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Volume 52, Issue 87 | wednesday, february 21, 2018 |
Nuns discuss vocations, roles on campus Sisters serving as faculty, residential staff reflect on callings, ministry experience at Notre Dame By LUCY LYNCH News Writer
Several nuns living and working at Notre Dame gathered to share stories of their vocations and ministry experiences in a panel discussion Tuesday night. The panel, held in Coleman-Morse Hall and co-hosted by Campus Ministry and the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, was moderated by Cushwa Center director Kathleen Cummings. Amongst the Sisters present were rectors, professors and associate deans at Notre Dame. The panel included Sister Ann Astell, professor of theology, Sister Kathleen Cannon, associate dean in the College of Science, Sister Mary Donnelly,
rector of Flaherty Hall, Sister Mary Jane Hahner, rector of Pasquerilla West Hall, Sister Mary Catherine Hilkert, professor of theology, Sister Mary Lynch, rector of McGlinn Hall and Sister Susan Sisko, rector of Badin Hall. Before the sisters were introduced, Cummings explained why the Cushwa Center and Campus Ministry elected to form this panel event. Cummings said that not much is known about the lives of sisters, as a 2015 study conducted by the Conrad Hilton Foundation indicated. “Catholic Sisters, while highly respected, remain a mystery to most Americans,” Cummings said, referring the study results. see SISTERS PAGE 4
CHRIS COLLINS | The Observer
A panel of nuns share stories of their vocational and ministerial experience Tuesday night. The panel was co-hosted by Campus Ministry and the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism.
University to host Human Development Conference By CHARLOTTE EDMONDS News Writer
The Kellogg Institute for International Studies will be hosting the 10th annual Human Development Conference this Friday and Saturday
in the Hesburgh Center for International Studies. Titled “Decades of Development: Contextualizing the Past and Visualizing the Future,” co– chairs senior Tommy Emmet and senior Abigail Midlige said they are looking forward
to incorporating elements of past years‘ conferences and former leaders in the conference. “We’ve invited some of the past chairs, some of which see CONFERENCE PAGE 4
FTT to perform comedy exploring racism, identity By SERENA ZACHARIAS News Writer
To kick off the spring semester, the Notre Dame Film, Television and Theatre (FTT) department will perform Karen Zacarias’ comedy “Native Gardens.” The play will be directed by FTT Director of Theatre, Kevin Dreyer and will run from Feb. 22 to Mar. 4 in the Philbin Studio Theater in see PLAY PAGE 4
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Photo courtesy of Kevin Dreyer
Maria Amenabar Farias, left, and R. Tyrel London, right, rehearse in preparation for the Feb. 22 debut of the play “Native Gardens.”
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College students speak with Cervelli at forum By SYDNEY DOYLE News Writer
Saint Mary’s community members got the opportunity to speak with Saint Mary’s President Jan Cervelli at an event titled Tuesday Tea with President Cervelli hosted by the Saint Mary’s Student Government Association (SGA). The gathering was an open forum where all students had the opportunity to talk one-on-one with Cervelli. Student body president senior Bailey Oppman said this event was successful because President Cervelli was open and excited to be speaking with students. “We know that President Cervelli is super open to dialogue and getting to know the students,” Oppman said. “So really it was just a way for the President and the students to get to know each other more.”
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Oppman said the casual setting of the event was a key benefit because it created a sense of closeness, not only between classmates but with Cervelli. She said the hope was that students could simply enjoy conversation and refreshments, as well as become more familiar with Saint Mary’s as an institution by personally speaking with the president. “The main purpose of this was just to have an open forum and a place for students to come and have a chance to meet the president of their college and have fun in a more informal way,” Oppman said. The event was publicized through social media with the promise of free Saint Mary’s monogram coffee mugs given out to the first 100 students in attendance. Student body vice president see TEA PAGE 3
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