Print Edition of The Observer for Friday, October 30, 2020

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Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s

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Volume 55, Issue 31 | Friday, October 30, 2020 |

Groups rally after SCOTUS confirmation Students gather in support of justice’s placement

Hundreds of students protest against Barrett



News Writer

Managing Editor

Carrying posters emblazoned with phrases like “ND for ACB” and “The Notorious ACB,” and waving the Vatican, Gadsden and American f lags, a group of students congregated to celebrate Notre Dame law professor Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court on Thursday evening. Sophomore Michael Barrett, secretary of College Republicans, said the gathering was planned by a group of conservative students who promoted the event via Instagram on Wednesday as a means to “show support for a member of our community,” he said. “Justice Barrett was appointed properly through the legislative process,” Barrett said. “She was nominated by the president and appointed by the Senate, and she represents an extensive background on originalist interpretation of the Constitution, which seems to be supported by a large portion of the student body. And we felt that our voices needed to be heard today.” With an event opposing Coney Barrett’s nomination scheduled during the same time at Library Lawn, the College Republicans’ secretary said the congratulatory gathering also served as a way to give a voice to all students, despite of their political beliefs. “While this is not a very vocal portion of campus, since normally [conservative] people are silenced and shunned in social media, we thought if we could come together in presence, we could actually stand and represent our political views,” Barrett said. “We have both sides represented on this campus, not just one side. We’re here to show that there’s balance on this campus. We are here for bipartisanship.” The group of almost 60 people assembled by the Law School’s archway at 5:30 p.m.

next week cannot attend the Nov. 7 football game against Clemson. “Next Friday, Nov. 6, the COVID-19 Response Unit will notify the Murnane Family Ticket Office of those students who did not report when called, and their tickets will be

A crowd of hundreds of students carrying handmade signs and LGBTQ+ pride flags gathered on Library Lawn Thursday evening to protest the Monday confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. With security present, demonstrators gathered by the Acousticafe stage to make their voice heard by protesting Barrett’s confirmation and her some of her views involving sexual freedom, reproductive rights and the support of marginalized communities. A group supporting Barrett’s confirmation marched by and chanted, interrupting the antiBarrett protest. According to security and organizers of the demonstration against Barrett, the counter protesters in support of Barrett never received the permission needed to organize a demonstration in the first place. Barrett is a Notre Dame law professor and circuit judge in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit. University President Fr. John Jenkins congratulated Barrett in a statement Monday, writing, “On behalf of the University of Notre Dame, I congratulate Amy Coney Barrett on her confirmation today by the United States Senate as a justice of the United States Supreme Court. Recognized by experts from across the spectrum of judicial philosophies as a superb legal scholar and judge, she is an esteemed colleague and a teacher revered by her students.” This statement provoked a multitude of responses from the student body, some of whom argued Jenkins did not speak for them, and prompted the creation of the demonstration Monday evening. Co-organizers Matt Heilman and Emma Dudrick, a sophomore and a junior, were on a Zoom call when they heard the news — Barrett had been confirmed in one of the fastest confirmation processes in history, just eight days before the



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The opposing demonstrations clashed Thursday as the group of those supporting Amy Coney Barrett (left) marched from the Law School to Library Lawn, where the group protesting her confirmation gathered.

COVID-19 cases surge at University, in South Bend By ISABELLA LAUFENBERG News Writer

Follow ing the surge of COVID-19 cases on Notre Dame’s campus in August, the Universit y has developed strategies to control the spread of the v irus on campus. But more recently, cases have been on the increase again.

According to the Notre Dame COVID-19 Dashboard, the universit y is currently at a 15.7 case 7-day mov ing average as of Oct. 28 and a seven-day positiv it y rate of 2.1% . This increase almost triples what the mov ing average rates were at the beginning of October. Dr. Mark Fox, St. Joseph

Count y deput y health officer and COVID-19 adv isor to the Universit y said that these increases can be attributed to many things, including what he coined as, “the perfect storm.” “In some ways, I think it was the perfect storm,” Fox said. “It was the first night see CASES PAGE 4

ND urges surveillance testing compliance Observer Staff Report

Editor’s Note: A version of this story was published online Oct. 29. In light of positive COVID-19 rates increasing both at Notre Dame and in St. Joseph County, vice president of student affairs Erin Hoffmann Harding


urged students to comply with surveillance testing in an email Thursday. The seven-day moving average of positive cases is 15.7 as of today, and the estimated number of active cases is 133. Notre Dame reported 15 additional cases today. Students who do not report for surveillance testing


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Print Edition of The Observer for Friday, October 30, 2020 by The Observer - Issuu