Friday, September 23, 2011

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Costume designer resurrects Dracula for the stage (page B1) The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916

F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 3 , 2 011


2 010 G OL D C ROW N W I N N E R


Beebe out, OU in for Big 12 future Schools ‘handcuffed’ together, Boren says GREG FEWELL

Assistant Sports Editor

In a telephone meeting Thursday, the Big 12 Board of Directors unanimously accepted the resignation of former

commissioner Dan Beebe and approved former Big Eight commissioner Chuck Neinas as interim commissioner. With Beebe, the person many critics — including OU President David Boren — blamed for the Big 12’s instability, out of the way, the nine remaining members unanimously agreed to stay.

“I have no negative personal feelings toward our previous commissioner, but I’m alarmed by the fact that in 15 months we lost three teams, and I’m aware in detail in how of some of those situations played out,” OU President David Boren said. “I don’t feel it was inevitable that we lost those three teams.”

The intention of the remaining schools in the Big 12 is to restore stability and strength to the conference, OU President David Boren said during a press conference Thursday evening. “We felt that we needed a lot more than just an expression of see BIG 12 paGe a2




Fish giving good vibes

Library offers an app for that Patrons can use electonic readers to check out BLAYKLEE BUCHANAN Campus Reporter


Senior Campus Reporter

auBrie HiLL/tHe DaiLy

Engineering junior Kevin Burnett (left) receives a kiss on the cheek from French student Coralie Bécoulet. The greeting, while customary in France and many other European countries, often receives an awkward response in the United States.



Meeting strangers is part of any exchange program. But when greeting a new student for the first time, differences show up and it’s time to kiss

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Norman residents and students can now borrow library books without leaving their homes. The Pioneer Library System, which includes Norman, is the first in Oklahoma to offer its collection of eBooks on the Amazon Kindle and any electronic reader with the Amazon Kindle application. Christian Potts of the Pioneer Library System said their digital collection of more than 22,000 downloadable items — including audiobooks, digital books and public domain items — is available to residents, workers, students and landowners in Cleveland, McClain and Pottawatomie counties with a virtual library card. A virtual library card is just like a physical card; patrons sign up for the card at one of the Pioneer locations and then can access the e-book collection, Potts said. Pioneer has had a virtual library for more than two years and there has been an increase in use each month, Potts said. The collection was available on the Barnes and Noble Nook and a handful of other readers, but only when licensing issues with Amazon were recently worked out were patrons be able to access eBooks on their Kindle. “I suspect [Pioneer eBook checkout] will continue to increase each see E-BOOK paGe a3

OPiNiON © 2011 OU Publications Board FREE — Additional copies 25 cents

and tell. “It’s definitely one of my major culture shocks,” said Alexandre Decoene, a French graduate student studying Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. For him, and any other French students, a couple quick kisses are the norm. “I do two kisses to a girl, shake hands to guys I don’t know well; otherwise, I do two kisses, too,” Decoene see GREETINGS paGe a5

see FISH paGe a2

VOL. 97, NO. 27



Professor uses sounds to study nervous system In his lab in Richards Hall, Michael Markham snakes a long wire down a t a n k o f l o ng, c l e a r, skinny fish, called glass knifefish. As the wire, which is connected to an amplifier, gets closer to the fish, sounds start coming from the amplifier, a musical humming of different tones. And the fish are the composers. Markham, CaseHooper assistant professor of zoology, works with South American knifefish to learn how parts of their nervous system, the ion channels, work. “When you hear electric fish you usually think about the eel, but there are hundreds of species of freshwater fish that generate a very weak electric field,” Markham said. “What they do with those fields are two things: they use it to image their world … and also communicate that way.” The fish emit different frequencies based off of levels of dominance, Markham said. The lower the frequency, the more dominant the male is. These frequencies combine to form the series of different tones, the music of the fish. Fish communicate with an electric organ on their tails, Markham said. In his lab, they cut a small


New classification needed for groups

Fraternities tussle, flex a little muscle on campus Sigma Chi fights hard against Phi Delta Theta in a game of tug-of-war on the front lawn of Alpha Tau Omega on Thursday.

Rules of discrimination policy need clarification and changes. (Page A4)

LiFE & ARTS Share concern for global warming Walk hopes to help people stop using fossil fuels. (Page B2)



Students’ science work to be featured

OU to close first stage of schedule

Honors College, chemistry department partner up at forums. (

The Sooner soccer team ends its nonconference play today. (Page B4)

auBrie HiLL/tHe DaiLy

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