PDF Edition for Monday, February 1, 2010

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Observer the

The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Wednesday, MONDAY, FEBRUARY August 27, 1, 2010 2004

Volume 44 : Issue 83


Students continue job, internship search Notre Dame community offers career advice

Winter Career Fair to feature 120 companies



News Writer

News Writer

As the spring semester rolls into its second month, students are intensifying their search for summer internships and full time jobs. Kevin Monahan, associate director of the Notre Dame Career Center, said if students looking for summer internships have not begun the application process, they should do so immediately. He said landing a job or internship in today’s economy takes more effort than simply filling out applications.

see JOBS/page 8


Students pack the Joyce Center Fieldhouse at the fall Career Fair in September. This semester’s fair will host 120 different companies and organizations.

To provide students an oncampus opportunity to meet potential employers, Notre D a m e ’s C a r e e r C e n t e r w i l l host the Winter Career and Internship Fair Wednesday at the Joyce Center Fieldhouse from 4 to 8 p.m. The fair will feature representatives from 120 different companies and organizations, Kevin Monahan, associate director of the Career Center, said. “Last year, 133 organizat i o n s a t t e n d e d t h e Wi n t e r

see FAIR/page 9

Former University professor dies at 80 Observer Ralph McInerny taught at ND for more than 50 years, directed Medieval Institute By JOSEPH McMAHON Associate News Editor

Former Notre Dame professor and renowned author Ralph McInerny, who taught at the University from 1955 until his retirement this past June, passed away Friday morning at the age of 80. McInerny was a professor of philosophy and Medieval Studies and, for many years, directed Notre Dame’s Medieval Institute. He held degrees from the St. Paul Seminary, the University of Minnesota and Laval University. Shortly after beginning his

career at Notre Dame, McInerny began to write fiction, and after at first receiving numerous rejections, he eventually published his breakthrough work, “The Priest,” in 1 9 6 9 , w h i c h would go on to become a bestseller. The fiction work McInerny for which he was best known, however, was his Father Dowling series, which is composed of 29 books and was adopted by NBC as a

television mystery series. McInerny also wrote several murder mysteries which took place on Notre Dame’s campus, and in total penned over 80 novels. McInerny was also well known for his nonfiction work, which included translations of Thomas Aquinas’ commentaries for Penguin Classics, and was regarded my many as one of the top experts on Aquinas’ work. In addition to his written work, McInerny was a public intellectual who appeared on William F. Buckley’s “Firing Line” and was a member of President George W. Bush’s Committee on the Arts and

Humanities. A devout Catholic, McInerny’s works always contained strong religious overtones. Along with Michael Novak, McInerny founded “Crisis,” a journal of lay Catholic opinion that he hoped to use to reach a wide audience. Towards the end of his career, McInerny was very critical of some University policies he felt devalued Notre Dame’s Catholic identity. A strong prolife advocate, McInerny wrote an essay criticizing the University’s decision to invite President Barack Obama to be last year’s Commencement

see MCINERNY/page 8

New bishop says Siegfried Mass By CARLY LANDON News Writer

Siegfried Hall welcomed the newly instated Bishop Kevin Rhoades of the Diocese of Fort Wa yn e - S o u t h B e n d t o s a y weekly Mass Sunday night. After Bishop John D’Arcy stepp e d d o w n l a s t y e a r, Rhoades was selected from the Diocese of Harrisburg as his re p l a c e m e n t . H e w a s instilled as bishop on Jan. 12. T hre e students from Rhoa d e s ’ f o r m e r d i o c e s e arranged the Mass in an effort to welcome him to his new position.



“David Rudy, Kevin Ortenzio and I drafted a letter welcoming Bishop Rhoades to the diocese and asking if he wanted to say Mass at Siegfried anytime this semester,” junior Brian Patterson said. “He was very active in our Harrisburg [Penn.] diocese and everyone seemed to like him there. He even spoke at my high school’s graduation,” R u d y, a j u n i o r, sa id, “ We weren’t surprised he was willing to take on new challenges and say Mass here at Notre Dame.” Rhoades spoke about his connections to Notre Dame and gave a homily focusing on

love and charity. “I was struck in the letter I got from David, Kevin and Bria n by o ne sentenc e. It made this my first commitment as a new bishop, coming to this hall. I made this before my commitment to come to [University President] Fr. [John] Jenkins big Mass in the Basilica,” Rhoades said in his homily. “It was a letter about the dorm Masses saying something like, ‘At our dorm Masses we connect to Christ a nd it helps us to grow in faith, hope a nd lo ve.’ I thought if that is what going to these dorm Masses does, I have to participate.”

Siegfried Hall extended a warm welcome with a packed chapel and held a reception after Mass in Rhoades’ honor. “ Students seem ed very excited for his visit, and not only did w e ha ve a high turnout of Siegfried residents but also we even had a few people from other dorm s attend,” Patterson said. “We’re very honored to host Bishop Rhoades to celebrate his first dorm Mass at Notre Dame with the Ramblers of S iegfried Hall,” S iegfried President David Surprenant said. “We’re looking forward

see BISHOP/page 6

elects new top editor Observer Staff Report The Observer General Board elected Sports Editor Matt Gamber as the 2010-11 Editor-in-Chief Sunday. Gamber, a junior finance a n d American S t u d i e s major with a minor in Journalism, Ethics and Democracy, is a native of Mt. Prospect, Gamber Ill. Gamber, a former resident of Sorin College who currently resides off campus, has led several sports beats, i n c l u d i n g f o o t b a l l , m e n ’s basketball, hockey, baseball, women’s lacrosse and Saint Mary’s cross country. “I’m honored to assume the role of Editor-in-Chief, and I look forward to the opportunity to work with so many of the people that make the Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s community such a unique and special place,” Gamber said. Gamber became Sports Editor in the spring of 2009 and led coverage of the Notre Dame football coaching change, producing special editions on both the fir-

see EDITOR/page 9

Seminarians play in hoops tourney page 4 ◆ Men’s basketball team falls to Rutgers page 24 ◆ Grammys Breakdown page 13 ◆ Viewpoint page 10

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