Print Edition of The Observer for Friday, February 2, 2018

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Volume 52, Issue 74 | friday, february 2, 2018

Fellow speaks about freedom Constitutional Studies scholar reflects on issue from multiple perspectives By ALEXANDRA MUCK News Writer

Daniel Mark, visiting fellow with the Constitutional Studies Program, called for a defense of religious freedom in the face of global and national threats during a lecture Thursday. “We have before us the underlying question of whether people have the right to choose and live their faith free of interference by the government or whether the limits of religious freedom are determined solely by judgements of prudence such as whether encroachments on religious freedom will detract from a state’s international standing,” he said. “In other words, we have the question of whether people have a right

ANN CURTIS | The Observer


Visiting fellow Daniel Mark, left, answers a question during a lecture he presented Thursday on modern global and domestic threats to religious freedom from both the left and right sides of the aisle.

Rape from ’81 reported to ND Observer Staff Report

A rape that allegedly occurred on campus in 1981 was reported to the University, according to Thursday’s Notre Dame Security Police (NDSP) crime log. The alleged rape occurred in a Notre Dame residence hall between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 1981, according to the report. It is currently under Title IX review. Information about sexual assault prevention and resources for survivors of sexual assault are available online from NDSP and from the Title IX office.

Saint Mary’s Chainsmokers to perform Chemical Society at ND for IDEA Week earns travel grant Observer Staff Report


The Saint Mary’s Affiliates of the American Chemical Society, or SMAACS, recently received a grant to travel to New Orleans in March for the 255th American Chemical Society Meeting. As an affiliate chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS), SMAACS members applied for the travel grants associated with the national meetings held twice throughout the year. They were subsequently awarded $300 and the opportunity to present their research to other ACS members. This grant and additional funding from other grants and scholarships offered at Saint Mary’s will completely cover travel expenses for the 12 students attending. All 12


students and three faculty presenters will present research conducted through the summer and the academic year. Senior and secretary of SMAACS Kate McMahon spearheaded the application process with the help of junior and SMAACS historian Heather DiLallo and faculty advisor Jennifer Fishovitz. As a fourth-year member of the group, McMahon said she is especially appreciative of this opportunity to share her work and further explore the world of science. “Most of us have been involved with the work for a while, with some of the participants having been doing research for over a year here at Saint Mary’s,” she said in an see SMAACS PAGE 4


Purcell Pavilion will host its first concert since 2006 on April 27, 2018, when the Grammy Award-winning group The Chainsmokers will perform as part of IDEA Week, the University announced in a press release Thursday.

“IDEA Week is a celebration of the entrepreneurial and creative energy, talent and leadership that are reinvigorating the South BendElkhart region,” according to the release. One of the primary aims of the week-long event is to put “entrepreneurs, developers, makers, inventors, designers

and investors” in contact with each other, and emphasize economic development in the local community. Event director Nick Swisher said The Chainsmokers concert will play an important role in this achieving this goal. see CONCERT PAGE 3

Judicial Council sanctions campaign due to violation Observer Staff Report

The Election Committee of Judicial Council announced Thursday in a press release that it is issuing sanctions in response to campaign misconduct by the Kruszewski-Dunbar ticket. According to the release,


the committee determined that juniors Alex Kruszewski and Julia Dunbar were “in violation of Section 17.1(f) (6)” of the Student Union Constitution, which states, “Candidates may not communicate an endorsement such that it can be construed to represent that of

nd w basketball PAGE 12

a Residence Hall, Student Union Organization, University department, office or official.” The release said the Kruszewski-Dunbar ticket is required to rewrite the part of its platform and campaign see CAMPAIGN PAGE 4

men’s basketball PAGE 12

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