Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014

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Opinion: Federal court ruling begins process for marriage equality in conservative Oklahoma. (Page 3) W W W.O U DA I LY.C O M

L&A: Is trying to find a book in Bizzell making you crazy? We’re here to help. (Page 5)

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Students and local residents gather Tuesday night on the east side of Chautauqua Avenue across the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority house. The The Alpha Gamma Delta house is roped off at the door. 63 women living in the Alpha Gamma Delta house will have access to Couch Restaurants and can live in university housing if they choose.

House residents will not be able to return to sorority house this semster SHAIDA TABRIZI Campus Reporter @ShaidaBee

Many university officials have gotten together to aid the women of Alpha Gamma Delta displaced by a fire that burned a portion of their sorority house Tuesday night. Clarke Stroud, vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students, asked faculty with students affected by the fire to allow them absences and missing assignments over the next few days, said David Craig, associate dean of the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, in an email to Gaylord faculty. Financial aid is also offering $500 short-term loans for the students if needed, Craig said.

A briefing was held Tuesday morning at the OU Deans Council to discuss the fire, and Craig said the university is working with the students to help with housing and other needs, including counseling where needed. “Although fortunately no one was injured, the damage was extensive enough that none of the 63 women living there will be able to return this semester — and many of them left without wallets, ID, books or phones,” Craig said in the email. OU President David Boren sent out a statement early Tuesday morning saying Housing and Food Services and other sororities are helping to find temporary housing for the Alpha Gamma Delta members displaced by the fire. “We all deeply regret that the women of Alpha Gamma Delta have experienced a serious fire,” Boren said. In addition to university aid, as of 6:40 p.m. $5,620 has alTAYLOR BOLTON/THE DAILY ready been donated online on the group’s gofundme page to A Norman fireman asks where the circuit breaker is located inside the aid Alpha Gamma Delta members. Alpha Gamma Delta house around 11 p.m. on Tuesday. The fireman SEE FIRE PAGE 2 wanted to turn off the fire alarm that was still blaring inside the house.


Honors College offers career-oriented, one-hour courses Classes to provide job preparedness KELLY ROGERS Campus Reporter @forrealkelly

The Honors College is offering a new series of onehour courses this spring for students looking to strengthen communication and interview skills for future careers. After the university received a donation from Will and Helen Webster in May of 2013, OU Board of regents minutes reported part of these funds would go toward an Honors College program to help improve students communication and public speaking skills. Honors College dean David Ray teaches the program’s courses, which are

offered as a pilot project. “We are trying to find the best way to get the maximum impact from the Websters’ generous gift,” Ray said. “It may be that informal programs or one-time training sessions will be more workable, and allow us to reach more students.” The courses were filled 30 minutes after a mass email was sent out announcing the program, Ray said. The classes offered are: •Presentation and Interview Skills •Social Media Strategies for Public and Nonprofit Organizations •Tracking Legislation Ray said he hopes these courses will better prepare students for life after graduation. It is this tough job market and the recent recession that


Students in “Presentation and Interview Skills” go over the semester’s syllabus. The class is part of an Honors College initiative to offer job readiness courses in the wake of the ’07-’09 recession.

has inspired the purpose for the courses, Ray said. By the end of the nation’s 2007-2009 recession, the unemployment rate across the

Sports: The newly crowned No. 1 women’s gymnastics team will take on Iowa State on Friday. (Page 6)

country came to an apex at 10 percent, according to figures from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “We thought that being

able to demonstrate some very specific skills might give our students an edge when they’re looking for jobs,” Ray said. Since the end of the 2009 recession, the unemployment rate has decreased 3.3 percent as of December 2013, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Richard Hamerla, associate dean of the Honors College, said these electives are practical and allow students to cultivate their skills while learning from students, professors and local professionals. “Ray is taking education beyond the campus with these courses to teach life skills that will be applicable for finding a job,” Hamerla said. Professionals such as Trait Thompson, senior policy advisor for the Oklahoma State

Campus: TEDxOU speaker Akash Patel discusses citizenship, immagration reform. (Page 5)

Senate, will be assisting with the Tracking Legislation course, and Marek Cornett, eCommunity manager at Koch Communications, will assist with the Social Media Strategies for Public and Nonprofit Organizations course. University College freshman Samuel Turvey enrolled in the Social Media Strategies for Public and Nonprofit Organizations course to beef up his resume for future internships and jobs. “Being able to tell potential employers that I can manage the company’s Facebook and Twitter page will be a big help in the ever-dwindling job market,” Turvey said. The courses are electives aimed at Honors College students, Ray said. These courses include non-honors college students as well.

VOL. 99, NO. 81 © 2014 OU Publications Board FREE — Additional copies 25¢

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