2 minute read
Where Do Langley Fund Dollars Go? A Day in the Life at Langley
The Langley Fund provides critical resources to ensure the Langley experience is accessible and equitable for the entire school community. We could tell you how The Langley Fund’s financial support of the operating budget provides for investments in curriculum, tuition assistance, technology, facilities, and signature programs, but this example shows exactly where the dollars go.
7:30 a.m. Langley’s campus is fairly quiet, but many faculty and staff are handing off their infants and toddlers to the entrusted staff of The Leopard Cubs, a daycare/early learning center that benefits Langley employees.
8:15 a.m. The PALS Hospitality/Appreciation Committee is busy setting up a delicious spread of coffee, fruit, and donuts at a pop-up faculty and staff breakfast to help get the day off to a great start for our teachers and staff.
9:10 a.m. The melodic sounds of the Langley band drift down the hallway of the Sherman Arts Center. Every student in grades 4-5 (and those who continue in the music program in grades 6-8) is provided with a band or string instrument at no extra cost.
10:30 a.m. Three second-grade students have a smallgroup breakout lesson with a reading specialist. Langley has a team of specialists in each division to target and engage the learning needs of students.
11:45 a.m. Head of School Michele Claeys gathers with the Student Council over lunch to hear about their experiences attending the LEAD Conference with other middle school student leaders.
1:50 p.m. The seventh-grade technology class zips up their protective cases for their Chromebooks. No one is going to spill paint on them in the Advanced Art elective!
2:50 p.m. A learning specialist wraps up her executive functioning mini-lesson in a fifth-grade class. Langley saw the need for students to begin learning organizational skills in fifth grade to better prepare them for Middle School.

3:30 p.m. The varsity girls’ basketball game begins against a Capital Athletic Conference rival. The new scoreboard in the Solomon Athletic Center is showing a close game!
4:15 p.m. Practice continues for the upcoming Middle School musical as students on the tech crew learn to use the recently upgraded soundboard.
Help Us Secure an Anniversary Matching Gift!
Alumni families understand the value of a Langley education and have a special appreciation for the strong foundation their children received here. To inspire the Langley community, a group of alumni parents has created an anniversary matching gift that the school will receive once we have 80 percent participation from current families.
In addition to The Langley Fund’s annual support for instruments, athletic equipment, classroom technology, tuition assistance, and community events, this year we will also purchase new theater equipment and chairs for the Sherman Café. These investments enhance the experience for all of our Langley students. We thank these alumni families for their continued support, and we thank you for helping us meet this anniversary challenge!
Give now at langleyschool.org/support-langley!