The independent newspaper serving Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s and holy cross
Volume 54, Issue 77 | thursday, february 6, 2020 |
Candidates discuss diversity Prospective student body leaders engage in debate about campus inclusion By CLAIRE RAFFORD Associate News Editor
Diversity Council hosted its fourth-annual student government election debate on Wednesday evening in DeBartolo Hall. The debate asked the candidates to address issues of diversity and inclusion on Notre Dame’s campus. The candidates running for student body president and vice president this year are junior Noble Patidar and freshman Connor Patrick, junior Connor Whittle and sophomore Jack Rotolo; junior Zachary Mercugliano and freshman Gavriella Lund, freshmen Henry Bates and Thomas
Five of the six pairs of candidates running for student government participated in a debate led by the Diversity Council on Wednesday.
SMC student in first all-female drum major line By MAEVE FILBIN Saint Mary’s News Editor
After three years playing clarinet in the Notre Dame Marching Band, Saint Mary’s junior Jill Ann Buettner recently earned herself a historically significant leadership position as part of the very first all-female drum major team in the band’s history. The appointment of these three female students falls on the 50th anniversary of the year women were first granted admission into the marching band, making their positions decidedly poignant. “I honestly still haven’t totally processed everything,” Buettner said. “Since freshman year, I wondered what it would be like to be a drum major. I did it in high school for two years, and that’s when I really fell in love with marching even more, just the technicality of it — how precision-based it is, how detailed it is. ... It’s a different way to feel music.”
The historical significance The Notre Dame Marching Band first allowed women to participate in 1970, when then-band director Robert O’Brien extended an invitation to Saint Mary’s students, two
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Henry, juniors Michael Dugan and Ricardo Pozas Garza and juniors Rachel Ingal and Sarah Galbenski. The Bates-Henry ticket was not present at the debate. (Editor’s note: Dugan is a former systems administrator and news writer for The Observer) Senior and Diversity Council chair Tiffany Rojas moderated the debate and asked the candidates how they plan to create diversity in participation in organizations like student senate. Galbenski said that in addition to promoting multicultural events in administration, she
years before the University became coeducational in 1972. “The first women in band were from Saint Mary’s, so having that anniversary this year is really special for me,” Buettner said. “Especially seeing that link between our communities — that’s something that you don’t see anywhere else.” Though the installment of this all-female drum major line is significant in that it fulfills the coeducational vision that University President Emeritus Fr. Theodore Hesburgh put forth more than 50 years ago, assistant band director Sam Sanchez said, the three students were selected simply because they deserved the job. “No one should try to infer that these three women were chosen because it is the 50th anniversary,” Sanchez said in an email. “These are the best people for the job, and they have earned it through their dedication, conduct, hard work and exceptional ability.” In her own research, Buettner said she has only discovered one other Saint Mary’s student to have served as a drum major for see BAND PAGE 4
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Student election tickets start Observer Staff Report
Campaigns for the student body government elections began Tuesday after six tickets received the 700 signatures required to enter the race. The following tickets were announced for president and vice president, respectively: junior Noble Patidar and freshman see ELECTION PAGE 4
Keenan Hall gears up for annual comedy revue By LEXI MARTIN News Writer
For all Notre Dame students, the start of the spring semester brings new class schedules and more homework assignments. But for the men of Keenan Hall, it also brings the whirlwind of putting together what their website dubs “the most popular dorm event at Notre Dame” — the Keenan Revue. This year’s theme is “Horton Hears a Revue.” “We put up a list in Keenan for
theme ideas,” said senior Timothy Hsueh, director of the Keenan Revue. “We had some pretty crazy ones, but we generally get like seven or eight that we seriously consider.” Keenan residents are encouraged to think about and write up skits over winter break and tryouts are held the first week of the spring semester. With so many potential skits this year, the first round of tryouts took up almost an entire day. “We went 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. this year of just skit, after skit, after skit, after skit,” Hsueh said.
Brett Katalinic, a senior, is the producer of the Revue. Both Hsueh and Katalinic were selected by their rector to be in charge of putting together their dorm’s signature event. But it takes a lot more than two people to make the show possible, as shown by the 25 staff members working with them. This includes positions such as head writers, video coordinator, dance choreographers and music directors. “Our head writers write a ton of see REVUE PAGE 3
Pop-up sushi bar visits Saint Mary’s dining hall By MIA MARROQUIN News Writer
The dining services team hosted a pop-up sushi bar at lunch Jan. 30 as part of an ongoing effort to roll out alternative meal options at the Noble Family Dining Hall. As defined by General Manager Jim Risacher, mystery pop-ups are surprise events that are included in meal plans. Anyone
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who wants to participate is welcome to join. A warning is posted on Instagram 24 hours before the event to allow students to put the mystery occasion on their radars and draw them into the dining hall. The actual events are revealed on Instagram and Facebook on the day of the occasion to create suspense and build anticipation. The sushi bar was preceded by
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a smoothie pop-up which took place during breakfast on Jan. 23. “It was probably the most popular [event] we’ve done to date,” executive chef Jason Mullet said. “I would say it is the event that we’ve got the best turnout and feedback on.” Mullet explained these events are meant to “shake up” the monotony of dining hall options. see SUSHI PAGE 4
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