PDF for Wednesday, April 24, 2013

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Volume 46, Issue 128 | wednesday, april 24, 2013 | ndsmcobserver.com

B.o.B. headlines SUB concert By CAROLYN HUTYRA News Writer

SUZANNA PRATT | The Observer

This picture, taken during the Irish hockey team’s inagural 2011 season in the Compton Family Ice Arena, will be the venue for this year’s SUB concert. The event will feature B.o.B. and Dzeko and Torres.

Grammy-nominated rapper B.o.B. will take the stage at the Compton Family Ice Arena to perform as part of SUB’s 2013 AnTostal week-long event Tostalpalooza on Friday. Senior Danny Kinasz, a member of SUB’s concert committee, helped plan the event. He said the concert tickets cost $20. The concert is open to all Notre Dame undergraduate and graduate students as well as Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross students, he said. Unlike previous years, this SUB concert will take place in Compton rather than at the Stepan Center. Kinasz said the decision to move the concert was a group effort of the SUB executive board, concert programmers and SAO supervisor Josh Wilson.

Reading SMC excels in for Life math competition donates books By TABITHA RICKETTS News Writer


Reading for Life, the largest diversion program for juvenile offenders in St. Joseph County, will celebrate World Book Day on Tuesday by donating books to youth at the Juvenile Justice Center (JJC). A diversion program is a form of sentencing designed to enable offenders of law to avoid criminal charges by completing various requirements, such as education, restitution or completion of community service hours. Dr. Alesha Seroczynski, the program’s director, said program leaders chose to distribute John Green’s “Looking for Alaska” because they felt it was see READING PAGE 5

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Math students from Saint Mary’s College competed in the 2013 international competition known as the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) hosted by the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP). In a competition of nearly seven thousand teams, seniors Samantha Brady and Olivia McIntee placed in the top 15th percentile and earned a position among the Meritorious Winners. The two students were one of three teams sent by Saint Mary’s, marking the first time in the College’s history where more than two teams competed. Steven Broad, assistant professor of mathematics, coached the teams at Saint Mary’s. He said the COMAP competition challenges

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students over the course of a weekend with problems involving mathematical models of real-world phenomenon. “Every year [the teams are given] two problems, the sort of problems experts might work on for years,” Broad said. “The goal of the weekend is to try to make some significant step toward solving the problem at a very high level.” The teams choose one problem and spend four days compiling a report of over 20 pages on the mathematical model they devised, Broad said. At the end of the competition, the teams submit their work to be judged. “The thing that’s really great about it is [that] it’s all their [own] work, “ Broad said, “Once the competition starts, I’m completely out of the picture. I can get them prepped and ready to go, but once the competition starts, I’m not involved at all.”

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“We saw the opportunity to upgrade the concert to a newer and larger venue to respond to the requests of the students,” he said. Kinasz said frequent complaints from students about the concert in the past stemmed from the distant venue location. “People complained that Stepan was a buzzkill to the fun vibe the concert created,” he said. “We wanted to enhance the student experience and bring the show into a new venue that would create a dramatically better concert going experience.” In the past, Kinasz said the committee was experienced at coordinating all the necessary elements to the show, but this move to Compton required meetings with different University groups in order to organize and work out any issues. “This year was a whole new see B.o.B. PAGE 3

Photo courtesy of Gwen O’Brien

From left to right: Coach Steven Broad, senior Olivia McIntee, and senior Samantha Brady smile after placing in the competition’s top 15th percentile.

Photo courtesy of Gwen O’Brien

Samantha McIntee and Samantha Brady celebrate their performance in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling.

The other two Saint Mary’s teams involved in the competition received recognition as Successful Participants, a highly gratifying accomplishment for work at this

level, Broad said. “Being successful at something as extraordinarily difficult as this shows that they

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