Friday, February 8, 2013

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The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916

F R I DA Y, F E B R UA R Y 8 , 2 013


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Sports: OU softball takes No. 2 ranking to Phoenix (Page 6)

l&A: Play satirizes nazi germany (Page 5) The No. 8 men’s tennis team takes on Tulsa tonight



Coalition calls for an end to unfair wages, awaits reply

OU Startup weekend offers inspiration

OU’s Alta Gracia Coalition demands to be heard from Boren after being ignored CEDAR FLOYD

campus reporter

A coalition of OU students will petition President David Boren a third time regarding living wage clothing companies today in front of Evans Hall. The Alta Gracia Coalition will deliver another letter at 3:45 p.m. to Boren asking him to support the goal that 50.1 percent of apparel sold on campus be purchased from companies that pay laborers a living wage by this fall. Alta Gracia, a factory in the Dominican Republic, is one such company, said Clay Burns, economy, finance and energy management senior and member of the OU Alta Gracia Coalition. see COALITION paGe 2

Outlet for business plans provided Editors note: Reneé Selanders was the managing editor for The Daily in fall 2010 BENNETT HALL campus reporter

OU Startup Weekend will return for its third consecutive year today, Saturday and Sunday at a new venue. This year’s event space will be at the offices of the Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth at OU’s Research Campus, said Reneé Selanders, OU Startup Weekend coordinator. “This new location, with nine different collaborative work spaces available, will highlight CCEW’s role as the event host and a strong supporter of the weekend’s entrepreneurial activities,” Selanders said. Over 75 OU undergraduates, students from other surrounding universities and

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Student interns discuss their project during a meeting in the Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth Oct. 4. The student-led team is working to develop a business model for the international Eye institute

Oklahoma City professionals will be participating in the weekend activities, Selanders said. There will be guest business speakers, meals and the signature pitch sessions. Participants use these pitch sessions to bounce ideas off one another and perfect their business plans that can be brought to life in the community, Selanders


said. “People who want to create business plans for things like websites, iPhone apps or food trucks can come and participate,” Selanders said. Participants vote on the best pitches Friday evening, Selanders said. This way, only the best ideas are expanded throughout the rest of the weekend — just like

the rest of the business world. Tickets for OU Startup Weekend are $40 and will be available online until the events begin at 6 p.m. Interested individuals can register at the OU Startup Weekend website. Bennett Hall

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Students make English exchange

Public to take the plunge to support Oklahoma Special Olympic athletes despite today’s predicted chilly and rainy weather, more than 30 people plan to dive into a pool of freezing water on Campus Corner to raise money for oklahoma’s special olympics. polar plunge is a fundraising challenge made to an individual or group to dive into a cold body of water to raise money for special olympics, according to the special olympics oklahoma website. plungers register with special olympics oklahoma and raise a minimum of $75 each, then jump into the water, said Jennifer Lightle, director of special events of the organization. this is the second year norman has held a polar plunge, but it is the 12th year statewide, Lightle said. Last year, norman residents raised $10,000 at the polar plunge, Lightle said. the goal for this year was to beat that total and have 50 participants. the money raised at this event and others like it across the state will help 9,500 athletes participate in oklahoma’s special olympics, Lightle said. the pool used for the plunge was donated by pleasant pools and will be on Campus Corner, Lightle said. students can register to plunge at http://www.sook. org/polar-plunge-norman.html Max Janerka Campus Reporter

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Political science junior Kyuyoung Cho (left) talks with chemical engineering junior Khanh Ho at the English Conversation Cafe on Thursday in Hester Hal.

Sooners break down language barriers AJINUR SETIWALDI campus reporter

American students can socialize with international students over cups of coffee to help international students and their families improve their English every Thursday. English Conversation Café was designed to improve international students’ English vocabulary and knowledge of American culture, according to the OU International Student Services website. The conversation café is also open to students from the Center for English as a Second Language and families of international students. This semester, students will meet 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Thursdays in Hester

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other times as many as 15 attend the conversation café. Each week, a New International Student Orientation peer leader facilitates the discussion, Levi said. Peer leaders often prepare a topic in case When: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. general discussion isn’t flowing. thursdays Monrada Yamkasikorn, a senior international student from Thailand, led Where: Hester Hall room 170 the first conversation café session this Info: For more information semester. She has been studying intercontact Janice Levi, international national studies and Spanish since she programs coordinator, at came to America four years ago. The only way for international students to improve their English is to talk with more people, Yamkasikorn said. Hall 170. The event is held in a lounge area International Student Services espewith sofas that give it a casual feel, in- cially encourages international freshternational programs coordinator men and exchange students to come to the events. Janice Levi said. Attendance fluctuates, Levi said. see CAFE paGe 2 Sometimes there are five students and

go AnD Do English Conversation Café

Who cares if fried Southern food is bad for you? Opinion: southern food gets a bad rap for being unhealthy, but everyone needs grease in their diet to lubricate their arteries. (Page 3)

Want to dress to impress?

L&A: if you’re scared of wearing formal wear, don’t be. these few tips will have you looking dapper but comfortable for the pink and Black Ball. (Page 5)

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