UOSA president invites Sooner students to speak up (Page 4) The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916
W E D N E S DAY, J A N UA R Y 18 , 2 012
2 011 G OL D C ROW N F I N A L I S T
More OU students took December classes Winter intersession enrollment up 13% CARMEN FORMAN Capus Reporter
Almost 200 more students spent their winter breaks learning about life on the “Jersey Shore,” the “Boy Who Lived,” little people from the “Shire” and other topics than
in 2010. The number of students taking December intersession classes, offered between Dec. 19 and Jan. 13, increased by almost 13 percent from last year. About 1,680 students took December intersession classes this year as opposed to 1,492 students last December, intersession director Renee
Williams said. The number of students signed up to take intersession classes peaked at 1,736 students, but about 50 of those students dropped the classes, Williams said. December intersession courses provide students who are active in jobs or student organizations the chance to avoid taking 18 hours every
semester, Williams said. They also give faculty an opportunity to teach more unique courses than during regular semesters, Williams said. When students have to sit in class for several hours a day they want to learn something interesting or something that relates to their lives, she said. English professor Sarah
Hanks taught Jersey Shore: Depictions of Gender, Race and Class on the Shore during December intersession for three upper-division western civilization credits. “It seems as if popular culture pervades many of the themes of intersession courses,” Hanks said in an email. The class focused on learning about society’s reaction
TEDxOU invites director to speak
E C A F G SAVIN s e m a n in a m o d x x .x Universit y buy ing tors have begun b e c a m e a v a i l a b l e i n SE AN LAWSON
Campus Reporter
administra ain to purchase .x xx dom rnames that would othe nies wise be open to compa ed and individuals involv ent in the adult entertainm
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PHoto iLLUstrAtion By KinGsLey BUrns
Student president appointed to Traditions East Presidential duties include planning resident programs SARAH MARTIN Campus Reporter
After being without a head advocate for residents since October, Traditions East will start this semester with a new Resident Student Association president. Jamie Haener, an anthropology senior, was appointed mid-December and started work Thursday. Housing Center Student Association President Sarah
Weiler said she was glad to get the position filled. “It is very important to have some sort of continuous leadership in order to build that kind of community,” Weiler said. The main role of the president at Traditions East is to plan programs for all the residents, student association vice president Allie Kallmann said. Presidents also run weekly meetings with residents and advocate for their residents to the HCSA General Council, Haener said. There is a president for
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Accountability needed with tuition
each of the six housing centers on campus, Kallmann said. After the previous Traditions East president resigned at the end of October, Weiler acted as an interim president for Traditions East along with her duties as the president for the HCSA until Haener was appointed, Weiler said.
MeLoDie LettKeMAn/tHe DAiLy
Jamie Haener, the new Traditions Square East president, stands outside the complex’s clubhouse Tuesday.
Sooners barrel ahead of Red Raiders
CAMpUS exchange students travel the U.S. Over winter break, some students explored their host country (page 3)
LiFe & ArtS
Disney classics return in 3D
putting imagination into movie theaters
New generations have opportunity to experience films. (OUDaily.com)
Some films adapted from books hold true and some don’t. (page 7)
HILLARY MCLAIN Campus Reporter
In an airy, second-floor office of OU’s Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, accented by blue-toned paintings and a life-size African statue, one art historian has logistically planned out an idea to change the world. Ghislain d’Humieres is one of eleven speakers who will be a featured at the upcoming TEDxOU event on campus. CEOs, entrepreneurs, historians and more will gather to spread ideas for positive change in the world, according to the TEDxOU website. Event organizers chose d’Humieres because he “is highly regarded by artistic leaders internationally,” event co-organizer Adam Croom said. “Being a transplant to America, he lends a very unique perspective that the students will certainly appreciate.” He will present his insights regarding the bridging of knowledge and experience gaps between generations, Croom said, and it is expected to be one of the “can’t miss” talks of the day. Inspiration for d’Humieres stems mainly from his relationship with his two grandmothers, he
Whoever holds costraising power should answer to us. (page 4)
LiFe & ArtS
Artist to present knowledge of generation gaps
More online Visit oUDaily.com to read the complete story
see CLASS PAGe 2
Adm in istrators ta ke steps to mai ntai n OU’s image standa rds
to the show and ItalianAmerican history, Hanks said. Other intersession classes focused on topics such as roller derbies, pirates and pop star Nicki Minaj. “[Intersession is] there to test out a course, see what the reaction of the students
AstrUD reeD/tHe DAiLy
Junior guard Steven Pledger drives to the basket during the first half of the Sooners’ 64-55 win against Texas Tech on Tuesday at Lloyd Noble Center. (OUDaily.com)
Ken Parker Ghislain d’Humieres Reed Timmer Kyle Harper Julia Ehrhardt Bobby Gruenewald Jeremy Short Clint and Buck Vrazel Courtney Griffin Austin Hartel
The Daily’s open record requests Requested document and purpose
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OU’s most recent credit presentation submitted to Fitch ratings — This was requested to further understand OU’s credit and its rating given by Fitch.
results of the investigation of former OU professor Chad kerksick — These documents were requested to further explore the investigation of the professor.
Campaign donations made by the university and university foundations — This was requested to gather data on what types of candidates receive money from the university and its foundations.
UOSA’s Student fee expenditures during fall 2010, spring 2011 and fall 2011 — This was requested to compare student fee expenditures by Undergraduate Student Congress and Graduate Student Senate.