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Care Packages Brighten the Day for Alumni
Who doesn’t love a surprise in the mail? As part of Langley’s 80th birthday celebration in September, the school sent more than 100 care packages filled with tasty goodies and Langley swag to our alumni in high school or those away from home in college, graduate school, or the military. Approximately 30 alumni parents and teachers gathered in the school’s new library in the Crossroads Building to assemble these special packages for our alumni. We hope they brightened the day for our recent grads!
Stay Connected!
We love our alumni to stay connected to the school… and each other! Want to plan a reunion, return to campus for a visit, or share your experiences with our students? We’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Contact Peggy Evans, director of annual giving and alumni relations, at alumni@ langleyschool.org
Class of 2019:
Mark your calendars for an on-campus reunion on Wednesday, May 24 at 4:00 p.m. Alumni and their parents are invited to celebrate their high school graduation and connect with friends and teachers. More details will be sent from the Alumni Office this spring.
What’s Your Favorite Langley Memory?
While collecting their addresses for our care packages, we asked alumni to share their favorite memories from their Langley days. Here are just a few of their responses.

Luke BENNETT ’14: There was nothing like playing football during recess with Mr. Jefferson on the turf field!
Sally STOUFFER ’15: The eighth-grade Assateague trip!
Flynn MILLER ’22: Winning the undefeated varsity soccer season and CAC championship.
Mary Catherine COAKLEY ’18: The magic of Mrs. Young and Mrs. K's preschool class is something I will never forget.
Keira RICKETTS ’22: Designing and creating a Pokemon costume for Mr. Tenney in fifth grade.
Akari BROWN ’17: When our class was the first to go to New Mexico. It was fun and memorable.
Kristin JOOSTEMA ’12: Working with Coach Gleason to manage many of Langley’s sports teams.
Levi TAYLOR ’22: The Christmas tree lighting in preschool. I was the youngest student and got to light the tree in front of the whole school.
Ellie COOK ’15: Tech Week with Mrs. Gustin!
Ella SANDS ’17: Field Day was my favorite. I was on team USA and always had so much fun.
Dimitri OWEN ’18: The many bonding opportunities I had with my class, especially our trip to New Mexico, theatrical performances, and the Fall Fair!
Katie LEISENRING ’17: Having a little buddy as an eighth-grader. I created a bond that lasted beyond graduation!
Alexander WANG ’15: Middle School history class because it sparked my passion for history.
Lily JEBAVY ’18: Playing soccer and enjoying the new Middle School building.