Print Edition of The Observer for Wednesday, September 2, 2020

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Volume 55, Issue 6 | Wednesday, september 2, 2020 |

University to resume in-person classes Following decrease of daily COVID-19 cases, lower-level courses return to face-to-face instruction Observer Staff Report

University President Fr. John Jenkins announced in a Friday address to the campus community that undergraduate classes would begin to return to in-person instruction in phases, commencing today. Courses in the 10000 and 20000 families will resume today with other classes returning to normal instruction Sept. 7. Certain courses may return today at the discretion of a dean or department chair. In his address, Jenkins urged students to wear masks, maintain physical distance and wash their hands. He also asked students to continue completing

their daily health checks and come in to get surveillance tested when called. “We must do these things if we are to have a safe and successful semester on campus,” Jenkins said. Jenkins announced Aug. 18 that undergraduate courses would be taught remotely for at least two weeks after the University reported a single day COVID-19 case count of 89 the previous day. In addition to the shift to online classes, residential halls were restricted to residents only, and off-campus students were instructed to not come onto see REOPENING PAGE 3

Club educates about autism

ELLIS RIOJAS | The Observer

Students reflect on DNC, RNC conventions By ISABELLA VOLMERT Associate News Editor

This yea r’s politica l pa rt y conventions made histor y. La rgely pre-recorded a nd v iewed remotely from across t he countr y, t he Democratic a nd Republica n Nationa l conventions (DNC a nd RNC, respectively) concluded t heir consecutive weeks w it h former Vice President Joe Biden accepting t he Democratic nomination for president

Courtesy of Emily Bednar

SMC for the Spectrum, a new club, aims to foster acceptance, support and understanding for College community members with autism. By GENEVIEVE COLEMAN Associate News Editor

In 2018, Saint Mary’s established the Master of Autism Studies program, allowing Belles to gain a deeper understanding of autism science and intervention in a multi-disciplinary program. Students from the department recently created a new campus club called SMC for the Spectrum to provide support and educate the community about the autism


spectrum. Saint Mary’s alumna and club president Emily Bednar (‘20) explained how the club has been in the works. “SMC for the Spectrum was an idea that my fellow board members and I have been thinking about for about a year now,” Bednar said. “We are all members of the first cohort of the Master of Autism Studies Program, and we see SPECTRUM PAGE 3


a nd incumbent President Dona ld Tr ump accepting t he Republican nomination. Notre Da me students sha red t heir impressions of t he conventions as t he election nea rs over a series of ema il correspondences. Zacha r y Holla nd, junior co-president of t he College Democrats Club, sa id he was impressed w it h t he DNC given t he circumsta nces. “I watched t hree of t he four nights, and I t hought t hat

t he Democratic Pa rt y’s uplif ting message of progress a nd hope was one desperately needed in t his terrible yea r,” Holla nd sa id. Holla nd found Biden’s speech to be his best ever a nd was a lso impressed w it h former President Ba rack Oba ma’s speech, a mong ot hers. “My ow n favorite was t he speech of Sen. Bernie see POLITICS PAGE 4

ND Football social media post sparks controversy By COLIN CAPECE News Writer

In t he midst of t he current movement promoting racia l equa lit y, sports have played a role in t he conversation. Socia l media platforms like Tw itter and Instagram have given indiv idua l players, teams and leag ues t he opportunit y to voice t heir opinions on t he


protests t hat continue to erupt in cities across t he countr y. However, t he pictures, v ideos and t weets t hey post come w it h bot h support and back lash. On Aug. 26, t hree days after t he shooting of Jacob Bla ke by a police of f icer in Kenosha, Wis., Notre Dame footba ll posted an image to its socia l media accounts t hat provoked t housands of


comments on multiple platforms. The image displays Irish graduate student cornerback Nick McCloud raising his f ist while wearing a Black Lives Matter tshirt a long w it h t he words “stand toget her.” The commenters on t he post div ided t hemselves primarily into t wo camps. see ND FOOTBALL PAGE 4


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