Print Edition of The Observer for Wednesday, February 12, 2020

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Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s

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Volume 54, Issue 81 | wednesday, february 12, 2020 |

Election postponed Run-off debate, election deferred after sanction appeal Observer Staff Report

Student body vice president junior Patrick McGuire announced in a press release Tuesday night that the student senate will hear an appeal to an “Election Committee decision” in the ongoing race for student body president and vice president. The results of the election were not announced Wednesday at midnight as originally scheduled. The new date and time of election results is yet to be determined.

“I determined with [junior] Halena Hadi, Judicial Council President, and Karen Kennedy, Student Senate’s advisor, that this appeal (in accordance with Section 3.6(b) of the Constitution) had merit, presenting new evidence and potential procedural defects in the Election Committee’s decision,” McGuire said in the release. The announcement comes less than 24 hours after the Judicial Council sanctioned the Dugan-Pozas Garza ticket for two violations related

to unethical behavior. The student body constitution sets the precedent for the delayed release of the results scheduled for midnight, Hadi said in an email to campus media. “This is pursuant to Section 17.1(n)(5) of the Constitution of the Undergraduate Student Body of the University of Notre Dame du Lac, which reads as follows: ‘No election result may be released to the public while any allegation or appeal is pending,’” Hadi see ELECTIONS PAGE 3

Dalloway’s to host mock interviews for students By ERIN BENNETT News Writer

Saint Mary’s students will gather in Dalloway’s Coffeehouse on Wednesday to participate in “Mock Interview Day,” an event hosted by the Career Crossings Office. Angela Fitzpatrick, the office’s assistant director, organized this career development opportunity with the hope that students would become more familiar with job-interviewing skills.

Fitzpatrick and the rest of the Career Crossings Office have been planning different spring programs since before winter break. “Mock interviews was one [event] we decided we could try to make happen because more and more we’re seeing students who need practice,” she said. Students who will be attending the mock interviews will gain an advantage in their interviewing skills, Fitzpatrick added. “The more they practice, then the more confident

they’ll be and professional,” she said. Fitzpatrick utilized Saint Mary’s employer relations to reach out to off-campus human resources professionals, and invited them to participate in Mock Interview Day. These experts will ensure that participants experience a realistic inter v iew scenario, she said. “There are HR, talent acquisition managers ... that actually are HR people

News Writer

In their senior year at Saint Mary’s, Carry Rose MacDonald (’19) and Jordan Cockrum (’19) decided they wanted a space for communication studies majors to meet and a way to celebrate their accomplishments. To achieve this, they revitalized the Saint Mary’s chapter of Lambda Pi Eta

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(LPH) the official communication honors society of the National Association of Communication. (Editor’s Note: Cockrum formerly served as Saint Mary’s Editor at The Observer.) MacDonald and Cockrum, president and vice president of LPH, respectively, then passed the torch to seniors Bernadette McGeever and Katy Stalter, who are serving

Scene PAGE 5

Observer Staff Report

The Dugan-Pozas Garza ticket has received a second sanction after v iolating election regulations outlined in the sanction for A llegation 1920-03, according to a late Tuesday press release from the Judicial Council. The ticket must forfeit 26 votes as a consequence for its third v iolation in 24

hours. The first sanction was announced Tuesday morning, in response to multiple v iolations relating to unethical behav ior. The sanction required the Dugan-Pozas Garza ticket to “cease all campaigning activ it y indefinitely” for the rest of its time in the election cycle. The Judicial Council found the ticket v iolated this requirement.

Lecture discusses how ‘not to lose soul’ at ND

Cate Von Dohlen | The Observer


Lambda Pi Eta unites communications majors By MARGARET CICCHIELLO

Dugan-Pozas Garza ticket to forfeit 26 votes

as president and vice president this year. McGeever explained that, as members of LPH, they are proud to be one of 400 active chapters around the world. “We celebrate our passion in communication [and] try to … promote professional development, and then provide see CHAPTER PAGE 4

Viewpoint PAGE 7

Philosophy professor Meghan Sullivan offers words of advice to students struggling with self-care at a lecture hosted by CUSE. By CATE VON DOHLEN News Writer

Meghan Sullivan, philosophy professor and director of the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, elaborated on succeeding at Notre Dame “without losing your soul,” in a lecture Tuesday night. Sullivan directs the God and the Good Life program. Her lecture, titled “How to succeed at Notre Dame without losing your soul,” was the sixth annual lecture for the Sorin Scholars program and was hosted by the Flatley Center for Undergraduate Scholarly Engagement (CUSE).


Sullivan spoke about her personal life, focusing on her relationship with her brother and his time as an undergraduate student. She highlighted a particular conversation they shared while on a trip to Yosemite National Park, as she was just starting to teach courses within God and the Good Life. Sullivan offered the students in the audience a question to ponder before providing four pieces of advice. “How do you care for your soul when you’re at an elite college like Brown or Notre Dame, or see SOUL PAGE 4


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