Print Edition of The Observer for Tuesday, January 28, 2020

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Volume 54, Issue 70 | tuesday, january 28, 2020 |

Mass remembers senior Annrose Jerry University President Fr. John Jenkins, Fr. Pete McCormick lead commemoration of late student By TOM NAATZ News Editor

Community members gathered Monday night in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart to remember and celebrate the life of Annrose Jerry, a Notre Dame senior. Jerry was reported missing last Thursday and her body was discovered Friday in St. Mary’s Lake. University President Fr. John Jenkins celebrated the mass and director of Campus Ministry Fr. Pete McCormick delivered the homily. Vice president for student affairs Erin Hoffmann Harding delivered a reading, while senior and student body president Elizabeth Boyle read half of the Prayers of the Faithful. The crowd in Notre Dame’s

Basilica was standing room only. Towards the end of his homily, McCormick announced Jerry had posthumously been awarded her diploma earlier in the evening. In welcoming the congregation to the service, Jenkins took note of the communal sadness of the occasion. However, he said the mass was also filled with a certain sense of hope. “We come here, of course, with very heavy hearts, as we mourn the passing of Annrose,” Jenkins said in his opening remarks. “But we also come with hope. The hope of Jesus, who overcame sin and death.” In his homily, McCormick reflected on the passage of time. see MEMORIAL PAGE 3


A Mass remembering senior Annrose Jerry was held in the Basilica Monday night. Fr. John Jenkins presided, Fr. Pete McCormick delivered the homily and the Folk Choir provided music for the memorial.

Petition to improve SMC security gains traction By MAEVE FILBIN Saint Mary’s Editor

Saint Mar y’s senior Darby Harcourt created a Change. org petition for “an improved securit y system and additional cameras” on campus on Friday, the same day that police recovered the body of Notre Dame senior A nnrose Jerr y from St.

Mar y’s Lake. By Monday, almost 1,500 people had signed in support. Though the petition was created in the wake of Jerr y’s disappearance and later death on campus, Harcourt said other personal experiences had prompted her to demand change. She had been afraid for years, Harcourt said, and

the events surrounding Jerr y’s death inspired her to act. “I got really scared,” she said. “W hen I found out that happened, I called my dad and I said, ‘I want to make a petition.’” Harcourt said she used to park her car in the gravel see PETITION PAGE 4

Panelists discuss post-grad service, discernment By CALLIE PATRICK News Writer

On Tuesday evening, a panel featuring former and current members of AmeriCorps, A lliance for Catholic Education (ACE), Jesuit Volunteer Corps (J VC), J VC Northwest and the Peace Corps was held in the Student Center at


Saint Mar y’s to discuss pursuing ser v ice as an option after graduation. The panel, titled “Discerning Your Future: Is Postgraduate Ser v ice Right For You? ” was co-sponsored by Office for Civ il and Social Engagement and the College Career Crossings office. The panelists discussed


Students, faculty attend March for Life over weekend

discernment and their ow n personal journeys deciding if doing ser v ice and volunteer work was the path for them. “I v iv idly remember my discernment process and how incredibly overwhelmed and ner vous I was,” Anna Herrmann, see SERVICE PAGE 3


Courtesy of Maggie Garnett

Over 800 people traveled from Notre Dame’s campus this weekend to attend the 47th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. By LAUREN SPENCER News Writer

Over 800 members of the Notre Dame community traveled to Washington, D.C., over the weekend to participate in the 47th annual March for Life, themed “Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman.” The march is meant to


highlight the anti-abortion movement and is held annually around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that decriminalized abortion. This year, the event featured a speech by President Donald Trump, which marked the first time a U.S. president has spoken in see MARCH PAGE 4


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