Print Edition of The Observer for Friday, October 27, 2017

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Volume 52, Issue 37 | friday, october 27, 2017 |

College charity fundraiser sets goal Dance Marathon seeks to raise $130,000 for Riley Children’s Hospital at annual event in April By GINA TWARDOSZ Associate Saint Mary’s Editor

The Saint Mary’s Dance Marathon is hoping to raise more money than ever before for Riley Children’s Hospital this year with ambitious goals and enthusiastic students. Senior Shannon Witt, the executive of Riley family outreach for SMC Dance Marathon, said the 2017-2018 goal is to raise $130,000 for Riley Children’s Hospital and get more community members involved in the process. “This year, our goal is to raise $130,000 by April 7, the day of our marathon,” she said in an email.

“We hope to spread the awareness of what Dance Marathon is all about to everyone in the trischool community, South Bend and beyond. We want to more people involved — not just at Saint Mary’s but also with Holy Cross and Notre Dame.” Senior Margaret Cox, co-executive of fundraising for the marathon, said in an email that 2018 is a special year for SMC Dance Marathon. “SMC Dance Marathon is going to have a great year because this is our ‘million-dollar year,’” she said. “This means over the lifetime of see DANCE PAGE 4

Observer File Photo

Students at last year’s Saint Mary’s Dance Marathon dance to raise money for Riley Children’s Hospital. The goal for the 2017–2018 fundraiser is to raise $130,000 by the day of the dance marathon, April 7.

Student clubs raise money Professor explores with game day stands declining U.S. employment

By NATALIE WEBER Associate News Editor

When fans from across the country visit Notre Dame’s campus for home football weekends, many stop at food stands run by students to pick up something to eat on game day. Around 20 clubs have the opportunity to raise funds through concession stands on game days, Erin Riordan-Dye, assistant director of clubs for

the Student Activities Office (SAO), said. The Club Coordination Council (CCC) oversees allocation of the concession stands, Riordan-Dye said, and bases its decisions off of the funding each club has requested. “It’s pretty competitive because there’s only a certain number of spots,” she said. “So they look at need, and how much clubs are needing to raise money and have money to do the things

they want. If the CCC can’t fund that right out, they’ll give them a concession stand, knowing that that’s a great opportunity to raise the rest of their money themselves, in order to do the things they want to do.” After clubs are chosen to run concession stands, they participate in a training session, to learn how to run the stands, Riordan-Dye said.


University starts Inspired Leadership Initiative By COURTNEY BECKER News Editor

Notre Dame is launching the Inspired Leadership Initiative (ILI), a one-year program that aims to reopen the world of higher education to people who are looking for something fulfilling to embark upon after completing a career, beginning with its first group of fellows in 2018. The program, which ILI founding director Thomas


Schreier — a 1984 Notre Dame graduate — said will continue to develop as fellows offer input over its first few years, will be made up of 25 fellows looking to discern their paths into the next phases of their lives. “For me, it’s something which fills a void that higher education hasn’t ever addressed,” Schreier said. Schreier said he learned about these initiatives after noticing an article about Harvard’s


Advanced Leadership Initiative on the back of his alumni magazine. Schreier applied to and was accepted into both the Harvard and Stanford programs — at the time, the only two of their kind in the country. While Schreier was deciding between the two programs, vice president for University relations Louis Nanni suggested Schreier consider starting one of these programs at see LEADERSHIP PAGE 4



Professor Erik Hurst from the University of Chicago delivers a lecture Thursday analyzing the declining employment rate in the U.S. By LUCY LYNCH News Writer

Erik Hurst, a University of Chicago professor and macroeconomist, explained the 2000s decline in U.S. employment Thursday night in the Eck Center auditorium. In the past 15 years, Hurst said, the annual hours worked by American men has declined by about 200 hours. While Hurst is more concerned with the drastic employment decline in the less educated male demographic, he addressed the

female workforce too. Hurst said the number of hours worked by women skyrocketed in 1900 and rose steadily throughout the entire century. “However, after 2000, we start seeing the patterns of women’s change in employment that look closer to men — so the 2000s are the first decade where women’s labor force attachment has fallen aside from World War II,” Hurst said. Hurst addressed two factors in determining theories for the em see ECONOMIST PAGE 3

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