The Langley School Kindergarten At a Glance

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Kindergarten At a Glance Below are a few of the exciting experiences that await your kindergartner in Langley’s Primary School:

• Frequent lessons with reading and math specialists who differentiate learning

• Art and STEAM classes taught by specialists,

along with Spanish, music, library, and movement

• Buddy program with eighth-graders that provides role models and connections with older students

The Langley School’s Arc of Development recognizes that the steepest part of a child’s development comes early, and that while every child’s path is unique, there are predictable cognitive, emotional, and social milestones. With this model, our students receive age-appropriate, inquiry-based instruction.

• Confidence-building experiences such as a themebased unit study with an on-stage performance

• Opportunities to lead as the oldest students

in the division, encouraging independence and responsibility

Learning in Action “Through our Writer’s Workshop program, students transform from hesitant writers to fully engaged, independent, and passionate authors. By the end of kindergarten, our students are proud, accomplished writers who are eager and ready to continue sharing their stories in first grade.” -Kindergarten Teacher “Students use the scientific method to understand how the playground surface temperatures are different in the shade and in direct sun. They then use the engineering design process to create shade structures that would make the playground more comfortable, all while developing skills in critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication.” -STEAM Teacher “At the end of the year, kindergartners perform a wonderful play on stage in which every child sings, dances, and has a few lines. In addition to building confidence and performance skills, this culminating experience also encourages teamwork and collaboration as the entire grade comes together to put on the show.” -Kindergarten Teacher

Units of Study: These units of study are examples of how we build age-appropriate, interdisciplinary lessons. The goal is to challenge, expand thinking, and inspire students to act on their curiosity, ask good questions, and solve problems. Social Studies: People and the Environment, People and the Past Essential Question: How does my understanding of myself and my family contribute to my community? Skill/Activity: Create detailed self-portraits and write true stories about family Math: Measurement Essential Question: How can measurement affect my understanding of the world? Skill/Activity: Compare units of measurement and discuss why it’s important to use a standard unit Language Arts: Writer’s Workshop Persuasiveness Essential Question: What am I passionate about and how can I convince a reader to make a difference? Skill/Activity: Explore the writing process by brainstorming, drafting, reviewing, and editing STEAM: Human Impact on the Environment Essential Question: What can I do to help the environment? Skill/Activity: Brainstorm ways to reuse waste and create a design out of recycled materials

Sample Schedule 8:00-8:25 a.m.....................Morning Meeting 8:25-9:25 a.m.........................Guided Reading 9:25-10:05 a.m...................Writer’s Workshop 10:05-10:45 a.m.........................Snack/Recess 10:45-11:30 a.m.........................................Math 11:30 a.m.-12:10 p.m...............“Specials” Class 12:10-1:10 p.m...........................Recess/Lunch 1:10-1:30 p.m....................................Rest Time 1:30-2:10 p.m...........................“Specials” Class 2:10-2:50 p.m..................................Unit Study 2:50 p.m.............................................Dismissal

What “Specials” Will My Child Have? Movement (4x/7-day cycle): sportsmanship; ball handling; fundamental movement patterns and concepts; locomotor and manipulative skills Art (2x/7-day cycle): elements of art; sequencing and patterns; art appreciation; exploration and imagination; identifying art materials, tools, and equipment Music (2x/7-day cycle): singing; rhythmic speech; movement; instrumentation; introduction to rhythmic notation; music appreciation and history Spanish (2x/7-day cycle): oral communication and comprehension through immersion; focus on the Spanish-speaking world; thematic units of study Library (1x/7-day cycle): reading for personal enjoyment and academic research; information literacy; selection, evaluation, and use of reliable/relevant resources

Since we believe educational programs should continually evolve to meet the needs of our students, all curricular lessons and schedules referenced here are examples and may change.

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