PDF for February 4, 2010

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Observer the

The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Volume 44 : Issue 86

Thursday, february 4, 2010


Debate covers safety, community ties ND career Three student government tickets discuss issues from food services to non-discrimination clause By MADELINE BUCKLEY News Editor

The three student government tickets competing for student body president and vice president debated food services, student safety and tree houses Wednesday evening in LaFortune Student Center. Juniors Eras Noel and Julian Corona, sophomores Catherine Soler and Andrew Bell, and freshmen Peter Ledet and Gabe Alvare faced off in front of a full crowd in the first student government debate moderated by Judicial Council vice president Marcelo Perez. Perez allowed the candidates an opening and closing statement and the chance to answer questions posed by himself as well as the audience. The Zahm ticket took the floor first in pink onesies and sport coats, asserting that the two are “super serial” candidates running for emperor and vice emperor. Soler then said her ticket’s first focus will be instating a rental textbook program in the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore. “This is a tangible idea that affects every student, every semester,” Soler said. Noel said his primary campaign goal is creating a system in which students would be able to use Flex Points in Eddy Street Commons. The duo said they have been discussing the issue with managers at Five Guys

By LIZ O’DONNELL News Writer

News Writer

Four promising new businesses have recently been established at Innovation Park, the facility just south of Notre Dame’s campus, David Brenner, the park’s president and CEO, said. Current Notre Dame faculty and students helped found two of these businesses — Emu Solutions and Unlimited Juice, LLC. Jay Brockman, associate dean of engineering and co-founder of Emu Solutions, said he and cofounders Peter Kogge and Ed Upchurch settled at Notre Dame because being part of the University’s research efforts was important to their business plan. “Being so close to campus enables us to consider projects that take our core designs and


Ledet said his ticket also has plans to improve food options at Notre Dame, but his platform includes an all-male tree house where Keenan Hall currently stands, which will have an endless supply of Lunchables and juice boxes. “It will be nachos and pizza all day long,” Ledet said. After a question from Perez

Scores of students clad in business attire ventured to the Joyce Center Wednesday evening to attend the 2010 Winter Career and Internship Fair. Over 120 companies — slightly less than years past — were on hand to talk to students about post-graduation jobs and summer internships. The industries represented at the fair ran the gamut and included big-name firms such as Lockheed Martin, General Electric and Procter & Gamble. Freshman Andrew Romero, a prospective marketing major, said he wanted to attend the career fair to get a general feeling for what the event is like. He said it was informative. “It was pretty cool how it was arranged with all the companies tables set up inside,” he said. “It didn’t seem that intimidating.” Romero said he spoke with the Raytheon Corporation

see DEBATE/page 8

see CAREER/page 8

PAT COVENEY/The Observer

Candidates for student body president and vice president sit during Wednesday night’s debate in LaFortune. The general election will be held Monday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Burgers and Fries. “They are excited to work with us,” Noel said. In response to a question from the audience about the Flex Points plan, Bell said his ticket has also researched the issue and found it is not feasible. “The past two administrations have tried to do this and failed,” Bell said. “But we have some alternatives because off-campus eating is important.”

Soler said the two have discussed systematizing and publicizing existing off-campus discounts offered to students who show their ID cards and an offcampus meal plan option. On the issue of improving student food services, Noel said his ticket wants to revamp Graband-Go options by creating a togo box that students would be allowed to take into the dining hall to get hot food.

Four businesses start at Innovation Park By LAURA KNAUF

fair brings employers to campus

extend them into new application areas, where the expertise of other university faculty can be beneficial,” Kogge, a computer science and engineering professor, said. Emu, which stands for Enhanced Memory Utilization, is a company that develops computer technology to help “bridge the gap between memory and logic capabilities in computer systems,” according to a Jan. 26 press release. Brockman said Emu Solutions benefits from skilled students, faculty and alumni from Notre Dame, who aid in their research and marketing endeavors. “Aside from the three founders, we’ve hired a number of consultants, of which more than half have Notre Dame connections,” Brockman said.

Concert raises funds for Sisters By CAROLYNN SMITH News Writer

A charity concert — “Singing for the Sisters” — was held in the Little Theater, Wednesday night on Saint Mary’s campus. It was organized by the Student Activities Board (SAB) in order to support Belles for Africa and their work with the Sisters of the Holy Cross in Uganda. “Belles for Africa is a program started by the Student Athletics Advisory Committee (SAAC) to raise funds for Uganda,” Student Activities Board (SAB) president Michele Peterson said. “100 percent of the proceeds will be donated to the Belles for Africa program on behalf of the student body.” This event brought together a cappella groups from Saint


see CONCERT/page 8

Senior Lauren Theiss leads Bellacapella as they sing at ‘Singing for the Sisters’ in Little Theater at Saint Mary’s.

see PARK/page 8

Senior gift to go to Library page 3

NDTV grows up page 13

National Signing Day review page 24 ◆ Viewpoint page 10

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