Print Edition of The Observer for Thursday, December 7, 2017

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IN FOCUS thursday, DECEMBER 7, 2017 |

LAUREN WELDON and Chris collins | The Observer

Blais, Shewit reflect on term, discuss future plans By NATALIE WEBER Associate News Editor

As the first half of their term draws to a close, student body president Becca Blais and vice president Sibonay Shewit said they have been working hard to integrate student feedback into their initiatives. “We’re still in the process with the [student government] website and a few other things, but just [focusing on] changing the image of student government and going to Moreau classes,” Blais said. “We’ve been working with a lot of business classes now lately and just getting the name brand out there, redoing the social media.” In order to increase their visibility and collect student input, the administration has conducted a “Town Hall On-The-Go” initiative and visited every hall council, Shewit said. “Like we said when we were campaigning, people don’t think student government does anything, and part of us addressing that was focusing more on working on what students are saying that they want,” Shewit said. “ … I think we’ve found if we don’t put so much absolute effort on our communications and getting out to students, we can’t expect them to know what’s going on in our office.” Throughout this semester, student government has also worked to foster connections with the South Bend community, junior and chief of staff Prathm Juneja said.

“The area I think we’ve had our strongest focus in is the community engagement and outreach portions,” he said. “Student governments often neglect the South Bend relationship and I think our director, [senior] Adam Moeller, has done just the most incredible job there.” While the administration has not yet reached a partnership with the Awake campaign — a campaign that would donate five cents to a local community partner every time a student brings a reusable cup to a coffee vendor on campus, which was one of the administration’s main platform points — Juneja said student government has accomplished some of its other sustainability initiatives. These achievements, he said, include a Styrofoam ban, and working with campus dining to implement anaerobic digestion, an alternative to composting. “We’re still working on the Awake campaign, but in the meantime, our director of sustainability was able to change the way the Huddle treats plastic bags,” Juneja said. “They were able to get people to stop offering bags. You used to always get a bag with your stuff at the Huddle — we were sending out thousands of bags a week and that’s not happening anymore.” The cabinet has also implemented several of its diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as auditing resident assistant training see BLAIS PAGE 2

Oppman, Lorenc evaluate goals, progress so far By MARTHA REILLY Saint Mary’s Editor

When seniors Bailey Oppman and Lydia Lorenc officially took the wheel in their roles as president and vice president of Student Government Association (SGA) in August, they refused to let any roadblocks make them stop short of pursuing their goals. “It was a bit of an adjustment at first because we unknowingly found out during Welcome Week that our advisor was resigning,” Oppman said. “We had no idea. So we kind of got thrown into a situation where we’re planning Welcome Week, and we’re doing all these things for the [first years], and then we had no one really there backing us up or to ask questions to.” Relying on one another throughout this instance of adversity, Lorenc said, strengthened the pair’s bond. “I think we have a good separation between friendship and SGA,” she said. “We get a lot of work done, but we also know how to have fun and relax. We’re in the same major and a lot of the same classes, so we are together a lot, but I think we also share a lot of the same morals and values and goals, so when it comes to getting things done, it’s really not hard to do.” The duo’s first achievement, Oppman said, was updating SGA’s policies — such as allocating more money to class council and providing board executives with larger

stipends — to best serve the community. “We’ve been working really hard to make this year our own, so we started off the year by taking a look at some of the bylaws — just because they’ve been in place for so long, and they haven’t really been changed recently,” she said. “We messed with the numbers of our budget and re-allocated some of that money, so now that it’s more of a fair distribution, I think that’s going to allow groups on campus to plan more events for the student body.” Though the financial adjustments are new, the team also relies on already-established frameworks and initiatives to accomplish its goals. Lorenc said deciding whether or not to continue Monthly Mingle events — which last year’s McCarthyDingler administration initiated in an effort to openly address pertinent issues — was an easy choice. “I think they were probably more wellplanned [this year] than they were last year because … last year they came up with the idea but didn’t really quite know how to carry it out,” she said. “This year, I think our [community justice] co-chairs are doing a really good job.” These gatherings, Oppman said, encourage students to speak up on relevant topics or occurrences — such as dating violence or stalking awareness — so that peers can foster constructive dialogue and learn see OPPMAN PAGE 3

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