Print Edition for Monday, February 24, 2020

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Volume 54, Issue 89 | monday, february 24, 2020 |

Paradiso-O’Connor win election Following three-day campaign season, ticket to take office this summer By MAEVE FILBIN Saint Mary’s News Editor

After three days of campaigning in campus spaces and on various social media platforms, juniors Giavanna Paradiso and Kelsey O’Connor have been named the incoming Saint Mar y’s Student Government Association (SGA) president and v ice president for the 2020-2021 academic year. They w ill officially take office this summer. The Office of Student Involvement announced the official election results

in a campus-w ide email at 11:15 a.m. Friday, after polls closed at 8 a.m. The voting percentages were not disclosed to the student body. “So this was actually fun,” Paradiso said about the moment she learned she and O’Connor had won. “I had my 21st birthday the night before, and Kelsey was calling me and I thought ‘Oh my gosh, why is she calling me right now? ’ A nd she was like, ‘Check your email.’” Before notif y ing the entire student body, the Office of

NOLA WALLACE | The Observer

Catholic activ ist and humanitarian worker Jean Vanier was found to have sexually abused at least six adult women, according to a report commissioned by L’Arche, the ser v ice organization he founded. In a press release


Giavanna Paradiso (left) and Kelsey O’Connor (right) will take over as Saint Mary’s SGA president and vice president starting this summer.


Observer Staff Report

Senior students create app for local restaurants By MARIA LUISA PAUL News Writer

Sitting together in their Introduction to Engineering class as freshmen, now seniors Horacio Lopez and A lexandra Lopez never imagined their friendship would turn into a partnership. However, three years later Horacio and A lexandra have engineered their ow n app together — GiveBee. GiveBee ser ves as a communit y where app users share posts about the food venues they v isit. After

snapping the photos and posting them to their social media accounts users are rewarded “FreeBees,” which may be getting a 10 percent discount on their purchase for example. Users’ followers are able to screenshot these posts, upload them and also get a “FreeBee” in return. Ultimately, the businesses that are signed up in GiveBee can use this information to analyze how many new v isitors are generated from these posts. After launching in December 2019, the app

currently has more than 300 communit y users and eight pay ing locations, including Purely Pressed, Tap House on the Edge, Bistro 933 and Salsa’s Mex ican Restaurant, but Horacio said there are “many more to come soon.” The idea for the app was conceived when Horacio was running Facebook ads for three local businesses the summer after his freshman year. “I noticed that a massive driver to locations

Six new and two returning department heads w ill complete The Obser ver’s 2020-2021 Editorial Board, incoming Editor-in-Chief Maria Leontaras announced Saturday. The eight editors w ill join Leontaras as well as incoming Managing Editor


Mariah Rush and Assistant Managing Editors Maeve Filbin, Claire Rafford and Sara Schlecht in directing the editorial responsibilities of the paper. Juniors Hayden Adams, Ryan Israel, Mia Marroquin, Diane Park and Serena Zacharias and sophomores Ellie Dombrowski, Nelisha Silva and A llison Thornton


Prospective students visit for Reilly Spring Visit

see APP PAGE 4

Observer announces 20202021 department heads Observer Staff Report

L’Arche reports abuse

w ill lead their respective departments beginning March 16. Adams w ill be filling the role of Sports Editor. A junior from Lex ington, Kentuck y, Adams is majoring in physics and film, telev ision and theatre while pursuing a minor in Journalism, Ethics see OBSERVER PAGE 4


Photo courtesy of Meena Selvan

Prospective students explore the Grotto as part of the Reilly Spring Visit. Weekend time allows potential students time to explore campus. By RENEE PIERSON News Writer

Prospective Notre Dame students traveled from far and wide to visit campus this weekend for the Reilly Spring Visit Program. A select group of students were given the opportunity to explore various aspects of campus life free of charge in an immersion program, and current students played a significant role in the planning of the weekend’s events.


Junior Noble Patidar and sophomore Meenu Selvan were two of the Student Recruitment Coordinators that helped organize the event this year. “The Reilly Spring Visit is a program run by Notre Dame undergraduate admissions that brings high school seniors of low socioeconomic status and minority backgrounds to campus. These are exceptional kids,” Patidar said. “These see REILLY PAGE 4


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