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Volume 54, Issue 83 | friday, february 14, 2020 |
Student government results announced Presidential election to conclude in runoff between Ingal-Galbenski, Patidar-Patrick tickets By SERENA ZACHARIAS Associate News Editor
The 2020 student government presidential election will continue with a runoff election between the Ingal-Galbenski ticket and the Patidar-Patrick ticket, Judicial Council announced Thursday night. Turnout was 42% of the electorate. The results were supposed to be announced Tuesday night but were delayed following a round of sanctions and appeals. The runoff debate and election are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. Although none of the tickets received the requisite majority of votes to win the election outright, campaigning will be suspended through Junior Parents Weekend and will be permitted beginning Tuesday at midnight
and ending Wednesday at 8 p.m, Judicial Council president Halena Hadi said. The Ingal-Galbenski ticket received 1213 votes and the PatidarPatrick ticket received 781 votes. The Dugan-Pozas Garza ticket received the third-largest number of votes, with 678 votes. 410 students voted for the Whittle-Rotolo ticket and 265 voters chose the BatesHenry ticket. 128 students voted to abstain. 254 votes were invalidated due to sanctions against the Dugan-Pozas Garza ticket, and the Mercugliano-Lund ticket, which was forced to forfeit its candidacy. Juniors Rachel Ingal and Sarah Galbenski said they would like to thank their teams for providing encouragement throughout the process. see ELECTION PAGE 3
Junior and presidential candidate Connor Whittle chats with students at the presidential election results reveal in LaFortune. Results were supposed to be released Tuesday, but were delayed.
Parents Weekend Saint Mary’s students react chairs talk event to new president’s election By marirose osborne News Writer
Observer File Photo
Students and their parents congregate in the Duncan Student Center’s Dahnke Ballroom during Junior Parents Weekend last year. By TRINITY REILLY News Writer
This weekend, hundreds of parents will stream onto campus — not to see a football game, but to immerse themselves in the community and to discover the reality of their children’s daily lives at Notre Dame. Ever since its beginnings in 1953, Junior Parents Weekend (JPW) has been an opportunity for juniors to show their parents the lives they have built for themselves, the
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friendships they have forged and all of their achievements, junior Sara Rani Reddy, JPW co-chair, said in an email. Events begin Friday night and continue almost nonstop until Sunday morning. Although no event is required, they all bring something unique to the weekend. Notably, there is an Opening Gala on Friday night, academic open houses, Mass and a President’s Dinner on Saturday and a Sunday see PARENTS PAGE 4
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The Saint Mary’s community was introduced to President-elect Dr. Katie Conboy on Wednesday. Students were invited to the Spes Unica Atrium for the announcement of Conboy’s new position. After a speech to the community, Conboy held a meet-and-greet for students at the CushwaLeighton Library. Student reaction to the new president was positive across all grade levels. “I’m not sure if I’ve been here long enough to notice a difference with a new president, but I’m still excited to see what she will do,” first year student Grace Anspach said. Junior Jackie Rojas is one of the students who met Conboy in the library following her speech. “We were in line to try and shake hands with her,” Rojas said. “At first I shook hands with her and introduced
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myself. I really wanted to give her a hug because I love hugs, but I wasn’t brave enough to ask her. Then the second time she came around, I asked if I could give her a hug and she said yes.” Students are particularly happy about Conboy’s background with women’s colleges. “She seems absolutely fantastic. I think what I like most is that she comes from an all women’s college, so she already has that background” senior Sarah Hautzinger said. Both Conboy’s Holy Cross background and her time as a student at Notre Dame serve as an important consideration for students as well. “I think it’s special that she comes from an all women’s college and has a background in Holy Cross education” junior Giavanna Paradiso said. Paradiso is on the Presidential Transition
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Committee and is a part of a group of students who interviewed the final candidates. “My first impression of her is just that she is going to get things done,” she said. “She wants as much information as she can, and then she’s going to absorb that and then do what she thinks is the best plan for the College.” Other students were equally impressed with Conboy at their first meeting with her. “Going into it, I was kind of skeptical, especially because of what happened with [former College President] Jan Cervelli,” senior Elisabeth Barrett said. “I was a freshman when she started her first year, so I was kind of under the assumption I’d have four years with her. Then she left so abruptly.” Though Barrett has some concerns about meeting a new president, she said she see PRESIDENT PAGE 4
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