Friday, February 15, 2013

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F R I DA Y, F E B R UA R Y 15 , 2 013

only 39 percent of american high school students are taught how to correctly use a condom in their health classes.




Sports: OU opens against Hofstra (Page 7)

Feb. 14-21

addressing proper sex education, one condom at a time.



interfaith group prompts Muslim Q&A Class OU community may learn about Muslim beliefs and Islamic stance AJINUR SETIWALDI Campus Reporter

An interfaith student association at OU is holding its first weekly discussion about Islam on Monday to generate better understanding of Muslims and Islam. The Interfaith Dialogue Student Association organized “Questions About Islam” to allow members of the OU community to ask questions

about what Muslims believe and Islam’s stance on issues like terrorism, women’s rights and democracy, according to an event flier. There are about 7 million Muslims in America, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in America and around the world. Students can also come to the weekly sessions to share their own beliefs, Osman Bayindir, a member of the association said. These discussions may reveal that Islam, Christianity and

IN DEPTH topics to be discussed · God in Christianity and islam

· terrorism · democracy and islam · Women’s rights

· the difference between sunni and shia

· Christianity, Judaism and islam

· Jesus and Mary in islam

see FAITH paGe 2


Campus Reporter

ty JoHnson/tHe daiLy

A group of OU students clad in costumes get funky in Oklahoma Memorial Union’s food court thursday afternoon. the group, in conjunction with the Union programming Board, performed the “harlem Shake”, a popular new flash dancing trend sweeping the world.


Campus Reporter

Unexpected dancing overtook the Oklahoma Memorial Union Thursday when two flash mobs broke out back-to-back. The first flash mob was organized as part of V-Day, the 15th anniversary of the play the Vagina Monologues, said Emma

Newberry-Davis, Women’s Outreach Center intern who organized the event. The dancing took place in the food court of the Oklahoma Memorial Union on Feb.14 at noon. Despite underwhelming turnout, the enthusiasm of the dancers was obvious - one student danced in fluffy, red wings and at one point a bout of unexpected line dancing broke out. This is the first event of its kind in coordination with V-Day, said Newberry-Davis, who also noted several similar flash mobs

have been happening all day, all around the world. “We want women, we want dudes ... we want human beings here dancing,” she said before the event.

See more online Visit for the complete story

Sooner seniors see basketball program come full circle DILLON PHILLIPS Sports Editor

Crimson-and-cream clad fans cascaded over the wall separating the student section from the floor at Lloyd Noble Center on Saturday. They knocked over folding chairs and dodged security guards as they spilled onto the court after OU’s 72-66 win against then-No. 5 Kansas. In the wake of the Sooners’ first win against the Jayhawks since 2005, fans mobbed the players near halfcourt and danced together to the tune of House of Pain’s “Jump Around”. But as the song ended and the party on the court began to die down, another less-noticeable celebration took place near the 3-point line

oud-2013-2-15-a-001,002.indd 1

toward the south end of the floor. Senior forward Andrew Fitzgerald and senior guard Steven Pledger — whose arms had been draped over each other’s shoulders for much of the postgame celebration — stopped and wrapped their arms around each other tightly in an emotional embrace. It was a hug that encapsulated the toil of four turbulent seasons into one cathartic moment. “We’ve been through a lot the last four years, and it’s really brought us closer,” Fitzgerald said. “I mean, he’s my brother for real. It’s just really crazy how time flies by, and we’re just enjoying every moment of it.” “Blood couldn’t make us any more closer than we are,” Pledger said.

A Rough Start

basketball was on the top of the world. Fourth-year coach Jeff Capel and power forward Blake Griffin — who would go on to be the top pick of the 2009 NBA Draft — had led the Sooners to the program’s seventh Elite Eight appearance and first since now-Houston Rockets assistant Kelvin Sampson last took them there in 2003. For his encore effort in 2010, Capel assembled one of OU’s top basketball recruiting classes in recent memory. Five-star center Keith “Tiny” Gallon and four-star guard Tommy Mason-Griffin headlined the class, and fourstar Fitzgerald, three-star Pledger and three-star forward Kyle Hardrick rounded it out. ranked it as the nation’s No. 7 class, and astrud reed/tHe daiLy it seemed poised to build Steven pledger (left), senior guard, and Andrew Fitzgerald, senior upon the foundation laid by

In the spring of 2009, OU see FITZ AND PLEDGE paGe 6

A new student organization has grown out of an English class, where students were inspired by a question with a complex answer. C u l t u r a l Misrepresentation is a new club on campus that focuses on discussing issues of stereotypes portrayed in the media. The question that was asked by English professor Eve Bannet, now the club’s adviser, in her Introduction to Critical Reading and Writing class this semester was “What is feminism in the modern day world?” This sparked a discussion among five English majors in the class and led to the crea t i o n o f t h e Cu l t u ra l Misrepresentation club. The five founding members include President Lily Coleman, Vice President Kylie Gibbons, Treasurer Brittney Berling, Secretary Chelsea Greer and Public Relations Representative Liana Willis. “We all have different reasons for founding this club,” English literature sophomore Liana Willis said. Founders of the club hope to clear up confusion about what it means to be a feminist, a term many people try to avoid talking about, Willis said. “Women and men don’t really know or want to talk about feminism,” she said. “What does it mean to be feminist? Does it have to see GROUP paGe 2


Win against Jayhawks shifts momentum

Founders hope to clear up confusion about feminism EVAN BALDACCINI

Dance routine breaks out in Union

Union-goers entertained with multiple flash mobs

sparks new club

forward, are the only two players for OU that have played four straight seasons.

String orchestra to perform Bach’s masterpieces L&A: the accademia Filarmonica and ou Chorale will bring Bach to life in ou’s biannual concert. (Page 5)

Students need a break at the bookstore Opinion: ou should work with university Bookstore to offer discounts for good grades and regular attendance. (Page 3)

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