Print Edition of The Observer for Monday, March 2, 2020

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Volume 54, Issue 94 | monday, march 2, 2020 |

Mayor Pete drops out Buttigieg announces end of candidacy home in South Bend By MARY BERNARD and TOM NAATZ Assistant Managing Editor and News

ND suspends overseas program due to coronavirus



Pete Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, announced at the Century Center on Sunday night that he was dropping out of the presidential race. He discussed the necessity to support the eventual democratic nominee, his gratitude for his supporters and his vision for the future of America. “I urge everyone who supported see ELECTION PAGE 4

Associate News Editor

MARY BERNARD | The Observer

Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg officially ends his bid for the presidency after South Carolina’s primaries on Saturday.

College students pulled from study abroad in Rome By MAEVE FILBIN Saint Mary’s News Editor

The Roman Forum sat empty under a clouded gray sky Sunday morning, the few visitors passing beneath the ancient stone arches wearing face masks. The Colosseum, one of the most visited monuments in Italy, was similarly vacant. Students from Saint Mary’s made their last rounds through their favorite historical spots in Rome Sunday, preparing to cut their semester abroad short. Walking the streets of the Rome, sophomore Cait Prestage noted how empty the city felt. “It doesn’t feel right. We were all saying it feels like the apocalypse.” Prestage said. “And no one wants to get too close to each other to breathe when you’re out in public. You hear one person cough and everyone stares.” Trastevere, a neighborhood on the west bank of the Tiber known for its artisan shops and restaurants, is particularly quiet, Prestage said. Only a few people sat in La Tavernetta 29 da Tony, or Tony’s — a favorite dinner location for Saint Mary’s and Notre Dame students studying abroad in Rome. Many people in Rome wear


masks as a preventative measure, Prestage said, even though the World Health Organization only instructs those who are sick or in direct contact with someone who is sick to wear masks. Just after 12:30 a.m. Saturday, Saint Mary’s announced that the 33 students studying at John Cabot University (JCU) in Rome would be immediately pulled from their study abroad semester and sent home. This decision follows the continued spread of coronavirus throughout regions of Europe, including parts of Italy. Sophomores Grace Floerchinger and Josie Gibson had been with Prestage in Rome for about seven weeks before the announcement was made. Prestage was traveling in Switzerland with a friend when she first learned that she and the other Saint Mary’s students would be heading back to the U.S. “I was visiting Switzerland with my friend Emma, and we were actually going in a big group to Switzerland originally, but then people ended up canceling their flights when everything started getting a little bit crazy,” she said. “We found out while we were in see ABROAD PAGE 4


Notre Dame is suspending its Rome programs and bringing the 106 Notre Dame students currently studying abroad in the Italian capital back to the United States, the University announced in an email to students Friday evening. The move comes as the coronavirus has proliferated through Italy.

The Centers for Disease Control and State Department advised Americans on Friday to “avoid unnecessary travel” to Italy, raising the threat level to Warning Level 3 — the same status as China and South Korea. Students studying in Rome will be “f lown back to the United States as soon as possible,” the email see ROME PAGE 3

Buttigieg ends campaign ahead of Super Tuesday Observer Staff Report

Pete Buttigieg, Democratic presidential candidate and former mayor of South Bend, is dropping his presidential campaign, the New York Times reported Sunday evening. The decision comes after a severe loss in the South Carolina Democratic primary on Feb. 29, with Buttigieg coming in fourth place, amassing only 8.2% of the vote and receiving no delegates. Buttigieg officially began his presidential campaign last

April with an announcement in South Bend. After establishing himself as a leading contender for the Democratic nomination with a narrow victory in the Iowa caucus, Buttigieg’s momentum waned in Nevada, where he finished third. Buttigieg’s slip in support has been widely attributed to his failure to build a broad base of support among black and Latino voters. Exit polls in South Carolina show 3% of black voters supported Buttigieg, according to The New York Times.

Buttigieg served as mayor of South Bend from 2012 to 2020. A South Bend native, his parents — Joseph Buttigieg and Jennifer Anne Montgomery — were professors at Notre Dame. Buttigieg came out as gay in 2015, and in 2017, announced that he was engaged to school teacher Chasten Glezman, now his husband. The couple married in June 2018. Buttigieg is both the first openly gay elected official to serve in Indiana, and the first openly gay major presidential candidate.

County commissioner discusses desire to serve By MARY MANSFIELD News Writer

St. Joseph County Commissioner, Deb Fleming, discussed on Saturday what led her to her current position as county commissioner: her desire to serve. This was the first of three talks in Saint Mary’s College Republican’s Lecture Series, an


new initiative to expose students to local politics and national issues. Sophomore Elizabeth Zaczyk, president of College Republicans, said the focus of the club this semester was to make students interested in politics and to prepare them for the November elections by inviting local government officials to speak about their own platforms

and experience. “You can only do so much at club meetings,” Zaczyk said. “If you bring outside people in with their ideas and especially if you’re interested in going into politics yourself, it’s a great opportunity to learn something new that you might not get at a regular club meeting. I also




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