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Volume 54, Issue 61 | tuesday, december 10, 2019 |
SCC hosts interview about housing policy Associate VP of Residential Life discusses ‘differentiation’ policy with sophomore class president By GENEVIEVE REDSTEN News Writer
W hen Notre Dame alumni meet each other, associate vice president of Residential Life Heather Rakoczy Russell said their first question is not “W hat did you study? ” or “W hen did you graduate? ” but “W here did you live? ” Notre Dame’s residence halls, she said, are a defining feature of the undergraduate experience. Even after students move off campus, many return to their former residence halls to share in the hall community. But this past April, the Division of Student Affairs announced in a campus-wide
email that off-campus students could lose access to residence hall programming, such as dances and interhall sports. Administrators called this policy “differentiation.” Many students, who staged protests and circulated petitions, called it “exclusion.” On Monday evening, Rakoczy Russell held a meeting to answer questions about the proposed policy from the sophomore class — the first class to be impacted by these proposed changes. “As you may know, I received 5,000 signatures and a protest on God Quad last spring, which — while see HOUSING PAGE 3
Sophomore class president Jordan Theriault, right, sits with associate vice president of Residential Life Heather Rakoczy Russell to discuss the controversy surrounding the senior “differentiation” policy.
Man charged with Students consult for non-profits through SCNO voyeurism after incident in Zahm
Going on its fourth year connecting Notre Dame students to local charity work, the University’s chapter of Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations (SCNO) met Tuesday night to present this semester’s projects. SCNO is a group that
seeks to elevate nonprofits by “empowering talented students with knowledge, training and hands-on consulting experience,” according to the club’s website. President senior Alex Muck said nonprofits partner with SCNO through several different outlets. (Editor’s Note: Muck is a news writer at The Observer) In the past, the club sought
out projects through connections on campus such as the club’s faculty advisor, professor Mike Manner, or the Center for Social Concerns. Recently, however, local nonprofits themselves have reached out. “One partner that we’re hopefully working with next semester actually found us at see NON-PROFIT PAGE 4
College panel explores stress management By CALLIE PATRICK News Writer
With exam week quickly approaching, Saint Mary’s students took to the Dalloway’s clubhouse for a panel on stress management sponsored by the Student Government Association (SGA). “As far as we understand tonight, the basic idea is that
we’re here for you,” said panelist and Saint Mary’s life coaching consultant Becky Lindstrom. “We’re here to answer your questions, especially if you’re a first year and have never been through exams.” The panel opened with Lindstrom addressing that stress is normal, a part of life, a part of transition and a part of change.
“Actually, any time you take on a new job, if you want to get married, if you want to have children, if you want to travel internationally, go abroad for a semester, these are all very fantastic, exciting things that we want in our lives and they’re also things that are going to bring us stress,” she said. Lindstrom notes that there see STRESS PAGE 4
By NATALIE WEBER Assistant Managing Editor
A 21-year-old man was charged with voyeurism Nov. 21 for allegedly pointing his cell phone camera at a student in a Zahm House bathroom stall, according to court documents obtained by The Observer. The man was previously enrolled at the University and has been identified as Benjamine Wears. On Sept. 22, around 3 p.m., a student told Zahm rector Robert Francis that while using a first f loor restroom in Zahm, he saw the person in the stall next to him holding a cell phone near his ankles with the camera application open. According to the probable cause affidavit, the cell phone was “pointed into [the student’s] stall under the divider between the two stalls” and the student could see the camera application and images on the screen. Thinking a friend was
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trying to prank him, the student yelled “what the [expletive]” but the person did not leave the stall. The student waited until the occupant left the stall and eventually saw a man with black shoes and a green backpack with a plastic bottle exit and “bolt” out of the bathroom without washing his hands, court documents said. The student chased after the man but didn’t catch him, and later that day reported the incident to the Zahm rector, according to court documents. A police report was filed that afternoon. The next weekend, the student saw the suspect, “who identified himself eventually as Benjamine Wears by both name and by ND ID card,” according to the probable cause affidavit. Police on Oct. 4 interviewed Wears, who said several times he had not been at Zahm. see VOYEURISM PAGE 4