin!
This course will give you a greater understanding of how and why to meditate and most importantly, how to share these benefits with your children in a fun and impact ful
a parent with a child that has a lot of extra energy?
Are you looking for ways to relieve stress and live a more calm filled life?
Are you concerned about the lack of mindfulness amongst children today?
Would you like to share in an experience with your chil dren that will give them the tools to be more successful in Dolife?you not know how to meditate but are interested in Well,learning?ifyou answered YES to any of the above questions, this is the course for you!
Master Chris Berlow has been a Martial Arts practition er for over 30 years and teaching for the majority of that time. He's had his school for almost two decades and has helped both adults and children reach their full potential in and out of their martial arts training. He's extremely passionate about giving his students a deeper understand ing of the arts, especially meditation. Nothing inspires him more than helping students understand how to meditate and help them receive benefits that last a lifetime. Meditation is needed now! In the local schools, homes, the communities, everywhere! The use of personal technology devices and with the degradation of inter-personal rela tions, there needs to be an intervention. The perfect solu tion is to teach the younger generation the skills of mind fulness and meditation and apply it to their everyday lives. By the end of this course, you'll know how to meditate! Better yet, learn some great methods to introduce medita tion for children. In this programme, they will break down foundational meditation and breathing techniques that are practised by many practitioners throughout the world. INFO:
Preparing food has been a basic need since the beginning of time and cooking is an activity that is second nature to most of us. After all, every human should be able just to prepare a good meal. Well, that's not always the case, making wholesome meals are not as simple as it looks. In this Cooking with Children course, it will teach the ba sic principles of safety, sanitation, equipment, and how to prepare great meals that children will love and have fun making. Adults and children will learn how to cook pasta, pizza, chicken tenders, tacos, stir-fried rice, noodles, and even learn how to bake cookies. This course is fun and in formative and provides recipes and all instructions to pre pare meals from start to finish successfully.
Who this course is for: Kids that are wanting to learn how to cook, or increase their cooking skills. Parents and children who wish to learn and prepare together.
In 2008 I moved to Denmark. I was straight out of high school and eighteen years old. I was dancing at the School of American Ballet in New York City on a full scholarship. This ballet school feeds into the New York City Ballet. I came to Denmark because of my teacher, Danish ballet dancer Nikolaj Hubbe. He danced at the New York City Bal let for twenty years, and he would sometimes come to the School of American Ballet to teach classes. I met him was I was fourteen years old when he was the substitute teach er for the day. We all thought he was so handsome. What's funny is he still remembers where I stood at the ballet barre that first day of class. Then when I was eighteen and old enough to be a ballerina with a company, Nikolaj offered me a job.
This was a total curveball to be offered a job as a ballerina in Denmark. I had never heard of Denmark. I was training to be a ballerina at the New York City Ballet and did not want to leave New York City, and I think it was a blessing in disguise. But I remem bered being confused and sad when I didn't get a job as a ballerina in the New York City Ballet. Little did I know Nikolaj went to Peter from the New York City Ballet and made a decision that I would come to Denmark to dance at The Royal Danish Ballet.
I think the random stranger is easier to meet and talk to in the USA. When I'm back home, it feels like I could have a casual conversation with just about anyone. In Den mark, once you make friends and get into a friend group, they are everything and more. Many friend groups have known each other for so long and are content with the group the way it is. So, to crack into a group of people, coupled with my weird working hours, and the discipline that is needed to do my job, makes it a bit of a struggle to meet oth ers outside the ballet company. The humour is different. I come from the Midwest, which has its own type of comedy. I understand Danish sarcasm, but it can be so dark… Den mark is Dark enough!
One of the most significant differences I have felt between the USA and Denmark is the different approach to a competitive environment. In the US, there is this mindset of just go-go-go… or else the girl behind you is going to pass you. I was raised on that type of mentality, so when I first moved here for dance and nothing else, I brought with me some goals and ambitions. I had to adjust to being more like the Danish culture of a more work-life-balance mindset. At first, it didn't make sense to me. I wanted to always be in the studio, playing around and doing what I love. But there is some wisdom to the Danish point of view. I'm super grateful for it now.
I have been in Denmark for twelve years now and plan to live here for the foreseeable future. My Danish husband and I know that doors are open, so nothing is set in stone. I just got my Danish permanent residency on my birthday, which was a lovely present! I do want to become a dual citizen in Denmark, but it has been difficult. The cit izenship exam is only offered in December which is our busiest sea son at the ballet, or it is in June when I am touring around Den mark for the Summer Ballet. Considering this, I am having trouble completing that last step.
I can speak Danish now, but don't consider myself fluent. It was hard enough moving countries, and it took me several years to even get used to the sounds. Dating a Dane gave me more of a reason to learn, though, because my work is all in English. I also used the app Duolingo to help.
It has been a dream come true dancing at The Royal Danish Ballet. There is intense joy and happiness that I only can experience when dancing. I love being out on stage and pushing the boundaries with dance. A typical day as a ballerina begins every day at 10:00 with a ballet class, followed by the first rehearsal block, second rehearsal block, an evening call, and if there is shown that is in the evenings. In ballet, there are different ranks. I became a Principal Ballerina four years ago, which is the highest rank in the company. The hard est part about ballet isn't the physical side of it; it's the mindset. It is, of course, physically tiring, but I have been dancing since I was four years old. Dancing is like eating eggs for breakfast, and it just
makes sense to me. You have to keep mentally focused and motivat ed always. Everyone is working towards the same goals, and it can get competitive. When you are on your way up, people can come at you from any direction. I was naïve to this and at times this cut me deeply. Yes we all generally get along and support each other but we do all dream of the same things so at times it can feel quite lonely. Ballet is an industry that is obsessed with youth. You can only do it for so long. In Denmark, we have lifetime contracts which means I'm forced to retire when I am 40 years old. That also means that you get paid year-round and have a pension. Whereas in America, if you are not dancing, you are not getting paid. We are very well taken care of, which is a blessing.
It is rewarding giving back to the next generation of dancers and inspiring kids. You can see it in their eyes when you walk past them in the hallway, as the girls quietly break out in whispers "oh my god, it's Holly!" I love to talk to them, joke around with them and take pictures with them, one day it will be them dancing as the Sugar Plum Fairy. We have to support the next generations.
I get to go back to the United States about once a year in the sum mers. But I don't always go back to my home state of Michigan. Sometimes I will visit cousins, or we will meet in different places around the country. I moved away from Michigan when I was four teen, so there aren't many of my high school friends left in Michigan. However, what I do miss most about Michigan is this vast melting pot of cultures. Even though Detroit has had its rough moments, it also has that "we won't give up" attitude that you can feel from the
people that live there. Detroit has a coolness that one can't explain. You have to see it. Live it. And Be it. I miss that edge.
My Danish husband, Brian, was one of the first people I ever met when I was eight een and just moved to Denmark. He was working backstage as a stage technician at The Royal Danish Ballet We dated for a little while back when I first moved here, but with the transition of moving countries, it wasn't the best timing. Years later, we reconnected again, and four years later, we are married.
Being a multicultural couple, we did have different expectations when it came to some things. The first thing that pops into my head is our difference in opinions about getting married. As an American, this was a natural next step for our relationship and vital to me. But Danes don't always see the desire to get married the same. Bri an didn't need a wedding. I felt that cultural difference in this situation. As a Dane, he didn't want all of the attention of a big wedding ceremony. But we ended up hav ing a big American wedding during the summertime in Detroit, Michigan, in my fam ily's backyard, and he loved it! His family came over from Denmark for the wedding, and it was his mom's first time visiting the United States. It was perfect. We had a Motown band and served Thanksgiving dinner for the wedding because that's my favourite meal. We also included many Danish wedding traditions. Some of Brian's friends also flew over for the wedding, so one of them was the toastmaster. We did the Danish tradition of kissing on the chairs and under the table, danced the waltz with everyone in a circle around us, and ended with the groomsmen lifting Brian in the air and cutting the top of his socks off! Then we ended the night likes the Danes do and had hotdogs at midnight.
To fellow internationals that have just moved to Denmark, I would say to fall in love with where you are living. That was one of my mistakes. I kept comparing Copen hagen to New York and to what was familiar to me. Instead of looking at these dif ferences and focusing on it negatively, it is crucial to find the positive in living here. Copenhagen isn't New York City, but it is its own jewel of a city.
Every summer a small group from The Royal Danish Ballet tours around ten differ ent cities in Denmark. We perform outside in beautiful locations for the public and free of charge. The exact cities have been released and can be found on www.kglteat er.dk THE-INTL
QQUARTERLIFE IS DEFINED as the period of young adulthood roughly between ages 20-35. It's an exciting time when you're physically and mentally at your peak and well placed to take chances and try new things. It can also be a period of tremen dous insecurity, self-doubt and lack of direction. If moving to Denmark to study, pursue a love interest, or start a new job is part of your Quarterlife journey, below are some steps you might want to consider taking to make your transition smooth er and more meaningful.
Based on the challenges and opportunities that Quarterlife of fers, the following four-step process will strengthen your abili ty to make confident choices which speak to your strengths and needs, and highlight how essential your skills are for Denmark.
This step starts with identifying past positives and consider ing what was present for you in those experiences. When you think back to your life before coming to Denmark, in which cir cumstances can you recall performing at your best? Was it on a sports team, at work or when you were studying? What were the contexts and circumstances that consistently gave you en ergy or triggered excitement? Was it the people, the environ ment, the activity or the subject which made you feel that you were at your best?
The second part of this step is to identify what elements of those positive experiences you want to duplicate in your cur rent circumstance. Are there specific values that are important for you to uphold? Or particular personal strengths you want to utilise?
Denmark is filled with possibilities. So how do you decide what to pursue? In this step, you should determine what strengths you already possess and what the society around you is asking for. Is the country experiencing a shortage of expertise in spe cific business sectors? Is your local municipality lacking expe rienced personnel in areas related, for example to healthcare, psychology or teaching? Once you have identified the gaps, you can focus on the strengths you possess which can be ramped up to support the needs of your community.
Once you have identified what stimulates you and determined how to use your abilities to support the needs around you, an essential next step is to identify a "success network." This is different from a regular network of friends, family or profes sional contacts. A success network is comprised of a careful ly curated set of "true believers" or people that are your undy ing advocates when it comes to your vision for yourself and the objectives you have set out to achieve. For them, your success is a foregone conclusion, and they will be your enablers as you
push forward through the ups and downs of your Quarterlife journey. Who is part of your success network? Find them and ask them to join the ride.
How will you describe yourself as you are today? The more work you have done in steps 1-3, the better equipped you will be when it comes to activating your story and describing to others who you are and what you have to offer Denmark. But make no mis take, this process takes work and requires that you lift yourself from your failures, move past your fears and make meaningful strides towards your vision for yourself and your objectives for the future. It's not just enough to know, you have to activate –you have to plan.
Making a plan based on well thought out possibilities and real istic objectives can be a powerful way to hold yourself accounta ble to your vision for yourself and to make meaningful progress in securing your place and contribution within a community.
The Quarterlife IDEA will help you to determine what you want to do, what you don't want to do and most importantly, to rec ognise how you are uniquely positioned and qualified to contrib ute something truly remarkable in your new home. This is your Quarterlife opportunity – don't waste it! THE-INTL
Raised in England, Canada, the Caribbean, and the Unit ed States, Anita takes pride in a heritage that spans a multi plex of religions, cultures and continents. Anita is a certified Career Coach, has a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management and has spent the last 20 years working as a TV Producer, Advertising Ex ecutive, Communication and HR Specialist and within the area of talent management. For the last 10 years, Anita has focused on internation al recruitment and career de velopment. Her company, Ca reer Explorations, is noted for its work with helping millen nials manage the “Quarter life”
UNKNOWN“Theonly way to get better is to surround yourself with people who believe in you.”
TTHURSDAY, MARCH 11TH felt like dooms day for me. My phone rang off the hook, and then suddenly, every appointment I had in my calendar for the next two months had been cancelled. We were prepared to lose a few cases, but not all of them. Reali ty hit hard at that point. We weren't going to earn any income for the next foreseea ble future. As this is an unprecedented sit uation for many of us, the consequences of what would happen when a country closes its borders was not a thought that had ever crossed my mind. As my business depends on a large part of internationals moving to our country, this is devastating. Home stead's sole purpose is to assist those mov ing here to settle in and feel at home. With the borders closed, and expats leaving to go home, we are left without a purpose.
In addition to our settling-in services, I also earn a living through keynote speak ing engagements. Unfortunately, this has also come to a dead halt.
Danes are handling this situation serious ly, and with swift, extreme measures. Den mark was one of the first countries to roll out financial relief measures and programs to support small businesses impacted by theDenmark'spandemic.
finance ministry has an nounced plans to spend up to 40 billion Danish kroner (USD 6 billion) to help com panies hit by the coronavirus crisis to cov er their fixed costs until cash flow resumes.
The self-employed and firms with up to ten people who see their revenues fall more than 30% will also be offered government compensation worth 75% of their regular monthly income up to a maximum of 23,000 Danish kroner per month.
Denmark also took dramatic action to keep its economy going through the coro navirus pandemic, making an extra 200 bil lion Danish kroner (USD 30 billion) availa ble for banks to lend to companies.
The country has proved its genuine com passion for its people ("befolkning"). The government is there for its people in a time of need, supporting each other, pulling to
gether and helping the less fortunate. It's times like this where I am grateful to live in Denmark.
It's safe to say that this current crisis is like none other faced by small business own ers in the recent past, and it's undoubt edly tricky trying to tackle a multitude of unique issues it presents.
#1 How am I going to pay my employees?
#2 How am I going to pay my bills?
#3 How long will this last?
If you didn't make a Strategic Plan for this year, it's certainly time to make one now. Don't plan too far out and remember things are often changing. Be willing to adapt and revise those plans.
Create a list of priorities and tackle those projects you have been putting off.
Take full advantage of this unplanned break from work. Work hard at not wast ing hours on Netflix or getting sucked into the never-ending news coverage. Instead,
utilize this time a chance to check off all of those "to-do" lists. Be creative and find new opportunities to market and sell. Giv en the current conditions, what is some thing that resonates with customers that you can provide? As always, focus on your existing customers, provide excellent ser vice, make sure you nurture and retain all the invaluable relationships and custom ers you currently have.
More than ever, we need to stay posi tive. Be the calm voice in this panic-driven time. Be kind, be helpful, and be thankful for what we have, who we have and where we live. THE-INTL
Laura is Canadian. After years of living abroad and travelling the world, she moved to Denmark in 2007 and started her new life as an expat living in Denmark.
Laura’s experience work ing in the Danish reloca tion industry, encapsulating both her experience as an expat and her desire for help ing people, which is WHY she startedHomesteadHomestead.offers Settling in Services and Workshops fo cusing on the day to day chal lenges of expats, as well as the cultural differences in both their work and daily life.
“In House” consultations for International employees are also one of Homestead’s spe cialties. Customized, personal consultations focusing on the individualHomestead.employee.Weare You’re Settling in www.homesteaddenmark.comExperts
PPATIENCE IN OBTAINING the much-desired Danish citizenship has turned to dust due to an unfortunate combination between a pandemic and over-regulation from the state. After making it to the finish line, where a state-regulated handshake was waiting, the applicants now must wait until it is safe to exchange germs from one citizen to another.
“It reminds me of the Nazi heil,” said the mayor of Aabenraa, which hails from the same party as the infamous Inger Støjberg (the former Liberal minister of integration); “We should not regulate how we greet each other,” said the mayor of Frederik shavn, Birgit S. Hansen (from the Social Democrat Party). Their opinions reflect the general mood of the mayors from around the country. They are not extremely happy with the legislation that entered into force on 1st January 2019, which requires a representative of the municipality to shake the hand of a per son that desires to become a Danish citizen.
Just like with the other infamous law, in which the police had to confiscate all objects of value from the refugees and yet found ways not to do so, the mayors have been in a race on who finds the most creative way of not validating with their presence this practice. Some of them, have left it entirely to the employees of the municipality to perform the ceremony, others, to be mind ful to the freedom of religion, have offered a gendered-based choice of a
However,handshake.theprocess of validating the years-long process of becoming citizens of Denmark has now come to a complete halt. Why might you wonder? The emergence of Covid-19 pan demic (novel coronavirus as previously known) which prevents handshakes. Well, why not wear gloves? As absurd, as it might sound, the law specifies that it has to be without gloves. You need to firmly touch the skin of a current Danish citizen so that you can transform into one as well.
I mean, if that is the case, then why not reduce the entire pro cess to that one action. Remove all the efforts to learn the lan guage, the history, the culture and society, while looking for a full-time job. That is not important to the legislators. What is important is the magical transformation that happens when you touch the skin of a Danish citizen.
Don’t get me wrong. It is nice to have a ceremony to mark the importance of such an event, as obtaining Danish citizenship. However, it should not be an over-regulated mandatory event. It should be a celebration and a validation of all the efforts one undertook to reach that point. One should go to such a cere mony with tears of joy in his eyes, knowing that they can final ly join other citizens as one of the best societies in the world.
One has to wait nine long years before you can obtain the full rights of Danish citizenship. Of course, because the integration process is so “egalitarian” in mind (irony), some can skip the
waiting line due to various reasons:
1. Citizens of other Nordic countries have to wait only two years.
2. People who have a 3-year Danish education have to wait only five years.
3. The wife/husband of a Danish citizen between 6 and 8 years.
4. Children that arrived in Denmark before the age of 15 and got a Danish education receive citizenship when they turn 18.
5. Refugees/stateless people receive it after eight years.
1. You have to be a model citizen and owe no debt to the state.
2. Be full-time employed for the past two years.
3. Speak more than medium Danish and pass a test to prove this.
4. Have an understanding of the Danish culture, history, society, and pass a citizen test.
The process takes around two years from the date of applying until your arrival at a handshake ceremony, given there is no pandemic around. THE-INTL
NARCIS BornPOLITICIANMATACHEGEORGEin1990inavillage in the north-east of Romania, Narcis made Aalborg his new home since 2009. Smitten by the Danish model, he decided to get involved in the local com munity leading to him becom ing a strong voice on the top ic of usage of the local political rights by the internationals. In 2017, he became the first nonDanish citizen to run for re gional elections and to repre sent Denmark in the Council of Europe. He holds or held lead ership positions in European Youth Denmark, Europabev ægelsen, Socialdemokrati et Nørresundby, DSU Aalborg, and Frit Forum
Paid or non-paid work, it all counts in Denmark. Go after internships, volunteering and part-time jobs.
DDENMARK CAN BE a bit conservative when it comes to interna tional employment as it is still relatively new. Therefore, having any kind of local experience can open new doors for you.
Since last year, when I decided to change my career, I have met hundreds of international job seekers in Denmark, and there seems to be a common denominator. In essence, foreigners with international professional experience still have a hard time get ting into the Danish job market. There can be many reasons for this, besides the usual - not speaking the language, not having a network and not having any experience. The problem also often is that the Danish employer wants to know that you understand the Danish work culture and traditions, in other words – that you understand how the society functions, including the work culture. How can you prove that? By having local experience. Whether it is a non-paid internship, volunteer work or a part-time student job, it does not matter.
I once had an interview, as a recent graduate, and the hiring manager was extremely impressed by my professional experience. He said: “Wow, you have so much experience.”, which I thought I did not have at the time. We talked about many of the volunteer ing projects and internships I did during and after my studies. They were highly valued in his eyes and confirmed to him that I
take the initiative, network, and I have an interest in the Danish culture. I am sure that these experiences got me to the interview in the first place. He did not care about it was all non-paid work. It was work in Denmark, and that mattered!
I have met some professionals these days who have 5+ years of experience from, for example, IBM or another well-known compa ny, yet, they struggle to find a job. Often, my advice to them is the same – get some local experience. Find an internship for a month or two, also for you to see how does a Danish work place functions. I am sure you will have some ‘aha’ moments, and you will probably have a better understanding of the culture and Danes in general.
I have also encountered an attitude like: “Why should I do an internship/free work when I have worked for five years? It is great you have the experience, but it might be a barrier for you to start your career in Denmark. Have you thought about it? It might be one of the reasons why you have not been successful until now. Next time when you apply for a job or meet with a job consultant, you could ask for feedback – for example, “Is my foreign experi ence enough or should I get some Danish experience?” The more ‘barriers’ your remove yourself, so the employer does not have to wonder, the better chances you have.
Finding a cause which is close to you, and you have a passion for could be an excellent place to start. No matter can you give 1 hour or your time or 5 hours of your time in a month, it all counts. You could check out frivilligjob.dk, which is one of the biggest volun teering jobs platforms in Denmark.
In 2015, I joined Internet Week Denmark – one of the biggest IT festivals in Aarhus. Back then, I had a couple of shifts as a guide, and it was a great way to expand my network and get the local experience. On top of that, I asked a fellow Danish volunteer out for coffee, and we have been friends ever since.
Every experience matter in Denmark paid or not. Find the ones that give you joy and activate yourself. It just might bring you one step closer. THE-INTL
JOB GreeteCONSULTANTwasborn in Tallinn, Estonia and has lived in four countries and on four conti nents. After high school ex change year in the US, Greete caught a ‘travel bug’.
Since 2010, Denmark has become her second home. Her background is within interna tionalGreetemarketing.changed her career to work with her passion - to help international job seekers in Denmark. For the last two years, she has been active ly creating content in Linked in and organising different events for job seekers. Greete believes that with the right mindset, skills and tools you can be successful in the rigid Danish job greete.eluri@gmail.comgreeteeluri/www.linkedin.com/in/market.
I don’t know what it is about spring and Easter, but it makes me want to bust out the fresh lemon flavour in everything I make. Whether it’s zesting lemon peel in the weekend dutch baby pancake or sautéing fresh asparagus with lemon juice and olive oil, it’s a flavour that feels like warmer days are just around the corner.
150ml cream (optional) lemon zest for sprinkling
#1 Grind the cookies into a fine crumb mixture in a food processor or blender.
#2 In a mixing bowl, stir together the cookie crumb mixture, melted butter, and sugar until combined.
#3 Pour the cookie mixture into a ca. 23-24 cm (9-inch) pie pan and press evenly onto the bottom and up the sides.
#4 Bake the cookie crust in a preheated 175 C oven for 7-10 minutes. Let cool.
#5 In a medium saucepan, whisk together the sugar, cornstarch, a pinch of salt, and lemon juice. Then whisk in the egg and egg yolk, ensuring there are no dry ingredients left in the corners of the saucepan.
#6 Place over medium-high heat on the stovetop and add the boiling water. Whisk constantly until the mixture thickens and bubbles slowly. This will take about 3-4 min. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Stir in the butter until melted, and fresh lemon zest until combined.
#7 Pour the lemon curd layer into the bottom of a prepared baked cookie crust. Allow to cool, then place in refrigerator until completely chilled and firm (about 1 hour) before topping with the Lemon Cream.
#8 In a mixing bowl, beat the whipped cream until firm. Set aside in refrigerator to keep chilled.
#9 Using an electric mixer, mix the cream cheese and powdered sugar on a low setting until thickened (use the paddle attachment if you’re using a stand mixer). It will take about 3-4 minutes to reach a thick consistency (much like frosting). Then add the lemon juice and zest and mix until combined and thickened.
#10 Using a spoon or rubber spatula, fold the whipped cream into the lemon cream cheese mixture until smooth and combined. Spread the lemon cream evenly over the lemon curd layer and chill for a minimum of 2 hours, or up to overnight.
#11 Top the pie with lemon zest or lemon peel curls and fresh whipped cream, if desired. Store in refrigerator until ready to serve.
At the pie shop, we love to give all our pies funny signature names. This pie got its name for two reasons:
#1 When you slice into it, it looks like a dai sy – lighter on the outside and bright yel low in the centre.
#2 “Daisy” is Queen Margrethe II of Den mark’s nickname!
ERIN entoldmotherDanishErinpenhagen.AmericanPripsheuponandseveralAngeles,Denmark.publishinguethensignfoodandandthenwellwaytisingchange.suitcasesmanentlySheconnectiongrammemark’salbothfoodageisedandtry,enceWithPIECO-OWNER,CHAPMANTHEAMERICANCOMPANYover20years’experiintheadvertisingindusworkingbothinDenmarkUSA,Erinhasspecialinbrandbuildingandimdevelopmentforlifestyle,andfashionclienteleatnationalandinternationlevel.ErinattendedDIS,DenStudyAbroadproin1996andmadeawithCopenhagen.movedtoDenmarkperin1998withtwoandapocketfulofWorkingintheadverindustrysheworkedherupasaseniorcreative,asasavoiceoverartist,andbeganherownbranddesignbusinessin2006.Mergingherloveforfoodartdirection,shebeganstylingandcookbookdeforotherauthors,andproceededtocontinwithrecipedevelopment,twocookbooksinWhilelivinginLosErinworkedwithUSbrandsonimagerecipedevelopmentandreturningtoDenmark,partneredwithDortein2015tointroduceThePieCompanyinCoishappilymarriedtoherhusbandandistheofasassysevenyeardaughterwhospeaksflu“Danglish”.www.theamericanpieco.com
like Denmark, you may find yourself strug gling to fit Furthermore,in. the lack of cultural rep resentation and the feeling of being a mi nority may cause insecurities and doubt where you hold back from applying for po sitions because no one from your country has made it to your dream organisation.
Impostorism can be rational and irra tional. Discrimination of minority groups based on stereotypes is real. Many organi sations write off international candidates, thus missing out on a diverse talent pool.
WHILE THE IDEA of living abroad may be exciting and unique, the dynamic shifts in culture can invite a sense of loss and un certainty.Itistempting to seek out fellow interna tionals who have gone or are going through the same experiences of change. Further more, they may empathise with your chal lenges more than natives.
This is especially counter-productive, where you need to network and build trust with the Makinglocals.alife abroad presents a signif icant life event, which for many is a road less travelled from leaving the familiar to starting life anew. In many ways, it feels like starting life over without familiar sign posts. Where you may have had a clear-cut career in your home country, you might now have to consider reinventing career aspirations. For some people, especially those coming from 3rd world countries, this can mean taking the available jobs that are probably not in line with your orig inalMoreambitions.so,the first seven years of living in a new country are often the most in tense. For many people, these early years involves letting go of old identities and val ues, and this invites a feeling of loss. Yet as the years go by, your home cul
Wture begins to fade away as aspects of your new country merge into your iden tity. Your perspective of self, your for mer life and the world, in general, begins to shift. Then comes the bitter aftertaste when you start to feel like a foreigner in your home country.
The feeling of being an outsider doesn't escape you either. It can sneak up when you can't relate to an inside joke with na tives.The small quirky moments, that no mat ter how long you've lived abroad, you will never be 100 per cent native. When you feel like you have a split personality, between the old and the new you, embrace this du ality as a gift of being an International.
Imposter syndrome – the idea that your achievements are by luck and not any tal ents or intellectual effort – is a term that was coined in 1978 by Psychologists Paul ine Rose Clance and Suzanne Ime. Today, the phenomenon can be felt by anyone, man or woman, who thinks they aren't goodImposterenough.syndrome tends to hit many in ternationals making a cross-cultural tran sition. If you are coming from a country where hierarchies matter, to a flat country
Whereas, candidates who fail to seek out opportunities for fear of feeling like one is a fraud may also be missing out on carv ing a path for inclusion. Networking, find ing a mentor or affirming your self-worth can help you cope with the fluctuating feel ings of being an imposter.
Recognising that natives go through the same irrational feelings of inadequacy may help you rationalise these insecurities as a defence mechanism against failure and dis appointment.It'sourcollective responsibility to com bat this by raising awareness of how im poster syndrome affects Internationals and how it creates barriers.
If you are struggling with imposter syn drome, regardless of your race, gender or religious affiliation, remember you bring a unique, different perspective, which is anWhenasset.in
doubt, remind yourself of your achievements, write them down, read them out. Update your CV and LinkedIn profile. Make yourself visible. No one will come looking for you if you hide in the shadows.
If you are taking active action, impost er syndrome will not have a place to call home in your brain. You have earned your spot. Your existence creates space for oth ers to follow. THE-INTL
JudyPHOTOGRAPHERJOURNALIST,JØRGENSENWANJIKUWRITER,isajournalistand writer, fuelled by a passion for bring ing words to life. She has al so been a photographer for 11 years.Her hunger for knowledge first led her to Denmark on a scholarship for an MA in Jour nalism at Aarhus Universi ty. Love made her stay. She is now a mother of two AfroViking boys. She is currently working as a freelance jour nalist and photographer and is always interested in a chal lenge. Reach out on mon2002@yahoo.comjudysiwww.judywanderi.net
SSAT FOR A hundred years between a rock and a hard place, the Little Mermaid gazes sadly towards the land, awaiting her prince to return. She gave up her royal status, her family, and was phys ically crippled and maimed - the price she must pay for adapt ing to fit a vision of female beauty that the prince can accept and love. But he is long gone, perhaps an early victim of ’fake news’ when he awoke shipwrecked on a beach to behold the vision of yet another princess saving him, and so was duped into loving the wrong girl.
This diminutive teenager disappoints entire groups of tourists on my guided tours. “Is that it?” The most overworked comment as tourists pose grumpily on the slippery rocks below. Yet she’s as famous as other iconic statues that symbolize cities, includ ing the Statue of Liberty and Christ the Redeemer in Rio. She is the unlikely pin-up girl for a piece of 190-year long branding, largely attributed to the master storyteller, Hans Christian An dersen who certainly put Copenhagen on the map as ”Fairytale Capital of The World” from the 1830s onwards.
Denmark at this time was licking its wounds in the aftermath of the Napoleonic wars. when the Danes had their arm severely twisted by the British to stop merrily making a fortune by free booting between all sides. The French had their Waterloo, as did the beleaguered Danes and after ceding Norway to the Swedish, the now tiny country plunged into bankruptcy. But not for long, as what emerged was a period where instead of looking outwards to their once substantial empire, the Danes looked inwards and into rebuilding the losses with a vision of a new, better world for every citizen. As an artist, I know how no vast array of luxurious paints can turn you into a better painter, but a restricted palette and a focus on what you have to hand can create the best work.
From the 1830s until the 1880s began a period known as the Dan ish Golden Age. A flourishing of the creative arts and an estab lishing of Denmark as a force to be reckoned with in literature, design, democracy, music, philosophy, inventions and science. H.C Andersen was at the forefront with his delightful, dark and vivid tales. As the industrial revolution raged with black clouds of toxic smoke throughout Europe, Denmark, with their lack of fossil fuels became renowned as a place to visit for fresh air, dreamy spires and fairytale castles. It still is today, but perhaps now is the time to promote the city in other ways.
The Little Mermaid is a paradox as a pin-up girl anyway. First published in 1837, the story is one of his most famous fairy tales. It tells the story of a mermaid who becomes entranced by the hu man world. The tale ends (sort of) happily as the Little Mermaid
does not perish forever. She changes into a spirit of the air and is given a chance to attain the immortal soul she dreamt about. She is no longer in pain, has recovered her voice and soon, in a mere 300 years, will have an immortal soul.
Although she was a woman with great curiosity for the world, the unknown and the forbidden, I do see her as a woman of her time - a victim of love and sacrifice, as she trades her beautiful voice for legs and stabbing pain as she walks. She paid the ulti mate price and gave it all up for the prince. The story contains a message about love and self-sacrifice and the dangers of accept ing abuse or inconsiderate treatment in the name of love.
She has just 100 years to go before she attains her immortal soul. I would be nice to see her left alone for her remaining sentence. To brand the city for modern Danish values instead, and leave the pensive statue to a more gracious old age than the hoards of mermaid crazed tourists allow? Copenhagen today is a city and society that we can all live in: rich, poor, with or without king doms under the sea. Maybe sustainable tours of the future could show the world how a well-run society can be? All with the clean water, fresh air and the gender equality that the Little Mermaid would have undoubtedly delighted in. THE-INTL
teller; she’s also a tour guide, photographer, and mother of three. All these ingredients are carefully blended togeth er, with a pinch of sea salt, to create her unique take on life in Denmark and around the world. You’ll find more viv id descriptions and bitter sweet adventures in her nov els, ‘Rice Pudding In A Duvet’ and ‘Middle Distance,’ which are available on Amazon. Heather’s original, entertain ing, and off the beaten track walking tours of Copenhagen and Helsingør have become a hit with travellers from all over the world throughout the year. More details on her website and on Airbnb Expe
Saying goodbye to your furry friend is one of the hardest experiences in your life. In this issue Tarek gives some useful hints to help you grieve during this time.
PPETS ARE THERE for us through thick and thin, and it can be difficult to imagine life without them. When you've had to say goodbye to your loving companion, there's no easy way to move forward, and everyone grieves differently.
When you need to say goodbye to your fur ry friend, talk to your veterinarian to help you decide when the time is right. Your veterinarian can help provide an objective opinion to assess if your pet is suffering and at the end of its life.
No one grieves the same way, and there are a variety of ways that people can cope with their loss, whether it is sudden or ex pected.
TALK TO SOMEONE. One of the most suc cessful ways of managing your grief is dis cussing your feelings with someone. The RSPCA lists several resources that you can communicate with, including groups such as Paws to Listen for cat owners. You may also find it beneficial to talk to a therapist about your feelings.
GIVE YOURSELF TIME TO GRIEVE. You should take your time moving through the grief process. Losing a pet is a trag ic time, and everyone goes through it at a different pace. This is the time to surround yourself with loved ones, particularly oth er pet owners who know your furry fami ly member was more than "just a dog" or "just a cat."
EXPLAIN THE LOSS TO CHIDLREN, SO THEY UNDERSTAND. Explain the loss to children, so they understand. Talk to your children openly about the loss of your pet. Discuss the process with them to eliminate confu
sion and help them to understand what has happened. It will help them in the long run.
EXPRESS YOUR EMOTIONS. For many peo ple, losing a pet can make them feel de spair and guilt, feelings beyond just sad ness, particularly as they adjust to a new reality without a pet. In addition to dis cussing your feelings with someone, par ticularly a professional, keeping a journal can help you come to terms with your loss.
HONOUR YOUR PET. A memorial service may help you honour your pet and cope with the loss. You may decide something as simple as few words over your pet's grave may provide a sense of closure. You can also involve your family, especially chil dren, to help them feel a connection to the process.
Remember that there's no timeline for your grief, but there are a variety of ways you can help further the process.
HELP OTHER PETS. While you might not im mediately be ready to bring a new pet into your family, you can help better the lives of
other pets. Consider volunteering at your local animal shelter or fundraising with a local group that supports animal rescue.
MEMORIALISE YOUR LOVED ONE. Take the time to remember your beloved pet by cre ating a photo album or commissioning a memorial. Everyone in the family can pick out their favourite pictures to include in the album.
TAKE TIME FOR SELF-CARE. Make sure that you take time for yourself.
TAKE UP A NEW HOBBY. Consider healthy activities, such as working out and prac ticing
the loss of a pet can be as dif ficult as dealing with the loss of a close friend or family member. After all, these pets have been in our homes and lives day in and day out. Don't expect yourself to bounce back immediately. Take time to process your feelings and emotions, and one day, consider bringing another pet in to your family to love. And most impor tantly, know that The Pet-agrees is always here for you. THE-INTL
Tarek was born in Amman, Jordan and from an early age has had a love for animals. He met his spouse in Am man and then soon embarked on an expat lifestyle that took him to Dubai, Prague, and now Copenhagen. Origi nally a veterinarian, Tarek re invented himself profession ally and decided to launch his ownWithcompany.ThePet-agrees, Tarek has combined his veterinary experience with his entrepre neurial spirit. The Pet-agrees cares for pets in the Copenha gen area, offering services in cluding pet-sitting, walking, and more to come www.thepetagrees.comsoon
IINTERNATIONAL LIFE COMES with its share of gains & losses. What can we do to have smoother transitions? How do we ensure that the gains outweigh the losses? The 3 A’s are fundamental.
First and foremost, the more aware we are of what is happening to us, the better we are with ourselves and everyone around us. Moving to another country is a big step, it takes courage, and it can be a very emo tional process. When we decide to move, we usually focus on all the practical issues and tend to omit the crucial aspect of emo tional well-being. One of the first steps to make sure that we are taking care of our selves and our emotional well-being is to become aware of the Cultural Adjust ment Phases. Most have heard about cul ture shock. However, there are a few more, and these phases are fundamental to un derstand and acknowledge the process of relocating.
Let us briefly go over the Cultural Adjust ment Phases. The classic model is the cul ture shock curve which was introduced by Kalervo Oberg in 1960. We have 4 phases.
THE HONEYMOON: described as the rosetinted glasses phase. We are excited by the new host country, everything is new, excit ing and we are exploring.
CULTURE SHOCK: A very intense feeling of homesickness surfaces, we notice a big dif ference between the host country and pre vious place we called ‘home’, a significant amount of complaining can take place, in tense feelings of frustration, sadness and sometimes depression.
ADJUSTMENT: We can see a substantial de crease in frustration, being more and more comfortable in the new culture, and there is a sense of belonging because of the estab lished circles of friends and communities.
ADAPTATION/ACCEPTANCE: We regain our balance, we are confident and feel that we are capable. We have an understanding of the host country, and we do not need to ask continuously WHY things are this way.
This is a very general and brief overview, and the phases are essential in our tran sitions. I believe that they are more of a circle then curve. The intensity of the pe riods may fluctuate depending on our emo tional well-being, our surrounding, family
matters, as well as various stages of life. The initial experience with cultural ad justment phases is usually the most in tense. However, a lot depends on our per sonality and the country we move to. In my opinion, as Internationals, we will ex perience these phases over and over again, and they are something that is written in to our global lives.
We come from diverse places, and we all have our own cultural identity. Living in ternational lives can make this cultural identity a multilateral one. As we move from place to place or decide to live (longterm) in another country, we acquire new experiences, traditions, languages and form new relationships with people who come from all over the world. We will
never be 100% Danish, even if we live here for many years. We carry so many diverse experiences, so many gains & losses, so much knowledge regarding various plac es and their cultures that we are Interna tionals to the core.
As international spouses & partners, we must remember to take active action and put ourselves on the map. This means be ing vocal about what we would like to gain from this current Communicationrelocation.isavitalpart of all in tercultural relationships. I can not em phasise the importance of expressing our needs, wants and feelings. As an interna tional spouse or partner, you are the glue that keeps everyone together and keeps the international life moving. Allow your self to gain as much as the rest of your tribe does. THE-INTL
of my spring bucket list items: art galler ies; museums; taking the train to towns in Jutland we haven’t visited yet. Plans for travel to conferences and festivals are un certain, if not already cancelled.
But, when I visited our local Fakta on day one, I was still able to buy big bunch es of tulips and daffodils to brighten up our home, where the sun was stream ing through the windows this morning. Friends were posting photos of crocuses blooming in parks across Denmark.
OONE OF MY favourite things to do here is visit the Esbjerg Dyrehaven (deer park).
It’s just a short bike ride from our house, so on a dry weekend day with nothing else planned, we’ll pack a picnic and set off on suburban bike paths which lead to rocky tracks through the woods. After visiting the friendly deer, we’ll pedal back to a rus tic playpark to spread out our blanket and eat our madpakke
From my first visit there, I was im pressed by this haven of calm and natu ral connection in the middle of the urban environment. Ever since, the image of a stately, serene deer, surrounded by un tamed greenery, with the imposing sky line of the jack-up rigs of the harbour in the background, evokes for me a moment that is essentially Esbjerg.
As you read this, it is officially spring in Denmark. You’ll be used, now, to seeing spring flowers pushing through grassy verges, you’ll be wiping down the garden furniture and the barbecue, rediscover ing what your neighbours look like, and – hopefully – feeling some sunny warmth
on your skin.
As I started writing these words, there was still a biting chill in the air, but the winter storms were behind us. High storm tides had caused flooding around the har bour in Esbjerg, and tall barriers had been erected along Hjerting Strand as children marvelled at the height of the waves crash ing towards the boardwalk. The storms were, of course, disruptive, damaging, and constraining. But coming as they did towards the end of winter, they also felt like fresh air: blowing away, lifting, and clearing what had been a dark and heavy winter. Even as the gusts unbalanced us, the mornings were lighter. We were arriv ing home at the end of the day to houses not-yet-lit with lamps or candles, relish ing the lifting of the dark and the com ing of spring.
When I returned to these words, my dead line approaching, it was another gloomy day. Stormy and gusty, yes, but also the first of Denmark’s COVID-19 lockdown.
The season felt heavy again. I’ll be waiting a bit longer to hit some
We can still be outdoors, in nature, where it’s easiest to keep our social distance, like gleeful introverts. Just beyond Hjert ing, the nature reserve Marbæk Plantage, part of the Wadden Sea National Park, is a serene combination of beach and for est, with mossy carpeting, birdsong, re flective lakes, and sunbeams radiating through tall trees.
If you’re lucky, at the Dyrehaven in Es bjerg, you’ll see something special: a pure white deer.
Of course, it’s just a genetic anomaly, but it’s hard to ignore our instinct to make symbolic associations. White can repre sent purity or new beginnings. We might think of unicorns, and the idea of believ ing in something fiercely innocent, or sug gestions of magical protection.
As you read this, our social distancing likely continues. But we can still get closer to nature, watch its regrowth, its spring ing back to life. We can look forward to when the heaviness will lift again, and to another season of new beginnings. THE-INTL
Catriona is a writer and blog ger currently living in Esbjerg, Denmark. In the decade since leaving Scotland, she’s also lived in France, Uganda and the Republic of Congo.
At her blog, The Frustrated Nester, she writes about Dan ish living, travel and the ex pat life. Her writing has also been published in the anthol ogy Once Upon an Expat, and its follow-up Life on the Move, published in June 2019.
She’s currently working on a memoir of place and home, and is also a freelance copy-editor and@thefrustratednesterfrustratednesterwww.facebook.com/the-nester.comwww.thefrustratedproofreader.
This is often the time of cleaning out, planting and new beginnings. As the light returns and we get out(side) more new energy surges. These novels old and new all have the same theme of news things beginning – which we need now!
at Roskil de Library, and in charge of the English section. She does English events all year; eve rything from expat dinners and pub quizzes, to karaoke nights and book talks. She is also busy with Roskilde Hor ror, a club dedicated to scar ing the town.
Bogota in the 1990s is steeped in violence as Pablo Escobar rules.
In a gated communi ty, the young girl Chu la is fascinated by Pet rona, a new maid from the slum. The two get caught up in secrets and face hard choices.
Nine stories about a bunch of very different women living in New York. Common themes like divorce, illness, af fairs and motherhood link them and their everyday life. The rela tionship between men and women plays a big part, especially those in trouble.
Young Victoria has been through the fos ter care system and is worse off for it. Through the Victorian age lan guage of flowers, she not only starts working for a small florist but al so slowly starts coming out of her shell.
August is ten years old and going to school for the first time; due to a genetic mishap, his face will never be normal despite 27 operations. For him and his fam ily, his face means he will always be the odd one out.
Due to the COVID-19, all events in April are can celled at the library, and all physical libraries are closed until 13th of April. However, the librarians are still working from home, and all the online services are up and run ning! You can get free ac cess to online films, eand audiobooks, comics and more through your local library.
SUSAN JESSENHow do you write a travel column when the world isn’t open to travel? Here in Denmark and around the world, peo ple are staying at home and indoors to keep the Coronavirus pandemic at bay. But possibly you had tickets to travel this month for Easter Break? Or maybe you had a trip cut short with sudden calls to return home. Dis appointed? For sure. Sad? It’s under standable. But the world will open once again for us all to explore, engage in and enjoy. Maybe when it does, we’ll do it in more mindful and sustainable ways. Until then, stay inside, keep safe and well. Here are some ways to get away, even if from your couch.
Time to bust out the spice mix you brought back from Morocco or Madrid, or maybe just Malmo. Travel through your kitchen by taking on a recipe from a far away place. Make a dish to remind you of the tastes from trips past or tempt you towards ones you’d love to take. Try a tangy and fresh Greek sal ad with souvlaki and pita, made with some of the yeast you’ve probably purchased. Or what about savouring something soothing and slurpable like ramen and broth. Almost everyone loves pasta, but with time on your hands, seek out a new recipe from a less er-known small town region of Italy. Turn on some tunes from the land you are conjuring and voila, your far away dinner is served. THOSE OF YOU WHO MIGHT NEED A BREAK FROM THE NEWS AND WANT TO KEEP YOUR WANDERLUST WINGS INTACT - HERE ARE FIVE WAYS YOU CAN “TRAVEL” FROM THE SANCTUARY OF YOUR OWN HOME.
Culture hounds can curate their collections by surfing through the stunning array of art online. Did you know you can use Google Street View to walk down the halls of many famous art museums around the world? Step back through antiquity at the British Museum of London or soak up some modern art at the Guggenheim in New York. Want to stay a little more lo cal? Check out the excellent online resources at Denmark’s world-class Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.
Music streaming services like Spotify, Sonos, Apple Mu sic and more offer amazing ways to search for music from anywhere. Pull up some Irish pub music and crack open a pint for a bit of “craic” and you’re almost in Ireland. Put on your pyjamas and log on to nightly op era performances from the Metropolitan Opera and let the likes of Bizet’s Carmen transport you. Search for Mexican Jazz and see what comes up. Open the win dow, let the sun stream, put out your beach towel while you tap your toes to some island rhythms. It’s up to you.
Search for a series that can entertain and trans port you. Dial-in some natural beauty with “Our Planet” or try the series “Somebody Feed Phil.” Foodies will love “Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat,” “Street Food” or “Ugly Delicious.” Young er explorers will enjoy the series “Carmen Sandiego,” as the super sleuth solves mysteries in locations across the planet. All of these series are currently available on Danish Netflix. No streaming subscriptions? No problem. YouTube has many brilliant travel channel options from National Geographic, BBC Travel and Lonely Planet to a plethora of professional travel vloggers. Type in your dream destina tion and surf away from the safety of your Danish domicile.
Or if wish-listing trips you can’t take right now adds to your selfisolation stress or sadness, instead consider a look back. Scroll through all those travel photos you still haven’t sorted from your favourite place. Print out some favourites or make a slideshow to share. Maybe it’s time to put together that travelogue or scrap book you always meant to make after last year’s summer break to Norway or Nice. Conjuring memories of good times can help combat the disappointment we are collectively feeling. Where in the world would you like to go again?
ERIN worldculture,inspirationForlovesgreen2014,ited.lerimpactseltiontivearticforfocusesAroundator-in-chiefgen,acrosstureErinWRITERGUSTAFSON&BLOGGERisatravelwriterandculhoundexploringalifebordersinCopenhaDenmark.SheisthecreatOregonGirltheWorld,ablogthatonsustainabletravelthewholefamily.Withabackgroundingraphdesign,photographyandhistory,ErinhasacreawayofseeingadestinaandbelievesthattravchoicescanhavepositiveforboththetravelandthecommunitiesvisAlocalinDenmarksinceErinhasembracedthecityofCopenhagenandtoshareherinsidertips.moreScandinaviantravelandCopenhagenfollowErinaroundthehere:oregongirlaroundtheworld.com@oregongirl_aroundtheworld@oregongirlworldwww.facebook.com/oregongirlroundtheworld/www.pinterest.dk/oregongirlworld/
CCARINA RINGGAARD, CEO of Phoenix Home, has close to 16 years of experience with housing and property management. Over the years she has seen an increase in the internationalisation of the Aarhus region, having a significant impact on Phoenix Home. Around 70% of their tenants in private housings are internation als. Also, the majority of their private landlords have moved abroad for a Phoenixtime.
Home is a vital part of the relocation process of the ma jor companies in the Aarhus region. It is not only about finding a roof and four walls. Carina emphasises: "At Phoenix Home, we be lieve that the greatest value of relocation will happen to both the employee, the workplace and the community if the employee and his or her family prosper in their new country. We believe that the home itself should provide a framework for family life and there fore is of the utmost importance for a positive outcome of the re location and for the individual to realise their potential to the full benefit for him or herself, the company and society. We see it as our job to help with integration on the housing front."
The past seven years Carina Ringgaard and her staff have built up vast knowledge on pitfalls and challenges in the process of finding housing for internationals. Many internationals voice frustrations on the difficulties of finding a rental in Denmark as they feel that private landlords are reluctantly renting to people of different eth nicity. Carina Ringgaard acknowledges the challenges, however, the landlords she represents often have a different mindset. "Mov ing abroad themselves the landlords wish for an international ten ant as there is a mutual understanding of their situation and rea son for renting out their private home which leads to a respectful usage of the house or apartment form the tenant's side." she says.
However, even professionals like Carina meet challenges. Phoe nix Home always works with rental contracts and move-in reports in Danish, as some legal terms cannot be translated directly. The understanding of the single words are just not the same in Danish as in other languages. This can be a bigger issue for internation al tenants. "We try our best helping the international tenants un derstand our legal documents, but we encourage to have some help from a co-worker or likewise before signing," Carina says.
Carina Ringgaard also has discovered other issues: "Our houses and buildings are different from other cultures. For instance, ven tilation is crucial as our buildings are often very dense. Humidity must be reduced by opening windows a few times a day. Also, the
hardness of our water can cause problems if the tenant is not told to remove limestone/calcium in the shower or the washer or wash ing machine." Carina continues: "These are some of the most fre quent issues we discover leading to frustrations, discussions and major costs once moving but also issues that we in Phoe nix Home are aware of and try to eliminate before we discover the problems."
Phoenix Home supports the high value of inter nationalisation. As Carina states: "From my point of view, internationalisation has a huge positive im pact on the business environment along with the so cialisation in the Aarhus region." THE-INTL
We offer a wide range of events, seminars and online activities that help internationals get set tled in Denmark.
Learn more on our website or follow us on:
WHEN IT COMES to attraction and retention of these in ternational working professionals, it’s not just global companies fighting this battle, it’s Denmark as a coun try. These mobile employees are no longer only inter ested in the financial aspect of their international as signment package – they are incredibly concerned about their partners and families transition while abroad. Will they settle into their new life? Will they thrive? Will they be happy?
Denmark has over the last seven years has approved grants of millions of kroner to better the attraction and retention of internationals moving into Denmark. Yet companies are more than ever, finding it difficult to re cruit. Why? They’ve done a great job on branding Den mark, as a country. 2nd happiest country in the world. We have the 2nd best work-life balance and recently vot ed the best country for raising children. Who wouldn’t want to live here?? We have Hygge!! We ride bikes!
In the eyes of “x-expats”, people who have lived here in the past, Denmark has a much different reputation. Un friendly, unwelcoming, challenging to settle in, language and loneliness bringing Denmark into the bottom five out of 64 countries. Every international who leaves DK become ambassadors for Denmark and unfortunately this is how expats feel when they leave and inevitably share their views with others.
Most expats never “really” experience quality of life, not when they don’t know the language, the systems or the daily culture. I’m not saying to rectify this rep utation, we have to change Danish Culture, absolutely not. I’m saying we need to educate these newcomers, prepare them and make them aware of their new sur roundings.
Two and a half years ago, I took a chance. I started a company solely focusing on the “soft side” of reloca tion. Traditionally, companies focus on the practical side of relocation. Immigration and work permits, move of household goods and even airline tickets. Until they start focusing on the “soft side” (the side that’s been proven to retain mobile employees), they will continue to struggle to recruit or attract.
Recently, I started the International Headquarters. A co-working space with thirteen entrepreneurs collabo rating together. All working in our own fields with re location and transition. We are sharing an office, shar ing our knowledge and experience and helping create something
Recentlyunique.wehave launched our Settling In Pro grammes - both pre-arrival and post-arrival pro grammes focusing on preparation and expectation man
agement. The better aware expats are the smoother their transition into Denmark will be. As well as offering the practical side of relocation, we focus on the transition side. The human side of reloca tion, this is the key to retention. We have experience of this, as we’ve been in their shoes. We are expats too!
We are all aware of the labour shortage in Denmark for highly skilled educated professionals. Industries such as Tech, IT, Pharmaceuticals, Bio Scientists and researchers are in high demand. So how exactly do we deal with the current situation? Our Settling In Programmes can help!
EEVERYONE IN DENMARK over 18 (unless dispensation has been given) has an offi cial digital communication identity with both the Private and Public Sector. This digital portal is called e-Boks, which is a service provided by a Danish company of that name founded in 2001 and co-owned by Nets and Postnord.
The purpose of e-Boks is to increase the efficiency of mail distribution between companies and private mail recipients as well as the Public Sector and adult citizens registered in Denmark. To date, e-Boks is recognised as one of Denmark’s most se cure digital brands.
Other countries are following suit with similar solutions. Ireland, for example, has drawn on the positive experience from Denmark and has now chosen e-Boks to be responsible for its public digital post so lution and is currently implementing an ambitious strategy for Public Sector dig italisation with the introduction of digi tal post as an essential part of this strate gy. The Danish firm e-Boks was chosen as the supplier who would have the future re sponsibility for the development of digital post between Public Authorities and pri vate
Thecitizens.e-Boks technology market penetra tion has increased dramatically since first introduced. It offers companies, Public Au thorities and private citizens an effective, secure and very user-friendly platform for digital communication with easy access for digital signatures, payments, dispatch and storage of essential documents.
The security of this type of digital tech nology is assisted by all citizens in Den mark from birth (including those who come to live and work in Denmark) imme diately receiving A CPR number (a per sonal identification number). This num ber facilitates accurate linkage between all Danish national registers. A CPR number consists of ten digits. The first six digits represent a person’s date of birth, and the last four are a unique identification num ber – men with odd numbers and women with even numbers.
To qualify for a civil registration num ber (CPR number) when you move to Den mark, you must meet several requirements and the municipality where you choose to live is responsible for assigning a CPR number.Therules
on registration relating to im migration from abroad in the CPR can be found in the Civil Registration System Act.
To be registered in the CPR as a resident of Denmark, you must have a place to live
or stay (a dwelling) and your stay in Den mark must last longer than three months. In addition, non-Nordic nationals must have a residence permit/registration cer tificate from the Immigration Authorities.
It is not possible to be registered in the CPR as a resident of Denmark before you have moved to Denmark. This means you cannot be assigned a CPR number before you arrive in Denmark, even if you need a CPR number to open a bank account, ap ply for an official educational grant, or to enrol children either in school or day-care.
If you have received your residence per mit before you enter Denmark, you can be registered in the CPR as a resident of Den mark from the date of your entry if you al so have a place to live.
When introduced in 2001, e-Boks hoped to reach 350.000 constant Users in Denmark assisted by the Nets and PostNord co-ownership. By 2003, it was already installed by 250.000 Users, and this number rose to 2 million in 2009. Aggressive ad vertising at national sports events increased this number to 3 million in 2011 and 4 million in 2013 with simi lar systems established by e-Boks in Sweden and Norway.
Denmark is the most digital coun try in Europe. In Denmark, it is now
mandatory to communicate with the Pub lic Sector through a service called ‘Digital Post’. This means that all interaction be tween citizens and the public is done elec tronically by using secure email instead of sending letters. Digital Post is also avail able for the Private Sector to use and is used by many large service-based compa nies such as insurance companies, financial institutions and schools.
Denmark has a high degree of Internet penetration. Approximately 94% of the population have Internet at home, 89% use the Internet daily, and over 12 months, 88% of citizens interact digitally with the Pub lic Authorities at least once. THE-INTL
Mariano has over 30 years' global experience as a busi ness executive. He spent ten years with KPMG, twentyfive years with British Cham bers of Commerce (while also running his own companies) and now Oxford Business Ser vices. He is a British citizen, who grew up in Kent, went to boarding school in Sussex and has a British university edu cation. He has been married to a Dane for over 43 years and has held over 100 offi cial anti-Brexit speeches. He both speaks and writes Dan ish without www.oxford-business.comdifficulty.
With the scare of the COVID-19 and the “lockdown” put in place in Denmark, most of us are housebound, but of course, we still want to feel beautiful without breaking the bank. So I have come up with some great ways to create your own D.I.Y experience from the lux ury of your own home. I have some easy and inexpensive ideas wh ich are ideal for both men and women to try
Once a week a good scrub of the body is essential to leave the skin glowing and nourished.
One small cup of sugar of your choice (brown sugar works best for me) and add oil of your choice while mixing (olive oil, jojoba oil, or sweet almond to name a few).
Usually, 3-5 table-spoons gets the consistency right. It should be more gritty than runny.
Finally add half a fresh lemon, mix and voila, ready to exfoliate that body.
This easy and straightforward routine will soften rough spots and naturally lighten any dark spots on the body from the natural ac id from the lemon. Simply take a freshly cut lemon and rub gen tly on areas such as the elbows and knees.
How about starting and ending your day with the soothing flickers of sweet-smelling candles lit around a shower or bath. Find your favourite scented candle and relax while having a warm shower or bath. There are so many to choose from, but my personal favour ite is the Yankee Candle, vanilla cupcake flavour.
Coconut oil has so many uses, including the usage in hair as a con ditioner. Find yourself raw organic coconut oil and massage it in to your hair after your usual shampoo. Leave it on overnight or steam/heat cap if time is of the essence. It will leave hair feeling healthier, stronger and visibly shinier.
This is my little secret pleasure. Just before getting into the show er. Take two large tablespoons of shea butter into a small cup and simply melt in the microwave or in a cup on top of hot water. Once you’re are out the shower, and the shea butter has melted into a rich oil, simply massage all over the body. Shea butter moisturises dry skin, reduces stretch marks and restores the elasticity of the skin. The moisturising fatty acid of the shea butter can provide relief to conditions like psoriasis, eczema and rosacea.
All you need is a blender, honey, cream, yoghurt, aloe vera gel and avocado. Put all ingredients into a blender. Use a clean foun
dation brush to paint everything on and leave on for 20-30 mins and rinse off thoroughly. Taa daaaaa! Your skin will feel refreshed and nourished.
If Cleopatra did this, then we are worthy of it too. All you need is a bathtub, milk or buttermilk, honey and lavender essential oil. Fill up the tub with warm water, add small amounts of lavender oil, add honey and 5 cups of water. Sit back and relax. Let the lac tic acid in the milk gently remove dead skin cells while the deli cious aromas of the honey and lavender oil fill the room. THE-INTL
Barbara was born in England, London and relocated to Co penhagen, Denmark in 2017. She has been a profession al International Makeup Art ist for 11 years and a profes sional Lash Stylist for 3 years. After moving to Copenhagen, Denmark, Barbara became the owner of Barbara Mensah Beauty Studio. Her stylish, cosy and chic studio provides a welcoming, comfortable space for clients to spend their time getting glammed and pampered for those spe cial moments and occasions. All bookings for Lash Ex tension and Makeup can be made via her social media or tel: +45