March 2014

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March 2014

Midnight Writers

Table of Contents Cover: “A Deck of Cards,” an illustration by Hecate This Page:“Hello Alice,” an illustration by Hecate Page 3: Ask Aphro & Dite 

A Case of the Missing Stationary and Food Dilemmas

Calypso’s Island 

The new Lady of the Underworld has been kidnapped!

Echo’s Echo 

March Madness Rant

Page 4: “Teacups,” a photograph by Circe “Alice,” a poem by Bandersnatch “Alice,” an illustration by Daisuki “On Earth,” a short story by Circe

Page 5: “A Cheshire Temptation,” a poem by Artemis “Cheshire Cat,” a photograph by The Owlish Bookworm “All Mad Here,” a photograph by The Owlish Bookworm “Ambiguous Reality,” a poem by Arik

Page 6:

Wreck-it-Ralph, 2012 Sherlock Holmes, 2009 “Not Tokyo,” a photograph by Suzy-chan “Different Paths,” a poem by Bellum  

Page 11: “Delusions,” a short story by Tiresias “Old Night,” a photograph by Suzy-chan “Summer Town,” a photograph by Suzy-chan

Page 12: “Moving In,” a short story by RisingSun “Unity,” a photograph by Suzy-chan “No More,” a poem by Gaia “Lost,” a poem by Luna Moon Sparkles “Clouds,” a short story by Aradia

Page 13: “Magnetic Magic,” a poem by Vivan Griselda “Green-Eyed Stare,” a photograph by The Owlish Bookworm “Envy’s Illusion,” a poem by Nike “Free Again,” a poem by Janus “Bonsai’s Lament,” a photograph by Janus “A Tattered Book Lies Alone in the Middle of the Yard,” a poem by Tiresias

Page 14:

“Through the Looking Glass,” a poem by The Owlish Bookworm “Winter’s Guidance,” a short story by Anastasia “Beyond a Shattered Looking Glass,” an illustration by Ca- “Fountain of Youth,” a photograph by Poseidon lypso “Green is the Color of Envy,” a poem by Zenyatta

Page 7:

Page 15:

“The Infernal Clock,” a short story by Nemesis “The Ocean’s Child,” a story by Calypso “Queen Alice,” an illustration by Raven “Hardly Alice,” a photograph by The Owlish Bookworm “Off With Your Head,” a photograph by The Owlish Book- ‘The Ocean’s Child,” continued “Brotherly Love,” an illustration by Hecate worm “Half a Cup Please,” a photograph by The Owlish Bookworm

Page 16

Page 8: “Journey Through the Hole,” a short story by Buckbeak “Winter’s Reign,” a photograph by Andromeda “Downhill from Here,” a photograph by Andromeda

Page 9: “Life of Trauma: Part Five,” a short story by Apollo “Romance Will Come and Go,” a poem by Luna Moon Sparkles “Envy Melted the Heart,” an illustration by Aceso “Empathy,” a poem by Aradia “She,” a poem by Junius Maltby

Page 10: Caspian’s Corner:  Tangled, 2010

Gaia: Golden sandals were found in the palace.

Aphrodite: A caduceus would be perfect to knock someone out with.

Ask Aphro & Dite

Calypso’s Island

Dear Aphrodite, I've noticed a lot of my pencils and pens going missing lately. I thought it was carelessness on my part at first, but then I saw a leprechaun running away with one of my favorite pens! How do I stop them from taking my stuff? Yours, Leprechaun victim Dear Leprechaun victim, There are a number of things I would suggest to remedy the situation. First of all, I hear that although Leprechauns are susceptible to stealing things, they are more likely to be drawn to shiny stuff, y’know? So I’d say you could leave out some bits of aluminum, or if you’re feeling generous, some of those pretty pennies out and those little men in green will probably abandon your writing utensils for the glittery loot! Yours, Dite Dear Aphrodite, As a transfer student from the Shire, I'm appalled by the lack of accommodations for hobbits at CHS. Teachers absolutely forbid second breakfast, and they force me to wear shoes. Shoes! How can I possibly fix this? Yours, Hobbit away from home Dearest Hobbit, Oh, darling! I’m ever so sorry! Some humans just can’t appreciate different species! Well, I’d definitely try to establish yourself-show them who’s boss, show them that you’re Hobbit enough to eat your second breakfast as you please-maybe invite Sting along for a day? However, I’ve heard that many CHS teachers are quite understanding, and they may let you have a few moments for second breakfast. In fact, I’m told second breakfast is the very reason why lunch at CHS is so early-you eat breakfast before school starts, and then second when “lunch” is. Then Elevensies near the end of the lunch hour, and you should be fine! And with the shoes, I feel for you, but for the sake of acceptance and complaints of certain… aromas… I would suggest investing in a pair of shoes. But above all, remain true to your Hobbit self! Always, Dite

As I write this, I know my time is short. They’re coming. I can feel it. It won’t be long now, but I might have time to warn you if I hurry. Listen, this is very important: trust no one. Everyone will try to deceive you, and— They’re getting closer. I can’t evade them forever, and I know that it’s only a matter of time before—THEY’RE HERE. YOU HAVE TO—  Calypso has been kidnapped.  The last three people to visit the Underworld: Echo, Hermes, and Hera.  Since the kidnapping, there have been sightings of Calypso: in the Fields of Punishment, in Tartarus, and in the Garden of the Hesperides.  PIs suspect Calypso was subdued by a sleeping dart, a blow to the head, or sleeping gas.  Who kidnapped Calypso? How? Where are they hiding her? Clues are scattered throughout the magazine.  The answer must be submitted to the acting President by the April meeting (c. April 22).  Winners get a prize at the last meeting in May. Carpe Noctem.

Echo’s Echo

Happy March Madness Midnight Writers! And when I mean madness I’m referring to Alice in Wonderland, not college basketball, which transitions to introducing my guest speaker for this month: the Mad Hatter! He’s not too excited about people calling a basketball tournament “madness.” Is that mad enough? Anyway, without further ado, hats off for the Mad Hatter of Alice and Wonderland! “Ahem. Hello to you all! HELLO! It’s been a while since I’ve done something besides attending a tea party and talking nonsensically. I just don’t understand why something as silly as a competition where men throw balls into baskets all month long is considered madness. Do people not see the madness that I go through on an eternal basis? There are only so many unanswerable riddles and poetry and drabbles I can say, and it’s infuriating-just talking nonsense and the time always being 6 o’clock! IT’S MADNESS! LITERALLY MADNESS. If this whole “March Madness” thing really was madness, it would just be tall men perpetually lobbing balls all over the court for the entirety of March for no reason. So I know you fans will still continue to watch your basketball games and cheer for your teams without hesitation. I find that quite mad, but to each their own. But if you ever have some spare time, send me some care packages so I can entertain myself in Wonderland. Some books filled with jokes could help. I’m sure that the March Hare and Dormouse are tired of my riddles by now.” Aw, poor Mad Hatter, stuck in a state of madness. At least there’s free tea there? Anywho, I hope you guys have a fabulous March, and don’t go too mad! (For those who are interested, the words “mad” and “madness” were used exactly 21 times. Teehee. IT’S MADNESS. Make that 22.)

Sra. Steele: Here’s a hint: no two liars are Special thanks to Sra. Steele, Calypso, Echo, Hecate, Glittercheese, and Chronos 3


They called it an unbirthday party

By Bandersnatch She was just a little girl She never meant to hurt anyone. First was the rabbit With his gloves and pocket watch Late for a very important date But he’ll never make it on time She chased after him Through gardens and down holes Until she finally caught him Just a stained waistcoat And matted white fur All that’s left of him now Next was the Cat That strange grinning cat He stood on his head And confused her too much

Zeus: Hera’s known to take her anger out on innocent nymphs. “Alice,” Illustration by Daisuki

She tried to understand him But his words didn’t make sense His directions were rubbish But we’re all mad here Perhaps it’s time for him To disappear Then the strange tea party With the Hatter and the Hare And that peculiar dormouse too

Come, come, my darling, Don’t you care for tea Only half a cup, if you don’t mind Then that’s what you shall get She left the madmen sitting there Drowned in their delight Who could forget that Caterpillar On his mushroom throne Puffing smoke rings And asking too many questions Who are you? Really though Frankly, you ought to know Stop with your incessant Babbling, foolish girl A few coughs later He was nothing but fumes At last the Queen And her absurd croquet Those poor hedgehogs And flamingoes Join the game, won’t you dear? I’m sure you’d love to play But take my tarts, and I’ll have your head as pay The tables turned, as blood Stained the grass red She was just a little girl. She never meant to hurt anyone.

On Earth By Circe

Hephaestus: Cerberus guards the palace, and Hermes is allergic to dog hair.

She landed on the hard concrete, arms and legs splayed everywhere. Looking up she saw a magnificent arch. “First thing” she thought “Where the blast am I?” “Do you need some help there, young lady?” she heard a voice from above. In front of her was an odd looking creature. Odd contraptions lay upon his teeth, and his eyes were protected by a reflective material. But the worst of all he was adorned with a ugly eggplant suit. “Excuse me, ma’am?” She shook herself out of the daze and said, “Alice, please call me Alice.” “Well, I’m Chase do you need some help there?” “Oh no...” But before she could finish her sentence, Chase was gone. Alice steadied herself and began to walk towards the arch. On the arch there was one word written in bold, calligraphy “Wonderland.” Even saying it shook a chill within her. As she walked she heard the voices of those around her. “Who is that girl?” “She looks peculiar.” “Oh she must be here for the free rides.” “What’s wrong with her?” “Does she not have a guardian?” Suddenly she felt a small tap on the shoulder. “Hi, young lady would you like to have some tea with me?” As he gestured to the spinning teacup contraption. First a disappearing man and now a spinning teacups? This couldn’t get any weirder, she thought. And yet she followed. Well this was a queer place all together. What was this planet called? Oh, she remembered, it was called Earth.

A Cheshire Temptation

“Cheshire Cat,” Photograph by the Owlish Bookworm

By Artemis The night was icy but I didn’t mind. I was happy waiting for you in the dark. To watch one of your kind Make the journey through the waiting ark Welcome to the place without time, A place of real fantasy. Welcome to the playground of mine, Won’t you play a game with me? You do look a little scared, But do not worry little one. As long as you come without teeth bared, You can frolic till the day is done. Because here you are, in the place of dreams Where nothing, nothing, is as it seems

Hades: Charon has been visiting me in Ogygia this past week.

Apollo: Hera and Echo would have to hide Calypso in the Underworld. Otherwise they would be caught by Charon. Ambiguous Reality By Arik Who does know if it’s a dream? Do we wake from it and scream? Or is it reality, Is it all what it does seem? Mercury celebrates life, War and Rabbits don’t know strife, And a rose that should be red Somehow ends up white. Creatures smile and disappear Flowers talk and twins draw near, A petite valet is late Crying out, “Oh dear, oh dear!” Nothing’s certain, this I know For there’s nothing that can show If this world is dream or not, Will it leave when the roosters crow?

Demeter: Hades always lies. “All Mad Here,” Photograph by Owlish Bookworm

I don’t know, and I don’t care Cheshire, Hatter, and the Hare Told me that no matter what, They will always be right here. 5

Through the Looking Glass By The Owlish Bookworm Hello me, Nice to see you again, It’s been a while, Hasn't it? Not like I would know… It isn’t as if I’ve seen myself Known myself As of late The strange dreams They’re back again Those dastardly dreams. They’re the reason I’m here In the first place. Bloody white walls. White everything. It used to be so colorful, Down there. Nobody would believe me, I tried to take them To the rabbit hole It wasn’t there. But I fell anyways, Deeper, darker, Distressingly further Down. Until I couldn’t see Anything, Anyone. Except for that grin, But nothing else. It should have something else, Shouldn’t it?

Look at you On the other side Of the looking glass. Startled to see me, to see you? You thought you hadn’t Really seen yourself, Well, once upon a time, You thought you knew yourself. You didn’t. Still don’t! Seeing strange things again, Aren’t we? Those lovely things, wondrous places, Isn’t it just fantastic, What your mind can do When you’ve lost it? Stupid girl, of course no one believed. Even you don’t anymore, Isn’t that right? You tried to show them, Make them see. And all you did was fall. Hurt your head there, Alice? Or have you gone And lost it? Time to find it… If you’re not too late You know, now only The important things are left.

But then, I haven’t known much About grins for some time now.

Like the smile. Doesn’t it haunt you? A grin in the dark. Of course it’s missing something. Don’t you remember? Or have you chosen to forget?

Except for that glint Of steel Of strength, of power. What do I know of those? Control?

Oh, you’ve seen our little dagger. Isn’t it precious? It’s a dear friend of our. Better get used to it.

I’ve lost it all, Over my heart, my life, My mind. I see me. Why do I see me? I wish I could just go away Disappear. PleaseI’m going mad in here! But what are those? Rusty stains? They look likeWait! Stop! What are you doing? You musn’t! You can’t make me go back! 6

Poseidon: Hermes did it.

Tut-tut, lost your muchness, You have. Yes, finally! You see me, You see you, don’t you? And now that you do, I will never leave you. Ever. Come through, Won’t you dear? Never mind the stains, just Why won’t you listen? Won’t you come here, Through the looking glass Come home? You see, you’re late, For a very important date.

“Beyond a Shattered Looking Glass,” Illustration by Calypso

I know who I am! I’m Alice!

Ares: Hera did it. For heaven’s sake, listen to me! You don’t even know who you are! You’re hardly Alice.

CRAAAAACK My hands, they’re all messy now. And-oh! That’s it, isn’t it? Wonderland. But I can't! Can’t leave, Musn’t leave! Impossible to think, to run, to hide It’s my punishment, I shouldn’t have lied. It wasn’t real, That wonder land. It lived and died Inside my head. I’m not foolish! I know what’s real!

That’s seven years bad luck, Alice. Red hands, redder heart Not much sets Our worlds apart. That’s it you’ve gone And done it nowBetter think fast, Best run fastest, What of those six things You would do before breakfast? Never mind them! Far too impossible, really. Oh, you stupid girl! You don’t know anything! Do you?

The Infernal Clock

“Queen Alice,” Illustration by Raven

Artemis: Echo did it.

By Nemesis Tick…tock…tick…tock…tick… tock…tick…tock tick tock tick tock ticktockticktock tick tick tick tick... Listen. The pendulum of time is swinging back and forth. Do you hear it? Time is precious, so precious that some see time as money. Time never waits, and lost time can never be replaced. What if you were given the ability to control time for a small amount of time? Would you take the risk? Would you play the game? Pat…pat…pat. A lone girl runs down a dark corridor. A creeping shadow follows closely on her heels. Okay, calm down. I just need to find the next door to clear this stage and then I’ll be fine. I can do this... I have to succeed, the girl thinks to herself. The girl makes a swift turn and sees a door ahead of her. She quickly runs up to the door and grabs the doorknob. Before she can turn the knob, the door vanishes into the air. “Shoot, it was a fake! Where’s the real door?” the girl mutters as she frantically turns around. The air around her starts to turn dark as the shadow befalls her. She makes a mad dash forward and comes up to a dead end. “So that’s how you want to play?” she says as she turns to face the shadow. The shadow surrounds her.

“Would you take the risk? Would you play the game?”

“Hardly Alice,” Photograph by Owlish Bookworm “Off With Your Head,” Photograph by Owlish Bookworm “Half a Cup Please,” Photograph by Owlish Bookworm

Athena: If Echo did it, it wasn’t a blow to the head.


Journey Through the Hole By Buckbeak “Matt!” A loud screech disturbed my concentration on the problem in front of me. “Matt John Brown! You had better be in this house by the time I count to 3 or you ain’t getting any supper tonight!” “I’m coming! I’ll just put this shovel in the back, then I’ll come in to eat. I coming Ma!” I yelled back as I used the rope to pull myself out of the hole that my pride, work, and dedication had disappeared into. “Little Suzy is out in the back looking at the horses again. Be good and get her. We don’t want her to end up like the Miller’s daughter. Bless her poor little soul; she didn’t know that horse was wild now.” I sighed and dragged my feet toward the back of the house, but not before looking wistfully back at The Hole. I started the whole idea when I was about five, and now, seven years later, I had a hole as long as Niagara Falls. At least that what the people in town told me when they stopped by to look at it. I dragged my shovel and my feet until Ma yelled at me to pick it up. I dropped the shovel in my old hiding spot. I picked up Little Suzy and walked in the farmhouse just in time

to see Pa and all six of my brothers tromping through the floor I had just swept earlier that morning. “Hey little brother, how’s that hole of yours coming? You see China down there yet?” one of them asked, causing them all to snicker. Pa shot them a look before I could start anything. He knew that The Hole was special to me; plus Ma wouldn’t like it if we started a fight right in the dining room. Pa sat down to start prayers, and we all followed like shadows. Later, as I lay there in my little bed near a small window, I stared up at the wooden ceiling wondering what I was going to do. I could get up, but it would be hard to get to The Hole without hurting myself. I could wait till morning, but then I would have to finish my chores. Plus, I would most likely mess up, and Ma would make me do them all over again. Looking down at that hole and seeing how close, I was made my mind up: tonight it was. I got up with a candle in one hand and my hat in the other. I crawled through the window and threw myself off the roof, knowing that I would land in the haystack. I crept by the horses, grabbed my shovel, and ran out to the front of the farmhouse to The Hole. I leaped down into the hole until I reached the

Dionysus: Hermes’ sandals were stolen.


“Downhill from Here,” Photograph by Andromeda

“Winter’s Reign,” Photograph by Andromeda

wooden perch. I’d made the perch that morning to look at the shiny thing I’d found it that afternoon while digging. I was amazed. I wasn’t sure if it was a cavern full of diamonds or something even better. I’d been about to see if I could see the other end, but Ma had called me inside. It was in a small hole inside of The Hole, but it was big enough for me to crawl through. The inside looked like a million stars. I leaned inside to get a better look in the other side of the hole. I fell. I woke up feeling the sun’s first rays on my face, feeling the warmth. I got up groggily, the night’s events slowly coming back to me. I quickly looked around. I don’t think I’m at the farm anymore, I thought to myself, trying to understand my surroundings. The land was green, and it looked like it was near the mountains. There was a cherry blossom with a swing attached to it leaning over a pond with the clearest waters I’d ever seen. The air was nice and clean, and there was a village near the base of the mountain. All of the roads were made out of dirt, and the houses in the village were small. I was amazed. The house before me had a pointy roof, and each of the corners was curved. The roof was painted many colors like a rainbow. I slowly approached the door, and I stood in front of it, staring at it and wondering if I should knock. I did, and a few minutes later a plump woman and a tall, strong man opened the door. I was taken aback when I looked at their faces; their eyes and hair were the blackest I’d ever seen. The man’s face was big and oval, but his skin was pale. The women had a nice face, but her skin also looked like she had been inside for the longest time. They were both smiling so wide that their cheeks were turning red. The women said,

“Welcome home, Matt.” Then they both motioned me to follow them into the house. I stepped into my new home. “Don’t forget to plant the carrots, Matt!” Mother yelled from the house. “I will!” I called as I lay near the pond. I was about to get up when I noticed something strange. My curiosity got the best of me, so I got up and leaned over the roots of the cherry blossom. It was a hole, but not something that an animal could have made. It couldn’t have been Father. I thought to myself. All of a sudden, I had the strangest feeling, as though I’d been in that situation before. I leaned over the roots until my head was in the hole. Suddenly, I felt the ground crumble under me. I fell. I woke up groggily, feeling like I hadn’t slept in three years. My head was pounding, but slowly my memories began to come back to me. I was at the farm, in bed, and it seemed as though everything I had experienced in that far away land was but a distant memory. As seconds turned to minutes, I sat in bed trying to remember the very strange dream, but it slowly drifted away. I glanced around the room, trying to understand where I was. One table, a couple of bedseverything seemed to be in place. I ran to the window; no cherry blossoms, and no mountains. All I could see was The Hole next to the tree. I sighed in relief, all seemed to be fine, it was just a bad dream. “Matt?” I heard Little Suzy call as she stepped into the room. She walked over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me down to her height. She placed her hands on my face and stared at me with a great amount of energy. She then whispered, “Where’d you go Matt?”

Life of Trauma : Part Five

an idea crossed my mind. I still had not solved the problem of finding a reliable daycare center for Faith. I didn’t have the slightest idea whether or not Mindy knew of any good By Apollo daycare programs, but I figured it was worth a shot. “Well anyways,” she began, “Well there actually is one thing, “What can I get for you?” “A grande java chip Frappuccino, now that you mention it,” I said. “And what’s that?” Mindy asked. no whipped,” I said. “Well, you see, I’ve been on the “One grande java chip Frappucijob market for quite a while now but no, no whipped coming up!” she I’ve had little to no success,” I besaid, starting to smile. “I know that gan. “My parents have helped watch raising a child at such a young age Faith, and my grandmother has has got to be tough. So if there’s helped a bunch, but she’s headed anything that I can do to help you back to Florida in a week, and I out, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’ll be working here most have nowhere to leave Faith during the day. I was wondering if you days, if you ever need me.” I considered that for a moment. I knew any good daycare programs?” Mindy’s face lit up when I asked. was about to say, “Thank you, I’ll “I know just the person!” she exbe sure to let you know.” But then,

Romance Will Come and Go By Luna Moon Sparkles Tears falling, Mascara dripping. I thought I would never find someone. But then it was half past two. I had my tight pink frock on, That's when I met you. I saw you, and you saw me and our lips met. Then I made history with you. Nighttime was our time, I'd jump on your bike, And we'd ride off into the night. We were over the moon, or at least I was. My heart again was whole, Until you wanted me no more. My heart was smashed. But I realized I'm ok. Because I will be fine with or without you. But that was before I met Judy. And then another saga began.

claimed. “Really?” I asked, very excited. “That’s great!” “Yeah, actually if you stick around, I can take you to meet her after my shift ends in 30 minutes,” she said. “That sounds great,” I replied. “Okay, “ she said. “And if you’re looking for work, we’re actually looking to hire a few more baristas. It would probably just be temporary but the work’s relatively easy and it pays well. I can get you a job application if you’re interested.” “Yeah that would be awesome actually,” I said. Things were suddenly starting to fall in place. Sure it would be a little awkward seeing Mindy more frequently, but it was for my own good. I was starting my own family, and I was going to need

“Envy Melted the Heart,” Painting by Aceso

all the help I could get, so I might as well seize every opportunity. Thirty minutes later, Mindy got me a job application and we headed out. I got in my car and followed her on a 15-minute drive to a house in Bethesda. “She’s great,” Mindy started to say as I was getting out of my car. “I can assure you that Faith will be in good hands.” Things were finally starting to fall into place and I couldn’t have been happier. But then the door opened. “Hello,” said a very bubbly girl with long straight black hair and hipster glasses. It had to be her. There was no doubt about that. Standing in the doorway was none other than my ex-ex-girlfriend, Alexis Mitchell.

To be continued…

Empathy By Aradia

Hermes: I would never hurt Calypso.

She By Junius Maltby As my eyes shut I ready to journey again, Back into the sands of time, Back to the eons before this moment, Back into the past. Sweet serenity comes to me, I’ve been borne into a fantasy, A fantasy I have already lived, And she is there with me. She erases the line between delusion and certainty, Her every breath fills my reverie with substance, The light in her eyes brightens my dream with vivid color, Her voice’s composure brings me that which I cannot posses in reality.

How long has it been since I felt anything? Tears mean nothing Screams mean nothing I lost it all long ago I lost it when I lost Everyone Every time I lost someone They took a bit of my heart with them And now I have nothing left but This mechanical body, made of Unoiled joints and rusty hearts Thought I may look to the future As lonely as it may be I will never be afraid again

Trees sway beside us as we walk, She talks but I do not hear a single word she says, For her sheer beauty chokes me, The same way time has taken the breath out of this treasured memory. She is all that I have ever loved, She is a sickening perfection, A dream within reality, And still a dream within a dream. Everything begins to dissolve before my eyes, I reach for something to grab onto as reality rips me from paradise, I fight and claw to no avail against a world set on taking me back, Back to a world where she is not with me.

Hera: I might have a temper, but I don’t have anything against Calypso. 9

Caspian’s Corner

Tangled, 2010 This was Frozen before Frozen happened. My review could end right there. But it won’t; I must drone on, as that’s what I’m paid (but not really) to do. Tangled’s songs aren’t nearly as catchy nor as popular as those of Elsa, Anna, and Olaf, but that rings true for almost all of music today. Tangled, in many ways, looks and feels like Frozen’s older, cheerier sister. Tangled reimagines Rapunzel as a heroine with fairy-tale powers on a journey into her past (and in many ways into herself) much like Elsa. Is her trek as epic? No. Did it win multiple Academy Awards? No. But Tangled is another enjoyable example of Disney’s successful marriage of melodious music and award-winning animation.

“Not Tokyo,” Photograph by Suzy-chan

Nemesis: Hermes always avoids Tartarus.

Wreck-it-Ralph, 2012 Astute readers out there might notice that I will have reviewed four Disney movies in a row by the end of this month’s commentary. Some people have social lives; I have Disney DVDs and college sports. Anyways, Wreck-it-Ralph is an underrated film. Sandwiched between Pixar’s Brave (2012) and Monsters University (2013), Ralph finds himself an overlooked footnote in the decade of Disney dominance, and undeservedly so. Ralph’s odyssey isn’t epic or classic by any stretch, but it is charming and entertaining in its own offbeat and rather nostalgic way. During the movie, my parents laughed, my younger relatives giggled, and we all felt that trademark warm and fuzzy feeling at the end. In the end, that’s all the filmmakers could have wanted.

Sherlock Holmes, 2009 (Robert Downey Jr. Style) Enough with Disney. Bring on the Sherlock. No, not that Sherlock, although the television show is quite fantastic. Robert Downey Jr. was born for the role of the snarky, pretentious, yet brilliant hero. His six most iconic and successful movies are: Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, The Avengers, Sherlock Holmes, and Sherlock Holmes 2. If he’s not portraying Sherlock Holmes or Tony Stark, he’s not the highest paid actor in the world. It’s that simple. Holmes might be his strongest performance, and it certainly has the strongest plot of those six stupendous box-office studs. Need I say more? If you need a break from singing Let it Go or waiting for Season 3 of Sherlock to come out on Netflix, go and enjoy this deservedly popular blockbuster.

Hecate; Echo always avoids the Fields of Punishment.

Different Paths By Bellum Everyone goes through their own journeys; They follow their own paths Long and short, tough or simple There are the calmer paths With rays of sun that stroke your face With warm caresses as you walk, Cobble stones under your feet, Smooth and soothing, cool to the touch There are the harsher paths Where the heavens cry And the rains pour and thunder growls Voices yell and jeer as you walk down jagged rocks But paths can have different degrees of difficulty based on who is walking through them One person's sunshine is another person's jagged rocks Someone feel suffocated in the light of the sun, cornered by their fear of being burnt And yet others feel comforted by the rain, feeling its cleansing flow clearing the mind No matter what, your journey is your journey and the twists and turns you make Should be made for you. You walk down the path, no one else does. So enjoy it. 10

Delusions By Tiresias I think you’re being a tad too prejudiced, Amber said to herself as she tried to slow her pace. With that, the footsteps behind her slowed too. See, just because he’s walking behind me doesn’t mean he’s dangerous. Maybe I dropped something and he’s returning it, or maybe he just happens to be goi…Her thoughts were abruptly cut off as a large, muscular hand took a firm grip over her mouth. Amber’s eyes widened as she struggled to break free. She flailed her arms wildly and began to kick, but to no avail. The stranger had soon clasped both her arms together, and she knew the fight was over. Not a yard ahead was a small, beaten old Chevy. The car door was open, so it was easy for him to kick her into the backseat. Before she could scream, he bound and gagged her; he hopped behind the wheel and threatened, “If you try to leave, I will grab your arm and drag you back in.” *** “When I first saw you, I thought wow, He’s hot.” The lighting was perfect; the candlelit room was enriched by the young woman pouring her heart to the slightly older man who was standing across from her. “Really?” he prodded. “Yeah, of course, it was flawless.” Her reply was broken by her need to blow the bangs away from her face. “I mean, how could I not fall for you? You were so smooth, with perfect blonde hair and eyes that seem to speak to me. And your pick up line, the first thing you said to

me...irresistible.” She finally looked up from her nervously clasped hands, just to see him shrug slightly. “Remember what you said?” When she asked this, he looked up, seemingly perplexed. “Hmm…” he replied. “You said, take my arm in yours and I will never leave you.” With this memory, she glanced at him and smiled slightly. He grinned back at her, and her smile lingered just a bit longer. The man didn’t known how to respond. Two days ago, she was crying hysterically and threatening him with a chain of colorful profanity. Today, she was practically throwing herself at him. Amber was no longer neatly tied up; he’d seen no reason not to free her. She had nowhere to go, and she didn’t even seem like she was going to try to escape. He didn’t know what to do with her; she was staring at him admiringly. He tried not to look at her as she listed all his great qualities: “You’re charming, poetic, and intelligent. I…” At this, he turned his head, “yes?” he inquired. “Never mind. I’m just so glad I found you.” She found me? This is getting out of control, how am I supposed to get rid of her without any questions being raised? His smile widened, and his eyes narrowed in understanding; the situation couldn’t have been more perfect. Amber wasn’t the right woman; he needed someone specific, and she wasn’t it. She wasn’t the aristocratic woman with millions of dollars in jewels and the entitlement to acres of property. No, she looked like her, but he was now positive that this was not the same woman

Hestia: The Hesperides guard their garden carefully, but they might let another nymph in.

Summer Town,” Photograph by Suzy– Chan

Persephone: Someone stole the keys to Tartarus.

he had been instructed to find; the only problem now is how to dispose of her. Not in a violent or illegal way of course, because James Gregory was not a bad man; he wasn’t a saint, but he wouldn’t harm an innocent woman. I need to get her home without getting in trouble, and this fantasy she’s conjured up for herself may be the key. I just need to find a way for her to allow me to take her home without remembering that she could get me arrested; at least not until I am long gone. “Amber,” he said, looking nonchalantly over his shoulder at the bright-eyed girl sitting at his kitchen table. She looked up at him diligently. “Are you almost ready for dinner? I’m taking you to a romantic place that was highly recommended by a friend of mine.” The girl’s hazy, dreamlike expression sharpened. For a moment he was worried, but at last she exclaimed, “That sounds wonderful!” After a few minutes of “preparing” for their date, they got into the car. This time, Amber sat next to James in the front seat. He didn’t know where she lived, so he brought her to the same street he had “picked her up” on. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she looked around as though she was trying to remember something. At the sight of this, James stepped on the gas and complimented her again. It seemed to work, and she sunk back down in her seat and smiled at him. They soon arrived at a small, but nice restaurant at the end of the street. It was still fairly light out, but very few people were on the sidewalk. James got out of the car,

“Old Night,” Photograph by Suzy-chan

opened the door for Amber, and took her hand. She followed willingly to the front of the restaurant. Just as she reached for the door handle, James began to frantically pat his pockets. Amber looked at him inquisitively, and he smacked his head for dramatic effect. “Darn it!” He saw her in the corner of his eye, and sure enough, she was completely buying it, “What’s wrong honey?” she asked, worry fraying the edges of her words. “Nothing really” he replied, “I just can’t find my house keys, and I’m worried that I dropped them on my way to the car. I’d better go back to see if I can find them.” He looked down at her pleadingly; “Oh, okay,” she said as she began to walk back towards the car. He desperately began to search for the right words. “No sweetie, it’ll only take a second. Why don’t you just go in and get a table, I’ll join you shortly.” The entire fate of the plan rested on this moment, on her reaction. “Sure, of course,” she said and walked up to him, smiled sweetly. Her lips tightened, and, looking very serious, she stood on the tips of her toes and whispered into his ear, “I love you.” He could hardly hear it, but he knew that’s what she had said; he wasn’t sure what to say back, but that didn’t matter, because after that, she lowered herself and kissed him softly on the lips. Amber turned towards the restaurant, and James followed her. 11

Clouds By Aradia I’ve always dreamed big. Big, beautiful dreams, like clouds, floating lazily across the sky in my head. When I was little, I tried to touch the real clouds. I jumped as high as I could, and reached my little hands as far as I could, trying to touch their cottony softness. Just a touch and I would have been the happiest girl in the world. I never could have succeeded, but that didn’t stop me from trying. When I got older, I started reaching for different clouds. Clouds shaped like earth-shattering inventions, and glamorous careers. I tried my very best. They told me my clouds were too high. They told me to lower my expectations. Over the years, I stopped reaching. Earth-

shattering inventions were lost, like wisps of smoke. Glamorous careers vanished into thin air. I reached, and fell to the ground. After falling, I didn't really feel like reaching anymore. I got married to an average man. I had children who grew up to become average people with average lives. Even then, I looked to the clouds. I still dreamed, of happier times and higher places. I told myself that I was going to follow these dreams, but there was always something in the way. Time, money, knowledge, and just plain bad luck. I looked to the clouds, with an old body that could no longer jump or reach out to their soft whiteness. It wasn't long before old age set in, and soon I couldn't even go outside to marvel at them. They hovered,

just out of sight and so far out of reach. It wasn't long after even that before I was an old woman in an old bed in an old hospital. The hospital had an old window too, and through the old panes I could still see the clouds and the sky. But soon, those clouds will move on to new skies, where another little girl will reach her little hands out to them. Perhaps she will be like me one day, lying in a hospital bed with nothing but her dreams and the clouds in the sky. My clouds have moved on to new people and new places much more wonderful and beautiful than this. My clouds have left my skies. Now I can see the sun.

Moving In

“Unity,” Photograph by Suzy-chan

By Rising Sun It wasn’t a house. It was a mansion, the girl thought. Or a haunted house, she added. Her new home had an eerie glow that made her want to stay far away. She thought about her old house that felt like a real home, a million miles away. It was small and cozy, unlike this one. Her brother, standing right behind her, gave her a little nudge, and with a sigh, she stepped inside the new house. It was empty, and it echoed. Her mom led her to her room quickly, anxious to unpack all of their things. Charlie peeked into her new room apprehensively, half-expecting a monster with fangs to jump out at her, but was relieved to see just an empty room. She tiptoed in; the room still felt like a sleeping lion that she didn’t want to wake. In the corner, she noticed a single door in the wall. Silently, she made her way to the door. She placed her hand on the knob and tried to open the door, but the knob wouldn’t budge. Forgetting the sleeping lion act, she put the many suitcases and bags down, and Charlie began punching and kicking the door. “Is there a special key for this room?” she wondered aloud. She leaned against the wall next to the door and then she screamed when the wall she had rested against shifted, and suddenly she was floating the wall -now a raft- on what looked like a brown river. Seeing the river, she blanched. “WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED?!” She was surrounded by colors that were blurry and out of focus. The raft she was on took a small turn to follow the course of the river. When she looked up she saw a girl sitting on a raft just like hers and screamed again. The girl had a pale face that looked like it had never seen the sun, dark curly hair, and a fluttery white dress. The girl’s eyes boring into Charlie’s, and her smile grew larger at Charlie’s scream. “Welcome to a place of your dreams,” she said with a far-away voice. Charlie looked around and saw the most beautiful things in life. Then she closed her eyes.

Janus: Echo hates going to the Underworld.

No More By Gaia


Where does a thought go When you’re done thinking it? Does it slip into the cosmos And become one with the universe? Does it dissipate into the air we breathe And fill up every lung? Does it crack and fall to pieces with A soft sigh as it goes? Does it shrivel? Does it cry? What do thoughts do When they must die?

There was once a girl, Who had her whole life Ahead of her. But at a young age her Innocence was stolen. Never did she look to the good, Only to the bad. Sweet Daisy. Why are you always so mad, Where did your happiness go?

By Luna Moon Sparkles

Magnetic Magic By Vivan Griselda If it doesn't attract the two of us like a magnetic force, Just waiting for polar ends to be aligned together, Then I cannot proceed. No sparkles from the flame or shadows in the light. Hold a flat note that'll make my smile shine bright. Gaze to the left and view a tragic innocence, Knowledgeable that no connection is told. His touch must carry me like the wind. His soul must grasp me, Like the moon explains the stars.

Him. It must be something about Him. Tell me a tale that consists of depth. Feel my heart when it is at its wreck. Share this passion with the sky’s limits. We will outlast these people who live As far up till the days' time hits double digits. Mark my name in stone, But only if it belongs right beside yours. Don't fear for the future, Since there is no past to revisit. If it doesn't feel like that alluring magnetic force, Then it's something that will never be.

Nike: Rumor has it that the Twelve Olympians know where Hades keeps his keys. “Green-Eyed Stare,” Photograph by The Owlish Bookworm

Envy’s Illusion By Nike She wants her everything Her rosy flushed cheeks, almond eyes, buttery lips Her soft skin, delicate features, light laughing smile Her angelic hair swaying to the music of the heavens Perfectly proportioned, her body carries dresses effortlessly Her radiant air, ability to command with nothing more than a wink She is beautiful; she is perfect…to the naked eye The poor jealous girl, for she would dream and desire She would wish for just an ounce of the beautiful figure But she is oblivious to herself, her own beauty For her heart is larger, her smile wider Her arms open to comfort all in need Her words, with healing powers to those heavily wounded She would love everybody, with no care to their rank This girl is more beautiful, but she will never know She will continue to envy the girl who has nothing A Tattered Book Lies Alone in the Middle of the Yard By Tiresias The bliss in ignorance A tattered book lies alone in the middle of the field; Torn pages rustling in the wind, waiting for her. She glides up daintily, Hair in two perfect pigtails, dress neatly ironed, She is small but sure. Soon the book is set heavily in her hand,

Free Again By Janus I once dreamed of being tall as my kin Kissing the ever-blue sky With birds nesting in my boughs And squirrels scampering down my trunk My leaves fragile but free, floating to the ground But when spring came and my family bloomed A man tore me up by my roots Hemorrhage of soil sprayed Bleeding to death I was brought to a land where my kin were beaten down Stretched with wires, contorted around stones I was reborn The womb was my small pot As time passed they cut and prodded and poked I didn't grow or reach the sky, not even to the ceiling My limbs are frozen, my boughs tied I want to be alive again Not a bonsai tree “Bonsai’s Lament,” Photograph by Janus Encompassed by perfectly manicured fingers,

She flips through the pages, Just as she had intended to do. During the page turning, She misses the part she should have seen, the most important part. The yellowed book gets tossed aside, Left to wait for the next person to come along. The little girl stumbles, collects herself, skips along her merry way.


Winter’s Guidance By Anastasia Winter walked along the sidewalk, her fierce winds making people shiver. Winter immediately shot flurries of snow out of her hands, trying to mask her hurt. Then she thought bitterly, why not make the whole neighborhood icy cold and wet? So with her hands raised to the sky, she blasted water and coldness into the air, and down came the snowflakes. Everyone disliked Winter-she could tell by the sneezes and fevers they complained about. Some people had come up to her years ago and thanked her for the snow, but they were mostly children. The adults, though, had scowled bitterly towards her and told their little ones to bundle up so they wouldn’t get sick. Winter’s lips formed a tight smile as she remembered the horrid memory, and she walked on. Looking forward, she could see Autumn laughing with the deer. They gracefully bounded around him, making him blush delightedly. Winter’s heart sank. No one ever

came up to her these days. Even the little children had given up coming outside and playing in the snow; they were all inside playing on their electronics these days. Sighing, she sat down on a bench. In the blink of an eye, the bench was frozen. It wasn’t fair. Why did everyone dislike her? What was wrong with a bit of cold once in a while? Everyone seemed to like every other season but her. “Autumn was so nice, I wish he’d came back,” someone whispered. “Hey, come on,” someone else said. Winter looked up. Could this person possibly enjoy this season? “Spring is right around the corner!” No, of course not. No one liked Winter. Not even Winter liked Winter. She saw darkness in every part of her existence. The trees’ leaves had fallen off-so bare, so lonely. The snow always made the grass soggy and wet and absolutely disgusting. The animals were in hibernation (“Probably hiding from me,” Winter thought). How could anyone possibly love Winter? A tear rolled down her cheek, but it froze before it could fall. Before

Hypnos: Echo asked me for a favor recently.

she could get up and start walking again, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Winter looked up and saw Spring. His smile was gentle, with a slight dimple on his left cheek. “Winter, what’s wrong?” “Why does it even matter?” Winter choked back her sobs. “No one likes me. I’m completely useless.” “Who says?!” Spring stood up straight and crossed his arms over his chest. “Summer’s been telling me that everyone wants you back when she’s around!” “What?” Winter looked up, her eyes slightly red from crying. “Yes, she’s been having the same problems as you’ve had. I’ve tried to cheer her up as much as I could, but a raincloud’s been following her around all day. I’m worried there will be a flood.” Winter was surprised. She could only stare at Spring in wonder. “How could anyone say that?! Whenever I’m around, no one wants me! They want Summer back,” Winter replied. “Wait until Summer hears this,” Spring muttered to himself. Winter looked at the ground again.

“Winter, listen. You need to learn to ignore anyone who doesn’t like you. I mean, I get so many complaints like ‘Oh great, Spring’s arrived. Here come the allergies!’ I completely tune them out! You just have to focus on the ones who love you and let their love blossom in your heart. And more importantly, learn to love yourself. You’re unique and special, and LOOK! Without you, the whole universe would be chaotic! The seasons wouldn’t come around because you wouldn’t be there. You’re worth so much more than you think.” “Thank you, Spring,” Winter laughed. “You always manage to cheer me up.” “It’s my job to keep my friends happy,” Spring beamed brightly. “Now come on, you’re falling behind! Go out there and show everyone your beauty.” Winter nodded at Spring, who waved goodbye, and elegantly stood with her head held high and began her journey around the globe again; this time with a confident stride.

Green is the Color of Envy By Zenyatta Green is the color of envy. Or so they say.... But who are they to judge, I wonder often? They are not old, they have not lived a day, And all of life's harsh blows to them were softened. Who are they to make laws that all should follow? Who are they to decide what's right and wrong? They think that power lies in their vile aura, That we mistake their evil hiss for song. But we do not mistake their short-lived glory For what is true in both this world and next. When we unmask, they plead and say they're "sorry". We might forgive, but not forget their "jest".


“Fountain of Youth,” Photograph by Poseidon

The Ocean’s Child By Calypso “Run!” Rin urged them as they stood, dumbstruck. “Take only what you can carry on your back and run. Follow the crowd, and I’ll see you all soon.” “But-” Sylvia began, but Rin shook his head. “Run! Now!” he yelled as they heard the familiar hum of a ray gun powering up. They turned to see shots being fired deeper within the forest, and Rowan instinctively crouched to let Ash clamber onto his back. Rowan grabbed Sylvia’s hand as he began to run, and Sylvia grabbed Pearl’s hand before her stomach sank and she cried, “Wait! Mother’s necklace!” “Sylvia, we hardly have time to-” Eleanor began, but Sylvia shook her head vehemently. “I’m not leaving without it,” she said firmly as she let go of Rowan and Pearl’s hands. She turned back, and Rowan was about to follow her when Eleanor grabbed his hand, begging, “Please, don’t risk it.” “She’s my sister,” Rowan snapped, crouching down and helping Ash off his back. “Take Pearl and Ash and run. We’ll catch up with you.” “Rowan, please-” she started, but he was already gone. Merfolk pushed past them, obscuring Rowan from Eleanor’s view. She bit her lip worriedly, but as a pained scream rang from the forest, she grabbed Pearl and Ash’s hands and began running with the crowd. “What about Sylvie and Ro?” Ash protested. He tried to squirm out of Eleanor’s grip, but she held fast. “We’ll see them soon, O.K.? I promise,” she said, wishing she could make it so just by saying those words. Merfolk pushed past them in a panic, no one sure exactly whom they were pushing out of the way in their frenzied escape. Merfolk soldiers ran in the opposite direction of the crowd, shouldering their way through the crowd and trying to direct people in the right direction. Sylvia fought the crowd, struggling to make it back to her tent. When she made it, she ducked inside, throwing aside the sleeping pads and blankets until she found her pack. She slipped it over her shoulders as Rowan tumbled into the tent. She shrieked in surprise as he grabbed her hand and yanked her

out of the tent. They began to run, but when Sylvia glanced back, she saw a line of human soldiers advancing on them, marching through the forest and firing their ray guns at anything that moved. Rowan tightened his grip on his sister’s hand as they ran, and Sylvia gasped as a shot hissed past them, narrowly missing Rowan’s head. Rowan stumbled in surprise, but she tightened her grip as he began to lose his balance, pulling him upright again. They followed the crowd out of the forest until they reached the creek. Several merfolk with the Gift had created a wide ice bridge, and they were keeping it steady as merfolk crossed. On the other side were three coptix, the machine developed after helicopters and planes became too flimsy for the ray weapons and pollution-filled world. The belly of the coptix was open to allow merfolk to clamber on, and Rowan scanned the crowd desperately for a glimpse of Eleanor, Pearl, and Ash. Suddenly, he felt Sylvia tugging at his hand, and she pointed at Eleanor perched on the edge of the coptix’s opening, helping other merfolk up. Rowan breathed a sigh of relief, and Sylvia and Rowan crossed the ice bridge carefully before running to Eleanor. She lit up when she saw them, pulling them onboard quickly. “You made it,” Pearl said shakily as she hugged Sylvia, and Sylvia hugged her sister tightly. Rowan turned back to start helping other merfolk onto the coptix, and as Rowan pulled them up, Ash pulled at their clothes, trying to add the last pull needed. On the other side of the creek, the human soldiers were pushing the merfolk soldiers back. The merfolk soldiers tried their best to hold their own to give the others time to escape, but the humans far outnumbered them, pushing them back by sheer number of shots fired. The merfolk with the Gift began manipulating the water into ice daggers, shooting them at the humans to cover the merfolk soldiers’ retreat over the ice bridge. Eleanor realized what the others with the Gift were doing, and she hopped off the coptix to help as the last of the refugees crossed the bridge. The merfolk soldiers began crossing, and Rowan screamed Eleanor’s name as she joined the others with the Gift. Sylvia, Pearl, and Ash grabbed him before he could jump off after her, and he watched helplessly as the Gifted merfolk created an enormous wave with ice daggers

at the tip. As the wave crashed over the heads of the retreating merfolk soldiers, it pushed the human soldiers back and gave the merfolk time to turn and run towards the coptix, whose engines began to hum as they powered up. The coptix began rising from the ground, and soldiers and Gifted merfolk began to jump, reaching up towards the outstretched arms of those on the coptix. “Rowan!” Eleanor screamed, reaching her arms up. She jumped, and he stretched to grab her hands. Their fingers brushed against each other, and her eyes widened in terror as her fingers slipped out of his grasp. His stomach plummeted as their eyes met, but a hand shot out in the blink of an eye, grabbing Eleanor’s wrist and holding on tight. Rowan turned sharply to see Rin beside him, straining to hold onto her. Eleanor desperately clung to Rin’s hand, and Rowan grabbed her other hand and helped pull her up. Once she was close enough, she let go of Rin’s hand and grabbed the edge of the coptix floor. She hauled herself up and crawled forward, her entire body trembling as she squeezed Rowan’s hand. He wrapped his arms around her, and she breathed shakily as she said into his neck, “That was pretty stupid of me, wasn’t it?” “It probably wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve seen you do,” Rowan said, chuckling nervously as he rubbed her arm comfortingly. She let out a small hiccup as she pulled away and sat up, pushing her hair back. Rowan kept his arm around her as he turned to Rin and asked, “So what now?” “The closest functioning merfolk camp is in France,” Rin said as the belly of the coptix began to close. “But now that the humans are angry, there’s no telling what they’ll do. We may have to accelerate our plans. I…I’m sorry, I just don’t know yet. We weren’t even supposed to use the coptix except as a last resort.” “Is there anywhere safe for us to go?” Pearl asked. “I wish there was somewhere safe,” Rin replied, shaking his head. “The coptix will run out of energy soon. All we can hope to do now is lose the soldiers and find a nontoxic landing zone.” “Are there any left that aren’t government regulated?” Rowan asked, frowning, and Rin sighed. “We can only hope so,” he said,

glancing around tensely before standing and saying. “But for now, get some rest. I’m going to talk to Cleo, and we’ll be making announcements soon. The others will be passing blankets around. If you can, make sure the children and the elderly receive them first.” Rowan nodded, and Rin left, carefully walking around refugees huddled on the floor of the coptix. Sylvia watched him leave as she stroked Pearl’s hair comfortingly, and she murmured, “What are we going to do?” “I don’t know,” Rowan said, and Eleanor looked up at him. “But whatever we do, we have to stay together.” One of the soldiers came by and handed them two blankets as he said, “Get some sleep. Rin and Cleo will wake everyone when a decision’s been made. No point in fretting ‘bout it now.” Rowan nodded at Sylvia, and she handed one of the blankets to Ash and Pearl to share. Rowan motioned for her to keep the second blanket, saying, “It’s fine. You and Eleanor share it; I’m going to help the others pass supplies around.” “Are you sure?” Sylvia asked, and he nodded. He stood up as Sylvia shook out the blanket, offering some of it to Eleanor. Eleanor glanced worriedly at Rowan before accepting half of the blanket. When they woke, Rowan was stretched beside Eleanor, his jacket balled to create a makeshift pillow. She was lying facing him, and Sylvia had wrapped the blanket around herself. Eleanor woke first, yawning and sitting up. Rowan opened his eyes a crack before murmuring, “Eleanor, is everything alright?” “As alright as it can be, I suppose,” she said, wrapping her arms around herself. “I just…when I started falling…I thought it was over. After everything, I thought I was going to die.” Rowan sat up and pulled her in a gentle hug, resting his chin on her shoulder as she buried her face in his shoulder. They sat there for a long time in silence, neither wanting to fill the space between them with shallow, unnecessary words.

Continued on Next Page

Morpheus: I found peacock feathers in the Field of

TOC cont. Suddenly, Rin’s voice came over the loud speaker, jolting Sylvia, Pearl, and Ash awake and making Eleanor jump slightly, accidentally elbowing Rowan between the ribs. He winced, and she started to apologize, but he quickly motioned for her stay quiet so that they could hear Rin’s announcement. “Good morning,” Rin said, sounding exhausted. “Thank you for your patience while we readjusted our plans. We’ve spoken with the General, and we’ve decided that the best course of action is to attack New Londontown as originally planned, only several weeks earlier. Instead of simultaneous attacks across the world, we will be the catalyst for a series of attacks against the major human cities. The coptix will set us down on the shores of England’s southern isle. From there, we will march south to New Londontown. For now, get some rest. We’ll be passing out rations soon.” The speaker clicked off, and Sylvia rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, saying, “I suppose that settles that, then.” “Did he say the shore?” Pearl asked, her eyes widening as she sat up excitedly. “Do you think we’ll really get to see it?” “Pearl,” Eleanor started, but Sylvia cut her off. “You won’t believe your eyes when you do,” Sylvia said. Pearl started to reply when she saw the haunted look in her sister’s eyes, and she let herself return to her usual slouch before saying a small, “Oh.” Several hours later, after everyone had received a small ration of water and a nutrients pouch, the loud speaker clicked on again. “Hello, all,” an unfamiliar female voice said with a northern lilt. “This is Cleo speaking. We’ll be landing within the next ten minutes, so pack your things and stand clear of the opening. Please let the soldiers off the coptix first. When you get off, make for the cover of the trees. There will be soldiers there to guide you to a prearranged shelter.” “Once you get on the ground, don’t dawdle,” Rin added quickly before the speaker clicked off. The coptix’s began to hum, and there was a loud click as the belly of the coptix opened. The ground grew closer, and the soldiers began jumping off. Once the coptix touched down, the rest of them began jumping. Rowan was one of the first off,

and he helped Ash and Pearl down woman they’d seen before stood as Sylvia and Eleanor jumped. with Rin and Cleo at the front. The water behind them was murky “Hey!” the woman barked, silencgrey, and the air was thick with ing everyone quickly. “I’m Xandra. smog. They could barely make out I’m in charge of the Western Eurothe tree line in front of them, and pean camps, and I’m the one who’s they were forced to squint to avoid going to be feeding and sheltering the burning sensation in their eyes. you tonight. You are to stay silent Sylvia coughed as she grabbed while you are here, and if governPearl’s hand, and they began to run. ment soldiers come to investigate A searchlight cut through the the barn, you’ll see that red light smog as it swept the beach, and flash three times.” She pointed to a when it found the coptix, an alarm red light bulb above the barn doors began to blare from above. Ash before continuing in her authoritaclung onto Rowan’s back as they tive voice, “If you see that light start ran, and as they cleared the cover of flashing, open up the hatch in the the trees, they heard four coptix floor and follow the corridor. If the flying overhead. They ran through light never starts to flash, you’ll be the withered trees as branches taking that corridor out of here toclawed at them. One of the soldiers morrow morning. Rin, Cleo, and I shouted directions at them, but his will be handing out rations and words were lost over the sound of blankets shortly. If there’s any sort the alarms and the panicked footof trouble, I will personally split it steps and shouts of the running mer- up and take the instigator back to folk. Once they passed through the the shore. Understand?” smog wall, the soldiers’ commands Everyone nodded, and she gave a were easier to hear, and they let firm nod in return. When Rin came themselves be herded through the forest until they reached a barbed wire fence. Several soldiers held the barbed wire apart for them, and others directed them to a large barn. The barn doors were open, and a middle-aged woman was waiting for them, directing them to fill the back of the barn first to let as many merfolk in as possible. Rowan, Sylvia, Pearl, Ash, and Eleanor found a spot in an old horse stall, and they sat down quickly, coughing and rubbing their faces clean. “I never realized how much the smog walls helped,” Eleanor said between coughs. The smog walls had been designed by the government to keep most of the smog at bay, creating bubbles of relatively clean air around non-toxic zones. The five of them had only ever lived within the smog walls, and they’d never realized how awful the pollution was outside of them. “Will it be that bad the entire way there?” Pearl asked, her eyes still watering. “I don’t think so,” Rowan replied. “We’re inside the New Londontown smog wall, Circe: If it so we should be alright.” was Hermes, it As the last of the merfolk wasn’t the scrambled inside the barn and sleeping darts. found spots on the ground, the doors closed and the

by with food and blankets, Sylvia whispered to him, “What happens tomorrow morning after we leave?” “We’ll start heading towards New Londontown. There’s another farm we have a mile away from New Londontown that’s holding our weapons, but it’ll take a week to get there,” Rin said quietly. “We’ll be hopping trucks, but it’ll be in small groups. I’ll try to make sure that you’re in the same group.” “What about the human soldiers?” Eleanor asked. Rin’s eyes hardened. “At this point, we’ll just have to pray they don’t catch us,” he said darkly. “It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel if they do.”

To Be Continued...

Chronos: Hera wouldn’t use anything that would leave fingerprints.

“Brotherly Love,” Illustration by Hecate

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